The ethics of eating animals

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024
  • Paul and Danica discuss the ethics behind hunting and eating animals. Paul explains his personal experience with hunting, and why he believes the benefits of eating animals go far beyond nutrition.


  • @brett2015
    @brett2015 2 роки тому +137

    I’m from south Louisiana and I can tell you. people who hunt and fish do more for wildlife conservation and land management in one year than a vegan will do in a lifetime

    • @brett2015
      @brett2015 2 роки тому +7

      @Steven Brown The money spent on licensing, hunting club memberships, and taxes on firearms all go to conservation efforts. And by having strict rules on when and where you can hunt certain animals, populations of species have been brought back from near extinction, like Bison. There are more white tail deer in America than ever before because of conservation and management thru hunting.

    • @iancanada6875
      @iancanada6875 2 роки тому +3

      @sel724 there’s a tax on all outdoor gear like guns and ammunition, tents fishing rods etc and all that money goes to preservation and is responsible for the vast majority of preservation in America today.

    • @janoycresvamlord7175
      @janoycresvamlord7175 2 роки тому

      yea theres ethic laws too that i dint know about, you cant shoot and animal with a low powered gun you need to have a humane and fast kill and thats the best way for the animal to go, in mexico they would slit a goat and pigs throat and bleed it out i saw them do it to chicken too

    • @g.t.7362
      @g.t.7362 2 роки тому

      I’m from south Louisiana too

    • @dajosee
      @dajosee 2 роки тому +3

      Agreed, shoot all the Deer, then magically more Deer will appear

  • @leah__gail
    @leah__gail 2 роки тому +19

    Absolutely 💯❤️ Gratitude 🙏 I told my boys growing up, “Never kill an animal you don’t plan on eating.”

    • @carlosramdeen1752
      @carlosramdeen1752 2 роки тому

      You have said it 100%correct 👍

    • @SenorJuan2023
      @SenorJuan2023 2 роки тому +1

      Does that include bugs, too?

    • @artemishunter8993
      @artemishunter8993 2 роки тому +1

      @@SenorJuan2023 yum leg of mosquito:)

    • @leah__gail
      @leah__gail 2 роки тому

      @@SenorJuan2023 Haha no. Accidentally is different though. 😉

    • @SenorJuan2023
      @SenorJuan2023 2 роки тому +1

      @@artemishunter8993 That doesn't sound very filling.

  • @cameronbethea123
    @cameronbethea123 2 роки тому +24

    If an animal is given a high quality life, and then killed humanely its ethical because:
    1. The life of an animal humanely raised in captivity is much less stressful than its wild counterpart, it lives and dies much more peacefully, instead of being torn apart balls first by wolves while still alive, a cow is killed by an instant bolt to the head.
    2. All life has a cost, you could argue that we could just breed animals and let them live their entire lifespans without killing them, or we could simply stop breeding them entirely, but why would we sacrifice land, water, and other resources etc to raise animals without eating them ? Who would pay for this ?
    if we didn’t breed livestock animals for food, how would they exist ?
    3. Since all life has a cost, and animals can be raised humanely without suffering in a way that is superior to what they could have in nature, it is better that these animals exist than not exist, since some limited amount good life and a painless death is better than no life at all, or a bad life full of suffering and a horrible death, and the only way these animals can co exist with humans in appreciable numbers is through animal agriculture.
    We don’t live in a perfect world, there are only so many resources to go around, and only so many lives that can exist at a time.
    Raising animals humanely and ethically for food is morally acceptable if done properly, because they get to have some quality life, at the cost of being preyed upon humanely by a far more merciful predator than wild carnivores.
    This argument obviously doesn’t apply to factory farmed animals living in stressful conditions or animals slaughtered inhumanely ofc.
    *edit if factory farms improved their standards, and you could ensure that animal welfare was superior to natural conditions on all factory farms, even by a little, then it would be fine by this logic.
    Large scale animal agriculture practices will definitely be improved, its just a matter of time. More people are aware of its issues than ever. Choosing to eat the more expensive meat from humanely raised animals (even if you need to buy less) will put pressure on large scale factory farms to improve their standards.

    • @clerede6382
      @clerede6382 2 роки тому

      Yeah and if we stop raising them and let them roam around free, they probably will be killed by predators and go extinct.

    • @cameronbethea123
      @cameronbethea123 2 роки тому +1

      @@boo4273 I see your point man, and you’re entirely misunderstanding me.
      I’m not saying that we should just up and abolish factory farming right now all over the world.
      I’m not on a high horse either, the purpose of the comment was not even to specifically condemn factory farming, I understand the nuances of the issue, I intended it specifically for people on the fence about meat consumption in general, believing it to unethical.
      There is a way to eat meat that doesn’t cause animal suffering, and supporting farmers that raise animals in these ways is more ethical than being a vegan, because it creates good lives for animals, and puts pressure on CAFO to improve their welfare standards.
      Thats all I’m saying, and I know some people don’t care about animals which is their choice.
      I also understand that many people rely on CAFO for affordable animal protein, and that it’s an integral part of the food system, but let’s not delude ourselves the conditions on most factory farming operations are suboptimal at best, and down right brutal at worst. I’ve seen some examples of factory farming done more humanely, but it’s still not that great.
      The reason I brought factory farming up, is that you could argue that it’s better for the factory farmed animal to not exist, which is why the argument I proposed wouldn’t make sense in that context, as it’s solely focused on animal welfare.

    • @cameronbethea123
      @cameronbethea123 2 роки тому +1

      @Pepijn Bontsema Yes, at face value, but eating CAFO meat is only as morally impermissible as eating the produce fertilized with animal by products from those same factory farms, and then sprayed with ecologically damaging chemicals after native wildlife is slaughtered so they don’t eat the crops is also morally impermissible.
      Eating anything is morally impermissible then, we should all just organize a mass human suicide.
      Meat eating is a behavior that sits in a moral grey area, there is nuance people like to gloss over in order to push their agendas.
      Firstly, being vegan doesn’t take the blood off your hands.
      Large scale plant agriculture relies on animal by products from CAFOS, and many rodents, insects, deer, fowl, and wild pig are killed so that they don’t eat crops being grown for humans.
      There is no way to not indirectly be responsible for killing animals. It doesn’t matter If you chose to eat their meat or instead eat the produce grown using their blood meal, bone meal, feather meal, and manure on mono cropped fields sprayed with pesticides after the native fauna are killed by contract hunters and lethal trapping, you are complicit in their deaths.
      The bigger problem, is that our entire agriculture system is designed to maximize production at the cost of ecological health, animal welfare, and even human health in order to cheaply feed a large population.
      Vegans like to tunnel vision on the animal welfare side specifically, but plant and animal agriculture are two sides of the same coin. They miss the big picture.

    • @thesquadequalstraitors2273
      @thesquadequalstraitors2273 2 роки тому +1

      Facepalm.... We are a stupid ape who thinks the world is MADE for us. Ethics are a human construct and do not apply outside of humanities idiocracies. Killing any creature for any reason, still kills that creature. Reasons be damned.
      There is only one rule. Devour to survive. Ethics gets in the way of that. Ethics are arbitrary and optional. Why else do we as a stupid species keep fighting over it? If it were the ultimate law of the universe we wouldn't be fighting over it, we would be obeying it.
      If I am starving and I kill an animal to eat, but someone steps in and tells me that is unethical, I will eat it right in front of them, just to piss them off.

    • @thesquadequalstraitors2273
      @thesquadequalstraitors2273 2 роки тому

      @@boo4273 and that cow is tasty. Predators do not prioritize the well being of something they are about to eat. They would starve.
      Are you going to go to tears over every ant, bee, mosquito, spider, fish, elephant or dolphin (just to name a few of the living creatures we kill) or just the living creatures you like?

  • @thecarnivorecanoe5167
    @thecarnivorecanoe5167 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you both!

  • @ChristianHiroseRomeoGraham
    @ChristianHiroseRomeoGraham 2 роки тому +35

    Vegans: "Save the animals"
    Carnivores: "Save the animals by saving humans' health first"

    • @SirPraiseSun
      @SirPraiseSun 2 роки тому

      but vegans save nothing they poison and mulch all the fuken animals billions die daily

    • @lenguyenngoc479
      @lenguyenngoc479 2 роки тому

      huh? where does this ridiculous idea come from, you're destroying your health while destroying the planet and killing animals.
      Some day you will regret your diet choice
      preferably on death bed

    • @samitabbakh8409
      @samitabbakh8409 14 днів тому

      Do you think this is what is happening in factory farming?

  • @alphacause
    @alphacause 2 роки тому +21

    If going plant based made you ethical, it is certainly not demonstrated by their behavior towards others. I have encountered many people who are vegetarians or vegans, some of whom I count as my friends. None of them demonstrate any behavioral trait that would make them the moral superiors of omnivores. They are no more kind to their fellow man, generous, honest, self-sacrificial, loving, compassionate or loyal.

    • @goldenhorse4823
      @goldenhorse4823 Рік тому

      Which is something everyone should have figured out by now. No diet creates a better or worse person. It just that. A diet

    • @meliora99
      @meliora99 7 місяців тому +2

      but their actions suggest that they are kinder

  • @M13x13M
    @M13x13M 2 роки тому +2

    If you study the defense mechanisms of plants it is clear that they don’t believe that their life is less important than an animal’s. Ethical eating is purely subjective.

  • @lovemonster666
    @lovemonster666 2 роки тому +12

    Never seen you with a top on before 😂😂

  • @beneagle5653
    @beneagle5653 2 роки тому

    Tom Brown, "Tracker" and "The Search". Two of the best books for a young kid 👍👍

  • @queenvh1095
    @queenvh1095 2 роки тому +2

    I love this ❤️

  • @nickwojtow6787
    @nickwojtow6787 2 роки тому +1

    Just made a fresh batch of my meat paste!!! 100% grass fed raw beef heart and liver liquefied in a blender with some salt and melted grass fed butter. Put them in ice trays and freeze. Take a couple out and defrost and pop them. Awesome healthy!

  • @uog293
    @uog293 Рік тому +1

    If a bear kills a hiker is that circle of life or do we go agter the bear and hunt it down and kill it?

  • @flameguy3416
    @flameguy3416 2 роки тому +27

    It's unethical to not contribute to the food chain, if spiders felt bad about eating flies the world would be swarmed.

    • @jessicakitteh
      @jessicakitteh 2 роки тому


    • @derek4177
      @derek4177 2 роки тому +1

      What an absolute stupid comparison, that literally just shows, how detached you are alrady lmfao.
      A spider has to hunt flies TO SURVIVE.
      But you can choose amongst 1000s of different food sources being an omnivore, but yet you choose the most brutal one, where animals have to be captured their entire life in miserable conditions and then be slaughtered.
      And all that because you enjoy the stimulation of your tastebuds for like 5 - 10 Minutes per day? You don't need it to survive, it is a FREE CHOICE.
      And you just compared yourself to a spider, which really takes part at the food chain and the circle of life in nature? LOL YIKES

  • @alphacause
    @alphacause 2 роки тому +1

    If I had any control over our national curriculum I would make hunting, or having to slaughter an animal on a farm, just as much a part of our science curriculum as dissecting a frog has been common place in high school biology.

  • @yesumirembe9056
    @yesumirembe9056 2 роки тому +1

    Hi sorry but have a question I always see about cows but what about goats? Is goat meat/organs better than cows meat/organs or not please tell us about the difference between cows vs goats

  • @spencerrowland1862
    @spencerrowland1862 2 роки тому +1

    Hey Doc, when you drink blood is it cooked? If so how do you prepare it?

  • @Reppintimefitness
    @Reppintimefitness 2 роки тому +1

    I do a well balanced diet
    With all
    4 food groups

  • @abraham802
    @abraham802 2 роки тому +2

    my attitude is eating plants is basically the same (eating organisms). you can't eat grass but you can eat the cows that eat the grass. circle of life BB.

  • @johnlondon5516
    @johnlondon5516 2 роки тому +1

    It's just not sustainable for everyone to hunt or source their meat from hunters. Factory farms are necessary and that's when the real cruelty inflicted upon animals brings the ethics of meat to the dinner table.

  • @adcaptandumvulgus4252
    @adcaptandumvulgus4252 3 місяці тому

    Which animals aren't self aware/sapient, maybe those are ok to eat in moderation?

  • @kschindle1
    @kschindle1 2 роки тому

    Amazing video. Go to the Tom Brown Tracker School if you have time however, if the meals are what I ate when I went to Tracker School, it is not carnivore, they usually would have a vegetarian choice and a non vegetarian choice - protein source. I feel gratitude that I was able to go 6 classes. You are not the same after the class. Do your dirt time or practice, I wish I had taken it more seriously.

  • @miltonbates6425
    @miltonbates6425 2 роки тому +1

    Perception is not synonymous with reality, conceptually. Perception frames reality. There is an objective reality and a subjective perception of that reality, by the interaction of the viewer. The reason people are so crazy these days is because they have axiomatic beliefs about the world but they live lives that are generally free of major consequence.

  • @g.t.7362
    @g.t.7362 2 роки тому

    Unrelated question:
    Does fruit and honey raise lipids/triglycerides?

  • @heartdawg
    @heartdawg 2 роки тому

    Paul and Danika have som som energy happening between them💘

  • @MomJeansReads
    @MomJeansReads 2 роки тому

    Any info or past podcasts on being hypoglycemic and doing carnivore? After I eat I feel like doodoo! But I’ve always battled low blood sugar, even as a kid and I’m only 2ish days in on trying carnivore.

  • @perijon00
    @perijon00 2 роки тому

    Thank you. This is so important. The circle of life. Death creates life. Death and killing isn’t bad, it’s good (for nourishment or self defense). If you remove this natural process from your life you won’t be truly happy and have well being. Closer to nature is closer to god which is optimal well being. What is meant to be. Remove this and dis-ease sets in. Veganism is dangerous. Let’s become strong and independent and closer to God again

  • @Hammyankee
    @Hammyankee 2 роки тому

    Yes sir! You guys sound like Muslims talking. I’m the Islamic faith we have the same beliefs. It’s a spiritual thing and an appreciation of Gods blessing given to us.

    • @Hammyankee
      @Hammyankee 2 роки тому

      @@boo4273 and I guess no one asked for your opinion as well? That’s what comments are for. People comment negative and positive all the time. Mine was positive. My comment was my opinion and it was a positive one that aligns with all three of the major religions (if you care to know) Sorry I triggered you mentioning “religion” keep your opinion to yourself next time or better yet don’t read comments??? If you don’t have something good to say keep it to yourself. I didn’t offend anyone nor was that the goal.

  • @jamesevans3830
    @jamesevans3830 2 роки тому

    Does Carnivore have a list of what he likes overall. I'm slowly transitioning to this diet. I'm a chicken veggies and olive oil guy
    Goats milk
    Ghee butter
    White rice
    Organic fruit
    Anything else he includes?
    Organic honey

    • @Pocalover
      @Pocalover 2 роки тому

      What is your benefit from white rice?

  • @cwhisbyoc
    @cwhisbyoc 2 роки тому +1

    Eat things in moderation, stop eating bullshit all week, exercise 4 to 5x’s a week add in cardio before or after workouts and you will be good. Point is no one knows when their time is to leave this world. Live life, enjoy it, love, share informative things that can help people instead of telling ppl to not do things that’s only built for you. It’s more than just one path to walk on.

  • @iancanada6875
    @iancanada6875 2 роки тому

    I’m vegetarian now because I believe in reincarnation and karma but I also believe that if you hunt an animal fairly, like you tracked/stalked it and shot it with a bow and arrow and not just baiting a deer and shooting it with a rifle then their spirit can forgive you for killing it because you played the game fairly and won fair and square.
    Animals like deer have played this game of predator and prey for millions or billions of years and they live to outwit their predators. If I was playing that game as the prey and something got me fair and square then I feel I would forgive them for it.

  • @jeremybranham1562
    @jeremybranham1562 2 роки тому

    How do I find a local farmer in my area to get meat from

  • @patrikgabrielsson1803
    @patrikgabrielsson1803 2 роки тому

    Hello Paul. Do You know Dr. Russ Scala?

  • @erniewatkins3085
    @erniewatkins3085 2 роки тому

    Tomatoes are a fruit Are those good on a carnivore base diet?

  • @kerryb2350
    @kerryb2350 2 роки тому +1

    I'm on carnivore diet and thinking if everyone ate meat in this world how could we possibly have enough land to support the beef???

    • @SirPraiseSun
      @SirPraiseSun 2 роки тому +1

      cause ur ignorant to how much land we have and how much crop farming would be reduced for all the vegetable oils and soy cakes for humans

    • @SirPraiseSun
      @SirPraiseSun 2 роки тому +1

      simple moregrassfed cows less soy and corn farms that desert the earth

    • @kerryb2350
      @kerryb2350 2 роки тому

      I'm practically not ignorant

    • @artemishunter8993
      @artemishunter8993 2 роки тому

      Check some of Peter Ballersted videos on regenerative farming

    • @meliora99
      @meliora99 7 місяців тому +1

      @@artemishunter8993 it aint sustainableboss

  • @Ghoop3
    @Ghoop3 2 роки тому +1

    One cow gonna feed 50 people atleast maybe more depending on the amount you eating but a fucking chicken bro you gonna eat a whole chicken if your hungry

  • @yurmosdikinyurmoth7956
    @yurmosdikinyurmoth7956 2 роки тому

    Bro new fan love your content

  • @tonystyles21
    @tonystyles21 2 роки тому +3

    Frail sickly looking vegans would disagree 😂🤣

  • @paulharris9268
    @paulharris9268 2 роки тому

    If all animals are sacred we should never kill any of them. Rats, mice, insects fish, bugs, mosquitos anything. We are omnivores.

  • @Gtt985
    @Gtt985 2 роки тому +2

    Dude im from south india a diet expert says good diet is what our ancestors ate also depends on geographical area..western ancestors ate 80% meat and 20% veggi fruits but on indian land it seems other way 80% veg and 20% meat..thats how our dna ..

  • @dinobot_maximize
    @dinobot_maximize 2 роки тому

    just go to richard montbleau and cory barbee channels for the answer on what this reality is about but you probably will reject it

  • @kbeautician
    @kbeautician 2 роки тому

    Have dominion.

  • @OFB307
    @OFB307 2 роки тому

    Paul you need to look into the Islamic way of slaughtering. You'll value it a lot imho.

  • @jessicakitteh
    @jessicakitteh 2 роки тому +1

    God was displeased with cain for bringing him fruit and pleased with able who brought animal fat as an offering to god.

    • @edidiongmoses2889
      @edidiongmoses2889 2 місяці тому

      Nobody gives a shit about what some dumbass non-existent god thinks

  • @Paul-Weston
    @Paul-Weston 2 роки тому

    I Don feel guilt when I eat meat. If I had to kill a cow to get 6 moths worth of steak, I probably could. Although the poor cow would probably die a horrible lingering death. When I was in the army I was on a survival course, I had to kill a rabbit, the poor thing took a full minute to die. So I'd rather pay for a professional to kill my meat, in a clean and quick way to minimise trauma to the animal. I could shoot a cow with a suppressed sniper rifle, and in the perfect scenario that would be best for the animal. However the blood wouldn't drain from the carcass so you'd have a logistical nightmare getting the dead cow off the field, and blood drained ASAP without undue stress to the rest of the herd surrounding it.

  • @marcusryder95
    @marcusryder95 4 місяці тому

    You are lying to yourself if you think that you need to eat animals to be your best-self. You don’t.

  • @IntoAllTruth.
    @IntoAllTruth. 2 роки тому

    What goes into the mouth doesn't defile the person bit what comes out of the mouth. Please purify your language.

  • @cowboycookout
    @cowboycookout 2 роки тому

    God gave man stewardship over animals, and meant for us to eat them. There is no secular ethical argument for or against eating animals that doesn't beg the question.

  • @mrpepre
    @mrpepre 4 місяці тому

    The problem with meat is we eat too much of it, it’s become unnatural. We need to be responsible with our consumption and only take what is needed for nutrition, not out of greed or preferred taste, ethically eating animals for those reasons isn’t moral imo, meat eaters need to accept that if they eat more than what they should, you are being greedy and can’t honestly say you love animals. Cognitive dissonance is a big one on this issue

    • @edidiongmoses2889
      @edidiongmoses2889 2 місяці тому

      Wym we eat too much😂😂

    • @mrpepre
      @mrpepre 2 місяці тому

      @@edidiongmoses2889 McDonald’s 😎

    • @edidiongmoses2889
      @edidiongmoses2889 2 місяці тому

      @@mrpepre na bro we don’t eat that much😂

  • @petvuk
    @petvuk 2 роки тому

    Eating animals is not Nice. Neither is death Nice.
    But both is inevitable.
    Thats how i see it
    I cant go without meat.
    If thats a sin i will choose that sin and try to be best human elsewhere.
    I am sorry, dear animals, i am sorry but i would be super hungry if i give up on you. There is no replacement.
    I will never however relativise vegan ethics i think they are onto; something and some People dont crave meat, but we are not all the same. I know i would gain 30 kg more on a vegan high carb diet

  • @timdehaan843
    @timdehaan843 2 роки тому

    Lol the circel of life? Its the circel of torture and murder

  • @SenorJuan2023
    @SenorJuan2023 2 роки тому

    Paul can rationalize anything.

  • @richatripathi4234
    @richatripathi4234 5 місяців тому

    Wow! What he says is so dumb!
    Like how can killing an animal, the way we do nowadays in factory farms, be ethical in anyway?

    • @spencerk4077
      @spencerk4077 Місяць тому

      He’s talking about hunting, not factory farming..

  • @dajosee
    @dajosee 2 роки тому

    Why is Paul so small and scrawny ?
    Shouldn't he be big and muscled from eating all that beef?
    Something is not right here

    • @dajosee
      @dajosee 2 роки тому

      @Vincent Dolphin That's funny Vincent, but he is in fact Scrawny

  • @thesquadequalstraitors2273
    @thesquadequalstraitors2273 2 роки тому

    We have carnivore teeth..... We evolved to eat meat, fruits AND vegetables.... We are an animal.... We are omnivores... Just because you have a cellphone doesn't change any of those facts.
    If you think it's unethical to eat meat then don't. If you want to preach about protecting the other animals that we eat, why is it bad to eat a cow, but not a bug? Living creatures are living creatures. Humans are the top of the food chain, not separate from it.
    Vegetables and fruit are living organisms too. By the logic vegans use they still devour living things. Crying about eating animals because they are alive and still eating vegetables and/or fruit is 100% hypocritical.
    Even if you ate dirt, you would still be a hypocrite, there are millions of living bacteria in that dirt.
    There is one rule and only one. Devour to survive. For if you do not, you will die. Nothing else holds the same weight.

  • @quigley6643
    @quigley6643 2 роки тому +2

    To quote Andrew Tate, “People only care about the cute animals.”

    • @metalrunner4398
      @metalrunner4398 2 роки тому

      You have great role models with profoundly developed morals and manners

    • @quigley6643
      @quigley6643 2 роки тому

      That I do.

  • @reginafarias
    @reginafarias 2 роки тому

    This time I won't agree with you, Paul. I know plants feel pain, stress and fear too. But God shouldn't have created the predators. He could have had a better plan instead of creating beings who need to kill another beings to feed themselves.

    • @artemishunter8993
      @artemishunter8993 2 роки тому

      And yet 'god' made the world in this cycle life, death, life, death

    • @reginafarias
      @reginafarias 2 роки тому

      @@artemishunter8993 It was not intented to be this way, predators, deaths, etc. But Eve ...

    • @artemishunter8993
      @artemishunter8993 2 роки тому

      @@reginafarias intention or not it's what God implemented after "the fall of man". Unless you know of a way that it can stop? I have no ideas. Honestly what do we do?

    • @reginafarias
      @reginafarias 2 роки тому

      @@artemishunter8993 I keep eating meat but I can not agree there is an ethic of eating animals.

    • @artemishunter8993
      @artemishunter8993 2 роки тому

      @@reginafarias sorry I actually not sure what you mean by ethic here.
      Personally I avoid non pasture raised animal derived food as best to my knowledge as I can. I used to hunt and fish as a teen, I hope to return to this in a few years when I retire. Take care.

  • @Keliiyamashita
    @Keliiyamashita 2 роки тому

    It’s food. Don’t overcomplicate it.

  • @raposa00
    @raposa00 2 роки тому +1


  • @mr.fixdaplate
    @mr.fixdaplate 6 місяців тому

    He sound dumb

  • @izaak2231
    @izaak2231 2 роки тому +1

    I keep it HALAL!

    • @SirPraiseSun
      @SirPraiseSun 2 роки тому

      u lose half the nutrients blood and raw milk is the best shake

  • @randyle4520
    @randyle4520 2 роки тому +2

    Plz get pro bodybuilders on

  • @karenwall8643
    @karenwall8643 2 роки тому +1

    Getting David icke vibes re: holographic World, and perception etc. Great to hear more open minded perceptive people out there

  • @shaun4443
    @shaun4443 Рік тому

    I must be an animal because I'm looking at her legs!

  • @donnerparty1815
    @donnerparty1815 2 роки тому +2

    Carnivore MD? But he's turned into a sugary fruit eater.

    • @samim3148
      @samim3148 2 роки тому +2

      You learn with time. Fruit is good for you.

    • @SirPraiseSun
      @SirPraiseSun 2 роки тому

      whats wrong with fruit if u work out? u wanna be a skinny cancer patient? if ur fat dont eat sugar simple if ur skinny and workout alot its easier for the body

    • @donnerparty1815
      @donnerparty1815 2 роки тому

      @@samim3148...much Less than veggies..... Fructose.... Causes glycation.... The glycation process leads to a loss of protein function and impaired elasticity of tissues such as blood vessels, skin, and tendons5-7. The glycation reaction is highly accelerated in the presence of hyperglycemia and tissue oxidative stress8.

    • @donnerparty1815
      @donnerparty1815 2 роки тому

      @@samim3148... You learn with time

    • @samim3148
      @samim3148 2 роки тому

      @@donnerparty1815 fruit will give you the sugar you need, and will make your athletic performance better. Also good for you gut and skin. I was a strict carnivore and adding raw diary and fruit really improved my health.

  • @TerriblePerfection
    @TerriblePerfection 2 роки тому

    In a perfect world we wouldn't need to eat. Or die. But we need to do both.
    Humans, with their big brains, forget or ignore that we are also animals.

  • @mattsonnek8509
    @mattsonnek8509 8 місяців тому

    Reality is not a perception, reality is objective. As sentient beings, our responsibility is to best alight our perceptions with reality. Not the other way around.

  • @microcolonel
    @microcolonel 2 роки тому

    I personally don't see the supposed dishonor in raising an animal for food on a pasture, and taking its life quickly, without undue suffering. Waste feels wrong regardless, and we don't waste much of anything when we process cattle. There's not an organ anyone's willing to eat that isn't packed. Every inch of hide is used.

  • @MiroBG359
    @MiroBG359 2 роки тому

    I wonder if lions wonder about the ethics of eating other animals?

  • @SirPraiseSun
    @SirPraiseSun 2 роки тому

    is that the nascar driver?

  • @andreamarrado
    @andreamarrado 2 роки тому

    Dr Paul, I've been on low carb, not consuming keto "treats", no vegetable oils, etc. I'm a highly active individual, workout 6 days a week.
    I'm 5'7", 156lbs and likely 10% body fat.
    My current lipids are:
    Total chol: 326
    Trig: 86
    LDL: 234
    HDL: 75
    My physician is worried about my LDL, even after i stated that I'm on a. Low carb diet. He wants to see me in 3 months and possibly give me pills(which i will reject).
    Should I just boot this guy?
    My trig/HDL ratio is 1.14!

    • @terrij973
      @terrij973 2 роки тому +1

      Change Doctors

    • @surfboarding5058
      @surfboarding5058 2 роки тому +2

      Vegetable oils are healthy is it has the word “vegetable” in it .

  • @virusmyth4930
    @virusmyth4930 2 роки тому

    I've seen on a previous video that you recommended coconut water, or at least said its "ok"
    I've also seen sources stating that coconut water contains 300+mg oxalates per 100ml, so drinking a typical amount of coconut water, a whole coconut's worth of water would mean something between 1000 to 2000mg of oxalate in one go, while some figures in the field (sally k norton) recommend not going much above 50mg per day, specially for people with kidney problems or sensitivity to oxalate which does not seem to be my case. I never had problems with coconut water as far as I know, but what are your thoughts on that?
    Thank you.

    • @M13x13M
      @M13x13M 2 роки тому

      Why do think coconut water is high in oxalates?

    • @virusmyth4930
      @virusmyth4930 2 роки тому

      ​ @mark marcinik Because of the sources I've seen saying it is high in oxalates. There are contradicting information on the web however, that's whey I asked for Paul's opinion. I cant mention the site as this platform removes my comments. Actually my previous response to you was also removed, but didnt include any links, so Im not sure what's happening with this platform...

    • @M13x13M
      @M13x13M 2 роки тому

      @@virusmyth4930 -Sally Norton is the expert on Oxalates. Her website is astonishingly extensive. She is brilliant. There is a good UA-cam video where Saladino interviews her. She does not list coconut water as high in Oxalates. Coconut is demonized because of the fat content since the saturated fat myth persists.

    • @virusmyth4930
      @virusmyth4930 2 роки тому

      @@M13x13M Yeah, I know her work. Actually it's from her that I first heard about the site that states coconut water is high in oxalates.
      Try googling "Oxalate (oxalic acid) content of 750+ foods" and the first link is the site Im referring to.

    • @M13x13M
      @M13x13M 2 роки тому

      @@virusmyth4930 :from her site….Citric acid can help dissolve oxalate crystals. Sources: Lemon juice, coconut water, citrate supplements (calcium citrate, potassium citrate, magnesium citrate.) There is more you can do. Schedule a consultation with me for customized suggestions.

  • @DR-ww7rx
    @DR-ww7rx 2 роки тому +1

    The question I have, what I've struggled with is, What Gives Me The Right To Live If It Means Something Else Has to Die? Why is my life any more valuable than the countless animals that must die for me to eat in my lifetime?

    • @meliora99
      @meliora99 7 місяців тому

      @@boo4273 Nice fallacies here. Grass/bacteria don't feel pain, and plant deaths are reduced in becoming vegan. Pesticide usage is necessary because we HAVE to do it to survive, eating meat isn't. Predatory animals don't have moral agency, nor are they in a position to choose what they eat like we do.

    • @mountainhollers2661
      @mountainhollers2661 Місяць тому

      Even if you don’t eat animals, they are still dying for your existence.

  • @nicholasmaloni7595
    @nicholasmaloni7595 2 роки тому

    Hello @CarnivoreMD, I'm hoping if you or anybody else on this page was able clarify something for me.
    To mitigate the risk of electrolyte imbalance from long-term ketosis whilst doing the Carnivore diet, in theory, would the consumption of the lactose in Raw Milk provide the suitable insulin 'bump' to re-set your potential electrolyte imbalance? Thank you.

    • @georgecresswell4413
      @georgecresswell4413 2 роки тому +1

      If you want an insulin bump (whether that is beneficial or not) raw milk will definitely do that. Just remember to not go too heavy that stuff is highly addictive haha

    • @nicholasmaloni7595
      @nicholasmaloni7595 2 роки тому +1

      @@georgecresswell4413 thank you for your reply.
      Do you think it would be suitable to manage electrolyte imbalance for those of us in long-term ketosis?
      I'd rather use Raw Milk than a non-animal based carbohydrate TBH.

    • @georgecresswell4413
      @georgecresswell4413 2 роки тому

      @@nicholasmaloni7595 It depends on your goal. I personally prefer being in ketosis myself and I’m thriving in it but if I do want to have a little insulin bump every now & then a 250ml glass of raw A2 milk will do that sufficiently. I’ve found the best way to find out what works is just testing things on yourself. Don’t get too attached to what you see on UA-cam, your body signals are a much better way of knowing, people can almost mentally trick themselves by reading into things to much, I have done myself. Get to a good metabolic state with eliminating most things then try introducing 1 thing a week at a time try each thing for 7 days (like a glass of milk daily). You pretty quickly realise if something is worth it or not, for me it wasn’t worth doing long term but if you find it beneficial for electrolyte reasons go for it. There are definitely electrolytes in milk, I found it just confused my body rather than overall helped it. I also tried increasing it to 3-5 glasses per day for even more carbohydrates/energy and that was even worse. I feel cleaner & clearer in ketosis and vastly more energy. I guess if your going with the saladino approach of high carbohydrates tho, yes I think raw milk can and probably should be a good carbohydrate to include especially if you can get the good stuff & tolerate it. It’s delicious & very nutritious