I would rather go to see Hybrid Theory live than seeing LP with Emily...no disrespect here for her...but it hits hard inside to hear Ivo's voice...so much comforting...just like chester❤
Que emocionante essa música!! Adoro a forma que o Hybrid Theory traz essa música!! Ivo canta demais!! Sou do Brasil queria muito ver eles ao vivo!! São sensacionais!!
Unfortunatly we will never have the chance to see LP performe this song live, but... if they could, I'm pretty sure it would be like this! Thanks for another great reaction to them, and keep making pop-ups, its a cool way to share a little history about the songs or the albums! Keep reacting 🤘
Thing about it, not every band that ends have the luck to have an strong tribute like this, is insane the dedication this guys have to their favorite band
Hybrid Theory have been invited to the 10th edition of the festival because they evoke very emotional memories in the Portuguese public and to celebrate one of the most iconic bands to have played at Rock in Rio Lisboa, Linkin Park. The biggest Linkin Park tribute band, formed in Lagos, Algarve, will bring to the Galp Stage the greatest anthems of the band of eternal lead singer Chester Bennington, who died in 2017. After three explosive performances at Rock in Rio Lisboa, namely in 2008, 2012 and 2014, and Chester Bennington's untimely departure, there was a longing to relive all the energy and emotion with which Linkin Park won over Portuguese fans. It was imperative to pay tribute in such a special edition of the festival, and Hybrid Theory had to answer the call.
I'm puzzled why this tribute band gets such underwhelming coverage, after years of grinding. I've only seen them live once, yet they have toured around Europe, Australia, USA, Brazil, etc (haven't kept up with it all) and their performances are readily available on YT, FB, and other media platforms. They're just too good as a tribute band, any OG LP fan has to acknowledge that, yet they receive little coverage despite their extremely professional and seemingly authentic covers. I hope to see more reactions to their covers. Thanks for this one, Adam! PS: If you have more reactions to their covers, create a YT playlist and link it for all of us. Thanks again! Shout out from Portugal.
Tank the tech did one on twitch but I don't think he released it on UA-cam unfortunately. That's how I discovered hybrid theories. As soon as I saw that they were coming in montreal I got tickets.
Me & so many others. But l8ke Mike has said over the years, "We're not looking for another Chester." & I think that's the best move. Don't get me wrong, Ivo is unbelievable, but I think that would've caused more drama. What are your thoughts on Emily?
Иво Настолько хорош... Что я вижу Честора в нем. Словно когда он начинает петь - Честор поет в нем... словно вселяется в него. Понимаете? Его душа... я вижу ее! Его эмоции. Не только голос, стиль... это то что никто из певцов НЕ МОЖЕТ, кто бы не пел его песни. Иво - словно проводник. Он безусловно талантлив. И красив по своему... но как только он начинает петь... его глаза меняются и я вижу взгляд Честора, и уже не Иво, понимаете? Это мистика, не иначе. Иво и его команда достойны занять свою нишу не только как кавер группа.
Спасибо за Вашу реакцию и эмоции! ♥️
Я как давний фанат LP хочу официально заявить, что теперь эти парни для меня LP, а Майк кавер-группа.
I would rather go to see Hybrid Theory live than seeing LP with Emily...no disrespect here for her...but it hits hard inside to hear Ivo's voice...so much comforting...just like chester❤
this band its a MIRACLE
I saw them live 2 times
They are amazing. Ivo is fantastic
Hybrid Theory blow me away. I’ve been a LP fan from the very beginning. I think Chester would be proud. 🙏
I think so too.
They're amazing!!! I love Hybrid Theory! Ivos's voice is incredible.... Thanks for this react, you are the best 🤩
Hybrid Theory... the next best thing!!! Great homage!!!
Thank god i had the opportunity to go to the OG LP show, and these guys touched my soul
Que emocionante essa música!! Adoro a forma que o Hybrid Theory traz essa música!! Ivo canta demais!! Sou do Brasil queria muito ver eles ao vivo!! São sensacionais!!
Im Portuguese, but this has nothing to do with my opinion...the are by far the best Likin COVER BAND out there.
Unfortunatly we will never have the chance to see LP performe this song live, but... if they could, I'm pretty sure it would be like this!
Thanks for another great reaction to them, and keep making pop-ups, its a cool way to share a little history about the songs or the albums!
Keep reacting 🤘
Thing about it, not every band that ends have the luck to have an strong tribute like this, is insane the dedication this guys have to their favorite band
Thanks for your react. U feel like a really LP fan like me. Congrats from Portugal 🙌👌
Hybrid theory❤️ the best! Excelente reação Adam parabéns continua!!
Incredible fellings…
He did a great job.
Hybrid Theory have been invited to the 10th edition of the festival because they evoke very emotional memories in the Portuguese public and to celebrate one of the most iconic bands to have played at Rock in Rio Lisboa, Linkin Park. The biggest Linkin Park tribute band, formed in Lagos, Algarve, will bring to the Galp Stage the greatest anthems of the band of eternal lead singer Chester Bennington, who died in 2017. After three explosive performances at Rock in Rio Lisboa, namely in 2008, 2012 and 2014, and Chester Bennington's untimely departure, there was a longing to relive all the energy and emotion with which Linkin Park won over Portuguese fans. It was imperative to pay tribute in such a special edition of the festival, and Hybrid Theory had to answer the call.
Amazing! Love it... Close the eyes an im listen LP.
Amazing. Just fck amazing.
I'm puzzled why this tribute band gets such underwhelming coverage, after years of grinding. I've only seen them live once, yet they have toured around Europe, Australia, USA, Brazil, etc (haven't kept up with it all) and their performances are readily available on YT, FB, and other media platforms.
They're just too good as a tribute band, any OG LP fan has to acknowledge that, yet they receive little coverage despite their extremely professional and seemingly authentic covers. I hope to see more reactions to their covers. Thanks for this one, Adam!
PS: If you have more reactions to their covers, create a YT playlist and link it for all of us. Thanks again! Shout out from Portugal.
I've done 5 so far, plenty more to come.
Here's the playlist.
Tank the tech did one on twitch but I don't think he released it on UA-cam unfortunately. That's how I discovered hybrid theories. As soon as I saw that they were coming in montreal I got tickets.
Linkin Park now has a woman lead and I would love it if they asked Ivo to do a couple sets with them.
Me & so many others. But l8ke Mike has said over the years, "We're not looking for another Chester." & I think that's the best move.
Don't get me wrong, Ivo is unbelievable, but I think that would've caused more drama.
What are your thoughts on Emily?
Иво Настолько хорош... Что я вижу Честора в нем. Словно когда он начинает петь - Честор поет в нем... словно вселяется в него. Понимаете? Его душа... я вижу ее! Его эмоции. Не только голос, стиль... это то что никто из певцов НЕ МОЖЕТ, кто бы не пел его песни. Иво - словно проводник. Он безусловно талантлив. И красив по своему... но как только он начинает петь... его глаза меняются и я вижу взгляд Честора, и уже не Иво, понимаете? Это мистика, не иначе. Иво и его команда достойны занять свою нишу не только как кавер группа.
Escelente reação adam👌 hybrid theory the best ❤
Amazing right? I had the same reaction :/ Miss Chester a lot
So good!
Mirip juga suara sama paras nya
Betul, saya pun fikir macam tu
weird that LP dont recruit him as a new singer
Mike has always said, they're not looking for another Chester.
@adamreacts78 it didn't have to be another Chester, but a way to honor him with Ivo - he has his voice, he's more than special, bad luck for LP
God jog bro 🗿🫡
Don't forget that they swapped the bassist and the DJ, so your group picture is outdated.
Ah, thanx. IDK why, but I'm having a hard time finding decent recent pics. I'll look harder.
@@adamreacts78 I think you posted the right one recently. If it has the ginger bassist is the more recent. Cheers
@vascoribeiro69 Thanx mate.