Philippians 2:10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth🙏🏼❤️🕊 REPENT, believe in the Gospel, Be Born Again
The Lord is near, the season is now! Amen. God is merciful. He always forgives. Never be ashamed to take your failures to him. He is for you, not against you! God is with you in the storm. He knows your troubles, he hears you! He is for you, on your side, always! It may feel silent at times, but he’s holding you close! May the Lord return soon! We are drawing closer. He is coming! Believe and trust in the Lord, you will be saved. Period. May the Lord bless you all! Hang in there family. Stay strong. It is not easy following the Lord. We are scoffed at. We give up our earthly dreams, our fleshly desires. What the enemy offers is short lived, but heaven is forever! Life may seem or be unfair, but God is with you! Always remember that. Things may get better or worse for you, but a kingdom awaits you! Finish the race! Repent daily and carry your cross. This world is fading fast. Your troubles are temporary! New channel here, I’d appreciate any kind of support. Don’t give up! God loves you so much! So do I. The Lord bless you!
Ancient Roots of God and Lord - Many Bible references reveal that the Hebrew word "Ba'Al" has the same meanings as our English word "Lord." On Hosea 2:16 in various Bibles (for example: "Ba'Ali = my Lord. The Companion Bible note). Throughout the book of Judges we find that Israel continually fell back into the worship of the Ba'Alim (Lords). In 1 Kings 16:29 - 17:1, Ahab became a king and plunged Israel into full-scale Ba'Al worship. An interlinear version show that in 1 Kings 18:19 and 21 the word is "ha Ba'Al," meaning, "the Lord." For an apostate Israel, Yahweh had become the "ha Ba'Al" (the Lord) of Israel. Rather than having a special, close relationship with Israel through His Name, Yahweh' now found Israel worshipping in a common title used for the idols. One of the most prominent was the Syrian mighty one of fate or luck, otherwise known as Gad: "But you are that forsake Yahweh, that forget My holy mountain, that prepare a table for the troop, and that furnish the drink offering unto that number (Isaiah 65:11). "Troop" is translated from the Hebrew Gad, pronounced God ( Strong's Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary No. 1409 and note the phonetic Gawd in this reference.). Our word "God" and its Germanic roots "Gott" and "Gut" are connected to the Ancient Syrian idol "Ba'Al Gad," which Yahweh'judged Israel for worshipping. The New Bible Dictionary says about "Gad,". "A pagan deity worshipped by the Canaanites as the God of Fortune for whom they "prepare a table" (Isaiah 65:11). The Anchor Bible Dictionary says about "Gad" : "A Deity (or spirit) of fortune mentioned in Isaiah 65:11 as being worshiped, along with Meni (a god of fate or destiny), by apostate Jews, probably in postexilic Judah," Vol. II, p. 863. Further, this resource tells us, "The place name Ba'Al-gad (Joshua 11:17) could be interpreted as "Lord-God" or as involving an epithet (gad) joined to the divine name Ba'Al " (Ibid).
Do you grasp the significance of what you just read? The heathen nations that Joshua was directed to destroy had a place called "Ba'Al Gad", which is none other than "Lord-God," a reference to Isaiah 65:11, and the worship of this "deity' by those who forsake Yahweh! As the Anchor Bible Dictionary affirms: "The apostate of Isaiah 65:11 were looking to Gad [God], not Yahweh', as the source of well-being and prosperity" (Vol. II, p 864). In Hastings' A Dictionary of the Bible, we find that the word Gad or God was "originally an appellative" and used as a divine name in pagan worship. (Churchianity is lost. God is a deity of fortune and Lord means Ba'Al aka Shawtawn in Hebrew and aka Satan in English and so, enjoy saying those words. How did these all happened? Well through the simple fact that the favorable King James Bible was authored by Richard Bancroft, a Catholic and Archbishop of Canterbury London, England
The problem is that we do not understand the law of God. Adam was supposed to grow in thought but descended to a lower level of thought. He thought within himself. Christ reaches in to Adams mind to deliver the truth to all his subsequent thought. Thats us. Adam was supposed to give up all his thought to God so that He, God, could examine Himself. Instead Adam looked at himself. Selfishness. God says that that is ok because creations thought development could continue if Adams thought took in knowledge of God and passed it around to all the other thought. All the thought would then give itself to God. A fight ensues to distract man by giving him things to do. Supporting families, work etc. God harvests thought. So you see God in the wrong way. He was your father who wanted you to see his Glory and work to understand Him and be like him through true desire and love. Now we see God through awareness. We no longer know him personally. Even Moses had to look side on. God is a great power that we worship. God needs our love and not worship through fear. A true friend loves and respects you. A fearful friend is distant. Christ is in God and Adam is in Christ and man is in Adam. Christ always continued to surround Adam and visited Adams thought. Like Moses. Christ becomes part of Adams thought through the body of Jesus. Mans body and Christs body join. A link is formed. When Moses body died it flowed away. As time flows so does thought. Moses flowed away into the thought energy of Adams mind. His testomy of Gods law survives today. He is with us forever. So we flow our thought here, around and around and pass it on to children or our thought flows to Christ and we live in a higher awareness of reality. The body retains memory which stays here and the soul is retrieved and the bodies memory and spiritual memory ascends back up from where it descended.
It's so sad that still many people don't believe that Jesus is our only way to salvation. My brothers and sisters, let's pray to God that they may see the truth. 🙏🙏🙏
Why is Jesus called "the last Adam" at 1 Corinthians 15:45 ? Because Jesus took the place of the original Adam who rebelled against God's authority, violating his command to not eat from "the tree of knowledge of good and bad", that established God's right to set moral boundaries for Adam and his descendants.(Gen 2:16, 17; 3:1-6) When Adam turned traitor to God, whose name is Jehovah (see Isa 12:2, KJV), he lost the privilege of passing on perfection to his offspring. Instead, he passed on what he now became - a sinner - in which the Hebrew word for sin, chattath, means "to miss", missing the mark of perfection in both obedience and body with Jehovah God. Because Adam was now a condemned sinner, a rebel, a violator, a traitor to Jehovah God, he could not pass on the perfection he once had, for now he was deeply flawed, no longer sinless, whereby he gave all of his descendants imperfection or sin, so that all that are the original Adam's "children" have sin within them, in which they are now condemned, as Adam was, to a life of sickness, sorrow and death, unless a "benefactor" came along and saved them from this horrendous situation. Such a benefactor would come along, for Jehovah God immediately made arrangements to undo the damage done by Adam's rebellion in the garden of Eden, by means of "the woman's offspring" (Gen 3:15), a heavenly government called God's Kingdom.(Matt 6:10; Note: the "woman" and her "offspring" is again seen at Isaiah 54, 60, 62; Rev 12) The primary ruler and its leader of God's Kingdom is Jesus Christ, who took the place of the original Adam and became "the last Adam" for obedient mankind who exercised faith in him.(John 3:16) These would become his "children" in effect, passing on to them perfection so that they could live forever, be it in heaven or on the earth, becoming their "Eternal Father" (Isa 9:6), for it is through his perfect shed blood that forgiveness of sins takes place (Eph 1:7; 1 John 1:7), while through the original Adam condemnation by sin takes place.(Rom 5:12) Thus, only those who become obedient to Jehovah God through his "only-begotten Son", Jesus, will have Jesus as their "Eternal Father", for he will use his life giving ransom for obedient ones to give them everlasting life, for part b of 1 Corinthians 15:45, says that "the last Adam became a life-giving spirit", having replaced the faulty and sinner Adam with himself, who "became (just) a living person" that passed his deadly sin on to us.(1 Cor 15:45a)
Jesus will save you and you won’t even know how or why and you might even think you aren’t good snd your going to hell.. lemme tell ya something. Your story ain’t over yet. Saving the one is so righteous.
Adam was Supernaturally Created from and through the Earth. Jesus was Supernaturally Created from and through a Woman. Twice only has the Perfect Image of God appeared in the Earth. The FIRST ADAM is the ancestor of all that have Physical Life. The SECOND ADAM is the ancestor of all that have Spiritual Life.
Jesus accomplished what Adam couldn't accomplished. Jesus had no advantage over us. Jesus never used the advantage of being born God. He lived life as we must live it. FTW pg 351
Sorry my friend Jesus is never called second adam. Jesus is called the LAST ADAM. if there is a second then there could be a third fourt fifth. But Jesus is the last adam.
Joseph was sold into slavery, their descendants paid the price by becoming enslaved it seems perpetually. They might have been led out of Eygpt but they died in the wilderness, suffered hunger, thirst and was bitten by snakes. This seems evil and like a life of misery.
Your title refers to a second Adam. The Bible calls Jesus the last Adam? He is the Alpha and Beta or is he the Alpha and Omega? Is Beta and Omega the same word? The proper word makes huge difference in the reading God’s unchangeable Word. Look forward to your response. Phil 4:4
My mother is Sterling of the Sterling Stirling Stivelyns of Stirling Scotland descendent of Adam through Dardanus son of Zarah and my father is Joseph Berlin of the Ashkenazi descendent of Solomon son of David. Adam is Enoch is Noah is Yeshua is Robert.
So Jesus Christ is the replacement for Adam? And if you all believe God is Jesus then What was Adam before? And if that’s the case wouldn’t Jesus Christ speak Adamic? And in that case would that mean he killed Adam and stole his tongue? Cause this all sounds parcel mouthed
Adam IS THE CHRIST Christ is the last BODY of Adam! Adam died b/c he was disobedient His BODY returned to dust NOT his spirit HIS SPIRIT was reborn in a new body - the body of CHRIST ADAM IS JESUS CHRIST JESUS CHRIST IS ADAM THE ONE AND ONLY SON OF THE FATHER
Isn’t it going to be wonderful you will get to choose your Heaven based on your racial preferences?! You will get to choose the race of Jesus/Isa/Muhammad or whatever messiah one chooses? You can choose the race for fellowship of the “church”. You know, because race is the upmost importance of these teachings. Makes me a little afraid to die and have to choose the black heaven with my older children, the Hispanic heaven with my husband and baby or the white heaven with my parents/brother….I suppose hopefully God will create an all inclusive destination or I’m bound to chose to be alone until I can find a place for all my family
@@Chrystine4440 praise Yahweh my master who l serve it's been 403 years and 27 years to go . Yahweh his seed was chosen thousands of years ago, the tribe of Judah. Yahshuah will be arriving here very soon, to save 144000 of his black Negro's people, he died for Negro's.
I can’t give up on him because he is my only hope...
@@sisterbecky411 fr
AMEN Live for Jesus live in Righteousness
@@sisterbecky411 yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy_
For there is born to you this day . In the city of David a saviour who is Christ the Lord . Luke 2:11.
Even when we feel like hope is gone and we have no chances left. He’s not done. He’s not gonna quit on you.
Philippians 2:10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth🙏🏼❤️🕊 REPENT, believe in the Gospel, Be Born Again
Praise to our Lord Jesus ✝️🙏Amen.
Praise you Lord Jesus.
Shalom 🙏🏾
The Lord is near, the season is now! Amen. God is merciful. He always forgives. Never be ashamed to take your failures to him. He is for you, not against you! God is with you in the storm. He knows your troubles, he hears you! He is for you, on your side, always! It may feel silent at times, but he’s holding you close! May the Lord return soon! We are drawing closer. He is coming! Believe and trust in the Lord, you will be saved. Period. May the Lord bless you all! Hang in there family. Stay strong. It is not easy following the Lord. We are scoffed at. We give up our earthly dreams, our fleshly desires. What the enemy offers is short lived, but heaven is forever! Life may seem or be unfair, but God is with you! Always remember that. Things may get better or worse for you, but a kingdom awaits you! Finish the race! Repent daily and carry your cross. This world is fading fast. Your troubles are temporary! New channel here, I’d appreciate any kind of support. Don’t give up! God loves you so much! So do I. The Lord bless you!
Ancient Roots of God and Lord -
Many Bible references reveal that the Hebrew word "Ba'Al" has the same meanings as our English word "Lord." On Hosea 2:16 in various Bibles (for example: "Ba'Ali = my Lord. The Companion Bible note).
Throughout the book of Judges we find that Israel continually fell back into the worship of the Ba'Alim (Lords). In 1 Kings 16:29 - 17:1, Ahab became a king and plunged Israel into full-scale Ba'Al worship.
An interlinear version show that in 1 Kings 18:19 and 21 the word is "ha Ba'Al," meaning, "the Lord."
For an apostate Israel, Yahweh had become the "ha Ba'Al" (the Lord) of Israel.
Rather than having a special, close relationship with Israel through His Name, Yahweh' now found Israel worshipping in a common title used for the idols.
One of the most prominent was the Syrian mighty one of fate or luck, otherwise known as Gad:
"But you are that forsake Yahweh, that forget My holy mountain, that prepare a table for the troop, and that furnish the drink offering unto that number (Isaiah 65:11). "Troop" is translated from the Hebrew Gad, pronounced God ( Strong's Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary No. 1409 and note the phonetic Gawd in this reference.).
Our word "God" and its Germanic roots "Gott" and "Gut" are connected to the Ancient Syrian idol "Ba'Al Gad," which Yahweh'judged Israel for worshipping.
The New Bible Dictionary says about "Gad,". "A pagan deity worshipped by the Canaanites as the God of Fortune for whom they "prepare a table" (Isaiah 65:11).
The Anchor Bible Dictionary says about "Gad" : "A Deity (or spirit) of fortune mentioned in Isaiah 65:11 as being worshiped, along with Meni (a god of fate or destiny), by apostate Jews, probably in postexilic Judah," Vol. II, p. 863. Further, this resource tells us, "The place name Ba'Al-gad (Joshua 11:17) could be interpreted as "Lord-God" or as involving an epithet (gad) joined to the divine name Ba'Al " (Ibid).
Do you grasp the significance of what you just read? The heathen nations that Joshua was directed to destroy had a place called "Ba'Al Gad", which is none other than "Lord-God," a reference to Isaiah 65:11, and the worship of this "deity' by those who forsake Yahweh!
As the Anchor Bible Dictionary affirms: "The apostate of Isaiah 65:11 were looking to Gad [God], not Yahweh', as the source of well-being and prosperity" (Vol. II, p 864).
In Hastings' A Dictionary of the Bible, we find that the word Gad or God was "originally an appellative" and used as a divine name in pagan worship.
(Churchianity is lost. God is a deity of fortune and Lord means Ba'Al aka Shawtawn in Hebrew and aka Satan in English and so, enjoy saying those words.
How did these all happened? Well through the simple fact that the favorable King James Bible was authored by Richard Bancroft, a Catholic and Archbishop of Canterbury London, England
All I have to say is... Amen
“For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.”
Romans 5:19 KJVAE
Amen 🙏❤️🙏✝️
How do I know that God can help? I try to have faith. I try to believe, even if nothing looks good. I need Jesus to deliver me. Please help me!🙏
The problem is that we do not understand the law of God.
Adam was supposed to grow in thought but descended to a lower level of thought. He thought within himself. Christ reaches in to Adams mind to deliver the truth to all his subsequent thought. Thats us.
Adam was supposed to give up all his thought to God so that He, God, could examine Himself. Instead Adam looked at himself. Selfishness. God says that that is ok because creations thought development could continue if Adams thought took in knowledge of God and passed it around to all the other thought. All the thought would then give itself to God.
A fight ensues to distract man by giving him things to do. Supporting families, work etc. God harvests thought. So you see God in the wrong way. He was your father who wanted you to see his Glory and work to understand Him and be like him through true desire and love.
Now we see God through awareness. We no longer know him personally. Even Moses had to look side on. God is a great power that we worship. God needs our love and not worship through fear. A true friend loves and respects you. A fearful friend is distant.
Christ is in God and Adam is in Christ and man is in Adam. Christ always continued to surround Adam and visited Adams thought. Like Moses. Christ becomes part of Adams thought through the body of Jesus. Mans body and Christs body join. A link is formed. When Moses body died it flowed away. As time flows so does thought. Moses flowed away into the thought energy of Adams mind. His testomy of Gods law survives today. He is with us forever. So we flow our thought here, around and around and pass it on to children or our thought flows to Christ and we live in a higher awareness of reality. The body retains memory which stays here and the soul is retrieved and the bodies memory and spiritual memory ascends back up from where it descended.
incredible . 🙏 thank you
It's so sad that still many people don't believe that Jesus is our only way to salvation. My brothers and sisters, let's pray to God that they may see the truth. 🙏🙏🙏
Thee omega the beginning n end ✊🏼
Why is Jesus called "the last Adam" at 1 Corinthians 15:45 ? Because Jesus took the place of the original Adam who rebelled against God's authority, violating his command to not eat from "the tree of knowledge of good and bad", that established God's right to set moral boundaries for Adam and his descendants.(Gen 2:16, 17; 3:1-6)
When Adam turned traitor to God, whose name is Jehovah (see Isa 12:2, KJV), he lost the privilege of passing on perfection to his offspring. Instead, he passed on what he now became - a sinner - in which the Hebrew word for sin, chattath, means "to miss", missing the mark of perfection in both obedience and body with Jehovah God.
Because Adam was now a condemned sinner, a rebel, a violator, a traitor to Jehovah God, he could not pass on the perfection he once had, for now he was deeply flawed, no longer sinless, whereby he gave all of his descendants imperfection or sin, so that all that are the original Adam's "children" have sin within them, in which they are now condemned, as Adam was, to a life of sickness, sorrow and death, unless a "benefactor" came along and saved them from this horrendous situation.
Such a benefactor would come along, for Jehovah God immediately made arrangements to undo the damage done by Adam's rebellion in the garden of Eden, by means of "the woman's offspring" (Gen 3:15), a heavenly government called God's Kingdom.(Matt 6:10; Note: the "woman" and her "offspring" is again seen at Isaiah 54, 60, 62; Rev 12)
The primary ruler and its leader of God's Kingdom is Jesus Christ, who took the place of the original Adam and became "the last Adam" for obedient mankind who exercised faith in him.(John 3:16) These would become his "children" in effect, passing on to them perfection so that they could live forever, be it in heaven or on the earth, becoming their "Eternal Father" (Isa 9:6), for it is through his perfect shed blood that forgiveness of sins takes place (Eph 1:7; 1 John 1:7), while through the original Adam condemnation by sin takes place.(Rom 5:12)
Thus, only those who become obedient to Jehovah God through his "only-begotten Son", Jesus, will have Jesus as their "Eternal Father", for he will use his life giving ransom for obedient ones to give them everlasting life, for part b of 1 Corinthians 15:45, says that "the last Adam became a life-giving spirit", having replaced the faulty and sinner Adam with himself, who "became (just) a living person" that passed his deadly sin on to us.(1 Cor 15:45a)
Where in the Bible does it say, "Christ's blood covers us until the age of accountability", as you say? I don't find evidence for that.
Jesus will save you and you won’t even know how or why and you might even think you aren’t good snd your going to hell.. lemme tell ya something. Your story ain’t over yet. Saving the one is so righteous.
Adam was in flesh.. Jesus in spirit..
Adam was Supernaturally Created from and through the Earth.
Jesus was Supernaturally Created from and through a Woman.
Twice only has the Perfect Image of God appeared in the Earth.
The FIRST ADAM is the ancestor of all that have Physical Life.
The SECOND ADAM is the ancestor of all that have Spiritual Life.
Jesus accomplished what Adam couldn't accomplished. Jesus had no advantage over us. Jesus never used the advantage of being born God. He lived life as we must live it. FTW pg 351
I'm the world's only Doctor of the Temple Mount
Adam didn't sin god punish Adam for listening to his wife now man got to work the ground into he dies turn back to dust
Adam ate of the fruit himself.
Sorry my friend Jesus is never called second adam. Jesus is called the LAST ADAM. if there is a second then there could be a third fourt fifth. But Jesus is the last adam.
Joseph was sold into slavery, their descendants paid the price by becoming enslaved it seems perpetually. They might have been led out of Eygpt but they died in the wilderness, suffered hunger, thirst and was bitten by snakes. This seems evil and like a life of misery.
So adam was forgiven eternal life regained in christ
Your title refers to a second Adam. The Bible calls Jesus the last Adam? He is the Alpha and Beta or is he the Alpha and Omega? Is Beta and Omega the same word? The proper word makes huge difference in the reading God’s unchangeable Word. Look forward to your response. Phil 4:4
My mother is Sterling of the Sterling Stirling Stivelyns of Stirling Scotland descendent of Adam through Dardanus son of Zarah and my father is Joseph Berlin of the Ashkenazi descendent of Solomon son of David. Adam is Enoch is Noah is Yeshua is Robert.
So Jesus Christ is the replacement for Adam? And if you all believe God is Jesus then What was Adam before? And if that’s the case wouldn’t Jesus Christ speak Adamic? And in that case would that mean he killed Adam and stole his tongue? Cause this all sounds parcel mouthed
Adam brought us death
Jesus brought us Life
Adam sinner
Jesus Redeemer
So then how is Jesus the pattern of Adam ?
Jesus is The LAST ADAM. 1 Corinthians 15:45
It was eve and the serpent who condemned the world to sin not adam
i disagree the bible says eve was decieved Adam knew better
@@ellenfleming9685 ignorance doesn't equal innocence
Christ is the last BODY of Adam!
Adam died b/c he was disobedient
His BODY returned to dust
NOT his spirit
HIS SPIRIT was reborn in a new body - the body of CHRIST
Jesus is not called the second Adam. The Holy Ghost, will be the King.
The bad stories about our true gods and goddesses.....were made by your damn Jesus Christ of Nazareth too.... Pontius Pilate and the Romans
Praise Lucifer, bearer of light.
A European Jesus is just 😷
White washed
Isn’t it going to be wonderful you will get to choose your Heaven based on your racial preferences?! You will get to choose the race of Jesus/Isa/Muhammad or whatever messiah one chooses? You can choose the race for fellowship of the “church”. You know, because race is the upmost importance of these teachings. Makes me a little afraid to die and have to choose the black heaven with my older children, the Hispanic heaven with my husband and baby or the white heaven with my parents/brother….I suppose hopefully God will create an all inclusive destination or I’m bound to chose to be alone until I can find a place for all my family
@@Chrystine4440 praise Yahweh my master who l serve it's been 403 years and 27 years to go . Yahweh his seed was chosen thousands of years ago, the tribe of Judah. Yahshuah will be arriving here very soon, to save 144000 of his black Negro's people, he died for Negro's.
Jesus is a fictional character.