Kalash a culture going back to ancient Greece (part 1)

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2009
  • A video by journeyman pictures.
    The Kalash is a tribe living in a remote part of Pakistan. They are considered to be descendants of the soldiers of Alexander the Great. their traditions and customs have their roots in ancient Greece.


  • @alexandrosvasilaras596
    @alexandrosvasilaras596 6 років тому +2

    Hunza and Kalash people of Pakistan. Descendents of the Ancient Macedonians. Many of Alexander's soldiers were too sick and wounded to travel back home to Macedonia. Many stayed behind in the region of Hunza and Kalash (Todays Northern Region of Pakistan) IS GREEK PEOPLE

    • @iwannalavassa5501
      @iwannalavassa5501 Рік тому

      From all over the place of Greece...took Alexander soldiers

  • @iriniirini179
    @iriniirini179 5 років тому +2

    Какое наследство оставил наш Александр Македонский да здраствуют ГРЕКИ КАЛАС-ΕΛΛΑΣ. Που είσαι ΜΈΓΑ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΕ!!?

  • @asadalishah5703
    @asadalishah5703 4 роки тому +1

    Greek snd macedonia govts and UNESCO shud help preserve this land /culture/ of Alexander the great.

    • @fotiskosmos3009
      @fotiskosmos3009 2 роки тому

      macedonian are greeks not slaws, Learn and Posting the true.

  • @pavel11483
    @pavel11483 12 років тому

    Where do you live man? The tomb is a part of Rep.Greece , its available for visitors too. It has a tour gude and everything. You dont need an invitation to visit places that are under the jurisdiction of your government .

  • @pavel11483
    @pavel11483 12 років тому

    Does this colture looks to you people Greek or Helenistic ? Or it looks like the same as the one in Republic of Macedonia ?

    • @fotiskosmos3009
      @fotiskosmos3009 2 роки тому

      Republik of macedonian the slaw makedonian looks roma not this

  • @pavel11483
    @pavel11483 12 років тому

    See Igenea results , they are avalible on line and in books.

  • @iwannalavassa5501
    @iwannalavassa5501 Рік тому

    Τι είπε ο δάσκαλος τώρα προς το τέλος?? Ότι δεν του άρεσε το στυλ του σχολείου κ ότι δεν πιστεύουν ότι συγγενεύουν με τούς Έλληνες??? Πολύ διπλωματικό αυτό.

  • @pavel11483
    @pavel11483 12 років тому +1

    I am Macedonian, I speak Macedonian. Bulgarians and Slavs are from 2 different continents . St. Dimitri Wonder-worker of Thessaloniki: Bulgarians. people with yellow skin composition, chingu protruding eyes..... Google the old Bulgarian language. You on the other hand speak Egyptian- Koptic with + Turkish & Arabic words. Read Herodotus about your ansestors the Danaian people who came from Egypt

    • @janniverlangas9137
      @janniverlangas9137 4 роки тому


    • @fotiskosmos3009
      @fotiskosmos3009 2 роки тому

      you speak not makedonisch you language is bulgarisch, slawisch ... can you writing this all in Mekodn ? hahahahaha what a dream of uneducated people of skopjanoalabanosvskis... greek not slaovo > nski hahaha

    • @fotiskosmos3009
      @fotiskosmos3009 2 роки тому

      you are slaw no makedonian North Macedonian...According to the contract, only with North Mecedonia may not write with Macedonia or anything else, even the flag would be processed, quite simply the place that Tito has given you is a small part of the great powers but also given you a small part ...
      Or is it not true, if you write it down for me in Macedonian and not Slavic then I understand ... but not for lying .. you hear what he says in the third minute? greek, ancent greek ... not a word from albaniah or your country .. why? because you have nothing to do with the Slavs and the Macedonians ... I know it hurts you very much without a story .. nice greek dreams and get well soon ..
      .. Do you hear what they say Greek Culture, Greek Makedon, Do you hear or do you have problems with hearing? in the minute 3:00 in the minute 3. 10 -15 he says * the Greeks * Ancien Greeks *. Nothing from Slavs or Albanians ... If you don't understand that, you are either uneducated or a big liar ... You can't know without education In Turkey in Ankara it is also taught, there where Pakistani people also study ... Ask the Punjap, Indians or Pakistani there are so many Pakistani videos where it is proven that it is in the Indo Grecko Baktrian period ... There is no DNA where it is proven otherwise .. Why don't you have any sources ... Your fairy tales don't exist ... The envy of jealousy makes you blind? we live in the year 2022 ... think normal and male ..

    • @ILoveJahangeer
      @ILoveJahangeer 4 місяці тому

      @@techstepman Ridiculous behaviour. No one asked for a written lecture. How about you sort out your attitude and refocus your energy on how to speak to people with manners!

    • @blackmamba1916
      @blackmamba1916 Місяць тому

      Δεν υπάρχει Μακεδονική γλώσσα υπάρχει η Ελληνική όλα τα Μακεδονικά ευρήματα έχουν Ελληνικά γράμματα τι δεν καταλαβαίνετε και όλοι θέλετε να αποκλειστεί Μακεδόνες ;;;; Είναι Ελληνισμός καταλάβετε το

  • @janniverlangas9137
    @janniverlangas9137 4 роки тому +1


  • @pavel11483
    @pavel11483 12 років тому

    I had. Also I have read the messages you have writen them crying all ower the web

  • @iwannalavassa5501
    @iwannalavassa5501 Рік тому

    Στο 08:18 δεν μαρεσαν αυτά που είπε.

  • @techstepman
    @techstepman 5 років тому +1

    the sun of vergina is a symbol used throughout all of ancient greece, not a personal symbol of the great alexanders family. Its not just a greek macedonian symbol. It existed long before the macedonians united the greeks agaisnt the persians...It exists on doric and mycenian items found in peloponissos, these items have been dated and are in museums all over greece...its so funny to watch foreigners and listen to their views which are completely out of touch with reality...ancient artifacts dont lie....wtf is up with everyone wanting to tell us who we are...albanians say all greeks are albanians..."northen macedonians" say all macedonians are not greek (lol)...westerners say we are black brown non caucasians (im white with blues-grey eyes and dark blond hair) and want so hard to label us as middle eastern ppl...dont they already have their own heritage and culture? Why are they so hang up with our culture and are always on the look out for any chance to usurp our history and heritage?
    As for the kalash i doubt they have greek origins. They worship a conqueror who was the self proclaimed son of zeus, all conquerors did that....i can imagine how that could affect the simple ppl of that time. Yes their architecture looks very greek but thats because greeks spread their culture and knowledge in that part of the world. Ppl have kept parts of greek knowledge and culture and assimilated it in their own cultures. So i dont think anyone should rush to label these ppl in any way, especially since we dont have any written records of their heritage. They should be protected just like it happens with many amazon and african tribes, because of their uniqueness and because of the hostility of the islam that surrounds them. Well if they want to be muslims or anything else i doubt that anyone has the right to stop them but if they choose to keep their way of life they should be protected against anyone who might try to convert them by force or "economic help".
    I wasnt aware that the greek goverment did what is said in this vid. I'll look into it. I believe that its wrong to force greek heritage on them. Its like telling the italians they are greek just because their ancient latin borrowed things from ancient greek and they have been influenced by ancient greek religion and architecture. We greeks have so many things in common with italians that in comparison with the kalash they appear to be completely alien.

    • @nvand5350
      @nvand5350 Рік тому

      Agree with your comments. Newer DNA studies completely refute the Greek origins of Kalash and place them as bottle neck tribe isolated from others, migrated from Eurasia with Ukranian origins per DNA. Migrated over 20 thousand years ago before anyone else and are indiginous people.The misinformation about their greek origin is a rumor and misinformation run amok. Greek people should stop making false claims about the origins of Kalash. No Greek DNA was found in any study.

  • @pavel11483
    @pavel11483 12 років тому

    The IGENEA Switzerland DNA map of Europe you mean ? WHere we are 30% Antic Macedonians and you are 50% North Africans.

    • @fotiskosmos3009
      @fotiskosmos3009 2 роки тому

      uneducated people

    • @fotiskosmos3009
      @fotiskosmos3009 2 роки тому

      70% Bulgarian rest Roma,Turk,Serbian greek... the end 100% Not Makedonian... learn better

  • @pavel11483
    @pavel11483 12 років тому

    WHere does Igenea sayes that in your head ? If you hear voices in your head you need to see a doctor man .

  • @HaggisMacfee-JapanHouse
    @HaggisMacfee-JapanHouse 12 років тому

    Yes the tomb is in the Rep. of Greece's
    northern province of Macedonia.
    What's that got to do with the DNA of
    Alexander the great? The Greek province of
    Macedonia is NOT under the jurisdiction
    of the Scottish government.

  • @HaggisMacfee-JapanHouse
    @HaggisMacfee-JapanHouse 12 років тому

    Igenea stated clearly that 'antic Macedonian'
    does not refer to the ancient Greek tribe of
    Macedonians, as they stated 'there are
    no Genetic markers of the ancient
    Macedonians' because no DNA has ever
    been recovered from ancient Macedonian grave
    remains - all of which are in Vergina Greece.
    the tag antic 'Macedonian' refers
    to the name of your republic and NOT
    to the Greek tribe of Macedonians.
    'Antic-Macedonian' = Sarmatians.
    No, it was the Japanese they said
    were 50% Africans, LOL!

  • @goldynikolov6979
    @goldynikolov6979 5 років тому +1

    MACEDONIA FOR EVER!!!!🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰

    • @TheGfdsahjk
      @TheGfdsahjk 2 роки тому +1

      .kalash are greeks and people who say they not greeks they are a joke. kalash people are greek descend thats the true facts and thats what i have been taught from the university of ankara. i hate greeks but the facts are facts. grow some balls and be a man of honor ..

    • @fotiskosmos3009
      @fotiskosmos3009 2 роки тому +1

      hahahaha slaw Macedonians

    • @fotiskosmos3009
      @fotiskosmos3009 2 роки тому

      Do you understand Macedonian? Not Slavic Original Macedonian, if not tell no fairy tales .. Hear what the Kalash say Greek Culture, Greek Macedon, Do you hear or do you have hearing problems? in the minute He says the Greeks Ancien Greeks at 3:00 in the minute 3. Nothing about Slavs or Albanians ... If you don't understand that you are either uneducated or a big liar.

    • @blackmamba1916
      @blackmamba1916 Місяць тому

      ΑΡΟΥΡΑΙΕ θα πεθάνεις Σκοπιανος....μόνο στον ύπνο σας είστε Μακεδόνες γιατί οι Μακεδόνες ήταν Έλληνες αυτό το ξέρει όλη η γη εκτός από εσάς και γελάμε όλοι μαζί σας αρουραιοι😂

  • @nightrider12soul
    @nightrider12soul 5 років тому

    Macedonians never believed the Greeks,so the Alexander too.

    • @blackmamba1916
      @blackmamba1916 Місяць тому

      Λες μαλακίες διότι και εσύ έχετε έλλειψη νοημοσύνης πέρα από την προπαγάνδα

  • @bvbdojc5331
    @bvbdojc5331 7 років тому


  • @illyriankingdom8810
    @illyriankingdom8810 11 днів тому

    this is 100% fake video the kalash people are white race they are different from others people