Really looking forward to checking this out. If anyone is working through the video, from about 5 minutes there is a npm install command on the screen which has graphqal, which of course should be graphql.
Hope it's OK to post this, but a course on Vue/Hasura just came up on my Twitter feed: Also I was able to take Eric's github repository and change it to work with a new project I am about to start (different tables/schema/relationships), and I was able to get things working quite quickly. I think I really like that this is using PostreSQL, as I am more comfortable with a more traditional SQL with easy to understand relationships...
Do you guys like graphQL?
Really looking forward to checking this out. If anyone is working through the video, from about 5 minutes there is a npm install command on the screen which has graphqal, which of course should be graphql.
Dave Porter oops thanks
Great tutorial. Thank you so much!
Would be nice to show how to setup env vars with Hasura
Erik, Hasura has since automatically added a x-hasura-admin-secret. So how do we make the endpoint public for GET requests?
can you make a full stack video using hasura, and whatever frontend but preferably VUE/NUXT
Hope it's OK to post this, but a course on Vue/Hasura just came up on my Twitter feed:
Also I was able to take Eric's github repository and change it to work with a new project I am about to start (different tables/schema/relationships), and I was able to get things working quite quickly. I think I really like that this is using PostreSQL, as I am more comfortable with a more traditional SQL with easy to understand relationships...