The PKK’s first program, issued in 1978, states, “Our people first attempted to reside on our land in the first millennium bce, when the Medes, progenitors of our nation, stepped onto the stage of history.” When Kurds try to legitimize their rights as a nation to live in Kurdistan, their arguments tend to rest on territorial settlement rather than consanguineous ancestry. But assumptions about continuous Kurdish settlement and descent from the Medes entered the collective understanding long ago.” p. 2 Van Bruinessen, Martin. Kurdish notables and the Ottoman state: Evolving Identities, Competing Loyalties, and Shifting Boundaries, p 25 “Though some Kurdish intellectuals claim that their people are descended from the Medes, there is no evidence to permit such a connection across the considerable gap in time between the political dominance of the Medes and the first attestation of the Kurds.” White, Paul J. “Observations on Kurdish Origins.” Vol 1. Journal of Arabic, Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, 1993. “This view is disputed by others, most notably by D. N. Mackenzie, who objects primarily on philological grounds, due to the uncertainty of historical data. In Mackenzie’s view, the Kurdish language (and, by implication, the Kurds themselves) is probably closer to Persian than to the language of the Medes” “Other areas around the north-west and western shore of the Caspian Sea and in Central Iran were not called Kurdish, although some of these dialects are related to Kermanjî. But over a wide area the name of Kurd embraced that of Mede and of other Aryan tribes. I would suggest that the name Mede was absorbed under the Kurds in a way reminiscent of developments in France, where the name of Frank superseded that of Gaul.” “The identification of Kurds with Aryans and/or Medes must, admittedly, be viewed in the context of the process of nation-building, being mainly a reaction against Turkish nationalism’s denial of Kurds’ distinct nationhood. The linkage with the Medes is used to engage the official claim that Kurds are of Turkish origin. The myth of the Medes is mainly used as a tool to politically mobilize Kurds by the PKK.” Hennerbichler, Ferdinand. (2012). The Origin of Kurds. Advances in Anthropology. 02. 10.4236/aa.2012. 22008. p. 64 “David McDowall approves the prehistoric origin of the Kurds, he refuses to see Kurds as a unified entity until the last century, arguing that they existed as an identifiable group for possible more that 2000 years… it was only in the early years of the twentieth century that they acquired a sense of community as Kurds.” “The view on the Median origin of the Kurds has been an important element of the Kurdish social and political discourse since their national awakening. The genetic affiliation between the Kurds and their language and the ancient Medians has always been regarded as an absolute and incontestable truth for most Kurdish authors (cf., e.g., Wahby 1964; Vanly 1988; and many others). In the academic scholarship, as far as I know, V. Minorsky was the only adept of this theory.” p. 21. “Turning from the regions of mythology to the historian finds scarcely less uncertainty in it by the early inquirers on the racial con Abu-'l-Fida, bimself a Kurd, states that he h the Kurds were Arabs or Nabataeans, while Persian Arabs, from the similarity between the that of the ordinary nomad Arab; but he see with the Jill and the Dailami as a Persian traveller, records that he was told in Persia of Arab origin,2 in which view Ibn-ul-Athir are those of Abu-'l-Faraj, who idenbified the and of some Armenian writers, who seem to and the Medes” p. 493 Galip, Özlem Belçim. Imagining Kurdistan: Identity, Culture and Society. New York: I. B Tauris, 2015. p. 17
@@Mhmd-ou6xu I don't know English. I am an Assyrian living in Russia. I use a translator. He must have translated it wrong. I wanted to write that we haven't disappeared yet, there are 4 million of us.
Thanks to Ceplio who came up with the idea and helped with research a bit: Also, some of the dates are different to "History of the World: Every Year", because I used a different chronology. This one's also more detailed than that video, simply because there's more room on this one.
Dede Tawil It was there. I usually just show it as "Phoenicia", but in this one, I showed all the individual cities. So that's Sidon, Tyre, Arwad, Beiruta and Byblos. They're the same thing.
watched this with my 6th grade homeschooler. felt like watching a sprting event and cheering for your teams, or like watching bacterial colonies duke it out for territory. Gave us some questions to start researching, made the bronze age fun. Thanks a ton.
@محمد حسن السبب عقول العرب الاغبياء لكن هذا لا يعني ان نترك ونشتم سيدنا محمد والصراحة كلامك صح بس في كثير اباء مسلمين يعملون اولادهم ويعلمونهم بشكل كويس وحتى الهندوس والمسيحيين و و و الخ كلهم نفس الشي اي شخص يولد ببلد معين رح يصير نفس الدين يلي بالبلد واي شخص باي دين ابائه كانوا قاسيين معه عالاغلب رح يترك دينه شو ما كان لذلك انت حر بما تفعل وانا حر بما افعله الاسلام وكل الاديان تعلمنا السلام وكيفية العيش الصحيح لكن عقل الانسان المتوحش هو الذي يجعل الانسان متوحش ويفعل ما يريد
@محمد حسن اسرائيل يقتلون المسلمين بفلسطين ونهبوا اراضيهم وبدك يانا نتسامح معهم 😂😂 لو كانت دولة عربية مسلمة اختلت دولة مسيحية كنتوا فضحتوا الدنيا سبحان الله الناس مستحيل ما تكره المسلمين بسبب حقدهم وكراهيتهم اذا توحد المسلمين رح تصير اقوى دولة بالعالم واي شخص يترك الاسلام اكيييد رح يحب كلشي ضد المسلمين ويكره كلشي يخص المسلمين وانت تقول انك حر بدك تختار الدين يلي تريده او تبقى ملحد ومع ذلك انت عنصري ضد المسلمين لانك حاقد عالمسلمين وعلفكرة انت اول شخص عربي ليس مسلم كلامه محترم بالعادة شتم وسب شتم وسب وان شاء الله نخلص من داعش والاحتلالات وترجع الدول العربية كويسة والصراخة نحن المسلمين ما يهمنا اذا حدا ترك الاسلام او دخل لان نحن مارح نستفاد شي المهم نحن مسلمين خلص لا ترد عتعليقي لان الكلام بدون فائدة مع ناقصين العقل
Nah they were just busy wrecking the Nubians the whole time and laughing at the pathetic barbarians requiring *two* great rivers to prop up their civilisation.
That very earliest interaction between the Sumerian city states - here represented only as a fleeting frame - is such a... magical era in human history. Each city is a country, as the whole perception of "country" "kingdom" "land" must be understood for its time and place, and I always imagined it would make for the most amazing computer game - both grand strategy, where you micromanage either of these main city-states and their various numerous minor satellites - or yet better, a role-play game, where you walk (no riding!) between these places, questing for either the priests and priestesses, kings or god-kings - or maybe even for the Sumerian gods themselves! Obviously, such an endevour taken into reality would be changed into something stupid and unrealistic, horseriding forced in, catapults, Roman-era armors etc, and I would probably hate it, and regret I ever wanted anything like it, so... maybe it's just as well that it does not exist. But, it's among my favorite historical periods.
Yeah it is like that because we don't know them enough, most of their names and histories are lost to time so we just know this period existed and some cities that are gonna get big later started here
It is great that you have illustrated geographic features as they existed back then. For example, the Persian gulf extended much further north than today and the Dead Sea was much larger. Great job.
Epsilon Jay ɛɈ they didn’t have an empire , they were savages fighting for money , just like Vikings . But the difference is that Sea people got mostly eliminated by Egyptians and Assyrians and lost in history , unlike Vikings who attacked the weakest kingdoms in their times .
In 879 BC, Ashurnasirpal I hosted a party were over 67,000 guests from all over the known world were invited from as far as the Zagros to anatolia and through out the Assyrian and Mesopatamian, & Egyptian realm. It is one of if not the most awesome party in history lasted 10 days straight!
MS 1997 yep but eventually the ‘you know whom’ were evicted by the Parthians and later the same ‘you know whom’ got their asses raped in turn by the Romans, that’s how history works chum, win some-lose some!
Please. Arabs suffered just as much. The British colonial conquest of the Middle East was even bloodier than the Armenian and Assyrian genocides - supported by Germany and made possible by British imperialism anyway. Then of course you have the US bombing the living hell out of Muslim countries, with a death toll that easily exceeds the Armenian genocide after about two decades.
@@Yerfdog1 Please: Armenians did not had war for lots and araps did after like the 18 th century there started to be like crazy things. Thats also a reason why they are behind.
@ehsan_iq the armenian and assyrian genocides are happening even before an official "genocide" is done by the turks. Since the very first conquer of muhammad.
@ehsan_iq Yeah... Yes I am from an former Ottoman country, and there was no official genocide on us. But they killed about 10 million of us during their rule. That is with any Orthodox nation in former Ottoman Empire.
@@Yerfdog1 You are not equivalent to the Native Americans in the sense you are trying to claim. Most of the people living in America today do not have any Native American lineage. (pure ethnic cleansing occured in America). On the other hand, most who identify as Arabs in the Levant and Mesopotomia regions are ethnically Assyrians, and originally from the region, they just shifted cultures.
@Edward Minaei Armenians are indo europeans, they came to the middle east before the persian by a short time, persians came around 900bc, middle east was inhabited by assyrians, bablonians, arabs, sumerians.....
@ been studying history for a long time, that's the first time I've heard of that. I wouldn't mind some sources if u can find some.
3 роки тому+2
@@uptheblues1875 In 2-3 arabic scriptures there is written about him also there is a very old book in an library in istanbul and about him you can find in ancient Indian books written by Kalidasa. Europeans tried to change the history because king VIKRAMADITYA defeated julius cesar.
@ King Vikramaditya certainly did exist, but he probably did not rule over all of that area. The leading theory is that “Vikramaditya” is an Arya-Iranic name for quite a few Hindu rulers from Mitanni/West Armenia (present day Lazi district), to Afghanistan, to West Asia, and Indonesia. These rulers didn’t rule a singular state that stretched from anatolia to Indonesia, normdid they exist in the same time period. They were just Hindu (or whatever relative of Hinduism existed in Anatolia at the time), and as such were given similiar names. This confused historical accounts causing the Vikramaditya myth.
Wow. This may be one of the most timely and impressive videos i've seen. Literally just this week I've been interested and highly confused on the many kingdoms vying for power before the persians came. This cleared a lot up, and I will most definitely using it for reference if I have more questions in the future. Thank you.
The interesting thing is that what made Persia a big empire, uniting all these small kingdoms into a big empire is the Idea that we now call "Iranshahr thinking" in the universities, the union of many peoples with different races, ethnic groups. , culture and different gods
Michael Bay Lol we will go back to the glory days.. Germany was an absolute white whole and now look at them.. Iraq was born with glory... that land has more history than any nation on this earth
@@ArabPride100 That's means shit all when we whites created the computer you're using to talk to me. Pretty sure no one from the middle east can create as much or better than Europeans.
Cornelius De La Soto U whites were living in caves while middle eastern were investing writing , math and astronomy., everything started in the Middle East. The reason You live is because of the Middle East. The first writing, the first math , and the first technologies were invented in the Middle East... u even worship a middle eastern religion
yo yo -> And the few centuries after the Arabs invasions, probably. The difference in this part of the world between ancient antiquity and now is that in this ancient past even with empires warring against each other it was basically the center of the world, now it's just a shithole. Harsh distinction.
dont you mean during the 1800's? after 1492 spain started beating the french hard on italy and aragon recovered the rosellon as well as conquering navarra
Birthplace of civilization, now ruled by the filth of the earth every-single-where, doesn't feel really good tbh They taught us A LOT about how we had the first civilizations and alphabets and blah blah trying to kinda claim the achievements of the past or blind us with them to make us forget the trash present they're causing
It's amazing how small tribes formed into empires. Then Conquered and had wars towards other empires. This just shows you that It's not just about the Roman Empire. There is more in depth of history as the spread of native people in towards empires. The Egyptian Empire was one of the most entertaining empire. It was formed into a small area of base, then proceeded to get bigger. Then, got conquered and re-conquered. It's amazing; good work and props on the video.
@@hashira9223 calling romans "ancient Italians" is like calling ancient semites "ancient jews" lol. The current Italians are a mixture of romans, lombards, normans and celts.
I've never seen a map of the ancient Middle East with such clear and definite boundaries before - I'm surprised that archaeological evidence has been able to give us so much knowledge. What sources were used?
If you're asking specifically about the borders, they aren't certain. The borders I showed were based on natural features, such as rivers and mountains.
I believe the darkest of the colours is the full territory, the middle colour is any vassals, and the lightest colour is territory of another country they occupy.
I've done the spread of Christianity, but I've found that doing the spread of anything other than countries doesn't work well with this type of animation. I'm developing a new way of doing it currently.
@Ollie Bye Oh, you're thinking of a new way to show religion? Interesting, I imagine it would be quite hard to show that accurately. Especially with decentralized religions like Hellenism which lasted in small pockets until the 7th Century.
@Giuliano1504 the internet would never lie to me, it's the history book you have to watch out for, they are full of evil lies about the Muslim religion
Ollie Bye I know you did but Africa is a huge continent. So you weren't able to really fully dissect some regions. You've done videos like "history of the British Islands" things like that. I just think doing videos for particular parts of Africa will help erase the negative images of Africa lacking a history. People tend to club the second largest and most culturally diverse continent into one giant mass rather than exploring the insanely large amount of history and diversity there.
@S U They used to speak Akkadian and Elamite, and the descendants of the Elamites are the Arabs of Khuzestan, who are de facto from the customs, traditions, dialect and geography of Iraqi Arabs.
@Griffin Wale not true.. the turks mixed with anatolian people (Hitties, Lydians, caucasians etc.) so they there not immigrant they are native anatolians with central asia ancestors.... or do you see a anatolian turk that looks like a mongol?
@@vahramarshakyan7663 Look at me I am Turk from south-east anatolia. I have pitch black hairs, thick eyebrowns, light skin and brown-green eyes that look a bit Asian. We are legit in anatolia. In simple words we turks are caucasian too since oghuz-turks were in western asia. Turks get not really slawic just in east-Thrace regions.
What a power iraq have ... 💜 4 empire (sumerian.Assyrian. babylonian.Akkadin) and many great king... 💜 Mesopotamia the best civilization in history...🙏💜
So literally Islamic Caliphate consumed all the two major powers after long infighting of locals in the fertile lands. History shows that Arabs were present in the area as wayfarer all the time. They did the caravan trades and during Akkadian they settled in little towns.
Wow beautiful video thanks for sharing! as a Syrian my self i already knew a lot about it, but always get informed more its such a huge heritage and culture to carry. (edit: ask me anything ill reply when i see it, stay decent)
i agree, as a Syrian id say we have very different traditions and mentality to the people from the Arabian peninsula or north Africa, i consider myself closer to the the Levant (east Mediterranean) region and culture, however i have to say many people who are uneducated or just a proud Muslims would say that they are proudly arab (nothing is wrong with that ofocurse) but as an educated person my self i know its simply not true.
well, from your name i guess you are kurd, thats cool, and i dont know why a Syrian arab would be fucked up, im sure there is Arabs, kurds, Palestinians, muslims christians or whatever, we all have fucked up people, clearly, just look at the middle east ;)
i dont hate Kurds too, but im Sure many many syrians hate kurds, because the Syrian government propaganda has always told us to hate kurds and Israelis, i am an educated person i dont believe that rubbish, and many syrians are also educated, but some are ignorance and they hate on everyone.
Martin Kian well , that depend on what you mean by the word Arabs . if you mean the ethnic Arabs who are the Semitic tribes who came from Arabia and settled Iraq and Syria , then Assyrians , Canaanites , Phoenicians , even Jews (the real ones ) are Arabs . and most of Syria and Iraq today are ethnic Arabs except Lebanese and Palestinians . they are a mixture between ethnic Arabs and crusaders .
most of the times you realize that almost always you are limited to very few sources, taking the romans and carthage as an example, we know carthage existed, we know they fought, but what do we know of carthage ? we have a few signs of their scripture left, but not even close to enough to restore the language, we only know pretty much what the romans told us about carthage. do we believe it though, do we believe that the people of carthage regularly sacrificed children to their gods ? we cannot assume it to be correct, we can neither assume it to be entirely wrong, because we have no sources left that can tell us if it was wrong or correct, only the romans who very well might have been lying considering they were sort of on hostile grounds if you know what i mean.
@@Apokalypse456 Romans & Carthage - both Phoenician. Allegedly Carthage lost to Rome, but only then was the Roman Empire formed. From there the conquests went on to Europe. It's the baal worshipping, child sacrificing Phoenicians behind it all the whole time. They are in control to this day. They just take on different masks.
@@HAYRENAPASHT-pc4tf de kosvenno mtnum en mer etnogenesi mej, bayc da chi nshanakum vor Hettakan petutyune haykakana exel. Mer uxix naxninern en urartnere, xurritnere, mushkere ev Haykakan lernashxari urish cexere
Guys for fucks sake there is no problem with being proud of your history I am kurdish and even tho we kurds have been the assyrians rivals in the past doesn't mean that we are still enemies and have to hate each other the assyrian empire was a great empire and the assyrians have an interesting history and so were we kurds both of us have a great history and great people :)
@not A HANZO MAIN Iran had three main trbes Persian, Parthian and Median. They were all arian and Iranian. Any of them made an Iranian government except Persian that made two.
Where's Phoenicia? P.S. It would be cool if all the known battles were overlayed on these awesome maps of yours - would help tell more of the story... Great work, love your channel!
It would have been awesome if you paused the timeline (and music) during the Bronze Age Collapse and have some animation where the land literally fractures to signify how important that event is.
Yes, the 4:40 mark is where the great collapse of nearly all civilizations happened. Egypt barely survived and was never as strong as before. This is when the Tribes came from Egypt and invaded via Sinai desert.
Taha Tuncel But don’t forget to mention a race that also perhaps speaks the oldest indo European/Aryan language. Armenians are the closest remnants to Neolithic tribes. The indo European languages cradle is the Armenian highlands. The Sumerians even said their God’s came from the mountains around Armenia. Armenians are also remnants of the Hittites and their language in essence is the closest thing to it. So if you really look at it it is absolutely amazing that Armenians have survived. Now they are all around the world and they have been proven to be among the most successful ethnic groups regardless of which country they assimilate to while keeping their ancient language in tact.
because most of it's civilization was destroyed by the Assyrians who destroyed their capital Susa many times. Only after weakening of Elam by Assyria made it happen for Persia to take over the Iranian plateau. In some cases Elam to Persia was like Greece to Rome, they influenced them a lot.
Roman Empire was founded in the beginning of 8 century B.C and ceased to exists in late 15 Century. It's 2400 years. Eastern Roman empire was continuation of it in every aspect.
I am sorry for what the Jews via their American puppet have done to your country. Jews have no civilization or culture, so they are deeply jealous what they could never produce.
Great video. Amazingly, three of those civillizations are still around today - the arminians, the assyrians (sort of), and the judians. Love from Israel, keep up the great work!
@@barnosho1611 a. that unfortunately the modern Assyrians don't have a state of their own, but live in areas ruled by other ethnicities. b. that many had themselves adopted arab language and culture.
The descendants of the Judeans are modern-day Palestinians. Modern-day Israelis are migrant colonizers from Europe, Morocco and Yemen who have no ethnic connection to the land of Canaan (except for a minority of them).
Panah Mahmud man Aqqoyunlus and Qaraqoyunlus wasn Caucasian Albanians (Lezgins) and the lands of modern azerbaijan was Iranian Region named Aterpatena but the first turks named in this lands “Caucasian tatars or turkmens” was deported from turkey in 1918 by ataturk for creating 2 nd turkish Republic ! Before that in this lands ther wasn’t turks
Panah Mahmud men it’s the reality what I said just learn better history and not the history written by azeris! watch you will learn many things from it
Azerbaijan as country appeard in 1918. Before the land was named Axvanq, Atrpatakan, Caucasus Albania... The people of Atrpaten had no connection with azers. Azerbaijanes are new , young nation they are turks.
Yes but I'm talking about the greatest extent of this Persian empire. The Greeks may have defeated the Persians, but conquering the wholeness of Mesopotamia is no joke.
This video requires some correction. Arabs and Armenians weren't really a people at the time (maybe "proto-Armenians" if you will). Additionally you don't have Syriacs alongside the Sumerians. If you want a more accurate term there you would use Assyrians but even then, the Akkadian empire was preceding this term.
engphys Arabs were first mentioned in History by the Assyrians near 900 BC~ , But anyway they weren’t a race but rather a group of people that spoke a one Semitic language united by one culture .
Arabs is those people who live in the Wilderness(Aravah/Aravi) they were never one people before Islam but bunch of different tribes bound by lifestyle and culture,btw we know from the story of the Amorites in Syrian desert that invasion from the desert into fertile land was common,very common since the beginning and they were the greatest warriors and mercenaries,shame though that the oldest and greatest family Semitic who diverged the oldest lost it's diversity and now everyone is "Arab" they even Started to call Jews who lived in Middle East "Arabs" just because they know Arabic...
Make sure to check out the new (2020) version:
and the old one is still here
Can you maybe if you do these videos use the right terms?
Its not Middle East. It is called West Asia.
The PKK’s first program, issued in 1978, states, “Our people first attempted to reside on our land in the first millennium bce, when the Medes, progenitors of our nation, stepped onto the stage of history.” When Kurds try to legitimize their rights as a nation to live in Kurdistan, their arguments tend to rest on territorial settlement rather than consanguineous ancestry. But assumptions about continuous Kurdish settlement and descent from the Medes entered the collective understanding long ago.” p. 2 Van Bruinessen, Martin. Kurdish notables and the Ottoman state: Evolving Identities, Competing Loyalties, and Shifting Boundaries, p 25
“Though some Kurdish intellectuals claim that their people are descended from the Medes, there is no evidence to permit such a connection across the considerable gap in time between the political dominance of the Medes and the first attestation of the Kurds.” White, Paul J. “Observations on Kurdish Origins.” Vol 1. Journal of Arabic, Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, 1993.
“This view is disputed by others, most notably by D. N. Mackenzie, who objects primarily on philological grounds, due to the uncertainty of historical data. In Mackenzie’s view, the Kurdish language (and, by implication, the Kurds themselves) is probably closer to Persian than to the language of the Medes” “Other areas around the north-west and western shore of the Caspian Sea and in Central Iran were not called Kurdish, although some of these dialects are related to Kermanjî. But over a wide area the name of Kurd embraced that of Mede and of other Aryan tribes. I would suggest that the name Mede was absorbed under the Kurds in a way reminiscent of developments in France, where the name of Frank superseded that of Gaul.”
“The identification of Kurds with Aryans and/or Medes must, admittedly, be viewed in the context of the process of nation-building, being mainly a reaction against Turkish nationalism’s denial of Kurds’ distinct nationhood. The linkage with the Medes is used to engage the official claim that Kurds are of Turkish origin. The myth of the Medes is mainly used as a tool to politically mobilize Kurds by the PKK.” Hennerbichler, Ferdinand. (2012). The Origin of Kurds. Advances in Anthropology. 02. 10.4236/aa.2012. 22008. p. 64
“David McDowall approves the prehistoric origin of the Kurds, he refuses to see Kurds as a unified entity until the last century, arguing that they existed as an identifiable group for possible more that 2000 years… it was only in the early years of the twentieth century that they acquired a sense of community as Kurds.”
“The view on the Median origin of the Kurds has been an important element of the Kurdish social and political discourse since their national awakening. The genetic affiliation between the Kurds and their language and the ancient Medians has always been regarded as an absolute and incontestable truth for most Kurdish authors (cf., e.g., Wahby 1964; Vanly 1988; and many others). In the academic scholarship, as far as I know, V. Minorsky was the only adept of this theory.” p. 21.
“Turning from the regions of mythology to the historian finds scarcely less uncertainty in it by the early inquirers on the racial con Abu-'l-Fida, bimself a Kurd, states that he h the Kurds were Arabs or Nabataeans, while Persian Arabs, from the similarity between the that of the ordinary nomad Arab; but he see with the Jill and the Dailami as a Persian traveller, records that he was told in Persia of Arab origin,2 in which view Ibn-ul-Athir are those of Abu-'l-Faraj, who idenbified the and of some Armenian writers, who seem to and the Medes” p. 493 Galip, Özlem Belçim. Imagining Kurdistan: Identity, Culture and Society. New York: I. B Tauris, 2015. p. 17
@@rollinontheboard Not sure what you mean. This older version is not as accurate.
@b a d e d c r u a a d e r
Damn those Assyrians just did not give up
and we still haven't gave up
who am i kidding we are nowhere to be found lol
And we still are)
Leo Assur where lol , you dont even have your own country
@@Mhmd-ou6xu I don't know English. I am an Assyrian living in Russia. I use a translator. He must have translated it wrong. I wanted to write that we haven't disappeared yet, there are 4 million of us.
Leo Assur oh ok got you wrong
The Assyrian Empire just keeps respawning
Malsy Pright bijji Kurdistan 😉
The black Lion #kurd what? Why r u making things up
The Medes pee on your face at that time
The Syrian Are Arabs And the Shawam are the sons of the Crusaders Very few of them have Aramaic not Assyrian .
@@theblackbox2847 gtfo
Thanks to Ceplio who came up with the idea and helped with research a bit:
Also, some of the dates are different to "History of the World: Every Year", because I used a different chronology. This one's also more detailed than that video, simply because there's more room on this one.
Thanks a ton Ollie! :D
ceplio No problem :)
***** That's a consideration for the future, yes.
Ollie Bye why was the Phoenician civilization was not in there , but it was in your videos ?
Dede Tawil It was there. I usually just show it as "Phoenicia", but in this one, I showed all the individual cities. So that's Sidon, Tyre, Arwad, Beiruta and Byblos. They're the same thing.
watched this with my 6th grade homeschooler. felt like watching a sprting event and cheering for your teams, or like watching bacterial colonies duke it out for territory. Gave us some questions to start researching, made the bronze age fun. Thanks a ton.
The Middle East... The birth place of civilisation, the greatest ones. Unfortunately, today it's just land for people to fight in... :(
محمد حسن I noticed how your intelligence decreased and you became stupid, because anti-muslims are the ones who brought wars and destructions
M. saya i’am ex muslim and i can say that islam is the worst religion......but all religions are useless they are superstitions
@محمد حسن انا اسف اخي على كلامي ولكن يجب نحترم بعضنا السومريين ليسوا عرب.. العرب قاموا بعمل الكثير من الاختراعات وكلهم مسلمين وتحية الى السومريين😊
@محمد حسن السبب عقول العرب الاغبياء لكن هذا لا يعني ان نترك ونشتم سيدنا محمد والصراحة كلامك صح بس في كثير اباء مسلمين يعملون اولادهم ويعلمونهم بشكل كويس وحتى الهندوس والمسيحيين و و و الخ كلهم نفس الشي اي شخص يولد ببلد معين رح يصير نفس الدين يلي بالبلد واي شخص باي دين ابائه كانوا قاسيين معه عالاغلب رح يترك دينه شو ما كان لذلك انت حر بما تفعل وانا حر بما افعله الاسلام وكل الاديان تعلمنا السلام وكيفية العيش الصحيح لكن عقل الانسان المتوحش هو الذي يجعل الانسان متوحش ويفعل ما يريد
@محمد حسن اسرائيل يقتلون المسلمين بفلسطين ونهبوا اراضيهم وبدك يانا نتسامح معهم 😂😂 لو كانت دولة عربية مسلمة اختلت دولة مسيحية كنتوا فضحتوا الدنيا سبحان الله الناس مستحيل ما تكره المسلمين بسبب حقدهم وكراهيتهم اذا توحد المسلمين رح تصير اقوى دولة بالعالم واي شخص يترك الاسلام اكيييد رح يحب كلشي ضد المسلمين ويكره كلشي يخص المسلمين وانت تقول انك حر بدك تختار الدين يلي تريده او تبقى ملحد ومع ذلك انت عنصري ضد المسلمين لانك حاقد عالمسلمين
وعلفكرة انت اول شخص عربي ليس مسلم كلامه محترم بالعادة شتم وسب شتم وسب
وان شاء الله نخلص من داعش والاحتلالات وترجع الدول العربية كويسة والصراخة نحن المسلمين ما يهمنا اذا حدا ترك الاسلام او دخل لان نحن مارح نستفاد شي المهم نحن مسلمين خلص لا ترد عتعليقي لان الكلام بدون فائدة مع ناقصين العقل
Great job Ollie!
احلا شباب والله .
What is wrong with yall
Lots of things.
yea cause nazi's wore those old pikelhaubes
MegaPrem That was more of a WWI fashion actually.
that Homo Sapiens Empire in 150000 BCE must have been amazing tho
What about neanderthal?
Burok the most impressive part about thier empire is it's tiny population compared to its vast lands.
Homosapiens empire was the first place humanity left a trace....trace began there
@احمد شوبكة but your name is Ahmad LMAO, what a fucking hypocrite
@@LetsGoGetThem But they weren't as intelligent as humans. There's a reason why they died out after a while of co existing with humans.
4:38 Is it a bird? Is it a plane?
Now the phoenicians can get DOWN TO BUSINESS
Egypt was chilling in the corner the whole time.
TheScienceofnature yeah but at the end someone came calling
Mohamed Tarek bruh u have a Muslim name( the most most muslim name in fact) and your calling Islam cancer.
well the roman empire cancer with christianity the 1st who came and ruined their chill.
They still do it.
Nah they were just busy wrecking the Nubians the whole time and laughing at the pathetic barbarians requiring *two* great rivers to prop up their civilisation.
Everybody is duking it out in the Middle East and Achaemenid Empire is just like "lemme just come in and take EVERYTHING" lol
Everybody: frustrated becuase of wars in middle east
Achamenid empire: its free real estate...
When the food is cooked the hungry eater shows up
Persians were accepted as liberators in the region after Harsh treatment of Assyria Kings
Wait till you see the rashidun.
@Bazel Merchad rape caliphates
Ollie Bye, it´s notorious that your videos are full of studies and hard work. Congratularions and thanks for this huge knowlgdement.
That very earliest interaction between the Sumerian city states - here represented only as a fleeting frame - is such a... magical era in human history. Each city is a country, as the whole perception of "country" "kingdom" "land" must be understood for its time and place, and I always imagined it would make for the most amazing computer game - both grand strategy, where you micromanage either of these main city-states and their various numerous minor satellites - or yet better, a role-play game, where you walk (no riding!) between these places, questing for either the priests and priestesses, kings or god-kings - or maybe even for the Sumerian gods themselves!
Obviously, such an endevour taken into reality would be changed into something stupid and unrealistic, horseriding forced in, catapults, Roman-era armors etc, and I would probably hate it, and regret I ever wanted anything like it, so... maybe it's just as well that it does not exist.
But, it's among my favorite historical periods.
@𒁲𒂵𒀀𒁕 what does your name that akkadian?
@𒁲𒂵𒀀𒁕 ah ok
Yeah it is like that because we don't know them enough, most of their names and histories are lost to time so we just know this period existed and some cities that are gonna get big later started here
@@clastelr bruh
Oh my god, u r not the only one who thought about a game like this!
It is great that you have illustrated geographic features as they existed back then. For example, the Persian gulf extended much further north than today and the Dead Sea was much larger. Great job.
Sor Alb actually, it's the Jordan River that was much larger.
@@yjohnnyy618 Dead Sea as well, it’s like a shadow of its former self nowadays
I did not see that, great job 👍
Sealand can into Babylon!
lol Sealand is also a tiny country in Britain.
😂😂😂 Sealand can into Mesopotamic Kingdom!
Struw It's probably an EU4 joke as it's the same format as an achievement name.
Just shut up sea bitch
Epsilon Jay ɛɈ they didn’t have an empire , they were savages fighting for money , just like Vikings . But the difference is that Sea people got mostly eliminated by Egyptians and Assyrians and lost in history , unlike Vikings who attacked the weakest kingdoms in their times .
King Cyrus to the Middle East: “Hello there.”
and eveyone cheered
The Hindu messenger!!
Go back to india
I found it interesting how complex the history of the Assyrian Empire was with so many changes over time.
Still it was a terrible place
@hiooxkrmagkis9323 Lol, no idea what that has to do with what I said. Rome, Greece, and Assyria were all bad....
@hiooxkrmagkis9323Assyria is not iraq
Samshi adad is syrian not iraqi
wtf are you crazy bro ?@@SAMI-SEM-997
fun fact the Sumerian, Assyrian, and Babylonian kingdoms were in the same location of modern day Iraq
and ancient cities of Ur and Uruk also!
@Assurbanipal no we didn’t we reclaimed it
@Assurbanipal only a tiny chunk of Kurdistan is Assyria
@Assurbanipal Assyria doesn’t exist in anyway shape or form I didn’t even hear about u irrelevant people until 3 months ago lol
@Assurbanipal Assyria doesn’t even exist in anyway shape or form lolololololol there’s like 800,000 of u 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
In 879 BC, Ashurnasirpal I hosted a party were over 67,000 guests from all over the known world were invited from as far as the Zagros to anatolia and through out the Assyrian and Mesopatamian, & Egyptian realm. It is one of if not the most awesome party in history lasted 10 days straight!
@Akhand Bharat bro, who was ruling bharat at that time?
@@TusharSharma-cy9xo Independent Kingdom Janapadas
"who the fuck starts a conversation like that I just sat down!"
you can read more about him in the Greek scriptures. The Greek refer to him as Sardanapalus because they could not pronounce Ashurbanipal.
6:55 Persians: it might be time to conquer the world?
Before I learned persian history, I dident that conquering the world and justice and religious tolerance was possible
@@sadrahashemi-w4mlmao , are you sure ?
Hindu messengers !!
Macedonians/Greeks: Not on my watch
Lol at the end the Acheamenid Persians come out of nowhere and take over the entire Middle East.
k 55, funny how at the end the whole screen turned green.
And they got their ass raped by you know whom!!!! 😂😂😂😂
MS 1997 yep but eventually the ‘you know whom’ were evicted by the Parthians and later the same ‘you know whom’ got their asses raped in turn by the Romans, that’s how history works chum, win some-lose some!
the word achaemenid actually just means "the empire" so... just call them Iranians.
@EllaithiAli kurdish people are Iranian.
I feel really sad for the Assyrians and Armenians. They didn't deserve the pain they had in modern history.
Please. Arabs suffered just as much. The British colonial conquest of the Middle East was even bloodier than the Armenian and Assyrian genocides - supported by Germany and made possible by British imperialism anyway. Then of course you have the US bombing the living hell out of Muslim countries, with a death toll that easily exceeds the Armenian genocide after about two decades.
@@Yerfdog1 Please: Armenians did not had war for lots and araps did after like the 18 th century there started to be like crazy things. Thats also a reason why they are behind.
@ehsan_iq the armenian and assyrian genocides are happening even before an official "genocide" is done by the turks. Since the very first conquer of muhammad.
@ehsan_iq Yeah... Yes
I am from an former Ottoman country, and there was no official genocide on us. But they killed about 10 million of us during their rule. That is with any Orthodox nation in former Ottoman Empire.
You are not equivalent to the Native Americans in the sense you are trying to claim. Most of the people living in America today do not have any Native American lineage. (pure ethnic cleansing occured in America).
On the other hand, most who identify as Arabs in the Levant and Mesopotomia regions are ethnically Assyrians, and originally from the region, they just shifted cultures.
It must take such a long time to produce such intensely intricate videos about things that aren't quite as well known for various reasons.
I am from Iraq and my country is the cradle of civilization, and many kingdoms arose in it, such as Sumer, Babylon and Assyria🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶
Akkad too.
@Aššurbanipal love my Assyrains ❤️
@Aššurbanipal no I'm Shrugie my ancestors are the sumerians
@@prostation3844 lmao shrugie
@@prostation3844 Assyrians are the closest descendants of Sumerian’s.
Proud to be Armenian. We are calling our country Hayastan which comes from Hayassa Azzi and our grandfather Hayk Nahapet of Babilon.
The more you know I guess.
Tony, in some records they say that the Ancient Armenians did not enter the Middle East until around 1500BC. Is that true?
@Edward Minaei
Armenians are indo europeans, they came to the middle east before the persian by a short time, persians came around 900bc, middle east was inhabited by assyrians, bablonians, arabs, sumerians.....
But Armenians are Indo-Europeans and Babylonians are Semites.
It’s sucks how some Armenians now think we are “Caucasusian” but we always have and will be middle eastern.
relax lol
@ been studying history for a long time, that's the first time I've heard of that. I wouldn't mind some sources if u can find some.
@@uptheblues1875 In 2-3 arabic scriptures there is written about him also there is a very old book in an library in istanbul and about him you can find in ancient Indian books written by Kalidasa.
Europeans tried to change the history because king VIKRAMADITYA defeated julius cesar.
@ King Vikramaditya certainly did exist, but he probably did not rule over all of that area.
The leading theory is that “Vikramaditya” is an Arya-Iranic name for quite a few Hindu rulers from Mitanni/West Armenia (present day Lazi district), to Afghanistan, to West Asia, and Indonesia. These rulers didn’t rule a singular state that stretched from anatolia to Indonesia, normdid they exist in the same time period. They were just Hindu (or whatever relative of Hinduism existed in Anatolia at the time), and as such were given similiar names. This confused historical accounts causing the Vikramaditya myth.
@@3haAD900 yes
0:34 Larak (UK occupied). The British building colonies since 2432 B.C
lol i just noticed that
During the first agricultural revolution in the Fertile Crescent, Germanic & Celtic people still belonged to the PIE in the Caucasus Steppes.
UK stands for Uruk not the United Kingdom.
Nah it isn't Uruk, it's the UK from the future time travelling and shit
That is Uruk
Absolutely fascinating!
I imagine a lot of research went into this. Many thanks.
Wow. This may be one of the most timely and impressive videos i've seen. Literally just this week I've been interested and highly confused on the many kingdoms vying for power before the persians came. This cleared a lot up, and I will most definitely using it for reference if I have more questions in the future. Thank you.
The interesting thing is that what made Persia a big empire, uniting all these small kingdoms into a big empire is the Idea that we now call "Iranshahr thinking" in the universities, the union of many peoples with different races, ethnic groups. , culture and different gods
It all started in Mesopotamia hence it was all in Iraq. That's why we are called the cradle of
KURD MEANS STRONG! Kurd doesn't exist
Now a shithole
Michael Bay
Lol we will go back to the glory days.. Germany was an absolute white whole and now look at them.. Iraq was born with glory... that land has more history than any nation on this earth
@@ArabPride100 That's means shit all when we whites created the computer you're using to talk to me. Pretty sure no one from the middle east can create as much or better than Europeans.
Cornelius De La Soto
U whites were living in caves while middle eastern were investing writing , math and astronomy., everything started in the Middle East. The reason You live is because of the Middle East. The first writing, the first math , and the first technologies were invented in the Middle East... u even worship a middle eastern religion
"The LORD, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth..." - Cyrus the Great
He was half median wich means half kurdish lol
Kurds are very nice and hospitable people
He was a lur from a current city called izeh...
Freeze You Medians weren’t kurds
Aj R Tell that to the Assyrians
As much as the Middle East is messed up today. Couldn’t be more proud to be from a region where the birth of civilization occurred
the fertile crescent keeps being screwed over and constantly goes from one empire to another
yo yo
It remained on this situation to these days.
Nebuchadnezzar II true. I'll imagine the time with the least change was under ottoman rule
yo yo -> And the few centuries after the Arabs invasions, probably.
The difference in this part of the world between ancient antiquity and now is that in this ancient past even with empires warring against each other it was basically the center of the world, now it's just a shithole. Harsh distinction.
yo yo who are the fertile crescent?
Talip Zengin It is the cradle of civilization
Where do you find the detail for every year?
lots of reading
@@amroisa i want to know as well
Probably a source like Britannica
Do the history of the universe every second
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ we need some aliens to help
Put a fork in it!
but how we will watch a trillion years long video
Actually, in the beginning, I think we'll need a history of every picosecond. First seconds kinda important.
Yes, it shall be 4.32E17 seconds long
proud to be armenian 🇦🇲❤️
ARMENIANS 🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲
@hiooxkrmagkis9323в этом регионе,все более менее крупные народы,имеют разные гаплогруппы
Armenians have always been in the same geographical location up until today.
Egyptians as well
No wars, no treaties, no castles. Sort of an isolated community.
They were pretty harmless and non combatant even Mongols took advantage of this and so did the Turks
That’s not true. Most of Armenia is still occupied by the Turks!
They had an empire that took most of Syria and eastern anotolia. Up until the genocide there where still millions of Armenians in eastern anotolia.
Oh no it's coming...they're coming
@Lord Voldemort the "sea people"
Mentioned by many impires at the time, they're blamed for the collapse of the bronze age.
@Lord Voldemort i know, i said that they were blamed for the collapse, not that they cased it.
Vikings of ancient history
As someone who's really interested in Ancient Egypt and the ancient times in general, this is really well made! Thanks for making this.
This is amazing and has so much we never learned about
Will there be a video of 525 BC onwards in the Middle East?
Alexander, Romans, Parthia, Sassanids, Byzantines, Allahu Akbar, Modern Day.
Deadpool GR you forgot the Hasmonian kingdom of Judah
@@giannisd.6587 Allahu Akbar 😂😂😂
@@giannisd.6587 Fuck...... off
Can you do the History of Iberia?
I like that
There may be a video out there that does just that.
Yes make video about both Iberia will be interesting
After 1492 there will be only french occupation
dont you mean during the 1800's? after 1492 spain started beating the french hard on italy and aragon recovered the rosellon as well as conquering navarra
Kudos for including the changes to the coast of the Persian Gulf. Great job!
Arabian gulf
@@skrigged9270 cry about that
@@skrigged9270 cry about that👌
@@skrigged9270 say as much as you can
U can't change the truth
@@skrigged9270 where the hell are that in world map.. I can't find it 😂
I can only imagine what it must be like to live in this region knowing that it was the birthplace of Civilization
I did, and to be honest, nothing is like living in the US. I was born right in the border of Babylonia and Elam, modern day Iran/Iraq.
Birthplace of civilization, now ruled by the filth of the earth every-single-where, doesn't feel really good tbh
They taught us A LOT about how we had the first civilizations and alphabets and blah blah trying to kinda claim the achievements of the past or blind us with them to make us forget the trash present they're causing
ولدت في شمال شرق سوريا أي في أعالي بلاد مابين النهرين
طقس سيء
حرب مستعرة
واقع اقتصادي صعب
It's amazing how small tribes formed into empires. Then Conquered and had wars towards other empires. This just shows you that It's not just about the Roman Empire. There is more in depth of history as the spread of native people in towards empires. The Egyptian Empire was one of the most entertaining empire. It was formed into a small area of base, then proceeded to get bigger. Then, got conquered and re-conquered. It's amazing; good work and props on the video.
"it's not just about the Roman empire"
average western when he realize that human history doesn't revolve around ancient Italians LMFAO
@@hashira9223 Average Western history class…
@@lordbauer5983 fr
@@hashira9223 calling romans "ancient Italians" is like calling ancient semites "ancient jews" lol. The current Italians are a mixture of romans, lombards, normans and celts.
I've never seen a map of the ancient Middle East with such clear and definite boundaries before - I'm surprised that archaeological evidence has been able to give us so much knowledge. What sources were used?
If you're asking specifically about the borders, they aren't certain. The borders I showed were based on natural features, such as rivers and mountains.
That's probably what they would've been based on, at least de facto.
What do the three gradations mean?
I believe the darkest of the colours is the full territory, the middle colour is any vassals, and the lightest colour is territory of another country they occupy.
DinosaurFilms - Maps Spot on
The last time the Middle East has was ever unified
Neil LeFrancis haha
Ottomans empire
Abbasid caliphate
Umayyad caliphate
All of these united the middle east
@@joffreybaratheon9044 yea sure
ZeLegend how about you open a history book
@@ShidaiTaino how about you keep your mouth shut?
Interesting. But Egypt did not conquer Canaan in the 1200s and David and Solomon's kingdoms (900s) reached the Euphrates.
1:36 The Britsh Travled Back in time?!
Yurt1 UK
@@karadesu8348 Look at Uruk, near modern-day Kuwait.
What does uruk gotta do with brits?
No man this is THE Sealand the eponym of New Zealand
@@christiank1109 its actually zealand from the dutch province zeeland.
It is near UK, just check 1:37 time.
Uk occ
Absolutley Amazing work as always. This is one of my favorite subjects in history. ^^
3:08 sealand In Basra / Iraq
and it was called the land of "Inki" king of sea 🌊
Enki was a God too
This is perfect for my History class
And Bible study
King George III Retake the Thirteen Colonies!
I have a feeling you would use non of your knowledge during your reign.
Babylon (As.). If you'll add one more "s", you'll understand the true relations between Assyria and Babylonia.
Yes, true because they were basiclly the same people and Spoke the same language.
all these civilisations forms the greater Syria according to the SSNP
MrRussianMapper Russia is like a hot pussy bitch
Omar Nasir 😂😂😂😂 yes , I wish it happen again
I enjoyed the video! But I have to ask, have you ever done a video on the spread of religion?
I've done the spread of Christianity, but I've found that doing the spread of anything other than countries doesn't work well with this type of animation. I'm developing a new way of doing it currently.
Ollie Bye I'll check it out. Good luck!
Ollie Bye can you tell me what software or apps you use ? to create thoose country maps.... ?
@Ollie Bye
Oh, you're thinking of a new way to show religion? Interesting, I imagine it would be quite hard to show that accurately. Especially with decentralized religions like Hellenism which lasted in small pockets until the 7th Century.
LuftWaffe ME 109bf MS Paint, and MAGIX Movie Edit.
maybe I missed it, when did the kingdom of palestine show up? was it before or after the kingdom of israel?
It didn't show up.
There was no Kingdom of Palestine
@Giuliano1504 that can't be true.... according to every Muslim in the middle east palestine predates israel....
@@jimmoore7712 Maybe you shouldn't belive everything you hear on the Internet.
@Giuliano1504 the internet would never lie to me, it's the history book you have to watch out for, they are full of evil lies about the Muslim religion
Awesome video as usual. Can you do one about West Africa? I could help you out with that too if you'd like. That would be super awesome.
Sorry, but I probably won't do that, because I've already done Africa as a whole:
I hope you understand :(
Ollie Bye I know you did but Africa is a huge continent. So you weren't able to really fully dissect some regions. You've done videos like "history of the British Islands" things like that. I just think doing videos for particular parts of Africa will help erase the negative images of Africa lacking a history. People tend to club the second largest and most culturally diverse continent into one giant mass rather than exploring the insanely large amount of history and diversity there.
From Nothing Yes, that's a good point. Well I'll let you know if I decide to go ahead with it.
Ollie Bye Thank you. I love your videos!
I just love Elam. It's been just there, looking at those weirdos.
@كل شيء نسبي ياجماعة !! 🤡
@S U They used to speak Akkadian and Elamite, and the descendants of the Elamites are the Arabs of Khuzestan, who are de facto from the customs, traditions, dialect and geography of Iraqi Arabs.
And Susa is just a wonderfully sounding name for a capital. Long live Elam.
According to wikipedia at least, Assyrians conquered Elam in 639 BCE
@@maestro9765 And Elam conquered Babylon for once
Armenians have been there forever
@Griffin Wale not true.. the turks mixed with anatolian people (Hitties, Lydians, caucasians etc.) so they there not immigrant they are native anatolians with central asia ancestors.... or do you see a anatolian turk that looks like a mongol?
@Nihat Huseyinli azerbaijan was never mentioned by persians or greeks. It was always armenia look up beishtun inscription
@@FreePalestine711 I think that Modern Turks Are mix Of Central Asians Greeks Hitties Armenians and Slavs(very little percentage)
@@vahramarshakyan7663 Look at me I am Turk from south-east anatolia. I have pitch black hairs, thick eyebrowns,
light skin and brown-green eyes that look a bit Asian. We are legit in anatolia. In simple words
we turks are caucasian too since oghuz-turks were in western asia. Turks get not really slawic just in east-Thrace regions.
@@FreePalestine711 im not saying every turk is Slavic maybe only 5% percent of modern Turkey populations has Something Slavic in them
What a power iraq have ... 💜
4 empire (sumerian.Assyrian. babylonian.Akkadin) and many great king... 💜
Mesopotamia the best civilization in history...🙏💜
The saddest part is Iraqis speaks Arabic now and they lost their old identity
@@assyrianmf so what language they must speak now instead of arabic?
@@khikhikhiland Aramic, the language that unite Kurd with assyrians and Chaldeans
@@assyrianmf Hyper Nationalism brings nothing but chaos perfect example of nowadays Middle East ...
@@TERRORIST.SAIKAT because they are loyal to fake national ideas , not their true one
4:43 F for the Hittites
they were good people ;(
3:24 Egypt fights Egypt
Egypt won
@@montagnegign3978 nope they lost
6:56 egypt gg
6:10 : unmm
6:17 :oh
6:21 :OH god
6:40 :daam
So literally Islamic Caliphate consumed all the two major powers after long infighting of locals in the fertile lands. History shows that Arabs were present in the area as wayfarer all the time. They did the caravan trades and during Akkadian they settled in little towns.
@@hattusilli2225 The video ends over 1000 years before muhammad is born...
@@hattusilli2225 That is not the Islamic Caliphete. That is ancient IRAN.
@@mozhhosseini982 are you muslim?
@@мувн-ш4ы does religion matter?
Most of the civilization and empires lies near the Euphrates river.
Cradle of civilization 🇮🇶
@@Documentaries_and_stories iraq did not exist at that time
Wow beautiful video thanks for sharing! as a Syrian my self i already knew a lot about it, but always get informed more its such a huge heritage and culture to carry. (edit: ask me anything ill reply when i see it, stay decent)
i agree, as a Syrian id say we have very different traditions and mentality to the people from the Arabian peninsula or north Africa, i consider myself closer to the the Levant (east Mediterranean) region and culture, however i have to say many people who are uneducated or just a proud Muslims would say that they are proudly arab (nothing is wrong with that ofocurse) but as an educated person my self i know its simply not true.
well, from your name i guess you are kurd, thats cool, and i dont know why a Syrian arab would be fucked up, im sure there is Arabs, kurds, Palestinians, muslims christians or whatever, we all have fucked up people, clearly, just look at the middle east ;)
i dont hate Kurds too, but im Sure many many syrians hate kurds, because the Syrian government propaganda has always told us to hate kurds and Israelis, i am an educated person i dont believe that rubbish, and many syrians are also educated, but some are ignorance and they hate on everyone.
Martin Kian well , that depend on what you mean by the word Arabs . if you mean the ethnic Arabs who are the Semitic tribes who came from Arabia and settled Iraq and Syria , then Assyrians , Canaanites , Phoenicians , even Jews (the real ones ) are Arabs . and most of Syria and Iraq today are ethnic Arabs except Lebanese and Palestinians . they are a mixture between ethnic Arabs and crusaders .
divide and conquer, it is the same old game everywhere. greetings from germany.
Interesting. History of the middle east prior to the establishment of the Persian Empire is quite confusing. Thanks for the video. Pretty educational
sometimes you wonder how accurate our records are of these times long ago
most of the times you realize that almost always you are limited to very few sources, taking the romans and carthage as an example, we know carthage existed, we know they fought, but what do we know of carthage ? we have a few signs of their scripture left, but not even close to enough to restore the language, we only know pretty much what the romans told us about carthage.
do we believe it though, do we believe that the people of carthage regularly sacrificed children to their gods ?
we cannot assume it to be correct, we can neither assume it to be entirely wrong, because we have no sources left that can tell us if it was wrong or correct, only the romans who very well might have been lying considering they were sort of on hostile grounds if you know what i mean.
I mean, as a fan of mapping videos, it's very shaky in general. Ten fold when you try to depict times before the Bronze Age :)
it saddens me when emperors burn down libraries or destroy cultural artifacts like in Mao's cultural revolution. 😭
@@Apokalypse456 Romans & Carthage - both Phoenician. Allegedly Carthage lost to Rome, but only then was the Roman Empire formed. From there the conquests went on to Europe. It's the baal worshipping, child sacrificing Phoenicians behind it all the whole time. They are in control to this day. They just take on different masks.
@@bananian Or more recently, ISIS destroying pre-Islamic artifacts in Mosul.
Хаяса Аззи, Арманум Шубрия, Наири и Ван/Урарту - это первые армянские государства. Горжусь древней историей своей страны - Армении🇦🇲❤️
Mittanin u Hettern el en exel Hayer
@@HAYRENAPASHT-pc4tf hettakan petutyune haykakan chi exel.
@@Edward__Movsesyan Hettery mtnum en mer etnogenezi mej, mer naxinern en
@@HAYRENAPASHT-pc4tf de kosvenno mtnum en mer etnogenesi mej, bayc da chi nshanakum vor Hettakan petutyune haykakana exel. Mer uxix naxninern en urartnere, xurritnere, mushkere ev Haykakan lernashxari urish cexere
First! I'd like to point out that this video turned out really nicely, with or without my help with animating the year counter :) 8/8 ollie
Thank you!
You're the guy who did the population counter on HoTWEY right?
TyOrca 5 It was +TeeMee123 ,yes.
TyOrca 5 it was I
Proud to be Assyrian !
If Kurdish means strong how come you could not be 100% independent in 200 years of fighting?
Guys for fucks sake there is no problem with being proud of your history I am kurdish and even tho we kurds have been the assyrians rivals in the past doesn't mean that we are still enemies and have to hate each other the assyrian empire was a great empire and the assyrians have an interesting history and so were we kurds both of us have a great history and great people :)
Rand Aram The problem is that the Assyrians are not receiving any rights in the middle east because they are Christians
mohammad 13305 shut up assyarin is aryans not muslim
@komigennufan kurds are decent of sumerians !!
So sealand is older than we thought.....
Thank you very much. Very interesting and clarifying video
Acaemenids empire the gratest PERSIAN empire.
@not A HANZO MAIN median is not just belong to kurds media was 3 parte(persia+media+partia)
@not A HANZO MAIN 🖕u idiot
@Matthew Tenorio_3200654 median were not just kurds!
@not A HANZO MAIN Iran had three main trbes Persian, Parthian and Median. They were all arian and Iranian. Any of them made an Iranian government except Persian that made two.
Where's Phoenicia? P.S. It would be cool if all the known battles were overlayed on these awesome maps of yours - would help tell more of the story... Great work, love your channel!
It was never realy a unified state, but rather a group of divided city states with minimal tribute based centalization to Tyre.
It would have been awesome if you paused the timeline (and music) during the Bronze Age Collapse and have some animation where the land literally fractures to signify how important that event is.
Yes, the 4:40 mark is where the great collapse of nearly all civilizations happened. Egypt barely survived and was never as strong as before. This is when the Tribes came from Egypt and invaded via Sinai desert.
Amazing work!
2:54 - 3:45
Well seems like Sealand found the time machine XD
Turul Kaiser what is sealand?
@@eugeneofsavoy9612 a tiny building on the north sea which was self declared as a country though nobody recognizes it
Kuwait, persian gulf
It was great, so interesting to see ancient Armenia on this map
I found too!
Hayasa Azzi was first Kingdom 2000BC, but our ethnic is 3000BC!
lol propaganda
Proud to be Arminian 🇦🇲✊️
Please make history of Armenia
He said ARMENIA not America. Though the US is young, relatively speaking, it does have a history.
we all ready know our history
Taha Tuncel Nah, we want to see Armenia's Empire, and all the times it won wars.
Fuck TurGay and azerGAYjan
Taha Tuncel But don’t forget to mention a race that also perhaps speaks the oldest indo European/Aryan language. Armenians are the closest remnants to Neolithic tribes. The indo European languages cradle is the Armenian highlands. The Sumerians even said their God’s came from the mountains around Armenia. Armenians are also remnants of the Hittites and their language in essence is the closest thing to it. So if you really look at it it is absolutely amazing that Armenians have survived. Now they are all around the world and they have been proven to be among the most successful ethnic groups regardless of which country they assimilate to while keeping their ancient language in tact.
6:36 the border was straight
Easy-to-control desert
5:49 that's Van without Van lol
Was Elam it's own country the whole time? If so, I think it might be one of the longest existing countries.
yup. for about 2000 years. More then rome and the Eastren roman empire
And yet I've seldom heard of it.
They were the first know pre Persian colony before turning into an empire 2000 years later in 589BC
because most of it's civilization was destroyed by the Assyrians who destroyed their capital Susa many times. Only after weakening of Elam by Assyria made it happen for Persia to take over the Iranian plateau. In some cases Elam to Persia was like Greece to Rome, they influenced them a lot.
Roman Empire was founded in the beginning of 8 century B.C and ceased to exists in late 15 Century. It's 2400 years.
Eastern Roman empire was continuation of it in every aspect.
Excellent and very brief overview of early Middle Eastern history. Very worthwhile and well worth watching a plurality of times.
Where civilizations first existed🇮🇶🇸🇾🇪🇬
Good job Ollie, thanks!
Great Video. As a german i would appreciate an every year video for central europe :)
would'nt that take like half an hour or sumthing? (Ich siehe das du ein Deutscher bist :D)
@@metehan8551 Half hour of video making? True.
@@googleuser4203 no it would last for half an hour I meant
Mesopotamia(Iraq) used to be better just like the days of Sumerian empire we created wheels,writing system etc
It is so sad how bad iraq is now
@احمد شوبكة هاضرطت ديلا اكل اخرة واطلع من الحمرة .. بكيفنا كاعنا ونلوص بيها .. ونظل مسلمين بعد شتريد ...
I am sorry for what the Jews via their American puppet have done to your country.
Jews have no civilization or culture, so they are deeply jealous what they could never produce.
The great things are yet to come
@احمد شوبكة The 3 biggest empires to come out of the middle east were islamic. Stop hating on Islam, it made the middle east very op.
Syria and Iraq = craddle of civilization
History of Carthage please.
4:36 is the bronze age collapse
I wrote in Armenian
Hayassa =Nairi=Armenia!
And Urartu
Great video.
Amazingly, three of those civillizations are still around today - the arminians, the assyrians (sort of), and the judians.
Love from Israel, keep up the great work!
What do you mean by (sort of)?
a. that unfortunately the modern Assyrians don't have a state of their own, but live in areas ruled by other ethnicities.
b. that many had themselves adopted arab language and culture.
The descendants of the Judeans are modern-day Palestinians. Modern-day Israelis are migrant colonizers from Europe, Morocco and Yemen who have no ethnic connection to the land of Canaan (except for a minority of them).
where is Azerbaijan? Sorry I forgot, Coca Cola is older than Azerbajan
Haha they really owned your asses
I can not find Azeris until 1918 ,what happened I thought they were in par with Roman and persian empires ,oh well back to the video and reality.
Panah Mahmud I search and I found only Persian Persian emperators!
Panah Mahmud man Aqqoyunlus and Qaraqoyunlus wasn Caucasian Albanians (Lezgins) and the lands of modern azerbaijan was Iranian Region named Aterpatena but the first turks named in this lands “Caucasian tatars or turkmens” was deported from turkey in 1918 by ataturk for creating 2 nd turkish Republic ! Before that in this lands ther wasn’t turks
Panah Mahmud men it’s the reality what I said just learn better history and not the history written by azeris! watch you will learn many things from it
Befor 1918 papa Stalin didn't made them
Azerbaijan as country appeard in 1918. Before the land was named Axvanq, Atrpatakan, Caucasus Albania... The people of Atrpaten had no connection with azers. Azerbaijanes are new , young nation they are turks.
Assyrians, Babylonians, Hittites taking over middle east.
Achaemenid Empire: Hold my beer
Greek defeated Achaemenid easily
Yes but I'm talking about the greatest extent of this Persian empire. The Greeks may have defeated the Persians, but conquering the wholeness of Mesopotamia is no joke.
@@lilripsta911 Greeks are hillbillies never defeated anything
@@lilripsta911 that's not like what you think. persians defeated greek too
@@lilripsta911 Arab"
Ollie, you're doing awesome work! Keep going, I love your films :)
5:53 When the Assyrian Empire was a pregnant hunchback on all fours
So were the babylonians, akkadians and neo sumerians
This video requires some correction. Arabs and Armenians weren't really a people at the time (maybe "proto-Armenians" if you will). Additionally you don't have Syriacs alongside the Sumerians. If you want a more accurate term there you would use Assyrians but even then, the Akkadian empire was preceding this term.
engphys Arabs were first mentioned in History by the Assyrians near 900 BC~ , But anyway they weren’t a race but rather a group of people that spoke a one Semitic language united by one culture .
remember the time when arabs stayed in arabia? Damn these were the good old times
Nah the Babylonians and Arabs are the same the only difference is that the Arabs are nomads
They used to mock each other's.
Middle East TRUTH נודר
Origin of Arabs from Iraq and Syria
no but I remember when Europeans stayed in Europe. Now these were peaceful times
Arabs is those people who live in the Wilderness(Aravah/Aravi) they were never one people before Islam but bunch of different tribes bound by lifestyle and culture,btw we know from the story of the Amorites in Syrian desert that invasion from the desert into fertile land was common,very common since the beginning and they were the greatest warriors and mercenaries,shame though that the oldest and greatest family Semitic who diverged the oldest lost it's diversity and now everyone is "Arab" they even Started to call Jews who lived in Middle East "Arabs" just because they know Arabic...
Elamite changes with bordering tribes is known to some degree. Similarly neighbors of Armenians are known.
An entire world of competing nations, in the end, swallowed up into a world empire. Quite beautiful, and totally unprecedented in human history