Turning 20 in 3 months. I feel like I was 16 a year ago. It’s been 4 years. It’s crazy. Time moves to fast. Like it’s really weird to me that people born in 2008 are 16 now. Like it is crazy. I don’t know how to be an adult. I still feel like a kid.
The world moves faster as we age because, the added responsibility, coupled with, filling your day with necessary choices for living. Just complete, independence. Independence makes the world move faster because as we get older we fail to stop take a moment have a breath. This world is full of convenience and distractions from what we find truly enjoyable in real life. I don't wanna sound like a bummer but I am 19 now and I wish I spent more time doing things outside than reading and playing video games. It made me, want to grow up faster. My advice is just sit down and look around outside. Look forward to the future. You are constantly changing as a person and be excited! life will slow down and you will most definitely live a bit more in the present than in the past or future!
I 100% agree I try to limit how much entertainment I consume and try to go outside, read books, study for certain things, something that brings me back to reality and not just falsely living
efore/when i met my girlfriend in May 2023 was when I was on my lowest. My first girlfriend. The first person that I ever could talk with cus no one has treated me like someone that got my own feelings. She made me throw my whole life away. I did everything i could to be with her. I don’t have any friends in my hometown for moving 6,5 hours away to a new town. And tbh I’ve been living here since august 2023, and now I’ve been feeling just the same for a good time. And im grateful for this video and comment! The thoughts i’b gotten is so scary: I’m 19 this year, 19 years is a long ass time and I’m gonna be 30 faster than I actually realize. I uses to look forward to be 18 and have fun and be socaiay. I never been able to or invited to so stuff. I’m now stuck in a new CITY/TOWN with a girl who changed here personality and manipulative. She told our apartment rentert to stop. Thanks for the motivation. Hope everyone gets the awesome days, weekends, Holidays, Birthdays and just a good life❤
I'm 17, I know it's still young but it feels like I was 13 just a year ago. I've now come at a age where I'm really thinking about my future, what I wanna do what choices I should make. Can be really overwhelming sometimes 😂
That's kinda where I'm at ATM I'm just trying to figure out my life and see what I want to do, youtube has been my passion for a long time and video editing as well, seems like people like the videos so imma see what happens:)
@@Quartv2 UA-cam/streaming has been my passion since I was a kid aswell, I'm done with my exams now and I'm planning on picking up streaming again. Only thing that keeps holding me back is people that I know finding out, only thing people at this age do is bring others down.
I turn 26 this September. And i still dont have the future figured out, But im taking steps to mature and now my life feels as though it is rapidly passing by so i can relate, i can still achieve many things and im glad i was present in my teen years because i had fun and my 20s have been tough. Great video dude 👍
@@Quartv2 you seem like an intelligent guy a lot more aware than i was when i was 20 😆 I have faith you will make good decisions and have a great life 💪☀️
Amen brother. To me, I feel like Covid messed society and specifcally us 2003 kids a lot. We were locked away and social distancing for roughly 2 years and man I feel like I missed out on the standard socialization and preparation most young adults go through at that time. Like we skipped a step from a junior to a softmore in college. Kinda crazy but I sometimes find myself still viewing adults as "adults" and not as peers even though Im an adult now. Almost as if my brain subconsciously is still trying to catch up from 2020 haha
I agree with that, every single word you said is kind of what I'm going through right now, me working at a casino which is a "adult industry" I still feel like the baby of the establishment, just doesn't feel like I've caught up from 2020, that's just how life feels
I'm turning 23 at the end of next month and this video made me smile. I felt this heavily, the past is fun to remember, and the future is fun to anticipate. As John F Kennedy once said, "A man who only looks to the past is certain to miss the future". Don't wish to grow up faster, and don't wish you'd have done things different. We only get one life to live, one life to enjoy. Let's all make the most of them!
Exactly, I want this channel to uplift everyone and if someone can see my video and get useful information out of it then I'm gonna continue to do so because that's what I want to do, self improvement is key, just focus on the present and whatever happens, happens, thank you so much for reaching out :)
I am 16 and I also think time is passing by to quickly. In 2020 I was 13 years old and I wish i could go back. I know I shouldn't be thinking about this because I'm still young but I still miss being younger. Anyways , I'm still enjoying my years as a kid/teenager. Great video btw!
I just got in my mid 20’s and I feel old too bro don’t worry about it cause you still young and you’ll be considered to be in early adulthood until you’re in your 40’s. Also the best thing to do is just live your life and do what you enjoy like playing video games or watching shows, or even playing with toys or whatever. Don’t let social media make you feel like you need to “be an adult” and dedicate your whole life and time to working and finding ways to make money 24/7. Just take care of your responsibilities and have fun at your own pace
Yeah all I'm worried about RN is making UA-cam videos and making sure people actually enjoy them, I work a full time job and I'm trying to balance responsibilities with fun and entertainment
I just got out of high school and thinking about how my 20s might go and it has me stressing about how free the world and how you can be the ass end of it at any point. Its thoughts like what if this and what if that because I genuinely don't know how bad it could get or how good it could be being on my own. If you have any advice please let me know.
@@fosteredghost970 honestly one of the best things you can do is not listen to the social media “norms” that people tell you what you need to do or accomplish by a certain age. If your parents still allow you to live with them throughout your 20’s, it’s a good idea to stay so you can save up money for when you’re actually ready to rent or buy a house. Everyone moves at their own pace, so don’t feel pressured to buy a house or work 24/7 to make the most money you possibly can. And of course, have fun in your life. Keep doing the things that make you happy and don’t feel that you can’t enjoy a certain thing because of your age.
For context, I'm 22 and I also feel like a kid, but I disagree that this is ok and that we should just accept it. People used to be a full grown up by 15 back in the day. The world is not a paradise. The economy is fucked up. If you don't grow up fast you might not be prepared. We need to grow up guys, don't fall for this trap. We can still be happy and do cool things as grown ups. Being an adult is not about being miserable, it's about taking resposibility for not only your own life but also for those you care for. If shit happens, are you prepared to take care of yourself? Are you prepared to take care of your family? Are you prepared to take care of your community? Or will you just watch everyone around you suffer without being able to do anything, because you spent the best years of your life wandering around the world in a plane?
I think the solution for this is to spontaneously be on your thriving side more then focus on the survivalist side of you. This is the key component of why kids have fun and that you know they're kids. What I mean by that is, whatever you want to do, dont let your conscious take over your decisions but let your subconscious do that and tell yourself that you have one life to live, of course dont do something that'll harm you or others still use your maturity and what you know about life by growing up on knowing what are the goods things and not for a quick instant but use your subconscious and dont be scared to do what you want for yourself. What I mean is, if you think you're growing up too fast its because of fear of doing the things you did as a kid since you placed that gap or restriction that Oh you cant do that since you're an adult and you need to do what your futur needs of. Once in that frequency/mindset, you'll have unlimited fun and experience and you wont be worried at all about what's next.
I'll give you some advice mate... Have you ever noticed that the first time you experience something, it seems to last a long time? Anything; a new experience, the first time seeing a very funny commercial, anything... This is why time goes by faster the older you get - you experience less and less new things. With that in mind - take the vast majority of opportunities and invites to things. Enjoy it. Trust me, it will continue to speed up as time goes by.... This will be your "golden years" in 10 years time. Enjoy them. Sincerely, a 27 year old that was 18 yesterday.
I'm 14 and everyone I've met has been surprised as all hell to find out I'm 14. I'm way too mature and I have a really deep voice. No one has ever not been surprised at my age 💀
Just sit back, take a deep breathe and realize things are gonna work out, if you put your mind to it and have a open mind and are willing to learn new things, you'll make it, just don't let the stress of growing up or doing "adult things" hold you back from winning!
What's even more sad is that the money that you work for is worth nothing and taxed to no end and the house or land you've purchased and paid off you really don't own it and as you grow older time flys it's not only you my man it's a universal thing for all of us and with that comes gained knowledge of things you really wish you didn't know like how our lives are controlled by the elite class and the foods we eat is poison and it's over priced along with jacked up bill payments every month you really eat the words I wish I was a grown up that we all said as kids when it was time for bed on a school night
Yeah I agree with you I work with a lot of adults that have taught me all of these things that are corrupt, I wish things were more simple and less convoluted but that's how the world is going nowadays
@@Quartv2 also I'm sorry that i said it like that, I know that there are people that like that type for content but it's really not my cup of tea because I get scared easily and sometimes I can't even sleep, also you might consider writing scripts for upcoming videos or something like talking points, sorry again and thank you for the video i relate so hard to it
I know I’m still young compared to most. Since obviously ur turning 20. But I’m 16 turning 17 this year and yeah I agree with u, time is going by crazy man. Damn. Im really going to be an adult in a little less than two years 😢😢😅
Lastest video: ua-cam.com/video/LBAP0ZtD9y8/v-deo.htmlsi=fny-7eMMYKcQNxLi
Turning 20 in 3 months. I feel like I was 16 a year ago. It’s been 4 years. It’s crazy. Time moves to fast. Like it’s really weird to me that people born in 2008 are 16 now. Like it is crazy. I don’t know how to be an adult. I still feel like a kid.
Crazy I started school in 2008 and that it was that long ago, holy shit dude 💀🙏🏻
What’s crazy is kids in 20 years are gonna see minecraft how we see games like mario or tetris 😭
Oh god don't even tell me that dawg 😂😂
ur soo fucking true, no one ever described it this good
Thank you that means a lot 🙏🏻
The world moves faster as we age because, the added responsibility, coupled with, filling your day with necessary choices for living. Just complete, independence. Independence makes the world move faster because as we get older we fail to stop take a moment have a breath. This world is full of convenience and distractions from what we find truly enjoyable in real life. I don't wanna sound like a bummer but I am 19 now and I wish I spent more time doing things outside than reading and playing video games. It made me, want to grow up faster. My advice is just sit down and look around outside. Look forward to the future. You are constantly changing as a person and be excited! life will slow down and you will most definitely live a bit more in the present than in the past or future!
I 100% agree I try to limit how much entertainment I consume and try to go outside, read books, study for certain things, something that brings me back to reality and not just falsely living
efore/when i met my girlfriend in May 2023 was when I was on my lowest. My first girlfriend. The first person that I ever could talk with cus no one has treated me like someone that got my own feelings. She made me throw my whole life away. I did everything i could to be with her. I don’t have any friends in my hometown for moving 6,5 hours away to a new town. And tbh I’ve been living here since august 2023, and now I’ve been feeling just the same for a good time. And im grateful for this video and comment!
The thoughts i’b gotten is so scary: I’m 19 this year, 19 years is a long ass time and I’m gonna be 30 faster than I actually realize. I uses to look forward to be 18 and have fun and be socaiay. I never been able to or invited to so stuff.
I’m now stuck in a new CITY/TOWN with a girl who changed here personality and manipulative. She told our apartment rentert to stop.
Thanks for the motivation. Hope everyone gets the awesome days, weekends, Holidays, Birthdays and just a good life❤
I'm 17, I know it's still young but it feels like I was 13 just a year ago. I've now come at a age where I'm really thinking about my future, what I wanna do what choices I should make. Can be really overwhelming sometimes 😂
That's kinda where I'm at ATM I'm just trying to figure out my life and see what I want to do, youtube has been my passion for a long time and video editing as well, seems like people like the videos so imma see what happens:)
@@Quartv2 UA-cam/streaming has been my passion since I was a kid aswell, I'm done with my exams now and I'm planning on picking up streaming again. Only thing that keeps holding me back is people that I know finding out, only thing people at this age do is bring others down.
I turn 26 this September. And i still dont have the future figured out, But im taking steps to mature and now my life feels as though it is rapidly passing by so i can relate, i can still achieve many things and im glad i was present in my teen years because i had fun and my 20s have been tough. Great video dude 👍
Thank you I appreciate it but yeah it's been tough in my 20's so far and it's only gotten started
@@Quartv2 you seem like an intelligent guy a lot more aware than i was when i was 20 😆 I have faith you will make good decisions and have a great life 💪☀️
@@alexpo1677 I appreciate that bro, I feel like I'm very mature for my age and that's why I wanted to start UA-cam tbh 😂
0:33 I know bro 2020 felt like it was just yesterday and it kind of scares me
Also can you stream soon whenever you're off a break
Same here life moves fast
Amen brother. To me, I feel like Covid messed society and specifcally us 2003 kids a lot. We were locked away and social distancing for roughly 2 years and man I feel like I missed out on the standard socialization and preparation most young adults go through at that time. Like we skipped a step from a junior to a softmore in college. Kinda crazy but I sometimes find myself still viewing adults as "adults" and not as peers even though Im an adult now. Almost as if my brain subconsciously is still trying to catch up from 2020 haha
I agree with that, every single word you said is kind of what I'm going through right now, me working at a casino which is a "adult industry" I still feel like the baby of the establishment, just doesn't feel like I've caught up from 2020, that's just how life feels
I'm turning 23 at the end of next month and this video made me smile. I felt this heavily, the past is fun to remember, and the future is fun to anticipate. As John F Kennedy once said, "A man who only looks to the past is certain to miss the future". Don't wish to grow up faster, and don't wish you'd have done things different. We only get one life to live, one life to enjoy. Let's all make the most of them!
Exactly, I want this channel to uplift everyone and if someone can see my video and get useful information out of it then I'm gonna continue to do so because that's what I want to do, self improvement is key, just focus on the present and whatever happens, happens, thank you so much for reaching out :)
I am 16 and I also think time is passing by to quickly. In 2020 I was 13 years old and I wish i could go back. I know I shouldn't be thinking about this because I'm still young but I still miss being younger. Anyways , I'm still enjoying my years as a kid/teenager. Great video btw!
Thank you so much dude, but yeah if I could go back 10 years I would
I feel you bro I’m 14 but the last 3/4 years have flown by and I still feel like I’m 11 tbh
I still feel like I'm 14 bro even though that was 6 years ago :(
I just got in my mid 20’s and I feel old too bro don’t worry about it cause you still young and you’ll be considered to be in early adulthood until you’re in your 40’s. Also the best thing to do is just live your life and do what you enjoy like playing video games or watching shows, or even playing with toys or whatever. Don’t let social media make you feel like you need to “be an adult” and dedicate your whole life and time to working and finding ways to make money 24/7. Just take care of your responsibilities and have fun at your own pace
Yeah all I'm worried about RN is making UA-cam videos and making sure people actually enjoy them, I work a full time job and I'm trying to balance responsibilities with fun and entertainment
I just got out of high school and thinking about how my 20s might go and it has me stressing about how free the world and how you can be the ass end of it at any point. Its thoughts like what if this and what if that because I genuinely don't know how bad it could get or how good it could be being on my own. If you have any advice please let me know.
@@fosteredghost970 honestly one of the best things you can do is not listen to the social media “norms” that people tell you what you need to do or accomplish by a certain age. If your parents still allow you to live with them throughout your 20’s, it’s a good idea to stay so you can save up money for when you’re actually ready to rent or buy a house. Everyone moves at their own pace, so don’t feel pressured to buy a house or work 24/7 to make the most money you possibly can. And of course, have fun in your life. Keep doing the things that make you happy and don’t feel that you can’t enjoy a certain thing because of your age.
I hear u bro I recently turned 18 and I completely relate to what u said in this video, the title of the video got me to click
Thank you bro I appreciate the support, just voicing how I feel and it seems like I'm not alone, keep your head up 👍🏻
I know what you mean. I just turned 22 and i feel the same about time passing me by way to fast.
Yeah I feel like covid messed up my time perception
For context, I'm 22 and I also feel like a kid, but I disagree that this is ok and that we should just accept it.
People used to be a full grown up by 15 back in the day.
The world is not a paradise. The economy is fucked up. If you don't grow up fast you might not be prepared.
We need to grow up guys, don't fall for this trap.
We can still be happy and do cool things as grown ups. Being an adult is not about being miserable, it's about taking resposibility for not only your own life but also for those you care for.
If shit happens, are you prepared to take care of yourself? Are you prepared to take care of your family? Are you prepared to take care of your community? Or will you just watch everyone around you suffer without being able to do anything, because you spent the best years of your life wandering around the world in a plane?
Frankly, I feel like I'm growing up too slowly, further cemented by the fact I'm terminally online and can't function as a human being
Yeah I feel like that's the latter half of how I feel, we'll get through it
I think the solution for this is to spontaneously be on your thriving side more then focus on the survivalist side of you.
This is the key component of why kids have fun and that you know they're kids.
What I mean by that is, whatever you want to do, dont let your conscious take over your decisions but let your subconscious do that and tell yourself that you have one life to live, of course dont do something that'll harm you or others still use your maturity and what you know about life by growing up on knowing what are the goods things and not for a quick instant but use your subconscious and dont be scared to do what you want for yourself.
What I mean is, if you think you're growing up too fast its because of fear of doing the things you did as a kid since you placed that gap or restriction that Oh you cant do that since you're an adult and you need to do what your futur needs of.
Once in that frequency/mindset, you'll have unlimited fun and experience and you wont be worried at all about what's next.
I agree just right now it's how I feel, I hope in the next couple years my mindset changes and I grow as a person
im 15, i know im probably young to be thinking this but i still think about it, i kinda want to become 13 again
I would love to go back like 10 years not gonna lie 💀
I’m 21 already I was born in 2003, but yeah time passes quick dude 😢
Exactly seems like everyone is feeling that way rn 🥲
I'll give you some advice mate... Have you ever noticed that the first time you experience something, it seems to last a long time? Anything; a new experience, the first time seeing a very funny commercial, anything... This is why time goes by faster the older you get - you experience less and less new things. With that in mind - take the vast majority of opportunities and invites to things. Enjoy it. Trust me, it will continue to speed up as time goes by.... This will be your "golden years" in 10 years time. Enjoy them. Sincerely, a 27 year old that was 18 yesterday.
I appreciate the advice I'll try to experience new things 🙏🏻
I'm 14 and everyone I've met has been surprised as all hell to find out I'm 14. I'm way too mature and I have a really deep voice. No one has ever not been surprised at my age 💀
In your case I would enjoy the next 6 years of your life and take things slow
I was born in february of 2011 so im barely a teenager. and I dread my early 20s lol high school is bad enough.
Yeah just enjoy your young years while they last 👌🏻
im only 17 n im already feeling ts bro idk what to do
Just sit back, take a deep breathe and realize things are gonna work out, if you put your mind to it and have a open mind and are willing to learn new things, you'll make it, just don't let the stress of growing up or doing "adult things" hold you back from winning!
I feel the same way ngl
Well I'm glad I'm not alone 🙏🏻
Great video, subscribed
Thank you I appreciate it 🙏🏻
What's even more sad is that the money that you work for is worth nothing and taxed to no end and the house or land you've purchased and paid off you really don't own it and as you grow older time flys it's not only you my man it's a universal thing for all of us and with that comes gained knowledge of things you really wish you didn't know like how our lives are controlled by the elite class and the foods we eat is poison and it's over priced along with jacked up bill payments every month you really eat the words I wish I was a grown up that we all said as kids when it was time for bed on a school night
Yeah I agree with you I work with a lot of adults that have taught me all of these things that are corrupt, I wish things were more simple and less convoluted but that's how the world is going nowadays
As a little FYI, you made a typo in the title. You misspelled "too" as "to".
Oh damn thank you so much i appreciate that 🤣
I much prefer you talking about things like this rather than doing some crazy scary shit videos
I prefer this as well I like that I can practice editing and I'm able to give my opinion on topics I care about :)
@@Quartv2 also I'm sorry that i said it like that, I know that there are people that like that type for content but it's really not my cup of tea because I get scared easily and sometimes I can't even sleep, also you might consider writing scripts for upcoming videos or something like talking points, sorry again and thank you for the video i relate so hard to it
@@Rio-b9u7h yeah I'm future videos I'm going to write scripts and make them all high quality, just gonna take time 🙏🏻
@@Quartv2 good luck buddy, I wanna see you big some day, don't give up!
What ?
I know I’m still young compared to most. Since obviously ur turning 20. But I’m 16 turning 17 this year and yeah I agree with u, time is going by crazy man. Damn.
Im really going to be an adult in a little less than two years 😢😢😅
Yeah it's crazy and how fast it hit me, I still feel very young but very old at the same time, life is crazy
@@Quartv2 nah ur still young bro 20 is not old at all enjoy ur life bro ur barely starting it brodie 💯
@@AutisticKid88Yeah ofc I have a whole life ahead of me, same with you homie I appreciate you 🙏🏻