Really weird comp at the end. Sniper comp is when you have 4 snipers bro. Try this one: Gnar/Naut/Teemo/Jhin/Cait/Ashe/Wukong/Lulu/Karma (if you have FONT put Janna or lvl 2 janna before Karma) You only need Morello + Blue buff. The rest of defensive items to Wukong or Gnar and AD items to Jhin.
Nice comp bro, I very liked
thank you!
Really weird comp at the end. Sniper comp is when you have 4 snipers bro. Try this one: Gnar/Naut/Teemo/Jhin/Cait/Ashe/Wukong/Lulu/Karma (if you have FONT put Janna or lvl 2 janna before Karma) You only need Morello + Blue buff. The rest of defensive items to Wukong or Gnar and AD items to Jhin.
Hi bro