Thanks for your question! For beginners, start with books that genuinely interest you. As you progress, challenge yourself with topics you're less familiar with this helps rewire your brain and fosters new ways of thinking for better mental exercise.
❤ ጎበዝ በርቺ መልካም ምክር ነው እናመሰግናለን። የማንበብ ልምዴን አዳብራለሁ።
editing quality upgrading, loving it :)
Thank You!
the breakfast question really caught me off guard😂
Do you remember what you ate :)?
Thanks for dropping another video. Do you suggest reading a specific type of books to help our brain exercise more or anything is fine?
Thanks for your question! For beginners, start with books that genuinely interest you. As you progress, challenge yourself with topics you're less familiar with this helps rewire your brain and fosters new ways of thinking for better mental exercise.
ሰላም አንድ ጥያቄ አለኝ ። እንዴት አንባቢ መሆን እንደሚቻልና ያነበብነውን እንዴት ማስታወስ እንችላለን። የተለያዩ መፅሀፎችን ማንበብ እፈልጋለሁ። ቪድዮ ብሰሪና ሰፋ አድርገሽ ብታቀርቢ ደስ ይለኛል።
ለጥያቄው አመሰግናለው! ቀጣይ ቪድዮ በዚያ ዙሪያ እሰራለው ለአሁኑ ግን እንዴት አንባቢ መሆን እንችላለን የሚለውን መመልከት ይችላሉ፡፡