Manifesto from the Provisional Government of Macedonia - 1881. President, Vasil Chomo! Secretary, Nikola Trajkov! "'our beloved fatherland is calling to you my faithful children you descendants of Aristotle and Alexander the great you and whose veins flow Macedonian blood." -- this means that we are Macedonian descendants of Aristotle and Alexander. They were not Slavs -- they were Macedonians = We are Macedonians, not Slavs. Please stop this Slavic Communist propaganda For us Macedonians.`
I come from Debar in Macedonia and Debar is a perfect example of brotherhood and a sense of unity. Macedonian Muslims and Christians and Albanian and Turkish Muslims all live together with no problems.
I hope so too. Muslims have always been a big part of Macedonian identity. Whether that's Turkish Muslims from 100 years ago or today's Albanian Muslims and even Macedonian Torbesh and Gorani Muslims, each has shaped Macedonian culture. We need to look out for each other and not repeat past wars.
That's good to hear Macedonian like you who has orthodox and Muslim background and not insulting Islam like other Macedonians are on here that are being against it. This reason why is Albanians and Macedonians have problems and west Macedonia use to be part of Albania.
I dont think Western Macedonia has ever been part of Albania. Even in Roman times it belonged to the province of Macedonia Secundaris. Maybe under Ottoman rule when they created the vilayets but im not sure on that one.
@@yacin5590 Prince Christian about islam. Muslims slowly opening eyes and left this false religion.This arabian Christian prove that islam is not truth.
Manifesto from the Provisional Government of Macedonia - 1881. President, Vasil Chomo! Secretary, Nikola Trajkov! "'our beloved fatherland is calling to you my faithful children you descendants of Aristotle and Alexander the great you and whose veins flow Macedonian blood." -- this means that we are Macedonian descendants of Aristotle and Alexander. They were not Slavs -- they were Macedonians = We are Macedonians, not Slavs. Please stop this Slavic Communist propaganda For us Macedonians.`
Manifesto from the Provisional Government of Macedonia - 1881. President, Vasil Chomo! Secretary, Nikola Trajkov! "'our beloved fatherland is calling to you my faithful children you descendants of Aristotle and Alexander the great you and whose veins flow Macedonian blood." -- this means that we are Macedonian descendants of Aristotle and Alexander. They were not Slavs -- they were Macedonians = We are Macedonians, not Slavs. Please stop this Slavic Communist propaganda For us Macedonians.`
@@macedonia3321 Macedonians are Macedonians,nothing else.Slavic propaganda came at end of 19 Century,by Panslavic propaganda and Russian "Panslavic",communists.It was time when kingdom of Greece is established on Macedonian territory."Old Slavic" is Old MACEDONIAN Language.Macedonia is beginning for all of us from the Balkans(Ancient Makedon),long time before Roman Imperia.Creators of modern Greece,made this theory, that Macedonians are Slavs,just to make them aliens in own land and subject for invasion and expulsion,even Genocide of autohton Macedonian people,whatever is religion of them.They are Macedonians and you can recognize them by Macedonian language.It's no metter where they live ... I Love Macedonia :)
@@macedonia3321 Alexander The Great was Al-Iskender(Alexander in Arabic) Zulkarneyn from the Coran,Islamic holly book.this mean that he was believer in one God and probably ancient Prophet to whom is given power to rule entire world at this time ... Zul Karneyn in Arabic mean "Two horned",literary ... Btw.Sufie explanations of "Zul Karneyn" is:"Man for two times,two different Generations" ... Before first coming of Messiah(Jesus) and before second coming of Messiah(Jesus) ... Some people speculate that will be "Mahdi" from Islamic prophecy(Hadith) ... Who knows,Right?
Fun Fact: Macedonia was once a Muslim majority country. However, many fled to Turkey after Macedonia was occupied by Serbia, Bulgaria, and Greece and now about 40% of Macedonia is Muslim.
Manifesto from the Provisional Government of Macedonia - 1881. President, Vasil Chomo! Secretary, Nikola Trajkov! "'our beloved fatherland is calling to you my faithful children you descendants of Aristotle and Alexander the great you and whose veins flow Macedonian blood." -- this means that we are Macedonian descendants of Aristotle and Alexander. They were not Slavs -- they were Macedonians = We are Macedonians, not Slavs. Please stop this Slavic Communist propaganda For us Macedonians.`
Ass'alamualaikum.... I Love Islam in Balkan (Albania, Bosniak, Kosovo, Macedonia, Mentenegro, Serbia, and Coatia)the Ottoman (Ustmaniyah/Turkey) Empire.. Allahu Akbar.... I from Indonesia
Manifesto from the Provisional Government of Macedonia - 1881. President, Vasil Chomo! Secretary, Nikola Trajkov! "'our beloved fatherland is calling to you my faithful children you descendants of Aristotle and Alexander the great you and whose veins flow Macedonian blood." -- this means that we are Macedonian descendants of Aristotle and Alexander. They were not Slavs -- they were Macedonians = We are Macedonians, not Slavs. Please stop this Slavic Communist propaganda For us Macedonians.`
Јас сум Македонка и Македонија одсекогаш била мултирелигиска држава. И така треба да остане а и така и наликува на држава што се наоѓа измеѓу западот и истокот. Macedonians are Muslims AND Christians and if people don't want another war, then they should learn to love one another.
The Greeks should leave Western Thrace. Western and Eastern Thrace must unite. Likewise, the Greeks should stop occupying Southern Macedonia. North and South Macedonia must unite. Greetings from Turkey, we love Macedonia.
Manifesto from the Provisional Government of Macedonia - 1881. President, Vasil Chomo! Secretary, Nikola Trajkov! "'our beloved fatherland is calling to you my faithful children you descendants of Aristotle and Alexander the great you and whose veins flow Macedonian blood." -- this means that we are Macedonian descendants of Aristotle and Alexander. They were not Slavs -- they were Macedonians = We are Macedonians, not Slavs. Please stop this Slavic Communist propaganda For us Macedonians.`
The Greeks should leave Western Thrace. Western and Eastern Thrace must unite. Likewise, the Greeks should stop occupying Southern Macedonia. North and South Macedonia must unite. Greetings from Turkey, we love Macedonia.
@King Of ELLADA Today, some Turks may have Greek, Armenian, Assyrian, Laz, Georgian, Bulgarian, Bosniak, Levantine Arab, Persian, Zaza and Albanian blood in their genes. But Ataturk said "Everyone who feels Turkish is a Turk". And Muslims already accept the Torah, Psalms and the Bible. You have to learn this first.
"Ni jevreji, ni kršćani neće biti tobom zadovoljni sve dok ne prihvatiš vjeru njihovu." (Kur'an, 2:120) Pa zasto se braco muslimani raspravljate sa ljudima cije su oci zatvorene,raspravljate se sa onima koji istinu kriju.
Christians and Muslims in Macedonia have existed in peace for centuries. Macedonians are a very tolerant people. Albanians from Macedonia- especially those who moved to Macedonia from Kosovo, abused that privilege. Христијаните и Муслиманите во Македонија живееле во мир и меѓусебно почитување со векови.Македонците без разлика на нивната вера се толерантни луѓе. За жал албанците од Македонија т.е косоварите што се доселија го злоупотребија овој факт. Срамота е да му се предадеме на ѓаволот!
Od omraza do ljubov prema Islam. Islam I mislimani se ligje koi,najmnogu mi pomognale vo Mojot zivot nadvor od Makedonija.pozdrav do site vernici od Islam.
balkans223 Alexander the Great, king of Macedon, 356 BCE - 323 BCE: "Your ancestors came to *Macedonia and the rest of Greece* and did us great harm, though we had done them no prior injury. I have been appointed leader *of the Greeks*, and wanting to punish the Persians I have come to Asia, which I took from you." (Alexander's letter to Persian king Darius in response to a truce plea, as quoted in "Anabasis Alexandri" by Roman historian Arrian, Book 2.14.4 Greek original: “οἱ ὑμέτεροι πρόγονοι ἐλθόντες εἰς Μακεδονίαν καὶ εἰς τὴν ἄλλην Ἑλλάδα κακῶς ἐποίησαν ἡμᾶς οὐδὲν προηδικημένοι: ἐγὼ δὲ τῶν Ἑλλήνων ἡγεμὼν κατασταθεὶς καὶ τιμωρήσασθαι βουλόμενος Πέρσας διέβην ἐς τὴν Ἀσίαν, ὑπαρξάντων ὑμῶν.”)
Semir "Islam works like a deadly virus that affects the nervous system and controls the brain cells. Like other viruses, it may remain dormant for years, lurking around in the body waiting for the right conditions to launch its attack. The unlucky people develop the full blown disease early, while others may live long lives without ever progressing beyond the carrier stage. All those who believe in Mohammed and Islam are carriers, and potential victims, of the Islamic ‘virus’. It is important for the civilized world to understand how lethal Islam can be. It is easy to deal with the problem once there is a will to do it, and a few changes to the law may be all that is required. However, if left for a longer time, even civil wars may not sort it out. You only need to look at the Middle East to see the future of Europe. The fact that most Muslims do not actually develop the full Islamic disease is not an assurance to the rest of the society, because those people already harbor the ‘virus’ in their minds and things can get nasty any time. There is no shortage of cases where the perpetrators of terrorism were described to have been “perfectly nice people” in the past. A society that allows barbarity to be practised and flourish cannot continue to call itself civilized." - Ali Sina Iranian ex-Muslim, founder of Faith Freedom International, a grass-roots movement of ex-Muslims. Author of Understanding Muhammad: A Psychobiography of Allah's Prophet.
balkans223 Islam, Christianity and Judaism are indeed related, hence "Abrahamic Religions". Macedonia was and is in northern Greece, while the modern Slavic/Albanian country of the FYROM (the Former Yugoslav Republic of "Macedonia") is located in ancient Paeonia, NOT in ancient Macedonia (Greece). *"Macedonia was - and still is - a territory of northern Greece.* The Ancient Macedonians were *of Greek origin and spoke a broader rougher dialect of Greek."* (Stephen Batchelor, “The Ancient Greeks for Dummies”, 2008) “Having just conquered *Paeonia (roughly where the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is today)*... (Jeanne Reames, Timothy Howe,“Macedonian Legacies: Studies in Ancient Macedonian History and Culture”, Regina Books, 2008, p.239)
слушам дека оваа песна е на македонски јазик сите македонци ја разбираат, имам пријатели турци власи шиптари (ги ослововам на нивниот мајчин јазик) и немам никакви предрасуди за ниту една вера били христианска, исламска, будисричка... зашто овој клип се вика macedonia-islam дали ова е провокација од лугето кој живеат во Република Македонија за да има верско нетрпение!!! јас сум православен христианин, муслиманската вера во македонија се рага за време на отоманската окупација, поточно за време кога е донесен днокот во крв, понатака формирана формација на јаничари, многи семејства несакајки да ги дадат својте деца ја прифатила мислиманската вера. Ние сите кој го збориваме истиот јазик, која азбука ни е дадена од св.Кирил и Методиј како глаголица и доработена од св, Наум и Климент Охридски како кирилица и каде целиот славјански народ ја прифатиле. треба да ја видите вие Македонски муслимани, нашата поврзаност, и дена ние сме истиот народ, само со различна вера, и не треба да бидете блиски со шиптарскиот народ туку со македонскиот и видете тие душмани што сакаат да направат, да не разделат, и прашање до сите дали мислите дека шиптарскиор народ и од саудиска арабија треба да не разделат нас како МАКЕДОНЦИ по вера или треба да си го зачуваме ова парче земја и да биде наша без никаво влијание на вера, туку на аманет оставен од постарите генерации???? и на принципите на демократија и взаемна почит???
Mnogu si glup selanec sto IMA vrska saudiska arabija so albancite vo makedonija ne pisi gluposti nemas nikakva intelegencija kako Sega da izleze od pestera
mene srce boli za srpske muslimane :-( ne znam sta je resenje, vera mora manju ulogu da igra ( i pravoslavna i islam) to je isto djavolja stvar i politika. p.s. ne dozvolite da vas albanizuju... i nikada se ne odričite srpstva jer vi ste naši i zauvek to i ostanite. ide bolje vreme. Amin
salam aleykum from caucasus muslim to Brothers and sisters in balkan
Rafig Gasimov Waleykum Assalam My Brother
Manifesto from the Provisional Government of Macedonia - 1881.
President, Vasil Chomo!
Secretary, Nikola Trajkov!
"'our beloved fatherland is calling to you my faithful children you descendants of Aristotle and Alexander the great you and whose veins flow Macedonian blood."
-- this means that we are Macedonian descendants of Aristotle and Alexander.
They were not Slavs -- they were Macedonians = We are Macedonians, not Slavs.
Please stop this Slavic Communist propaganda For us Macedonians.`
Salaam our balkan brother and sister mahshullah Allah razi ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️☪️
I come from Debar in Macedonia and Debar is a perfect example of brotherhood and a sense of unity. Macedonian Muslims and Christians and Albanian and Turkish Muslims all live together with no problems.
Aegean Warrior that's good to hear but we still have issues with Macedonians and them with us. Hopefully we will work things out.
I hope so too. Muslims have always been a big part of Macedonian identity. Whether that's Turkish Muslims from 100 years ago or today's Albanian Muslims and even Macedonian Torbesh and Gorani Muslims, each has shaped Macedonian culture. We need to look out for each other and not repeat past wars.
I agree bringing peace between us will do good. Are u orthodox?
That's good to hear Macedonian like you who has orthodox and Muslim background and not insulting Islam like other Macedonians are on here that are being against it. This reason why is Albanians and Macedonians have problems and west Macedonia use to be part of Albania.
I dont think Western Macedonia has ever been part of Albania. Even in Roman times it belonged to the province of Macedonia Secundaris. Maybe under Ottoman rule when they created the vilayets but im not sure on that one.
i love albanian and macedonian muslim , Allahu Akbar selam alejkum from north caucasus dagestan
Marek Wiesner salaam aleykum brother from France haha ^^
Waleykum Assalam my Caucasus Brother big love from Albanian ☝🏻
@@yacin5590 Prince Christian about islam. Muslims slowly opening eyes and left this false religion.This arabian Christian prove that islam is not truth.
Did Indo greek Macedonians go back. I am their Muslim descendant.
@@mariankoniuszko6175 you idiot learn islam from books not from UA-camrs and also islam is fastest growing Religion
Tribute to our Muslim in Macedonia.
respect n love from egypt arabia
moslims united
Love FROM MOROCCO 🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦 SALAM ALAYKOM ALLAH Ou Akbar ☝️☝️☝️☝️
Aleykum selam Love from macedonia ❤️
Respect for Macedonian Muslim from Albanian Muslim in fyrom. 🕌🕌🕌
LithuanianBoyDoes Mapping Wat do u mean by saying half muslim?
I'm also Muslim Macedonian :)
mnogu ljubov od eden pravoslaven hriscanin makedonec. Krvta ni e po vazna od verata!
Ramadan Mubarak from Ohio & Michigan ( U.S. ) Very nice to see other Muslims from around the world MashAllah. Beautiful video
Manifesto from the Provisional Government of Macedonia - 1881.
President, Vasil Chomo!
Secretary, Nikola Trajkov!
"'our beloved fatherland is calling to you my faithful children you descendants of Aristotle and Alexander the great you and whose veins flow Macedonian blood."
-- this means that we are Macedonian descendants of Aristotle and Alexander.
They were not Slavs -- they were Macedonians = We are Macedonians, not Slavs.
Please stop this Slavic Communist propaganda For us Macedonians.`
mashAllah sselam iz bosne braca nasa
Bog Bosna Bošnjaci
aleykum selaam brat
Masha Allah.... From india
salam from french muslim to brothers and sisters in balkan
Allahu Akbar!
Love and Salam from Egypt.
Beautiful pictures by the way.
Selâm aleyküm from Türkiye. Elhamdülillah müslüman
Selam aleykum from Germany ❤️❤️❤️to Macedonia!!!
Salam alaykoum our brothers from Algeria 🇩🇿❤
world is bigger than i thought
Sounds Beautifull in Macedonian ... What Is Name of This Ilahi ...
Manifesto from the Provisional Government of Macedonia - 1881.
President, Vasil Chomo!
Secretary, Nikola Trajkov!
"'our beloved fatherland is calling to you my faithful children you descendants of Aristotle and Alexander the great you and whose veins flow Macedonian blood."
-- this means that we are Macedonian descendants of Aristotle and Alexander.
They were not Slavs -- they were Macedonians = We are Macedonians, not Slavs.
Please stop this Slavic Communist propaganda For us Macedonians.`
@@macedonia3321 Macedonians are Macedonians,nothing else.Slavic propaganda came at end of 19 Century,by Panslavic propaganda and Russian "Panslavic",communists.It was time when kingdom of Greece is established on Macedonian territory."Old Slavic" is Old MACEDONIAN Language.Macedonia is beginning for all of us from the Balkans(Ancient Makedon),long time before Roman Imperia.Creators of modern Greece,made this theory, that Macedonians are Slavs,just to make them aliens in own land and subject for invasion and expulsion,even Genocide of autohton Macedonian people,whatever is religion of them.They are Macedonians and you can recognize them by Macedonian language.It's no metter where they live ... I Love Macedonia :)
@@Bosniak803 The culture of the ancient Macedonians was close to the culture of the Gods of the ancient Athenian Spartans Etc.
@@macedonia3321 Alexander The Great was Al-Iskender(Alexander in Arabic) Zulkarneyn from the Coran,Islamic holly book.this mean that he was believer in one God and probably ancient Prophet to whom is given power to rule entire world at this time ... Zul Karneyn in Arabic mean "Two horned",literary ... Btw.Sufie explanations of "Zul Karneyn" is:"Man for two times,two different Generations" ... Before first coming of Messiah(Jesus) and before second coming of Messiah(Jesus) ... Some people speculate that will be "Mahdi" from Islamic prophecy(Hadith) ... Who knows,Right?
@@Bosniak803 Do you believe Stupids Things from Coran? prophet and Gods ?
How old are you?
Fun Fact: Macedonia was once a Muslim majority country. However, many fled to Turkey after Macedonia was occupied by Serbia, Bulgaria, and Greece and now about 40% of Macedonia is Muslim.
20% muslim
20% Muslim.
The government doesn’t want to admit that more than 50% of n. macedonia is muslim.
Selam aleyküm my Brothers in makadonya from Turkey
assalamu alikum all muslims macedonia from kerala india
Salamalykoum from french..... Allah akbar
Salam alikum from Afghanistan to Germany 🇦🇫🇩🇪🇹🇷🇲🇰
mashala selam from french muslim to all brothers in balkan
Oui al hamdoulilah ça fait plaisir de voir des autres peuples musulmans
bring back macedonia to ottoman glory
selam from bosnia
I love Bosnia and our Bosnian brothers. Much love from a Macedonian muslim.
Albert Stier Fuck christgay
Albert Stier ...look 🇰🇿🇱🇾🇲🇻🇲🇷🇲🇦🇲🇼🇵🇰🇹🇳🇹🇷🇹🇲🇧🇦🇦🇿🇸🇦🇩🇿🇦🇱🇽🇰🇱🇧🇰🇬🇲🇾🇸🇬 hahaha just many 😜
@@edinbehairov8128 those countries are poor dude just see russia and america..
@@edinbehairov8128 middle eastern united🦅🇮🇷🇽🇰🇹🇳🇹🇲🇧🇦🇩🇿🇲🇦🇦🇿🇱🇾🇹🇳🇲🇾🇮🇩🇮🇶🇪🇬🇯🇴🇸🇾🇺🇿🇨🇾🇹🇷🇰🇿🇰🇬🇸🇦🇮🇷
May Allah bless our brothers and sisters in MACEDONIA and all around the world
Manifesto from the Provisional Government of Macedonia - 1881.
President, Vasil Chomo!
Secretary, Nikola Trajkov!
"'our beloved fatherland is calling to you my faithful children you descendants of Aristotle and Alexander the great you and whose veins flow Macedonian blood."
-- this means that we are Macedonian descendants of Aristotle and Alexander.
They were not Slavs -- they were Macedonians = We are Macedonians, not Slavs.
Please stop this Slavic Communist propaganda For us Macedonians.`
@@macedonia3321 You are sleeping and just wake up
I Love Islam in Balkan (Albania, Bosniak, Kosovo, Macedonia, Mentenegro, Serbia, and Coatia)the Ottoman (Ustmaniyah/Turkey) Empire..
Allahu Akbar....
I from Indonesia
Selam aleykum for all the muslims in Macedonia Albanians and Macedonian we all are brothers in the name of Allah
sellam brothers even if i dont understnad the voice its just amazing i lisen this song like almost everyday
Selam za sve muslimane od Bošnjaka.
Manifesto from the Provisional Government of Macedonia - 1881.
President, Vasil Chomo!
Secretary, Nikola Trajkov!
"'our beloved fatherland is calling to you my faithful children you descendants of Aristotle and Alexander the great you and whose veins flow Macedonian blood."
-- this means that we are Macedonian descendants of Aristotle and Alexander.
They were not Slavs -- they were Macedonians = We are Macedonians, not Slavs.
Please stop this Slavic Communist propaganda For us Macedonians.`
indonesia with you..respect from indonesia
Beautiful calm music
Islam is great I love my all Muslim of the world
Selam Alejkum to all Macednonians from Bosnia and Herzegovina. ALLAHU EKBAR
Thank You From Turkey
Love my brothers, frm Bangladesh.
Јас сум Македонка и Македонија одсекогаш била мултирелигиска држава. И така треба да остане а и така и наликува на држава што се наоѓа измеѓу западот и истокот. Macedonians are Muslims AND Christians and if people don't want another war, then they should learn to love one another.
masha allah
Selam od Bošnjaka, pametno zboriš.
Salam from Indonesia to my Muslim brothers and sisters in Macedonia
Mnogo lepo melodicno i zvucno ucenje KURANA na makedonskom jeziku da vas ALAH nagradi DZENETOM
The Greeks should leave Western Thrace. Western and Eastern Thrace must unite. Likewise, the Greeks should stop occupying Southern Macedonia. North and South Macedonia must unite. Greetings from Turkey, we love Macedonia.
Hello, I am from Greece, I would like to submit to Islam
love from Pakistan.
shut up!!! F.Y.R.O.MACEDONIA is a fake country and theyre orthodox
cry baby run to your mama hahahah
Did Indo greek Macedonians go back. I am their Muslim descendant.
That innocent smile on your faces.
You will have more pride & assertiveness in your religion & yourselves👍🇵🇰
FYROM is Islamic country.
Love from india (hindustan)
Allahu akbar
ما شاء الله . مقدونيا جميلة و شعبها ممتاز و جيد
i love matdounia .
Hassan Alassad
اكتب كما هق خويا
Manifesto from the Provisional Government of Macedonia - 1881.
President, Vasil Chomo!
Secretary, Nikola Trajkov!
"'our beloved fatherland is calling to you my faithful children you descendants of Aristotle and Alexander the great you and whose veins flow Macedonian blood."
-- this means that we are Macedonian descendants of Aristotle and Alexander.
They were not Slavs -- they were Macedonians = We are Macedonians, not Slavs.
Please stop this Slavic Communist propaganda For us Macedonians.`
Svaka cast, braco Muslimani
Mashallah good,Love from Bangladesh
إلله الله كريم....
Macedonia.. Love you from Jakarta
Salamoona from Pakistan👍💚🇵🇰
مشاء الله
Mashallah ❤🥀🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰💪
@Ertugrul evet kardesim, 11 sene olmuş.
@Ertugrul ok. I said : yes my brother, 11 years have passed.
Massyallah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah
From Indonesia i love you
? Muzik name.
respect from MOROCCO. ❤❤❤
Kush eshte solisti?? shum mire...
Assalamualaikum to Muslim of Macedonia from Indonesia.
Mashallah let the haters burn on earth and let them burn forever
اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
i love Macedonia from pakistan
christian macedonia for a christian europe !
Asslum o allikum all Muslim of mockdina and other
Assalamualaykum from Indonesia
muslim people are lovely
super video
All humans one God..
Bulgars are not Slavs... they are Thracians!!!! only Slavs in Balkans are Serbs who comes here in 13 century.........
bulgars are tatars actually.
Salam from indonesia for brothers moeslim in balkan
Assalamu'alaikum from Indonesia
Descendants of al perun and al svarog
Who are Al Svarog and Al Perun?
beautiful hamd .. mashAllah..
Macedonia 85 % Orthodox. Im Orthodox Macedonian but i love my Macedonian muslim brother!
%30-50 Muslims in Macedonia. Albanians,Turks,Pomaks,Bosniaks,Romani and Torbes(Muslim Macedonian)
The Greeks should leave Western Thrace. Western and Eastern Thrace must unite. Likewise, the Greeks should stop occupying Southern Macedonia. North and South Macedonia must unite. Greetings from Turkey, we love Macedonia.
@@MoveMentofEnlightenMent The Turks bust go back to Mongolia.
@@ΧρηστοςΓεωργιου-λ1γ The Greeks must go back to Africa.
@King Of ELLADA Today, some Turks may have Greek, Armenian, Assyrian, Laz, Georgian, Bulgarian, Bosniak, Levantine Arab, Persian, Zaza and Albanian blood in their genes. But Ataturk said "Everyone who feels Turkish is a Turk". And Muslims already accept the Torah, Psalms and the Bible. You have to learn this first.
very nice video. i love seeing people from all countries around the world embracing islam but please, disable your comments. peace.
neka se siri islamot niz celiot svet imeto ALLAH neka ostane vecno vo nasite srca insallah
Masyaallah, islam come as something strange
"Ni jevreji, ni kršćani neće biti tobom zadovoljni sve dok ne prihvatiš vjeru njihovu." (Kur'an, 2:120)
Pa zasto se braco muslimani raspravljate sa ljudima cije su oci zatvorene,raspravljate se sa onima koji istinu kriju.
FYROM will be splitted in few years into albania serbia greece and bulgaria. Enjoy your state for a few years.
Long live Macedonia..
Analbania = Turk mix
الله اكبر والنصر للاسلام
Salam from Indonesia.
machaa Allah
Selam aleykum , saygi ve sevgi tum ISLAM alemine. Özellikle ezilmiş Türk milletime !
Islamot e perfekten, no muslimanite ne se !!!
Sekoja greska sto ke ja napravi eden musliman stavete mu ja na smetka na toj musliman, a ne na Islamot.
Christians and Muslims in Macedonia have existed in peace for centuries. Macedonians are a very tolerant people. Albanians from Macedonia- especially those who moved to Macedonia from Kosovo, abused that privilege.
Христијаните и Муслиманите во Македонија живееле во мир и меѓусебно почитување со векови.Македонците без разлика на нивната вера се толерантни луѓе. За жал албанците од Македонија т.е косоварите што се доселија го злоупотребија овој факт.
Срамота е да му се предадеме на ѓаволот!
I jas istoto go mislam.
Od omraza do ljubov prema Islam. Islam I mislimani se ligje koi,najmnogu mi pomognale vo Mojot zivot nadvor od Makedonija.pozdrav do site vernici od Islam.
This is FYROM, not Macedonia.
balkans223 Alexander the Great, king of Macedon, 356 BCE - 323 BCE:
"Your ancestors came to *Macedonia and the rest of Greece* and did us great harm, though we had done them no prior injury. I have been appointed leader *of the Greeks*, and wanting to punish the Persians I have come to Asia, which I took from you."
(Alexander's letter to Persian king Darius in response to a truce plea, as quoted in "Anabasis Alexandri" by Roman historian Arrian, Book 2.14.4 Greek original: “οἱ ὑμέτεροι πρόγονοι ἐλθόντες εἰς Μακεδονίαν καὶ εἰς τὴν ἄλλην Ἑλλάδα κακῶς ἐποίησαν ἡμᾶς οὐδὲν προηδικημένοι: ἐγὼ δὲ τῶν Ἑλλήνων ἡγεμὼν κατασταθεὶς καὶ τιμωρήσασθαι βουλόμενος Πέρσας διέβην ἐς τὴν Ἀσίαν, ὑπαρξάντων ὑμῶν.”)
Semir "Islam works like a deadly virus that affects the nervous system and controls the brain cells. Like other viruses, it may remain dormant for years, lurking around in the body waiting for the right conditions to launch its attack. The unlucky people develop the full blown disease early, while others may live long lives without ever progressing beyond the carrier stage. All those who believe in Mohammed and Islam are carriers, and potential victims, of the Islamic ‘virus’. It is important for the civilized world to understand how lethal Islam can be. It is easy to deal with the problem once there is a will to do it, and a few changes to the law may be all that is required. However, if left for a longer time, even civil wars may not sort it out. You only need to look at the Middle East to see the future of Europe.
The fact that most Muslims do not actually develop the full Islamic disease is not an assurance to the rest of the society, because those people already harbor the ‘virus’ in their minds and things can get nasty any time. There is no shortage of cases where the perpetrators of terrorism were described to have been “perfectly nice people” in the past. A society that allows barbarity to be practised and flourish cannot continue to call itself civilized."
- Ali Sina
Iranian ex-Muslim, founder of Faith Freedom International, a grass-roots movement of ex-Muslims. Author of Understanding Muhammad: A Psychobiography of Allah's Prophet.
Semir Lol, don't rush into conclusions you idiot, I'm not a Christian. I'd rather think than believe.
balkans223 Islam, Christianity and Judaism are indeed related, hence "Abrahamic Religions". Macedonia was and is in northern Greece, while the modern Slavic/Albanian country of the FYROM (the Former Yugoslav Republic of "Macedonia") is located in ancient Paeonia, NOT in ancient Macedonia (Greece).
*"Macedonia was - and still is - a territory of northern Greece.* The Ancient Macedonians were *of Greek origin and spoke a broader rougher dialect of Greek."*
(Stephen Batchelor, “The Ancient Greeks for Dummies”, 2008)
“Having just conquered *Paeonia (roughly where the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is today)*... (Jeanne Reames, Timothy Howe,“Macedonian Legacies: Studies in Ancient Macedonian History and Culture”, Regina Books, 2008, p.239)
+balkans223 Macedonia is Greece , this is FYROM and all the muslims are Albanians
Mashallah :)
слушам дека оваа песна е на македонски јазик сите македонци ја разбираат, имам пријатели турци власи шиптари (ги ослововам на нивниот мајчин јазик) и немам никакви предрасуди за ниту една вера били христианска, исламска, будисричка... зашто овој клип се вика macedonia-islam дали ова е провокација од лугето кој живеат во Република Македонија за да има верско нетрпение!!!
јас сум православен христианин, муслиманската вера во македонија се рага за време на отоманската окупација, поточно за време кога е донесен днокот во крв, понатака формирана формација на јаничари, многи семејства несакајки да ги дадат својте деца ја прифатила мислиманската вера. Ние сите кој го збориваме истиот јазик, која азбука ни е дадена од св.Кирил и Методиј како глаголица и доработена од св, Наум и Климент Охридски како кирилица и каде целиот славјански народ ја прифатиле. треба да ја видите вие Македонски муслимани, нашата поврзаност, и дена ние сме истиот народ, само со различна вера, и не треба да бидете блиски со шиптарскиот народ туку со македонскиот и видете тие душмани што сакаат да направат, да не разделат, и прашање до сите дали мислите дека шиптарскиор народ и од саудиска арабија треба да не разделат нас како МАКЕДОНЦИ по вера или треба да си го зачуваме ова парче земја и да биде наша без никаво влијание на вера, туку на аманет оставен од постарите генерации???? и на принципите на демократија и взаемна почит???
Macedonia Islam e videoto deka raskazuva za Islamot vo Makedonija ne deka Makedonija e Islamska drzava.
Mnogu si glup selanec sto IMA vrska saudiska arabija so albancite vo makedonija ne pisi gluposti nemas nikakva intelegencija kako Sega da izleze od pestera
I may not be very religious, but I love you guys from those historical lands in Europe. For Ramadan's sake, live & let live
they look kinda Greek to me. I mean they do carry the same DNA
Hej be Azis ko ce cujem ovja ilhija sav se njezim
mene srce boli za srpske muslimane :-(
ne znam sta je resenje, vera mora manju ulogu da igra ( i pravoslavna i islam) to je isto djavolja stvar i politika.
p.s. ne dozvolite da vas albanizuju... i nikada se ne odričite srpstva jer vi ste naši i zauvek to i ostanite. ide bolje vreme. Amin