william Wilson they get killed. They are a waste product. Just like the male baby cows. Farmers work hard, they need support to grow plant foods not animals.
Qwerty098 Asdf ; Baby cows, forsooth!! Bull-calves, you bleedin' heart vegan PETAphile! Nice try at anthropomorphizing!! And it's ram lambs,you citified ninny!! They are likely castrated and raised as wethers for spring lamb, fyi...
Great! We are build our shed for sheep milking now in Hororata.
this is great! thank you!
Wool clip?
Dang, them ol'ewes gotta bag likea cow!!
What happens to the ram lambs?
I Google what happen to dairy ram lambs and got this> www.sheep101.info/201/dairysheep.html ( it's the last one )
they get ate! yummmmm!
william Wilson they get killed. They are a waste product. Just like the male baby cows. Farmers work hard, they need support to grow plant foods not animals.
william Wilson ; spring lamb!!
Qwerty098 Asdf ; Baby cows, forsooth!! Bull-calves, you bleedin' heart vegan PETAphile! Nice try at anthropomorphizing!! And it's ram lambs,you citified ninny!! They are likely castrated and raised as wethers for spring lamb, fyi...