「QILIN'S PRANCE/Ganyu: Radiant Dreams」REMAKE + Sheets!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @JenLosi
    @JenLosi 3 роки тому +33

    All hail this cover!! Wonderful job!

    • @HayashiStudios
      @HayashiStudios  3 роки тому +2

      If this is the actual account of the English voice actress for Ganyu commenting, I'm gonna cry in joy 😭

    • @JenLosi
      @JenLosi 3 роки тому +3

      @@HayashiStudios Awww hi! And it's so good! (I might have listened several times in a row.)

    • @HayashiStudios
      @HayashiStudios  3 роки тому +2

      Thank you for making my month. I will continue to put out better and better works for moments like these.

    • @ActionAdam
      @ActionAdam 3 роки тому +2


  • @hoakin5287
    @hoakin5287 3 роки тому +12

    lmao here comes His Newly improved arpeggios (prolly gonna make another arrangement for eulas thrme?)

    • @HayashiStudios
      @HayashiStudios  3 роки тому +5

      Nah, my Eula: Flickering Candlelight is still a very good arrangement.

    • @hoakin5287
      @hoakin5287 3 роки тому

      Rip i gotta wait for 1 day

  • @gregergangstad9620
    @gregergangstad9620 2 роки тому +1

    This is the most beautiful version of this song, i love it!!

  • @ActionAdam
    @ActionAdam 3 роки тому +7

    Daaaayuumm this is so much better dude! What I can see is that your voicing is way better, as you take your time to champion the chords for the melody. Also, it flows muuuchh better with those epic arepggios as opposed to your jumps and static chords which really limited it. Your technique has improved so much since then too, bro! Overall, it's a far more professional and nuanced performance with loads more character :)) I think I can hear some inspiration from ACG's arrangement, but you made it your own with techniques and phrasing, such as at 1:12 and 1:29. Heck ye, gooooo louis! Awesome stuff, broski

    • @HayashiStudios
      @HayashiStudios  3 роки тому +3

      Yeah, Chaconne's video was definitely helpful to see the new bar I needed to reach.

  • @YayaPiano1
    @YayaPiano1 3 роки тому +10

    I don't play or listen to Genshin, but that was very cool to see!:'D
    Your dynamic range and phrasing is incredibly well put together. Well done!:')
    The story behind you remaking this 😆😆😆😆
    Love it xD
    *+1 Subscriber gained*

  • @FrostPiano
    @FrostPiano 3 роки тому +2

    Genshin's representative song!! I enjoyed the clean and dynamic performance. It's been a while since I found out that there was an accident, but I hope I can recover quickly so that I can continue to play good music. I wish you a speedy recovery. see you again!

    • @HayashiStudios
      @HayashiStudios  3 роки тому +1

      Thanks man! I've recovered already, but hopefully something like that will never happen again.

  • @MadPianoLife
    @MadPianoLife 3 роки тому

    My good sir was not capping. I see the improvement from your start to finish days. Your left hand leveled up so much, from implementing arpeggio bridging to your beginning journey into undertaking fluent LH melody. Excellently done, and I certainly was not disappointed.

    • @HayashiStudios
      @HayashiStudios  3 роки тому +1

      I really feel like this is the very first step on the journey to close the gap on people who have far more experience and training than me, and it feels exhilarating to feel the power levels now versus last May. If only I could break my habit of speedrunning everything; I feel like I could put out a work that would be truly incredible given a week or a month, but my attention span and interest in projects only lasts a day or two at most.

    • @MadPianoLife
      @MadPianoLife 3 роки тому

      @@HayashiStudios amen.

  • @Jir0u
    @Jir0u 3 роки тому +2

    i just got into the game and was honestly blown on how good the soundtracks are lol
    and your cover just made it even better :D

    • @HayashiStudios
      @HayashiStudios  3 роки тому +1

      Thanks man! How's the game so far?

    • @Jir0u
      @Jir0u 3 роки тому

      @@HayashiStudios the PLOT ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and soundtracks are really nice, and the gacha part makes me want to grind it even more hahah

  • @lily5681
    @lily5681 3 роки тому +7

    aa gonna have to get up early to see this one premier, I've found that out of many peoples arrangements yours are the most reasonable and playable ahaha. can't wait to see this one !
    (p.s will you ever release the hutao sheets? everyone else's is either too hard or just weird sounding)

    • @HayashiStudios
      @HayashiStudios  3 роки тому +4

      Ah, sheets for Hu Tao were never made because I thought it was not a great arrangement.
      I might remake it 😳

    • @lily5681
      @lily5681 3 роки тому +1

      @@HayashiStudios oo ill be waiting

  • @AndySG7
    @AndySG7 2 роки тому

    I've procrastinated on watching your stuff for way to long now cuz I wanted to one day watch it all in one go but I think I'll just take it slow now, one at a time^^
    That concludes my comment for today, thank you very much for blessing me with this beautiful audiovisual product 🙏

  • @christiannguyen866
    @christiannguyen866 3 роки тому

    Underrated channel, goosebumps, thank you

  • @CaliMelodies
    @CaliMelodies 3 роки тому

    You really went beastmode on this one. The flow of this cover feels really good while maintaining great dynamics as well. Fantastic cover!

  • @1wc
    @1wc Рік тому

    as a 14 years piano player, your accuracy and composition are very satisfying xd

  • @ichizuko
    @ichizuko 3 роки тому


  • @sleepynier371
    @sleepynier371 2 роки тому

    Underrated. Well done! New sub~

    • @HayashiStudios
      @HayashiStudios  2 роки тому

      Welcome to the clubbbb

    • @sleepynier371
      @sleepynier371 2 роки тому

      @@HayashiStudios Btw, what keyboard and software/s are you using?

    • @HayashiStudios
      @HayashiStudios  2 роки тому

      My keyboard is the Casio PX-160 and the software I use (at least, back in this video) was Ableton (DAW) and Garritan CFX (VST)

  • @HaydenPianoCovers
    @HaydenPianoCovers 3 роки тому

    Glad to see those uninjured hands returning to play as clean, fast, spicy, and aesthetically as always Louis. That arpeggio at 0:45 was just a chefs kiss man.

    • @HayashiStudios
      @HayashiStudios  3 роки тому

      Thanks Hayden! How's life? I've been gone from Discord for weeks

    • @HaydenPianoCovers
      @HaydenPianoCovers 3 роки тому

      @@HayashiStudios Lifes good, school is tough af though. Ive also been relatively departed from discord lately, good luck continuing uni man!

  • @rrickymaa
    @rrickymaa 3 роки тому

    1:34 I LOVE THIS PART SO MUCH! it's so satifiying

  • @1jojorun
    @1jojorun 3 роки тому

    Love your playing, especially the emphasis on dynamics and fluidity of the arpeggios + jumps. Much respect for the grind, Louis. You're an inspiration!

  • @kalynnscompositions
    @kalynnscompositions 3 роки тому

    Fantastic playing Hayashi! This is a really cool video! Very passionately played. (:

  • @manwe7312
    @manwe7312 3 роки тому +1

    Hey there! This one is so nice! I sincerely cannot see the cringe you mention 8 months ago (from my own experience, which is not much, though), but this is definitely on another level. Anyways, it is nice to hear this, as well as knowing you’re doing better after the incident you mentioned recently. Keep it up and have an amazing time!

    • @HayashiStudios
      @HayashiStudios  3 роки тому +1

      Thank you so much! Your support means everything to me. I'm happy you enjoyed both covers.

  • @AkiPiano
    @AkiPiano 3 роки тому +1

    holy shit this was really good! Your improvement in arranging over the last months is really impressive. I especially liked when you switched the melody to the left hand at 1:18 which you rarely do in your covers.
    also those LH and RH arpeggios 🤌🤌

    • @HayashiStudios
      @HayashiStudios  3 роки тому

      You'll have more to transcribe in each transcription from this day onwards, for sure 😂

  • @WinterVT
    @WinterVT 3 роки тому

    Danggg, the improvement is actually insane, that was an awesome cover/arrangement. Massive pog

  • @rurunoyoru
    @rurunoyoru 3 роки тому +1

    This song is one of my favorite Genshin ost, I'd say and I can see how you've improved in playing and arranging this out compare to your previous one! Otsukaresamadeshita, Hayashi! Keep on doing music regardless of how busy your daily life is! (well, both of us more or less are facing the same circumstances, so yeap! Ganbatte for us!!) Looking forward for your next music work, Hayashi and in the meantime, don't forget to take care and I wish you all the best for uni and everything!

    • @HayashiStudios
      @HayashiStudios  3 роки тому

      Thank you for your support over the past few months ruru. I can't ask for a better person by my side.

  • @MDaFFMusic
    @MDaFFMusic 3 роки тому

    Watched it thirdly! Idk what can I say, maybe one word is enough... EPIC!!

  • @FatedRefrain
    @FatedRefrain 3 роки тому

    Amazing! Especially love the last half, from your craziness at 1:12 to the end. Epic performance! 👍

  • @kpmusic8604
    @kpmusic8604 3 роки тому

    Those were some awesome edits.🔥
    Very good playing and production👏

  • @ggmochie2615
    @ggmochie2615 3 роки тому

    Yep, Synthesia still can't beat the real thing! Love the dynamics!

  • @Steisey
    @Steisey 3 роки тому

    This is so beautiful 😭💗💗💗

  • @DHsPianoLand
    @DHsPianoLand 3 роки тому

    This is sooo sick!!! What a comeback. Expectations exceeded!

  • @JasperTeo
    @JasperTeo 3 роки тому

    Bro, had to watch several times cuz this one is just too epic I swear. Really shows your potential when you are not speedrunning it just to upload first xD. Been watching your old Qilin Prance cover for number of times and I can definitely see your improvement in this one! Also really like the inspiration(?) from ChacconeScott, more variations for me to listen to. Anyways this really got me hyped af, keep up the good work bro

    • @HayashiStudios
      @HayashiStudios  3 роки тому

      Yeah, he's definitely an inspiration for the left hand! And thank you~

  • @Yamakusa
    @Yamakusa 3 роки тому +1

    I still can't see the cringe in the cover you're referring to 8 months ago, but this one was definitely epic af. Those runs man.

  • @rrickymaa
    @rrickymaa 2 роки тому


  • @johanqin
    @johanqin 3 роки тому

    fantastic editing and playing! loved it :)

  • @keanupiano
    @keanupiano 3 роки тому

    Every second was bad ass dude! Them arpeggios are insane 😳

  • @kevinseopiano
    @kevinseopiano 3 роки тому

    wow that was amazing brotha!!

  • @MadPianoLife
    @MadPianoLife 3 роки тому

    The description is setting up the expectations real nicely big man.

    • @HayashiStudios
      @HayashiStudios  3 роки тому +1

      I think you'll be very pleased with the result. No empty promises.

  • @PZMAnimePiano
    @PZMAnimePiano 3 роки тому

    This must have been one of my favourite arrangement of yours tbh, my favourite Genshin character soundtrack being played by my favourite Genshin pianist; the beat drops and powerful bass were so unreal, not to mention the continuous 3-hand technique as well. Everything felt so well-structured as well.
    Jeez, I have always wanted to make an arrangement for this soundtrack but have been stepping back because of my lack of ability to "decipher" the notes, but now I feel inspired to try XD
    (Also, if your premiere wasn't at 6.30am for me I would have been able to join lol)
    (And what, poorly funded disney+ production XD)

    • @HayashiStudios
      @HayashiStudios  3 роки тому +1

      Lol sorry about the bad time. Usually it's my American friends that have to suffer a 6AM premiere, so I set it to 5PM my time today

    • @PZMAnimePiano
      @PZMAnimePiano 3 роки тому

      @@HayashiStudios it's not your fault don't say sorry lol, you have every right to choose your premiere time.

  • @NerdPiano
    @NerdPiano 3 роки тому

    He's back! And he cringe at his covers even more now hahahah, your playing is always amazing man, good job! :D

    • @HayashiStudios
      @HayashiStudios  3 роки тому +1

      Lmfao, I love going back to old covers and dying

    • @NerdPiano
      @NerdPiano 3 роки тому

      @@HayashiStudios I mean, who doesn't lmao

  • @nolongerinuse488
    @nolongerinuse488 3 роки тому

    1:35-1:38 HEAT!!!!

  • @shengliang1981
    @shengliang1981 3 роки тому

    This is the best version so far. Loving it! 👍👍

  • @kalyeeeeee
    @kalyeeeeee 2 роки тому +1

    shit gave me goosebumps fr

  • @JasperTeo
    @JasperTeo Рік тому

    Still probably my fav cover from u

  • @rrickymaa
    @rrickymaa 2 роки тому


  • @norvias957
    @norvias957 3 роки тому

    This is awesome!!!!

  • @쫀떡-w8v
    @쫀떡-w8v Рік тому

    wow..... i like this song.. i like your covers.......😢😢😢❤

  • @DHsPianoLand
    @DHsPianoLand 3 роки тому

    The man is back!! (Cringing at his own stuff xD)
    Looking forward to this!

  • @Princepuff310
    @Princepuff310 3 роки тому

    trying to play it, it's beautiful and very complex :D

  • @ProwersEdits
    @ProwersEdits 3 роки тому


  • @Rafarofapiano
    @Rafarofapiano 3 роки тому

    The Genshin Impact Covers' Master is back!!🥳

  • @Vin_Koe
    @Vin_Koe 3 роки тому

    Daang this is amazing! Can't believe i missed the premiere.... *oversleeping go brrr*
    still enjoyed it nonetheless

    • @HayashiStudios
      @HayashiStudios  3 роки тому +1

      What's that about oversleeping?
      * Wakes up at 12PM *

    • @Vin_Koe
      @Vin_Koe 3 роки тому

      You either have a sleep schedule or you don't. There's no in between

  • @ThunderKeyZ
    @ThunderKeyZ 3 роки тому +2

    cant wait for ur performance! cocogoat is better than kokomilk:))))

  • @keicha9355
    @keicha9355 3 роки тому

    Well done!! Show those haters what's up! 👏✨💗😌💖

  • @deZzsPianoStudio
    @deZzsPianoStudio 3 роки тому

    Heh, everything what you doing you doing great

  • @ryanisthebomb203
    @ryanisthebomb203 3 роки тому

    super excite!

  • @AcatePiano
    @AcatePiano 3 роки тому

    Excuse my language, but HOLY FUCK! Do I dare ask how you improve so fast? Incredible is an understatement!

    • @HayashiStudios
      @HayashiStudios  3 роки тому +1

      Idk, try not playing for two weeks and then come back to piano 🤔🤔 maybe that's the formula

    • @AcatePiano
      @AcatePiano 3 роки тому

      @@HayashiStudios Interesting 🤔 Still, I’m glad you came back to us stronger than ever!

  • @shibawu2658
    @shibawu2658 3 роки тому

    hi, was just wondering if the sheet music on the drive is for the old arrangement or the new one :) this one is s really great cover btw!!

    • @HayashiStudios
      @HayashiStudios  3 роки тому

      Hey! I'm gonna delete that old sheet. The new one will come soon; I'll make a community post when it does.

    • @squidzyyy
      @squidzyyy 3 роки тому

      @@HayashiStudios Don't delete the old one. I feel like you changed it completely and the old one was very unique. I love this arrangement too but something about the old one is beautiful in it's own way, and I feel it would be easier to learn then this one.

    • @HayashiStudios
      @HayashiStudios  3 роки тому

      @@squidzyyy You've convinced me. Alright, I'll put it back up.

  • @aaa-yc1no
    @aaa-yc1no 3 роки тому

    btw (if you accept requests)can you try “The wind catcher from a foreign land :D “

    • @HayashiStudios
      @HayashiStudios  3 роки тому

      I don't take requests (level 3 Patreons only), but I'll check out the piece

  • @RuthlessP3
    @RuthlessP3 3 роки тому

    Man this is delicious 😋

  • @izz1086
    @izz1086 3 роки тому


  • @Garromusic
    @Garromusic 3 роки тому


  • @rainsleif8709
    @rainsleif8709 3 роки тому

    The first one was already really good.
    But upgrades people, upgrades.

  • @محمدپورجعفر-ت1ج

    Bro i need note , please 🙏🙏🙏🙏🥺

    • @HayashiStudios
      @HayashiStudios  Рік тому

      In the Google Drive link in the description

    • @محمدپورجعفر-ت1ج
      @محمدپورجعفر-ت1ج Рік тому

      Than you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 I sub u and like all your videos

  • @icescremegood6869
    @icescremegood6869 3 роки тому

    Yeah, this cover is pretty epic, showed the old Louis with wee wee ass haircut amirite
    But I have a question: Is this cover actually legit? The frist time I watched it, I definitly thought it was sped up. Now watching it again, it seems more doable. Guess I was just overwhelmed lol
    So my 2nd question if this is legit: how??
    Anyways, good job nonetheless!

    • @HayashiStudios
      @HayashiStudios  3 роки тому +1

      Why would I speed up a video? If I can't do it at normal speed, I just won't upload it. Plus, it would be an insult to my skills if I decided to cheat like that, and that's just not how I do things.
      The arrangement is doable because I'm able to play it. There are moments that will require time to rehearse for casual pianists, like the insane arpeggios in the left hand, the leaps, and the timing of the crossings between left and right hands, but if you look at the synthesia/sheets, everything is designed to provide a smooth playing experience.

  • @MRLegendPiano
    @MRLegendPiano 3 роки тому

    Holy shit this is so good
    Teach me purease D:

  • @shttywind315
    @shttywind315 3 роки тому

    freaking epicc but wy does it look so hard to learn 😭

  • @roritos1607
    @roritos1607 3 роки тому

    And I thought the "Easy" version was already impressive-

  • @omegaruscher7967
    @omegaruscher7967 3 роки тому

    wtf is this skill

  • @ActionAdam
    @ActionAdam 3 роки тому

    3rd time coming back? Heh, *I'm on my 14th time, rookie*