I have talked fondly in the past about my dear father and our many happy hours together in our little wooden boat..as you know...what ive been wanting to tell you for a while is that he was born in a liittle mountain hamlet near Wales in england..and his village was settled about 800 years before..My Nana lived in a little stone cottage with a thatched roof..this was deep in the heart of Celtic country where im told their roots lie..as i grew up i had no idea my fathers life had taken such a journey..and he was so far from home..and his ancestors ! i hope you like my story of my dad Catherine..i miss his wise presence.🌿🍀
It sounds like your father lived a very interesting life full of experiences in different places, as I understand and probably because he made a journey so fascinating he was a wise man. Its so natural to miss him, but, he is deeply rooted into your heart and you will always carry him with you! 🌲🌙
I was hiking once when an elder like this emerged from a circle of oaks, my scotch american friend was freaked out but someone once told me my dad was a legacy in Kilkenny, so seeing the elder felt comforting. This music is the only thing soothing my soul right now, as if he's an ancestor comforting my loss and saying I did the right thing by putting my family's health first, even if no one is caring to help us keep our home yet. I can't wait to get to Oregon amongst the druid circle and visit Kilkenny in more than just dreams. A sister from Texas approached me at a fair recently and we both cried, then lost touch. Your energies remind me of her and give hope. Thank you. Blessed Be
Wow that's a truly amazing experience! I'm sure his energy was very powerful and I know you could feel it. Keep hope in your heart my beautiful soul and be sure that here you will always have a safe place and friends to support you! 🌲🌙🌿
Haven for Witches you've done it again I really admire the ancient Druids and Celts I only wish I knew more about them men and women were equals they respected nature sex and fertility were sacred not shamed and everybody followed The Druids because they believed in their teachings even Kings followed them and I am so glad that some wiccans still believe in druid ways myself included
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you are enjoying it! You are absolutely right, about equality, the love of Nature and respecting and not shaming sex. It is really interesting that people still want to learn about the ways of the druids. There is so much knowledge out there. For me the most amazing feeling is realizing how little I know and how much I have yet to learn. Sending you Love and Light, Catherine 🌿🌙🌲
We are not just a part of nature. Just nature. Our life our experience our knowledge never belongs to us. It just flows. All our experience is part of the experience of the universe. So even if we die, the knowledge, the wisdom and the experience of the druids remains in the earth, in the vibration of the wind, in the web of life. Even if earth would end, this experience would remain. Let go your ego. It is time to stop hurting. Time to start healing. Human will become one with nature. Science and magic will become one. No more fighting. Balance dark and light. Balance woman and men. Balance. No more poor people with no food and rich with that eat to much. Balance logic and emotion. You can call it madness, or wisdom, but it is the cure, work with magic by letting it flow. Let go your stress, your fear, your anxiety. In nature all is welcome. It is a web. We are part of it. So try to see yourself as a protector of nature. Listen, to the sounds. Feel in moments of silence. We are the forest.
It's so wonderful. I feel it in my heart. It seems to look the Druidas in the wild with their "pupils". ❤ My Gaelecian soul admires it so much. Thanks. 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
Thank you Catherine, this is so beautiful and powerful. Soothing, yet so majestic. It comes to me tonight, just like beams of light and pure loving energy from the far and beyond. Be blessed! 🙌 🌙 🌟✨️ 💖✨️🌟🌙🙌
@@robbiescheid4127 Of course! it is Russian. I used google translate to get the translation and it says " Vedun is very similar to my dad... Thank you, it’s like talking to him". Which is really touching.
Its so good for me. This is the exact dreamstate that i have when i am fantasying over druids and witches. You got a good trance there very nice. Everybody have a nice life 🙂
Thank you so much my beautiful soul! Yes you are so right, if one could wander through places like these. Thankfully we can do so using our imagination! 😀❤🌿🌲
Thank you so much for this hauntingly beautiful music and the gallery of mystical pictures..takes me to a calmer..and quieter place..so needed in this world.. blessings to all.
What exactly is the Druid way of life? I would like to learn the true meaning of them, love this music by the way, Are they mainly from Scotland? thanks Lexie
Thank you so much for watching! As far as I know, druids where Celts and even though they lived mostly in Ireland, Scotland and Wales they could be found in many places throughout Europe mostly. As far the practices and way of life, I have to say it is a truly fascinating subject and I'm sure you will be able to find sources online and in libraries to expand your knowledge on Druids. 🌿🌙🌲
According to Julius Caesar,they were the priests of the entire Celtic world , so basically Gaul and all of British Isles. All my research suggests ancient Druids and modern Druids have little in common,although I am sure many people will tell you otherwise . I could never find a group of people or doctrine that was not eventually a disappointment to me and so became a solitary practitioner , not a Druid, not a Wiccan, not anything with a name ,just me . I and many others find refuge in nature, just sitting in a quiet spot on a hill or in a wood or a garden if you have one. Just learning the names of plants or identifying birds by their song. So my humble advice to you is go the same way as far as family and other commitments will allow you . Your career, your home , your leisure , clothes ,food furniture , books , music ,everything to create the path that you alone Have chosen . Try to stay cam and peaceful in this turbulent world . If you experience good fortune do not become smug, and if you experience bad fortune do not become bitter , remember that change misfortune and death are all unavoidable and all we can do is bear them with fortitude .
Manos Apostolopoulos is the composer of pretty much every song in this channel, as he is also a member. He has of course his own amazing channel @MistsofSerenity and I'm so lucky to have him here with us. 🌿🌙
Hello, of course you can use it in your game, all you need to do is to purchase a license from Pond5 here: tinyurl.com/ye22ujf9 Anything else you need please let me know!
I consider that beliefs are formed out of conditions, a people find themselves in circumstances and they adapt to the dictates of the circumstances and eventually a belief is formed from it, but I don't particularly believe it to be of a sacred design, maybe it's just the natural respect for what it is that extends the belief to an imagined sacredness, still thinking through the enigma, maybe we'll never know, but I think that before there were any beliefs, there was once such a things as non belief, was it just a need for organised living or was it due to an unbearable ignorance that someone made up the first belief to appear as if true?
Interesting thoughts! In my opinion, it was at the beginning a need to explain things that looked inexplicable, but most importantly I believe there is a psychological need people have that has nothing to do with the situation they find themselves in. It comes from deep within their souls a need to find a mother or father maybe once more, a need to feel better in a world full of rejection, living with the fear of death. It may be, as uncle Freud has said, childhood fantasies that lead people to beliefs. It is different for each person and I don't think anyone can claim that knows the absolutely, one and only truth. 🌙🌲🌿
No straightforward answers to anything, if anything is to blame, it's the fact that none of us know anything comprehensively and I'd venture to say we're failing ourselves and each other by not sharing the search for meaning, I kind of see it like this, there's a builder, a carpenter, a gardener and a great storm coming along the way, the builder says; "I'm going to build a shelter in preparation," the carpenter says; "I'll help you," the builder replies; "Oh! can you build too then?" the carpenter said; "No, but I can make a door and shutters for the windows, (er... we won't mention the fact that there is no glazier) "Fine, you're in" said the builder, then the gardener spoke up, "Can I share the shelter?" he said, the builder asked, "Why, what can you provide?" the man replied; "I'm a gardener, I can grow vegetables" the builder said; "Sorry, but the shelter is our priority right now and we've only got time to build a shelter big enough for two," the gardener pleaded hard, but to no avail, he suffered the onslaught of the storm which lasted for weeks, finally the storm abated, the two men stepped outside and saw that the gardener died, they buried him and later realised they had nothing to eat, at this late stage they then considered the value of the gardener. I believe this is the ultimate lesson we were all here to learn, if not! I can't think of any other logical reason, can you?
@@normancherry8732 Well, I have to agree with you, knowledge, meaning progress and in fact pretty much everything in our lives comes when we all are united, share, talk, even if we disagree. This world needs all of us to keep moving forward! 🌲🌲🌙🌙🌿🌿
I believe that the titles that overhang our beliefs, such as those in politics, religions, sciences etc, are the problem bearers of our ignorances, we can't come together because of them since they make us wary of each other, not even those within such institutions trust each other entirely and what is trust worth if we don't share it entirely?
Заявляю я помню как нас с Изабель разделив во времяни послали на землю и Изабель топала ногами и мы кричали друг другу что встретимся на земле сквозь Свет и Свет ведёт меня с детства снами и явью в детстве я шол домой в гору и на горе убрав с дороги камень вдруг поевилось облоко и сквозь облоко прошивал Свет Свет сказал поднями руку в верх я оглянулся по сторонам Свет сказал да я к тебе оброщаюсь сын мой я поднял руку поднялся сильный ветер с ливнем и градом с крыш сараяк сено летело и за это время Свет дал мне силы запустить суд вначале третьего и когда я опустил руку всё стихло и я сухой пошол домой дома поел и поспешил рассказать друзьям думая что не поверят Свет сказал не говори сам поймёш когда запустить и говорить понял при горбочове запустил при третьем и пятом лукавом звере путине ведь путин лукавы звере от запода и сша зверей веть они волки в овечей шкуре прикрываясь победой дедов когда сами их недостойны сталкивают братьев как овец на закланье на бойню с обоих сторон и эти братья ради временной выгоды думают что они правы с каждой лукавой стороны Свет ведёт меня с детства снами и явью и в яви показывал мне гору и я взбирался на гору подтвердить суд вначале третьего Свет ведёт меня с детства снами и явью и в яви показывал мне клип Изабель Жеффруа zaz Qven Venera ещё не кто до наших дней не видел этот клип Свет ведёт меня с детства снами и явью и а яви показывал мне ролик и говорил когда воспаёт тебя Изабель то суд вначале третьего запущенный табой рание будет утверждён в 2018 я нашол ту гору взашол подтвердить суд вначале третьего запущенный мной рание и в тот-же день мне пришол клип Изабель Жеффруа zaz Qven Venera а в 2019 Изабель в мировом турне воспела маё имя и фамилию Вова Ладо тем самым утвердила суд вначале третьего запущенный мной рание и теперь с каждым годом и с каждым сезоном суд вначале третьего запущенный мной рание будет усиливаться и сама природа будет помогать мне даже если здесь меня не будет и спасутся те кто познает Истенну в Добре и будет прибывать в Истене но многие многие познав истину пройдут мимо спасения так как будут бороться говорить Истенну и будут боятся быть осмеенными и осуждёнными перед такимиже как они сами сперва падут лицимеры патом лукавые и некакие бункеры неспасут лукавство и в докозатево вам будет 2025 2024 покажется сказкой перед 2025 и так далее и на краю пропасти люди взмолятся и будут просить прощения брат у брата так как Отче дас понять что народы стравливают Дикий капетализьм через бутафорских президенав с каждой лукавой стороны и олигорхие и по свестку вашенктона стравливают к бойням веть для дикого капетализьма народ скот и зачем им много скота кормить за их жетруд по этому народы разделяют разрушая игстетут нравствености и стравливают к бойням обозляя на годы загоня в рабство но спасения будет в Истнном Мире и Добре в Доме Отче Нашего наберите zaz турне 2019 ( teaser) и в конце ролика услышите и увидете
I think the word Witch has been wrongfully associated in the past with something bad. Each person is free to have their own beliefs as long as they don't harm others! 🌿🌙🌲
I have talked fondly in the past about my dear father and our many happy hours together in our little wooden boat..as you know...what ive been wanting to tell you for a while is that he was born in a liittle mountain hamlet near Wales in england..and his village was settled about 800 years before..My Nana lived in a little stone cottage with a thatched roof..this was deep in the heart of Celtic country where im told their roots lie..as i grew up i had no idea my fathers life had taken such a journey..and he was so far from home..and his ancestors ! i hope you like my story of my dad Catherine..i miss his wise presence.🌿🍀
It sounds like your father lived a very interesting life full of experiences in different places, as I understand and probably because he made a journey so fascinating he was a wise man. Its so natural to miss him, but, he is deeply rooted into your heart and you will always carry him with you! 🌲🌙
I was hiking once when an elder like this emerged from a circle of oaks, my scotch american friend was freaked out but someone once told me my dad was a legacy in Kilkenny, so seeing the elder felt comforting. This music is the only thing soothing my soul right now, as if he's an ancestor comforting my loss and saying I did the right thing by putting my family's health first, even if no one is caring to help us keep our home yet. I can't wait to get to Oregon amongst the druid circle and visit Kilkenny in more than just dreams. A sister from Texas approached me at a fair recently and we both cried, then lost touch. Your energies remind me of her and give hope. Thank you. Blessed Be
Wow that's a truly amazing experience! I'm sure his energy was very powerful and I know you could feel it. Keep hope in your heart my beautiful soul and be sure that here you will always have a safe place and friends to support you! 🌲🌙🌿
Haven for Witches you've done it again I really admire the ancient Druids and Celts I only wish I knew more about them men and women were equals they respected nature sex and fertility were sacred not shamed and everybody followed The Druids because they believed in their teachings even Kings followed them and I am so glad that some wiccans still believe in druid ways myself included
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you are enjoying it! You are absolutely right, about equality, the love of Nature and respecting and not shaming sex. It is really interesting that people still want to learn about the ways of the druids. There is so much knowledge out there. For me the most amazing feeling is realizing how little I know and how much I have yet to learn. Sending you Love and Light,
Catherine 🌿🌙🌲
Try the books "The Wilde Series" by Katherine Genet - a Druid Priestess herself:)
@@WilleyGHD3 thank you I'll look those up
Jes this is so true dude :-)
We are not just a part of nature. Just nature. Our life our experience our knowledge never belongs to us. It just flows. All our experience is part of the experience of the universe. So even if we die, the knowledge, the wisdom and the experience of the druids remains in the earth, in the vibration of the wind, in the web of life. Even if earth would end, this experience would remain. Let go your ego. It is time to stop hurting. Time to start healing. Human will become one with nature. Science and magic will become one. No more fighting. Balance dark and light. Balance woman and men. Balance. No more poor people with no food and rich with that eat to much. Balance logic and emotion. You can call it madness, or wisdom, but it is the cure, work with magic by letting it flow. Let go your stress, your fear, your anxiety. In nature all is welcome. It is a web. We are part of it. So try to see yourself as a protector of nature. Listen, to the sounds. Feel in moments of silence. We are the forest.
Thank you so much for sharing your very interesting thoughts with us! Thank you from my heart for being here! 🌿🌙
As a green witch, I enjoy studying to this. Well done
That makes me truly happy! So thankful to have you here! 🌲🌙🌿
I'm Irish,Celtic is in my blood,🙏🕊️
It's so wonderful. I feel it in my heart. It seems to look the Druidas in the wild with their "pupils". ❤ My Gaelecian soul admires it so much. Thanks. 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
Thank you so much for your kind words, they really mean the world to me! 🌿
I listened to minute 45 and couldn't resist, thank you for making me mentally more stable, God bless everyone
Thank you Catherine, this is so beautiful and powerful. Soothing, yet so majestic. It comes to me tonight, just like beams of light and pure loving energy from the far and beyond. Be blessed! 🙌 🌙 🌟✨️ 💖✨️🌟🌙🙌
Oh thank you so much for your kind words! I'm so glad it resonates with you! 🌲🌙🌿
Ведун очень похож на моего папу... Благодарю, словно поговорила с ним!❤️
That's so beautiful! Sending you Love and Light,
Catherine 🌲🌙🌿
@HavenForWitches can I get a translation Catherine? And what language is that?
@@robbiescheid4127 Of course! it is Russian. I used google translate to get the translation and it says "
Vedun is very similar to my dad... Thank you, it’s like talking to him". Which is really touching.
@@HavenForWitches thanks for the translation Google translate really helps
"The Druid's Path", apparently starring Josh Brolin as Gandalf ;)
hihihihi You are probably right! 🌿
Друиды_великая книга Мерилина👍тайны друидов👍сохранилась такая у меня слава Богу 👍 их сожгли ,но одна осталась копия🤳автору респект 💪🤝❤
Thanks! 🫶🏻
Its so good for me. This is the exact dreamstate that i have when i am fantasying over druids and witches. You got a good trance there very nice. Everybody have a nice life 🙂
That's so wonderful! I'm really glad this composition really resonates with you! Sending you Love and Light,
Catherine ❤
@@HavenForWitches Thx. Thats very nice 🙂
This is beautiful and hipnotic,cheers from Argentina 🇦🇷.
Thank you so much for being here! Sending you Love and Light,
Catherine ❤
Blessings to all that listen
Sending you Love and Light,
Catherine ❤
@@HavenForWitches I use this in healing. It does the job of relaxation better than all the chanting
@@shelygrimmer3344 Truly happy it's helpful to you. That really means the world to me! 🌿🌿🌙🌙
@HavenForWitches turned some of my sisters on to it too.
🌿🪨 thank you, thank you, thank you 🪨 🌿
Thank you from my heart for your support! Your positive energy truly brings joy! 😀🌲🌙🌿
@@HavenForWitches 😍 ✋🏽 🌞 🤚🏽 😍
Love, beauty, peace spirit all these are blessings which are around each one respect mother earth with love x
Thank you so much for your beautiful words! They are truly inspiring! Sending you Love and Light,
Catherine ❤
Absolutely beautiful,so relaxing and soul touching
Thank you so much for watching! 🌲
Wow I love this one the Amazing sound an amazing scenery I feel like I have been there before Ty love an light to U ❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you so much for your kind words! They really mean the world to me! 🌙🌲
@@HavenForWitches U welcome my friend ♥
Perhaps you were a druid or a witch/ wizard in your past life...
@@barbaravaz1183yes my friend I believe that I was so many things connecting to me much love and light to U my friend ❤❤❤☺
Absolutely beautiful ambiance and pictures here wish I lived in these places blessed be to all
Thank you so much my beautiful soul! Yes you are so right, if one could wander through places like these. Thankfully we can do so using our imagination! 😀❤🌿🌲
hermosa musica, y las imagenes de la IA geniales
Thank you so much for watching! ❤🌿
Thank you so much for this hauntingly beautiful music and the gallery of mystical pictures..takes me to a calmer..and quieter place..so needed in this world.. blessings to all.
You are absolutely right! We all need calmness and inner peace! I'm really happy this composition makes you feel this way! Thank you! 🌲🌙🌿
Thank you so much ❤❤❤
Thank you for watching!🌿🌙🌲
I really enjoy this music it calms the soul
Thank you so much for being here! So glad you are enjoying it! 🌿🌙🌲
Beutiful ❤❤❤ 57:15
Thank you from my heart! 🌿🌙🌲
So Lovely thank you.❤
Thank you for being here! 🌿🌙🌲
🙏😌Blessings ☘️✨
Thank you for watching! Sending you Love and Light,
Catherine ❤
Bonita música 🤘🏼
Thank you so much, that means a lot! 🌙🌿
Персонажи, как будто реальный Древний мир✨👍🔥
Thank you so much for watching! 🌙🌿
What exactly is the Druid way of life? I would like to learn the true meaning of them, love this music by the way, Are they mainly from Scotland? thanks Lexie
Thank you so much for watching! As far as I know, druids where Celts and even though they lived mostly in Ireland, Scotland and Wales they could be found in many places throughout Europe mostly. As far the practices and way of life, I have to say it is a truly fascinating subject and I'm sure you will be able to find sources online and in libraries to expand your knowledge on Druids. 🌿🌙🌲
According to Julius Caesar,they were the priests of the entire Celtic world , so basically Gaul and all of British Isles. All my research suggests ancient Druids and modern Druids have little in common,although I am sure many people will tell you otherwise . I could never find a group of people or doctrine that was not eventually a disappointment to me and so became a solitary practitioner , not a Druid, not a Wiccan, not anything with a name ,just me . I and many others find refuge in nature, just sitting in a quiet spot on a hill or in a wood or a garden if you have one. Just learning the names of plants or identifying birds by their song. So my humble advice to you is go the same way as far as family and other commitments will allow you . Your career, your home , your leisure , clothes ,food furniture , books , music ,everything to create the path that you alone Have chosen . Try to stay cam and peaceful in this turbulent world . If you experience good fortune do not become smug, and if you experience bad fortune do not become bitter , remember that change misfortune and death are all unavoidable and all we can do is bear them with fortitude .
Who composed this beautiful song?
Manos Apostolopoulos is the composer of pretty much every song in this channel, as he is also a member. He has of course his own amazing channel @MistsofSerenity and I'm so lucky to have him here with us. 🌿🌙
Thank you so much! 🌿🌙
Thank you so much! 🌿
Comment to boost video visability.
Oh thank you so much for your support, it really means the world to me! ❤
This sister deserves it, as she shows mutual respect by acknowledging every soul who comments.
Thank you from my heart! Sending you Love and Light,
Catherine ❤
Can i use it in my game? Can i buy it from somewhere?
Hello, of course you can use it in your game, all you need to do is to purchase a license from Pond5 here: tinyurl.com/ye22ujf9 Anything else you need please let me know!
Thank you so much! 🌲🌙🌿
I consider that beliefs are formed out of conditions, a people find themselves in circumstances and they adapt to the dictates of the circumstances and eventually a belief is formed from it, but I don't particularly believe it to be of a sacred design, maybe it's just the natural respect for what it is that extends the belief to an imagined sacredness, still thinking through the enigma, maybe we'll never know, but I think that before there were any beliefs, there was once such a things as non belief, was it just a need for organised living or was it due to an unbearable ignorance that someone made up the first belief to appear as if true?
Interesting thoughts! In my opinion, it was at the beginning a need to explain things that looked inexplicable, but most importantly I believe there is a psychological need people have that has nothing to do with the situation they find themselves in. It comes from deep within their souls a need to find a mother or father maybe once more, a need to feel better in a world full of rejection, living with the fear of death. It may be, as uncle Freud has said, childhood fantasies that lead people to beliefs. It is different for each person and I don't think anyone can claim that knows the absolutely, one and only truth. 🌙🌲🌿
No straightforward answers to anything, if anything is to blame, it's the fact that none of us know anything comprehensively and I'd venture to say we're failing ourselves and each other by not sharing the search for meaning, I kind of see it like this, there's a builder, a carpenter, a gardener and a great storm coming along the way, the builder says; "I'm going to build a shelter in preparation," the carpenter says; "I'll help you," the builder replies; "Oh! can you build too then?" the carpenter said; "No, but I can make a door and shutters for the windows, (er... we won't mention the fact that there is no glazier) "Fine, you're in" said the builder, then the gardener spoke up, "Can I share the shelter?" he said, the builder asked, "Why, what can you provide?" the man replied; "I'm a gardener, I can grow vegetables" the builder said; "Sorry, but the shelter is our priority right now and we've only got time to build a shelter big enough for two," the gardener pleaded hard, but to no avail, he suffered the onslaught of the storm which lasted for weeks, finally the storm abated, the two men stepped outside and saw that the gardener died, they buried him and later realised they had nothing to eat, at this late stage they then considered the value of the gardener.
I believe this is the ultimate lesson we were all here to learn, if not! I can't think of any other logical reason, can you?
@@normancherry8732 Well, I have to agree with you, knowledge, meaning progress and in fact pretty much everything in our lives comes when we all are united, share, talk, even if we disagree. This world needs all of us to keep moving forward! 🌲🌲🌙🌙🌿🌿
I believe that the titles that overhang our beliefs, such as those in politics, religions, sciences etc, are the problem bearers of our ignorances, we can't come together because of them since they make us wary of each other, not even those within such institutions trust each other entirely and what is trust worth if we don't share it entirely?
Заявляю я помню как нас с Изабель разделив во времяни послали на землю и Изабель топала ногами и мы кричали друг другу что встретимся на земле сквозь Свет и Свет ведёт меня с детства снами и явью в детстве я шол домой в гору и на горе убрав с дороги камень вдруг поевилось облоко и сквозь облоко прошивал Свет Свет сказал поднями руку в верх я оглянулся по сторонам Свет сказал да я к тебе оброщаюсь сын мой я поднял руку поднялся сильный ветер с ливнем и градом с крыш сараяк сено летело и за это время Свет дал мне силы запустить суд вначале третьего и когда я опустил руку всё стихло и я сухой пошол домой дома поел и поспешил рассказать друзьям думая что не поверят Свет сказал не говори сам поймёш когда запустить и говорить понял при горбочове запустил при третьем и пятом лукавом звере путине ведь путин лукавы звере от запода и сша зверей веть они волки в овечей шкуре прикрываясь победой дедов когда сами их недостойны сталкивают братьев как овец на закланье на бойню с обоих сторон и эти братья ради временной выгоды думают что они правы с каждой лукавой стороны Свет ведёт меня с детства снами и явью и в яви показывал мне гору и я взбирался на гору подтвердить суд вначале третьего Свет ведёт меня с детства снами и явью и в яви показывал мне клип Изабель Жеффруа zaz Qven Venera ещё не кто до наших дней не видел этот клип Свет ведёт меня с детства снами и явью и а яви показывал мне ролик и говорил когда воспаёт тебя Изабель то суд вначале третьего запущенный табой рание будет утверждён в 2018 я нашол ту гору взашол подтвердить суд вначале третьего запущенный мной рание и в тот-же день мне пришол клип Изабель Жеффруа zaz Qven Venera а в 2019 Изабель в мировом турне воспела маё имя и фамилию Вова Ладо тем самым утвердила суд вначале третьего запущенный мной рание и теперь с каждым годом и с каждым сезоном суд вначале третьего запущенный мной рание будет усиливаться и сама природа будет помогать мне даже если здесь меня не будет и спасутся те кто познает Истенну в Добре и будет прибывать в Истене но многие многие познав истину пройдут мимо спасения так как будут бороться говорить Истенну и будут боятся быть осмеенными и осуждёнными перед такимиже как они сами сперва падут лицимеры патом лукавые и некакие бункеры неспасут лукавство и в докозатево вам будет 2025 2024 покажется сказкой перед 2025 и так далее и на краю пропасти люди взмолятся и будут просить прощения брат у брата так как Отче дас понять что народы стравливают Дикий капетализьм через бутафорских президенав с каждой лукавой стороны и олигорхие и по свестку вашенктона стравливают к бойням веть для дикого капетализьма народ скот и зачем им много скота кормить за их жетруд по этому народы разделяют разрушая игстетут нравствености и стравливают к бойням обозляя на годы загоня в рабство но спасения будет в Истнном Мире и Добре в Доме Отче Нашего наберите zaz турне 2019 ( teaser) и в конце ролика услышите и увидете
Witch....thats a bad name for a person that just understand the nature of God.
More like the lovers of the mistic.😊
I think the word Witch has been wrongfully associated in the past with something bad. Each person is free to have their own beliefs as long as they don't harm others! 🌿🌙🌲
I love yours celtic people. Take me home from Hell