Hi @Didital TechJoint i have a question that my controller interface is different from you i am working on another project so can you tell ne exactly where should i have to add the TempData message
bro the video is informative and helps me alot but the notification shows up on the right side of the page i want this in the top centre of the page how i can do it?
Hi, You can change the setting to display the notification in center. Check out the demo page of ToastrJS framework ( I have shown that in this video). You will be able to see the javascript snippet in the demo page . Copy that and paste in your code. Refer the link codeseven.github.io/toastr/demo.html (JS code is displayed in this page ) . Hope this helps. Thanks
Well done for the job. Thank you for Tutorial
Hi @Didital TechJoint
i have a question that my controller interface is different from you i am working on another project so can you tell ne exactly where should i have to add the TempData message
Great one! Thank you
thank your sir its work
That was very useful, thanks!
Glad to hear it!
U can also just put in your Layout File. It will be available everywhere.
bro the video is informative and helps me alot but the notification shows up on the right side of the page i want this in the top centre of the page how i can do it?
Hi, You can change the setting to display the notification in center. Check out the demo page of ToastrJS framework ( I have shown that in this video). You will be able to see the javascript snippet in the demo page . Copy that and paste in your code. Refer the link codeseven.github.io/toastr/demo.html (JS code is displayed in this page ) . Hope this helps. Thanks
@@DigitalTECHJOINT Thanks for response im working on it lets see
@@DigitalTECHJOINT toastr.options = {
"closeButton": false,
"debug": false,
"newestOnTop": false,
"progressBar": false,
"positionClass": "toast-top-center",
"preventDuplicates": false,
"onclick": null,
"showDuration": "300",
"hideDuration": "1000",
"timeOut": "5000",
"extendedTimeOut": "1000",
"showEasing": "swing",
"hideEasing": "linear",
"showMethod": "fadeIn",
"hideMethod": "fadeOut"
} can you tell me where to put this code
Đang đi kiếm cái demo này đây ^^
toastr.options = {
"closeButton": false,
"debug": false,
"newestOnTop": false,
"progressBar": false,
"positionClass": "toast-top-right",
"preventDuplicates": false,
"onclick": null,
"showDuration": "300",
"hideDuration": "1000",
"timeOut": "5000",
"extendedTimeOut": "1000",
"showEasing": "swing",
"hideEasing": "linear",
"showMethod": "fadeIn",
"hideMethod": "fadeOut"
} where i put this code .. please tell me anyone ...Thank you
If you're still having trouble 😄, simply paste your option right before calling the toast. Example:
//your option
toastr.success("Have a good day")