I know im randomly asking but does anyone know a trick to get back into an instagram account?? I somehow lost my password. I appreciate any help you can give me!
Psychic type is super effective to these two types: -Fighting: using mindful psychic powers like a telekinesis or chi power like qigong can easily shock the opponent in a battle like Goku's Kamehameha in Dragon Ball series. -Poison: Psychic energies produced by our body can purify and neutralize poisons that taint our body such as a tai chi, meditation or a detox yoga.
My fav type Some of my favorites: mmewtwo y, meowstic, mew, sogaleo, lunala, ponyta, and shiny mega gardevoir And my fav psychic type (my fav mon in whole time) 💜ESPEON💜
@@krookodilegang6192 they already say what do they like and you didn’t didn’t seem like you say why he likes it you’re bashing people’s opinion on these types
But I don’t think that’s enough they should resist fairy and poison to be good again then in the past they thought psychic is going to resist fairy but maybe that fairy type advantage was cancelled
ESP, Magic, mind reading, and predicting futures🧙🌌🔮. My favorites are both Kanto and Galar Slowbro, Exeggutor, Mewtwo, Mega Mewtwo Y, Confined Hoopa, Lunala, shadow rider calyrex, Lunatone, Mega Slowbro, Mega Metagross, bronzor, metang, elgyem, Delphox, claydol, Starmie, bronzong, Mega Gardevoir, Mr Rime, beheeyem, Metagross, sigilyph, Gallade, Malamar, Mr Mime, Kadabra/ Alakazam, Gardevoir and Espeon. My favorite psychic type trainers are Tate and Liza
My most favorite are: Galarian Slowbro Mr. Rime Espeon Gardevoir Galarian Rapidash and Gmax-Orbeetle FYI: For my psychic gym (fake) Mostly I like to madicham alolan Raichu gardevoir gallade mega slowbro metagross delfox and inkay and uhhh....your spoink has evolve into Wobbufett?!
The Hoopa with the Psychic/Ghost combination is called "Hoopa Confined."
That is its name
I know im randomly asking but does anyone know a trick to get back into an instagram account??
I somehow lost my password. I appreciate any help you can give me!
@Donovan Atticus instablaster :)
My favourite evolution line, Spoink evolving into Wobbuffet.
He spoink not evolves into woffbet
Wynaut evolves into wobuffet and spoink evolves into grumpig
Mine too! 🤣
Ahh same
• ᎯᎠᎨᎿᎽᎯPROシ ᎶᎯᎷᎨᏁᎶ 1:33 look at the name
Notable Trainers who specialize in Psychic type (エスパータイプ) Pokemon with Japanese name are:
- Sabrina (ナツメ/Natsume)
- Will (イツキ/Itsuki)
- Tate and Liza (フウとラン/Fu and Lan)
- Lucian (ゴヨウ/Goyou)
- Caitlin (カトレア/Cattleya)
- Olympia (ゴジカ/Gojika)
- Faba (ザオボー/Sauboh)
- Bede (ビート/Beet)
- Avery (セイボリー/Savory)
Psychic type Pokemon with Japanese name
Pure Psychic type Pokemon🔮:
- Abra (ケーシィ/Casey)🔮
- Kadabra (ユンゲラー/Yungerer)🔮
- Alakazam (フーディン/Foodin)🔮
- Mega Alakazam (メガ フーディン/Mega Foodin)🔮
- Ponyta Galarian Form (ガラル ポニータ/Galarian Ponyta)🔮
- Slowpoke Galarian Form (ガラル ヤドン/Galarian Yadon)🔮
- Drowzee (スリープ/Sleepe)🔮
- Hypno (スリーパー/Sleeper)🔮
- Mewtwo (ミュウシー/Mewtwo)🔮
- Mega Mewtwo Y (メガ ミュウツー Y/Mega Mewtwo Y)🔮
- Mew (ミュウ/Mew)🔮
- Espeon (エーフィ/Eifie)🔮
- Unown (アンノーン/Unknown)🔮
- Wynaut (ソーナノ/Sohnano)🔮
- Wobbuffet (ソーナンス/Sonans)🔮
- Spoink (バネブー/Baneboo)🔮
- Grumpig (ブーピッグ/Boopig)🔮
- Chingling (リーシャン/Lisyan)🔮
- Chimecho (チリーン/Chirean)🔮
- Deoxys (デオキシス/Deoxys)🔮
- Uxie (ユクシー/Yuxie)🔮
- Mesprit (エムリット/Emrit)🔮
- Azelf (アグノム/Agnome)🔮
- Cresselia (クレセリア/Cresselia) "Should be retyped to this type because she moon Pokemon has a Moon Blast and can fight Darkrai"🔮🎀
- Munna (ムンナ/Munna)🔮
- Musharna (ムシャーナ/Musharna)🔮
- Gothita (ゴチム/Gothimu)🔮
- Gothorita (ゴチミル/Gothimiru)🔮
- Gothitelle (ゴチルゼル/Gothiruselle)🔮
- Solosis (ユニラン/Uniran)🔮
- Duosion (ダブラン/Doublan)🔮
- Reuniclus (ランクルス/Lanculus)🔮
- Elgyem (リグレー/Ligray)🔮
- Beheeyem (オーベム/Ohbem)🔮
- Espurr (ニャスパー/Nyasper)🔮
- Meowstic (ニャオニクス/Nyaonix)🔮
- Cosmog (コスモッグ/Cosmog)🔮
- Cosmoem (コスモウム/Cosmovum)🔮
- Necrozma (ネクロズマ/Necrozma)🔮
- Hatenna (ミブリム/Mibrim)🔮
- Hattrem (テブリム/Tebrim)🔮
Primary Psychic type Pokemon🔮... :
- Rapidash Galarian Form (ガラル ギャロップ/Galarian Gallop)🔮🎀
- Mime Jr. (マネネ/Manene)🔮🎀
- Mr. Mime (バリヤード/Barrierd)🔮🎀
- Galarian Articuno (ガラル フリーザー/Galarian Freezer)🔮🌫
- Mega Mewtwo X (メガ ミュウツー X/Mega Mewtwo X)🔮✊
- Natu (ネイティ/Naty)🔮🌫
- Xatu (ネイティオ/Natio)🔮🌫
- Lugia (ルギア/Lugia) "Should be retyped to this type because is guard seas"🔮💧
- Celebi (セレビィ/Celebi) "Should be retyped to this type because is like a fairy"🎀🌱
- Ralts (ラルトス/Ralts)🔮🎀
- Kirlia (キルリア/Kirlia)🔮🎀
- Gardevoir (サーナイト/Sirnight)🔮🎀
- Mega Gardevoir (メガ サーナイト/Mega Sirnight)🔮🎀
- Gallade (エルレイド/Erureido)🔮✊
- Mega Gallade (メガ エルレイド/Mega Erureido)🔮✊
- Victini (ビクティニ/Victini)🔮🔥
- Woobat (コロモリ/Koromori)🔮🌫
- Swoobat (ココロモリ/Kokoromori)🔮🌫
- Sigilyph (シンボラー/Symboler)🔮🌫
- Hoopa (フーパ/Hoopa)🔮👻/🔮🌑
- Oricorio Pa'u sytle(オドリドリ ふらふら スタイル/Odoridori Hura hura sytle)🔮🌫
- Tapu lele (カプ。テテフ/Kapu-Tetefu)🔮🎀
- Solgaleo (ソルガレオ/Solgaleo)🔮🛡
- Lunala (ルナアーラ/Lunala)🔮👻
- Necrozma (ネクロズマ/Necrozma)🔮🛡/🔮👻
- Ultra Necrozma (ウルトラ ネクロズマ/Ultra Necrozma)🔮🐉
- Hatterene (ブリムオン/Brimuom)🔮🎀
- G~Max Hatterene (キョダイマックスブリムオン/Kyodaimax Brimuom)🔮🎀
- Indeedee (イェッサン/Yessan)🔮N
- Calyrex (ブドレックス/Budrex)🔮🌱/🔮❄/🔮👻
Secondary Psychic type Pokemon ...🔮:
- Alolan Raichu (アォーラ ライチュウ/Alolan Raichu)☇🔮
- Slowpoke (ヤドン/Yadon)💧🔮
- Slowbro (ヤドラン/Yadoran)💧🔮
- Mega Slowbro (メガ ヤドラン/Mega Yadoran)💧🔮
- Slowking (ヤドキング/Yadoking)💧🔮
- Slowbro Galarian Form (ガラル ヤドラン/Galarian Yadoran)☣🔮
- Slowking Galarian Form(ヤドキング/Galarian Yadoking)☣🔮
- Exeggcute (タマタマ/Tamatama)🌱🔮
- Exeggutor (ナッシー/Nassy)🌱🔮
- Starmie (スターミー/Starmie)💧🔮
- Mr. Mime Galarian Form (バリヤード/Galarian Barrierd)❄🔮
- Mr. Rime (バリコオル/Barrikohru)❄🔮
- Smoochum (ムチュール/Muchul)❄🔮
- Jynx (ルージュラ/Rougela)❄🔮
- Girafarig (キリンリキ/Kirinriki)N🔮
- Meditide (アサナン/Asanan)✊🔮
- Medicham (チャーレム/Charem)✊🔮
- Mega Medicham (メガ チャーレム/Mega Charem)✊🔮
- Lunatone (ルナトーン/Lunatone)🗿🔮
- Solrock (ソルロック/Solrock)🗿🔮
- Baltoy (ヤジロン/Yajilon)🏜🔮
- Claydol (ネンドール/Nendoll)🏜🔮
- Beldum (ダンバル/Dumbber)🛡🔮
- Metang (メタング/Metang)🛡🔮
- Metagross (メタグロス/Metagross)🛡🔮
- Mega Metagross (メガ メタグロス/Mega Metagross)🛡🔮
- Latias (ラティアス/Latias)🐉🔮
- Mega Latias (メガ ラティアス/Mega Latias)🐉🔮
- Latios (ラティオス/Latios)🐉🔮
- Mega Latios (メガ ラティオス/Mega Latios)🐉🔮
- Jirachi (ジラーチ/Jirachi)🛡🔮
- Bronzor (ドーミラー/Dohmirror)🛡🔮
- Bronzong (ドータクン/Dohtakun)🛡🔮
- Darmanitan Zen Mode (ヒヒダルマ ダルマ モード/Hihidaruma Daruma mode) "Should be retyped to this type because is like a rock"🔥🗿
- Meloetta (Aria Forme) (メロエッタ ボイス フォルム/Meloetta voice forme) "Should be retyped to this type because she like a fairy"🎀🔮
- Delpox (マフォクシー/Mahoxys)🔥🔮
- Inkay (マーイーカ/Maaiika) "Should be retyped to this type because is like a squid"💧🔮
- Malamar (カラマネロ/Calamanero) "Should be retyped to this type because is like a squid"💧🔮
- Oranguru (ヤレユータン/Yareyuutan)N🔮
- Bruxish (ハギギシリ/Hagigishiri)💧🔮
- Dottler (レドームシ/Redomushi)🐞🔮
- Orbeetle (イオルブ/Eolb)🐞🔮
- G~Max Orbeetle (キョダイマックス イオルブ/Kyodaimax Eolb)🐞🔮
Psychic type is super effective to these two types:
-Fighting: using mindful psychic powers like a telekinesis or chi power like qigong can easily shock the opponent in a battle like Goku's Kamehameha in Dragon Ball series.
-Poison: Psychic energies produced by our body can purify and neutralize poisons that taint our body such as a tai chi, meditation or a detox yoga.
1:34 Wow, your Spoink is evolved into... Wobbufett!!!
People keep asking me why I use wobbufet even though it's bad. I reply saying " wynaut"
@Dylan Daley Wynaut
wow so awesome psychic type my fav
My favorite type ever!!! Thank you so much Tom!!!
Same UwU
Ultra necrozma is actually called " the blinding one"
In the anime!
@@etkefjsckwti3068 no
I've been waiting for this type
Spoink evolves into a Wobbuffet
Seems extremely fine
It's Grumpig!
Erlinda Ibarreta 1:33 we know
@@erlindaibarreta8611 しし
What just the happening with Spoink's evolution
Yes i physics is my 2nd favorite type
What's Your First?
Dragon type
@@Grim-chan67 , Mine Is Ghost Type.
I like ghost type but maybe i like dragon type more
@@Grim-chan67 , And Dark Types.🖤🖤🖤
My fav type
Some of my favorites: mmewtwo y, meowstic, mew, sogaleo, lunala, ponyta, and shiny mega gardevoir
And my fav psychic type (my fav mon in whole time)
Thanks for update the psychic type pokemon.
Psíquicos ❤❤❤❤
1:37 he named grumpig wobbuffet
Wait a minute,SLASH is my among us username.
@@Slash4608 I stopped playing among us
Once fairy type comes out, I wonder if Bede will still be counted as a fairy type specialist since he switched from psychic to fairy
Spoink evolves into Grumpig but it's alright we know the Pokemon's name
My favourite psychic type pokemon is Victini,Jirachi,Meowstic,Indeedee and mew
Psychic is my 2nd fave type, 1st being fairy
My favourite ones are Lugia mewtwo and many others tom Salazar
I like ghost type. Can you update this type pokemon kanto - galar?
Nice 👌
*My favourite type!!!*
My favourite psychic type are Mewtwo and Mew UwU
How could you like the biggest monstrosity of a type
Same too
@@krookodilegang6192 don’t be rude just let them to have their opinion
@@krookodilegang6192 they already say what do they like and you didn’t didn’t seem like you say why he likes it you’re bashing people’s opinion on these types
@@krookodilegang6192 ok
Every fairy type pokemon
Nice video
My favorite types
1.Fire 🔥
Other character being like psychic ☯️type too Jafar Genie 🧞♂️ Amnesio Checkers Magnifo Mesmo Wizwuz
Very nice
Yes I like psychic
Alakazam,Hypno and
GALADE he is the best 😄
Yes GALLADE is the best Pokémon ever and also MEGA GALLADE and SHINY GALLADE
@@aryanbehera1772 Yes you are right
Gardervoir is the best waifu, and the best trap
@@Fransiska_234 uh
@@ishitatanwar6023 you mean mewtwo
Metagros espeon and lunala son mis favoritos
2:33 hey look! Nebby!
My favorite type , i love Alakazam
I have trouble thinking of my favourite psychic type but if I had to choose it would probably be Lugia.
RIP They Used To Be In Peace and the most powerful Before Before Dark Type Attacked In Gen 2
I know but they got nerfed too much in Gen 2
But I don’t think that’s enough they should resist fairy and poison to be good again then in the past they thought psychic is going to resist fairy but maybe that fairy type advantage was cancelled
Atleast theyre fine if some of them had fairy type moves against dark types and gardevior as well to have fairy type to avenge Aganist dark types
Then I want steel to resist both ghost and dark again so all psychic/steel would get only have 2 weaknesses again and aegislash would be happier
@Bruce Wayne and also you know in Gen 2 they changed make psychic moves weak to 2 types and then weak to 2 types
My favourite Pokemon in physic is lugai deoxys mewto gallede and hoopa unbound
ESP, Magic, mind reading, and predicting futures🧙🌌🔮. My favorites are both Kanto and Galar Slowbro, Exeggutor, Mewtwo, Mega Mewtwo Y, Confined Hoopa, Lunala, shadow rider calyrex, Lunatone, Mega Slowbro, Mega Metagross, bronzor, metang, elgyem, Delphox, claydol, Starmie, bronzong, Mega Gardevoir, Mr Rime, beheeyem, Metagross, sigilyph, Gallade, Malamar, Mr Mime, Kadabra/ Alakazam, Gardevoir and Espeon. My favorite psychic type trainers are Tate and Liza
Psychic types are my favorite types in pokemon
My favorite:
Alolan raichu.
I need Ice and Ghost type !
remember when psychic type was broken
So then came Dark and Steel
My favorite psychic pokemon is GIGANTIMAX drbeetle
Favorite 🤩 psychic ☯️type Pokémon
Solgaleo ☯️⚙️
Male Meowstic ☯️
My favorite pokemon are Hoppa unbound, Solgeleo, Mew, Mewtwo, Deoxys🥰🥰🥰
My favorite Pokémon type
0:51 Spoon is my evolution line
My fav line are Gardevoir , Galarian Rapidash ,Metagross ,Solgaleo ,indeedee ,Jynx and creselia
Mr .mine typing awesome
My favorite Psychic type pokemon is Gardevoir and my least favorite is Galarian Slowking
Finally someone who doesent spell
I love solosis😊
Mes pokémon préféré avec les types eau
My favorite Psychic type goes to the Little Celestia Pokémon : Galarian Ponyta☯️
Honorable mentions :
All the psychic type pokemon: 0:17
Me: wait a minute, lugia is a water type.
*lugia has left the chat*
I like it starmie medicham alakazam lugia mewtwo espeon dexoys Gallade hoopo unbount alola raichu solrock metagross delphox malamar
Don't correct the fault of tom (spoink evolves into wobbufet ). Everyone makes mistakes
The best way to battle Psychic Types is to fight without thinking.
Pls make ghost types please
If I had a psychic type team, I would have:
Mr. Mime
Alolan Raichu
Mine would be:
Mine would be:
Mine is Siglyph
Pcyshic Were My Favourite Type Pokémon’s
Pls tell me the background music of the video pls
Anistar *Gen 6* city theme
My psychic favourite Pokemon
I thought this video already existed
Remaked + galar
This video includes Galarian Pokémon. The previous video didn’t.
My most favorite are: Galarian Slowbro Mr. Rime Espeon Gardevoir Galarian Rapidash and Gmax-Orbeetle
FYI: For my psychic gym (fake) Mostly I like to madicham alolan Raichu gardevoir gallade mega slowbro metagross delfox and inkay and uhhh....your spoink has evolve into Wobbufett?!
My favourite psychic types are Necrozma, Hoopa Unbound, Gardevoir, Gallade, Mew and Mewtwo
1:33 what on earth that is a grumpig not wobbuffet
My favorite psychic types are Tapu Lele, Mewtwo, Necorsma, Hypno, Orbeetle and Gardivoir.
My favourite evolution is mewtwo mega evolve into mega mewtwo y (not mega mewtwo x)
My favorite psychic types are
1. Gallade and gardevoir
2. Metagross
3. Meowstic(male)
4. Bronzong
Favorite legendary psychic
Ultra Necrozma
Who new there be a ton of psychic types
ah yes, spoink into wobbuffet, my favorite. 1:32
Make video on all glarian Pokemon
1:33 Spoink evolves into wobbufet, tricky
My favorite Psychic Type Pokemons are Chimecho.
My favourite Psychic type is Starmie
Actually spoink's evolution is grumpig but the name is different
1:32 grumping wobbufet
Slowbro (Galar)
Favorite Specialist:
My favourite lunala
My favorite psychic is very obviasly
Wobbufet Pokemon type psychic pokem my favorite
My faveortie pokemon is ultra necrozma
so uh spoink evolves into grumpig?
I didn't know that Wobbufet is a Psychic type and that Lunala, Solgaleo and Tapu Lele are Psychic
My favourite psychic Pokemon jirachi fan like kare
1 - deoxys
2 - galarian slowking
3 - mega Alakazam
Mega mewtwo y is my fav
Kya Ash Espurr pokemon ko catch karega ya nahi?
Pokémon, And Pokémon Go
Psychic Super Effective:Fighting, And Poison.
Psychic Weak:Bug, Dark, And Ghost.
Ура психический тип
Espurr -> meowstic
Hatenna -> hattrem
Ralts -> kirlia -> gardevoir -> mega gardevoir
Gallade -> mega gallade
Alolan raichu
My Psychic Team :
Alolan Raichu
Slowking ( Galar )
Last time I checked spoink evolves into *grumpig*
1:34 ah yes wobbuffet
That's not Wobbuffet it's grumpig
Meditite, Medicham, and Mega Medicham are actually Psychic/Fighting types, not the other way around.