True Repentance Explained by Derek Prince

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024
  • Beautiful explanation of repentance! One of the best I’ve ever heard! Video mirrored from
    / @alphaomegaproductions


  • @julienpredelus6193
    @julienpredelus6193 2 роки тому +22

    This made me want to change everything

  • @goodnewsroasters714
    @goodnewsroasters714 11 місяців тому +10

    So good! The church needs to teach more on true repentance

  • @ButhuLionessOfGod
    @ButhuLionessOfGod Рік тому +19

    I cried.our heavenly father is beyond word description ❤😭

  • @jasnamikic5593
    @jasnamikic5593 11 місяців тому +9

    Thank You Father El Shaddai!
    You are The Miracle Maker!
    I L O V E YOU!!! 💪❤️‍🔥🔥🕊🌹👑

  • @PhillipMuir
    @PhillipMuir 2 місяці тому +2

    Help me Jesus

  • @JoseSanchez0795
    @JoseSanchez0795 Рік тому +6

    I'm sorry Lord!!!!!!!❤

  • @susanumukoro7892
    @susanumukoro7892 Рік тому +6

    I can stay a day without listening to this God's general

  • @anitatirkey7323
    @anitatirkey7323 8 місяців тому +2

    True . Yes paster thank you for this video & message. To tell about repentance. Praise God 🙌🙏 hallelujah.

  • @Daniel12.4Ministry
    @Daniel12.4Ministry Рік тому +2

    There is a difference between justification and sanctification. In order to receive the Grace of God, you must have true repentance. Justification is the receiving of this grace that cleanses you of your past sins and deals with a willful choice to no longer choose to defy God or violate his ways. Sanctification is the process of perfection that deals with those things we do that are wrong of which we are unaware. Over time the Holy Spirit guides us and teaches us to cleanse these things that we were doing wrong unaware. After receiving the grace of God we must not choose to violate God's ways knowingly. God knows the intents of our hearts.
    If you do not have perfect repentance, there is a reason.
    Godly repentance necessarily brings true reformation.
    Worldly sorrow does not bring reformation, but brings eternal death.
    The difference is in the heart.
    Godly sorrow is to be sorry that you offended God and had gone against his ways.
    Worldly sorrow is to be sorry you got caught and have need to pay the penalty for what you did wrong.
    To choose to defy the ways of God - after you have been converted and cleansed of your sins - is to choose yourself above God and is a form of IDOLATRY.
    Numbers 15:28-31

  • @julienpredelus6193
    @julienpredelus6193 2 роки тому +4

    This made me want to change more

  • @silkwillowfarm9497
    @silkwillowfarm9497 Рік тому +1

    Thanks for sharing!

  • @Ali76564
    @Ali76564 Рік тому +1

    Thanks 😊

  • @joarembstaples4837
    @joarembstaples4837 Рік тому +1

    Amen ❤️ 🙏

  • @christolliday3054
    @christolliday3054 Рік тому +2

    I often wonder if i have ever truly repented if I am truly saved because I try and follow and be obediant but mostly I'm not that obediant I still sin sometimes deliberately repentence is not an act of emotion its a change of direction a change of will so we do we still sin if we have truly repented. Jesus said to the adulterous woman go sin no how do you do that

    • @christolliday3054
      @christolliday3054 Рік тому

      thank you I have been through deliverence ministry many years ago

  • @martinmartin6300
    @martinmartin6300 Рік тому +5

    Where is the original video from alpha and omega productions?

  • @thehillhouse
    @thehillhouse Рік тому +5

    I fully repented once but back slid.., I don’t know how to repent of all I’ve done now. I need the Holy Spirit to guide me because I don’t know what is sin and what isn’t :( there’s so many grey areas i over think

    • @ca8547
      @ca8547 10 місяців тому +6

      The highlight: I overthink.
      2 Corinthians 10:5-6 KJV
      casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; and having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.
      You have a carnal mind and a spiritual mind. Overthinking is the product of carnal dwelling.
      Jesus will always love you! ❤

    • @adriendekleva8359
      @adriendekleva8359 6 місяців тому +1

      How are you doing brother?

    • @thehillhouse
      @thehillhouse 6 місяців тому +2

      @@adriendekleva8359 I think God may have sent you to post that comment at this exact time, wow. I am coming out of the fog. I am trying to repent, but have been mixed up in my head afraid if I’ll be able to truly follow thru. I got out of a religious cult that taught me very bad doctrine and have been trying to understand the real gospel, acts 2:38 as well. (A sister btw, and thank you for commenting)

    • @adriendekleva8359
      @adriendekleva8359 6 місяців тому

      You can always repent,You need to repent always,get away from Wicked ways with Christ,these Things are Impossible for men,but with God,all is possible,stay strong in your faith,continue to fight,its a lie from devil that You cant,you are strong sister,you are daughter OF GOD,your soul is bought with huuge price cause crucifixion,bielive in your heart that God loves you and wants the best for you,but submit to God and you will see miracles.
      I Enccautred Jesus at na deathbed,i was suicidal and i Said if you are reeal Be real for me or im done,i woke Without deptession next Morning,few months went past i got healed from All pain,baptised,born again and now its hard too but with GOD ALL IS POSSIBLE.LOVE YOU AMEN​@@thehillhouse

    • @JenyyMorris
      @JenyyMorris 5 місяців тому +2

      You know what if you are feeling guilty of your backslid is a sign that you don't backslid.
      Don't focus on the flesh and say I can do this but rather say God will help me then you will see miracles and you will see the grace of God working in your life to make you strong. I used to say I should be strong and many times I kept falling but in the end I came to the end of myself and say to God "Lord I can't do this anymore if you son't help me" and now I see God's grace in my life to easily live without struggling and when I look back and see those of my weak and "backslid" times I realized that God is bringing me to the end of my self.
      Brother/sister God will help you !

  • @KevinKurzsartdisplay
    @KevinKurzsartdisplay 10 місяців тому

    Know what the funny thing is? The Bible preaches salvation to be a free gift. But to earn that “free” gift, you first need to repent, you need to forcefully turn from sin, to do that you need to have the will, well where the heck am I supposed to get the will when I don’t have it, either I have it or I don’t! Besides that I also need to get baptized. So is salvation a free gift? Absolutely NOT, absolutely not!! We are first saved by works and then by faith, to be able to trust jesus, you first need to work for it! “We are not saved by works”, yea right!!🙄

    • @danielviets4427
      @danielviets4427 8 місяців тому

      Do you believe the Bible?

    • @forhisglory517
      @forhisglory517 Місяць тому

      I’m confused 🤔

    • @UserJ-r018
      @UserJ-r018 12 днів тому

      We can't do anything at all to have salvation. You could do all the good deeds in the world and still go to hell. The reason being is that we've all sinned and sinners are not fit for the kingdom of God. That's why our Merciful, Faithful and loving God sent his perfect and sinless son Jesus as a sacrifice for our sin, so that we could have the chance to have eternal life while we're still living on this earth. First you must place your faith in Jesus. That is believing you're saved because of the sacrifice Jesus made for your sins. As soon as you placed your faith in Jesus, and don't rely on any works at all, then you are saved and cannot lose your salvation no matter how you feel about it. You could commit the worst of sins and God will still be willing to forgive you through Jesus if you approach him with a humble, sincere and repenting heart. He does not want anyone to perish and his desire is for everyone to be saved.
      After placing your faith in Jesus, repent. Repenting doesn't mean to stop sinning because we will all eventually sin at points in our lives, and we are not perfect. That does not mean we should go sinning deliberately, because that would not be repentance. Repentance is to change your mind and to put your faith in Christ alone, which will result in a change of behavior. You will go from desiring and loving sin, to hating and being unwilling to do it.
      Repentance is showing that you put your trust and faith in Jesus by denying your worldly and sinful desires for his sake.
      Now when you get to the great throne of God, do not say "I've done many good things" or anything that credits you, because that would mean you trusted yourself all along and not Jesus. The right thing to say would be "I do not deserve it at all, but because of your son Jesus Christ".
      When you place your faith in Jesus, you are made righteous in Gods eyes and aren't seen as a sinner anymore.
      If you haven't placed your faith in Jesus yet, don't wait another second to do so. He is the way the truth and the light, and the only way to get to God.

    • @UserJ-r018
      @UserJ-r018 12 днів тому

      A man can get baptized and still go to hell because they haven’t put their faith in Jesus sacrifice (The only reason we are saved)
      Think of baptism as a public annunciation of you turning your life over to Christ. It symbolizes the death and resurrection of Jesus. By your own will, your old self dies and you become new. I saw where you went “where the heck am I supposed to get the will when I don’t have it?”
      Your will is what you choose to do by your free choice, a decision. With that free choice, you can choose to live according to how God wants you to live.

    • @UserJ-r018
      @UserJ-r018 12 днів тому

      Doing good works can be one of the results of you choosing to repent, but are not the way to salvation. Only faith in Christ alone which leads to repentance if you are willing to make that 180 degree turn from your old lifestyle.