This was what I believed. I honor my passion to pursue what I truly love to do so as to contribute to this world further and to be aligned better with "higher purposes." Yet, also because of this belief, I am out of job for almost a year despite all the effort and I have a PhD in Computer Science. Spirituality and reality have to merge; otherwise, it's just empty talk. I still believe but it has been unnecessarily difficult. I'm not sure how much longer I'd like to stay on this planet.
Brother, sincerest best wishes to you. You are right. Ego clings to extremes because it doesn't know any other way to live. It has to take a position. Spirituality is not in conflict with living in the world...doesn't have to be unless we make it so. It is true that we may loose ourselves in the outer functions and forget about spiritual practice and that is why I also had a negative attitude towards work etc...currently I am jobless as well...just came back to India a month ago given all my money for this journey and 2 proposals came out of nowhere and a good idea for a business came also. What I could suggest is - sit down and relax, open yourself to your inner sensitivity and put your hands on your solar plexus, express the deep desire to find proper way of sustaining yourself here on this planet that would be congruent with your deepest part and that you have time for being alone and reflecting on yourself and reality. A job that would help your spirituality instead of hindering it. That is what I wish to you. Ps. can you do some electronic stuff or do you do software developement? What was your PhD about?
artfromdheart Thank you for the advices. I was venting a bit not just because of not being able to find a good position to fit in but also because of the long (past) history of coping with bizarre physical symptoms and low energy, etc, which combined with the work issue makes this journey appear to be a "spiritual abuse." An analogy is that the cocoon makes the bug stronger so that it can transform into a butterfly; however, with a cocoon made of steel, it would defeat the purpose. Challenges make us stronger but excessive challenge can very well backfire and also trivialize the end result. But anyway, I was only saying but in no way I am giving up. For your question, I had a research background in artificial intelligence; a lot of applied mathematics but can also involve software development. And, best of luck in your business endeavors; hope things work out!
Mr. Gregg this is wonderful massage, we been created from the dust but our Creator who is very smart design every His creation with everything it in , yes everything whatever we need we have inside us. Look on this -Genesis --1:11-- " Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. 12 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good." So each seed in the seed know his time off -Spring- Summer-Harvest time - So we do too inside us are ability to recognize what is write what is wrong and we known it, but influence from outside us is stronger and we going buy short cut- think about it all of you seeker of the solution to everything. So look inside yourself ad ask yourself Am I able to make different decision? I think YES if I I know consequences before I make this decision. So all regulations of life and rules are inside us me and you.
I believe you will appreciate this Gregg. Thoth the Atlantean List ye, O man, to the words of my wisdom, list to the voice of Thoth, the Atlantean. Conquered have I the law of time-space. Knowledge have I gained of the future of time. Know I that man in his movement through space-time shall ever be One with the All. Know ye, O man, that all of the future is an open book to him who can read. All effect shall bring forth its causes as all effects grew from the first cause. Know ye the future is not fixed or stable but varies as cause brings forth an effect. Look in the cause thou shalt bring into being, and surely thou shalt see that all is effect. So, O man, be sure the effects that ye bring forth are ever causes of more perfect effects. Know ye the future is never in fixation but follows man's free will as it moves through the movements of space-time toward the goal where a new time begins. Man can only read the future through the causes that bring the effects. Seek ye within the causation and surely ye shall find the effects. List ye, O man, while I speak of the future, speak of the effect that follows the cause. Know ye that man in his journey Light-ward is ever seeking escape from the night that surrounds him, like the shadows that surround the stars in the sky and like the stars in the sky-space, he too, shall shine from the shadows of night. Ever his destiny shall lead him onward until he is One with the Light. Aye, though his way lies midst the shadows, ever before him glows the Great Light. Dark though the way be yet shall he conquer the shadows that flow around him like night. Far in the future, I see man as Light-born, free from the darkness that fetters the Soul, living in Light without the bounds of darkness to cover the Light that is Light of their Soul. Know ye, O man, before ye attain this that many the dark shadows shall fall on your Light striving to quench with the shadows of darkness the Light of the Soul that strives to be free. Great is the struggle between Light and darkness, age old and yet ever new. Yet, know in a time, far in the future, Light shall be All and darkness shall fall.
This was what I believed. I honor my passion to pursue what I truly love to do so as to contribute to this world further and to be aligned better with "higher purposes." Yet, also because of this belief, I am out of job for almost a year despite all the effort and I have a PhD in Computer Science. Spirituality and reality have to merge; otherwise, it's just empty talk. I still believe but it has been unnecessarily difficult. I'm not sure how much longer I'd like to stay on this planet.
Brother, sincerest best wishes to you. You are right. Ego clings to extremes because it doesn't know any other way to live. It has to take a position. Spirituality is not in conflict with living in the world...doesn't have to be unless we make it so. It is true that we may loose ourselves in the outer functions and forget about spiritual practice and that is why I also had a negative attitude towards work etc...currently I am jobless as well...just came back to India a month ago given all my money for this journey and 2 proposals came out of nowhere and a good idea for a business came also. What I could suggest is - sit down and relax, open yourself to your inner sensitivity and put your hands on your solar plexus, express the deep desire to find proper way of sustaining yourself here on this planet that would be congruent with your deepest part and that you have time for being alone and reflecting on yourself and reality. A job that would help your spirituality instead of hindering it. That is what I wish to you. Ps. can you do some electronic stuff or do you do software developement? What was your PhD about?
artfromdheart Thank you for the advices. I was venting a bit not just because of not being able to find a good position to fit in but also because of the long (past) history of coping with bizarre physical symptoms and low energy, etc, which combined with the work issue makes this journey appear to be a "spiritual abuse." An analogy is that the cocoon makes the bug stronger so that it can transform into a butterfly; however, with a cocoon made of steel, it would defeat the purpose. Challenges make us stronger but excessive challenge can very well backfire and also trivialize the end result. But anyway, I was only saying but in no way I am giving up. For your question, I had a research background in artificial intelligence; a lot of applied mathematics but can also involve software development. And, best of luck in your business endeavors; hope things work out!
thank you!!! very true!!!
Mr. Gregg this is wonderful massage, we been created from the dust but our Creator who is very smart design every His creation with everything it in , yes everything whatever we need we have inside us. Look on this -Genesis --1:11-- " Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. 12 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good." So each seed in the seed know his time off -Spring- Summer-Harvest time - So we do too inside us are ability to recognize what is write what is wrong and we known it, but influence from outside us is stronger and we going buy short cut- think about it all of you seeker of the solution to everything. So look inside yourself ad ask yourself Am I able to make different decision? I think YES if I I know consequences before I make this decision. So all regulations of life and rules are inside us me and you.
I believe you will appreciate this Gregg.
Thoth the Atlantean
List ye, O man, to the words of my wisdom,
list to the voice of Thoth, the Atlantean.
Conquered have I the law of time-space.
Knowledge have I gained of the future of time.
Know I that man in his movement through
space-time shall ever be One with the All.
Know ye, O man, that all of the future is an
open book to him who can read.
All effect shall bring forth its causes
as all effects grew from the first cause.
Know ye the future is not fixed or stable
but varies as cause brings forth an effect.
Look in the cause thou shalt bring into being,
and surely thou shalt see that all is effect.
So, O man, be sure the effects that ye bring
forth are ever causes of more perfect effects.
Know ye the future is never in fixation but
follows man's free will as it moves through
the movements of space-time toward
the goal where a new time begins.
Man can only read the future through
the causes that bring the effects.
Seek ye within the causation and
surely ye shall find the effects.
List ye, O man, while I speak of the future,
speak of the effect that follows the cause.
Know ye that man in his journey Light-ward
is ever seeking escape from the night that surrounds him,
like the shadows that surround the stars in the sky
and like the stars in the sky-space, he too,
shall shine from the shadows of night.
Ever his destiny shall lead him onward
until he is One with the Light.
Aye, though his way lies midst the shadows,
ever before him glows the Great Light.
Dark though the way be yet shall he conquer
the shadows that flow around him like night.
Far in the future, I see man as Light-born,
free from the darkness that fetters the Soul,
living in Light without the bounds of darkness
to cover the Light that is Light of their Soul.
Know ye, O man, before ye attain this that
many the dark shadows shall fall on your Light
striving to quench with the shadows of darkness
the Light of the Soul that strives to be free.
Great is the struggle between Light and darkness,
age old and yet ever new.
Yet, know in a time, far in the future,
Light shall be All and darkness shall fall.