We spent 19 days in Cuba in 2027, a combination of a small group tour + a self stay, we found Cuba a very fascinating country to visit. The 15 Day tour took us from Havana to Cienfuegis, Santa Clara, Trinidad, Camaguey, Santiago de Cuba, Baracoa then Havana. We had extra 4 days home stay outside Hanava just to avoid the tourist area, we found local people are friendly and helpful. It's the only place we could enjoy beautiful music and good value dinner almost every evening. We've never eaten so many fresh and cheap lobsters before! The company we joined is called Locally Sourced Cuba Tours, they're really good and reliable. We were given so much tips to circumvent all the obstacles such as where to get the sim cards, wifi and withdraw/exchange money etc. We ❤️ Cuba and would go back in a heart beat!
I think you got the really high foreigner prices because you ventured into really local places whereas we typically go there on packages that include the arrival card (must have to land as you learned), airport transportation, and hotel with some meals. I did charter a driver for a few days to explore but I recall exchanging a different currency and not what the locals really use (CUC or CUP I don't recall) which the touristy places like restaurants and cigar stores accepted.
Cuba is a very popular resorts destination for Canadians escaping winter. I have been to Cuba two times and have had no issues of being scammed. Life in Cuba is harsh. We always tips and leaves small gifts to hotel housekeepers and staff. When I was there just before Covid, we were told that the country ran out of shampoo. The only shampoo factory on the island was temporarily shut down.
Tourists can get multiple sim cards in some big hotels and official places that sell sim cards. We got 5 each time so never ran out of sim cards to go online. We tried once with the black market (just to see what is like). We also enjoyed going to Coppelia (for locals only, a project led by Fidel Castro. Coppelia is state-run and sells in Cuban pesos), it's a great opportunity for people watching. Traveling is all about life experience, we should enjoy our trips with an open mind.
I’ve been to Cuba and enjoyed my time there. People were nice and friendly. It’s a poor country due to the strictest sanction by the US. The UN passed a resolution to end the sanctions on Cuba but the US veto’d it.
關於古巴,我只認識Buena Vista Social Club的音樂,那些老人家不知還健在嗎?也看過雷競璇博士的古巴華人研究,還有唱粵劇的古巴花旦何秋蘭,一個有華文名但沒有華人血統的女子。古巴的多元文化實在有趣,跟華人有深厚淵源,增添我對這地方的好奇。 在這些科技和物質條件較差的地方旅行和拍片,可以想像一定很艱難。這個地方封閉了這麼久,生活艱難,劏遊客應該是意料中事,就當破財擋災好了。 感謝你的分享,期待下條古巴影片。
I went to Cuba from Canada many times. I love traveling to Cuba, I enjoy the Sun and the Beach there. I always pay the Airfare by credit card so that the medical insurance will be automatically covered by the credit card, I will call the credit card company to print off a copy of the medical insurance just in case, however, I was never asked for it. I normally tip the waitress, the chef, the bartender, the chambermaid, and the receptionist at the lobby whenever they provide good services. Local people make about $200 USD per month, so they would appreciate it if you leave them with tips. They need foreign currency to buy better merchandise. You need to bargain with them when buying from a tourist shop or even taking a taxi. Bigger cities have cheaper prices for souvenirs. Try spending time at the white sandy beaches there, and you will love it, I do. Plan ahead and you will definitely love Cuba!
我三年前坐游倫去古巴停兩天要付$50 美元買那passport 入去古巴又附$30for the bus tour sightseeing , showing us all those ugly collapses building . What a ripoff! Went to the restaurant use there restroom and pay $1 for some toilet paper. I will never ever go back there again !
@@Iwalkutake 除左Havana你仲去左邊 ? 我果次由Havana直剷Vinales, Trinidad , Camagüey, Santiago de Cuba, 最後由Santiago de Cuba 飛一程內陸機返Havana. 雖然Santiago de Cuba 好遠, 不過真係好靚, 仲靚過Havana, 好彩堅持去埋。
Why always me nei ? 結果好彩有人幫手,唔駛又要比錢。🥲
Sign up link: try.lingoda.com/Iwalkutake
Discount code: IVAN2022
@@JamesLee-fd6et 你就好啦
現家1美金可以兌到130 CUP😅
我去古巴17次,去過很多地區,多數農村貧窮的窮人比較友善,古巴當地人生活貧乏,係好困難, 我總是帶一些糖,每個人帶10支牙膏,牙刷,太陽鏡,鬚刨 . 換季減價,買啲 T shirt , 送給需要的人。通常我們是去釣魚,有的酒店供應釣魚餌,供應蝦.船可以供應10幾人. 租船釣魚價格包括條件半天四小時,450 遊客古巴幣,價格包括午餐,幫我們煮魚,午餐有龍蝦,飲料和旅遊車接送。回到酒店晚餐廚師可以幫我們煮。
Hola ..我希望四月去古巴Havana有時第一次去如四日三夜有什麼地方好介紹?主要是雪茄探討當地文化我從中美洲多明尼加去是否合適呢?謝謝。
我當年去古巴, 睇返你條片覺得自己好幸運, 全程遇到好多好人。 冇人厄錢, 仲有人送雪卡同煙比我食, 又試過成功以物易物 , 聽到當地人嘅古事,又聽下難民嘅故事, 充滿回憶
That’s good 😎😎
幾日前發現原來怡富宜家自己有channel用左3晚時間睇曬哥倫比亞,土耳其,伊拉克,烏克蘭,尼泊爾,同埋古巴 期待你嘅update支持你嘅夢想同生活方式, 好欣賞你嘅勇氣做左我呢啲人好響往但又唔敢去做嘅嘢。會努力cls 希望可以睇到多啲你嘅作品💛
Welcome back 😍😍😘😘
我2015年自己去cuba, 嗰時入境好似係排隊比30蚊美金visa fee就入到境。但嗰時有分遊客用嘅錢同本地人用嘅錢,基本上遊客做咩都貴過本地人10倍,而當地人又會覺得理所當然,嗰時去完南美同墨西哥再去古巴,真係好難接受古巴d人嘅 mentality...但當地人生活係好困難又係真嘅。我去完古巴都覺得自己唔想再去呢個地方 因為心很累
的確 心很累
@@Iwalkutake 垃圾政府 去來做咩
@Melanie M 社會制度嘅問題,由上而下,令到一啲本身唔正當嘅事都變成合理
@Melanie M 抽血同身體檢查比較咁好笑嘅 🤭🤭
好鍾意睇呢種非主流嘅旅行片,已Like, 謝謝怡富。
Rmb to share to your friends ar
We spent 19 days in Cuba in 2027, a combination of a small group tour + a self stay, we found Cuba a very fascinating country to visit.
The 15 Day tour took us from Havana to Cienfuegis, Santa Clara, Trinidad, Camaguey, Santiago de Cuba, Baracoa then Havana.
We had extra 4 days home stay outside Hanava just to avoid the tourist area, we found local people are friendly and helpful. It's the only place we could enjoy beautiful music and good value dinner almost every evening. We've never eaten so many fresh and cheap lobsters before!
The company we joined is called Locally Sourced Cuba Tours, they're really good and reliable. We were given so much tips to circumvent all the obstacles such as where to get the sim cards, wifi and withdraw/exchange money etc.
We ❤️ Cuba and would go back in a heart beat!
Good to know that 😋😋I didn’t try lobster in Havana ar
2027? Or 2047?
Sorry, it's 2017
What’s the price of lobster dinner?
尽管不会广东话,但好在有字幕。很喜欢您的影片,自然,真实。😀已经subscribe了,现在去看下面一集。谢谢分享!!!🙏 BTY,眉毛修得真是与众不同,害的我一直有盯着看,哈哈!
入境要出示旅遊保險是基本, i dunno about it lol and obviously i dun hv insurance hahaa
古巴潛規則。。。息怒息怒。。。。祝餘下旅程順利,享受「陳封」的風景。。。你拍的 Havana 真係好靚
大J最勁 連錢都唔帶😂
我去過喎,不過係2016至17去,當時我係跟旅行團,所以冇你咁不幸。美國當初係support卡斯特羅嘅,只不過太過刁鑽,卡 要另外搵一位靠山。講返古巴遊,最大劑嘅遭遇就係飛機 delay,冇人話我哋知: 班機應該係4PM起飛,搞到差不多1AM先至飛得。 最大近視 5:00 p.m. 機場友仔全部收工, 乾等之際冇飯開 !!! 唔知道邊有辦法搵返人返嚟,開個小食部解決燃眉之急。
Thank you 😘😘
@@veeeewong hahaha its coming back
Thank you ❤
我個時住個間民宿,係無限上網,仲好L快!但一定要買一張當地1小時wifi卡,正常應該係要去指定地方(公園)先上到網,仲慢到仆街,既然民宿都有得上網,我就唔去同人迫啦。平時張1小時wifi卡係會倒數時間,一開就要登入條link,唔想用就登出,奇蹟出現,我間民宿個wifi,係登出完都繼續上到網!!!!!!! 仲好快,睇片 DL野都仲得
你開呢個channel初期已經有follow,宜家一路睇緊Albert Podell嘅Around the World in 50 Years,配埋你啲片一齊睇,真係好正❤🔥多謝你,令到我哋可以睇到呢啲國家近年嘅實際狀況👍
好耐之前就有睇開你做報館記者的影片, 剛剛才發現UA-cam推介看到你現在影片, 好開心可以再睇到你嘅旅遊影片,立刻睇返晒你頻道之前的影片,加油❤❤
Welcome back and help me to share back to your friends 😘😘
@@Iwalkutake 一定的。加油喔💪🏻 期待你之後的影片繼續帶我哋眼睛去旅遊
由你蒙古段片開始先追你, 而家追番D舊片, 我都好鐘意去埋D冷門地方 蒙古, 古巴我都有去.
COVID前2019年自己去HAVANA自遊行, 唔知係唔係因為COVID前旅遊業未受創同埋無去黑市,所以我無遇到你嘅問題. VISA我墨西哥Check in前有職員賣緊, 入境無比人問醫保旅保, 數據卡無事, 無試過比人臨時加價. 我喺古巴嘅回憶十分美好, 將來亦都會希望再去
希望怡富繼續探索D冷門地方, 等我可以參考下 下次去邊個冷門國家旅行好. 另外推介斯里蘭卡都係一個好值得去嘅冷門國家
Thank you for watching my channel 😇this year Venezuela 🇻🇪
Thank you
I think you got the really high foreigner prices because you ventured into really local places whereas we typically go there on packages that include the arrival card (must have to land as you learned), airport transportation, and hotel with some meals. I did charter a driver for a few days to explore but I recall exchanging a different currency and not what the locals really use (CUC or CUP I don't recall) which the touristy places like restaurants and cigar stores accepted.
2018年8月我一個人由Miami出發去Havana,足足比左$100 USD簽證費,但我係坐American Airlines去既,應該幾難得,以前美國去古巴得chartered flights。 飛機差唔多半個幾鐘就到,超快仲有個包比我speed eat 幾好架,落地一刻大家係度拍手..... 我係機場用CAD 換CUC, 好貴啊T_T
我當時古巴返去都係返Miami,入境仲比美國入境人員問我去古巴目的,我話係文化交流,好彩Miami本身古巴裔人口多無刁難我! 哈哈哈哈
古巴d 煙酒唔錯,歌舞都唔錯 (salsa!),果汁都唔錯 (pink guava汁好飲啊),但食物我覺得好難食!最後我幾乎日日淨係食一個叫Ropa Vieja既 dish.... 不過8月真係熱到hihi,返黎黑左好多,我仲要基本上係用雙腿步行再加坐巴士,好彩係美國download 左離線地圖。不過我覺得我一個女仔去都尚算安全,local最多呃下你錢,d 男人catcall下你叫你beautiful/ pretty咁,又唔會話綁架強姦殺人放火既。我當時係住古巴國營酒店,一個女仔就費時risk 決定住酒店算,酒店有冷氣,熱水加水果早餐其實係唔錯的,位置係Old Havana算方便,對面就係公園,買左Nauta wifi card可以直接係酒店房入面收到wifi 上網 (好緊要架!)。我係book呢間酒店,如果唔想住民宿可以考慮:Residencia Habana 612。嗱,我介紹佢絕對係無佣金收架哈哈哈,佢地咁窮 T_T 單純係個人分享
Cuba is a very popular resorts destination for Canadians escaping winter. I have been to Cuba two times and have had no issues of being scammed. Life in Cuba is harsh. We always tips and leaves small gifts to hotel housekeepers and staff. When I was there just before Covid, we were told that the country ran out of shampoo. The only shampoo factory on the island was temporarily shut down.
i hv no time going to the beach
D, if you stay in hotel and resorts
of course you get no trouble , 多舊🐟
Haha 生哂啦
@@Iwalkutake 恭喜你👏👏👏😄
Wow! Glad to see your videos-unique n interesting! Thanks for sharing🙏🏻🙏🏻🤗🤗
Share with frds
入境卡75 美金好貴😫😫
我去古巴17次,去過很多地區,但還沒有去過 Havana 大城市.通常我們是去釣魚,古巴機票已經包左入境卡. 遺失入境卡,申請入境卡需要付費10元遊客古巴幣.留住宿別人家。當地人需要報告官方的,每一晚住宿要支付官方10元遊客古巴幣。
CLS CLs ❤welcome back
Tourists can get multiple sim cards in some big hotels and official places that sell sim cards. We got 5 each time so never ran out of sim cards to go online. We tried once with the black market (just to see what is like). We also enjoyed going to Coppelia (for locals only, a project led by Fidel Castro. Coppelia is state-run and sells in Cuban pesos), it's a great opportunity for people watching. Traveling is all about life experience, we should enjoy our trips with an open mind.
I’ve been to Cuba and enjoyed my time there. People were nice and friendly. It’s a poor country due to the strictest sanction by the US. The UN passed a resolution to end the sanctions on Cuba but the US veto’d it.
隔咗成個月終於有片出, 估到可能有啲突發野, 怡富加油👍
haha just in the mountain K2
關於古巴,我只認識Buena Vista Social Club的音樂,那些老人家不知還健在嗎?也看過雷競璇博士的古巴華人研究,還有唱粵劇的古巴花旦何秋蘭,一個有華文名但沒有華人血統的女子。古巴的多元文化實在有趣,跟華人有深厚淵源,增添我對這地方的好奇。
@@Iwalkutake 嗰下又的確係太過份,希望你能在投訴後多少獲得一點補償。
去落後國家旅遊時,旅遊必須要買旅遊醫療保險, 當發生問題醫院不承受醫療保險, 只要現金,攜帶兩張信用卡, 曾經有人在墨西哥遇到溺水,醫院不承受醫療保險,住幾日一張信用卡唔足夠的。唔想再去落後國家旅遊。
Cls cls
好貼地 期待你系當地既訪問
I went to Cuba from Canada many times. I love traveling to Cuba, I enjoy the Sun and the Beach there. I always pay the Airfare by credit card so that the medical insurance will be automatically covered by the credit card, I will call the credit card company to print off a copy of the medical insurance just in case, however, I was never asked for it. I normally tip the waitress, the chef, the bartender, the chambermaid, and the receptionist at the lobby whenever they provide good services. Local people make about $200 USD per month, so they would appreciate it if you leave them with tips. They need foreign currency to buy better merchandise. You need to bargain with them when buying from a tourist shop or even taking a taxi. Bigger cities have cheaper prices for souvenirs. Try spending time at the white sandy beaches there, and you will love it, I do. Plan ahead and you will definitely love Cuba!
怡富哥 你D片拍得好睇 剪接流暢 你deserve更多view 我覺得你個UA-cam channel名「怡富」拖累你的view數因為呢個名「怡富」聽起似保險公司or上市公司 D人會以為呢個channel係賣廣告 如果改過個channel名可能會吸返多D view
Hahah nvm , 我名就係咁樣 唔改了😋
@@Iwalkutake 英文iwalkyoutake 好好呀 XD
本身我諗住下一站就去古巴。你比既資料實在相當有用,有用到我諗緊好唔好取消唔去古巴直接去punta Cana 算😀
@@andrewwang7338 u shld go
加油啊,good job
Cls 😋😋
Why not , u only live once 😉
Love Cuba! Would love to go back again! World capital of salsa!
好睇! 期待下一集
加油呀 !
In Mm did u see it ?
怡富成個月冇update,好掛住你d片啊! 成個月你經歷左d咩嘢啊🥲
Cuban people are friendly and hospitable, I brought along used baseballs, mats, school supplies and medicines to the hospitals 2000
very good introduction!
岩岩翻睇返 taxi driver 發覺原來你個樣有 d 似羅拔廸尼路 😂 希望吾會引起社會混亂 😂😂
好好睇! 我都想去古巴!加油❤
I just came back from cuba~~the exchange rate right now 1USD to 300CUP
@@binbin117 inflation
個 guide 好正😂👍🏻
Yes ❤
Thanks for sharing your interesting experiences😊
Thank you
我三年前坐游倫去古巴停兩天要付$50 美元買那passport 入去古巴又附$30for the bus tour sightseeing , showing us all those ugly collapses building . What a ripoff! Went to the restaurant use there restroom and pay $1 for some toilet paper. I will never ever go back there again !
Thanks your give all the information
Thank you for watching
We will see
終於出片 個頭打晒風咁
I love Cuba!
What u like
我都有經驗去越南分享,在旅行前2星期經網上申請 Visa 成功,到入境時話個Visa有問題,同佢地理論,佢話如果吾滿意可以買機票走,最後無辦法之下為有即時申請落地簽證,最終比左AUD200蚊。佢話之前網上申請簽證費用可以退回。旅程完成後經電郵申請退款。最終係無人回覆及退錢。各位去越南要小心。
越南以前backpack 都有好多慘痛經驗😂I will never go back 😂
Have been there 2 times. No issue at all. Know in advance about health insurance. We definitely will go there once covid crisis is over
我由墨西哥Cancun去,, 係Cancun 機場買入境Visa, 唔記得25定30美金, 之後入境一直好smooth. 不過搭的士去住宿果度, 條粉樣司機原來唔識路,一路兜, 總之去唔到目的地, 之後我嬲嬲地落車唔Q再坐佢車, 諗住截架三輪車去, 其實一早我問左價錢先上車, 點知條粉樣原來又係唔識路, 一路兜一路問人,, 搞左好L 耐, 我直情火都黎. 最後好彩遇到一個途人識路話佢知係邊, 最後到步, 我當然滿心歡喜, 條粉樣仲好熱心幫我搬個大backpack上樓. 但最後點知屈我俾多D錢,因為話用多左時間, 我X 佢話係佢唔識路, anyway 因為都雞同鴨講同埋我好L 攰, 果刻只想快打發佢走同休息, 最後我都俾左佢, 印象好似200蚊港紙左右。 不過果次之後, 係古巴十幾日旅程都未俾人屈過錢了。
@@Iwalkutake 係呀,, 不過果刻只係想打發佢走所以算..哈哈. 唔想搞到個trip掃興.
@@Iwalkutake 除左Havana你仲去左邊 ? 我果次由Havana直剷Vinales, Trinidad , Camagüey, Santiago de Cuba, 最後由Santiago de Cuba 飛一程內陸機返Havana. 雖然Santiago de Cuba 好遠, 不過真係好靚, 仲靚過Havana, 好彩堅持去埋。
i like your new style , hahaha
btw入境卡收75美, 好過去搶😂
仲要我本身比左20美金,係airline 冇比我!
rmb to share ar
好奇一問,你去買電話卡,剪髪,換錢,有冇guide 陪同或者介紹?
如果有,我覺得要review 下呢個guide 到底有冇問題
早幾年,我有個US fd 黎香港探我,自己去深水埗黃金買PS 同game. 比人呃
Guide 係朋友沒有問題,純粹係我懶用最快方法諗住實冇死,點之都出事😂
旅遊 好貼地
大家都on 99 諗住入去就剪,冇諗過剪完佢開10美金姐😂
may i know how can i find ep2? 😢
In mm channel
thank you
你係咪應該買機票加酒店package 呢,我都去過古巴好多次,沒有大問題,但你去自由行及深度去民間探索,住air bnd. 咁就要遇咗有這些困難。外個人去香港亦同樣。
Never buy packages la
真係好慘~~~ 等EP 2~~~~
當年(忘了20xX邊年, 記得係OBAMA 訪問CUBA, 美國重開大使館及有直航機到HAVANA 那年) 自己一個由LA 坐直航機去HAVANA. 係香港時已查晒資料, 知要買旅遊醫療保險, 重親身上古巴註香港商務辦事處用超過HKD1000攞定入境簽證. 點知係LA 登機閘口出示張古巴簽證時, 個古巴工作人員話我張簽證只能用於從香港直飛到古巴的行程, (香港古巴邊有直航機啊!!!) 但我而家係由美國入古巴, 所以無效. 要我即時當場用USD150 買個張新簽證!
除咗這明屈買簽證經驗外, 入境後一切都好順利, 好似有出示咗份旅遊保險証明, 總之沒被強制再買多份. 整個旅程都好愉快. 離開時覺得未見識夠, 重想重遊這國家. 我是參加自行到HAVANA 集合的外國人半自由行9-10天團. 古巴人 特別是HAVANA 以外其他城鎮的都很友善, 沒遇上存心欺騙遊客的, 當然小偷等就要自己小心.
遇到好心人👍🏻 佳宿靚