Theodore Roosevelt Reviews and Addresses Troops [Fort Sheridan, Ill.]

  • Опубліковано 23 жов 2024
  • Summary
    Two segments of TR during a midwestern speaking tour in support of military preparedness. On September 27, 1917, TR visited the officers' training camp at Fort Sheridan, Illinois. Views of troops marching past a reviewing stand for inspection by TR and several civilian and military personnel; identified on the platform with TR are Captain Georges Etienne Bertrand (wearing beret), a visiting Frenchman who instructed the trainees in trench warfare, and Colonel James A. Ryan, commanding officer of Fort Sheridan; TR addresses the troops after the review. The second segment shows scenes from a parade staged in TR's honor in Chicago on April 28, 1917. Views of men on horseback who appear to be mounted police, sailors and cavalry; view of TR standing and waving his hat in an open touring car; identified in the car with TR are Arthur Meeker and Samuel Insull, Chicago businessmen who are members of the welcoming committee, and other unidentified men.
    Other Titles
    TR riding in auto, Chicago, 1917
    Theodore Roosevelt reviews and addresses troops [Fort Sheridan, Ill.]
    Theodore Roosevelt riding in auto, Chicago, 1917
    United States : Universal Film Manufacturing Co., 1917.
    Appearing: President Theodore Roosevelt, Captain Georges Etienne Bertrand, Colonel James A. Ryan, Arthur Meeker, Samuel Insull.
    United States.--Army.
    United States.--Navy.
    Speeches, addresses, etc., American.
    World War, 1914-1918--Public opinion.
    Military training camps--Illinois.
    Fort Sheridan (Ill.)
    Nonfiction films.
    Short films.
    Documentary films.
    Related Names
    Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919.
    Bertrand, Georges Etienne, b. 1890?
    Ryan, James A.
    Meeker, Arthur, 1866-1946.
    Insull, Samuel, 1859-1938.
    Universal Film Manufacturing Company.
    Theodore Roosevelt Association Collection (Library of Congress)
    Digital ID
    trmp 4106