Kirk Franklin Gives Moving Speech & Prayer for Our Nation at the Dove Awards

  • Опубліковано 5 жов 2024
  • "I do not like that the world is controlling the narrative. It should be US controlling the narrative."
    Watch the FULL verision of Kirk Franklin's incredibly moving speech & prayer from the 47th Dove Awards.
    For more information on the Dove Awards, please visit


  • @tharris452
    @tharris452 5 років тому +41

    It was wrong that they didn't show this on TV. Would have made a huge impact

  • @swolliston
    @swolliston 5 років тому +67

    Kirk just boycotted the Dove Awards and now this video popped up on my UA-cam 👀

    • @MrBblaze83
      @MrBblaze83 5 років тому +1

      Where there's smoke there's fire!!

    • @kccole3371
      @kccole3371 5 років тому +1

      This is why He boycotting is because He made this speech and they edited it out

    • @kristinaosborne6772
      @kristinaosborne6772 5 років тому +1

      lol right mine too

    • @kimberlygodbold880
      @kimberlygodbold880 4 роки тому

      Yes. It just popped up on my feed as well. SMH.

    • @EfremC
      @EfremC 4 роки тому

      Their too late with this!

  • @MandisaOfficial
    @MandisaOfficial 8 років тому +66

    Oh, Kirk Franklin! I whole-heartedly agree, stand with you, pray with you, and thank you for the humility and boldness with which you led our community. Furthermore, I'd humbly like to request that if you are a follower of Christ, and are about to comment on this video, please read Philippians 2:1-15 before doing so. "So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure. Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world" Php 2:1-15 (ESV) God bless you all!

    • @EileenEloisa
      @EileenEloisa 8 років тому +4

      MandisaOfficial I'm glad he spoke on this. We don't, or I haven't, heard of the Church h speaking on racial division that is occurring in our country and that is affecting our personal lives.
      Love your music by the way!!! From Orlando, FL -Eileen

    • @MandisaOfficial
      @MandisaOfficial 8 років тому +4

      jdcn1012 Thanks Eileen! God bless you, my sister!

    • @RockitD
      @RockitD 8 років тому +2

      Love you, Mandisa!!!!! You are still my favorite American Idol! I'm so grateful you, Kirk, and Toby have been a bridge of God's music across racial and religious barriers! May God hear our cry!

    • @leroygreen6833
      @leroygreen6833 5 років тому

      W ow. Whats true n real time will til. Are these people real that lift up the name Jesus in the public in such a strong way. God what is real about these men ..

    • @jmorg044
      @jmorg044 5 років тому +1

      @@EileenEloisa your race should not come before your christianity

  • @phil5301
    @phil5301 5 років тому +110

    Why is this just now in my feed? Kirk just boycotted the Dove Awards.. is that why?

    • @Ray_Davis15
      @Ray_Davis15 5 років тому +15

      Exactly! There were a few Believers that were talking about removing themselves from the Dove Awards and TBN because everytime he brings up racism or misjudgement they edit his specches. I think this was posted so they wouldn't it's too much heat but it still doesn't negate from the way how they feel. they were episodes on TBN that basically they promoted Trump and the mistreatment of the government but when it comes to people of color getting killed by these police officers they edit those things simply because I guess they want to ignore it.

    • @erinnmjones
      @erinnmjones 5 років тому +14

      I think that's the Dove Awards is saying that they didn't censor him. It was TBN

    • @callieford2228
      @callieford2228 5 років тому +1


    • @hopeforthebarren
      @hopeforthebarren 5 років тому +3

      My thoughts exactly 🙄 they’re terrible

    • @kezasmith6546
      @kezasmith6546 5 років тому +1


  • @hopeforthebarren
    @hopeforthebarren 5 років тому +35

    All of a sudden they wanna promote this video to my UA-cam timeline?
    I have questions. Y’all not slick TBN.

  • @naiij2627
    @naiij2627 5 років тому +27

    Now they want 2 play all of his speeches!!!! It’s 2 late bye TBN!!!!!!

    • @MrBblaze83
      @MrBblaze83 5 років тому +3

      They noticed some other well known artists stated they'd boycott tbn and GMA. Like Lacrae and Jonathan McReynolds and they hold a huge following of young ppl 13-30

    • @faithrevivalchurch123
      @faithrevivalchurch123 5 років тому +1

      Same thing the main stream fake media is doing to us all on ABC CBS NBC CNN

  • @janicesanders9981
    @janicesanders9981 5 років тому +23

    God bless this man for this beautiful message. Congrats Kirk.....

  • @serpentinefire77
    @serpentinefire77 5 років тому +9

    Thank you, Kirk Franklin. Those who say nothing about the pain and brutality being felt by our community, are really saying something by their silence.

  • @dorissmith6800
    @dorissmith6800 5 років тому +3

    Thank you Kirk Franklin for beautiful speed. Not just White pastor need all pastor need come stand with the BLACK community.

  • @jcross8524
    @jcross8524 7 років тому +18

    WE are the light of the world. WE are the salt. We are HIS hands and feet and the healing is in HIS hands. Thank you Jesus! And thank you Kirk Franklin for the exhortation.

  • @lawreneph
    @lawreneph 5 років тому +7

    Im glad Kirk Franklin spoke up twice and glad to see this video and his speech. TBN you know you are wrong. The fact that you edited it out shows that you know exactly what he's talking about and you know about the story, you just choose not to pay attention because hey if its not you then you don't care. Be respectful and show some empathy for all human life. Great job Mr. Kirk Franklin 🙏🙌💪

  • @whoaitsreesy
    @whoaitsreesy 5 років тому +7

    I Stand With Kirk!

  • @RockitD
    @RockitD 8 років тому +16

    Thank you, Kirk!!!! When we start loving one another, the world will know our Christ. "By THIS," Jesus said, "shall all men KNOW you are my disciples, if you have love for one another" (John 13:35)

  • @cj10109
    @cj10109 8 років тому +13

    Yes. We needed that prayer in Jesus name!!

    • @NewCreationInChrist896
      @NewCreationInChrist896 4 роки тому

      cj wins
      Prayer focus on Christ and he’ll take care of everything else His will be done.

  • @unaparker357
    @unaparker357 8 років тому +11

    This prayer from Kirk Franklin seems so authentic. It makes you want to say WOW!!! I do believe that we as as nation has been too quite on too many issues.

  • @ssy75
    @ssy75 2 роки тому

    Thank you my brother in Christ. This is what this country needs to hear.

  • @derrickstallworth5901
    @derrickstallworth5901 5 років тому +1

    Black People Are Waking Up, GOD Is About To Show The World Who Really Is His Chosen People. I Got Mad Respect For Kirk Franklin, Now Let's See Is The Other Black Gospel Entertainers Going To Continue To Sing, Shout, And Tap Dance.

  • @hazzachannel1
    @hazzachannel1 8 років тому +3


    • @Selah41st
      @Selah41st 5 років тому

      At least he had a heart for the senseless killing of black people in the USA. Don't get off topic now. Yes he loves Jesus but he loves people too

  • @claudiasmusicspace
    @claudiasmusicspace 8 років тому +13

    That prayer was beautiful! Those words of wisdom hit me. Kirk, you're amazing. God, thank you so much for bringing this to his heart.

  • @Cp65
    @Cp65 5 років тому +3

    This beautiful Heartfelt speech you mean to tell me They didn’t have time to put it on air when he Said it Now You want to show up on people’s time feed

  • @k_king1354
    @k_king1354 5 років тому +4

    Thanks Kirk for being the voice of so many

  • @marivicasperomano5098
    @marivicasperomano5098 7 років тому +8

    This is a powerful me goosebumps..God bless you.

  • @keesha4392
    @keesha4392 5 років тому +5

    Air this on TBN!.... We are the body of christ.

    • @conniemcmillian7010
      @conniemcmillian7010 5 років тому +1

      Why didn't they show it. Praying 🙏🙏😇 for the world and tbn had a problem with Pray 🙏.

  • @ameliaharris1853
    @ameliaharris1853 5 років тому +9

    Who could be against this true message???

  • @Technoblood
    @Technoblood 7 років тому +11

    Still relevant. If people feel we need racial healing in our country, the divide has not been bridged and there's still work to be done. I want and pray for a united America, the greatest country in the world. I still believe in U.S. Us.

  • @matthewdavidlandberg91588
    @matthewdavidlandberg91588 3 роки тому

    GOD bless you Kirk! Amen to reconciliation & healing between all human beings in the name of Jesus the Messiah!

  • @irenenyonga
    @irenenyonga 8 років тому +3

    we should indeed be the light of the world no one lights a lamp and puts it under a bed. Let us shine his light in the darkness there is.. spirit of boldness in Jesus name

  • @steelepls
    @steelepls 7 років тому +4

    Bless you Kirk for saying something that has needed to be said for a time now. Does not matter what our skin color is but we can agree that it does matter who our Savior is.

  • @virginiagarland6602
    @virginiagarland6602 4 роки тому

    Truth Be Spoken - he did what those others standing behind him would not.

  • @LowkeyDaP
    @LowkeyDaP 5 років тому +2

    Now that’s real gospel spoken and we need more of that preach or taught to the people of God truth wisdom and knowledge of how God’s people should operate in the world as light and guided for we suppose to be the 🧂!

  • @reneedarwin2732
    @reneedarwin2732 8 років тому +2

    what a graceful receipt of an award!!God bless you Kirk 4 dt heart felt prayer!! It went to the throne room and the angels said Amen!!!!

  • @syldavis990
    @syldavis990 5 років тому


  • @gramnet
    @gramnet 5 років тому +1

    now you want to air the 2016 speech while cutting the 2019 version. real classy.

  • @a.k.4085
    @a.k.4085 5 років тому

    Standing ovation Kirk!!!! Thank you!!!!

  • @resamitchell7632
    @resamitchell7632 5 років тому +2


  • @kiki5426
    @kiki5426 5 років тому +1

    There is no way that this video has been up for three years. How is that possible?

  • @RXmusic4YOU
    @RXmusic4YOU 4 роки тому

    This video is the FIRST time October 2016 that it was done to Mr. Franklin. SECOND time this year.... October 2019.

  • @ValleyGateChurch
    @ValleyGateChurch 3 роки тому

    This is the day that the LORD has made. Let us rejoice.... and be glad in it!

  • @Charlie4Kinks
    @Charlie4Kinks 5 років тому +24

    Amen Kirk!! Shame on you Dove for just now releasing this!! There was nothing AT ALL wrong with what this man said, and the fact that you all took the coward road and didn’t put this out originally is disgusting. You’re contributing to the racial divide in this country by trying to silence the truth

    • @teresasjackson2233
      @teresasjackson2233 5 років тому +2

      Charlie4Kinks well said

    • @wandaword2568
      @wandaword2568 5 років тому +1

      ...ummm who owns the dove awards? Who's cameras are those? who's building is that?who won the most awards? And then you'll have your answer to "y". It will only get worse...

    • @Samil101
      @Samil101 5 років тому +1

      What do you expect from white people?

    • @RC0307
      @RC0307 4 роки тому +1

      It wasn’t the Dove that edited it was TBN. But we must forgive them too and be grateful they are doing right now and will in the future. Otherwise, we just as guilty as the ones Kirk is talking about. God bless and restore in the name above all names - Amen and amen.

  • @baileyd622
    @baileyd622 4 роки тому

    Amen. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ and we are all one race the Human race.

  • @twaneishariley2509
    @twaneishariley2509 5 років тому +4

    This was the intro to Mandisa “bleed the same”

  • @mikepepe241
    @mikepepe241 5 років тому +1

    Big Amen!

  • @shaaziaterry2715
    @shaaziaterry2715 Рік тому

    I love that glory be to the lord

  • @herFLYness79
    @herFLYness79 4 роки тому +1

    So this JUST NOW pops up on my feed... 🤔

  • @sunshinesunflowerz1647
    @sunshinesunflowerz1647 5 років тому +2

    I agree Kirk Franklin but you and those who are in one’s emotions have to understand that emotions are fleeting. Continue to boycott the Dove Awards and TBN if you must but, having the full unadulterated speech, on UA-cam is better than being censored because of office politics.

  • @yeps2468
    @yeps2468 7 років тому +4

    Preach brother!!

  • @tnlongyrs
    @tnlongyrs 8 років тому +4


  • @virtuouswarrior8371
    @virtuouswarrior8371 5 років тому +1

    Now I see this ...and what was the point of editing it out when church sermons out on tv worldwide 🤷🏾‍♀️

  • @MrMaxismybaby
    @MrMaxismybaby 5 років тому


  • @Jireh0515
    @Jireh0515 4 роки тому

    We all bleed the same

  • @maekae8433
    @maekae8433 5 років тому

    AMEN, 🙏 Speak truth, Kirk!

  • @barbaragarrison6287
    @barbaragarrison6287 5 років тому

    Jesus is coming why sing if you don't know that. That prayer has me crying right now. Kirk God bless you for praying on a National television program I support. I was a member at one time. I still am a writer and look forward every year. There were so many nominees I missed church to watch. Your acknowledging God and prayed for fogiveness when we don't know what to say or think. As the songers and wriyers move forward I pray they live what they sing about. Brother Kirk have heart you will be alright. This was needed you dealt with it. Now continue to move forward in the room God has given you from heaven. They are birth from there. Be encourage Love God. Stay in your room and write. Thanks for hearing melodies from heaven. Bother May God continue to bless you and keep you and your family.

  • @OffDaChainChico7
    @OffDaChainChico7 5 років тому +16

    So was this shown on TV or just UA-cam?

    • @chrismassey5438
      @chrismassey5438 5 років тому +9

      OffDaChainChico7 they edited it out on both UA-cam and TBN

    • @OffDaChainChico7
      @OffDaChainChico7 5 років тому +1

      Chris Massey but I’m seeing it now on UA-cam. Is there more than what’s in this video?

    • @chrismassey5438
      @chrismassey5438 5 років тому +4

      This is the edited out version, if you look at the full show on UA-cam you’ll notice that none of this is on here.

    • @Selah41st
      @Selah41st 5 років тому +2

      What a shame that white Christians r racist too . no such thing but ok

    • @jamarciaclay6001
      @jamarciaclay6001 5 років тому +1

      This happened again, he is now boycotting The Dove Awards and TBN

  • @atonementatonement1886
    @atonementatonement1886 5 років тому


  • @mrsbusiness1
    @mrsbusiness1 5 років тому +5

    A day late and a dollar short..smh!

  • @peterhenriques6404
    @peterhenriques6404 4 роки тому +1

    I was told that 11am on a Sunday is the most segregated time of the year, because of the racial divisions of churches.

  • @Phenom4210
    @Phenom4210 5 років тому

    Wait, this is the thing the producer decided to cut out? Why, this is the most appropriate thing to say, and it was short. 3 minutes? Wow

  • @leestreet1627
    @leestreet1627 5 років тому


  • @Ray_Davis15
    @Ray_Davis15 5 років тому +3

    Kirk's prayer was very powerful and very true, but it's a shame that it had to come the fact that he had to take a standing against the Dove Awards and TBN for it to be posted.
    The big question is why remove it from this year's Dove Awards and last year's Dove Awards? It's not that the apologize for doing so is the fact that their beliefs is not our beliefs when it comes to being a person of color. It's just crazy that as a Christian, as a Believer of the Almighty God that some people see color, and they don't see the word of God. We are supposed to set an example of the world but there are too many Christian people Cornell better than a secular people in this world.

    • @tavorismyles4065
      @tavorismyles4065 5 років тому +1

      The real question is why do we care? Why does the opinion of those that capitalize off us matter?

    • @williebwoody20
      @williebwoody20 5 років тому

      @@tavorismyles4065 exactly

  • @selamselam1756
    @selamselam1756 5 років тому

    Brothers I have a question, why Kirk Franklin songs are not playing on K love station? I Always wonder

  • @wandaword2568
    @wandaword2568 5 років тому

    This world has a predetermined date with destiny...just make sure we are found on the right side of destiny Kirk, Hebrews...& strangers. We woke?!! 😳?

  • @debralady9934
    @debralady9934 5 років тому


  • @reginalda.bellsr.249
    @reginalda.bellsr.249 5 років тому


  • @TNiles-fn1lr
    @TNiles-fn1lr 6 років тому


  • @ms.g4401
    @ms.g4401 5 років тому +1

    People shouldn't have been in association with TBN to start with!

  • @kstatedelta
    @kstatedelta 5 років тому

    #ATIANAJEFFERSON Their names will NOT be erased.

  • @nicolelawrence7722
    @nicolelawrence7722 5 років тому +2

    Posting this on YT is not the same as airing it. You can march whomever you want with all the excuses in the world about time slots. We see right through it.

  • @governorjnu2655
    @governorjnu2655 4 роки тому

    Such powerful speech was edited out...really? SMH

  • @TheLilly
    @TheLilly 5 років тому

    Is this the speech they cut off?

  • @pingpongballz5998
    @pingpongballz5998 5 років тому

    Who is this guy? What is the Dove awards? And why did this video randomly showed up on my UA-cam?

  • @destinyjoyner6493
    @destinyjoyner6493 5 років тому

    Do you take God serious? If you do peace abide with you if you dont then reap the whirlwind. Its a choice. If you go do your thing without God surely you can heal yourself.but if you cant and believe God can he will aid you. God is not a shelf God to be pulled off when you cant handle something then put back up there when things get better. A constant walk with him is needed.

  • @datruth-izoutthere3949
    @datruth-izoutthere3949 4 роки тому +1

    Stop saying something, do something. He misquoted the scripture... left out out the word "repent". I think Kirk knows that scripture. So I am wondering Why he left the word repent.

  • @franklin9613
    @franklin9613 5 років тому

    GMA'S didnt recommend this video geniuses. Its called ALGORITHM. If you recently watched kirk Franklin's video regarding a boy-cot on the GMA's then its going to recommend old videos connected to what you previously watched. Titles and key words in your youtube history will trigger yhe ALGORITHM codes. Why dont y'all know this? There's no conspiracy. 😒

  • @StahrYT
    @StahrYT 5 років тому

    So is this the edited version??

  • @Tetawnga6974
    @Tetawnga6974 4 роки тому

    I'm Asian guy,i'm Christian i want to say somethings

  • @teresasjackson2233
    @teresasjackson2233 5 років тому +2

    What happened to “turn from our wicked ways” we can’t quite half a scripture. The devil is a liar and the truth ain’t in him”

  • @powerflightme
    @powerflightme 5 років тому

    You're including into His People, who are Not His People. Why is it shocking that they would cut your Speech...Twice! Leave them alone.

  • @CliffandEarny
    @CliffandEarny 5 років тому

    Lol they took this video off of private! Because I never seen this video until KIRK Said something about it not being aired. Shame shame shame...what was so bad about what he had to say anyway??? Waiste of time.

  • @churchboy5656
    @churchboy5656 5 років тому

    So just to be clear this was not aired they edited this out and it sad but I’m looking a cece and she look annoyed by this. So for some reason they edit him twice when it comes to him being honest

  • @allamerican3100
    @allamerican3100 5 років тому

    My phone has ears I swear

  • @timinitiator
    @timinitiator 4 роки тому

    This one In 2016 they did it again in this year 2019 edit out what he said. They are being hypocrites so he is boycotting them cause he did go to them about this that they would not do it but they did let skin color matter.

  • @Dr.Sharron
    @Dr.Sharron 5 років тому

    Kirkfranklin is the world. These awards are not from God. They are man made. God said our rewards are in heaven.
    How is he boycotting something he has been a part of since the beginning of his career? People can fall for this if they want too.
    By the way, he is praying for artist. They are supposed to have the script of the narrative and not the world. He is in this world deeply. There are good people in the Kingdom of God who has been fighting for the Kingdom of The Most High. Those people have the power to move us in the direction we should be going.

  • @breeskilove4817
    @breeskilove4817 5 років тому +3

    This is so foul! Since we are standing with Kirk all of a sudden this video pops up on my recommended! We boycotting the dove awards and TBN! I call BS!!!! This creates a whole other level of questionable character and integrity! Which just confirms why we are DONE! #IstandwithKirk

  • @NuNaturalness
    @NuNaturalness 5 років тому

    I just saw a Kirk Franklin boycott and now this in my feed👀👀👀. Jesus didn't bring politics and racism into His ministry. Yes there is a racism issue, but that's not the platform to air injustices. Start a nonprofit...use social media...this is the place where ppl are awarded for their accomplishments...I felt like his comments deadened the atmosphere.. I just don't agree with his position on this AT ALL.

  • @faithrevivalchurch123
    @faithrevivalchurch123 5 років тому

    Not a real response i felt bcus most so called Christians or Christian musicians are not
    Born Again by the Holy Ghost!
    Good speech Br Kirk sometimes you have to smack people with TRUTH like Jesus did!

  • @andreadunbar4617
    @andreadunbar4617 5 років тому +1

    Everyone on here, yes Dove and TBN are wrong. And yes we should let them and the world know they are as well. But we should like Kirk and that is pray for them, forgive them and welcome them back when hopefully they rectify this jacked up situation. Now, that was my Christian spirit speaking. The other half of me wants all of the gospel artists, white, black, Hispanic, etc and preachers to boycott they behinds until they fully rectify this mistreatment of Kirk and the community as a whole.

  • @barryspears428
    @barryspears428 5 років тому

    Total silence (crickets) from white evangelicals and gospel networks that right there speaks volumes. I John 4: 20 "If a man say, I love God, and hatheth his brother, he is a liar: for he that liveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? 😇

  • @alexmalevanyy324
    @alexmalevanyy324 4 роки тому

    Say something about gay.

  • @aprilmcmill2670
    @aprilmcmill2670 4 роки тому

    Mines too #uck these see-threw$

  • @scott31312
    @scott31312 5 років тому

    21 downs thumbs?

  • @jeanninegisendaner4908
    @jeanninegisendaner4908 5 років тому


  • @memymo1310
    @memymo1310 5 років тому

    Nope TBN you should have done the right thing. But you didn't. Dont try to promote his 1ST speech now after you silenced him TWICE. You are just like the rest of these phonies out here. I hope you go Bankrupt.

  • @bluebutterflywellness2273
    @bluebutterflywellness2273 5 років тому

    Pharisees. 😒

  • @jacquelinequest3824
    @jacquelinequest3824 5 років тому

    Shame on you dove and tbn

  • @theqodeshim7352
    @theqodeshim7352 5 років тому +1

    While these guys are busy being famous trying to shine like the world, God has to save another Paul - Kanye West and use him to do and say and be what these guys are too important to be.

    • @ertfgghhhh
      @ertfgghhhh 5 років тому

      Ye isnt another paul by a long shot. Paul gave up EVERYTHING he was, didnt he.?
      Ye hasnt. Better yet he STILL brags about his money. And belittled someone for "not being a billionaire" like he saus he is. Ye is a false convert.

    • @theqodeshim7352
      @theqodeshim7352 5 років тому

      gospelevans that’s what you see from your judgment however we see love. We see Paul while on the road to do wickedness being transformed by Christ and now serving him. You see $$ and how Paul sold his properties and cars and houses to follow Christ. We see someone living out that process of life change by publicly renouncing sin lifestyle and you see who his wife is and what she did last week. You see how many people Paul killed so he can’t be really saved. This is what the Apostles said when they heard of Paul. Your judgement is off

    • @theqodeshim7352
      @theqodeshim7352 5 років тому

      gospelevans whatever he is or not is of none of your concern and as a believer you sound dangerous to think to know another man’s heart. He has now confessed Christ as Lord and Savior and you stand as judge to say no he is not? Shame on you. Your arrogance is embarrassing. You are to pray for other believers John 17:20. We are to pray for the lost. Instead you spread rumors that may not even be true and speak as if you have expediency. Elohim forgive you as you forgive others.

    • @ertfgghhhh
      @ertfgghhhh 5 років тому

      @@theqodeshim7352 we shall know by their fruit and the fruit that he shows are anti Christ.
      And does it not say that every tongue that "confesses" did not know Him? Use the full word to discern rather than the worlds fav goto scrip

    • @theqodeshim7352
      @theqodeshim7352 5 років тому

      gospelevans See this is a serious problem with the hellenized Christians misquoting and misusing scripture, wrongly dividing it, and using it to attack each other. Matthew 7:16 “Beware of false prophets ... you shall know them by their sheep” - Yahusha is speaking of FALSE PROPHETS - talking about you fake church people who claim to be prophets. It’s NOT saying when people GET SAVED you will know by their sheep Einstein. You need to read Matthew 7 starting at verse 1 saying who are you to judge anyone when you can’t even see yourself. Work out your own salvation in fear and trembling oh great Christian judge

  • @jesusistheonlywaytoheavenj7880
    @jesusistheonlywaytoheavenj7880 5 років тому


  • @dannyguerreroproezax9921
    @dannyguerreroproezax9921 2 роки тому

    Rip George Floyd

  • @Adonis8989
    @Adonis8989 5 років тому

    Kirk Franklin regurgitating the same talking points of those on the left.

  • @Technoblood
    @Technoblood 7 років тому +1

    Still relevant. If people feel we need racial healing in our country, the divide has not been bridged and there's still work to be done. I want and pray for a united America, the greatest country in the world. I still believe in U.S. Us.

    • @staceypalmer5863
      @staceypalmer5863 5 років тому

      Love covers a multitude of sin!!! Help us to Love the way you will have us to Love...If we dont love ourselves its impossible to live anyone else!!!

  • @smoovegaming7340
    @smoovegaming7340 8 років тому +4
