  • Опубліковано 2 лют 2023
  • Increasingly I'm finding it difficult and frustrating to shop for gear online. Here's my take on why it's broken and some suggestions on what we can do about it.


  • @jon_gee
    @jon_gee Рік тому +10

    Right on man this is a great talk. I miss the days of going to guitar center in their synth room. It’s now a buy & try world. Reverb must be raking in heaps of cash.

    • @jon_gee
      @jon_gee Рік тому

      @SYNTHPUNK ✌🏻

    • @samprock
      @samprock Рік тому +1

      I was playing real Moog 2016 reissue at the time. It was on Guitar Center floor. After 5 minutes of fck-cool-playing real thing, I realized, $3.5K which can additionally discount at GC and maybe less, since unit sits on the store shelf, …. not worth it. Because you can really see - simple thing it is. Great, but still simple.
      That experience along cooled of me for good. Since then I only bought expensive analog synth or cheap midi controller. Knowing well there is a HUGE difference watching YT on a gear and vs real life value.

  • @a_w_young
    @a_w_young Рік тому +6

    Also, some of us live in cities without retail stores near by that aren't just guitar outfitters. I'm grateful for online retailers but nobody sells the things I'm after without driving 8 hours. Not being able to try things without ordering them certainly is a problem. I don't mind making a trip to a neighbouring city a couple times a year but I can't plan a cross Canada trip to visit one of the three or so retailers that carry most of the things I seek.

  • @Manmademadman
    @Manmademadman Рік тому +2

    Long time Minimoog fanboy/snob here. Currently I own the 2016 reissue and a Studio Electronics MIDIMINI (minimoog clone boards inside). Everything about the reissue is better than every vintage Minimoog I've ever owned, including MIDI, build quality, and tuning stability. People ask me for synth advice all the time, and one important thing to consider would be how are you going to use it? Just because I love the Minimoog doesn't necessarily mean it applies to everyone and their music. I use the Minimoog on almost 95% of my songs, and its typically for bass because it does it so well. It's also been powered on since I got it in 2016, a testament to its build quality and stability. $5000 is a lot of money for a synth for which there are lots of substitutes, including plugins which are getting better and better every year. That said, I still find it smart to call it "just a tool" and think of it that way. It's a tool that I use daily, and I find inspiring in the physical layout, signal flow, sound, and yes, even nostalgia. While I would never recommend a Minimoog for "only one monosynth", it yields great results no matter the use case. When people come over, they are always fascinated with it, unlike all the other synths I've got hooked up and ready.
    All that said, ask yourself: Does it fit with your music and workflow? ...and answer honestly.

  • @ZetaCarinae
    @ZetaCarinae Рік тому +4

    An alternative to a local music shop is starting a local synth enthusiast meetup, for example a monthly meeting where maybe a few people play a set, and with time and space for people to trade/buy/sell/show off their gear. Of course you need to be in a big enough urban area to pull that off, but I'm willing to drive pretty far to experience that.

  • @ssadams
    @ssadams Рік тому +2

    I am lucky that I have 2 major music stores in my city and many little shops that serve the community needs. I still have my mini I bought in 79 and she is still rocking today. I don't know if I would buy one today at current prices. Another great video!


      Wow I am mega envious! Music stores are such a gift! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  • @riseofthemachine2623
    @riseofthemachine2623 Рік тому +3

    I have the 2016 Re-issue. It is everything you could imagine it to be, and then some...Superior to the original, thanks to tuning stability, MIDI, Patchable velocity and aftertouch, and the dedicated LFO. The user experience is sublime. Be very cautious to avoid the "bang for the buck" argument, the Minimoog will not win that debate. It seems to me that the happy Minimoog owner is someone who already has been inspired by it by from listening to their heroes. As for the broken system? It is what it is. Gone are the days of test-driving a synth in a store, and those were usually first touches without having an understanding of the controls and features. As for reviewers - I just want to understand features. I don't get sucked into the sales pitches.

  • @Jehudi
    @Jehudi Рік тому +2

    I do not choose the synthesizers. The synthesizers choose me.
    It is unexplainable. It is a feeling. Like an insight.
    Never buy an instrument with your head, but with your heart.
    As you don't play music with your head.
    When you start thinking, you stop playing.


      Right on! Also, your comment sounds like a n epic 80’s song lyric! Ha!

  • @samprock
    @samprock Рік тому +2

    Apple is mass produced and temporary. Moog is analogue and forever gem (for us, at least for our lifetime). But. I get Ultra and all my fave Mini from Arturia, NI, and UAD and I’m happy. Cherry finish made me drool, dream, and make good enough decision. ModelD VST and my other Moog Subsequent 37, with full VST plug, letting to automate every aspect of it, incl and twist real Moog ladder filter from my DAW ….. is really more value. Not only for money, but for musician me. Techtuber if lucky has to keep it for less money or make some money back from the vid. Otherwise $5k is not for masses, regardless how cool owning it may sound.

  • @thegreaterconundrum
    @thegreaterconundrum Рік тому +1

    Absolutely incredible. This and all of your videos are a rare gen in this community.

  • @sodothehivesonhisleg
    @sodothehivesonhisleg Рік тому +1

    You're on the money mate. A great summary of the marketing economy in this space.

  • @ChristopherOrth
    @ChristopherOrth Рік тому +1

    I felt for about the last 15 years that instead of “stores“ we should just have local “show rooms“. There should be one big building somewhere in each metropolitan area where you can walk in and try every single musical device made. They don’t sell any of them. You just get to try them. You could bring in your own gear to plug in with it, or whatever. And then you buy it somewhere else. But they could take income from each of these manufactures to pay them to be the show room. Lots of other ways to monetize as well. This would work the same way for kitchen, appliances, clothing, lines, whatever. Like you should be able to go somewhere and try on every hiking boot that any company anywhere in the world has ever made. One of each. You can’t buy it, but you can try it and make a decision.


      There was a concept just before the pandemic called retail as a service, RAAS, where companies would get together and paid for a showroom where manufacturers and companies could interact with customers and rent out a very spacious and easy to access location (which means expensive) I think this could work. Macy’s did this and a few others in Europe. I think this can definitely work.

  • @triplebeam23
    @triplebeam23 Рік тому +1

    Former Apple owner .. I had 2 MacBook pros and a iMac.. when it was that time to get a new computer I was looking at all the specs and just everything.. I said screw it and I built a pc liquid cooled ryzeen 5900x .. thus thing is a beast and it looks really cool.. I'm so happy I switched over .. it was rough at first getting used to windows .. but I feel like I made a smart chouce


      What kind of Daw are your running on it? And your audio interface? Thanks for sharing!

  • @darkeldarblade916
    @darkeldarblade916 Рік тому +2

    I agree. I am going to buy one and return it if does not work for me. Cost is crazy for sure but I do like Moog as a company and the history of their synths. I do own the Moog One 16 voice, DFAM, Mother-32.


      Buy and try and return. This is the way and maybe this is the future :( But things like the MINIMOOG is so heavy, I think you take a big hit on shipping which some companies do not reimburse. Some also charge a restocking fee, not to mention the "return guilt" we all feel. Also the hassle of unboxing and then reboxing.. ugh. yeah. I'm curious how your MOOG One buying experience was like. Would you mind sharing? Thanks for your feedback! :)

    • @darkeldarblade916
      @darkeldarblade916 Рік тому

      @@DUNGEONMUSICTHEATRE Yes, I agree it sucks for the return part. Sweetwater has been great for returns no questions asked. I have no other way to play around with new equipment because I live in a small town and any major music store is hundreds of miles away. The reason I pulled the trigger on the Moog One is doing the research and watching You Tube videos. At first I did not like the Moog One sound when I first got it. The sounds I was looking for was not in any preset and every sound I built that works for my music I had to build from scratch which I do find a lot of fun but does take away from me making music. My music is more on the darker\heavier\industrial side. I had to do the same thing when I purchased the Iridium. I also looked at buying the Moog One used but I did not want to spend that kind of money without some sort of warranty.

  • @prinzbach
    @prinzbach Рік тому +1

    Personally I buy almost all my gear used. Unless it is too niche or too new, I wait for the stuff (pedal, modular, synth or instrument) to pop up online. It really helps me to take the time and ask myself: "Do I really need this?...". There's a sense of freedom in having as less gear as possible.


      U are a much better man. But yeah I buy and sell used gear as much as I can!

  • @synthsamuraiproductions
    @synthsamuraiproductions Рік тому +1

    I wish they just slapped some diff colors and a screen on it with presets and dropped something creative. But it still probably sounds awesome. Good vid brother.

  • @blindianajones
    @blindianajones Рік тому

    Great topic and video. I started my synth journey because I wanted a Moog Voyager, could not afford it and started looking around for what else is there that I could afford. Six years later, I have spent the Voyager amount on other gear and glad I went this route. If I got a minimoog, that is all I could get and I would not want to take it out to play live. For now, I cannot justify buying any instrument around 5k. The only solution to the retail environment for pricier gear that I could come up with is if someone would rent out the more expensive instruments and we could ship the synth back after our rental period. id rent a Model D for a week or so, record samples and ship it on to the next renter.

  • @ManCalledMif
    @ManCalledMif Рік тому +2

    Are those 8030 genelecs? I bought some that looked like that and they’re still great after ten years.
    Got my model D on order. It looks and sounds the part. Hopefully will have a new house when it arrives.


      Yep! 8030’s. I actually miss my old dynaudio’s which is sitting in my garage. But they are passive and these gen’s are active. So while I prefer the dyn’s it’s more convenient for me at this time to have active speakers with my heritage speaker switch. It took some getting use to the gen’s tho.

  • @thehillbillysynthesist
    @thehillbillysynthesist Рік тому +1

    Good Stuff. We might want to talk about the value of the online marketplaces that we use to sell and buy our gear. Reverb used to offer a great value with solid customer service. These days they scoop up too much of the proceeds and their support is non-existent.


      Yeah I mean, I'm a fan of Reverb. It works. Still doesn't solve the discovery/showroom experience. I think they are doing better or they've cut back on labor or are having scaling issues in this economy.

  • @BenGeorge77
    @BenGeorge77 Рік тому

    SO DO I OR DON'T I BUY THE MOOG!?! Kidding. This was a thoughtful video, I appreciate it. I've definitely felt the over-consumerism. I think it's cause many of us synth guys are now 40ish and we all grew up on toy commercials. It's hard to kick that feeling of wanting all the toys, especially as many of us are in the phase of life where maybe we can afford some of the things that were unobtainable when we were broke techno-loving teens.

  • @a_w_young
    @a_w_young Рік тому +2

    Good conversation but if I can bother you about something off topic.. What are you using for lighting above your modular cases? I've been looking for a solution. Thank you.


      It's called a monitor light bar? You can search on Amazon and find one. The cool thing is they are bus powered via USB-C so I can charge them off the modular rig! Thanks so much for your feedback though!

    • @a_w_young
      @a_w_young Рік тому


  • @pawnotdaw4559
    @pawnotdaw4559 Рік тому

    I guess I’m lucky where I live as there are quite a few retail stores that have lots of hardware synths to demo. Three are walking distance. So I do actually prefer buying from the actual store. Just this week I found an item online $40 cheaper and the retail store price matched it.

  • @robriki2
    @robriki2 Рік тому

    I live in a small town with a Music Store and a Mac tech as a friend and neighbor. I try to balance my gear purchases between the local store and direct buy from the manufacturers when possible. Think of it as buying an album directly from the artist. I also buy my studio stuff from a relatively close store but not in my town. I have bough a lot from them and they know what’s working on the real world beside the hype. My Mac tech managed to get me off the M chip train for at least a year by servicing my 2011 MacPro. In the end, I think establishing real relations with real people matters. Making business with real people is good investment in the long run IMHO.

  • @GavinLyonsCreates
    @GavinLyonsCreates Рік тому

    You crack me up, what a first world problem/issue. Just buy a second hand Behringer Model D, make music with it and see if it works for you before handing out the big bucks on a Moog. If doesn't work for you just sell it on. This would be my first step before buying a life size gloriously beautiful Moog .
    The Behringer clone is pretty much the same, the famous ladder filter is well documented and easy to build for anyone who knows a bit of electronics. Sure the components are probably of better quality and has some nice wooden bits on the sides. Hey it's your money anyhow.

  • @Robert_Babicz
    @Robert_Babicz Рік тому

    good video

  • @fa0179
    @fa0179 Рік тому

    i love this channel

  • @NewWebDesign
    @NewWebDesign Рік тому +1

    the Behringer clone is amazing! i wish it had presets - by far best sounding and value for the money to make basslines and alot more --- love your videos!

  • @BlackMan614
    @BlackMan614 Рік тому +1

    Ugh... it is SO hard to get a reliable, honest review. Eurorack is the WORST. I don't know how many modules I have sold or have sitting in a drawer because they SUCKED beyond belief. That said... Prophet 5/10, MiniMoog... you're pretty much safe. The other modern analogs?? I dunno...
    I was lucky to stop by Sweetwater a few months ago and played ALL of them. The one's that most impressed me were the OB6, Matriarch and... well... that's about it.


      EURORACK is SUCH a good example of online reviews being too hyped. I love EURORACK don’t get me wrong. But it’s deeply personal. So a lot of folks jumped on the wagon only to find out it’s not for them.

  • @KattKirsch
    @KattKirsch Рік тому

    My new policy is to not buy a piece of gear until I can find a negative review of it, like a truly "this didn't work for me, I'm getting rid of it" review. It's so easy to pretend each new device can do literally everything; I want to know what it *can't* do. And if I have that "can't do it" gap filled? Well maybe it's the right purchase for me; but without that perspective, it simply isn't worth the risk.


      Thank you for your insight! That does make sense as I do something similar on Amazon. My only counter to that is negative reviews can also be biased and it can also give good products a bad look unfairly at times. But I hear ya. Too many rosy reviews are very sus but nothing beats our own take on it.

  • @wakkowarner8810
    @wakkowarner8810 Рік тому +1

    Even if a reviewer is 100% honest, UA-cam compression will make it hard to compare gear or even hard to hear how the gear you are lusting after really sounds.


      Thanks for your thoughts! No review is really “honest” there’s usually some bias. we all have preferences unique to our own. Nothing beats us actually checking out gear for ourselves, but retail is dead for now :(

  • @stuartyeagley4227
    @stuartyeagley4227 Рік тому

    Personally, I hate 'sound only' reviews. I want to hear people explain in great detail how features work. How it sounds when someone else uses it in their home studio, then produces it and throws it on UA-cam, isn't super helpful to me. I don't have their studio gear and my experience with recording and producing isn't necessarily the same as theirs. I need them to tell me every detail they can manage to communicate so I can think about how that may be useful to my creativity. I'll listen to their album if I want to see how it was useful to them.


      I agree too. I think voice over and the person reviewing needs to contextualize it, as long as they don’t talk TOO much! :) But I mean this burden is probably on the manufacturer more than UA-camrs and we’re seeing that more. But not everyone company has a Mitch Gallagher so some are tough and cringy to watch. But it’s a lot of work making videos and so the quality is so varied from one to the next. And the better the quality, the more strings attached.

  • @d3ndesign
    @d3ndesign 10 місяців тому

    Late to the party, but maybe there is room fo a "fans only" for gear, where, if you've got the gear, like you have, and others to, then offer live sessions for people to say 'hey twist that knob, push that button...', etc., so that the viewers can kinda get the feel of the instrument and how it sounds before they drop a ton of cash on something they would otherwise only have seen highly processed pre-recorded demo videos for. Pay-per-mile ofcourse ;)

      @DUNGEONMUSICTHEATRE  10 місяців тому

      Hmm, wonder if there’s like a twitch channel for something like this, eh?

    • @d3ndesign
      @d3ndesign 10 місяців тому

      @@DUNGEONMUSICTHEATRE haven't seen anything, but it would be an interesting avenue to explore when weighing up whether to buy or not. Kinda find the reviews can be too polished at times and even with the disclaimer is it real or shill? Who knows.

  • @zap7759
    @zap7759 10 місяців тому

    If more effort goes into video production than their music production, I dont trust them. At all.

  • @MagicCyclops
    @MagicCyclops Рік тому +1

    I just got a used behringer poly d for under $400 . Moog is a luxury brand and status symbol but as a working class dude who just wants to screw around and learn something this is fine for me. You are just paying for name and legacy and $5500 for some bleeps and bloops seems a bit much its not what you play its how you play it look at whats left of Willie Nelson‘s guitar Only in the synthesizer world people get caught up with Brand names and status symbols that they don’t even play. Was Surprised how well-built and how heavy the poly d is. Got it at a used music store

  • @GeorgeLocke
    @GeorgeLocke Рік тому

    Having the Moog model d reissue in this discussion just muddies the water. Its such an outlier.