When I first clicked on I thought another keyboard commando who doesn't know crap about weapons. But you sir know what your talking about I keep all my guns the same way you do.👍💯😁
i like the idea you shoot the rifle left handed and the pistol right handed..that way theres never a problem with one getting in the way of the other..and on someone taking your weapon from you..if you allow that to happen you dont deserve it. your weapon should always be under your control and if you let someone hostile get that close to you. you are giving them control of the situation. racking a shotgun to scare someone could be fatal. that sound would be my cue to immediately fire my weapon if i were unaware up to that point of a hostiles location. if you just want to scare someone away call the police and let them handle it..because you are going to crank it up a notch by racking a slide and then you may have to shoot. if you have to shoot someone its going to change your whole life.
the 1911 actually has a regular coil spring for the hammer it's inside the mainspring housing the flat spring is to operate the sear and the grip safety. its controversial but many say springs dont wear out from being stored compressed they wear out from being compressed and depressed. It surely can't hurt to leave the trigger depressed on the AR and the tension off the hammer spring or on other weapons the firing pin spring etc...
Jordan, a 49-year-old college graduate, took the exam in 1996 and scored 33 points, the equivalent of an IQ of 125. But New London police interviewed only candidates who scored 20 to 27, on the theory that those who scored too high could get bored with police work and leave soon after undergoing costly training. Most Cops Just Above Normal The average score nationally for police officers is 21 to 22, the equivalent of an IQ of 104, or just a little above average. That was why I never became a cop! My IQ is 148 last time I took the test that was over ten years ago.
I'm still trying to figure out how to safely keep a long gun loaded for home defense. I have two young kids under 6. Right now I had my glock in a pistol vault that pops open with a code I punch in with my fingertips quickly. I'd rather have a long gun for more power. But it's hard for me to find a place I can get to a quick but they can't. Considering building a compartment in my wall in my bedroom to house an AR. I do like the condition you put your AR in. As long as you know the rifle Chambers smooth as butter and train doing it quickly, it's a safe and effective method imo.
Put a small shelf high up near ceiling where you can jump and grab but kids would need ladder to get too. doing codes and shit in dirt after shot of stabbed or in a hurry never works out well
u can still "rack" the rifle and dis engage the trigger then be able to put the rifle in the safe mode. you then can feed the chamber when ready and flip from safety to fire. ppl do it different ways though
It takes like a tenth of a second to switch the ar safety off, its a training thing. If you carry condition 2 and train to flip that safety on and off when youre shooting or not its really not an issue
it things go as planned, that second can turn into a missing it, panic only hitting half on or off, when you are getting shot at and oh shit factor pulling the trigger is first instinct, and a second can cost you your life. Personal choice, you can carry with a gun lock on the trigger if you want.
That's what I do too. With my weatherby sa-459 threat response shotgun if I load it full and pull the trigger the without one in the chamber the gun puts one in the bottom chamber and all you gotta do is pulled the hammer back and it's good to go.
I think Guys in general like to have buttons to push, levers to engage and knobs to turn. I know when I was in Japan in 1973 and looking at Stereo Sound Equipment, the more levers, buttons and knobs the better with all else being equal.
I agree with a lot of your reasoning and I do a lot of the same things. I have several different weapons around the house that I might access in an emergency. I leave ALL of them in the same state - loaded, magazine in, safety off, not cocked, and WITHOUT a round in the chamber. I know that in an emergency with every gun I own, I need to do the same thing, rack the slide or charging handle and I am ready to go. I am NOT willing to leave a cocked, loaded, safety off weapon laying around the house with a round in the chamber. And not all my weapons have a safety, and some of the safeties work in different ways. Too much to remember for whatever weapon I grab in an emergency. All I have to remember is ONE THING FOR EVERY FIREARM I OWN - rack it and fire.
Not an AR-owner myself, but I'd say the problem with having an empty chamber is that the charging handle isn't all that quick or easy to manipulate. Seems like a mini-14 would be easier to cycle by hand.
Thank you for this video. This is how I’m going to keep my rifle in the house. It’s good to always know what condition your weapons are in, and this is a good logical way to approach it.
When I first started conceal carrying I would not leave a round in the chamber but I remember watching something that change my mind 100% When you need to use it. Racking a round in is one more step I have to take and 1 less step the other guy has to take. So I do the exact same. I carry a Glock 27 .40 and LCP .380 and all I have to do is pull the trigger. I try to train as much as I can but if Im ever in that situation the fewer steps I have to take the better. Great video Im sharing this on Facebook
"If you live in New York or Commiefornia, forget about it. You might as well wear a shirt with a bullseye printed on it because they don't want you to be able to hurt their precious criminals."
Your right about Commiefornia, lived their for 40 yrs moved out in 2001 to Texas never looked backed, can't believe the freedoms I have to buy firearms now!
People used to say racking a round in a shotgun is a good home defense deterrent, but I see it as a good way to give away your position and unintentionally alarm and heighten the senses of your attacker. To each their own.
Wow, You make a WHOLE lot more sense than the Movie cops that almost never keep their weapon in, close to their mass! Thanx for all your good advice. UA-cam has a wealth of good wisdom, unfortunately, it has a lot of the "other" as well. Gb bg
On the AR - What about action locked to the rear, mag inserted. Then press the slide lock/release to send the bolt home, chambering a round? Admittedly new to AR platform. Thanks for the great videos!!
***** All Ars, M4s, M16, when the bolt is locked to rear any bump or fast movement can cause the bolt the be release. Try this lock you bolt to rear and then bump your stock on ground or lock both to rear and then let your ar fall to the ground, the both will likely release. Also I talk about spring tension, keeping the bolt locked to rear keeps your bolt rear spring, I think called a buffer spring, is then always compressed and under constant tension, not good.
Guns - Shooting - Ammo - Police & Military Tactics & Training, Preppers, Survivalist Thanks.... Now I know. One of the cool things I love about our Gun Community..... good folks who have good info. Take care. Julian
Guns - Shooting - Ammo - Police & Military Tactics & Training, Preppers, Survivalist Thanks for the info! Definitly good insight from someone with real world experience. I keep an AR pistol (because of the close quarter benifits and reduction of barrel exposure elements) for home defence. I too would have a loaded mag, no round in the chamber, safty on, with the bolt locked back. My reasoning is; if someone who is familiar with the weapon system, gets my gun, they would first wonder why the gun isnt shooting, then try and switch the safty off, after not being able too would then rack the charging handle and it would have no tension. Now imagine what a person who is unfamiliar with the weapon would have to go through. All this would give me pleanty of time to react or as you say, reach for a secondary weapon. The benifit for me is; grabbing gun, hittng the release and switching the safty, all things I can do in a fraction of a second. ...I know this was long winded but after watching the video, I may reconsider.
Like you I hate safetys and operate all my guns like the gun I trained on back when I started carrying my Glock in 98'. There are too many variations from crossbars to thumb safety, My Ruger SR9c & SR45 the safety is push down to fire but my Ruger SR22 is push up to fire. I dont use em, Im removing everything I can control that would effect my self preservation .
Please advise me, people? I'm a first time handgun owner (for home defense & target shooting). My new H&K USP Compact .40 (Variant 1) has a decocker, a safety, & DA/SA modes. I plan to store it in my SpeedVault SV500 with a full magazine in it, chamber empty, & the Safety On. All I'll have to do to shoot is: rack my slide, Off my Safety, & pull 11.25 lbs. on my Trigger in DA mode. Is this ok? Thanks!
Alexander Rosset Most all modern revolvers are double action and they have NO SAFETY. Double action triggers are heavier and harder to pull since it has a double action, first action is cocking and pulling back the hammer, second action is dropping hammer, hence the term double action. I have this HK in .45 and other double actions, I recommend NO Safety on and round in chamber. You already have gun in locked area, so that is one extra step to get to gun, you do not want to add more steps. I would say keep the gun and all pistols with a round IN chamber, and since double action are not easy to pull trigger, I would Keep Safety OFF, that way all you have to do in crisis and emergency is remember and don't screw up the combo to get gun and then grab it and shoot.
Ok thx! What's your take on storing a gun cocked & locked in single action (i.e., Hammer Back & Safety On)? Is this more dangerous, or does it cause excess wear? 💥🔫😉🇺🇸
Alexander Rosset if your gun is designed to be carried condition 1 (cocked and locked, like a 1911) it won't hurt it. keep that thing ready to rock and roll if it's locked up though, you may barely have time to pop the safe. springs in magazines and guns DO NOT wear out from being held compressed. it is constant compression and expansion that causes spring fatigue
No. This is not right. You gun needs to be chambered with a round, ready to go and within easy reach. Safety is your finger -- keep away from the trigger.
I keep my AR pistol safety off, full mag loaded, chamber empty w the dust cover OPEN. So if anything were to happen, all I do is pull back on the charging handle and it's go time
Also AR if chambered and safety on can still fire. The firing pin has neither a spring nor locking block. Poke something hard enough with the muzzle and it will fire as the firing pin continues forward when the rifle stops.
If you wear a battle belt with gear on the front it's best to have safety on especially when transitioning to a pistol. A single point sling makes the AR-15 very unstable and the trigger could come in contact with the gear so...... learn muscle memory safety practices or possibly take one in the lower body or foot.
I live in California. Every time someone sees my rifle in my trunk they always say, "Is that legal? Is it legal to have your rifle in a car? To transport it?" I always, say, "How the heck are you supposed to purchase a rifle, go to the range, go hunting, get a rifle from one place to another etc??", they usually don't get what I'm saying.
ung427 I got pulled over yesterday and the cop saw my AR 5.56 in the back seat of my truck and said it he liked my tactical fore-grip, 40 round mag and red dot sight; he said it was "tactiCOOL" lol. I got a verbal warning for speeding. Long story short.... come to Texas! We could always use another freedom loving American!
I keep my AR stood upright on the other side of my nightstand. Full mag in, bolt locked back, safety on, ejector port door closed. If I need it, I select fire, then drop the bolt if needed. If I have company over, I keep it in the same condition as you do. I also have the BAD lever so I already have a point of aim before I drop the bolt.
Hey first time seeing this video. I couldn't help but notice you didn't fully holster your pistol there. 9:15. I mean sure it was holstered but it didn't lock in. It was noticeable and I am not hating on the video by any means I enjoyed it and agree with the information you provided and with your choices. Like I said I just had to point it out.
If you mill out a polymer 80% receiver (not necessarily a polymer80.com receiver) you have a little wiggle room to where you can make it so you can leave it without a round chambered, on safe, and still charge the weapon without issue. I guess that it would be possible, in theory, to do the same with an aluminum receiver, but I haven't seen it with my own eyes, so I won't vouch for it.
Israeli carry is an interesting idea, nothing in any chamber, does allow for an entire population at different training levels to all be packing and minimize AD's (ND's). I think we probably all saw the youtube vid where the man crossed a road to attack a girl walking by. She could be seen with her off hand crossing the top of the pistol as she put at least one into the BG's center mass. Very fluid motion, didn't look like not being chambered helps Mr BG one damned bit. Just drill with whatever way pick. Those laser bullets and the phone apps sure take dry fire to another level.
In Michigan we CANNOT CARRY a loaded rifle in our car. Rifle must be in a case in the trunk and ammo must be separated in front of car. What can we do then?
for my home, shotgun is "duty racked" as I've hear it called. mag tube is loaded but the trigger was depressed already with releases the pump so I'm not fumbling with a pump release in the dark. bedside pistol is loaded one in the pipe and on safe. (agree that finger and brain are my safety, but being groggy and nervous I don't want an AD while grabbing for it in the nightstand safe) now I just have to remember to train on that gun popping off safety prior to shooting
Nice concept. I'm used to it on Safe, a click, and point and shoot. I figure a Sig-full of 17 9mm's×4 is enough to get to AR, in backseat. But it's a good way to train.
mnp9 ..carry.. one in chamber.. finger safety.. 870.. night stand.. one in chamber.. finger safety . I don't want to have to think about anything else but hopefully I'll never need to
I am a law abiding citizen, have a concealed carry license and NO criminal record. I have 2 or 3 guns in my pickup at all times along with at least a weeks worth food and water and an enough survival gear to survive at least a week almost anywhere on the planet in any season. Nothing crazy like explosives or booby traps just common cence emergency survival equipment and a military surplus bullet proof vest. My question is, if my pickup was searched by law enforcement, what would happen? What would there reaction be? I work for the DOT in Kansas and know most of the local officers.
My ambi 45° safety is WAY faster to bring into and out of action when loaded and chambered than having to chamber the round could ever be AND I'm in my sight picture the whole time. This is how I've worked on it though, different strokes for different folks. I can see why you'd want to keep tension off the trigger though.
the way he leaves his rifle is condition 3, he carries his pistol in condition 0...honestly, i wouldn't recommend most people carrying condition 0, the trigger 'safety' prevents some of the instances where debris etc. would cause the trigger to be engaged, but not completely enough to where i believe its the superior choice to condition 3, especially if condition 0 takes you out of the fight during practice or a training exercise
Think Like A Cop - The Rest Of The Story call me what you like. Watch any of the professional gun guys (Travis haley, Jerry miculek, etc.) They're all very careful about that sort of thing. They all know how careless that is.
This gentleman has been in the military and on different police forces, and probably is older than you. Not trying to be a dick, but it appears that he has never accidentally injured himself when working with his firearms. Best I can tell anyway. He also made it very clear,that this may not be for you. For me, I would trust the judgement of tried and true veteran over any range warrior any day of the week. It all boils down to training and what you are comfortable with period. Fire arms generally do not go off simply by pointing. Obviously safety is of utmost importance, but some fire arms do not even have a safety at all. So, there again, it falls into that training with each and every weapon of any kind. Rick knows his shit, and if you think he doesn't, stick with the competition types for your visual training.
Are you left handed or right handed? I noticed you keep shouldering your rifle on the left side but you handgun is on your right. I just thought that was kind of odd. I practice with both but I primarily use my right because I'm right handed. It always feels really awkward shouldering mine on the left.
I do the same thing with my firearms, with the exception of my EDC. It has one in the pipe, with my first trigger pull being a long double-action pull. Safety OFF. I also don't like to keep my springs compressed, when not in use. Trigger springs, or mag springs.
As for your pistol, you should only use a factory magazine. Magpul is making all sorts of magazines for pistols, but don’t trust your life with them. Aftermarket magazines are alright for the range and for practice, but I would never use an aftermarket magazine for my personal defense carry gun.
I like your style! As always, very good and useful info. the default settings for all of my firearms are the same as you describe, after years of use and experimenting this seems to be a good, safe, all around way to keep guns handy for use. Im very happy to see your subscribership is up to + 4000ish, when I subed you I think it was around 250 / 300. Keep up the good work, and thank you very much for providing such great content
I do the exact same thing with both long guns and pistols, but I also think as you mentioned it depends on experience because we have military and law enforcement training our thought process is different.
Concur on 870. Dude keeps coming after hearing it rack, he gets what he gets. AR has no mag in place, mag accessible through fingerprint safe so no fumbling. Risk of over pen makes the 870 and sidearm my go-tos
and my scope currently is in the way of my charging handle on the rear of my Anderson would you recommend a decent scope possibly holographic in the mid price range
Love this education. Thanks! 👍👍👍
Thanks for the tips, Rick!!!
When I first clicked on I thought another keyboard commando who doesn't know crap about weapons. But you sir know what your talking about I keep all my guns the same way you do.👍💯😁
Agreed! Great video why!
Great video...I do same thing for years now...
Love the ar in thumbnail
Thank You.
i like the idea you shoot the rifle left handed and the pistol right handed..that way theres never a problem with one getting in the way of the other..and on someone taking your weapon from you..if you allow that to happen you dont deserve it. your weapon should always be under your control and if you let someone hostile get that close to you. you are giving them control of the situation. racking a shotgun to scare someone could be fatal. that sound would be my cue to immediately fire my weapon if i were unaware up to that point of a hostiles location. if you just want to scare someone away call the police and let them handle it..because you are going to crank it up a notch by racking a slide and then you may have to shoot. if you have to shoot someone its going to change your whole life.
Good stuff...!!!
Very nice video thanks
Thank you too!
the 1911 actually has a regular coil spring for the hammer it's inside the mainspring housing the flat spring is to operate the sear and the grip safety. its controversial but many say springs dont wear out from being stored compressed they wear out from being compressed and depressed. It surely can't hurt to leave the trigger depressed on the AR and the tension off the hammer spring or on other weapons the firing pin spring etc...
Jordan, a 49-year-old college graduate, took the exam in 1996 and scored 33 points, the equivalent of an IQ of 125. But New London police interviewed only candidates who scored 20 to 27, on the theory that those who scored too high could get bored with police work and leave soon after undergoing costly training.
Most Cops Just Above Normal The average score nationally for police officers is 21 to 22, the equivalent of an IQ of 104, or just a little above average. That was why I never became a cop! My IQ is 148 last time I took the test that was over ten years ago.
if you are so fucking smart why are you watching youtube videos? smh
Good teacher
Thank you! 😃
All my guns are ready BECAUSE an unloaded gun is about as good as an empty cup of coffee
Yep same here, when seconds count seconds count.
I'm still trying to figure out how to safely keep a long gun loaded for home defense. I have two young kids under 6. Right now I had my glock in a pistol vault that pops open with a code I punch in with my fingertips quickly. I'd rather have a long gun for more power. But it's hard for me to find a place I can get to a quick but they can't. Considering building a compartment in my wall in my bedroom to house an AR. I do like the condition you put your AR in. As long as you know the rifle Chambers smooth as butter and train doing it quickly, it's a safe and effective method imo.
Put a small shelf high up near ceiling where you can jump and grab but kids would need ladder to get too. doing codes and shit in dirt after shot of stabbed or in a hurry never works out well
u can still "rack" the rifle and dis engage the trigger then be able to put the rifle in the safe mode. you then can feed the chamber when ready and flip from safety to fire. ppl do it different ways though
It takes like a tenth of a second to switch the ar safety off, its a training thing. If you carry condition 2 and train to flip that safety on and off when youre shooting or not its really not an issue
it things go as planned, that second can turn into a missing it, panic only hitting half on or off, when you are getting shot at and oh shit factor pulling the trigger is first instinct, and a second can cost you your life. Personal choice, you can carry with a gun lock on the trigger if you want.
That's what I do too. With my weatherby sa-459 threat response shotgun if I load it full and pull the trigger the without one in the chamber the gun puts one in the bottom chamber and all you gotta do is pulled the hammer back and it's good to go.
I think Guys in general like to have buttons to push, levers to engage and knobs to turn. I know when I was in Japan in 1973 and looking at Stereo Sound Equipment, the more levers, buttons and knobs the better with all else being equal.
Totally agree with you. Do you still do this with your ar15?
I agree with a lot of your reasoning and I do a lot of the same things. I have several different weapons around the house that I might access in an emergency. I leave ALL of them in the same state - loaded, magazine in, safety off, not cocked, and WITHOUT a round in the chamber. I know that in an emergency with every gun I own, I need to do the same thing, rack the slide or charging handle and I am ready to go. I am NOT willing to leave a cocked, loaded, safety off weapon laying around the house with a round in the chamber. And not all my weapons have a safety, and some of the safeties work in different ways. Too much to remember for whatever weapon I grab in an emergency. All I have to remember is ONE THING FOR EVERY FIREARM I OWN - rack it and fire.
Not an AR-owner myself, but I'd say the problem with having an empty chamber is that the charging handle isn't all that quick or easy to manipulate. Seems like a mini-14 would be easier to cycle by hand.
I agree with you about the safety switch comment you made. This is how I keep my guns as well.
The safety is atop your shoulders
Thank you for this video. This is how I’m going to keep my rifle in the house. It’s good to always know what condition your weapons are in, and this is a good logical way to approach it.
When I first started conceal carrying I would not leave a round in the chamber but I remember watching something that change my mind 100% When you need to use it. Racking a round in is one more step I have to take and 1 less step the other guy has to take. So I do the exact same. I carry a Glock 27 .40 and LCP .380 and all I have to do is pull the trigger. I try to train as much as I can but if Im ever in that situation the fewer steps I have to take the better.
Great video Im sharing this on Facebook
"If you live in New York or Commiefornia, forget about it. You might as well wear a shirt with a bullseye printed on it because they don't want you to be able to hurt their precious criminals."
Big money makers for the prison system.
they're protecting their voters
Your right about Commiefornia, lived their for 40 yrs moved out in 2001 to Texas never looked backed, can't believe the freedoms I have to buy firearms now!
@Millennium Man I don't follow liberal laws
Exactly why I'm deciding to move to the Rockies in December..
Thank you for the info. This changed the way I have my AR ready to go. I appreciate how logical you are.
Grease that buffer spring so it doesnt sound like a damn pogo stick every time you fire or rack it!
locknloadvideo lol, I don't use grease, it has plenty of rem oil on it and fires impeccably. :)
locknloadvideo I love that sound !
Guns - Shooting - Ammo - Police & Military Tactics & Training, Preppers, Survivalist j
People used to say racking a round in a shotgun is a good home defense deterrent, but I see it as a good way to give away your position and unintentionally alarm and heighten the senses of your attacker. To each their own.
I keep my AR10 locked and loaded with the 30rd magazine topped off and the selector off. There's no time to spare to defend my apartment.
Love it
Wow, You make a WHOLE lot more sense than the Movie cops that almost never keep their weapon in, close to their mass! Thanx for all your good advice. UA-cam has a wealth of good wisdom, unfortunately, it has a lot of the "other" as well. Gb bg
"Movie cops" aren't cops. Movie cops are actors, and many actors don't know shit about firearms.
Wow I did not know you could do that. that completely explains everything about the hammer
On the AR - What about action locked to the rear, mag inserted. Then press the slide lock/release to send the bolt home, chambering a round? Admittedly new to AR platform. Thanks for the great videos!!
***** All Ars, M4s, M16, when the bolt is locked to rear any bump or fast movement can cause the bolt the be release. Try this lock you bolt to rear and then bump your stock on ground or lock both to rear and then let your ar fall to the ground, the both will likely release. Also I talk about spring tension, keeping the bolt locked to rear keeps your bolt rear spring, I think called a buffer spring, is then always compressed and under constant tension, not good.
Guns - Shooting - Ammo - Police & Military Tactics & Training, Preppers, Survivalist Thanks.... Now I know. One of the cool things I love about our Gun Community..... good folks who have good info. Take care. Julian
Guns - Shooting - Ammo - Police & Military Tactics & Training, Preppers, Survivalist Thanks for the info! Definitly good insight from someone with real world experience. I keep an AR pistol (because of the close quarter benifits and reduction of barrel exposure elements) for home defence. I too would have a loaded mag, no round in the chamber, safty on, with the bolt locked back. My reasoning is; if someone who is familiar with the weapon system, gets my gun, they would first wonder why the gun isnt shooting, then try and switch the safty off, after not being able too would then rack the charging handle and it would have no tension. Now imagine what a person who is unfamiliar with the weapon would have to go through. All this would give me pleanty of time to react or as you say, reach for a secondary weapon. The benifit for me is; grabbing gun, hittng the release and switching the safty, all things I can do in a fraction of a second. ...I know this was long winded but after watching the video, I may reconsider.
This dudes a 1 man army
@ 7:44 his shuffle is so funny
Great video, A True American patriot.
Like you I hate safetys and operate all my guns like the gun I trained on back when I started carrying my Glock in 98'. There are too many variations from crossbars to thumb safety, My Ruger SR9c & SR45 the safety is push down to fire but my Ruger SR22 is push up to fire. I dont use em, Im removing everything I can control that would effect my self preservation .
Good video
good video
I completely agree, Rick. That's the way I do it--pistol and carbine, both.
Please advise me, people? I'm a first time handgun owner (for home defense & target shooting). My new H&K USP Compact .40 (Variant 1) has a decocker, a safety, & DA/SA modes. I plan to store it in my SpeedVault SV500 with a full magazine in it, chamber empty, & the Safety On. All I'll have to do to shoot is: rack my slide, Off my Safety, & pull 11.25 lbs. on my Trigger in DA mode. Is this ok? Thanks!
Alexander Rosset Most all modern revolvers are double action and they have NO SAFETY. Double action triggers are heavier and harder to pull since it has a double action, first action is cocking and pulling back the hammer, second action is dropping hammer, hence the term double action. I have this HK in .45 and other double actions, I recommend NO Safety on and round in chamber. You already have gun in locked area, so that is one extra step to get to gun, you do not want to add more steps. I would say keep the gun and all pistols with a round IN chamber, and since double action are not easy to pull trigger, I would Keep Safety OFF, that way all you have to do in crisis and emergency is remember and don't screw up the combo to get gun and then grab it and shoot.
Ok thx! What's your take on storing a gun cocked & locked in single action (i.e., Hammer Back & Safety On)? Is this more dangerous, or does it cause excess wear? 💥🔫😉🇺🇸
Alexander Rosset if your gun is designed to be carried condition 1 (cocked and locked, like a 1911) it won't hurt it. keep that thing ready to rock and roll if it's locked up though, you may barely have time to pop the safe. springs in magazines and guns DO NOT wear out from being held compressed. it is constant compression and expansion that causes spring fatigue
Good to know Dan & friend. Thanks!
No. This is not right. You gun needs to be chambered with a round, ready to go and within easy reach. Safety is your finger -- keep away from the trigger.
Keep up the good videos . Love yr content!!!
I keep my AR pistol safety off, full mag loaded, chamber empty w the dust cover OPEN. So if anything were to happen, all I do is pull back on the charging handle and it's go time
Sounds like your buffer springs bad or the buffer and spring are in wrong
I would like to add to your downloading comment. Pmags WON'T reliably seat on a closed bolt with 30 rounds.
skippy18244 I know they are a lot harder to jam into lock with a full mag from all the tension, another consideration.
Also AR if chambered and safety on can still fire. The firing pin has neither a spring nor locking block. Poke something hard enough with the muzzle and it will fire as the firing pin continues forward when the rifle stops.
If you wear a battle belt with gear on the front it's best to have safety on especially when transitioning to a pistol. A single point sling makes the AR-15 very unstable and the trigger could come in contact with the gear so...... learn muscle memory safety practices or possibly take one in the lower body or foot.
I live in California. Every time someone sees my rifle in my trunk they always say, "Is that legal? Is it legal to have your rifle in a car? To transport it?" I always, say, "How the heck are you supposed to purchase a rifle, go to the range, go hunting, get a rifle from one place to another etc??", they usually don't get what I'm saying.
ung427 I got pulled over yesterday and the cop saw my AR 5.56 in the back seat of my truck and said it he liked my tactical fore-grip, 40 round mag and red dot sight; he said it was "tactiCOOL" lol. I got a verbal warning for speeding. Long story short.... come to Texas! We could always use another freedom loving American!
Bryan Boyer the cop was probably thinking “my AR is better”
fergal farrelly can I conceal carry as a visitor?
In New York as of now it isn't legal.
what about gun racks in trucks for Texas laws?
I keep my AR stood upright on the other side of my nightstand. Full mag in, bolt locked back, safety on, ejector port door closed. If I need it, I select fire, then drop the bolt if needed. If I have company over, I keep it in the same condition as you do. I also have the BAD lever so I already have a point of aim before I drop the bolt.
Your the go to common sense cop. Thank you brother.
what is that on top of your upper receiver
Careful Rick....at 9:13 that pistol is not in that holster all the way :)
Hey first time seeing this video. I couldn't help but notice you didn't fully holster your pistol there. 9:15. I mean sure it was holstered but it didn't lock in. It was noticeable and I am not hating on the video by any means I enjoyed it and agree with the information you provided and with your choices. Like I said I just had to point it out.
Interesting video Thanks Rick
decent enough civvy video
Man I miss living in Texas. Had to buy 10 round Mags yesterday bc of Colorado’s dumb ass laws
Get the HELL out of COMMIE-RADO !! Come up to WY !!
20mm lmfao!!
If you mill out a polymer 80% receiver (not necessarily a polymer80.com receiver) you have a little wiggle room to where you can make it so you can leave it without a round chambered, on safe, and still charge the weapon without issue. I guess that it would be possible, in theory, to do the same with an aluminum receiver, but I haven't seen it with my own eyes, so I won't vouch for it.
Luv ur take on things in general!!!
Thanks for your service and Police service too!!!
Safeties are good for when you're doing back flips on the dance floor
charles bishop loooool FBI style
Good thing I'm too old to do back flips and I wasn't trained by the FBI as far as gun safety goes.
Israeli carry is an interesting idea, nothing in any chamber, does allow for an entire population at different training levels to all be packing and minimize AD's (ND's). I think we probably all saw the youtube vid where the man crossed a road to attack a girl walking by. She could be seen with her off hand crossing the top of the pistol as she put at least one into the BG's center mass. Very fluid motion, didn't look like not being chambered helps Mr BG one damned bit. Just drill with whatever way pick. Those laser bullets and the phone apps sure take dry fire to another level.
so your in CA? i'm heading back soon so when i get back can i get a 30-30?
In Michigan we CANNOT CARRY a loaded rifle in our car. Rifle must be in a case in the trunk and ammo must be separated in front of car. What can we do then?
+Earl Sprague
Tell the bad guy to please wait.
for my home, shotgun is "duty racked" as I've hear it called. mag tube is loaded but the trigger was depressed already with releases the pump so I'm not fumbling with a pump release in the dark. bedside pistol is loaded one in the pipe and on safe. (agree that finger and brain are my safety, but being groggy and nervous I don't want an AD while grabbing for it in the nightstand safe) now I just have to remember to train on that gun popping off safety prior to shooting
Nice concept. I'm used to it on Safe, a click, and point and shoot. I figure a Sig-full of 17 9mm's×4 is enough to get to AR, in backseat. But it's a good way to train.
mnp9 ..carry.. one in chamber.. finger safety.. 870.. night stand.. one in chamber.. finger safety . I don't want to have to think about anything else but hopefully I'll never need to
I am a law abiding citizen, have a concealed carry license and NO criminal record. I have 2 or 3 guns in my pickup at all times along with at least a weeks worth food and water and an enough survival gear to survive at least a week almost anywhere on the planet in any season. Nothing crazy like explosives or booby traps just common cence emergency survival equipment and a military surplus bullet proof vest. My question is, if my pickup was searched by law enforcement, what would happen? What would there reaction be? I work for the DOT in Kansas and know most of the local officers.
If your gun requires more than just squeezing the trigger then you need to rethink your defense plan...
I've been keeping my rifle like that for years. It's the best form of safety there is, while still allowing quick use.
Rick has helped me make up my mind; and, I am officially switching back to keeping my loaded rifle uncharged, w/the safety off. HALLELUJAH
My ambi 45° safety is WAY faster to bring into and out of action when loaded and chambered than having to chamber the round could ever be AND I'm in my sight picture the whole time.
This is how I've worked on it though, different strokes for different folks. I can see why you'd want to keep tension off the trigger though.
the way he leaves his rifle is condition 3, he carries his pistol in condition 0...honestly, i wouldn't recommend most people carrying condition 0, the trigger 'safety' prevents some of the instances where debris etc. would cause the trigger to be engaged, but not completely enough to where i believe its the superior choice to condition 3, especially if condition 0 takes you out of the fight during practice or a training exercise
great video rick, i never thought about a rifle being offense , pistol defense . good work.
Nice tutorial!
“Join or die” Same motto here.
Excellent talk. This I keep my guns in the same configuration.
Good information thanks for sharing.
Anybody else noticed how many times he flagged himself with his "hot" pistol?
ohhhhh another safety sally shows his head
Think Like A Cop - The Rest Of The Story call me what you like. Watch any of the professional gun guys (Travis haley, Jerry miculek, etc.) They're all very careful about that sort of thing. They all know how careless that is.
This gentleman has been in the military and on different police forces, and probably is older than you. Not trying to be a dick, but it appears that he has never accidentally injured himself when working with his firearms. Best I can tell anyway. He also made it very clear,that this may not be for you. For me, I would trust the judgement of tried and true veteran over any range warrior any day of the week. It all boils down to training and what you are comfortable with period. Fire arms generally do not go off simply by pointing. Obviously safety is of utmost importance, but some fire arms do not even have a safety at all. So, there again, it falls into that training with each and every weapon of any kind. Rick knows his shit, and if you think he doesn't, stick with the competition types for your visual training.
Green-tips, bold decision for self defense
Thank you. Glad to know my home defense 12 gauge shotgun with 00 buckshot is loaded and in the same condition as your AR.
Are you left handed or right handed? I noticed you keep shouldering your rifle on the left side but you handgun is on your right. I just thought that was kind of odd. I practice with both but I primarily use my right because I'm right handed. It always feels really awkward shouldering mine on the left.
Good video - Thanks
I’ve never heard of this way, but I see the logic. I think I like this way to keep rifles and may follow suit so thank you sir...🤙🏽
I do the same thing with my firearms, with the exception of my EDC. It has one in the pipe, with my first trigger pull being a long double-action pull. Safety OFF. I also don't like to keep my springs compressed, when not in use. Trigger springs, or mag springs.
As for your pistol, you should only use a factory magazine. Magpul is making all sorts of magazines for pistols, but don’t trust your life with them. Aftermarket magazines are alright for the range and for practice, but I would never use an aftermarket magazine for my personal defense carry gun.
Nice for you but I have a ruger 1022 no safety I just have to grab a clip shove it in bullet in the chamber
Thanks for the info, never thought of it in the manner presented.
I'm thinking about adapting this to the long guns in the house, thanks
I like your style! As always, very good and useful info. the default settings for all of my firearms are the same as you describe, after years of use and experimenting this seems to be a good, safe, all around way to keep guns handy for use.
Im very happy to see your subscribership is up to + 4000ish, when I subed you I think it was around 250 / 300.
Keep up the good work, and thank you very much for providing such great content
I do the exact same thing with both long guns and pistols, but I also think as you mentioned it depends on experience because we have military and law enforcement training our thought process is different.
Concur on 870. Dude keeps coming after hearing it rack, he gets what he gets. AR has no mag in place, mag accessible through fingerprint safe so no fumbling. Risk of over pen makes the 870 and sidearm my go-tos
That’s ur way perfectly fine I keep one ☝️ in the head in Pistol and Riffle ain’t got time to scare a bitch he gon feel that bitch
Concur, although I carry a DA/SA, round chambered, hammer down.
From what I have read, almost every state considers a loaded magazine in a rifle to be a loaded rifle, and illegal in a vehicle.
C Lofing
A loaded mag in a rifle would make it a loaded rifle but not illegal in free states.
And sadly, there are very few states left that even pretend to respect our rights and freedom.
I keep my Ar with a full mag and the bolt locked back. Then all u have to do is slap the release and your ready to go!
and my scope currently is in the way of my charging handle on the rear of my Anderson would you recommend a decent scope possibly holographic in the mid price range
not up on scopes so no real opinion, sorry
Think Like A Cop - The Rest Of The Story thanks for the reply sir....visited your page...enjoy the articles