I kinda feel the accent suited him, because as he said he is from lots of places, and when you travel and live in many areas it screws with the accent you develop. Stay in one place long enough and your accent will start adapting to where you are. This isn't just out of habit, but by copying the locals way of saying things it makes it easier to communicate with them.
A Scot pretending to be Egyptian pretending to be Spanish teams up with a Frenchman pretending to be a Scot pretending to be an American against a guy from Ohio pretending to be Russian.
Allmagic: You got that right. Highlander is probably my favorite movie of all time. I still get teary eyed thinking of him, knowing that he'll outlive all of his loves. That sure got to me: a man. I gave my theater recliner some teardrops during a few scenes in that movie. So much like my fav book: THE MIDNIGHT AT THE WELL OF SOULS. Real good read.
Highlander...Terminator, Predator, Stripes, Police Academy, The Man with Two Brains, All of Me, Planes Trains and Automobiles, Ferris Beuller's Day Off, Airplane!, Gallipoli, Flash Gordon, The Right Stuff, King of Comedy, Chariots of Fire, Raging Bull, American werewolf in London, Family Vacation, Ghostbusters, and many more... :)
@@tnndll4294 I see the TV show as an alternate Universe where what you say happens and Connor dies so Duncan can move on and win the Prize (whenever that will be). Real Time line is Quickening is happening in Movie 1 and Connor wins the prize. Anything filmed after that should have been a prequel, like Start Wars. I read the TV show was a prequel and centered around Connor but Lambert baikled and the show was all ready to go and written. No not lose investment a new Highlander was created and rest is history. So depending on which way they want to go, any Reboot must include DUNCAN, and he IS the winner of the Prize not Connor. Or the other Timeline where Connor is the winner of the Prize after survuving and victorious during the Gathering, and Duncan never makes it to the Gathering. That is how mixed up the franchise is.
Fans of movies period, should never speak of the second movie. I think the CIA should interrogate terrorists by having them watch Highlander 2 repeatedly.
Thanks for doing this one you guys. The first Highlander movie and Total Recall or two of my absolute favorite movies as a kid, and I was fortunate to be able to see both at the theater.
I was an extra in the first 'Highlander' feature film. Didn't make the theatrical release, but I was in the Director's Cut...for all of a second! Still, it was a great experience, a lot of hard work and a we had a some good laughs along the way. We filmed at Jacob Street studios, South London. I'm curious to see what they'll do with the remake, but I doubt they'll leave it at just the one film, which they should have done with the original. There was no need to make any sequels as the original story was complete in itself.
Hi Melanie Misel. Thanks for your response. Yes, I agree with you - the 2nd and 3rd films were pretty poor. I think it was a case of 'sequel-itis'; the production machine deciding that as Highlander had been a success then they'd better get a sequel made pretty damned pronto to cash in, hence the deplorable 2nd film. I admit that I have never seen any of the series so I can't comment on those but it's nice to see that you obviously enjoyed them :) The reason why I stated that there was no need to make any sequels was that the original story and character of MacLeod calibrates exactly with the classic archetypal heroic myth, which has been told and retold since the days of ancient Egypt (possibly even earlier). The archetypal hero (or heroine) is always someone whose past and destiny are shrouded in mystery. His journey towards enlightment begins with one catalysing event (in the case of MacLeod it was surviving The Kurgan's initial attack and then being expelled from his clan) that forever changes the way he views the world. The hero obtains a guide, a person who has skills or knowledge that he will impart to the hero, preparing the hero for the trials to come. So when the guide later disappears or dies (Ramirez is beheaded) the hero has then to draw on the skills he has acquired from his guide to complete his quest. Ultimately the hero will face his own symbolic death and resurrection (as did MacLeod when he achieves his prize) before becoming part of something bigger than himself (Macleod rejoins humanity). Through his journey and self-sacrifice the hero attains not only enlightenment but self-determination. He is, in effect, reborn. If you're interested, look for Joseph Campbell's fascinating book 'The Hero with a Thousand Faces', which goes into great detail about the journey of the hero and shows that this same basic tale has been told countless times before and is still being retold to this day. Think of Luke Skywalker, for one example. Sadly Hollywood doesn't understand the concept that 'less is more' and is always looking for the next big buck to be made, hence the frequent and, in my opinion, needless sequels to tales that have already been completed. I've always favoured the 'leave them wanting more' approach. I really enjoyed my brief time on Highlander. Lambert was a decent guy who chatted to us extras and wasn't caught up in the whole 'Star' thing and he had a wicked sense of humour. You may recall at the start of the film there is a swordfight in the underground car park (supposedly set beneath Madison Sq Gardens) in which MacLeod decapitates another immortal. The stand-in for the actual decapitation was a really short guy called Norman (can't remember his surname, sorry) who had this fake set of shoulders and head built over his upper torso and shoulders. That decapitation scene was shot several times as Lambert really went for it on each take, consequently quite a few swords were damaged. I believe they used heavy cast aluminium replacements rather than risk damaging a real Katana. Well, there's one of the tricks of the trade for you :) Cheers and let's hope the planned remake will do justice to the original.
I cannot watch a video about Highlander w/o recalling my fury in the theater when watching "The Quickening". I will repeat now what I said then, when "discovering" they were aliens sent to earth as punishment for participating in a rebellion: "did these assholes even SEE the first movie?!?!?" am I to believe that Connor MacLeod's parents just thought they raised him from a baby when in fact he arrived on earth as an adult ? and if they were all banished at the same time, how has Ramirez been around for centuries before meeting MacLeod ? enough. I'm getting angry all over again.
I'm not going to lie, I was one of those idiots that night. one of the guys that went with us (it was a bunch of college buddies) left the theater in the opening sci-fi sequence, convinced we had gone in the wrong theater in the multi-plex.
What happened was this: After Connor took Kurgan's head and The Prize, he celebrated by eating way too much haggis washed down with Glenmorangie, and HIGHLANDER II: The Quickening was the resultant drunken nightmare!
That's what I got from it. He's re-animated over and over again and spends lifetimes under different cultures and languages. I know a few people who don't feel they belong to any one country and their voice goes along with that. Born in South Africa, raised in Germany, living for decades in New York but still traveling the world in his work. I can't pin it down.
@@skepticalbadger There was very little attempt at anything remotely resembling a Scottish accent - just like Connery didn't bother with trying a Spanish accent. It was just Christopher Lambert's weird accent from start to finish.
I watched and liked the series, but the original movie, there's nothing like it. And the story works best as a one time movie. The romantic origin story is the best part of the movie.
The Series picks up from season 3, to be one of the best-written shows on TV, exploring incredibly deep themes about Honour and Loyalty. It's sad that Adrian's spin-off films were warped so badly by producers.
actually the random accent goes really well with the role because he has adapted to so many..either he would take the time to learn them all and be able to switch between them, or not take the time, in which case he would have an accent you won't hear anywhere else...a combination of all of them. It's not unusual for a person with a unique age to have a unique accent
It wasn't weird for that reason it was because neither of the actors could do Scottish a accent. I've never seen a film with someone doing a Scottish accent that sounds Scottish.
The first Highlander was Saturday afternoon fun, especially with Clancy Brown raging through as the Kurgan. The second and third sequels were just difficult to understand. Even fantasy worlds have to have some order. The fourth one with Mario Van Peebles wasn't too bad.
While Clancy Brown's portrayal of The Kurgan is hailed as one of the greatest villains of all time, he nearly didn't accept the role due to an allergic reaction to makeup.
Yea... I can't imagine anyone else yelling "I've got something to say... it's better to burn out, than to fade away!!!" while in the middle of a cathedral. Well, that and trying to imagine the missing scene with "...Candy."
I loved the 1st movie and used to really enjoy the TV series with Adrian Paul. Gotta love a good sword fight!!!! Also having Christopher Lambert drop in for a guest star role every now and again was a bonus. Wish I could find it on DVD to watch it again just for fun!!!
Christopher was in the pilot to "pass on the torch". I really enjoyed the series till S6 but the films were iffy. I love the first. Hate 2. Enjoy 3. Enjoyed 4 but noticed too many issues with production. Loathed part 5 more than 2.
The TV series actually had some pretty good moments, and I actually enjoyed Endgame, which made it so mystifying to me that The Source could be the piece of garbage that it was. The closer they stayed to the original concept, the better, but they kept insisting on doing weird science-fiction crap instead of low-key urban fantasy.
Endgame was nice. Plus, we got duncan and connar together in that one. Really, that should've been the bookend movie. But we know how hollywood is about franchises. Throw out stuff in attempts at cash-grabs on the series name.
pfft the tv show was AMAZING - Adrian Paul started off with some rough acting but improved greatly throughout the series. There were some great characters. I would totally watch it now.
I was always amazed that almost every episode of the tv series was better than ALL of the movies, except for the first movie. And yet the movies were given more time and a bigger budget. I always thought that Adrian Paul would have made a very good James Bond. He had the Scottish accent and he looked like he could have been Sean Connery's son. Just my opinion.
He looked like Sean Connery but he was born in ENGLAND. HE is a beautiful mix of English and,Italian. He has an English accent but he can do others. He was on beauty and the beast as,a doomed,Russian sailor.
I rewatched Highlander (the original movie) for the first time in a long time. It's cheesier than I remembered, but still good overall. It's particular scenes that excel to the point where they cancel out all the bad elements. Pretty much everything with Connery was a joy to watch. The brief, yet somehow touching lifetime spent with Heather is perfectly backed by one of my all-time favourite songs ("Who wants to live forever"). The love scene shot as a sensual silhouette, is very memorable (is that coined from another film, or did the director have a stroke of brilliance? - I would love to know).
Went with my late dad, Pace in Requiem, to see the Highlander II sequel in the theatre opening Friday night. We were megafan's of the first movie. This was back when movie theaters had tiny mini-viewing "home theatre" sized cubby hole venues in shopping malls. Like suddenly three "big" cinemas turned into like... twelve... Anyhoo, we're watching all the opening stuff with the outer space stuff - it's like me and my dad and like only four other people - and we had noooo ideal what was happening! Like, it was so cray, the original theatrical cut - so like honest to God, two minutes in, my dad, he goes - "Son? Are we in the right show? Go OUTSIDE - and check if we're in the RIGHT CINEMA!" - I had to actually go out and confirm that the poster was indeed there outside our theatre room. Some guy was sweeping popcorn in the foyer and he smiled and nodded knowingly - like as if to say um I wasn't like the first one that day who'd asked him if it was *really* the movie playing that we'd actually paid to see! We stayed of course, hoping against hope that something half-decent would somehow magically appear on the screen at some point. We're driving home and my dad's shaking his head - "Son! There AIN'T gonna be no Highlander III! Let me tell ya!" LOL I know my Dad is up in Heaven somewhere, breakin' Connery's balls over resorting to playing in this debacle. Zardoz was epic compared to this drivel, like WTF
When I first saw the sequel, I was sure it had been made by someone who hadn't seen the original. The change in the characters' background was unacceptably ridiculous.
@@alm2187 Renegade version is still shit. There was no point to any sequels and series unless you forget the first film happened in the first place. Connor MacLeod won the Prize. Even if we ignore Highlander 2 and jump straight to 3, the excuse of Kane being sealed in a freaking cave for centuries is contrived at best. And then we have the series where there's so many immortals that it's become a complete joke, but I was a teenager when it aired and it was fun (if cheesy) so I watched it. And then you had Highlander:Endgame where they killed off Connor MacLeod with the ridiculous excuse of some massively powerful immortal who's killed hundreds more immortals than either Connor or Duncan (who've also killed hundreds...damn, how did they ever maintain secrecy?) and that Connor sacrifices himself to allow Duncan the power to win. Urrgh! I found out there's a fifth movie, but screw it - that franchise is dead to me.
@Kenneth Boyer The franchise should have done what Lucas did with Star Wars - prequels. Focus on Connor / Kurgan clashes and Immortal plotlines (including Methos, Duncan, Ramirez, etc) that lead up to Highlander film and the final clash between Connor and Kurgan
The original writer started it but was completely disgusted with all the weird shit they wanted to add and jumped ship. Met Peter Bellwood by accident in Hollywood at his home while he was having a yard sale. Very interesting man.
The highlander quest for vengeance anime is excellent, and has a lot of interesting metophors (bad guy represents centralized empires and the main character individual freedom, just to name one), about human society and how to uplift it. The only part that I feel is weak is the added layer of spirituality and reincarnation, but on the other hand it's about immortals doing battle, so whatever. Great movie, great animation, probably even my favorite out of all the highlander movies and series out there.
Also about Highlander 2 Renegade version: I was once intrigued to learn of a re-cut with all references to the alien origin removed. I thought they'd edit a lot out. But, for one thing, the Ramirez speech starter "Free men of the Planet Zeist, hear me!" only got changed to "Free men of the planet [syllable muted], hear me!" For an incredible stretch, it works if you think of the setting as an Atlantis-type society forgotten to all history.
Love the first Highlander movie, and the music of Queen; However, this narrator needs to stop misleading people that they're is still unreleased music from the movie that are COMPLETE songs; " A kind of Magic, " the movie version, finally got it's official release in 2011 on the album remaster of the same name; Extended versions of " Don't lose your head " are also now available. The snippet of Queen performing New York, New York is just that, and only that. The Band NEVER finished a full version as it was a spontaneous moment in the studio. The only piece of music, or in this case, an alternate version, is " Who wants to live forever," which in the movie, Freddie sings the entire song, as opposed to the " A kind of Magic version, " Which has it's composer, Brian May, singing the first verse and other counter-point vocals. That's all folks.
Clancy Brown was amazing as the Kurgan. When you think about it, that character shouldn't have worked because he's just a very cliched pure evil villain who only does bad things to be evil. But Clancy Brown put so much personality and joy in his performance that made him so fun to watch that you didn't care if he was two dimensional.
The Renegade version of Highlander 2 is the true directors cut. He did it against the wishes of the studio because he hated how their interference fucked the movie up.
I collected the whole 6 seasons of The Highlander with Adrian Paul on VHS. It made me a member of the Fan Club and I got tons of stuff from them like Swords, clothes, posters, mugs, etc.
Terri, I wish they had the whole thing on HD. Especially the episode "Homeland" which is the best one in my opinion. The Kallas Arc of episodes (which introduced Methos) would be the 2nd best.
@@tnndll4294 "Terri, I wish they had the whole thing on HD." Unfortunately this will likely never happen. A lot of work actually has to be done to remaster old shows and movies in HD. Much of the special effects have to actually be redone (The HD remaster for buffy the vampire slayer TV show is universally panned for the shortcuts they took in remastering it). Maybe if the remake comes out and regenerates popularity, I just don't the investment would be justified with the potential return.
If they just stuck with continuity of first firm, the series, and endgame they have a lasting ongoing product, perhaps it can be rebooted with same premise. Stop the crazy shit outside that continuity has no one wants it. They have a winning formula if stop the other entries that make no sense. You don’t need to explain the immortality just make good stories with flashbacks and make it interesting. Probably missed out on 25 years of great entertainment because haven’t been able to stick to a winning formula.
Zirconium Arthiritis I just saw SPLIT and James Mcavoy was awesome in that. I don't know how I don't remember having seen him before. I have to agree with you I think he would make a great Connor MacLeod
I would likely prefer a "unknown"...by that, I mean someone who is not known in cinema, but is well known on stage...and of course, is well known for their skill in acting and have done a decent range in parts, from the madman to the joker to the lover to the cad...and shades in between. And let a new face carry on the legacy. Kind of like they do with the Bond series of movies. Yes, some were bad choices...but the latest is awesome IMO (yeah, he was well known by that point)... Something like Patrick Stewart, who became Jean Luc Picarde...a "Frenchmen with an English accent"....Yeah, doesn't compute.... But he was a great actor for that part, the series itself proof of the way he played the character overall, despite obvious accent issues going on there. Jonathan Franks spoke better French in that series, which makes it even more perturbing when I think about it. Damnit! Still good actors...and that's what I really want...and a decent story that can arc over a few movies. And of course, doesn't F**K with cannon. Star Trek remake, putting a Chinese dude in the part of what was a Japanese part and think the audience wouldn't care. I did. I hated that. Good actor, but I hated that they could not find an actual Japanese actor to play that part. Still bugs me. Well, the whole "reboot" still bugs me to be honest. Added bonus, they have to have real skills with the sword...Something like Episode 1 of Star Wars, the saber choreography was well done. Episode 4? Obi Wan and Vader sure had a serious case of old age arthritis I think. Please do not mention EP 7 and 8...I am still trying to process how much that stunned me...in a bad way...that I don't want to talk about.... Anyway...yeah...unknown good actor, can do the moves of someone capable of wielding a Claymore in the early years to his signature Katana in modern time. Be proficient in both, and be able to look and play the part of a Scotsman from that period. Gotta be a bunch of those in Scotland to fit that part.
I think Highlander the source was the worst thing I have ever seen in my life. Words can not explain how bad this movie is. You think Highlander 2 is bad, the source makes Highlander 2 seem like a freaking masterpiece of cinema. I have to go drink a bunch to kill some brain cells to help forget the horrible memories of watching Highlander the source, I feel dirty just mentioning it.
Highlander 2 sucked. How can they change the lore after the first one? It would be like superman 2 but superman wasn’t from krypton they decide to make him be from the future.
I have all 5 movies, the TV series including "The Raven" and animated series, and the anime, can't wait for the next one. Another celebrity who had a recurring guest role was The Who's Roger Daltrey as Hugh Fitzcairn, one of the funniest characters on the show.
It worked for me because he was re-animated so many times in so many cultures, he'd pick up the local language and an accent. And he drank the same unique brand of malt scotch as I do, because it's distilled 5 km from my relatives' village.
I actually always liked Highlander 2. Also Lambert's myopia actually helped to give him a cold detached creepy look in his eyes. Third, I watched the 2 films before the tv series which I also loved at the time and Lambert will always be THE ONE for me
Another untold truth is that Highlander (the first film) was damn good, great story, the Kurgan was an awesome villain, the Music was fantastic and in the 1980's we re-watched it more than most films.
Lol, "Connery is holding the script in one hand and the phone in the other". We didn't have smartphones back when Highlander was released. So unless you're suggesting he called in the recording, then there's no way that happened. He likely used a tape recorder.
Dane Martin that.. or he had a phone in every room of his house(s), from the boatloads of money he made from the Bond movies, and other films.. but mostly the bond movies..
I would like to see a Watchers chronicle series. Story lines could go back to the first recordings of immortals showcasing different characters in different eras of time.
I'm for a reboot of the concept..... Although Highlander is Holey Ground, there is enough room in history to do some amazing shit without rehashing the same story. I think Net Flicks would be a good rout for a series.
I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when the boss told some intern to find as much information on Highlander as you can possibly find. The more obscure, the better. The first movie was so sucky-bad, it was hilarious. I've tried watching the second, and can't go 20 minutes at a time without pausing it, and thinking, "This is the dumbest movie I have ever seen." I'm laughing hysterically while I type this. Thank you to whoever wrote this video! I needed this today.
Paul Gee. You, I agree with. There could NOT be in, Noway, form or fashion that this series (HIGHLANDER) was Anything like xena warrior princess or Hercules the legendary journeys! Hercules and Xena were sorry mistakes of a horrible series Adventure/Action series ever made in my years of watching television and I watch alot of television, so I know what I am saying! I sometimes even critic some of the movies and the television series my self at all times, I just like watching movies and then criticism them when I'm done!!!
Original film was a great concept. The sequel makes me want to vomit still. What I have wished for ever since that rancid cheesy dick of a Quickening was for someone (please!) to make the back story to 2000 years of Ramirez' life. There is such vast scope for a picaresque historical romp with deep human issues as seen through the immortal eyes of the Spanish Peacock - kind of like how Flashman used to dovetail in a way. The Kyrgan
Highlander 2 was the absolute most god awful horrible movie I've ever seen in all 52 of my years. I can't even describe how horrible it was. I felt insulted and betrayed when it started and it got worse all the way to the end.
Agreed. I saw it in the theater (I was, maybe, 17?) and left feeling like I'd just dropped acid. Thank God tickets were about $2.50 back then! Ahhh, the good old days...
I've seen Highlander nearly 200 times. It's my personal all-time classic. I've worn out several VHS tapes, got the LD, got the DVDs, now the 30th Anniversary BD.
A most excellent and underrated film. Too bad the special effects technology wasn't any better in the 80's or it would have been WAY bigger. It will always be a classic to me. I always wanted a set of the Kurgen skull armor. I know the set he wore in the film was only cast resin painted to look like metal but still bad ass. How cool would it be to have that helmet actually made out of metal!?
There were two more live action movies that you completely neglected to mention. One featured both Adrian Paul (Duncan Macleod) and Christopher Lambert (Connor Macleod) who team up, so to speak, against an immensely powerful and insanely evil Immortal. The other revolved around Duncan Macleod and and a small group of Immortals in a semi-apocalyptic futuristic setting and was a conclusion to the series. The 'mystery' of the Immortals was solved, along with the reasoning behind why "There can be only one."
thanks for the video. i loved the highlander movies and the series. When the series aired i was in my early twenties at home staying up, partying like crazy,. Some nights i would be home and watch the series along with other cheesy series in late night hours. Good times.
All you people who keep harping on Lambert's myopia being "only" nearsightedness; at that time, severe myopia was NOT correctable by contacts(I should know, being legally blind in the right eye without corrective lenses, having attempted to get contacts back then, and being told I couldn't). Not everyone can wear contacts, even now. The man didn't say he wouldn't wear them, he said he COULDN'T wear them; drop the bullshit and let the matter rest
Highlander is a prime example of when a brilliant film became an unexpected hit. They decided to cash in on it and flogged it to death. Shitty sequels and tv series. The first film had it all perfect, beginning, middle and end. But greed takes over and they euin it and run it into the ground so they can cash in on it in all the wrong ways.
The CCG was fun to play. You'd take the role of a Highlander and use special cards and attacks that would target your opponent in a 3x3 grid. So, say you use an attack that hit to the upper right, your opponent would have to play a card to block or parry that upper right attack, and then get an opportunity to attack back, and the gameplay would go back and forth like that. This game came out in the '90s after the big CCG craze that Magic: The Gathering started.
The reboot has been in Development Hell for the longest time. Attached to play Connor at one time was an actual Scottish actor (he was a brief NBC sci-fi series about a guy who time-jumped back and forth, can't remember his name or the series'). The script was supposed to include his killing of an Immortal with a particular tic that he absorbed; when he killed another, later in the film, he displayed the second tic. It also featured Ramirez telling MacLeod to familiarize himself with "weapons of the age", so you'd have been seeing MacLeod using anything from a musket to a portable SAM.
"I am Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod. I was born in 1518 in the village of Glenfinnan on the shores of Loch Shiel. And I am immortal." "A-hahaha, what a story, Connor."
"I am Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod. I was born in 1518 in the village of Glenfinnan on the shores of Loch Shiel. And I am immortal - Oh hi, Mark!"
"If your head comes away from your neck, it's all over." "Seems to me that you're the EXPERT, Ramirez!" "Anyway, how's your sex life?" "ETERNAL!" "I got my test results from the doctor today. I'm definitely immortal!"
solokom One only seen pieces of that "film" but if you already watched "The Room", them may I suggest the Rifftrax version where the original MST3K guys poke fun at it?
Highlander was never meant to have sequels, yet as is the trend, they tried to milk it for all it was worth. Still one of my top movies of all time, and I completely dismiss the sequels.
If there can be only one... who would you cast as the next Highlander?
Cant imagine anyone better fitting than Thomas Jane...
Idris Elba, he looks Scottish!
Looper Donald trump.
I think Depp could pull it off. He's already got training in swordplay from PotC and he can nail down an accent.
He can play Kastigir. The guy who greets Macleod with a flask of booze.
I kinda feel the accent suited him, because as he said he is from lots of places, and when you travel and live in many areas it screws with the accent you develop. Stay in one place long enough and your accent will start adapting to where you are. This isn't just out of habit, but by copying the locals way of saying things it makes it easier to communicate with them.
Yes, makes perfect sense.
Exactly !
Thank you ! !
Only Hollywood could cast the most famous Scot in the world as a Spanish-Egyptian and then pass a Frenchman off as a MacLeod.
Christopher T Munro
I think he's talking about Sean Connery
A Scot pretending to be Egyptian pretending to be Spanish teams up with a Frenchman pretending to be a Scot pretending to be an American against a guy from Ohio pretending to be Russian.
I thought he was Japanese!
Shit it Macleod. Im yoir daddy
It's almost as if they were acting?
The original Highlander is one of the top ten greatest movies ever...
Hearing you bro.
Ah the 80's, we had way too many good films to choose from.
You got that right. Highlander is probably my favorite movie of all time. I still get teary eyed thinking of him, knowing that he'll outlive all of his loves. That sure got to me: a man. I gave my theater recliner some teardrops during a few scenes in that movie. So much like my fav book: THE MIDNIGHT AT THE WELL OF SOULS. Real good read.
allmagicgy Nothing not even Highlander will be better than Blazing Saddles
Highlander...Terminator, Predator, Stripes, Police Academy, The Man with Two Brains, All of Me, Planes Trains and Automobiles, Ferris Beuller's Day Off, Airplane!, Gallipoli, Flash Gordon, The Right Stuff, King of Comedy, Chariots of Fire, Raging Bull, American werewolf in London, Family Vacation, Ghostbusters, and many more... :)
I love the original movie. Hate the sequels. Love the TV show with Adrian Paul.
Agree. But I also don't recognize the 2nd. That was just a mess.
Though they phrase it differently every fan that I've ever spoken with say the exact same thing you did.
+TheCinder24 Basically every Highlander fan's attitude toward the franchise.
That sums up the Highlander Franchise.
Highlander 1; and then the Series is the real sequel. that's it.
@@tnndll4294 I see the TV show as an alternate Universe where what you say happens and Connor dies so Duncan can move on and win the Prize (whenever that will be). Real Time line is Quickening is happening in Movie 1 and Connor wins the prize. Anything filmed after that should have been a prequel, like Start Wars.
I read the TV show was a prequel and centered around Connor but Lambert baikled and the show was all ready to go and written. No not lose investment a new Highlander was created and rest is history.
So depending on which way they want to go, any Reboot must include DUNCAN, and he IS the winner of the Prize not Connor. Or the other Timeline where Connor is the winner of the Prize after survuving and victorious during the Gathering, and Duncan never makes it to the Gathering. That is how mixed up the franchise is.
True fans of the Highlander franchise do not speak of the second movie lol
Fans of movies period, should never speak of the second movie.
I think the CIA should interrogate terrorists by having them watch Highlander 2 repeatedly.
What second movie? There...
I proved your point.
Or Third.... There can only be one!!!
Yes! You are so right my friend. Real, True, fans do not speak of such things!!!
What are you talking about? There was no second movie.
Highlander is a great example of what happens when you milk a single complete story into spin offs and sequels. And, oh yeah; THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!
There should have been only one!
The third movie was alright.
JDTV66 i would say ninja turtles and robocop are up there too...
Police Academy
I think Ninja turtles is one of those movies we don't want to admit we actually saw and liked!!
Thanks for doing this one you guys. The first Highlander movie and Total Recall or two of my absolute favorite movies as a kid, and I was fortunate to be able to see both at the theater.
I was an extra in the first 'Highlander' feature film. Didn't make the theatrical release, but I was in the Director's Cut...for all of a second! Still, it was a great experience, a lot of hard work and a we had a some good laughs along the way. We filmed at Jacob Street studios, South London. I'm curious to see what they'll do with the remake, but I doubt they'll leave it at just the one film, which they should have done with the original. There was no need to make any sequels as the original story was complete in itself.
Hi Melanie Misel. Thanks for your response. Yes, I agree with you - the 2nd and 3rd films were pretty poor. I think it was a case of 'sequel-itis'; the production machine deciding that as Highlander had been a success then they'd better get a sequel made pretty damned pronto to cash in, hence the deplorable 2nd film. I admit that I have never seen any of the series so I can't comment on those but it's nice to see that you obviously enjoyed them :)
The reason why I stated that there was no need to make any sequels was that the original story and character of MacLeod calibrates exactly with the classic archetypal heroic myth, which has been told and retold since the days of ancient Egypt (possibly even earlier). The archetypal hero (or heroine) is always someone whose past and destiny are shrouded in mystery. His journey towards enlightment begins with one catalysing event (in the case of MacLeod it was surviving The Kurgan's initial attack and then being expelled from his clan) that forever changes the way he views the world. The hero obtains a guide, a person who has skills or knowledge that he will impart to the hero, preparing the hero for the trials to come. So when the guide later disappears or dies (Ramirez is beheaded) the hero has then to draw on the skills he has acquired from his guide to complete his quest. Ultimately the hero will face his own symbolic death and resurrection (as did MacLeod when he achieves his prize) before becoming part of something bigger than himself (Macleod rejoins humanity). Through his journey and self-sacrifice the hero attains not only enlightenment but self-determination. He is, in effect, reborn. If you're interested, look for Joseph Campbell's fascinating book 'The Hero with a Thousand Faces', which goes into great detail about the journey of the hero and shows that this same basic tale has been told countless times before and is still being retold to this day. Think of Luke Skywalker, for one example. Sadly Hollywood doesn't understand the concept that 'less is more' and is always looking for the next big buck to be made, hence the frequent and, in my opinion, needless sequels to tales that have already been completed. I've always favoured the 'leave them wanting more' approach.
I really enjoyed my brief time on Highlander. Lambert was a decent guy who chatted to us extras and wasn't caught up in the whole 'Star' thing and he had a wicked sense of humour. You may recall at the start of the film there is a swordfight in the underground car park (supposedly set beneath Madison Sq Gardens) in which MacLeod decapitates another immortal. The stand-in for the actual decapitation was a really short guy called Norman (can't remember his surname, sorry) who had this fake set of shoulders and head built over his upper torso and shoulders. That decapitation scene was shot several times as Lambert really went for it on each take, consequently quite a few swords were damaged. I believe they used heavy cast aluminium replacements rather than risk damaging a real Katana. Well, there's one of the tricks of the trade for you :)
Cheers and let's hope the planned remake will do justice to the original.
landscape detective; we are envious of you as all fuck. Please do not torture us with more production stories, as we are all sick with jealousy. : (
Fair point, thedys70, I'll just and mumble to myself in the corner LOL. Cheers
That was a pretty cost effective way of filming a decapitation. Now, I have to look at Norman's short arms, compared to the elongated torso.
Hard to ever replace Clancy as The Kurgan!
The hostage in the car scene LMFAO still my favourite scene outta any movie
There can be only one Kurgan!
@@tanjawinter6492 "It's better to burn out, than fade away!!!!"
@@tanjawinter6492 yes
@@razor1uk610 yup
The Series is one of my favorite shows of all time. Adrian Paul was (and still is) one of my favorite actors.
SD I had such a crush on Adrian Paul, I called in sick just to watch the show.
Still is? What's he doin' these days?
Queen made that movie! The original Highlander was great but the soundtrack put it over the top. The same goes for Flash Gordon.
That soundtrack was magnificent. So many amazing songs.
I cannot watch a video about Highlander w/o recalling my fury in the theater when watching "The Quickening".
I will repeat now what I said then, when "discovering" they were aliens sent to earth as punishment for participating in a rebellion:
"did these assholes even SEE the first movie?!?!?"
am I to believe that Connor MacLeod's parents just thought they raised him from a baby when in fact he arrived on earth as an adult ?
and if they were all banished at the same time, how has Ramirez been around for centuries before meeting MacLeod ?
enough. I'm getting angry all over again.
As I said to another poster in this thread: 'twas the only time I nearly became one of those idiots who yells shit at the cinema screen...
I'm not going to lie, I was one of those idiots that night.
one of the guys that went with us (it was a bunch of college buddies) left the theater in the opening sci-fi sequence, convinced we had gone in the wrong theater in the multi-plex.
Only you can make you angry
I can't deny that I excel at it.
What happened was this: After Connor took Kurgan's head and The Prize, he celebrated by eating way too much haggis washed down with Glenmorangie, and HIGHLANDER II: The Quickening was the resultant drunken nightmare!
The weird, impossible to place accent totally fits the character.
That's what I got from it. He's re-animated over and over again and spends lifetimes under different cultures and languages. I know a few people who don't feel they belong to any one country and their voice goes along with that. Born in South Africa, raised in Germany, living for decades in New York but still traveling the world in his work. I can't pin it down.
No, it doesn't.
If the weird accent came later in the film that'd be true, but he had the weird accent in Scotland too.
@@ianmacfarlane1241 No, he has a crap Scots accent in the 16th century scenes, and then his own weird part French part American accent in the present.
@@skepticalbadger There was very little attempt at anything remotely resembling a Scottish accent - just like Connery didn't bother with trying a Spanish accent.
It was just Christopher Lambert's weird accent from start to finish.
god, i feel old. i remember watching the tv show when i was a kid. i still get pumped when i hear princes of the universe to this day.
Who Wants to Live Forever.
YOU feel old for watching the TV show as a kid? I watched the original movie with my wife!
@@millwaterpublishing1387 I was in diapers back then.
Me too, Andrew. I'm 27 and I watched this since I was like 10. I even used it in a performance.
Be happy you were a KID when you watched it. 😂 🤣
There is only one Highlander film. No sequels, no series. Just 'Highlander'.
Nah. the series was great.
Methos brought a philosophical dimension. Amanda was fun. the Watchers were a good addition.
@@tnndll4294 No
@@tnndll4294 yeah I liked the series. Conner and Duncan were both cool. Better than the movies... besides the first.
@@scrotesukesackamura8369 Duncan > Connor.
I watched and liked the series, but the original movie, there's nothing like it. And the story works best as a one time movie. The romantic origin story is the best part of the movie.
The Series picks up from season 3, to be one of the best-written shows on TV, exploring incredibly deep themes about Honour and Loyalty. It's sad that Adrian's spin-off films were warped so badly by producers.
actually the random accent goes really well with the role because he has adapted to so many..either he would take the time to learn them all and be able to switch between them, or not take the time, in which case he would have an accent you won't hear anywhere else...a combination of all of them. It's not unusual for a person with a unique age to have a unique accent
Man Hercules and Xena were precious memories from my childhood! I love the damn 90s. Cheesy? FAR FROM IT! lol
Kevin Sorbo > Dwayne Johnson.
If you've been alive for as long as MacLeoud has, its entirely possible to pick up a completely unplaceable mishmash of accents.
As he says when questioned about where his accent comes from: "Lots of different places."
Exactly, right? I don't know why the video makes into such a mystery
They did the same in the series (on purpose this time) he had a weird, not quite, American accent.
It wasn't weird for that reason it was because neither of the actors could do Scottish a accent. I've never seen a film with someone doing a Scottish accent that sounds Scottish.
Exactly......I was thinking the same thing.
The first Highlander was Saturday afternoon fun, especially with Clancy Brown raging through as the Kurgan. The second and third sequels were just difficult to understand. Even fantasy worlds have to have some order. The fourth one with Mario Van Peebles wasn't too bad.
There should have only been One
Shhh There is only one ;)
LOL. Seven Crux. You should put that on a t-shirt. Nice one! I very much doubt the remake will stop at only one either.
And my it be Duncan MacLeod.
CONNOR! F**k Duncan, lameass poser wannabe.
don't tell him i said that.
ogogo ogpgpg Livewire from Justice league :gods and monsters
Highlander, Highlander 2:The Mistake, and Highlander 3:The Apology
@Somewon Yuno couldn't have said it better
Highlander 2: The Sickening.
Highlander 2: There Should Have Only Been One.
Both were popular taglines in the online board community back then. :)
@Somewon Yuno Seriously. Does anyone know what the hell happened with that movie? How does that even happen?!
The third one wasn't much of an apology but rather a shitting on your face while you're already down.
While Clancy Brown's portrayal of The Kurgan is hailed as one of the greatest villains of all time, he nearly didn't accept the role due to an allergic reaction to makeup.
Agreed! The Kergan will always be up there.... You must respect his ability to follow the rules, though...."Holey Ground Highlander"
Yea... I can't imagine anyone else yelling "I've got something to say... it's better to burn out, than to fade away!!!" while in the middle of a cathedral. Well, that and trying to imagine the missing scene with "...Candy."
"Nuns, no sense of humour"
"Hello Pretty..."
the kurgen my favorite, Clancy Brown nailed it
I loved the 1st movie and used to really enjoy the TV series with Adrian Paul. Gotta love a good sword fight!!!! Also having Christopher Lambert drop in for a guest star role every now and again was a bonus. Wish I could find it on DVD to watch it again just for fun!!!
You can watch the series on Hulu, good sir. I have been slowly going through the series on there myself. It is still very enjoyable.
You can buy the complete series on Amazon and Ebay
The TV series SUCKED!!!!!
We obviously have a difference of opinion. No worries. To his his or her own. Peace.
Christopher was in the pilot to "pass on the torch".
I really enjoyed the series till S6 but the films were iffy. I love the first. Hate 2. Enjoy 3. Enjoyed 4 but noticed too many issues with production. Loathed part 5 more than 2.
The TV series actually had some pretty good moments, and I actually enjoyed Endgame, which made it so mystifying to me that The Source could be the piece of garbage that it was. The closer they stayed to the original concept, the better, but they kept insisting on doing weird science-fiction crap instead of low-key urban fantasy.
Endgame was nice. Plus, we got duncan and connar together in that one. Really, that should've been the bookend movie. But we know how hollywood is about franchises. Throw out stuff in attempts at cash-grabs on the series name.
Methos was the best thing about the tv show.
So called "the oldest Immortal" but in truth one of 4 oldest...
Yess! Also my favourite!
pfft the tv show was AMAZING - Adrian Paul started off with some rough acting but improved greatly throughout the series. There were some great characters. I would totally watch it now.
The series has a many cool characters.
the spinoff tv show shouldn't have been about Amanda, should've been about Methos....sooooo many flashbacks could've been done!
I was always amazed that almost every episode of the tv series was better than ALL of the movies, except for the first movie. And yet the movies were given more time and a bigger budget. I always thought that Adrian Paul would have made a very good James Bond. He had the Scottish accent and he looked like he could have been Sean Connery's son. Just my opinion.
@Johnny Dominguez He even uttered the line "Bond, James Bond" in one of the Highlander episodes.
He looked like Sean Connery but he was born in ENGLAND. HE is a beautiful mix of English and,Italian. He has an English accent but he can do others. He was on beauty and the beast as,a doomed,Russian sailor.
LarryC213. You are a Genius, because you are Absolutely correct! I agree like 1,000%
I rewatched Highlander (the original movie) for the first time in a long time. It's cheesier than I remembered, but still good overall. It's particular scenes that excel to the point where they cancel out all the bad elements. Pretty much everything with Connery was a joy to watch. The brief, yet somehow touching lifetime spent with Heather is perfectly backed by one of my all-time favourite songs ("Who wants to live forever"). The love scene shot as a sensual silhouette, is very memorable (is that coined from another film, or did the director have a stroke of brilliance? - I would love to know).
Went with my late dad, Pace in Requiem, to see the Highlander II sequel in the theatre opening Friday night. We were megafan's of the first movie. This was back when movie theaters had tiny mini-viewing "home theatre" sized cubby hole venues in shopping malls. Like suddenly three "big" cinemas turned into like... twelve... Anyhoo, we're watching all the opening stuff with the outer space stuff - it's like me and my dad and like only four other people - and we had noooo ideal what was happening! Like, it was so cray, the original theatrical cut - so like honest to God, two minutes in, my dad, he goes - "Son? Are we in the right show? Go OUTSIDE - and check if we're in the RIGHT CINEMA!" - I had to actually go out and confirm that the poster was indeed there outside our theatre room. Some guy was sweeping popcorn in the foyer and he smiled and nodded knowingly - like as if to say um I wasn't like the first one that day who'd asked him if it was *really* the movie playing that we'd actually paid to see!
We stayed of course, hoping against hope that something half-decent would somehow magically appear on the screen at some point.
We're driving home and my dad's shaking his head - "Son! There AIN'T gonna be no Highlander III! Let me tell ya!" LOL
I know my Dad is up in Heaven somewhere, breakin' Connery's balls over resorting to playing in this debacle. Zardoz was epic compared to this drivel, like WTF
When I first saw the sequel, I was sure it had been made by someone who hadn't seen the original. The change in the characters' background was unacceptably ridiculous.
For years and years and years I was told to never watch Highlander 2.
I watched it.
Please, never watch it!
But did you watch the Renegade version? 🤔
@@alm2187 Renegade version is still shit. There was no point to any sequels and series unless you forget the first film happened in the first place. Connor MacLeod won the Prize. Even if we ignore Highlander 2 and jump straight to 3, the excuse of Kane being sealed in a freaking cave for centuries is contrived at best. And then we have the series where there's so many immortals that it's become a complete joke, but I was a teenager when it aired and it was fun (if cheesy) so I watched it.
And then you had Highlander:Endgame where they killed off Connor MacLeod with the ridiculous excuse of some massively powerful immortal who's killed hundreds more immortals than either Connor or Duncan (who've also killed hundreds...damn, how did they ever maintain secrecy?) and that Connor sacrifices himself to allow Duncan the power to win. Urrgh!
I found out there's a fifth movie, but screw it - that franchise is dead to me.
Any movie sequel. Yes, stay away.
Even the movies about the series. stay away from those.
Only highlander 1 and the Series are good.
@Kenneth Boyer The franchise should have done what Lucas did with Star Wars - prequels. Focus on Connor / Kurgan clashes and Immortal plotlines (including Methos, Duncan, Ramirez, etc) that lead up to Highlander film and the final clash between Connor and Kurgan
The original writer started it but was completely disgusted with all the weird shit they wanted to add and jumped ship.
Met Peter Bellwood by accident in Hollywood at his home while he was having a yard sale. Very interesting man.
Freddie Mercury was against Queen recording covers of any kind. He was even hesitant to coverThe Great Pretender as a solo artist.
and we all heard why.
Yeah well he sure did enough of them tho
All I can say about the Highlander movie is "There can be only one!" DON'T go messing with it and rebooting it! It is good to go as it is!
The highlander quest for vengeance anime is excellent, and has a lot of interesting metophors (bad guy represents centralized empires and the main character individual freedom, just to name one), about human society and how to uplift it. The only part that I feel is weak is the added layer of spirituality and reincarnation, but on the other hand it's about immortals doing battle, so whatever. Great movie, great animation, probably even my favorite out of all the highlander movies and series out there.
Also about Highlander 2 Renegade version: I was once intrigued to learn of a re-cut with all references to the alien origin removed. I thought they'd edit a lot out. But, for one thing, the Ramirez speech starter "Free men of the Planet Zeist, hear me!" only got changed to "Free men of the planet [syllable muted], hear me!"
For an incredible stretch, it works if you think of the setting as an Atlantis-type society forgotten to all history.
According to Ricky Bobby, Highlander won the Academy Award for Best Movie Ever Made.
"By the way, Ricky, I watched the Highlander movie. It was shit!" - Jean Girard
tell me a movie of this genre that is not shit for you
areasevenpro, that is 100% true! I think you will also find Queen also won the Academy award for best sound track ever made.
no it was best movie for that year not ever made
According to Terry Gascay, HighLander wins every movie Award. This is my #1 movie, even have fantasy dreams about it.
Highlander: Watch the first movie, forget everything else.
Just watch the epic original from 1986 and forget the rest. Who wants to live forever still gives me goosebumps after all these years.
This was my favorite show as a kid and it still lays a special place in my heart (and queen does too)
Always enjoyed Adrian Paul in the series, which was a pretty big hit. 6 seasons ain't no joke.
"i got something to say….it's better to burn out than to fade away"! (guess they should have listened to the kurgan and not milked this thing dry!!!)
Loved the Neil young quote by the kurgen.
yeah they should have listened to him too! maybe he should have taken over soundtrack duties after Queen!
Though it's odd now that the years have passed to think of "Mr. Crabs" from Spongebob saying the line. XD
twomindz79: The Kurgan's gone, but he's not forgotten....
It was also a nice ref to Rock of ages by Def Leppard. ;)
There is only one Highlander, nothing more, there are a lot of " abortions " with the same name, but only one movie was ever done. ( Thats my fact )
I think you mean "abominations" as they fucked up the story pretty badly, if they were "abortions" they would have never happened.
you never met my drill Sgt at Swinderby, this is a f@@@ing abortion was his favourite expletive
Series got GOOD starting with season 3. Watch it if you can.
I think the intro of The Watchers is what gave the show some needed depth.
Yeah, sorry, but the Adrian Paul series is the best version of Highlander... and maybe the movie, Endgame, that came out of it.
Love the first Highlander movie, and the music of Queen; However, this narrator needs to stop misleading people that they're is still unreleased music from the movie that are COMPLETE songs; " A kind of Magic, " the movie version, finally got it's official release in 2011 on the album remaster of the same name; Extended versions of " Don't lose your head " are also now available. The snippet of Queen performing New York, New York is just that, and only that. The Band NEVER finished a full version as it was a spontaneous moment in the studio. The only piece of music, or in this case, an alternate version, is " Who wants to live forever," which in the movie, Freddie sings the entire song, as opposed to the " A kind of Magic version, " Which has it's composer, Brian May, singing the first verse and other counter-point vocals. That's all folks.
Clancy Brown was amazing as the Kurgan. When you think about it, that character shouldn't have worked because he's just a very cliched pure evil villain who only does bad things to be evil. But Clancy Brown put so much personality and joy in his performance that made him so fun to watch that you didn't care if he was two dimensional.
The "you talk funny Nash where you from / lots of different places" tête-à-tête is one of my favourite movie scenes.
But will the sequel feature Queen? Highlander is not Highlander without Queen, just like Star Wars is not Star Wars without John Williams.
And Superman is not Superman without John Williams.
Nothing is anything without john williams
You got that right, brother.
I don't know. Michael Giacchino does a pretty damn good job as replacement.
@@StudioArtFX good point!...
The Renegade version of Highlander 2 is the true directors cut. He did it against the wishes of the studio because he hated how their interference fucked the movie up.
I collected the whole 6 seasons of The Highlander with Adrian Paul on VHS. It made me a member of the Fan Club and I got tons of stuff from them like Swords, clothes, posters, mugs, etc.
Terri, I wish they had the whole thing on HD.
Especially the episode "Homeland" which is the best one in my opinion.
The Kallas Arc of episodes (which introduced Methos) would be the 2nd best.
@@tnndll4294 "Terri, I wish they had the whole thing on HD." Unfortunately this will likely never happen. A lot of work actually has to be done to remaster old shows and movies in HD. Much of the special effects have to actually be redone (The HD remaster for buffy the vampire slayer TV show is universally panned for the shortcuts they took in remastering it). Maybe if the remake comes out and regenerates popularity, I just don't the investment would be justified with the potential return.
It sucks that Highlander 2 was so bad, because Michael Ironside was one of the best evil immortals of all time.
The most ridiculous scene in that movie is when he stabs himself to show the woman he is immortal and then she makes out with him LOL
bad ass line ever😀
...And his name is Methos.
But WHY can there be only one anyway? I hate to chose and cannot decide :C
I love the series with Adrian Paul. One of my top three series of all time
so that's it huh....we some kind of HIGHLANDER???? it never gets old
Geek Mate got old almost as soon as it started
This was the 1st movie that I saw that took its subject matter this serious. What w/d a man's life be as he lives through the last 5 centuries.
If they just stuck with continuity of first firm, the series, and endgame they have a lasting ongoing product, perhaps it can be rebooted with same premise. Stop the crazy shit outside that continuity has no one wants it. They have a winning formula if stop the other entries that make no sense. You don’t need to explain the immortality just make good stories with flashbacks and make it interesting. Probably missed out on 25 years of great entertainment because haven’t been able to stick to a winning formula.
If they did a remake of the original James McAvoy would be the best IMO, He's scottish so he has the accent and He's a good actor.
Zirconium Arthiritis I just saw SPLIT and James Mcavoy was awesome in that. I don't know how I don't remember having seen him before. I have to agree with you I think he would make a great Connor MacLeod
Nope, Sam Heughan from Outlander needs to be the new Connor Mc cloud
...Gerard Butler would be better.
I would likely prefer a "unknown"...by that, I mean someone who is not known in cinema, but is well known on stage...and of course, is well known for their skill in acting and have done a decent range in parts, from the madman to the joker to the lover to the cad...and shades in between. And let a new face carry on the legacy. Kind of like they do with the Bond series of movies. Yes, some were bad choices...but the latest is awesome IMO (yeah, he was well known by that point)...
Something like Patrick Stewart, who became Jean Luc Picarde...a "Frenchmen with an English accent"....Yeah, doesn't compute....
But he was a great actor for that part, the series itself proof of the way he played the character overall, despite obvious accent issues going on there. Jonathan Franks spoke better French in that series, which makes it even more perturbing when I think about it.
Still good actors...and that's what I really want...and a decent story that can arc over a few movies. And of course, doesn't F**K with cannon. Star Trek remake, putting a Chinese dude in the part of what was a Japanese part and think the audience wouldn't care. I did. I hated that. Good actor, but I hated that they could not find an actual Japanese actor to play that part. Still bugs me. Well, the whole "reboot" still bugs me to be honest.
Added bonus, they have to have real skills with the sword...Something like Episode 1 of Star Wars, the saber choreography was well done. Episode 4? Obi Wan and Vader sure had a serious case of old age arthritis I think.
Please do not mention EP 7 and 8...I am still trying to process how much that stunned me...in a bad way...that I don't want to talk about....
Anyway...yeah...unknown good actor, can do the moves of someone capable of wielding a Claymore in the early years to his signature Katana in modern time. Be proficient in both, and be able to look and play the part of a Scotsman from that period. Gotta be a bunch of those in Scotland to fit that part.
Yaye someone's talking about Highlander!!!
I think Highlander the source was the worst thing I have ever seen in my life. Words can not explain how bad this movie is. You think Highlander 2 is bad, the source makes Highlander 2 seem like a freaking masterpiece of cinema. I have to go drink a bunch to kill some brain cells to help forget the horrible memories of watching Highlander the source, I feel dirty just mentioning it.
bfg2600 what year was it in
came out in 2007 it is based on tv series
Unfortunately I have to agree 😭😭
Highlander 2 sucked. How can they change the lore after the first one? It would be like superman 2 but superman wasn’t from krypton they decide to make him be from the future.
Yes yes yes......what you said exactly! !!
It always blows my mind that the guy who played The Kurgan, Clancy Brown, also voiced Mr Krabbs.
1:08 QUEEN'S Powermetal songs was perfect for Highlander. 🤘☠
I have all 5 movies, the TV series including "The Raven" and animated series, and the anime, can't wait for the next one.
Another celebrity who had a recurring guest role was The Who's Roger Daltrey as Hugh Fitzcairn, one of the funniest characters on the show.
Panthror I Loved Roger Daltrey's part in Highlander! I loved most of the movies and TV shows! I envy you your collection! Enjoy! 😉
FYC's Roland Gift says hi
You talk funny Nash, where you from?
Lots of different places! Love it!
It worked for me because he was re-animated so many times in so many cultures, he'd pick up the local language and an accent. And he drank the same unique brand of malt scotch as I do, because it's distilled 5 km from my relatives' village.
As far a I'm concerned there is only one Highlander film.
I actually always liked Highlander 2. Also Lambert's myopia actually helped to give him a cold detached creepy look in his eyes. Third, I watched the 2 films before the tv series which I also loved at the time and Lambert will always be THE ONE for me
Another untold truth is that Highlander (the first film) was damn good, great story, the Kurgan was an awesome villain, the Music was fantastic and in the 1980's we re-watched it more than most films.
Lol, "Connery is holding the script in one hand and the phone in the other".
We didn't have smartphones back when Highlander was released. So unless you're suggesting he called in the recording, then there's no way that happened. He likely used a tape recorder.
Dane Martin that.. or he had a phone in every room of his house(s), from the boatloads of money he made from the Bond movies, and other films.. but mostly the bond movies..
The first Highlander was awesome...everything else was, shall we say, not up to par. Though, admittedly, I did enjoy the TV series on occasions.
Had they managed to make the "Methos series with peter wigfield", it would have been legendary! pitty he was already spoken for.
I thought that at the time. Why they making this Raven thing when Methos is easily the most interesting character?
Amanda was a good choice, too. It just failed on bad execution - certainly not due to EW Gracen.
Mr Krab is Kurgan......still blows my mind....
I would like to see a Watchers chronicle series. Story lines could go back to the first recordings of immortals showcasing different characters in different eras of time.
wait...they are remaking highlander.......oh good god :(
why cant they just leave the classics alone!
bob croft Right On, so sick of crap remakes.
"Myopia, a disorder that blurs the vision."
What a bizarre choice of wording. You think we need 'needing glasses' explaining to us?
I'm for a reboot of the concept..... Although Highlander is Holey Ground, there is enough room in history to do some amazing shit without rehashing the same story. I think Net Flicks would be a good rout for a series.
The crow writer, james o'barr would be a good choice to pen any sequal or remake.
I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when the boss told some intern to find as much information on Highlander as you can possibly find. The more obscure, the better.
The first movie was so sucky-bad, it was hilarious. I've tried watching the second, and can't go 20 minutes at a time without pausing it, and thinking, "This is the dumbest movie I have ever seen."
I'm laughing hysterically while I type this. Thank you to whoever wrote this video! I needed this today.
The "Highlander" TV series was NOT like "Xena: Warrior Princess" OR Hercules: The Legendary Journeys".
Not even CLOSE.
Paul Gee. You, I agree with. There could NOT be in, Noway, form or fashion that this series (HIGHLANDER) was Anything like xena warrior princess or Hercules the legendary journeys! Hercules and Xena were sorry mistakes of a horrible series Adventure/Action series ever made in my years of watching television and I watch alot of television, so I know what I am saying! I sometimes even critic some of the movies and the television series my self at all times, I just like watching movies and then criticism them when I'm done!!!
Original film was a great concept. The sequel makes me want to vomit still. What I have wished for ever since that rancid cheesy dick of a Quickening was for someone (please!) to make the back story to 2000 years of Ramirez' life. There is such vast scope for a picaresque historical romp with deep human issues as seen through the immortal eyes of the Spanish Peacock - kind of like how Flashman used to dovetail in a way. The Kyrgan
Highlander 2 was the absolute most god awful horrible movie I've ever seen in all 52 of my years. I can't even describe how horrible it was. I felt insulted and betrayed when it started and it got worse all the way to the end.
It was the only time I've ever contemplated being one of those idiots that yells abuse at the cinema screen...
I saw it once. When it came out. All I remember fully is Connery's "going out like a badass" scene.
thus why the rest of the franchise does not acknowledge it. lol. Just pretend the third is the second movie.
Agreed. I saw it in the theater (I was, maybe, 17?) and left feeling like I'd just dropped acid. Thank God tickets were about $2.50 back then! Ahhh, the good old days...
Vention1MGTOW Did you watch Highlander 5? I'm yet to decide which one's the worst.
I've seen Highlander nearly 200 times. It's my personal all-time classic. I've worn out several VHS tapes, got the LD, got the DVDs, now the 30th Anniversary BD.
A most excellent and underrated film. Too bad the special effects technology wasn't any better in the 80's or it would have been WAY bigger. It will always be a classic to me. I always wanted a set of the Kurgen skull armor. I know the set he wore in the film was only cast resin painted to look like metal but still bad ass. How cool would it be to have that helmet actually made out of metal!?
There were two more live action movies that you completely neglected to mention. One featured both Adrian Paul (Duncan Macleod) and Christopher Lambert (Connor Macleod) who team up, so to speak, against an immensely powerful and insanely evil Immortal. The other revolved around Duncan Macleod and and a small group of Immortals in a semi-apocalyptic futuristic setting and was a conclusion to the series. The 'mystery' of the Immortals was solved, along with the reasoning behind why "There can be only one."
The tv series had one of the best intros of all time
lol I loved the Highlander series. And Xena AND HERCULES. God I'm a nerd.
"There should have been only one....." Huge fan of Highlander and the music, they should never ever ever have made another.
thanks for the video. i loved the highlander movies and the series. When the series aired i was in my early twenties at home staying up, partying like crazy,. Some nights i would be home and watch the series along with other cheesy series in late night hours. Good times.
How is this the "untold" story about Highlander. Any mundane fan of Highlander knows all this by now.
"...Lambert suffers from myopia..." or, in layman's terms, he's nearsighted.
Well, so is Johnny Depp !
All you people who keep harping on Lambert's myopia being "only" nearsightedness; at that time, severe myopia was NOT correctable by contacts(I should know, being legally blind in the right eye without corrective lenses, having attempted to get contacts back then, and being told I couldn't). Not everyone can wear contacts, even now. The man didn't say he wouldn't wear them, he said he COULDN'T wear them; drop the bullshit and let the matter rest
for highlander fans even if you hate anime just check out that anime movie...its just plain gorgeous and a pleasure to watch.
I really liked the anime even though there was some mystical aspects to it I still feel like it was a good addition to the series
Highlander is a prime example of when a brilliant film became an unexpected hit. They decided to cash in on it and flogged it to death. Shitty sequels and tv series. The first film had it all perfect, beginning, middle and end. But greed takes over and they euin it and run it into the ground so they can cash in on it in all the wrong ways.
💯😎👍 There should be only one.
The CCG was fun to play.
You'd take the role of a Highlander and use special cards and attacks that would target your opponent in a 3x3 grid. So, say you use an attack that hit to the upper right, your opponent would have to play a card to block or parry that upper right attack, and then get an opportunity to attack back, and the gameplay would go back and forth like that.
This game came out in the '90s after the big CCG craze that Magic: The Gathering started.
now I need to go watch the highlander series opening theme
the anime was pretty nice, worth a watch
I agree!
Anime are for 30 year old virgins .
There's a few decent animes worth watching, most are a weird geeky cartoon boobfest but not all of them.
That's called a wizard.
twomindz79, true. Only real machos comment under random UA-cam videos.
Highlander final deminsion was a OK film had a sex scene that was memoriable
The reboot has been in Development Hell for the longest time. Attached to play Connor at one time was an actual Scottish actor (he was a brief NBC sci-fi series about a guy who time-jumped back and forth, can't remember his name or the series'). The script was supposed to include his killing of an Immortal with a particular tic that he absorbed; when he killed another, later in the film, he displayed the second tic. It also featured Ramirez telling MacLeod to familiarize himself with "weapons of the age", so you'd have been seeing MacLeod using anything from a musket to a portable SAM.
"Father, forgive me, I am a worm." Dam the Kurgen was awesome. This movie cannot be remade. Its perfect in every way.
The original movie was great, everything else sucked balls.
Highlander 2 is probably one of the worse most franchise-anihilating movie I've seen in my life.
The TV series was flawless
@@dominon929 I liked the series. Duncan was cool. And the way they put them together was nice. Raven ruined it imo
Christopher Lambert is still pretty damn hot.
Hey, It's a kinda magic...
thedys70 cute
in Subway too : a french movie.
Willow Devereaux
Willow Devereaux
If you like that slick melted skin sliding off the face look, yeah, sure, why not?
So you think it can`t get any weirder? Leave it to Tommy Wiseau.
"I am Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod. I was born in 1518 in the village of Glenfinnan on the shores of Loch Shiel. And I am immortal."
"A-hahaha, what a story, Connor."
"I am Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod. I was born in 1518 in the
village of Glenfinnan on the shores of Loch Shiel. And I am immortal - Oh hi, Mark!"
"I did not hit Heather, I did nawwt, oh hi Ramirez"
"If your head comes away from your neck, it's all over."
"Seems to me that you're the EXPERT, Ramirez!"
"Anyway, how's your sex life?"
"I got my test results from the doctor today. I'm definitely immortal!"
solokom One only seen pieces of that "film" but if you already watched "The Room", them may I suggest the Rifftrax version where the original MST3K guys poke fun at it?
Highlander was never meant to have sequels, yet as is the trend, they tried to milk it for all it was worth. Still one of my top movies of all time, and I completely dismiss the sequels.