I'm a Physcian (Acupuncturist) in Brazil (Rio). My 600 patients love your music and ask me who play. I tell'em it's the South-Korean band Grass Cotton. They tell me: I knew it. I love k-pop! ;-)
Please keep on posting masterpieces . . you're making many person's day do better .. . just a playsit of urs can make a boring day to be better and more calm...i have many emotions and i'd say it again thank you^^
I'm a Physcian (Acupuncturist) in Brazil (Rio). My 600 patients love your music and ask me who play. I tell'em it's the South-Korean band Grass Cotton. They tell me: I knew it. I love k-pop! ;-)
그래스 코튼님 아침에 피아노 연주듣고
멋진 하루를시작 합니다
연주 끝까지 즐감하구 선물검은종 두고갑니다 시가나실때 저체널어도 한번들려 주심감사하겠 습니다
자주찾아 연주듣고 갈께요🛎👍🙋
얼씨구다육님, 들어주셔서 감사합니다 행복한 하루 보내세요🌸
I will go to cycling on the banks of the big rivers while listening to this wonderful music in a clear day
I hope you feel the spring breeze while riding your bike 🌈
Please spend time for spirit
See you again
一度は同心に戻って楽しさを感じてください。 聞いてくれてありがとう🧡
뭔가 좋은 일이 생길것같은...정말 설레이는 선율~너무 좋네요☺️
whyrano님, 날씨가 너무 좋아졌어요 좋은 하루 보내세요~🌞😀
피아노 연주도 참좋아요 고맙습니다아침음악 들으면서 오늘도 즐거운 시간 보내고 있어요 고맙습니다 오늘도 행복한 시간 보내세요 감사합니다 🎉
천삼도 님, 들어주셔서 감사합니다. 설레는 피아노 연주곡 들으면서 행복한 하루 보내세요❤
Please keep on posting masterpieces . . you're making many person's day do better .. . just a playsit of urs can make a boring day to be better and more calm...i have many emotions and i'd say it again thank you^^
Thank you for listening. We will become a 'GRASS COTTON' that always delivers happiness. Have a nice day😀
😇😇Have a blessing day with your music!
Thank you for listening 🌸
Thank you for listening. Have a good day😆😍
Bon jour....
Thank you🌻
ピクニックか 行くことないよw でもいいね ピクニックってワードが