Jai Siddhatma! I am very much honoured listening your words, also I am deeply grateful due to the peace I feel inside my heart and my mind...you gave me just one more kick understanding and finally getting the truth and the blink what is meant to the fact about 2012 or aquarius century or just to understand and LIVE pure Spirituality hoping for Entlightenment and Unconditional LOVE in Eternity...Thank you yours devoted RADHA (Heike) from Germany
You are the smartest man i was able to see on this videos.I think that mankind will endure,colonize space and live for billions of years to come.I believe science,not some man who have "visions",and talk to God.
It's going to be shift of consciousness. Blessed are we all for those who undertake spiritual practices for they are creating an easier shift. 2012's energies are already manifesting and ascension has already begun. People will love more, there will be more peace, and less fear. Not that there will be no evil, but not to the extreme as it is now. People's view will shift to where they will be living a diff kind of reality. Those who fear/vibrate on lower levels may not make it - so arise!
Dear Hashram, I appreciate yr calm: our strenght should be used to increase our calm. Since the beggining of my life I had a current nigthmare: JOY in no place, no time, only a warm light, then something changed and I was trapped by an horizon and I woke up terrified. We lead to where we belong. There will be a strong sun flare at this time 2012, but life is always change and movement. Peace and love!!
I agree with what he's saying: there is no end of the world. I honestly don't believe that's possible. To end the world you would have to end all life. And to end life you would have to end time. And to end time you would have to end the entire universe - but how are you supposed to do that?? We can manage to destroy our planet/all life existing on it right now, but life will ALWAYS find a way. Always. As long as there's time and space, there's always hope for new life. And life = life. :]
I was highly critical of this when I first opened it. Now that I've watched this man talk. I very much appreciate his time and dedication in this matter. He makes several good points. He made me re-enforce my beliefs.
i agree! fear comes from lack of Faith. You lose hope that spiritual help is not around. People be aware of negativity but STOP entertaining it. You can start by limiting the media and hollywood lies. you don't like the thoughts in your mind just switch them to more pleasant ones and have peace!
@ashpk100 one blink in 7 minutes, quite impressive. That is attention and awareness at a high level. Fearlessness comes to you when you are in the light.
Hes an indian guy.Right now im sitting in Bahrain and see loads of indians-they talk this way!Besides of the colour of his voice,he sounds very wise to me.
I would recommend being patient and when the time is right the answer will seem so clear. I'm the same way, i see numbers or visions repeatedly. i use to be confused and panic but that will only block your clear seeing and knowing so relax and continue living and then Surprise the answer shows up,lol. makes life more interesting i think. peace
I've been reading a book about ZEN and I'm eager to learn how to meditate. I like these I read: Man must be master of himself, intellectually, morally, and spiritually. To be so, he must be able to examine his own states of consciousness and direct his thoughts and desires to the end where lies the rationale of existence. Soyen 1987, 146 Today I learned that form is emptiness and emptiness is form.
Vivekananda (An ex-free mason, and a great soul to touch this earth) "He pointed out that Ramakrishna had been through long years of strictest self discipline and that his ecstasy was a fruit of that discipline, not a superficial emotionalism. "When people try to practice religion, eighty percent of them turn into cheats, and about fifteen percent go mad. Its only the remaining five percent who get some direct knowledge of the Truth and so become blessed. So Beware."
I kind of feel the same way. I just graduated high school this year, and all of this stuff has a strong bearing on which direction I want to start taking my life. It's aggravating not to know for certain what's in store. For now I suppose I'll follow my feelings and interests; after all, those seem to be the most direct and immediate "higher communication" we get.
As far as I've come to understand, you are correct. Even the Bible says that there will be a "new heaven/earth". This seems to mean to me that there will be a cleansing, but not a destruction. We will probably "take a step up", at least those of us that are willing and capable. Ever since a few years ago I've had the feeling that I would witness "endtimes", whatever form they might take. I'm not calling myself a prophet, but I listen to my feelings. I know for sure that something big is coming.
I used always to say to my friends, there will be nothing in 2012..yes maybe some people will lose their positions and their political powers or some new systems will replace the current ones..but that's only end for some parts. At this point, I agree with this man.
Jai Siddhatma! Stay tuned for the next video coming soon. Follow Acharya Shree on Instagram instagram.com/acharyashreeyogeesh Subscribe to receive new videos: www.youtube.com/@AcharyaShreeYogeesh?sub_confirmation=1 Please like, comment and share.
Thank you, I really needed that. All this 2012 talk really gave me the creeps and it's good to know that these predictions are false. Things will change, that's for sure,and probably for the better, but it's nice to know that the world isn't really going to come to an end.
Precisely. I don't claim to know what's going down, but I've had this feeling for a while as well. Even the Bible doesn't really seem to teach of an end, but rather a renewal. The verse where Jesus is supposed to have said "I will be with you to the end of the world" can also be translated as ".. to the end of the age."
Yes, that's true. 2012 is about planetary alignment rather than computers. I remember watching several TV specials concerning Y2K and how all these "experts" were making claims of doomsday and when it was all said and done nothing happened. If anything, a bunch of people bought new computers. We'll see what happens, I'm open minded.
thats right brother ! human kind has developed itself on material things and is focused on that. Thats why they will not understand(at this moment though)that true and eternal life is also given to them too. The Veda's, which is one of the oldest guides for human kind, tells you all what u want to know.
How will we balance the suffering that has been on this planet for hundreds of years? Can you imagine being slaughtered? Being burned alive? Pain is subjective?
@RutnRampage I've heard there is a spiritually advanced alien race watching over us in case another space-race ever tries to "end us", and that this advanced race would know their intentions and prevent it. After I heard about this friendly race from numerous sources, I began to take it seriously, and my intuition tells me it is true. Humans are divine, and we are too precious (well, being a guy that's the first time I've ever used that word :p) to just be wiped out. No worries! :D
Guys look at 2008 July 15 and 22 crop circles in Avebury UK. One shows the solar system with planets fixed at 2012 23rd dec, the other shows a same-size circle but empty and with what looks like junk,refuse, all around it. It means in 2012 we will wipe the slate clean, we will consider everything we thought we knew about the universe as junk. Its a fresh start-just what we need: like becomeing question-asking children all over again. Nothing less than a full change like this is good enough.
wise man right here although you really have to listen to him. There is no end just like there is no death. everything gets reintegrated and reborn. there in some sense even if the current existence fails it will begin again but remember that even though it will happen one day you should never expect it to happen tomorrow. in the words of yoda, "you must be mindful of the present". and always remember the next five minutes of your life could determine the rest so live here and now don't worry.
i will confess that i got myself worked up about the world ending 12/21/2012. That is a day before my birthday so that really scared me. I was even thinking about killing my self before that day. That is ending myself. And now i realize even if the world does end that day ( most likely not), we should not end ourselves, we should enjoy our life and not spend it being scared about dying until we do die. Many predictions are wrong. Like in one of Yogeeshashram's video humans are not perfect.
I agree " Mind is the most powerful force" what we think, we have thought, or will be thinking becomes true. N mind works with the law of attraction so more you think about something the more you attract it
It's interesting that we must take the attitude that 'we will live forever' when we review our spiritual progress. The degree of 'spiritual progress' is like the weathering of stone by the wind. Then the shape that lies within will become the shape that is seen without. Nezumi
I for one am very concerned in terms of what will happen not only on 12/21/2012 but also leading up to it. On the other hand I remember the whole Y2K thing and NOTHING bad happened with that-it was all nonsense. I do have to say that I really appreciate Dr. Yogeeshashram's thoughts on this matter and I hope he's right. More people should be listening to him.
Thank You Yogee!! This is EXACTLY what I have been tryin to tell friends of mine who are all doom and gloom about 2012.. I say it will be a positive awakening, and they call me crazy :S.. I guess some ppl you just cant reach :(
Suffering is, and has been balanced, believe it or not. If the negative ever out-weighs the positive, humanity will be wiped out within 50 years, except for a handfull (we are not in that group) who will start it over, just like they did last time. Plus, "suffering" isn't something that happens to us, it is something we do to ourselves. People who refuse to understand the reality of karma and reincarnation will always wonder about "suffering".
If the world ends, then it ends. This is not something to be concerned about because there would be no way of stopping it. Live your life as if the world is going to end tomorrow, because one day your world really is going to end.
Whatever religion we may be from, it all teaches one thing- do good, and live a simple calm life. If we stick to those principles, then what's there to worry when the world ends ? We did good, our life didn't go to waste, then when the world will end it will(:
My understanding about 2012 is its not an end of the world scenario. People try to portray it this way, but that is not what the Mayans were saying would happen. Their calendar is mapping the evolution of consciousness in our world. 2012 marks the move into cosmic consciousness, or some altered state/new structure of consciousness. I don't think its a coincidence that there are so many signs pointing to 2012, from many different sources..
The world goes into a time less flow..NOTHING CAN STOP IT. Everyone dies, okay? But the world can not end, there is always life, and I much agree that there is an after life.
These were my thoughts exactly before watching the video. How can you set a date and follow it when time doesn't really exist? Everything is beginning and ending at the same time, all opposites co-exist and always will. The snake eats its tail and the world keeps spinning.
Thank you for the comformation of the end of the word. You have beautiful energy. Spirit tells me that yes there is an end of a world but it is a new spiritual age that is why the world seems to come to an end. an end of the old. A death and rebirth.
just like 98, 2000,2002, 2006... Its all a bunch of bs in my opinion. Im pretty sure after 2012, they will go on & say 2014, 2018... Live your life, dont worry about this... because either way it goes, you can't stop it!!!
I'm a self realised hebrew man living in the cult of america, I can see inside this man speaking he is telling the truth, I do not believe in reincarnation but this man gives me a strange sensation of peace and unity, I can feel his atomic structure and mine are quantumly entangled for all eternity which would mean he and I were created at the same time. Yes you can say schizophrenia if you want to but I don't think it applies. yogeesha I love you ! In the name of emanuel the messiah.
Some people think that because the Mayan calender does not go past 2012, the world will end that year. I'm not worried, I get my calendar from Hooters.
There is no end ,But there is great change,Some will make the change others wont . Ether way both ways you will still be here or there ,.Learn ,love and gain light ,.+)
Hallo hallo I can try to say more to you...yes tehere are many of people who ask questions to me about it...! so I must write some describtion of my techniques and thoughts...
completely true, if everyone starts to believe that 2012 is the end of the world, then by december 21st we will have most likely have chaotic enviroment and cause the end of humanity ourselves
This dude is... AWESOME! Lots of peaceful energy. I love it. Wow. I am so enlightened. Thank you!
kill fear, laugh it up. smile, live. coolness, thanks
There are no limits. Everything is possible. The universe is expanding and everything changes, nothing remains the same for ever.
Jai Siddhatma!
I am very much honoured listening your words, also I am deeply grateful due to the peace I feel inside my heart and my mind...you gave me just one more kick understanding and finally getting the truth and the blink what is meant to the fact about 2012 or aquarius century or just to understand and LIVE pure Spirituality hoping for Entlightenment and Unconditional LOVE in Eternity...Thank you yours devoted RADHA (Heike) from Germany
You are the smartest man i was able to see on this videos.I think that mankind will endure,colonize space and live for billions of years to come.I believe science,not some man who have "visions",and talk to God.
It's going to be shift of consciousness. Blessed are we all for those who undertake spiritual practices for they are creating an easier shift. 2012's energies are already manifesting and ascension has already begun. People will love more, there will be more peace, and less fear. Not that there will be no evil, but not to the extreme as it is now. People's view will shift to where they will be living a diff kind of reality. Those who fear/vibrate on lower levels may not make it - so arise!
Dear Hashram, I appreciate yr calm: our strenght should be used to increase our calm.
Since the beggining of my life I had a current nigthmare: JOY in no place, no time, only a warm light, then something changed and I was trapped by an horizon and I woke up terrified. We lead to where we belong. There will be a strong sun flare at this time 2012, but life is always change and movement. Peace and love!!
I agree with what he's saying: there is no end of the world. I honestly don't believe that's possible. To end the world you would have to end all life. And to end life you would have to end time. And to end time you would have to end the entire universe - but how are you supposed to do that??
We can manage to destroy our planet/all life existing on it right now, but life will ALWAYS find a way. Always. As long as there's time and space, there's always hope for new life. And life = life. :]
he has a nice voice. relaxed, makes me sleep :)
I see u as a very good man
I was highly critical of this when I first opened it. Now that I've watched this man talk. I very much appreciate his time and dedication in this matter. He makes several good points. He made me re-enforce my beliefs.
he has such peaceful, happy ,giving face....I believe him.
good video
Teachers, masters like Jesus don't predict these things, because they see, there is no end of the world. Best thing ever said
yes indeed it is our ignorance, carelessness, hate, selfishness and so on, that make us destroy the very creation of life
I see u as a very Smart Man sir
World must be eternal ,the life we see is just an expension of the infinite.
I get a good feeling from this Yogi.
i agree! fear comes from lack of Faith. You lose hope that spiritual help is not around. People be aware of negativity but STOP entertaining it. You can start by limiting the media and hollywood lies. you don't like the thoughts in your mind just switch them to more pleasant ones and have peace!
@ashpk100 one blink is 7 minutes, quite impressive. That is attention and awareness at a high level. It says something.
That's great! I feel a lift just listening to this guy! Nice video!
out of 2 billion people india there must be over a million like this guy!!!!!
You make me calm and cool bro!!thanx!God bless!!
Great Video!!!! Thank you for all of your wisdom .. absolutely exceptional!!!
@ashpk100 one blink in 7 minutes, quite impressive. That is attention and awareness at a high level.
Fearlessness comes to you when you are in the light.
Hes an indian guy.Right now im sitting in Bahrain and see loads of indians-they talk this way!Besides of the colour of his voice,he sounds very wise to me.
I would recommend being patient and when the time is right the answer will seem so clear. I'm the same way, i see numbers or visions repeatedly. i use to be confused and panic but that will only block your clear seeing and knowing so relax and continue living and then Surprise the answer shows up,lol. makes life more interesting i think. peace
I've been reading a book about ZEN and I'm eager to learn how to meditate. I like these I read:
Man must be master of himself, intellectually, morally, and spiritually. To be so, he must be able to examine his own states of consciousness and direct his thoughts and desires to the end where lies the rationale of existence.
Soyen 1987, 146
Today I learned that form is emptiness and emptiness is form.
Vivekananda (An ex-free mason, and a great soul to touch this earth)
"He pointed out that Ramakrishna had been through long years of strictest self discipline and that his ecstasy was a fruit of that discipline, not a superficial emotionalism. "When people try to practice religion, eighty percent of them turn into cheats, and about fifteen percent go mad. Its only the remaining five percent who get some direct knowledge of the Truth and so become blessed. So Beware."
This is the man!!!!! Ladies and Gentlemen..
Aap ke charno me parnam acharya shree. Mujhe ashirvad de acharya ji. Aap mere guru saman hai.
I kind of feel the same way. I just graduated high school this year, and all of this stuff has a strong bearing on which direction I want to start taking my life. It's aggravating not to know for certain what's in store. For now I suppose I'll follow my feelings and interests; after all, those seem to be the most direct and immediate "higher communication" we get.
youre not alone man I have dreams of conflicts and global distress.
First blink at 1:38
As far as I've come to understand, you are correct. Even the Bible says that there will be a "new heaven/earth". This seems to mean to me that there will be a cleansing, but not a destruction. We will probably "take a step up", at least those of us that are willing and capable. Ever since a few years ago I've had the feeling that I would witness "endtimes", whatever form they might take. I'm not calling myself a prophet, but I listen to my feelings. I know for sure that something big is coming.
I used always to say to my friends, there will be nothing in 2012..yes maybe some people will lose their positions and their political powers or some new systems will replace the current ones..but that's only end for some parts. At this point, I agree with this man.
Jai Siddhatma! Stay tuned for the next video coming soon. Follow Acharya Shree on Instagram instagram.com/acharyashreeyogeesh
Subscribe to receive new videos: www.youtube.com/@AcharyaShreeYogeesh?sub_confirmation=1
Please like, comment and share.
Thank you, I really needed that. All this 2012 talk really gave me the creeps and it's good to know that these predictions are false. Things will change, that's for sure,and probably for the better, but it's nice to know that the world isn't really going to come to an end.
Finally a true seeker that realizes its in God's hands and it will be the coming of a Golden Age, not evil.
The world will stand and it doesn't disappear....but people will come and go...
Your awesome, and so is the guy in the vid.
LOL, dont even no who this guy is, but he put me at peace. Good on ya mate.
in august, this was the first acharya shree video I ever watched :) time flies!
Precisely. I don't claim to know what's going down, but I've had this feeling for a while as well. Even the Bible doesn't really seem to teach of an end, but rather a renewal. The verse where Jesus is supposed to have said "I will be with you to the end of the world" can also be translated as ".. to the end of the age."
Very wise man...........
Yes, that's true. 2012 is about planetary alignment rather than computers.
I remember watching several TV specials concerning Y2K and how all these "experts" were making claims of doomsday and when it was all said and done nothing happened. If anything, a bunch of people bought new computers.
We'll see what happens, I'm open minded.
thank you come again.
Im Agree With This Man in video!
thats right brother !
human kind has developed itself on material things and is focused on that.
Thats why they will not understand(at this moment though)that true and eternal life is also given to them too.
The Veda's, which is one of the oldest guides for human kind, tells you all what u want to know.
How will we balance the suffering that has been on this planet for hundreds of years?
Can you imagine being slaughtered?
Being burned alive?
Pain is subjective?
@RutnRampage I've heard there is a spiritually advanced alien race watching over us in case another space-race ever tries to "end us", and that this advanced race would know their intentions and prevent it. After I heard about this friendly race from numerous sources, I began to take it seriously, and my intuition tells me it is true. Humans are divine, and we are too precious (well, being a guy that's the first time I've ever used that word :p) to just be wiped out. No worries! :D
Guys look at 2008 July 15 and 22 crop circles in Avebury UK. One shows the solar system with planets fixed at 2012 23rd dec, the other shows a same-size circle but empty and with what looks like junk,refuse, all around it. It means in 2012 we will wipe the slate clean, we will consider everything we thought we knew about the universe as junk. Its a fresh start-just what we need: like becomeing question-asking children all over again. Nothing less than a full change like this is good enough.
Hinduism is for optimists
Christianity is for pessimists
Muslim is for extremists
best video ever on you tube
FEAR HAS TO GO! Your soul never dies.
i agree. There is end of Mankind BUT that is like 100000 years later.
all i have to say is, "He who says he does not know, knows the most."
wise man right here although you really have to listen to him. There is no end just like there is no death. everything gets reintegrated and reborn. there in some sense even if the current existence fails it will begin again but remember that even though it will happen one day you should never expect it to happen tomorrow. in the words of yoda, "you must be mindful of the present". and always remember the next five minutes of your life could determine the rest so live here and now don't worry.
I Agree with you man.soon enough man soon enough
i will confess that i got myself worked up about the world ending 12/21/2012. That is a day before my birthday so that really scared me. I was even thinking about killing my self before that day. That is ending myself. And now i realize even if the world does end that day ( most likely not), we should not end ourselves, we should enjoy our life and not spend it being scared about dying until we do die. Many predictions are wrong. Like in one of Yogeeshashram's video humans are not perfect.
You are right because no one knows when there will be a doomsday
He's right about one thing, though... You've got to be fearless! :D
TheRulaBaby: I'll be there, if I can make it. Thanks for the invitation! ;)
I agree " Mind is the most powerful force" what we think, we have thought, or will be thinking becomes true. N mind works with the law of attraction so more you think about something the more you attract it
It's interesting that we must take the attitude that 'we will
live forever' when we review our spiritual progress. The degree of 'spiritual progress' is like the weathering of stone by the wind. Then the shape that lies within will become the shape that is seen without.
I for one am very concerned in terms of what will happen not only on 12/21/2012 but also leading up to it. On the other hand I remember the whole Y2K thing and NOTHING bad happened with that-it was all nonsense.
I do have to say that I really appreciate Dr. Yogeeshashram's thoughts on this matter and I hope he's right. More people should be listening to him.
Thank You Yogee!!
This is EXACTLY what I have been tryin to tell friends of mine who are all doom and gloom about 2012.. I say it will be a positive awakening, and they call me crazy :S.. I guess some ppl you just cant reach :(
Thanks my friend for those words of wisdom.
Suffering is, and has been balanced, believe it or not. If the negative ever out-weighs the positive, humanity will be wiped out within 50 years, except for a handfull (we are not in that group) who will start it over, just like they did last time. Plus, "suffering" isn't something that happens to us, it is something we do to ourselves. People who refuse to understand the reality of karma and reincarnation will always wonder about "suffering".
You are right because no one knows when there will be a dooms day ever
If the world ends, then it ends. This is not something to be concerned about because there would be no way of stopping it. Live your life as if the world is going to end tomorrow, because one day your world really is going to end.
first 2012 iv seen video with any wisdom. this guys pretty cool
Whatever religion we may be from, it all teaches one thing- do good, and live a simple calm life. If we stick to those principles, then what's there to worry when the world ends ? We did good, our life didn't go to waste, then when the world will end it will(:
i love his accent, it made me listen to him even more hahahaha xD
best ever on you tube
I think this time i won't get disliked. Thumbs up if you are watching in 2013
I believe that there will be major natural disaters. Most people will not make it. But, life will go on.
3.22 predicksions, brilliant!
My understanding about 2012 is its not an end of the world scenario. People try to portray it this way, but that is not what the Mayans were saying would happen.
Their calendar is mapping the evolution of consciousness in our world. 2012 marks the move into cosmic consciousness, or some altered state/new structure of consciousness. I don't think its a coincidence that there are so many signs pointing to 2012, from many different sources..
amazing! 100% true!!
The world goes into a time less flow..NOTHING CAN STOP IT. Everyone dies, okay? But the world can not end, there is always life, and I much agree that there is an after life.
Either if you "believe" that the world will end or that it will not; either way you are right!
thank you so much :)
i feel better
Very wise
Woah ! His Awesomee !
These were my thoughts exactly before watching the video. How can you set a date and follow it when time doesn't really exist? Everything is beginning and ending at the same time, all opposites co-exist and always will. The snake eats its tail and the world keeps spinning.
thank you so much!!! but so much!!!!!
Thank you for the comformation of the end of the word. You have beautiful energy. Spirit tells me that yes there is an end of a world but it is a new spiritual age that is why the world seems to come to an end. an end of the old. A death and rebirth.
Thank You Man Your So Kool I Was So Scared About it
just like 98, 2000,2002, 2006... Its all a bunch of bs in my opinion. Im pretty sure after 2012, they will go on & say 2014, 2018... Live your life, dont worry about this... because either way it goes, you can't stop it!!!
good stuff
I'm a self realised hebrew man living in the cult of america, I can see inside this man speaking he is telling the truth, I do not believe in reincarnation but this man gives me a strange sensation of peace and unity, I can feel his atomic structure and mine are quantumly entangled for all eternity which would mean he and I were created at the same time.
Yes you can say schizophrenia if you want to
but I don't think it applies.
yogeesha I love you !
In the name of emanuel the messiah.
Some people think that because the Mayan calender does not go past 2012, the world will end that year. I'm not worried, I get my calendar from Hooters.
dude you own!!!
Change yourself, Change the world.
There is no end ,But there is great change,Some will make the change others wont . Ether way both ways you will still be here or there ,.Learn ,love and gain light ,.+)
I was thinking about that many times :)...
Hallo hallo I can try to say more to you...yes tehere are many of people who ask questions to me about it...! so I must write some describtion of my techniques and thoughts...
completely true, if everyone starts to believe that 2012 is the end of the world, then by december 21st we will have most likely have chaotic enviroment and cause the end of humanity ourselves
i felt better now ^_^ thanks