See, I like them; I would almost definitely go for Murakumo... But I feel like he looks too old for the protagonist(s)! In the end I always make my choices based on shipping, not my own preferences.
It would be nice in future games if they have a setting where all NPCs are potential partners, but you can select if you want options from the younger characters or older characters. Like setting your main character's age range.
Ehh as soon as she smacked Amber in the face acting like she was in the right/it was a natural reaction and everyone acted like it was okay I was done with her
I was already on the fence with Illuminata with her obnoxious detective fantasies. The moment she smacked Amber before she got the full picture, she was dead to me.
SAME! My biggest gripe of RF4 was every bachelor was so... baby face. Honestly, Wilder said not being able to marry Illuminata was the biggest sin, but not being able to marry Bado was also a sin.
The fact I’m already simping for Ryuka but didn’t even think about Nagito, really shows I have a type 😂 I never learn, it always gotta be the white haired men with baggage
I'm already let down that we can't marry either of the single moms in this one. Granted, Simone would be kind of weird since her daughter is a bachelorette too, but all I really care about is Misasagi. Yeah yeah, I know. I know. Japan. Women over 21 are pretty much dead to the world. If they ain't married yet, they ain't gonna be. And with a kid? Forget about it. But come on. If you're gonna put them off limits, tone down the designs. And Murakumo is an eligible bachelor. Misasagi and Simone are just taunting me since their designs are both, to me, way better than any of the actual bachelorettes. And having a kid going into the marriage seems like it would bring in some interesting storytelling opportunities. Oh well. No point crying over spilt milk. Maybe they'll add more options via DLC. I hate being nickel and dimed with content, but I'd buy a DLC that added more marriage partners and options.
That actually sounds plausible for a JRPG. Heck, that could work for Rune Factory. Main character questing to retrieve memories from dungeons, while the townspeople go through the motions of their lives. i.e. a husband and wife running an in believing that they're just employer and employee until you get the memory back.
RF game where the protagonist is the only one WITHOUT amnesia lmaoooo. They come back to their home town after an extended period away to find that everyone has lost their memories and you have to bring their memories back before something bad happens, lol
As a Christian, I wouldn't mind that theory being true. I can be with my Spouse in-game too lol. Maybe He's here in Rickbar to turn the succubi Ludmila around for the better, like He did to Mary Magdalene, to support that theory. The other boy candidates, Lucas not so much though, are pretty cool too. I can't wait to meet them. Maybe Ryuka is a ninja?
Ryuka/Lyka really reminds me of Skye from Harvest Moon DS Cute. White hair, mysterious, initially mistook him for a woman... If he does turn out like Skye, I'm not complaining lol
This is definitely my favorite lineup of RF Bachelorettes. None of the other RFs had losers but so far RF5 has nothing but winners. Illuminata was a sin yes but so is Murakumo's sister :(
Murakumo is my top choice for this game 💕 I’m so glad we have a choice who looks much different from the other bachelors. That’s some good stuff 👌👌 A rough looking guy who actually has a heart of gold and goes above and beyond to make his guests happy? Yes pls!!
Same! There’s so much variety in physical appearance for the guys. I wish there was more (like an older woman type) for bachelorettes. Either way can’t wait for 2021
Picking a marriage candidate out of this group will probably be the biggest challenge for me. All of the designs are amazing and the fact that we have so many characters that hold a mystery makes me want to pursue them all! Rune Factory (usually) never disappoints with marriage candidates! It is so exciting to think that it is coming out so soon along with a new Story of Seasons! 2021 is giving me hope lol
Literally everyone, I love literally EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER so far!! It's gonna be so hard to pick just one for my main game! But multiple saves, here I come!!
(Ludmila is shown) me: oh some sort of witch that deals with herbs and potions, that seems interesting Wilder: anyway Ludmila is a succubus me: ...go on~
Blacksmith, Detective Boy, Wolf Girl, Ranger Girl? and the last guy. There may be more? But those are the ones that stood out to me the most that I would want to marry lol.
Wayyyyyyy better designs than olive town by far!! This could actually be ok without 2D portraits because it looks that good so I’m excited!! there’s such a good variety of characters 🥰🥰🥰 can’t wait to get my hands on this for sure!!
Yeah, way better. I didn't have a problem with the female characters in Olive Town but the male designs felt boring, it's like they didn't even try which makes me sad. All the guys in this game look cool and unique.
@@lunastar7245 yeah same! I didn’t like most of the guys & even though the female characters were better for sure, overall it’s the weakest cast of characters we’ve had in my opinion. They didn’t slack not one bit with these characters at all & always come with good varieties but I know some guys might be disappointed because some of the non marriageable candidates look great too
@@WilderOfficial Only concern is I want the new Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons games when they come in March and that’s already over my gaming budget for the month 😂 Maybe if Rune Factory will be the next months game budget
@@CrobatmanIamthenight who said i wasn’t going to buy both games i simply said rune factory is more aesthetically pleasing to the eyes graphics wise which is 100% true and rune factory has more than just farming so the games are always more entertaining
@@CrobatmanIamthenight friends of mineral town remake was disappointing and boring there’s like nothing to do but i know this game has more i’m just not rly impressed with visuals and candidates compared to RF5 😂 at least there’s monster hunter in march if this gets boring to me
Im planning on getting both Rune Factory 5 and Story of Seasons Olive Town (name too long I forgot), but I got to say that the marriage candidates for Rune Factory are much more diverse in terms of appearance and personalities compared to SOS. Which i think is really nice! I need to see all of them in-game cuz I can't choose! They are all so interesting >_< Can't wait for this game to come out *also hoping for gay marriage. please please please* XD Thanks for the video as always Wilder! You are my go-to for rune factory and story of seasons content ^_^
I am planning on getting both too. I hope they don't release super closer together, these games usually last me months and months because I play them in bits. I But this might be the first time I binge play a Story of Seasons game so I have no distractions for Rune Factory 5.
@@jacobynoctis4825 lucky or unlucky(?) for us, I doubt they will release close to one another. Maybe a few months in between. Thats how it was so Rune Factory 4 Special. Took forever for that game to release in the West. XD well, who knows how its going to be honestly. I just cant wait to play them both!
Im so excited for this!! I can't wait to meet all the characters. I usually pick one that I want to go for and a lot of the time someone else steals my heart once I really get to know all the characters! Right now Ryuka is my favourite, especially because of his butterfly aesthetic 🦋
So um, remember when I said the purple theme might make this either dark or royalty? Some of those Missing parents, I'm guessing the reason he grows distant from his brother is because he gave full attention to finding the parents. Another character with amnesia!? Now that is interesting. The last time that happened a dragon had taken their memories. Lucas does look proper though...maybe royalty will play into this at some point? Hmm... These back stories all have the potential to take a wrong turn really fast. That could be the reason for the purple theme. Who knows, maybe the game will be like those where everything is fine and dandy but then goes downhill after a few hours of playing?
@@WilderOfficial It'd be a fresh experience, that's for sure. I was expecting it to be a war type thing (it could develop into that) but I think it might be more like the stories of the people in town. Also Lucas...I'll be keeping an eye on him to see if my theory turns out to be true. Also I do agree with you, there's definitely something else going on. There's no way that two amnesiac's end up in the same least in rune factory that is.
12 people? Wow... I love the connection between and to everyone already! I hope they all get a good story! There is so much potential! Thanks for the great work!
Well the new girls and boys have me even more interested! (Also I almost knocked my phone into my open washing machine trying to pull the video up as fast as I could.)
It's really hard to choose which bachelor or bachelorette to choose, they all look so amazing. I like how Rune Factory isn't going the supper cutesy route with their character designs like Story of Seasons did (not that I hate it or anything). I can't wait for this game!
Alright prediction time: So for the guy at 8:08 who's name I have no idea how to spell, I have a feeling he's a werewolf/has animal ears or something like that? I mean for starters he has a hood covering the top part of his head, and that day/night personality change could be due to usual werewolf trope thingamagigs
I think there are already pictures of him in his wedding outfits. Nothing suspicious under the hood. Unless he can change forms wouldn't be the first in the series.
If he was hiding animal ears under his hood that would make me like his character even more, I thought he was going to be an archer party member that hides his animal ears under his hood but sadly they didn't go with that idea :(
Hey, this reminded me that the Japanese October trailer showed Lyka and Reinhard next to each other in what I think will be the opening video of the game, maybe they will be connected like that somehow :)
Love the info, love your commentary, keep up the great work! Cecil's name in the box there is like "se shi ru" if that helps anything, I've put a lot of time into learning my hiraganas and katakanas and get super pumped when I can read anything now! :D Older bachelors are yessssssss, handsome werearnimal guy gives me some Bado vibes which is a big YES PLEASE
I'm not sure who to choose yet!! The designs all look so cool and there is still so much mystery to the backstories. Guess I'll just have to wait until I play the game~
At 4:36 the Kitsune girl who stand beside Murakumo caught my atendtion imiately and im really like realllyyyyy dissapointed and upsad that she is not in the list of mariable character...Sign... Another Hot Inn manager we couldnt marry....Shino..Lin Fa.....Whyyyyyyy..... T_T. And btw nice video~ i have been waiting your vids on RF5. Im hella hype atm for RF5
Reinheart has my whole heart and i don't want it back i looked up some japaness translations online and there was somehting like 'if you were this flower it will enhance your cutness' and i was like 'marry me marry me marry me'
@@lunastar7245 ikr?? hes really really attractive lords rune factory really knows i lm attracted to knights don't they? and it'll probally be a bit different in english but i still expect it to be just as cute
For the first time, in any Rune Factory game, I have no idea which guy I wanna go for! I like almost all of them so far! I normally go for the quiet, broody guy. This time.... I don't know!!!
I mean, as I said in the initial marriage candidates video, picking a character named Rhinehart always seems to work well for me. X) I still love his design and am curious to learn more about who he is and why he is there. Admittedly, though, I really love all the candidates- they seem to well-rounded and designed! My tops aside from Rhinehart are definitely our generous inkeep and fellow amnesiac, though. X) I will definitely be getting to know all of them better.
Honestly, these bachelors aren't catching my attention😒 , but maybe that's because I have a specific type 😏. I like the tough but awkward type (bonus points for blushing), so Dylas was a shoo-in for me.😁
There’s so many good marriage candidates this time around! I hope they give us enough save slots because I’m marrying everybody lol. My favorites are definitely Murakumo, Martin, Fuka, Ryuka, and Ludamila.
As someone who likes older bachelors... I'm a happy bean. owo But man even the younger ones're all good looking. I am so excited for RF5. Also on the cool mysterious guy at the end... Butterflies're often symbolisms of death in Japan. So maybe he's a spirit or a grim reaper, or?
Imagine the reason Beatrice is being tight-lipped about her identity as a royal is due to the fact she's a member of the Sech royal family and is currently in Norad for diplomatic reasons. 🤔
PLEASE be what happens! would be bold to make a Sechs royal a marriage choice would make me love Beatrice even more! Norad royal is just as good though.
Ludomila, Fuuka, Lucy and Beatrice are all fighting for my attention based on design and description. Ok, now that I know RF won't disappoint in the waifu/husbando aspect (as always), I'm interested to learn more about daily activities, exploration, combat and farming. RF4 has my favorite farming system in all the Harvest Moon/Rune Factory series, so I'm hopeful they might improve, or be inspired by that.
Can't believe nobody is talking about this. BEATRICE IS CLEARLY VENTUSWILL'S DESCENDANT. The horn and feathered wing motif, the nearly identical hair and eye color and style (when comparing against Venti's human design), the mystery and connection to the kingdom of Norad, there's genuinely NO way in my mind this isn't a coincidence. The designs are too close.
Question if it's true who's her father Lest? Ventis Another Episode shows her marrying Lest with kids although they might omit the kid part from 4S. Unless this is a LONG TIME ago thing and one of her descendants(via royals FE style) has finally came into the picture aka Beatrice.
@@bravescholarlys1127 That's an interesting question! RF4 does mention a successor to Venti, a native dragon being born to replace the last one once they kick the bucket, but doesn't go into any details, and she seemed ok with dying during the events of 4, implying it's a natural event. Possibly there was an heir or heirs out there during RF4, we just never met them? Who knows, I just think the design is TOO similar to be a coincidence. Someone else suggested she could be connected with Ethelberd and the Sechs, which I think could also be cool! But the motifs, story beats, and overall design similarity is pretty clear to me. She literally has horns and white feathered wings in her design.
@@bravescholarlys1127 I love almost every single candidate this time around! Hoping the game allows gay relationships this time around, I wanna date *everyone.*
All these cute girls with interesting personalities! Succubus lady currently got my heart with Lucy as a close second >w< Life is good for this lesbian who doesn’t mind having to play as a boy XD But will admit, might actually play as a girl to chase the travelling gentleman, such a cool concept to have amnesia just like the MC!
I can’t wait for this to drop. It looks great already see 2 potential waifus lol. But seriously I’m impressed. After playing RF4 I always thought these games would be even greater better graphics and bigger open world. I foresee many play throughs
I’m so happy that this video popped up in my recommendations! I’ve never heard of this game before 😭 But it’s my type of game! It reminds of Dark Cloud 2 but with farming and dating aspects. I can’t wait to try it! Any tips for a newbie???
@Wilder Hey Wilder! I’m one of your biggest fans and I just love your content going over Story and Rune Factory! And I know this might be sudden but can you please go over Roots of Pacha, Witchbrook and Super Zoo Story please? Roots of Pacha is harvest moon sim set in the Stone Age and there you basically start a agricultural revolution by taming wild animals like bison and developing technologies like irrigation wells while with Super Zoo Story it’s a sim where you run a zoo full of animals while on a island full of townspeople to befriend and maybe even get married! Lastly Witchbrook is yet another sim where you are student at a wizardry school and new info has been revealed not so long ago! I figured that you might be interested in hearing about other Harvest Moon/Rune Factory like games that were pretty bold with the direction! Oh I also forgot to mention Seablip which is a pixel pirate RPG and lastly, most of of I just love your channel and please continue to make great content like always! Thanks for reading and you just got a subscriber! 🐮🐷🐔🍀 P.S. Would you rather have a Sci Fi Rune Factory or a Greek mythology Rune Factory? Sorry bout that! LOL!
First of all thank you so much! This was a really sweet message! As for the games I've never actually heard of them before so I'll check them out but Witchbrook sounds awesome!! I'm really interested in looking into that one. Also I would love a greek mythology rune factory😂 Not a huge fan of sci fi but I LOVE greek mythology!
@@WilderOfficial Oh my goodness! Thank so much for replying! I’m so honored that you even took the time to read this! Bless your heart for that! Thanks tremendously for this! Bless you! Have a very Merry Christmas and be safe! Thanks! 🥰😍
i really like scarlett, beatrice, and ludmila. I dont know how I feel about the male bachelors, I really hope there is lgbtq marriage because I am a female.
If Genshin Impact has taught me anything about hair with colored tips, then Reinhart is actually a god disguised as a human. >:3c Jest aside, Ryuka looks so cute and gentle, yet soo mysterious~ I wonder if he's some sort of fairy or otherwise non-human? That'd be really cool! He also has chains on him, so is he a lawbreaker? :o A creature that had been sealed away, mayhaps? Oooo~ As always, thank you for the video! These always get me super exited about the games! I just can't wait! qwq
リュカ is pronounced Luka, ルドミラ is pronounced Ludo Mira, フーカ is pronounced Fuka, セシル is pronounced Sesil. Japanse pronounces foreign words weirdly, one gets used to it after a while. Thought that this might be of some help.
Usually Luca is pronounced as Ruka, isn’t it? I know there is a half French boy in Gakuen Alice that is named Luca. But some of the fanbase calls him ruka because that’s how they said his name in the anime. Lol
Rune Factory at it again making it difficult to decide what girl to marry. Actually, all the new characters have such great designs. Can't wait for this game to come out already.
Well, I'm pretty excited for this! Rune Factory 5 seems like it's going to place a larger emphasis on dynamic character arcs than the other games, since they're already trying to entice players, so I wonder how much we'll learn about all their intricate quirks and contradictions!
Martin and Cecil remind me of the 2 kids (Roy and Cammy) in Rune Factory kids. There color schemes are so similar and Martin is even a blacksmith, just like Roy’s mother
When it's time for another RF5 video maybe we will have more info on them. I love how they remind me of the older runefactory kids. I hope they have more we can do with them. Love your videos! Huge fan!
Lucas and Beatrice are my two favorites I think. I can't wait to actually meet all these characters I think you're right, we have a really good cast here, might even rival Rune Factory 4 if the events and scenes for them are engaging!
I just hope the character related events doesn't trigger at random like rf4 o hated spending literal in game years waiting for those events to be ables to propose
Big muscle furry man, or distinguished travelling gentleman.... thank god for multiple saves
If we get 20 again tho 😳❤
@@inkovia1992 10 files for Murakumo 10 for Lukas
@@betti_with_an_i precisely❤
@@Featheryfaith7 💘
I'm glad someone likes them, I disliked both of these hahaha xD I hope their personality will grow on me.
Yesss I am in LOVE with the older looking bachelors!! They don't look like children!! My prayers have been answered :'D
I'm OBSESSED with Murakumo
Meanwhile us male players are getting screwed over yet again.
I’m so happy with them too!
Give me a large hairy wolf dude over a small bishounen boy any day!
See, I like them; I would almost definitely go for Murakumo... But I feel like he looks too old for the protagonist(s)! In the end I always make my choices based on shipping, not my own preferences.
It would be nice in future games if they have a setting where all NPCs are potential partners, but you can select if you want options from the younger characters or older characters. Like setting your main character's age range.
2:59 “not being able to marry illuminata was the biggest sin of rune factory 4” THE WAY I FELT THAT OOF
Ehh as soon as she smacked Amber in the face acting like she was in the right/it was a natural reaction and everyone acted like it was okay I was done with her
For me it was Lin Fa.....
What do these games have against milfs? 😭
I was already on the fence with Illuminata with her obnoxious detective fantasies. The moment she smacked Amber before she got the full picture, she was dead to me.
I will forever be resentful of never getting Gaius.
I'm still mad about that
Honestly the fact that they didnt show much about Ryuka might be the “hook” itself. There’s definitely more going on with him.
I bet the hood is hiding unique ears of some sort. His outfit is a weird mix of chains and butterflies, is he a goth elf or something?
I'm getting vampire vibes, or maybe something more mysterious
@@phoenixastra4429 Vampire was my thought, too. Maybe some descended of Iris?
@@Darkly211 I was thinking the same!
I love most of the designs and I'm so glad there's older looking candidates
SAME! My biggest gripe of RF4 was every bachelor was so... baby face. Honestly, Wilder said not being able to marry Illuminata was the biggest sin, but not being able to marry Bado was also a sin.
@@Darkly211 that I wish we got more marriages candidates in special edition
The only guys I liked RF4 was Dylas and Leon, although I never got Leon to love me back lmao. But I agree I'm in love with the Inn man
@My Melody Moon tbf Freya or whatever Female MCs name is, looks like 14 tops. So her with Bado would be kiiinda gross.
I'm happy for you ladies and the handsome bachelors, but once again, all of the *ahem* _developed_ women in the town are unavailable.
8:11 I can't believe Nagito Komaeda is in Rune Factory.
The fact I’m already simping for Ryuka but didn’t even think about Nagito, really shows I have a type 😂 I never learn, it always gotta be the white haired men with baggage
That's what I though too! In RF4, they had Teruteru Hanamura (but not as a marriage candidate) and now, in RF5, they got Nagito Komaeda!
Im glad I’m not the only one who thought that. Also his tanned skin reminded me a little of Hajime lol
Imagine if they got Nagito’s voice actor to voice Ryuka 😱
Omg I thought I was the only one... I was telling my sister “wait until people start comparing him to Komaeda💀”
Putting my bet in now, because Lucas was introduced alongside the succubus, he's definitely a vampire
illuminata AND bado not being candidates was the biggest let down I ever had playing rf4
Same like Gaius and Evelyn in RF3...sigh
I'm already let down that we can't marry either of the single moms in this one. Granted, Simone would be kind of weird since her daughter is a bachelorette too, but all I really care about is Misasagi.
Yeah yeah, I know. I know. Japan. Women over 21 are pretty much dead to the world. If they ain't married yet, they ain't gonna be. And with a kid? Forget about it. But come on. If you're gonna put them off limits, tone down the designs. And Murakumo is an eligible bachelor. Misasagi and Simone are just taunting me since their designs are both, to me, way better than any of the actual bachelorettes. And having a kid going into the marriage seems like it would bring in some interesting storytelling opportunities.
Oh well. No point crying over spilt milk. Maybe they'll add more options via DLC. I hate being nickel and dimed with content, but I'd buy a DLC that added more marriage partners and options.
I'm saddest about Venti not being a candidate
@@Rie-Vinaca The saddest part about that is that she was in the original. The remake took it out for some ungodly reason
@@Pizza7478 no she wasnt
There's another character with amnesia? Gosh next thing we know there will be a whole town of people with amnesia 😂
That actually sounds plausible for a JRPG. Heck, that could work for Rune Factory. Main character questing to retrieve memories from dungeons, while the townspeople go through the motions of their lives. i.e. a husband and wife running an in believing that they're just employer and employee until you get the memory back.
@@rexstocephirxiii4263 I would actually love to play a game like that lol
Wasn't that kinda in rf4 ?? The venti wiped the guardians memories for a while lol
RF game where the protagonist is the only one WITHOUT amnesia lmaoooo. They come back to their home town after an extended period away to find that everyone has lost their memories and you have to bring their memories back before something bad happens, lol
It’s not Rune Factory without amnesia. Haha 😅
Ryuka, in term of designs, makes me think of Leon, my hubby. I gotta say, pretty much all of the bachelors looks pretty interresting.
If he‘s going to be voiced by Matt Mercer as well, I‘ll loose it xD
Running theory: that carpenter boy is actually jesus christ
My man Makoto Yuki is reencarnating in Rune Factory?
As a Christian, I wouldn't mind that theory being true. I can be with my Spouse in-game too lol. Maybe He's here in Rickbar to turn the succubi Ludmila around for the better, like He did to Mary Magdalene, to support that theory.
The other boy candidates, Lucas not so much though, are pretty cool too. I can't wait to meet them.
Maybe Ryuka is a ninja?
And he will tell the player to go kill the president.
Ryuka/Lyka really reminds me of Skye from Harvest Moon DS Cute. White hair, mysterious, initially mistook him for a woman... If he does turn out like Skye, I'm not complaining lol
Ryuka is a thief! He stole my heart 💓
Best design.
Samee, let's get revenge and steal his heart too!
Ryuka is the only man I'll take. I went after Iris in RF Frontier, I gotta go for the hot mysterious bachelor in RF5.
This is definitely my favorite lineup of RF Bachelorettes. None of the other RFs had losers but so far RF5 has nothing but winners. Illuminata was a sin yes but so is Murakumo's sister :(
Funny, for me, not one single bachelorette appeals to me
Agreed! Misasagi SHOULD be marriagable. Also, while Illuminata not being wooable was a sin, so was Bado not being wooable.
@@gentlemancharmander4411 same here the girls are kind of bland to me
Murakumo is my top choice for this game 💕 I’m so glad we have a choice who looks much different from the other bachelors. That’s some good stuff 👌👌
A rough looking guy who actually has a heart of gold and goes above and beyond to make his guests happy? Yes pls!!
Same! There’s so much variety in physical appearance for the guys. I wish there was more (like an older woman type) for bachelorettes. Either way can’t wait for 2021
After bedding a horse, its time to bed a wolf.
Dont take this outta context, i know someome will. Lol
Knot to be that guy, but you really were making it too easy.
Love it! I’m thinking the same thing
Picking a marriage candidate out of this group will probably be the biggest challenge for me. All of the designs are amazing and the fact that we have so many characters that hold a mystery makes me want to pursue them all! Rune Factory (usually) never disappoints with marriage candidates!
It is so exciting to think that it is coming out so soon along with a new Story of Seasons! 2021 is giving me hope lol
Literally everyone, I love literally EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER so far!! It's gonna be so hard to pick just one for my main game! But multiple saves, here I come!!
The promised same Gender Marriage... missed that in RF 4..
(Ludmila is shown)
me: oh some sort of witch that deals with herbs and potions, that seems interesting
Wilder: anyway Ludmila is a succubus
me: ...go on~
Blacksmith, Detective Boy, Wolf Girl, Ranger Girl? and the last guy. There may be more? But those are the ones that stood out to me the most that I would want to marry lol.
Wayyyyyyy better designs than olive town by far!! This could actually be ok without 2D portraits because it looks that good so I’m excited!! there’s such a good variety of characters 🥰🥰🥰 can’t wait to get my hands on this for sure!!
Yeah, way better. I didn't have a problem with the female characters in Olive Town but the male designs felt boring, it's like they didn't even try which makes me sad. All the guys in this game look cool and unique.
@@lunastar7245 yeah same! I didn’t like most of the guys & even though the female characters were better for sure, overall it’s the weakest cast of characters we’ve had in my opinion. They didn’t slack not one bit with these characters at all & always come with good varieties but I know some guys might be disappointed because some of the non marriageable candidates look great too
I disagree with PoOT (any excuse to use that abbreviation lol) candidates being weak, but I will agree, RF5 has some amazing choices.
I'm glad we got a Bado type bachelor! I loved Bado from RF4
Same! Bado and Illuminata not being eligible was suuuuuuuch a sin!
Cecil reminds me of Kiel.
He's the 1st marriage candidate that caught my eye.
Definitely interested in ryuka. I really hope he turns out to be a phantom thief, that would be so cool!!
@Nyanx4 NGL Skye was the first thing I thought of when Ryuka was revealed. It would be so bloody cool though.
@Nyanx4 I never got to play ds:cute but I always wanted to!!
I’ve never played a Rune Factory game and this makes me want to get one 😭
Ah, you should really get Rune Factory games if you have the consoles! The ones before this are really good, especially RF4 :)
I would definitely recommend trying the series out! Especially if you like Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons!
@@WilderOfficial Only concern is I want the new Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons games when they come in March and that’s already over my gaming budget for the month 😂 Maybe if Rune Factory will be the next months game budget
@@Vic_Coco the English ver of it isn’t announced so maybe it will be at the end of 2021 definitely not the same month as sos
@@L5n5 I wish RF4 came out first, I’m not too into poot😂
Edit:I meant RF5😭
the fact we probably gotta wait until fall-winter 2021 for this kills me lol like really kills me
At least we'll get PoOT in March to tie us over.
@@purelysmetalnightcore doesn’t seem as nearly as good and i like these graphics way more :(
@@purelysmetalnightcore Poot lol
@@CrobatmanIamthenight who said i wasn’t going to buy both games i simply said rune factory is more aesthetically pleasing to the eyes graphics wise which is 100% true and rune factory has more than just farming so the games are always more entertaining
@@CrobatmanIamthenight friends of mineral town remake was disappointing and boring there’s like nothing to do but i know this game has more i’m just not rly impressed with visuals and candidates compared to RF5 😂 at least there’s monster hunter in march if this gets boring to me
I wonder if ryuka is gonna be important in the main story? I think he’s my favourite design! I’m so excited for this game ahhh
Just like how Doug became important in RF4!!!
@@816262 yesss exactly!
"Not being able to marry Illuminata was one of the biggest sins of Rune Factory 4"
Huzzah! A man of quality!
sometimes I forget that she even exists
Im planning on getting both Rune Factory 5 and Story of Seasons Olive Town (name too long I forgot), but I got to say that the marriage candidates for Rune Factory are much more diverse in terms of appearance and personalities compared to SOS. Which i think is really nice! I need to see all of them in-game cuz I can't choose! They are all so interesting >_< Can't wait for this game to come out
*also hoping for gay marriage. please please please* XD Thanks for the video as always Wilder! You are my go-to for rune factory and story of seasons content ^_^
I am also hoping for gay marriage 😍😍😍
I am planning on getting both too. I hope they don't release super closer together, these games usually last me months and months because I play them in bits. I But this might be the first time I binge play a Story of Seasons game so I have no distractions for Rune Factory 5.
@@jacobynoctis4825 lucky or unlucky(?) for us, I doubt they will release close to one another. Maybe a few months in between. Thats how it was so Rune Factory 4 Special. Took forever for that game to release in the West. XD well, who knows how its going to be honestly. I just cant wait to play them both!
Im so excited for this!! I can't wait to meet all the characters. I usually pick one that I want to go for and a lot of the time someone else steals my heart once I really get to know all the characters! Right now Ryuka is my favourite, especially because of his butterfly aesthetic 🦋
So um, remember when I said the purple theme might make this either dark or royalty? Some of those Missing parents, I'm guessing the reason he grows distant from his brother is because he gave full attention to finding the parents.
Another character with amnesia!? Now that is interesting. The last time that happened a dragon had taken their memories.
Lucas does look proper though...maybe royalty will play into this at some point? Hmm...
These back stories all have the potential to take a wrong turn really fast. That could be the reason for the purple theme.
Who knows, maybe the game will be like those where everything is fine and dandy but then goes downhill after a few hours of playing?
I remember your comment about the color!! You have a really good point, I actually hope this game runs with the dark theme because I would love that
It'd be a fresh experience, that's for sure. I was expecting it to be a war type thing (it could develop into that) but I think it might be more like the stories of the people in town.
Also Lucas...I'll be keeping an eye on him to see if my theory turns out to be true.
Also I do agree with you, there's definitely something else going on. There's no way that two amnesiac's end up in the same least in rune factory that is.
12 people? Wow... I love the connection between and to everyone already! I hope they all get a good story! There is so much potential! Thanks for the great work!
Well the new girls and boys have me even more interested!
(Also I almost knocked my phone into my open washing machine trying to pull the video up as fast as I could.)
It's really hard to choose which bachelor or bachelorette to choose, they all look so amazing. I like how Rune Factory isn't going the supper cutesy route with their character designs like Story of Seasons did (not that I hate it or anything). I can't wait for this game!
Just hearing all their backstories makes me hooked on all of them. They are well written and have very good designs.
Glad I rang the bell. Happy to see you discussing it.
Thank you for always keeping us in the loop! Ahh this is SO exciting!😆👏👏💖💖
Alright prediction time: So for the guy at 8:08 who's name I have no idea how to spell, I have a feeling he's a werewolf/has animal ears or something like that? I mean for starters he has a hood covering the top part of his head, and that day/night personality change could be due to usual werewolf trope thingamagigs
He definitely does nit have animal ears, it could be possible however 😳👀🤔
I think there are already pictures of him in his wedding outfits. Nothing suspicious under the hood. Unless he can change forms wouldn't be the first in the series.
@@zillo1600 Ah oof, guess my theory was debunked but yeah they might pull an RF3 again who knows? 👀
If he was hiding animal ears under his hood that would make me like his character even more, I thought he was going to be an archer party member that hides his animal ears under his hood but sadly they didn't go with that idea :(
I can't wait to see the dialogue between Reinhard and Lyka if Lyka really turns out to be a thief!
Hey, this reminded me that the Japanese October trailer showed Lyka and Reinhard next to each other in what I think will be the opening video of the game, maybe they will be connected like that somehow :)
@@azrael5839 Maybe Reinhard's secret reason for coming to the town is he's tracking Lyka?
Love the info, love your commentary, keep up the great work!
Cecil's name in the box there is like "se shi ru" if that helps anything, I've put a lot of time into learning my hiraganas and katakanas and get super pumped when I can read anything now! :D
Older bachelors are yessssssss, handsome werearnimal guy gives me some Bado vibes which is a big YES PLEASE
oh man i think a lot of the cast looks so interesting im kinda a little invested in all of them but fuka and lyka are my fave girl and guys atm!
I'm not sure who to choose yet!! The designs all look so cool and there is still so much mystery to the backstories. Guess I'll just have to wait until I play the game~
At 4:36 the Kitsune girl who stand beside Murakumo caught my atendtion imiately and im really like realllyyyyy dissapointed and upsad that she is not in the list of mariable character...Sign... Another Hot Inn manager we couldnt marry....Shino..Lin Fa.....Whyyyyyyy..... T_T. And btw nice video~ i have been waiting your vids on RF5. Im hella hype atm for RF5
I can't wait for this game to come out 🥰. On the RF official website Lyka is the proper English name. You can see it below his Japanese name.
Love all the character designs... absolutely blown away
Reinheart has my whole heart and i don't want it back i looked up some japaness translations online and there was somehting like 'if you were this flower it will enhance your cutness' and i was like 'marry me marry me marry me'
Reinheart is hot! X3 If that really is some of his lines, SO CUTE! :3
@@lunastar7245 ikr?? hes really really attractive lords rune factory really knows i lm attracted to knights don't they? and it'll probally be a bit different in english but i still expect it to be just as cute
For the first time, in any Rune Factory game, I have no idea which guy I wanna go for! I like almost all of them so far! I normally go for the quiet, broody guy. This time.... I don't know!!!
I mean, as I said in the initial marriage candidates video, picking a character named Rhinehart always seems to work well for me. X) I still love his design and am curious to learn more about who he is and why he is there.
Admittedly, though, I really love all the candidates- they seem to well-rounded and designed! My tops aside from Rhinehart are definitely our generous inkeep and fellow amnesiac, though. X) I will definitely be getting to know all of them better.
I’m torn with these Bachelor choices! I love them all!
I thought of tharja from Fire emblem as well. You are not the only one lol.
Honestly, these bachelors aren't catching my attention😒 , but maybe that's because I have a specific type 😏. I like the tough but awkward type (bonus points for blushing), so Dylas was a shoo-in for me.😁
All the characters here look very VERY interesting! All of them have a peculiar backstory! I'm very intrigued and hyped!
There’s so many good marriage candidates this time around! I hope they give us enough save slots because I’m marrying everybody lol. My favorites are definitely Murakumo, Martin, Fuka, Ryuka, and Ludamila.
Fūka: not furry
Murakuma: furry
Most diverse list of dateable characters ive seen in a sim game! Sooo excited!
Never played rune factory before, but it seems so good! Like story of seasons and fantasy life together.
As someone who likes older bachelors... I'm a happy bean. owo But man even the younger ones're all good looking. I am so excited for RF5.
Also on the cool mysterious guy at the end... Butterflies're often symbolisms of death in Japan. So maybe he's a spirit or a grim reaper, or?
Wow!!!🤩so many info about Rune Factory 5 Thank you for create the video🤗
The characters definitely look interesting. I cannot wait to play! I can't really make my decision now, so I'll wait until I actually play the game xD
Aww I love Ludmilla’s(spelling???) design but her personality seems ... eh. The last girl and guy seem really cool though
Really excited to get on this!
6:27 Lucas? Rune factory DS?
There's still a bit of a difference in design from the promo art and the in game portraits but not as much as in RF4, I think.
Imagine the reason Beatrice is being tight-lipped about her identity as a royal is due to the fact she's a member of the Sech royal family and is currently in Norad for diplomatic reasons. 🤔
PLEASE be what happens! would be bold to make a Sechs royal a marriage choice would make me love Beatrice even more! Norad royal is just as good though.
@@bravescholarlys1127 ethelberd rolling in his graves rn
Mans got beaten twice, and his descendant is dating an earthmate
Ludomila, Fuuka, Lucy and Beatrice are all fighting for my attention based on design and description.
Ok, now that I know RF won't disappoint in the waifu/husbando aspect (as always), I'm interested to learn more about daily activities, exploration, combat and farming. RF4 has my favorite farming system in all the Harvest Moon/Rune Factory series, so I'm hopeful they might improve, or be inspired by that.
When I say I trust Morakumo with my life
Looks like I’m saving up my bday money for rune factory 5 next year🤗😂 I’m soooo excited I’ve played all the others and this one looks amazing
Mirakumo is such a himbo. Can‘t wait to marry him!
Can't believe nobody is talking about this. BEATRICE IS CLEARLY VENTUSWILL'S DESCENDANT. The horn and feathered wing motif, the nearly identical hair and eye color and style (when comparing against Venti's human design), the mystery and connection to the kingdom of Norad, there's genuinely NO way in my mind this isn't a coincidence. The designs are too close.
Question if it's true who's her father Lest? Ventis Another Episode shows her marrying Lest with kids although they might omit the kid part from 4S. Unless this is a LONG TIME ago thing and one of her descendants(via royals FE style) has finally came into the picture aka Beatrice.
@@bravescholarlys1127 That's an interesting question! RF4 does mention a successor to Venti, a native dragon being born to replace the last one once they kick the bucket, but doesn't go into any details, and she seemed ok with dying during the events of 4, implying it's a natural event. Possibly there was an heir or heirs out there during RF4, we just never met them? Who knows, I just think the design is TOO similar to be a coincidence.
Someone else suggested she could be connected with Ethelberd and the Sechs, which I think could also be cool! But the motifs, story beats, and overall design similarity is pretty clear to me. She literally has horns and white feathered wings in her design.
@@yilvoxe4017 that's why she's my favorite waifu BY FAR next to Scarlett and Fuka she has a unique mystery around her that I can't wait to unravel!
@@bravescholarlys1127 I love almost every single candidate this time around! Hoping the game allows gay relationships this time around, I wanna date *everyone.*
I am SO EXCITED for this to be released!!! I loveeeee Rune Factory four games! And nice channel, I really like your content!
All these cute girls with interesting personalities! Succubus lady currently got my heart with Lucy as a close second >w< Life is good for this lesbian who doesn’t mind having to play as a boy XD
But will admit, might actually play as a girl to chase the travelling gentleman, such a cool concept to have amnesia just like the MC!
Dude, I absolutely LOVE your pfp....
I can’t wait for this to drop. It looks great already see 2 potential waifus lol. But seriously I’m impressed. After playing RF4 I always thought these games would be even greater better graphics and bigger open world. I foresee many play throughs
AHHH, im so excited. So many cool characters.. Im in love!!
Mr Amnesia is my favorite so far. Reminds me of Klaus from SOS 1.
I’m so happy that this video popped up in my recommendations! I’ve never heard of this game before 😭 But it’s my type of game! It reminds of Dark Cloud 2 but with farming and dating aspects. I can’t wait to try it! Any tips for a newbie???
Lucy is looking a lot like Rosetta. Her being Priscilla's childhood friend while being competitive reminds me of a Mist/Rosetta relationship
There are so many save files im gonna have to keep to romance all of them!!!
I'm so looking forward to this game!! I've played every Rune Factory game thats come out!
@Wilder Hey Wilder! I’m one of your biggest fans and I just love your content going over Story and Rune Factory! And I know this might be sudden but can you please go over Roots of Pacha, Witchbrook and Super Zoo Story please? Roots of Pacha is harvest moon sim set in the Stone Age and there you basically start a agricultural revolution by taming wild animals like bison and developing technologies like irrigation wells while with Super Zoo Story it’s a sim where you run a zoo full of animals while on a island full of townspeople to befriend and maybe even get married! Lastly Witchbrook is yet another sim where you are student at a wizardry school and new info has been revealed not so long ago! I figured that you might be interested in hearing about other Harvest Moon/Rune Factory like games that were pretty bold with the direction! Oh I also forgot to mention Seablip which is a pixel pirate RPG and lastly, most of of I just love your channel and please continue to make great content like always! Thanks for reading and you just got a subscriber! 🐮🐷🐔🍀
P.S. Would you rather have a Sci Fi Rune Factory or a Greek mythology Rune Factory?
Sorry bout that! LOL!
First of all thank you so much! This was a really sweet message! As for the games I've never actually heard of them before so I'll check them out but Witchbrook sounds awesome!! I'm really interested in looking into that one. Also I would love a greek mythology rune factory😂 Not a huge fan of sci fi but I LOVE greek mythology!
@@WilderOfficial Oh my goodness! Thank so much for replying! I’m so honored that you even took the time to read this! Bless your heart for that! Thanks tremendously for this! Bless you! Have a very Merry Christmas and be safe! Thanks! 🥰😍
Merry Christmas!! ❤
Now that Ryuka’s here I can finally achieve my dream of marrying Kross
Yes, please give me my ghost soldier boy, and let's add Gaius from Rune Factory 3 on there as characters we should have been allowed to love. T.T
can't decide between ludmilla and beatrice, probably gonna marry the both of them oops
i really like scarlett, beatrice, and ludmila. I dont know how I feel about the male bachelors, I really hope there is lgbtq marriage because I am a female.
Can't wait for it to come out!
Me before this video: Okay I’m marrying Reinhardt-
*Lucas and Ludmilla exist*
Me after this video: ...OH NO.
If Genshin Impact has taught me anything about hair with colored tips, then Reinhart is actually a god disguised as a human. >:3c
Jest aside, Ryuka looks so cute and gentle, yet soo mysterious~ I wonder if he's some sort of fairy or otherwise non-human? That'd be really cool! He also has chains on him, so is he a lawbreaker? :o A creature that had been sealed away, mayhaps? Oooo~
As always, thank you for the video! These always get me super exited about the games! I just can't wait! qwq
リュカ is pronounced Luka, ルドミラ is pronounced Ludo Mira, フーカ is pronounced Fuka, セシル is pronounced Sesil. Japanse pronounces foreign words weirdly, one gets used to it after a while. Thought that this might be of some help.
So it really is Luka instead of Lyka?
Usually Luca is pronounced as Ruka, isn’t it? I know there is a half French boy in Gakuen Alice that is named Luca. But some of the fanbase calls him ruka because that’s how they said his name in the anime. Lol
Rune Factory at it again making it difficult to decide what girl to marry.
Actually, all the new characters have such great designs. Can't wait for this game to come out already.
Well, I'm pretty excited for this! Rune Factory 5 seems like it's going to place a larger emphasis on dynamic character arcs than the other games, since they're already trying to entice players, so I wonder how much we'll learn about all their intricate quirks and contradictions!
Martin and Cecil remind me of the 2 kids (Roy and Cammy) in Rune Factory kids. There color schemes are so similar and Martin is even a blacksmith, just like Roy’s mother
Wilder! Did you see the portraits of the children? Im very excited for this game!
I did! Unfortunately I saw them as this video was uploading 😅
When it's time for another RF5 video maybe we will have more info on them. I love how they remind me of the older runefactory kids. I hope they have more we can do with them. Love your videos! Huge fan!
Lucas and Beatrice are my two favorites I think. I can't wait to actually meet all these characters I think you're right, we have a really good cast here, might even rival Rune Factory 4 if the events and scenes for them are engaging!
RUNE FACTORY 4 WAS SO GOOOOODDDDD rune factory 5 better live up to my expectations
*Looks at comments*
I guess I’m the only one that’s gonna marry Priscilla
If you guys dunnu who pursue there’s a quiz that recommends who you should go for based on your personality/whom you picked at RF4!
I'm so happy for older looking marriage candidates!! I agree with you, I wish SO BADLY that you could marry Illuminata (and even Bado) in RF4
I just hope the character related events doesn't trigger at random like rf4 o hated spending literal in game years waiting for those events to be ables to propose
Ughhh why is rune factory so good! I need it to come out right now. The character design for these games is really something else
Can’t wait to play this next year!!!!
So I would say blacksmith, wolf man, or the succubus I am not decided yet lol mabey that last guy because he’s sounds mysterious lol