Vatapi Ganapathim (Class / Lesson) - Hamsadhwani - Adi - Dikshitar

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
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    Ragam: Hamsadhwani (29th mela janyam)
    ARO: S R G P N S || AVA: S N P G R S ||
    Talam: Adi
    Composer: Dikshitar
    Version: T. Rukmini
    Vaataapi Ganapathim Bhajeham Vaaranaasyam Vara Pradam Sri
    Bhootaadi Samsevitha Charanam
    Bhoota Bhautika Prapancha Bharanam
    Veetharaaginam Vinuta Yoginam Vishwakaaranam Vigna Vaaranam
    Puraa Kumbha Sambhava Munivara Prapoojitam Trikona Madhyagatam
    Muraari Pramukhaadyupaasitam Moolaadhaara Kshetrasthitam Paraadi Chatvaari Vaagaatmakam
    Pranava Svaroopa Vakratundam Nirantaram Nitila Chandragandam Nijavaamakara Vidhrutekshu Dandam
    Karaambujapaasha Beejaapooram Kalushavidooram Bhootaakaaram Haraadi Guruguha Toshita Bimbam
    Hamsadhvani Bhooshita Herambham
    Meaning: (From TK Govinda Rao's Book)
    I worship ("Bhajeham") Lord Ganapati of Vaatapi, who has the face ("aasyam") of an elephant ("vaara") and confers ("pradam") boons ("vara") on His devotees.
    His feet ("charanam") are worshipped ("samsevitha") by a host of Bhootaganas. He pervades ("bharanam") the world ("bhoota bhautika") consisting of the five elements ("prapancha"). He transcends("raaginam") the desires ("veeta") and is revered ("vinuta") by Yogis. He is the cause ("kaaranam") of creation("viswa") and the obliterator ("vaaranam") of obstacles ("vigna").
    He is worshipped ("prapoojitham") by the ancient sage ("munivara") Agastya -- who was born ("sambhava") out of a water pitcher ("pura kumbha").
    He dwells in the center ("madhyagatham") of the mystic triangle ("trikona") and is meditated ("upaasitham") upon Vishnu ("muraari") and other "Pramukhas" (important ones).
    He is the presiding deity ("sthitham") of Mooladhaara Kshetra.
    He is of the form ("aatmakam") of four ("chatvaari") kinds ("paraadi") of sound ("vaagaa") beginning with Para.
    He has a twisted ("vakra") trunk ("tundam") and is of the form ("swaroopa") of Pranava.
    He bears a crescent ("nitila") moon ("chandra") on his forehead ("gandam") and holds a sugar cane ("ikshu") on His left hand.
    He bears in His lotus-like ("ambuja") hands ("kara") a noose ("pasha"), a goad and fruits ("beejapooram").
    He drives away ("vidhooram") all the evils("kalusha"). He has a gigantic ("bhoota") form ("aakaaram").
    He ("bimbam") is adored ("toshita") by Hara, Guruguha and others ("aadi"). He is lord Heramba adorned ("bhushita") with Raga Hamsadhwani.
    Vaataapi Ganapathim Bhajeham Vaaranaasyam Vara Pradam Sri
    I worship ("Bhajeham") Lord Ganapati of Vaatapi, who has the face ("aasyam") of an elephant ("vaara") and confers ("pradam") boons ("vara") on His devotees.
    G ; ; R ; S S N | P R ; S R ; sn sr ||
    Vaa - taa - pi Gana pathim Bha je - ham-
    G sr G -R ; S S N | P R ; S R ; sn sr ||
    Vaa - taa - pi Gana pathim Bha je - ham-
    gpgg rs- rg rr sn g r sn | P R ; S R ; sn sr ||
    Vaa - - taa - pi Ga-na- pathim Bha je - ham-
    G P ; - G ; R g r sn | np gr R- S R ; sn sr ||
    Vaa - - taa - pi Ga-na- pathim - Bha je - ham--
    G P ; npP G R g r sn | P Rgr R- N Rgr R sn sr ||
    Vaa - - taa - pi Ga-na- pathim - Bha je - ham--
    G P N - P G R g r sn | P Rgr R- N Rgr R sn sr ||
    Vaa - - taa - pi Ga-na- pathim - Bha je - ham--
    gpns R - sn pg R g r sn | P Rgr R- N Rgr R sn sr ||
    Vaa - - taa - pi Ga-na- pathim - Bha je - ham--
    gpns rg - gr sn pg g r sn | P Rgr R- N Rgr R sn sr ||
    Vaa - - taa - pi Ga-na- pathim - Bha je - ham--
    gpns rg - pg rs np g r sn | P Rgr R- N Rgr R sn sr ||
    Vaa - - taa - pi Ga-na- pathim - Bha je - ham--
    G R G P ; ; ; ; | ; ; ; ; ; gp g r s r ||
    Vaa ra naa- - - - - - - - - - syam - - - -
    G R G P ; ; S ; | S sn P gp R ; s n s r ||
    Vaa ra naa- - - syam Va ra- - Pra- dam- Sri- - -
    G R G P ; ; n s R | S sn P gp R ; s n s r ||
    Vaa ra naa- - - syam Va ra- - Pra- dam- Sri- - -
    G R G sn P ; p n s r | g r s - r s n - s n p - g n p g r s r ||
    Vaa ra naa- - - syam Va- - ra- - - Pra- - dam- Sri- - -
    Bhootaadi Samsevitha Charanam
    Bhoota Bhautika Prapancha Bharanam
    Veetharaaginam Vinuta Yoginam Vishwakaaranam Vigna Vaaranam
    His feet ("charanam") are worshipped ("samsevitha") by a host of Bhootaganas.
    P ; ; G ; R S ; | S - gr sn S R G P ; ||
    Bhoo - taa - di Sam- se - - vi-