Why Did God Create the Universe?

  • Опубліковано 13 гру 2019
  • Did G-d need something, and that is why He created the world? Does G-d have needs?


  • @user-cx1jt1sz1h
    @user-cx1jt1sz1h 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you Rabbi! Your videos give me so much comfort!!

  • @calliopeme8035
    @calliopeme8035 4 роки тому +8

    Rebbe Gill, I read your autobiography & it was fascinating! I highly recommend it. I much enjoy your bits of spiritual wisdom/knowledge that you share here. the May Lord bless you mightily always!

  • @ShimonSandler
    @ShimonSandler 4 роки тому +3

    Love it! Thanks for making everything clearer.

  • @azariacba
    @azariacba Рік тому

    Such a beautiful message Rabbi!
    תודה רבה

  • @gutmanlocks
    @gutmanlocks  4 роки тому +17

    Thank G-d!

    • @blackinpublic4193
      @blackinpublic4193 4 роки тому +2

      That he loves the world and sent his son as a blessing for humanity. JESUS is our lord and saviour.

    • @joyfied1196
      @joyfied1196 4 роки тому

      @@blackinpublic4193 no you all bitches getting it wrong, and idk what im even doing here

    • @masihiylar8414
      @masihiylar8414 4 роки тому

      Why do you write God as G-d?

    • @themanwithnonamerighton8730
      @themanwithnonamerighton8730 4 роки тому


    • @rlg6728
      @rlg6728 3 роки тому

      @@blackinpublic4193 only the Christian god is not limited by loneliness and his love is not dependent on his creation. that's because he's a triune (tri-personal) god. And from eternity past, he's always been performing the action of love within the community of trinity. He didn't create us out of his need to not be lonely but, because love is his nature, out of that love that the father had for the son and shared with the spirit that everything came to be. That's why love is at the heart of mankind

  • @vult07
    @vult07 3 роки тому +1

    You are right Rabbi. 🙏🙏

  • @11UncleBooker22
    @11UncleBooker22 4 роки тому +2

    Thanks Rabbi.

  • @lionglouie3920
    @lionglouie3920 Рік тому

    Rabbi i want to ask is judaism religion and christianity religion have the same bible?

  • @MrChughad
    @MrChughad 2 роки тому +1

    Why God created everything?
    Because he is creator,
    He "didn't" Create, he is creating everytime,
    His creation represents him,
    He separate things to create,
    Like, he created night that day come to existence,
    Why he created Devil?
    Because of Devil all good things have definition, if there would be no "wrong" then there would not be "right"
    If there is no negative charge (electron) then there would not be positive charge (proton)
    --Indeed with every difficulty comes ease (Quraan)

  • @user-cx1jt1sz1h
    @user-cx1jt1sz1h 4 роки тому


  • @calliopeme8035
    @calliopeme8035 4 роки тому

    Sorry, I got distracted & made a grammar error. (I see very poorly, also.) I plug your book because it's wonderful!. " Coming Back to Earth: The Central Park Guru Becomes an Old City Jew" - Author Gil Locks. What a life & what a journey! Home at last! How's your buddy Rocky? How is is head? (from the bottle & vodka incident?)

  • @KevinRCFree28
    @KevinRCFree28 4 роки тому

    Rabbi,have you heard about the law of attraction? What do you think about it,can you make it to kdusha?

    • @gutmanlocks
      @gutmanlocks  4 роки тому +1

      Better yet, "Think good and it will be good"

    • @mtalk828
      @mtalk828 4 роки тому +1

      @@gutmanlocks - Hi Rabbi. I'm a Noahide. But I can't find a woman who is a Noahide like me. Most are Christian and secular. Should I become a Jew? Or, should just stay single? Its been years now, and I see myself less than the 1%. Most everyone around me is Christian 🤷🏽‍♂️

    • @gutmanlocks
      @gutmanlocks  4 роки тому +2

      @@mtalk828 Search online for a wife. Becoming a Jew will not help you to find a wife, maybe make it a lot more difficult. Pray for your frends to find wives and yours will come quicker.

  • @FormsInSpace
    @FormsInSpace Рік тому

    either love depends on the "other" to exist. or does not.
    1 if it depends on the other, then there was NO LOVE before he created us.
    2 if it doesn' depend on the other, then god already had love , hence no need for us.

  • @Alex-ze8gw
    @Alex-ze8gw 4 роки тому +1

    Rabbi, if you see this please reply
    I have been taught to be a Christian (orthodox christian) and I never questioned it. Once I learned about Judaism, it makes more sense to me. I do not like having pressure to pray to Jesus because I was birthed into sin, but like Judaism says, I was born with love from God. A lot of other stuff too. I also connect with Jewish people more than Christians. Can I convert into Judaism? Thank you

    • @gutmanlocks
      @gutmanlocks  4 роки тому +2

      The best for you is to learn and follow the 7 Commandments of Noah. You will have a wonderful life in this world and a share in the World to Come. Start with AskNoah.org and you will do fine. Be well

    • @KhalidAli-hm3mf
      @KhalidAli-hm3mf 2 роки тому

      @@gutmanlocks I'm muslim and i believe in the 7 commandments of Noah and also believe in additional 3 commandments of Moses, i believe in the absolute oneness of God in his eternity and i also do believe that He has never had offspring, nor was He born and there is none comparable to Him. Your God and my is same❤️, have you read Quran?

  • @xceptamanbbornagainnokingd5836
    @xceptamanbbornagainnokingd5836 4 роки тому +1

    everything was made by him (the LORD God), and for him.
    and for his pleasure was everything created

  • @rlg6728
    @rlg6728 3 роки тому +4

    Thank u for the video rabbi BUT,
    by saying god is lonely, u are limiting him to the desire of love. God didn't need us to fill in his loneliness and to make him express love. But instead, God created us because Love is his embodiment. As a CHRISTIAN i do believe that God is TRIUNE, and because he's always been triune from eternity past, he's always been performing the action of LOVE within the community of the trinity (Father, son and holly spirit), and thus, he never felt lonely and he is never limited by loneliness.
    There are 3 different forms of love that are qualitatively better than each other. There's self love ( displayed in the father) There's shared love ( a love shared reciprocally between father and son) and lastly cooperative love ( the father and son's love shared cooperatively with the holy spirit)
    Now the reason why 3 and not 4,5 or 1000 is because the need of an extra being is beyond the necessity of god's nature as it wouldn't be a better form of love but, a reflection of the last type of love. That's why there was and is and will be only a triune god( 3 persons in one). These 3 forms of love can be felt and seen in our created world e.g. self love(a man), shared love ( love shared between a man a woman), cooperative love( both man and woman cooperate their love with their son or daughter)
    C.s.Lewis a famous atheist who became Christian says (if god is not love then the statement god is love would have no meaning) since his love would be dependent on his creation
    So, the reason god created us is because he's love and he loved us unconditionally before we were created NOT because he felt lonely.
    Peace be with you rabbi and God bless you

    • @musel3036
      @musel3036 2 роки тому +1

      Ur Limiting G-d too : G-d is infinite
      Jesus isnt.... Thats an Idol

    • @rlg6728
      @rlg6728 2 роки тому

      Good, so you have completely neglected my statement about G'd being lonely and are trying to move to a new topic just to attack my belief.
      No, this isn't limiting to G'd. G'd is neither a man or a son of man but, he chooses to manifest in the form of man. Read Genesis, and how G'd personally spoke and had dinner with abraham while he was in the form of man. Of course your rabbis try their best to derive new explanations. Jesus is the intermediary between G'd and men. He's known in the torah as the messenger (malakh) of G'd's presence (his face). Basically he's the one who delivers the presence of the almighty's face on earth. Remember what Hagar said to the (angel of his presence ) in Genesis? "I have seen the one who sees me".
      So the all powerful G'd chooses willing to appear in the form of man. This doesn't make him less powerful but shows that he's the most capable.
      But the statement your rabbi made here suggests that G'd lacks something (love and companionship) but, the G'd that i serve isn't in need of those things because he's always been a community in himself (Father, Son ,and Holy spirit) in one being of G'd, who have always been in perfect union and existed eternally.

    • @musel3036
      @musel3036 2 роки тому

      @@rlg6728Do you have proof that this man was god? But not his statements or from his youngers
      Are there prophecies from the OT That the messiah will be G-d himself ? And if yes why didn’t he fulfilled the prophecies the messiah should fulifill
      But before that I would recommend you to read sacharja 13 Verse 1-7 especially read 6 and 7
      The reason why you should read this at all is because the topic is about false prophets and not about the messiah

    • @musel3036
      @musel3036 2 роки тому

      @@rlg6728 How do christians actually believe that this man was the messiah ? He did nothing
      Today everyone is smarter and questioned more if I would say I’m the messiah the lord sent me than everyone would say where are your prophecies ? Then I would be ashamed because I don’t have any proof just like him

    • @rlg6728
      @rlg6728 2 роки тому

      Again with changing topics. That's ok.
      The proof is in the entire torah if read it openly and not just listen to everything your rabbis have to say. If you ever read the book of Daniel, you would've heard of a Holy person named the Son of man, and how he was being exalted and served by all nations and was sitting at the right hand of God.
      Isaiah 9:6
      "For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder. And His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace"
      Of course I don't expect to ever consider these as proofs as most of the prophecies about jesus have been reinterpreted i.e. assuming Israel to be the suffering servant in Isaiah 53 when in fact none of the descriptions apply to Israel at all.
      Btw, it's interesting that most prominent rabbis interept Isaiah 53 the suffering servant to be Israel while others including this rabbi think the servant's name is jacob. Not even your rabbis have a unanimous interpretation.
      The zechariah chapter you brought up is talking about a man being exposed as an idol worshipper. The hebrew word "yadain" does refer to the whole arm and not just the hands. And this is a very week verse to use to disprove Christianity. Btw have you read the two zechariah chapters 11-12 before proceeding to 13?

  • @guynice122
    @guynice122 4 роки тому

    For me this doesn't answer the question.
    I don't think we can question what g-d is and what he is doing.

  • @MohsinKhan-vz7to
    @MohsinKhan-vz7to 2 роки тому

    ☆universe ☆

  • @erannaim4139
    @erannaim4139 4 роки тому +2

    אשרי העם שככה לו. אשרי העם שה' אלוהיו.

  • @F9al3li
    @F9al3li 3 роки тому

    So he (needs) love ?

    • @eternal2780
      @eternal2780 2 роки тому +1

      😂 most illogical explanation

  • @sophieliu2175
    @sophieliu2175 4 роки тому

    Rabbi I have a question. My Hebrew name is Rachel bat-Baruch and I am Jewish from India (mother and father are Jewish). My boyfriend of 3+ years is Indian Hindu and we are deeply in love with each other. His family is religious while my family is not observant as Jews. So a few days ago me and my boyfriend were talking about marriage and kids (both of which is still a long way from now) and he joked about raising our future kids as Hindus since me and my family are not observant. He said it in a joking way so we both laughed and I agreed to it. I may not be observant but now I feel a little bothered by it. You seem to know about Hinduism even as a Rabbi so I am asking what you think should be done? I heard children of Jewish women are Jews, so will our children be both Hindus and Jews? My knowledge on Judaism is very limited so sorry if I said anything wrong 😅😅

    • @gutmanlocks
      @gutmanlocks  4 роки тому +5

      I replied to you but my answer does not appear. I do not know if you received it, so I will write it again.
      Shalom Rachel, You are named after one of the four Jewish mothers; Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel and Leah. You are a Jew because your mother is a Jew and your children will be Jews no matter who their father is because you are a Jew. Jews are a 4000 year old people. We also have a religion, the religion of Torah, called Judaism. The Torah warns us, "Do not let your daughters marry the non Jews or they will take your children away from Hashem." Children usually want to follow the religion of their fathers. If the boy you are referring to becomes the father of your children, almost certainly your children will grow up worshipping the 330 million gods of India and forsaking the One G-d, the Infinite One Whom the Torah teaches us to worship. One of the central prayers we say three times a day is, "Do not follow after your eyes and your heart for they will lead you astray." I strongly recommend that you take a break from the boy and spend time studying about your own religion before you throw it away in order to follow your heart. Is there a Chabad Lubavitch center somewhere near you that you could visit and learn with? When you thought that your children would be followers of the idolatry of India it bothered you. This is a blessing from Hashem. Do not ignore it. Your Jewish soul is reminding you that you are a Jew. Hashem bless you to make the right decision. This is without doubt one of the most important decisions you will ever make in your entire life. Shalom

    • @sophieliu2175
      @sophieliu2175 4 роки тому

      @@gutmanlocks Yup I received the answer. Thanks Rabbi!

    • @gutmanlocks
      @gutmanlocks  4 роки тому +4

      @@sophieliu2175 Let me know if your Jewish soul keeps tugging on you, and wins out. Have a happy Chanukah.

    • @seigemain
      @seigemain Рік тому

      @@sophieliu2175 Any updates ? How are you holding up 3 years later

    • @adim00lah
      @adim00lah 9 місяців тому +1

      @@gutmanlocks There are no 330 million gods in Hinduism. There is only 1 God, without a second, Brahman.
      "Ekam evadvitiyam"
      "He is One only without a second."
      - Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1
      The 330 millions gods are just attributes of this one God. Each attribute manifests as a deity. Even in Judaism you have the Elohim (gods / deities), so this isn't something unque to sanatan dharma.
      I say, why not let them learn both! They are highly compatible, especially kabbalah.
      They do not do any idol worship in India, you are confused. you don't know about our religion. I have studied yours, but you have not done your due diligence Rabbi, no offense.
      Do you know what the traditional name for God in India is? So Ham, which translates as, "I Am He." Funny, isn't that the name your God gave to Moses, Ehyeh (I Am He)?
      "So ham, I Am He" which is the culmination of the Upanishads. Salutation to So Ham." - Isha Upanishads verse 16
      “In the beginning this (world) was only the Supreme Self [Paramatman], in the shape of a person. Looking around he saw nothing else than the Self. He first said, Soham, I Am He’” - Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 1:4:1
      I Am He is the divine name that leads to enlightenment in Santan Dharma.

  • @BlaBla-rx2se
    @BlaBla-rx2se 4 роки тому +1

    I as a Muslim bring evidence from the Qur'an (51, 56)وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالإِنسَ إِلاَّ لِيَعْبُدُونِ"I did not create the jinn nor the humans for any other reason but to worship Me." So, I accpect a Jew to bring evidence from Tora, not from his mind?!

    • @BlaBla-rx2se
      @BlaBla-rx2se 4 роки тому +1

      @sam sam We witness that Muhammad ( صل الله عليه وسلم )is the final messenger of Allah, and His slave - not a god besides Him. You were commended in the Torah to follow him also, but only a small number of Jews did. Majority rejected him because of nationalism and similar unacceptable reasons. Today Jews don't even know the name of true God. They say Ha-Sham (The Name). What is the name? You have been commanded to praise His name. How are you going to praise His name if you don't know how יחוח is pronounced, or if you say we are not pure enough to pronounce it, or avoid pronouncing God's name for any reason? You are not glorifying God's name as you were commanded. What's left from Judaism if the most important word is missing - The Name? Judaism use to be Islam in the time of Musa (عليه السلام) and Jews were Muslims (true believers), but today Jews are far away, don't know the name of God, saying God is everywhere, etc. It is Ramadan so I don't have much time for this, but just wanted to do a quick reply...

    • @BlaBla-rx2se
      @BlaBla-rx2se 4 роки тому

      @sam sam You prefer to pray to Ha-Sham (The Name) alone. So you are not praying to Allah at all, and you ascribe to the Muslims worshipping other than Allah. Allah is the proper name of the only true God. His name is not The Name (HaSham). So since you don't worship Allah at all, don't complain why we mention the name of the final messenger along with Ibrahim (Abraham عليه السلام ) asking Allah to give them both peace and blessings, as we also ask Allah to give us peace (we don't worship ourselves by asking that from Allah). You don't understand what we are saying in the prayer. Shia and Sufis are worshipping dead people in graves just like Christians and some Jews, but true Muslims don't ask any favours from any messenger because that is worshipping them. So first thing you have to do is start worshipping Allah, and than we can discuss whether Muslims worship other than Allah or no.

    • @BlaBla-rx2se
      @BlaBla-rx2se 4 роки тому +1

      @sam sam In the Arabic language, ilah means god, and there is only one true God - His name is Allah. There is no god but Allah. However, there are many false gods as anything people worship is a god linguistically for those who worship it. Therefore we don't use the word Allah as god in English. Allah is the proper name which you don't have, and that's why you say HaSham (the name or the missing name, the name I don't know or don't want to pronounce)...

    • @BlaBla-rx2se
      @BlaBla-rx2se 4 роки тому

      @sam sam dorar.net/aqadia/309/ If you know Arabic you can read on the topic المبحث الثاني: اشتقاق لفظ الجلالة (الله)
      The scholars of the language and Islamic science have different opinions when it comes whether the name Allah is mushtaq (derived) or jamid (not derived). However, they all agree the name Allah is not limited to the existence of Arabic language on the earth. The name Allah, as well as all names and attributes of Allah have no beginning. Therefore, any discussion about whether the name is derived or not, does not suggest that the name did not exist at some point in the history and than came to the existence by being derived from some previously existing words. The scholars were discussing this topic merely for the purpose of understanding the meaning of the word. So the best early scholars of the language (Al-Khalil, Sibawayh, and others) were on the opinion that it is not derived. Because, for example when calling upon Allah we can use YA in the front of the word and it's pronounced "Ya Allah". Those who were on the opinion that it's derived differed among themselves from what words is derived. One of those opinions is the one you mentioned: Al+ilah, minus "i" becomes Allah. I can accept this opinion, but for the sake of understanding the meaning of the word only, not making it a newly invented word as with the names of the created things. So the name Allah is proper name while god is a common noun used in the language for anything worshipped - deservedly or not. For your 2nd comment about I will only say Allah does whatever He wills we don't question Him.

    • @xilandrizezero2590
      @xilandrizezero2590 3 роки тому

      @@BlaBla-rx2se fuck you .

  • @wizgee7540
    @wizgee7540 4 роки тому +1

    But then he destroyed his CREATION

    • @natureboy1961
      @natureboy1961 4 роки тому +1

      Wiz Gee then how are you making this comment

    • @wizgee7540
      @wizgee7540 4 роки тому

      @@natureboy1961 Don't u know the story of NOAH?

    • @natureboy1961
      @natureboy1961 4 роки тому +1

      @@wizgee7540 yes, but noah and his family survived

    • @user-mu3lc8tx1s
      @user-mu3lc8tx1s 3 роки тому

      @@natureboy1961 so now he has someone to love

  • @mikhaharly6909
    @mikhaharly6909 4 роки тому +1

    1 John 4:16 (WEBM) We know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love, and he who remains in love remains in God, and God remains in him.

  • @abhishekadhikari3388
    @abhishekadhikari3388 4 роки тому +4

    For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
    John 3:16 KJV

    • @gutmanlocks
      @gutmanlocks  4 роки тому +5

      Do you call G-d your Father? Then you must be His son.

    • @abhishekadhikari3388
      @abhishekadhikari3388 4 роки тому +2

      One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
      Ephesians 4:5‭-‬7 KJV

    • @abhishekadhikari3388
      @abhishekadhikari3388 4 роки тому


    • @necromantic420
      @necromantic420 4 роки тому +1

      @@gutmanlocks we are all sons of god, but the Messiah would be god's son as well. "Son of God" is just a title, it doesn't mean we aren't god's sons also.

    • @musel3036
      @musel3036 2 роки тому

      If we can only Go through Jesus to g-d wouldnt it be unfair because according to this Logic everyone who lived Before him and doesnt Heard of him would go to hell
      That doesnt make Sense!

  • @jjthomas8171
    @jjthomas8171 4 роки тому

    God is your subconscious mind. Enough of this nonsense bro

    • @EinSofLearning
      @EinSofLearning Рік тому +2

      Your subconscious mind is not God. Your subconscious mind is the unrevealed beliefs and memories and skills gained from the human experience. God is the essence of your soul, which has infinite potential. God is the force behind all forces, cause of all causes, referred to in Jewish mystical nomenclature as “Ein Sof”, which means “The Endless”, referring to Hashem (YKVK).

    • @ftft555
      @ftft555 4 місяці тому +1

      Shut up bro are you atheist why you coming here