My top five tricks for how to important as a Flanker. (This is from my experience) 5. (Positioning, aiming, and knowing what your champion's limits) This is basic really, just like studying and practice in real life. I mean can't blame anyone being better you by raw knowledge and skill. 4. (Be an opportunist) This is essentially timing explained in this video. Attack them when they least expect it. 3. (Know when to Runaway) There are times when where you flank to target and they managed to get into a better position or get a teammate to support them. Instead of just run away and live to flank another day, and many flanks would waste all of their tools to chase down a target and get themselves into a bad situation. 2. (Target Prioritization) Many people fail this and they end focusing on the wrong targets. It where you must know who is giving your team the biggest problem and it's mostly the flanks job to make their job harder to do. This varies between matches to matches so you have to develop a good sense of judgment. 1. (Resource Management) This is most important for flank because their abilities and options can be limited and how to manage them. With good management, you call tell how much you can afford to chase a target and to have an escape option to avoid a bad situation. Knowing your resources and how well you manage can mean the difference between being an unfortunate overextender or a truly fearsome Flank player.
actually if a makoa hooks another tank, or a support *KILL THEM!!!! DROP THEM LIKE A SACK OF ROCKS!!! THEY'RE DISABLED FOR ABOUT A SECOND, SO THEY CAN'T USE THEIR HEALS/SHIELDS OR MOVEMENT ABILITIES, OR EVEN THEIR ULTS WHICH IS A BIG DEAL AGAINST NANDO AND MAK, SO KIIIILLLLL THEM.* but yeah, other then that, two other major pieces of advice as flankers... er... any character really: 1) play your cooldowns and play your opponents cooldowns. I play a lot of evie (with reprieve) and andro, and iceblock and reversal can both be complete and total get out of jail free cards, but they both have some of the longest cooldowns in the game. know how long it takes for them to come back up, know when you have them and when you don't. if you have them, you can play a bit more recklessly. dive the enemy a little more if you also have your movement options up since you can always pop invulnerability if things go south. if you don't have them up, play a bit more scared. chill in spots your opponent won't expect you to be, and pick your fights carefully. also, make sure you pay attention to what skills your enemies use and when. like I said, I play a lot of evie, and that means I've had to adapt to the drogoz matchup. listen for those jets. pay attention to when he's just used thrust, burned himself out of fuel, and dropped to the ground. that's your cue to blink on him, and kill him since he's no longer able to get off the ground, and is as easy a target as he ever will be. so yeah, short version, play around cooldowns. 2) know when to shift gears/rotate/play a different position. sometimes (like when your core cooldowns aren't up) you just need to stop flanking, and help your team. if the support is dead, or their dps is still trying to roll out of base, do your team a solid and just focus the tank. you do tons of damage even to shield and even without wrecker, and sometimes it's worth taking out the barik your team is struggling to pin down rather than murder the kinessa for the 50th time. as I mentioned, when reversal isn't up for andro especially, sometimes that's your cue to just pretend you're a dps, and just sit behind shields, soak a little healing, and help your team so they can help you. the same thing also applies to other classes sometimes. sometimes dps needs to flank a troublesome healer, some times supports need to hold the point in overtime by themselves as the tank rolls in, so like I said, know when to shift gears and play a roll that you didn't necessarily sign up for if it makes your team more likely to win. really loved this style of vid. lot of good advice for newer players :)
Very Nice tips there mate but what Raynday meant was that IF the enemy hooks like Fernando as he was saying that could be your chance to go behind and try to kill a dps cause he can't shield. Like the Makoa is then focusing on your team's Fernando so you just slink behind😎
"A great flanker can carry a game, but just remember that it doesn't always have to be that way." - Thank you, Raynday. I had to explain this several times to my teammates. Great and helpful video, let's hope there will be more great flankers in the future! :)
A Flank Kill are when you kill someone who are away from their teammate. doesn't matter where they are on back line or front line, as long as they are not near any of their teammate that count as a flank kill. - Explained by Bear or pretty hair in one of your Patch live stream-
TheFlamingLizard as a Maeve main, which is someone pretty much impossible to counter when in the hands of a good player. Androxus is the only thing that can easily kill me. Maybe Tyra with an ult up too but that rarely happens.
Thx for this Raynday. I'm good at pretty much every class other than flanker. Every time I play flanker I do worse than what I'd do with other classes. I'll be sure to try out your tips.
+Kaptain Cnucklz It's something that Drybear once brought up and it's been a long-requested change to her kit-- over six months now, longer than I've been playing Paladins. He also spoiled that wallrunning is going to a new champ. Since that is apparently off the table now-- the original idea he mentioned was to give her something that wasn't "cookiecutter" (this after they also put four forms of mobility boosts on one character!) and uniquely her own-- I'd love a parkour mechanic, like triangle jumping. Or give her better base jump and allow her to snag and pull herself up on ledges and overhangs like the ones surrounding Serpent Beach's point. Like, jump at the ledge and hold space down, Skye reaches out and scrambles up quick. She wouldn't be able to access every point, but it would give her some badly needed time-saving and escape potential. (If Androxus can have gliding folded into a kit that already has air dashes and 380 base speed to her 365, this would not break anything.) Honestly, Skye really doesn't *need* a *lot* of tweaks, just a few turns of the knobs here and there-- a couple of cards, the total replacement of the Surprise Attack legendary, my nomination for Objectively the Worst Legendary in Paladins, and she'll be in a much better place.
Honestly, I feel these videos would be a huge help to new players. I'm a tank main, but even for me this still holds a lot of value. Thanks Raynday, and I hope to see more content like this in the future!
I'm a Maeve main. I love flanking and this is some of the reasons how I personally have a lot of success at flanking: 1. when coming from spawn I choose to go left or right flank depending on circumstances. Instead of immediately going left or right, I stay on the mount and observe who's on the point for a few seconds (depending on map). This tells me who is all on the point and who isnt. then ill go to left or right flank while mounted and peek around the corner using the third person view of the mount (usually the rival flank is coming to try to get behind your team). Now I know where everyone on the enemy team is. Now all i have to do is surprise attack the enemy flank when they come around the corner, kill them, and then I can get to the enemy backlines without compromise. Since The enemy damage class is the biggest threat and can kill you almost instantly, they are my prioritized target. They also should be damaged somewhat from battling with my team thus easier to kill. They wont see it coming until its too late. I also go after targets that are fleeing the fight to try and survive or heal. 2. Sometimes I go near the point and help weaken the enemy team off the rip. It helps me get a head count of who is where most of the time. Sometimes it can put the enemy team at a disadvantage because it'll be 5v4 since the enemy flank is more likely to try to get behind yor backline by flanking instead of helping theirs immediately. Plus when the enemy flank does get behind your team, you and your team can be ready for them as well.
Buck is fun to use, nothing better than catching people off guard with a heroic leap and recovery to keep yourself alive, especially when using chronos to keep spamming heroic leap and ensnare. To make you so much harder to hit, and enemies easier
diamond evie main, so proud of it bc paladins is not big in SEA region as it is in eu or na so i definitely have time to teach the newer players trying to pick up evie, btw luv ur vids
Hey Ray, maybe U should do a video explaining what a tank should actually do. Cause when I go forward and shooting ppl of the horses, putting pressure, there are always ppl calling me to come back to the point cause I am a "tank". Appreciate your videos btw, keep up the good work, bro!
the default sensitivity is OK for me. Evie is awesome but hi-rez needs to buff her some how maybe reduce the cooldown of her ice block or change her ult or make her projectile a little faster not a lot but a little
Reprieve Evie been kicking my ass and getting away for free almost as much as Androxus... in all roles. She's not too bad. Just high skill cap. With enough practice, you don't need any buffs at all.
@Raynday I've been to the zone with Skye, and I've done more crazier things then hold a point vs two front line flunkies... I've solo pushed and defended that last inch payload conversion against entire teams.
I forgot if that's part of the list or not, but my trick for aiming (just a theory) is aim for the spot the opponent will be coming at and then shoot that opponent.
In general I think when someone is expecting you, u should make your entrance unpredictable. Waiting .25 seconds before entering that doorway or finding a flank route is always worth. Do not let bloodlust make is so it so you be can baited and obliterated as well. :3 Hoped this helped
A good rule of thumb is to have your sensitivity so you spin 180 degrees a half rotation when you move your mouse to the edge of where it is comfortable and then having a second dpi setting of half so you spin a quarter of a rotation 90 degrees this helps you at long range or getting headshots with the smaller tern and doesn't stop you from moving or getting up in there face hope this helps 👍
Great tips here Raynday ^^ Also well explained. I like it! Maeve ''Main'' here and I'm glad to know that not even Hi-Rez employees know how a Flank kill is performed xD
Another thing you have to pick right is the right Flank. What I meant is picking a Flank Champion that is good for any match will not only make you a rampage freestyle Flanker, but you will also be an S-Ranked carry. For me, I use only Flanks that a: are OP at certain maps and b: have an F mobility. One last thing, hide for a while and expect to be encountered. When I'm at low health, I came up with the idea to not only hide but to also watch my back.
Not sure if this matches with timing but i think Patience is another big thing. See a lot of flanks just make a immediate path to the backline without actually looking at the situation. Like for example if im androx and going against a kinessa sometime i will literally wait behind a corner and watch her (like a creep😂) and wait until she is almost out of ammo before going in. Just to have another advantage over her
Here's a great tip flankers are supposed to focus on killing damages and other flanks,and if possible the support don't go and kill front lines that is the damages duty. Remember this and you are an already good flanker.
Just adding to DPI/sensitivity in more detail: First and most importantly, DO NOT copy someone else's DPI or sensitivity settings because they are PRO and you think this will make you a pro too. If you are copying someone's sensitivity settings without knowing his/her DPI (or vice versa) then you could be getting COMPLETELY different sensitivity. If they have 1.3 in game sensitivity and you copy that, but they have 1200 DPI and you have 400 it will be polar opposites! Also, what works for them could be completely wrong for you, they may play with 1400 DPI and 2.6 sensitivity but there is a chance that you will NEVER be any good with those settings and what you need is 500 dpi with 1.2 sensitivity. There is NO right or wrong here and having a low DPI and low sensitivity is perfectly fine if that is what works for you. Higher DOES NOT equal BETTER despite what a lot of people may tell you. Second, when trying to figure out what works well for you, do not keep changing it up expecting immediate results, start with a dpi that feel comfortable for you while using windows (or your OS of choice) and play a few games. Don't just play one, you were terrible so you change it again. You have to play for a few days at least, let the muscle memory start to build and see how it goes, then raise/lower it a little and play for a few days again. Always allow plenty of time between changes and see how it feels. Once you are happy with your DPI, do the same with again with your in game sensitivity and this will fine tune the feel for you. Hope these tips help and remember, above all, just enjoy the game!
"Team shooter"- drogo flies all time and shoots in the sea, makoa hooks the other makoa(when there are flanks with 2000hp and Ash just chilling there), viktor ults when every enemy is respawning, androxus snipes and when I ult (Midnight) everybody is like hey let's hug them...
Flank kills: it's just a kill behind enemy lines. and enemy's lines are where the majority of the enemy team are. for example, you got 5 players. 2 tanks, 1 support 1 damage and 1 flank; the two tanks and the healer are on the control point. those are 3 players, so that's majority of a team, which means that the rest of the map behind them counts as "enemy lines". Have Kinessa for example. She's way behind her team, and once you kill her, it's flank kill.
I must beg to differ somewhat regarding items. Few tweaks have made so much difference in upping my Maeve game as committing to three tiers of Nimble. Nothing gets away from me, especially since I added Street Justice as my Legendary/Talent for the bonus missing-health damage. Virtually no one and nothing catches me when I need to turn on the jets with Prowl to get out of danger. I can provide voice/VGS intel to my team as I zip around the map. Also, my verticality is off the charts. I might settle for only two tiers if I spot a Ying on the other side in favor of Cauterize, but for the most part? My speed kills. Same reasons I pick up Fast Hands on the rare occasions I dust off Skye.
As a flank, I usually go for Kill To Heal and either Haven Shield or Blast Shield if I need them. As for cauterize, I only buy it when the enemies (or at least the ones that I'll see the most of) have a form of healing, such as Maeve's Artful Dodger and Buck's Recovery. What do you guys think?
Some general flanking tips 1: Just because your champ isn't flanker class, doesn't mean it can't flank. Lian is a DPS that's great at going at the enemy back lines and shooting off people like normal flankers. Ruckus can spam his machine guns from their own backs so this is another great strat. 2: Just because you *are* using a champ in the flank role, doesn't mean you have to flank every time. Lex and Andro can be great at 1v1s even at front lines, Evie can save that objective with her Ice Block while waiting for Drogoz to just burn them off, and etc. 3: Be flexible. Try to study other champs by using them yourself and formulate counters according to what you've played. 4: Items and load outs will heavily affect how the entire match will go on, especially for Flankers. They're all light and thin so they need more of what they already have and maximize it. 5: Counterflanks are a thing. An example would be Ruckus: he goes after a typical flank route and cuts you off from killing anyone else, then after killing you he can go back to killing whoever is in the objective. Another example would be Zhin; he's literally a flanker's nightmare when he knows his shit. Learning how to counter these types of counterflanks can help you a lot while playing as a normal flank. Most of the time though you're better off running away from them. Which brings us to the next point: 6: Choose who you kill. You're supposed to kill that Kinessa, right? Well shit mang, good job killing her. Oh? Their Seris is both killing all of you while healing Makoa? Well why force me to start off with Kinessa if Seris is more of a priority? Again, choose who you will kill. A Seris is a quick 5-sec kill with any flank, so you can finish off that Kinessa fairly fast.
you know when you said the skye thing with standing on the point in front of fernando and makoa, thats happened in one of my games (skye had ult tho, so... she won)
i want to see more items to get in the in game shop. one for each type. or another bracket of items to pick from. just some other variety with items. i dont want a LOL sized shop lol but just some more options would be nice
I usually dont buy anything in the first round to get a feel on what Im gonna need. Not really practical but it helps me NOT to buy stuff that I dont need and waste credits right at the beginning.
My main flank is Maeve and I am thinking about the deft hands changing something on her. I think Maeve and Grover need some atk speed up with any card or item. My both main flank and support choices. BTW, can you make the next video about the front lines/tanks?
Debt hand isnt that bad, Buck for example can benefit a lot from that since he reloads really often. Sure caut can be a better choice, but if the enemy team is really neutral, debt hand be really good
Thx man this will really help me become a better flank with Fernando
No Wendy Bad no Flanknandos!
Wendy is my Waifu FlankPip
Wendy is my Waifu bruh
my main is FlankSeris
Wendy is my Waifu stealth comes in all sizes.
if i got paid to be early to a raynday video.. id be rich.
I'm RICH BI*%$
Raynday Gaming HAHA
jazbby u re here jazby!
Raynday Gaming ur being mean brudda
Aiming Is Important Especially Mal Damba :)
Daomingc Except he's not a flanker
Have you not played the god Flank'Damba??? best flank in the game
flank damba is the best
My top five tricks for how to important as a Flanker. (This is from my experience)
5. (Positioning, aiming, and knowing what your champion's limits) This is basic really, just like studying and practice in real life. I mean can't blame anyone being better you by raw knowledge and skill.
4. (Be an opportunist) This is essentially timing explained in this video. Attack them when they least expect it.
3. (Know when to Runaway) There are times when where you flank to target and they managed to get into a better position or get a teammate to support them. Instead of just run away and live to flank another day, and many flanks would waste all of their tools to chase down a target and get themselves into a bad situation.
2. (Target Prioritization) Many people fail this and they end focusing on the wrong targets. It where you must know who is giving your team the biggest problem and it's mostly the flanks job to make their job harder to do. This varies between matches to matches so you have to develop a good sense of judgment.
1. (Resource Management) This is most important for flank because their abilities and options can be limited and how to manage them. With good management, you call tell how much you can afford to chase a target and to have an escape option to avoid a bad situation. Knowing your resources and how well you manage can mean the difference between being an unfortunate overextender or a truly fearsome Flank player.
#2 is very important factor of being a flanker that i surprise he didnt really pointed out
but yeah, other then that, two other major pieces of advice as flankers... er... any character really:
1) play your cooldowns and play your opponents cooldowns.
I play a lot of evie (with reprieve) and andro, and iceblock and reversal can both be complete and total get out of jail free cards, but they both have some of the longest cooldowns in the game. know how long it takes for them to come back up, know when you have them and when you don't. if you have them, you can play a bit more recklessly. dive the enemy a little more if you also have your movement options up since you can always pop invulnerability if things go south. if you don't have them up, play a bit more scared. chill in spots your opponent won't expect you to be, and pick your fights carefully.
also, make sure you pay attention to what skills your enemies use and when. like I said, I play a lot of evie, and that means I've had to adapt to the drogoz matchup. listen for those jets. pay attention to when he's just used thrust, burned himself out of fuel, and dropped to the ground. that's your cue to blink on him, and kill him since he's no longer able to get off the ground, and is as easy a target as he ever will be.
so yeah, short version, play around cooldowns.
2) know when to shift gears/rotate/play a different position.
sometimes (like when your core cooldowns aren't up) you just need to stop flanking, and help your team. if the support is dead, or their dps is still trying to roll out of base, do your team a solid and just focus the tank. you do tons of damage even to shield and even without wrecker, and sometimes it's worth taking out the barik your team is struggling to pin down rather than murder the kinessa for the 50th time. as I mentioned, when reversal isn't up for andro especially, sometimes that's your cue to just pretend you're a dps, and just sit behind shields, soak a little healing, and help your team so they can help you.
the same thing also applies to other classes sometimes. sometimes dps needs to flank a troublesome healer, some times supports need to hold the point in overtime by themselves as the tank rolls in, so like I said, know when to shift gears and play a roll that you didn't necessarily sign up for if it makes your team more likely to win.
really loved this style of vid. lot of good advice for newer players :)
Very Nice tips there mate but what Raynday meant was that IF the enemy hooks like Fernando as he was saying that could be your chance to go behind and try to kill a dps cause he can't shield. Like the Makoa is then focusing on your team's Fernando so you just slink behind😎
Sonic Shoe hm very usefull tips, had struggles with the ice block legendary but i think this ill help a lot
Just started playing Paladins on PS4 like a week ago and this helps me to improve my flanking skills THANK YOU
"The reason you are not getting kills is not because you are 10% slower." LMAO
Technically if you move 10% faster, you move at 110% of base speed.
100 out of 110 is actually a 9.090909...% decrease
Rafael Chowindra Its a 10% decrease idiot
Is this a name? No its not
Rafael Chowindra ik its late but you wouldnt think of it as 100/110, you would think of it as 110/100 so technically it still is a 10% decrease
I like how you went in depth instead of just naming the tips
I'm an Evie main.
Cool as ice, brotha
CFE Jackipanda The Classy Gamer Same!!!
Same here mate.
CFE Jackipanda The Classy Gamer same dude. I've got a bad reputation
"A great flanker can carry a game, but just remember that it doesn't always have to be that way." - Thank you, Raynday. I had to explain this several times to my teammates. Great and helpful video, let's hope there will be more great flankers in the future! :)
A Flank Kill are when you kill someone who are away from their teammate. doesn't matter where they are on back line or front line, as long as they are not near any of their teammate that count as a flank kill. - Explained by Bear or pretty hair in one of your Patch live stream-
Androxus main
Youssefelbaz 7 same here, hes my favorite
Youssefelbaz 7 YOU CARRY THE LIGHT
Youssefelbaz 7 I'm an androxus
now we are become death....
Now I am death.
Isn't Andro like, everyone's counter?
TheFlamingLizard Yes
TheFlamingLizard as a Maeve main, which is someone pretty much impossible to counter when in the hands of a good player. Androxus is the only thing that can easily kill me. Maybe Tyra with an ult up too but that rarely happens.
mary jean monotilla I find Maeve the easiest flanker to counter as long as you have good enough aim.
Good aim shuts her down hard. Which is why she's basically never picked in higher tiers.
Erick isn't any good aimer can shot any flanker hard?
Thx for this Raynday. I'm good at pretty much every class other than flanker. Every time I play flanker I do worse than what I'd do with other classes. I'll be sure to try out your tips.
+feralknights so committed I love it
same here
A shame she doesn't have any vertical movement. She has potential.
+Kaptain Cnucklz It's something that Drybear once brought up and it's been a long-requested change to her kit-- over six months now, longer than I've been playing Paladins. He also spoiled that wallrunning is going to a new champ.
Since that is apparently off the table now-- the original idea he mentioned was to give her something that wasn't "cookiecutter" (this after they also put four forms of mobility boosts on one character!) and uniquely her own-- I'd love a parkour mechanic, like triangle jumping. Or give her better base jump and allow her to snag and pull herself up on ledges and overhangs like the ones surrounding Serpent Beach's point. Like, jump at the ledge and hold space down, Skye reaches out and scrambles up quick. She wouldn't be able to access every point, but it would give her some badly needed time-saving and escape potential. (If Androxus can have gliding folded into a kit that already has air dashes and 380 base speed to her 365, this would not break anything.)
Honestly, Skye really doesn't *need* a *lot* of tweaks, just a few turns of the knobs here and there-- a couple of cards, the total replacement of the Surprise Attack legendary, my nomination for Objectively the Worst Legendary in Paladins, and she'll be in a much better place.
Wheres the "so you wanna be a better " intro
Not one of those top 5's :) Different flavor, hope you enjoy this though!
Honestly, I feel these videos would be a huge help to new players. I'm a tank main, but even for me this still holds a lot of value. Thanks Raynday, and I hope to see more content like this in the future!
That swagalicious outro dance tho, loved hearing your comments raynday about flankers. Would love to see more content like this!
don't think its wise for me to watch a raynday video at 3am on a school day but im being roasted here its so hot
haha, it's 3:30 for me
Get on my level
I'm a Maeve main. I love flanking and this is some of the reasons how I personally have a lot of success at flanking:
1. when coming from spawn I choose to go left or right flank depending on circumstances. Instead of immediately going left or right, I stay on the mount and observe who's on the point for a few seconds (depending on map). This tells me who is all on the point and who isnt. then ill go to left or right flank while mounted and peek around the corner using the third person view of the mount (usually the rival flank is coming to try to get behind your team). Now I know where everyone on the enemy team is. Now all i have to do is surprise attack the enemy flank when they come around the corner, kill them, and then I can get to the enemy backlines without compromise. Since The enemy damage class is the biggest threat and can kill you almost instantly, they are my prioritized target. They also should be damaged somewhat from battling with my team thus easier to kill. They wont see it coming until its too late. I also go after targets that are fleeing the fight to try and survive or heal.
2. Sometimes I go near the point and help weaken the enemy team off the rip. It helps me get a head count of who is where most of the time. Sometimes it can put the enemy team at a disadvantage because it'll be 5v4 since the enemy flank is more likely to try to get behind yor backline by flanking instead of helping theirs immediately. Plus when the enemy flank does get behind your team, you and your team can be ready for them as well.
I main Maeve and I just got back in to Paladins this week so this is going to help me get back into the groove of things
please make more of this so new player or other players know what are they gonna do in the match,Great vid btw
Love it when you say "i am not really sure what a flank kill is, i mean i know i work for the company but i am stil figure it out". Lmao
Buck is fun to use, nothing better than catching people off guard with a heroic leap and recovery to keep yourself alive, especially when using chronos to keep spamming heroic leap and ensnare. To make you so much harder to hit, and enemies easier
Just started playing paladins and maaaaaan you're one the best youtuber i've seen with paladins content hahaha
diamond evie main, so proud of it bc paladins is not big in SEA region as it is in eu or na so i definitely have time to teach the newer players trying to pick up evie, btw luv ur vids
I got an exam tomorrow but who even cares when Raynday uploads.
I needed this video since I'm practicing to mastering Androxous
I improved my flanknando skills with this video. Thank you
Hey Ray, maybe U should do a video explaining what a tank should actually do.
Cause when I go forward and shooting ppl of the horses, putting pressure, there are always ppl calling me to come back to the point cause I am a "tank".
Appreciate your videos btw, keep up the good work, bro!
the default sensitivity is OK for me. Evie is awesome but hi-rez needs to buff her some how maybe reduce the cooldown of her ice block or change her ult or make her projectile a little faster not a lot but a little
Tuan-Jae Neysmith theres is this thing called COLD BLOODED IV (4 sec off icE BLock cooldown) it's in my main Reprieve loadout
Reprieve Evie been kicking my ass and getting away for free almost as much as Androxus... in all roles. She's not too bad. Just high skill cap. With enough practice, you don't need any buffs at all.
@Raynday I've been to the zone with Skye, and I've done more crazier things then hold a point vs two front line flunkies... I've solo pushed and defended that last inch payload conversion against entire teams.
Tank/support who recently started playing lex! Thanks a lot man!
NICE, 😀😀 this was very entertaining and informative
I forgot if that's part of the list or not, but my trick for aiming (just a theory) is aim for the spot the opponent will be coming at and then shoot that opponent.
I like the classic Rayn commentary
Funny and informative. Just how I like it. Keep up the good work, man.
In general I think when someone is expecting you, u should make your entrance unpredictable. Waiting .25 seconds before entering that doorway or finding a flank route is always worth. Do not let bloodlust make is so it so you be can baited and obliterated as well. :3 Hoped this helped
I've been maining the winter witch since i started playing! You simply have to those icy flanks
Best video on the channel in 2017, probably. In-depth ;)
A good rule of thumb is to have your sensitivity so you spin 180 degrees a half rotation when you move your mouse to the edge of where it is comfortable and then having a second dpi setting of half so you spin a quarter of a rotation 90 degrees this helps you at long range or getting headshots with the smaller tern and doesn't stop you from moving or getting up in there face hope this helps 👍
Flank Pip main here. Im kinda sad that you didnt talk about the Ying nerf and Seris buff.
Androxus is my boi
Great tips here Raynday ^^ Also well explained. I like it! Maeve ''Main'' here and I'm glad to know that not even Hi-Rez employees know how a Flank kill is performed xD
Another thing you have to pick right is the right Flank. What I meant is picking a Flank Champion that is good for any match will not only make you a rampage freestyle Flanker, but you will also be an S-Ranked carry. For me, I use only Flanks that a: are OP at certain maps and b: have an F mobility. One last thing, hide for a while and expect to be encountered. When I'm at low health, I came up with the idea to not only hide but to also watch my back.
Thank u Raynday, i will think about your words, especially the last one. Love u)
That moment when feel safe because Raynday also isnt sure of what exactly flank kills are
dude thanks for the tips I play flank and this really helped me
Not sure if this matches with timing but i think Patience is another big thing. See a lot of flanks just make a immediate path to the backline without actually looking at the situation. Like for example if im androx and going against a kinessa sometime i will literally wait behind a corner and watch her (like a creep😂) and wait until she is almost out of ammo before going in. Just to have another advantage over her
Usually, if I'm playing against several front-liners I tend to get Wrecker, but if I'm not I get Cauterize.
OMG that outro tho XD loved it ......u really nailed it man
....keep it up man really helped
I'm a terable flanker, is the reason why I don't try picking any flanker so I don't let my team down. But I'm gonna try this tricks next time I play.
Here's a great tip flankers are supposed to focus on killing damages and other flanks,and if possible the support don't go and kill front lines that is the damages duty. Remember this and you are an already good flanker.
Thanks for this Vid Man,it was very helpful!!!! Good looking out bro
finally a funny vid from rayny days
I am a buck guy but also play androxus on occasion
Just adding to DPI/sensitivity in more detail:
First and most importantly, DO NOT copy someone else's DPI or sensitivity settings because they are PRO and you think this will make you a pro too. If you are copying someone's sensitivity settings without knowing his/her DPI (or vice versa) then you could be getting COMPLETELY different sensitivity. If they have 1.3 in game sensitivity and you copy that, but they have 1200 DPI and you have 400 it will be polar opposites! Also, what works for them could be completely wrong for you, they may play with 1400 DPI and 2.6 sensitivity but there is a chance that you will NEVER be any good with those settings and what you need is 500 dpi with 1.2 sensitivity. There is NO right or wrong here and having a low DPI and low sensitivity is perfectly fine if that is what works for you. Higher DOES NOT equal BETTER despite what a lot of people may tell you.
Second, when trying to figure out what works well for you, do not keep changing it up expecting immediate results, start with a dpi that feel comfortable for you while using windows (or your OS of choice) and play a few games. Don't just play one, you were terrible so you change it again. You have to play for a few days at least, let the muscle memory start to build and see how it goes, then raise/lower it a little and play for a few days again. Always allow plenty of time between changes and see how it feels. Once you are happy with your DPI, do the same with again with your in game sensitivity and this will fine tune the feel for you.
Hope these tips help and remember, above all, just enjoy the game!
I think this is a great video :D Good job :3 I'd love to see videos on the other classes too :D
Damn it late notification squad again today, i cant dissapoint Evan senpai like that *whips himself* xD
I don't really play flank that much but I do like the odd game with Lex, need to lay down the law sometimes xD
I like the odd game with Buck sometimes. Can be really annoying especially when you use Bounce House or Bulk Up
I Have Honors math final tomorrow lol but gotta watch raynday with the notification squad woooo
You are the real MVP
"Team shooter"- drogo flies all time and shoots in the sea, makoa hooks the other makoa(when there are flanks with 2000hp and Ash just chilling there), viktor ults when every enemy is respawning, androxus snipes and when I ult (Midnight) everybody is like hey let's hug them...
best youtuber for ever
Second view, yay!
And oh, god, do I need these hints! Thank you, Raynday!
Awesome vid Raynday :D
I fkng love you rayn!
Flank kills:
it's just a kill behind enemy lines. and enemy's lines are where the majority of the enemy team are. for example, you got 5 players. 2 tanks, 1 support 1 damage and 1 flank; the two tanks and the healer are on the control point. those are 3 players, so that's majority of a team, which means that the rest of the map behind them counts as "enemy lines".
Have Kinessa for example. She's way behind her team, and once you kill her, it's flank kill.
This was one of your funnier videos. Great work.
+BosSox yo thanks man I really appreciate that!
I must beg to differ somewhat regarding items. Few tweaks have made so much difference in upping my Maeve game as committing to three tiers of Nimble. Nothing gets away from me, especially since I added Street Justice as my Legendary/Talent for the bonus missing-health damage. Virtually no one and nothing catches me when I need to turn on the jets with Prowl to get out of danger. I can provide voice/VGS intel to my team as I zip around the map. Also, my verticality is off the charts. I might settle for only two tiers if I spot a Ying on the other side in favor of Cauterize, but for the most part? My speed kills. Same reasons I pick up Fast Hands on the rare occasions I dust off Skye.
I've seen a Zhin hold down a point on a Fernando and a ruckus fairly constantly.
As a flank, I usually go for Kill To Heal and either Haven Shield or Blast Shield if I need them. As for cauterize, I only buy it when the enemies (or at least the ones that I'll see the most of) have a form of healing, such as Maeve's Artful Dodger and Buck's Recovery. What do you guys think?
Notification Squad!
Fantastic stuff man, thanks a lot! I'll see what I can do about Izanami, but she will eventually be coming up in the SMITE A-Z again!
@@RayndayGaming I wish the paladins videos kept coming :(
Some general flanking tips
1: Just because your champ isn't flanker class, doesn't mean it can't flank. Lian is a DPS that's great at going at the enemy back lines and shooting off people like normal flankers. Ruckus can spam his machine guns from their own backs so this is another great strat.
2: Just because you *are* using a champ in the flank role, doesn't mean you have to flank every time. Lex and Andro can be great at 1v1s even at front lines, Evie can save that objective with her Ice Block while waiting for Drogoz to just burn them off, and etc.
3: Be flexible. Try to study other champs by using them yourself and formulate counters according to what you've played.
4: Items and load outs will heavily affect how the entire match will go on, especially for Flankers. They're all light and thin so they need more of what they already have and maximize it.
5: Counterflanks are a thing. An example would be Ruckus: he goes after a typical flank route and cuts you off from killing anyone else, then after killing you he can go back to killing whoever is in the objective. Another example would be Zhin; he's literally a flanker's nightmare when he knows his shit. Learning how to counter these types of counterflanks can help you a lot while playing as a normal flank. Most of the time though you're better off running away from them. Which brings us to the next point:
6: Choose who you kill. You're supposed to kill that Kinessa, right? Well shit mang, good job killing her. Oh? Their Seris is both killing all of you while healing Makoa? Well why force me to start off with Kinessa if Seris is more of a priority? Again, choose who you will kill. A Seris is a quick 5-sec kill with any flank, so you can finish off that Kinessa fairly fast.
@8:04 motivational: "You're not really alone. and you never really are. ..." Awwwe. XD
This really helped me flank with sha lin
1 thing I wanna add know the enemy team comp it helps choose the best on
Flanking main Lex bringing the law, Androx Godslayer, and skye time bomb smoke screen life for days.
This is really gonna help 99% pips in my games
Raynday!!!Brazilian love you .
Flanking tips?
He said...
#1... **Points at watch**
you know when you said the skye thing with standing on the point in front of fernando and makoa, thats happened in one of my games (skye had ult tho, so... she won)
You got silly in this vid. I freaking LOVED it! Oh right, the tips were nice too :p
i want to see more items to get in the in game shop. one for each type. or another bracket of items to pick from. just some other variety with items. i dont want a LOL sized shop lol but just some more options would be nice
I held the point with Tyra against a Ruckus and Viktor once, it was fun xD
i love this series but i think it would be a lot better with game footage related to the tricks
I love your content Rayn
My favorite (and who I’m the best with) is Cassie can u give tips to play her?
Omg Evan hahah I had no idea what you were talking about because I'm not too familiar with all the item names and stuff... but this was funny af :'))
+MCgulliien lol thanks my man!
From what i know a flank kill is when you kill someone without let him react to your shot and without beeing seen
This video is a pretty big help!
Your videos helped me alot on my gameplay XD gg keep it up
Good humor and good content, you are really awesome as both a UA-camr and an entertainer :) Also very informative :) Keep it up, I like you #NoHomo
3:03 About the Cauterize thing, I can't find any targets while they're getting healed. They just heal too fast.
I usually dont buy anything in the first round to get a feel on what Im gonna need. Not really practical but it helps me NOT to buy stuff that I dont need and waste credits right at the beginning.
Always been a ying and maeve main, leaning torwards maeve though since yings been nerfed so much. And tips to improve on her?
Everytime I flank the whole team gang on me. Sometimes I win 1vs3 and it is such a good feelings
"We're coming to an end"
... 3 minutes of the video left.
My main flank is Maeve and I am thinking about the deft hands changing something on her. I think Maeve and Grover need some atk speed up with any card or item. My both main flank and support choices.
BTW, can you make the next video about the front lines/tanks?
Isabella Apostólico wtf u smoking
It was sarcasm you dumb head.
8:17 Best part of the video))
Hi rez must be created meme about "What is flank kill" inside paladins team.
Debt hand isnt that bad, Buck for example can benefit a lot from that since he reloads really often.
Sure caut can be a better choice, but if the enemy team is really neutral, debt hand be really good