Let's kept it simple. Alain you should put a set of head phone and listen to Alice Copper's Department of Youth. Think like a dog is what my Doctor says every time tells me when I go down the Exit International path. Your concepts do my head in and undermining my very little desire to live. I don't want to repeat what I imagine Prof Paul Mullens and Dr Tyshing might thing of your double talk; lucky I cannot really understand anything; but I notice that no one happy in this world.
Let's kept it simple. Alain you should put a set of head phone and listen to Alice Copper's Department of Youth. Think like a dog is what my Doctor says every time tells me when I go down the Exit International path. Your concepts do my head in and undermining my very little desire to live. I don't want to repeat what I imagine Prof Paul Mullens and Dr Tyshing might thing of your double talk; lucky I cannot really understand anything; but I notice that no one happy in this world.