Sad those are mainly “green deserts”, Ireland has only 3 native conifers and most of what was shown was Sitka or other non-native trees. It was also a massive monoculture.
These trees and plants will feel great the more CO2 they can assimilate but the truth is to get a tree with full CO2 assimilation rate it takes a half century if not 100 years... so it's just a song of far future. And if you also think about it being a wood industry than you can forget about getting any old forests ready to decrease CO2 in air. Not to even mention that small Ireland is like a drop in an ocean. More help for humanity would come from building nuclear plants and using investment for faster industrial, scientific, technological growth instead of burning it in without ANY chance to get return of this capital. This is simply a waste and downgrading of own economy and of global potential to scientifically tackle any global changes adapting faster - either if it will be a global or local warming OR cooling. Also other emissions are much worse than neutral in our air Co2 we breath with every second of our short lifes. I wish that our children wouldn't either live on a planet with messed up climate (by humans in any way by emissions OR by our brainless countermeasures) OR in poverty caused by intentional collapse of economical growth by malinvestments and programs that actual make no change except a great burden on budget, national debts and deficit. There should be more forests in Ireland for the main cause of being able to visit forest at all and bond back with nature as it is our natural environment not the plastic, toxic, modified world that kills us everyday called "modern civilization".
This is amazing should be more like this on RTE
Sad those are mainly “green deserts”, Ireland has only 3 native conifers and most of what was shown was Sitka or other non-native trees. It was also a massive monoculture.
They made a new rule this year I think that all new plantations have to be 15% decidious trees
I give money to organization called reforest nation They only plants indigenous trees to Ireland
Nothing like a well managed forestry have 30 acres it 15 year old now just thinning it love it great for the mind
A forest is something you see in Killarney. These are commercial plantations.Eco eye my arse.
So mc conaligue sells to foreign investment co
It's a shame how we cut down all our trees
Nothing but trees and horrible wind turbines where i live
In my opinion tree plantation should take place in the Himalayas and the desert. Not so much in pissy raining Ireland
Who's here from their wood work teacher
irish luke well
Yes a massive lack of vision in Ireland and an even more massive amount of greed and stupidity
Well lads what's the going on here
Keep looking lads, biomass is not the answer
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These trees and plants will feel great the more CO2 they can assimilate but the truth is to get a tree with full CO2 assimilation rate it takes a half century if not 100 years... so it's just a song of far future. And if you also think about it being a wood industry than you can forget about getting any old forests ready to decrease CO2 in air. Not to even mention that small Ireland is like a drop in an ocean. More help for humanity would come from building nuclear plants and using investment for faster industrial, scientific, technological growth instead of burning it in without ANY chance to get return of this capital. This is simply a waste and downgrading of own economy and of global potential to scientifically tackle any global changes adapting faster - either if it will be a global or local warming OR cooling. Also other emissions are much worse than neutral in our air Co2 we breath with every second of our short lifes. I wish that our children wouldn't either live on a planet with messed up climate (by humans in any way by emissions OR by our brainless countermeasures) OR in poverty caused by intentional collapse of economical growth by malinvestments and programs that actual make no change except a great burden on budget, national debts and deficit. There should be more forests in Ireland for the main cause of being able to visit forest at all and bond back with nature as it is our natural environment not the plastic, toxic, modified world that kills us everyday called "modern civilization".