To be fair, I haven't summoned yet, but I will summon it. It might just get delayed for mine because I need more orbs to summon, I just have to wait until next week on Monday.
For QoTD: Saizo is the unit I really wished he was released much later than at launch. His stat spread and his refine don't really do him justice thanks to Kagero and Sothe, and I wish IS treated him as his own unit than being a lesser Kagero.
I agree with your question of the day answer, Seth and Titania were done so dirty. Would be cool to see them both on a Harmonic unit but thats definitely a pipe dream.
Agreed, along with Saizo, Barst, Jaegen, Gunter, I mean like come on IS, what are you afraid of making these units better than how they turned out in feh?
Congrats on the summons pm1, and for QOTD, I agree that units like Saizo and the units you listed would've been MUCH better released later. Gen 1 was pretty awkward for many units, and it's sad looking back at how many of them were done dirty.
I have both Laevatein and Laegjarn at +10 from years ago, the latter is still really solid even now but Laevatein's refine was Sothis-tier tragic even for its time and her stat spread does her no favours...I've tried so hard but she's just collecting dust now 😢
For QoTD: Seeing how they mentioned Saizo, it makes me wish he could get an ascended, attuned, rearmed, or an aided alt to really shine from how good he is from fates, but knowing the Kagero favoritism it feels unlikely.
QotD: I wish Legendary Lucina, Ryoma, and "FRobin" were released a lot later, mostly due to their designs. - Exalt Lucina's cipher card existed very shortly after L!Lucina came out, so perhaps if they waited a bit longer, they could have gone with that design instead of Great Lord, but again. - That's... Not FRobin, moreover she doesn't even have an outfit change. Imo this alt felt like IS wanted to rush out Fallen FRobin but didn't know where to put her, and it really messed with her future rep for years in the process (Also because of that, among other alt choices (Yeah Brave, but Rearmed... (Shudder)), she's the only lead that will probably never see a promoted class alt). - Ryoma... It's mostly just personal preference. I like his Sumeragi-esque outfit a lot.
For the question: My typical answer is Saizo since I'm a fan and wished he was much better, but I feel a lot of units from gen 1 deserved much better treatment than what they got, unless ofc their names are Reinhardt, Hector, and Kagero.
On the verge of giving up on this stupid game Wish List: R! Marianne and Ashe(Fodder to my +5 L! Hinoka) Syverne(she pity broken me so many times that I hate her) 21st pull Aided Dagr(I didn’t even want her)28th Pull Asendent Merric?????? 32nd Pull Sparked R!Marianne i also did pull on E! Sigurd yesterday E! Sigurd A! Micaiah Sigurd(lmao) L! Hinoka
Congrats on your summons!! I ended up getting R! Marianne on my free summon, which was nice given i wasn't expecting anything after only getting 1 E! Marth copy and not a single E! Sigurd after spending 400+ orbs by the time banner ended. Also, i definitely get missing out on emblem units and then feeling like everyone else got them. When i missed put E! Celica it felt like every team in Arena had her, and now it's the same with E! Sigurd
Good to see you still playing this game Pheonix, i definitely miss playing this game back in Year 1, a friend of mine still plays this game, but when i came back to try it, my Nino got obliterated from everyone, even Reinhardt in a Calv team, the power creep is definitely insane. (especially when new units have like a base of 60+ speed and 80+ attack :') something that didnt exist for old generation characters.) Good luck in future endeavors!
I am here early finally. Also, I agree on Dorothea’s stat spread being very weird. And here I was hoping to give her arcane thunder, but I’m not sure how viable that will be on her? If she was going to have this kind of stat spread, I at least wish they gave her a prf, but other than that I look forward to merging her up.
Got Ash, Marianne and Dagr all in 18 summons! I've had pretty crap luck overall the last month or so, so I'm glad it turned around. It'll turn around for you too!
If I had to pick an older gen unit to be released in the modern meta, I think I’d go with Lon’qu. I know he’d be another speedy sword infantry and all, but I just like him a lot, and I feel like they would make him unique by giving him buffs if he’s around females or something.
My summons went alright this time around. Ended up getting Ashe and Dorothea while summoning and sparked R!Marianne since she was who I wanted the most, so I'm just missing A!Dagr. Also ended up getting Anankos, F!Dimitri, Lyn, and my first copy of M!Shez along the way. Thanks for the fun summoning session and hopefully you can have much better luck the next time E!Celica comes around!
Keeping my simping too an absolute minimum. I'd eat up a re-armed Annette with an arcane Crusher with adaptive damage. As for my summons I got Marianne and I immediately gave the Arcane to Arvis. Don't regret it at all!
I got Dagr but no Caspar... I'm going to try and keep getting him but it sucks that this pool is so bloated so it's that much harder to get him QOTD: Definitely like Sophia, she has a good Def/Res statspread but like her Atk and Spd stat just hurts to look at
Even though the only 5 star I got so far was Gustav, I managed to get Caspar on my 7th summon with +atk -res so I’m very happy about that. Also, I agree that the ghb should’ve been Ladislava, or Randolph. I always wanted to learn more about them, and I just don’t care for Metodly.
I was also kind of confused with Dorothea being a demote, but it does make sense actually. They've given us F2P friendly dancers for most games so far. Echoes has Soiree Rinea, Genealogy has Silvia, Thracia has Lara, etc. The only games which don't have F2P dancers are Shadow Dragon/New Mystery and Path of Radiance (though, Limited Hero Battles do combine the Tellius games so Reyson can be used there, it's just Resonant battles where PoR suffers).
Congrats on the summoning session PM1! :D 💖 And man I'm so sorry about emblem Celica it sucks when u spent that many orbs and u don't get them why Celica keeps hiding! :( As for QOTD I'd say Sanaki she got released surprisingly way too early even before some of the greil mercenaries and her refine was treated and fumbled badly she could have had some more effects that helps her and ties her with Sigrun and Tanith, like maybe she gives out some stats useful effects for her and her allies also the idea Oblivion mentioned which is at a start of turn she could grant any flying allies within 2 spaces of her the savior effect which would be a really cute reference to her relation with her moms also would give her a really unique niche as a unit.
I'd like to push back on Arena Assault being difficult at the moment. As a 100% f2p player that consistently gets top 1k in AA, the introduction of the Sigurd ring has made the mode incredibly easy as long as you take the time to set up your reserve teams beforehand. That way every team you bring can have a Sigurd ring user (as well as all of the other rings). The extra movement and especially Canto 2/3 makes taking out the enemy units very manageable. Additionally, the enemy having Sigurd ring almost always helps you, as the AI uses canto very defensively and 1 rally can break up the enemy team's formation. So I'd highly recommend for anyone to play AA when it comes back around - just make sure to take a few minutes and build and lock your reserve teams before playing.
I got Dagr on my 6th summon (first ticket summon) but she was -atk +res so I kept going and got Marianne on the 39th summon! I sparked a neutral dagr, and got fallen byleth along the way too. Oh and Dorothea was my 40th summon! So happy with my luck. Marianne was -res +spd which kinda sucks for her but as a rearmed I hope to get more copies down the line. I fed the bad iv Dagr to my +5 attuned Nino that I still have 6 copies of, she passed canto curb and repo gait to my OG Nino
#question If you could redesign it, would you swap damage reduction skills with a hit% mechanic, so units with high speed will be less likely to hit and so on? In a way it would be similar, and you can put whatever constraints you want on it (ex. certain specials would always hit, can only dodge 1 per combat encounter, etc.).
That could screw over SD so much, and is negated in PVE for anyone with FehPass thanks to being able to rewind to the beginning of the turn. Of specials always hit, pulsing up and down specials would be even more popular than it is now. If the game was designed from the beginning with the %hit mechanic in mind, it might work, but the calculations are done on the device side, and so would eat up more resources calculating dodge rates too
I think they made it small since alot of characters have alot of things going on on their head so it would clash with it all maybe and glitches? But yeah it being bigger would have been cooler but I really like the tiny birb too it's really cute.
I miss the days of the dancer Olivia "Hector; hardly knew her" build +10, Def boon, Refined Amorsmasher, Steady Stace 4, Odd and Even Defense Wave, Bonfire She was able to dance and counter/kill almost all the green armor tanks back in the day
"Then again, pre-combat damage has been countered, unfortunately" Unfortunately? UNFORTUNATELY??? That stupid gimmick was the most unbalanced thing in the game before Emblem Celica arrived, thank goodness it got countered. L!Camilla doing a False Swipe on your butt to proceed with a Sucker Punch did not need to exist, so I'm personally glad this effect was nerfed so hard lol
Agreed, it was absurd. Devoted Basket+ made even Gen 1 low atk mages destroy things, I lowkey enjoyed that part though ngl but I am probably biased due to Summer Mercie haha.
For those who are seeing this #question, I hopefully expect this to pop up in November's New Heroes or Premium Heroes banner, and this one is a crucial one for everyone. Among the "main" nine worlds in FEH, which of these worlds do you think deserve to be blasted by Asgard and be left with nothing in its wake? It may be a cruel question, but this comes from those who finished Book VIII at present (when I post this, this question only goes as far as Chapter 12, but I want this read by you, PM1). For all the lore building, either Vanaheimr or Yggdrasil are the major targets I want to nuke off the face of the map. Sorry if I offend those who liked these locations, but keep up the good work as always.
#question what would you add to the game to help dancers. I personally would add inheritable dances that could give extra effects. Like other inheritable skills, they could have inheritance restrictions (chant could only be used by beast units, for example). Weapons that grant effects if the user sings or dances would be nice if they came back.
The thing with Dorothea is that she’s a dancer, and they really don’t like putting prf dancers in the normal pool. I’m pretty sure it’s basically just fallen ninian. And Phina technically
#Question: If FEH ever decided to give older seasonal units the preferred weapons they deserved, who would you be most excited for (after Summer Mercedes)?
Qotd: I don’t really have an answer since a lot of characters I like are the axe fighter bros. Which a lot aren’t in the game yet lol. However I do wish units like Caspar, Raphael and Balthus had a fist animation similar to Alear, but was just classified as an axe
man... i feel you on the emblem celica luck bc i ended up getting like 7 emblem sigurds ;; i like sigurd but i need ONE celica 😢 at least my brave seliph got momentum 4 🙌
Really wish Dagr wasn't color sharing, I really want her. I love Dagr as much as Laegjarn. QOTD: Corrin, Mia, and Nephenee. I would say Jill too, but she hasn't got her refine yet.
I managed to pull several Dorotheas I think I should go with +Res and Ascend Attack for the best BST score I also have +Atk and +Spd versions PM1 which of these should I merge? I'm most likely going Res and Atk because Arcane Euphoria seems like her only hope right now How do you recommend building her?
Ended up getting everyone in under 30 summons, but I had to summon 65 times before I got even one copy of Caspar. 😭 At least I managed to get another Ashe in the process and spark for another Marianne but it still shouldn’t be that hard to get one copy of a demote. Really wish IS would fix how bloated the summoning pool is.
its kinda insane how every iteration of Roy thus far has been released too early to be even slightly good. Hopefully Emblem roy can finally break the curse.
Hello @Pheonixmaster1 thanks for the F2P Luck and help me to get Dagr #Question. Must likely you already have explained this in the past but i was away for the game and the channel for some time but i wanted to know about the bib-focus summon indicator below the summon count and what benefit brings to it? Thanks in Advance for your time and it's great to be back into the channel
QOTD: probably yuri tbh, I’m not a yuri super fan, but I love Foul Play, and the positional effects in the game, I wish “powercreep” was just them adding more positional tools rather than a bunch of paragraphs and 14 to all stats. I do like the new marianne and shadow slide.
Got one ticket left to go but so far all 3*s 🙃 I'm not planning to use more orbs than the red stones on each free ticket circle so I didn't expect anything, but not even a 4* is kinda crazy...
I wish and hope ayra got a super broken spd prf that everything is based on spd such as flat dr, flat true dmg reduction, 30% true dmg on spd and lot of spd all around and tons of spd support! Like ascended swordmaster ayra
Most Lyns came out so soon and they are all mostly bad now. Jaffar definitely deserved better. Also Karel but I'm hoping he'll get his sword saint legendary hero one day
I wish L!Yuri had waited until now to release so he could've been a more Noteworthy upgrade to his og. As it was, yeah he's a bit better than og!Yuri, but was still pretty dead on arrival because it wasn't nearly enough of an improvement to be worth building the same unit twice
I got pretty unlucky unfortunately, first 40 orbs got i got some decent stuff, but then the next 150 orbs gave me no 5* and i had to spark Marianne, im going to try to break the pity and go for second spark, im pretty upset that this past 4 months i have been so unlucky with my summons
I wish that Hector would have not gotten so many alts in the early years. All of them are outdated already. Even young Hector is showing his age already because savior units are getting fast outclassed.
#Question do you feel Ascended Ayra will get a wpn based on all about speed? Like for example Speed True dr, Speed flat dr, deals true dmg on insane amount of speed and so many other effects on speed that pairs well with stuff like Laguz friend 4? Hope you answer my question and keep up the good work!
it’s very unfortunate being a fan of so many awakening characters having to deal with most of your rep being gen 1/2 units unless it’s robin, chrom, or lucina. i would love gaius and lon’qu to get brand new alts with actual functioning prfs. how has lon’qu not ?! and i was happy to get a new olivia alt but i was still disappointed because she’s my favorite character but knowing she’s just a generic dancer when many azuras just do it better feels awful, really wish she had a chance to have a unique dance and prf. and we just got nah, so when’s the next nowi? it’s long overdue!!
Ah, that's a shame. Beast Sense does not help much for Galeforcing. You could see if it has got Atk/Spd Wild, Infantry Pulse 4 & WoM Echo. Those are the most important premium skills for her.
@Pheonixmaster1 Hey PM1, I hope you are doing okay, I wish that you can come back happily, I wish to see you return to youtube safely, my number #1 FEH youtuber. :), Just get a lot of rest and come back strong! I miss you a little bit for your daily uploads on FEH.
I really hope this doesn't become a new thing where color sharing happens with aided units. I'm really traumatized from Timerra and Reginn color sharing... +4 Reginn and 1 Timerra
In response to the question of the day... Definitely Jaffar and Karel. Both were terrible day 1 five star exclusives with nothing to offer. I wish they got the Justice they deserve in amazing prfs
I am here early finally. Also, I agree on Dorothea’s stat spread being very weird. And here I was hoping to give her arcane thunder, but I’m not sure how viable that will be on her? If she was going to have this kind of stat spread, I at least wish they gave her a prf, but other than that I look forward to merging her up.
How did your summons go?
Haven't started it yet. Just sparked Harmonic Nagi.
Thankfully I pulled Marianne in just 7 summons 🙏
I can resume saving for Emblem Lucina 🤞
I haven't summoned just yet. I'm 5 orbs short from going full spark.(130 orbs total currently.)
I'll summon later, though.
To be fair, I haven't summoned yet, but I will summon it. It might just get delayed for mine because I need more orbs to summon, I just have to wait until next week on Monday.
Haven't started yet, still getting those to tickets.
Edit: Got Dorothea at merge 2, R!Marianne, and sparked for Aided Dagr. 😁
For QoTD: Saizo is the unit I really wished he was released much later than at launch. His stat spread and his refine don't really do him justice thanks to Kagero and Sothe, and I wish IS treated him as his own unit than being a lesser Kagero.
I agree with your question of the day answer, Seth and Titania were done so dirty. Would be cool to see them both on a Harmonic unit but thats definitely a pipe dream.
Agreed, along with Saizo, Barst, Jaegen, Gunter, I mean like come on IS, what are you afraid of making these units better than how they turned out in feh?
@@ieateyescreamieateyescream4777 cause they're not waifu, and apparently Titania isn't waifu enough for them to even care about
Congrats on the summons pm1, and for QOTD, I agree that units like Saizo and the units you listed would've been MUCH better released later. Gen 1 was pretty awkward for many units, and it's sad looking back at how many of them were done dirty.
God I wish Laevatein was released today. Even if you give her the most cracked skills she just really struggles due to her stats
or give her an aided alt
at least she has some nice alts...
I wish IS would be nice enough to update the stats on older units, but we all know they'd never do that.
I have both Laevatein and Laegjarn at +10 from years ago, the latter is still really solid even now but Laevatein's refine was Sothis-tier tragic even for its time and her stat spread does her no favours...I've tried so hard but she's just collecting dust now 😢
@@nathancory7278 same 😭
For QoTD: Seeing how they mentioned Saizo, it makes me wish he could get an ascended, attuned, rearmed, or an aided alt to really shine from how good he is from fates, but knowing the Kagero favoritism it feels unlikely.
QotD: I wish Legendary Lucina, Ryoma, and "FRobin" were released a lot later, mostly due to their designs.
- Exalt Lucina's cipher card existed very shortly after L!Lucina came out, so perhaps if they waited a bit longer, they could have gone with that design instead of Great Lord, but again.
- That's... Not FRobin, moreover she doesn't even have an outfit change. Imo this alt felt like IS wanted to rush out Fallen FRobin but didn't know where to put her, and it really messed with her future rep for years in the process (Also because of that, among other alt choices (Yeah Brave, but Rearmed... (Shudder)), she's the only lead that will probably never see a promoted class alt).
- Ryoma... It's mostly just personal preference. I like his Sumeragi-esque outfit a lot.
Not to mention for F!Rboin they really like pushing Grima so much one her
For the question: My typical answer is Saizo since I'm a fan and wished he was much better, but I feel a lot of units from gen 1 deserved much better treatment than what they got, unless ofc their names are Reinhardt, Hector, and Kagero.
What character did you forget was in the game? I personally forgot about Clive
@looneytunesshowbestlola5627 Mine, it's Phila. She gets killed and just forget about her that she existed. 🙄
Hmm, how strange. PM1 got the same number of heroes just like last time, but nevertheless, it was a pretty good summoning session.
Question answer: Legendary Ike😢
poor Ike, suffered from the early legendary alt, remember when IS gave Ike a lot of love, me too
@@ieateyescreamieateyescream4777we got emblem ike and fallen ike😭😭
On the verge of giving up on this stupid game
Wish List: R! Marianne and Ashe(Fodder to my +5 L! Hinoka)
Syverne(she pity broken me so many times that I hate her) 21st pull
Aided Dagr(I didn’t even want her)28th Pull
Asendent Merric?????? 32nd Pull
Sparked R!Marianne
i also did pull on E! Sigurd yesterday
E! Sigurd
A! Micaiah
L! Hinoka
It’s a nice start for me, but thank goodness emblem celica didn’t hate me, she’s fighting by my side. :)
Would really love to see what Arcane Blutgang looks like on ur summer Mercedes can’t wait till we can get a peak!!
Congrats on your summons!!
I ended up getting R! Marianne on my free summon, which was nice given i wasn't expecting anything after only getting 1 E! Marth copy and not a single E! Sigurd after spending 400+ orbs by the time banner ended.
Also, i definitely get missing out on emblem units and then feeling like everyone else got them. When i missed put E! Celica it felt like every team in Arena had her, and now it's the same with E! Sigurd
Can't wait to see your updated summer Mercedes 🔥
Good to see you still playing this game Pheonix, i definitely miss playing this game back in Year 1, a friend of mine still plays this game, but when i came back to try it, my Nino got obliterated from everyone, even Reinhardt in a Calv team, the power creep is definitely insane. (especially when new units have like a base of 60+ speed and 80+ attack :') something that didnt exist for old generation characters.) Good luck in future endeavors!
Anyone summoning/sparking for Marianne has my respect! 🙏
me who doesn't have orbs to summon her😭
I am here early finally. Also, I agree on Dorothea’s stat spread being very weird. And here I was hoping to give her arcane thunder, but I’m not sure how viable that will be on her? If she was going to have this kind of stat spread, I at least wish they gave her a prf, but other than that I look forward to merging her up.
Got Ash, Marianne and Dagr all in 18 summons! I've had pretty crap luck overall the last month or so, so I'm glad it turned around. It'll turn around for you too!
If I had to pick an older gen unit to be released in the modern meta, I think I’d go with Lon’qu. I know he’d be another speedy sword infantry and all, but I just like him a lot, and I feel like they would make him unique by giving him buffs if he’s around females or something.
My summons went alright this time around. Ended up getting Ashe and Dorothea while summoning and sparked R!Marianne since she was who I wanted the most, so I'm just missing A!Dagr. Also ended up getting Anankos, F!Dimitri, Lyn, and my first copy of M!Shez along the way. Thanks for the fun summoning session and hopefully you can have much better luck the next time E!Celica comes around!
Never would I ever have expected IS to add duo heroes to HoF, but S!Idunn and Murdock are here along with L!Lilina and L!Fae for this month's HoF!
Keeping my simping too an absolute minimum. I'd eat up a re-armed Annette with an arcane Crusher with adaptive damage.
As for my summons I got Marianne and I immediately gave the Arcane to Arvis. Don't regret it at all!
I wish Henry released later because his base unit is trash. I hope that he one day gets an alt that is actually good.
For the question of the day, even if it'll never happen, I wish Astram could get a modern alt. Either that or more realistically Laevatein.
I got Dagr but no Caspar...
I'm going to try and keep getting him but it sucks that this pool is so bloated so it's that much harder to get him
QOTD: Definitely like Sophia, she has a good Def/Res statspread but like her Atk and Spd stat just hurts to look at
Congrats on the summons, PM1=3Thank you for another summoning session=3
Even though the only 5 star I got so far was Gustav, I managed to get Caspar on my 7th summon with +atk -res so I’m very happy about that. Also, I agree that the ghb should’ve been Ladislava, or Randolph. I always wanted to learn more about them, and I just don’t care for Metodly.
I was incredibly lucky this morning and pulled aided Dagr for my free pull!!
I was also kind of confused with Dorothea being a demote, but it does make sense actually. They've given us F2P friendly dancers for most games so far. Echoes has Soiree Rinea, Genealogy has Silvia, Thracia has Lara, etc. The only games which don't have F2P dancers are Shadow Dragon/New Mystery and Path of Radiance (though, Limited Hero Battles do combine the Tellius games so Reyson can be used there, it's just Resonant battles where PoR suffers).
Congrats on the summoning session PM1! :D 💖
And man I'm so sorry about emblem Celica it sucks when u spent that many orbs and u don't get them why Celica keeps hiding! :(
As for QOTD I'd say Sanaki she got released surprisingly way too early even before some of the greil mercenaries and her refine was treated and fumbled badly she could have had some more effects that helps her and ties her with Sigrun and Tanith, like maybe she gives out some stats useful effects for her and her allies also the idea Oblivion mentioned which is at a start of turn she could grant any flying allies within 2 spaces of her the savior effect which would be a really cute reference to her relation with her moms also would give her a really unique niche as a unit.
Do you think that IS will someday release the poor units of refine jail?
I woke up and just free pull rearmed Marianne
babe wake up new pm1 video ☺️🖤
oh wait... i don't have a babe........
Thanks for the content! Hope you are doing well!
I'd like to push back on Arena Assault being difficult at the moment. As a 100% f2p player that consistently gets top 1k in AA, the introduction of the Sigurd ring has made the mode incredibly easy as long as you take the time to set up your reserve teams beforehand. That way every team you bring can have a Sigurd ring user (as well as all of the other rings). The extra movement and especially Canto 2/3 makes taking out the enemy units very manageable. Additionally, the enemy having Sigurd ring almost always helps you, as the AI uses canto very defensively and 1 rally can break up the enemy team's formation. So I'd highly recommend for anyone to play AA when it comes back around - just make sure to take a few minutes and build and lock your reserve teams before playing.
I got Dagr on my 6th summon (first ticket summon) but she was -atk +res so I kept going and got Marianne on the 39th summon! I sparked a neutral dagr, and got fallen byleth along the way too. Oh and Dorothea was my 40th summon! So happy with my luck. Marianne was -res +spd which kinda sucks for her but as a rearmed I hope to get more copies down the line.
I fed the bad iv Dagr to my +5 attuned Nino that I still have 6 copies of, she passed canto curb and repo gait to my OG Nino
"Maybe he can put in a good word for Ashe" lol
If you could redesign it, would you swap damage reduction skills with a hit% mechanic, so units with high speed will be less likely to hit and so on? In a way it would be similar, and you can put whatever constraints you want on it (ex. certain specials would always hit, can only dodge 1 per combat encounter, etc.).
That could screw over SD so much, and is negated in PVE for anyone with FehPass thanks to being able to rewind to the beginning of the turn. Of specials always hit, pulsing up and down specials would be even more popular than it is now.
If the game was designed from the beginning with the %hit mechanic in mind, it might work, but the calculations are done on the device side, and so would eat up more resources calculating dodge rates too
Man, I agree.
It would've looked amazing as the big bird perched on the character's back. Still cute tho, another friend for Micaiah and Yune.
I think they made it small since alot of characters have alot of things going on on their head so it would clash with it all maybe and glitches?
But yeah it being bigger would have been cooler but I really like the tiny birb too it's really cute.
I miss the days of the dancer Olivia "Hector; hardly knew her" build
+10, Def boon, Refined Amorsmasher, Steady Stace 4, Odd and Even Defense Wave, Bonfire
She was able to dance and counter/kill almost all the green armor tanks back in the day
Wish Ross released now with his Hatchet!
"Then again, pre-combat damage has been countered, unfortunately"
That stupid gimmick was the most unbalanced thing in the game before Emblem Celica arrived, thank goodness it got countered. L!Camilla doing a False Swipe on your butt to proceed with a Sucker Punch did not need to exist, so I'm personally glad this effect was nerfed so hard lol
Agreed, it was absurd. Devoted Basket+ made even Gen 1 low atk mages destroy things, I lowkey enjoyed that part though ngl but I am probably biased due to Summer Mercie haha.
For those who are seeing this #question, I hopefully expect this to pop up in November's New Heroes or Premium Heroes banner, and this one is a crucial one for everyone.
Among the "main" nine worlds in FEH, which of these worlds do you think deserve to be blasted by Asgard and be left with nothing in its wake? It may be a cruel question, but this comes from those who finished Book VIII at present (when I post this, this question only goes as far as Chapter 12, but I want this read by you, PM1). For all the lore building, either Vanaheimr or Yggdrasil are the major targets I want to nuke off the face of the map. Sorry if I offend those who liked these locations, but keep up the good work as always.
Dagr and Marianne's art are god tier
I was hoping to get a copy of Marianne and Dagr before spark, but only Marianne came. At least my Ophelia will enjoy her new arcane weapon!
#question what would you add to the game to help dancers.
I personally would add inheritable dances that could give extra effects. Like other inheritable skills, they could have inheritance restrictions (chant could only be used by beast units, for example).
Weapons that grant effects if the user sings or dances would be nice if they came back.
The thing with Dorothea is that she’s a dancer, and they really don’t like putting prf dancers in the normal pool. I’m pretty sure it’s basically just fallen ninian. And Phina technically
If FEH ever decided to give older seasonal units the preferred weapons they deserved, who would you be most excited for (after Summer Mercedes)?
Qotd: I don’t really have an answer since a lot of characters I like are the axe fighter bros. Which a lot aren’t in the game yet lol.
However I do wish units like Caspar, Raphael and Balthus had a fist animation similar to Alear, but was just classified as an axe
they will make TA 4 with Attuned Cecilia on a FE6 banner with old Marcus TRUST
man... i feel you on the emblem celica luck bc i ended up getting like 7 emblem sigurds ;; i like sigurd but i need ONE celica 😢 at least my brave seliph got momentum 4 🙌
Really wish Dagr wasn't color sharing, I really want her. I love Dagr as much as Laegjarn.
QOTD: Corrin, Mia, and Nephenee. I would say Jill too, but she hasn't got her refine yet.
I managed to pull several Dorotheas
I think I should go with +Res and Ascend Attack for the best BST score
I also have +Atk and +Spd versions
PM1 which of these should I merge?
I'm most likely going Res and Atk because Arcane Euphoria seems like her only hope right now
How do you recommend building her?
Ended up getting everyone in under 30 summons, but I had to summon 65 times before I got even one copy of Caspar. 😭 At least I managed to get another Ashe in the process and spark for another Marianne but it still shouldn’t be that hard to get one copy of a demote. Really wish IS would fix how bloated the summoning pool is.
so before you upload your video i did my free pull with 5 tickets and i didn't expect to get Marianne at 2 ticket used
its kinda insane how every iteration of Roy thus far has been released too early to be even slightly good.
Hopefully Emblem roy can finally break the curse.
Hello @Pheonixmaster1 thanks for the F2P Luck and help me to get Dagr #Question. Must likely you already have explained this in the past but i was away for the game and the channel for some time but i wanted to know about the bib-focus summon indicator below the summon count and what benefit brings to it? Thanks in Advance for your time and it's great to be back into the channel
QOTD: probably yuri tbh, I’m not a yuri super fan, but I love Foul Play, and the positional effects in the game, I wish “powercreep” was just them adding more positional tools rather than a bunch of paragraphs and 14 to all stats.
I do like the new marianne and shadow slide.
Got one ticket left to go but so far all 3*s 🙃 I'm not planning to use more orbs than the red stones on each free ticket circle so I didn't expect anything, but not even a 4* is kinda crazy...
I wish and hope ayra got a super broken spd prf that everything is based on spd such as flat dr, flat true dmg reduction, 30% true dmg on spd and lot of spd all around and tons of spd support! Like ascended swordmaster ayra
Pm1 should i put Spd Res Discord on Spring chloé?
Nope, she doesn't have the Res for it.
Got aided dagr on my free pull!
Most Lyns came out so soon and they are all mostly bad now. Jaffar definitely deserved better. Also Karel but I'm hoping he'll get his sword saint legendary hero one day
I tried getting Emblem Sigurd.
Ended up with not 1, not 2, but 4 freaking Emblem Celticas instead.
Not sure how to feel about it.
Canas needed to be released today
I wish L!Yuri had waited until now to release so he could've been a more Noteworthy upgrade to his og.
As it was, yeah he's a bit better than og!Yuri, but was still pretty dead on arrival because it wasn't nearly enough of an improvement to be worth building the same unit twice
I got pretty unlucky unfortunately, first 40 orbs got i got some decent stuff, but then the next 150 orbs gave me no 5* and i had to spark Marianne, im going to try to break the pity and go for second spark, im pretty upset that this past 4 months i have been so unlucky with my summons
I wish that Hector would have not gotten so many alts in the early years. All of them are outdated already. Even young Hector is showing his age already because savior units are getting fast outclassed.
#Question do you feel Ascended Ayra will get a wpn based on all about speed? Like for example Speed True dr, Speed flat dr, deals true dmg on insane amount of speed and so many other effects on speed that pairs well with stuff like Laguz friend 4? Hope you answer my question and keep up the good work!
Don't say you failed with Emblem Celica
it’s very unfortunate being a fan of so many awakening characters having to deal with most of your rep being gen 1/2 units unless it’s robin, chrom, or lucina. i would love gaius and lon’qu to get brand new alts with actual functioning prfs. how has lon’qu not ?! and i was happy to get a new olivia alt but i was still disappointed because she’s my favorite character but knowing she’s just a generic dancer when many azuras just do it better feels awful, really wish she had a chance to have a unique dance and prf. and we just got nah, so when’s the next nowi? it’s long overdue!!
My reason to pull this banner is dadgr
Cause idont have any dadgr on my collection
#Question where are your aether raid galeforce teams showcases? I really miss them !
What’s Velouria’s best b slot for galeforcing?
WoM4. If you run WoM Echo then Phys. NFU is better for the DR Pierce.
@@Pheonixmaster1 dang there’s one in binding worlds with beast sense. Thanks though!
Ah, that's a shame. Beast Sense does not help much for Galeforcing. You could see if it has got Atk/Spd Wild, Infantry Pulse 4 & WoM Echo. Those are the most important premium skills for her.
@@Pheonixmaster1 it does have those. Another shame is it has gale force as the special and not a premium beast special.
@Pheonixmaster1 Hey PM1, I hope you are doing okay, I wish that you can come back happily, I wish to see you return to youtube safely, my number #1 FEH youtuber. :), Just get a lot of rest and come back strong! I miss you a little bit for your daily uploads on FEH.
i got to 30 on my spark while sniping red and i seriously only got 5 red stones in total... why FEH?
I really hope this doesn't become a new thing where color sharing happens with aided units. I'm really traumatized from Timerra and Reginn color sharing... +4 Reginn and 1 Timerra
Wait Dorothea is the 4* demote?
Really considering skipping this banner. If Dorothea was premium, I would’ve summoned. I don’t care about the other units 🥲
In response to the question of the day...
Definitely Jaffar and Karel. Both were terrible day 1 five star exclusives with nothing to offer. I wish they got the Justice they deserve in amazing prfs
He's get bullied with new banner
Man, i wouldve taken anyone but every summon circle i got was completely colorless....
I am here early finally. Also, I agree on Dorothea’s stat spread being very weird. And here I was hoping to give her arcane thunder, but I’m not sure how viable that will be on her? If she was going to have this kind of stat spread, I at least wish they gave her a prf, but other than that I look forward to merging her up.