Untuk pengetahuan dan Wawasan *(Cendol)* merupakan *Makanan Khas Nusantara Lokal Indonesia yang berasal dari Jawa* , dalam Bahasa Jawa Kuno Nama lain Adalah *(Tjendol)* merupakan warisan Makanan Budaya Jawa. Jika Abang Kakak datang ke Indonesia akan sudah mudah menjumpai Cendol di daerah Jawa namun jika Kakak sampai ke Yogyakarta NamaNya akan berubah .. Orang Yogyakarta menyebut *(Djawet atau menjadi Dawet)* Meskipun begitu seringkali orang malasia meniru apapun yang berkaitan dengan *Budaya indentitas Bangsa Nusantara Indonesia* , Karena mereka memang tidak memiliki jati diri. Yah jika berada di malasia Semua Budaya Asing menonjol entah itu *China Tiongkok India Bangladesh Nepal Rohingya* ketimbang Budaya Pribuminya. *Datanglah sekali lagi ke Indonesia Kakak Abang* terutama datang ke *Lombok Makasar dan Banjarmasin* untuk menjelajah keindahan Indonesia lebih jauh Budaya Identitas Indonesia, Terimakasih 😊..
@@MohdSakri-dk5qz Ada, itu old ma sebut malaka city seperti ada di china khusus nya di fujian. China India Indonesia adalah negara besar. Wajar saja negara kecil seperti malaysia menjadi melting point budaya negara besar.
I’m very proud of our fellow Malaysians Ms Christina and Mr Fiqry for such warm hospitality showing them around Malacca and having a good time. Good job guys! 🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤
malacca is one of the cleanest places in malaysia. i'm johorean, and i studied in one of the public universities in malacca..it holds a lot of memories.
Viona, Those protruding white stones are called batu nesan, or tomb stones, btw usually when we see a muslim graveyard we gift al-fatihah to those buried there. I'm curious how graveyards in yunnan looks like.
TQ to our friends in Melaka for treating our guests with kindness. You have all shown exemplary behavior as representatives of Mlaysia. Christina, your smile is truly beautiful 😍
It's so nice of your local Malaysian friends to show you around Melaka. You guys covered more iconic places today in Melaka than the last few days put together. 😊
This is the beauty of Malaysia...multiracial community...Malacca is 1 of the world UNESCO historical place...like the Chinese great wall...u all r very fortunate to visit Malacca...ty Allah
Very good Christina n Fikri for showing hospitality to our guests👍. Next video in Putrajaya? If you are still in Putrajaya recommend visiting the beautiful park/garden : Taman Hijau Saujana Putrajaya 🌲
Salam Yusof & Viona. Terima kasih Christina & Fikri wakilkan kami bawa mereka jejalan Banda Hilir. semoga anda berdua dipermudahkan segala urusan..aamiin aamiin aamiin. Thank you Yusof & Viona for your sharing & please come again to melaka. Semoga sentiasa didalam lindungan Allah..aamiin aamiin aamiin
Hi Fikri & Christina.. proud of u to be a temporary Tour Guide for this guys, may Allah bless u.. Christina, pls tell Fikri ' Don't be shy2 ahh'😊'.. enjoy❤
MashaAllah ..xie xie nie Christina leng looi ..terima kasih Fikry leng chai hensem boy to hosting Ma Erzhou & Viona touring around Melaka .and jazakallah Oldwatch Ma..we wish u all got blesssing by Allah swt ..inshaAllah ..Tabarokallah ..
Not only Cheng He, Hang Li Po, a daughter of the Ming Emperor of China, arrived in Malacca, accompanied by 500 attendants, to marry Sultan Mansur Shah who reigned from 1456 until 1477, The Princess is known to wear the bound feet shoe!
I love Viona’s intro voiceover at the start ! It was done very well and would like to see more of this style in next videos ! And very nice of Christina and Fikry to show you around 😊
30:47 Dai people are from Xinshuabanna … Southern Yunnan .. I and my wife we went there by sleepers bus from Kunming South Bus Station 730 kilometres….. that time there is no train service to Jinhong city… City beside Mekong/Lanchang river…the weather there so good just like Cameron Highland… It’s said this place is the origin of Thai people…even got Thai style Wat there and local celebret Songkran… we found one mosque near the morning market and a few noodles shop operated by Hui from Xinning Qinhai… From Jinhong we took local bus to Mohan boarder town then we crossed to Boten Laos …. Along the way to Laos border we saw a lot of Durian , jackfruit, mangosteen , rambutan , banana etc etc farm and thousands of hectares rubber plantation … I bet … even you..Mr Ma and Viona…never been to Jinhong Xinshuabanna…. That time we went backpacking back to Malaysia …from Heilongjiang to our home in Kedah state Malaysia using local land transportation… Stay safe and stay happy
That is one LONG backpacking journey! 1. How long did it take you from start to finish? Which time of the year did you start your journey from Heilongjiang? 2. When was this trip undertaken? 3. How old were you guys then? Presumably, physically you were fit to undertake such a journey! 4. Any problems finding hotels for foreigners that you could stay in?
As usual very informative & entertaining vlog from this cute couple. My advice is bring a notebook & jot down stuff you do that day like name of places & ppl you meet while travelling. That notebook will save your important information.
Im so proud of my country. How we all tolerate every races and culture .. u said u cannot find those houses in china anymore but in malacca malaysia. How bizzare. And look at the cute mosque. Chinese design masjid in Muslim majority country.. I wish we are well and happy
Historically before portugese built the a famosa building, the site was originally the sultan of malacca's palace. It was attack and destroyed by portugal.
Asalamualaikum*first of all welcome to Malaysia both of you ( Muslim Chinese from mainland China ...Yunnan province) ....there was a lot place for you to visit from Perlis to Sabah Malaysia l am sure many more Muslim community from mainland China will visit Malaysia soon / they are welcome ........we proud of you our brother and sister Muslim Chinese ......Amin
Fiona you ask what are those stone beside the Masjid, it is thomb stone for burial ground. Here we call it batu nesan, some partivulars of the dead on the head thomb stone. Each grave has two thomb stone.
Viona, Those protruding white stones are called batu nesan, or tomb stones, yes that is a muslim graveyard, usually placed next or behind mosques in kampungs, my theory is to make it easy for relatives to tidy up and visit, especially after solat eidul-fitris. btw usually when we see a muslim graveyard we gift al-fatihah to those buried there. I'm curious how graveyards in yunnan looks like.
Well Viona, those stones in the compound beside the mosque are graveyards. Most of the mosque in Malaysia have graveyards. Means the Qariah of the nearby villages or area are buried there. Some mosque don't have graveyards near to it's compound.
Bound feet actually brought by chinese imigran during British colonial. I remember saw very old lady in the 1980s, her feet so small and look like criple. She maybe the last chinese girl got bound her feet during Qing dinasty still in power. Masjid Kg Hulu was build by a Chinese Muslim kapitan and local Malay. He married local Malay girl, daughter of local chief that time. He also rich merchant so he build this Mosque Kg Hulu.
You must visit the zhonghua cemetery (中华义山)it’s the oldest cemetery in southeast Asia,if not wrong this cemetery has more than 600 years even the late China premier Deng Xiao Peng have visited, i do hope you guys to spare time to visit, 😅
Regardless of religion, mainlanders are not easy to befriend because they are relatively tongue tied and keep to themselves. By contrast, Malaysians are easy going and super friendly.
Türkiye den çok selamlar maşallah maşallah maşallah çok güzel bir vido olmuş emeginize saygı mescid çok güzel di ibadet ediyorlar ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Terkejut jap mak bila erzhao cakap makan sandal😂. Anyway the carved white stones beside the masjid is the cemetery. Most of the old mosques have the cemetery side by side.
The wudu pool were build to collect rain water since there weren't any running water during that time. The rain water pool will provides sufficient water for wudu for long time s8nce no water will be wasted. Well, that was 300 hundreds years ago tho on how they solve the water necessity.
Viona 👐🏼..i think you are mistaken on the "durian" chendol - if it is "sour", it was not actually "durian" - the fruit that you have eaten a few times here. its actually another (different) fruit called "soursop" in english, and called "durian belanda" in Bahasa Malaysia. But, it is not the same species as "durian". just a translation mix-up, dont be confused and wonder why you never had tasted a sour "durian" fruit before.
Bila belajar sejarah ambil sekerat sekerat jalan tak mengkaji lebeh dalam ...tu yang jadi semuanya nak claim . Orang India buat ori chendol tak menclaim pun ... Konoha Konoha 🙄
It feels like the only way ordinary people can communicate better is if religions become more secularized, and the more extreme the religion, the less tolerant it is of bystanders.
The reactions of Oldwatch and Mrs Oldwatch shows me that a lot of Chinese don’t really know how Great The Middle Kingdom was, and its influence around the world’s ancient kingdoms and cultures.
So great was the Middle Kingdom that it was subjugated by the 'barbarian' Mongols, and for three centuries brought to heel by the pony-tailed, shaven-head Manchus! And if that was not enough, how pitiful indeed was the 'century of humiliation' and being the 'sick man of Asia'! Stop living in false past glories. History was never meant as an instrument of oneupmanship. Each civilisation has its own story of good and bad to tell.
The street are mostly nyonya or baba or peranakan when the Chinese man married javanese ladies where they wear the malay kabayan and speak malay but then they have chinese culture and worship toaist.
If the durian is sour it means it may have been exposed to the air for quite some time and may not be fresh! It’s better you ask the owner why it has a sour taste next time.
Kecil sekali ya untuk ukuran masjid yg tua, di bayangan saya yg namanya masjid tua pasti besar soalnya kan zaman dulu tak ada banyak masjid pasti orang2 akan berduyung2 datang terpusat ke 1 masjid, apa penduduk sana zaman dahulu sedikit islamnya? dan sepertinya juga bukan jenis masjid jami atau masjid yang digunakan raja/bangsawan zaman dahulu karena ciri2 masjid jami yaitu ada maqsurah kotak kecil dibelakang mihrab ruangan tempat raja sholat, krn mengikuti pemerintahan usman bin affan di masjid nabawi setelah umar bin khatab terbunuh dimasjid ketika sholat. Maqsurah tertua yang masih ada sekarang ada di great mosque kairouan di tunisia sejak abad 11 Diindonesia setiap masjid jami yg berumur tua pasti ada maqsurah, seperti di masjid agung surakarta, masjid gedhe kraton yogjakarta, masjid agung sang cipta rasa cirebon, masjid agung demak, kalau diluar jawa saya tidak tahu tp kalau di aceh juga ada
Kebetulan tahun akhir 130tahun belanda mula masuk di nusantara dan belanda itu musuh dengan portugis/Sepanyol di Eropah ...di pendek cerita belanda itu bersekutu dengan kesultanan Johor riau(Melaka) mengalahkan portugis di Melaka ,dan kota A Famosa yang runtuh itu adalah hasil serangan bom bom meriam zaman dulu ,sekutu Johor Riau ada lah bersyarat belanda tidak bole menganggu negeri2 melayu lain jika Johor membantu belanda memerangi portugis...di abad ke 18++ terjadi perang di Eropah antara belanda dan Perancis dan sekutu dan belanda kalah dan rajanya lari ke British meminta bantuan dan belandaenyerahkan wilayah jajahan nya di nusantara antaranya jawa(Batavia) kota Melaka jatuh di bawah British dan sebab itu lah British mula masuk ke nusantara melalui belanda , dan selepas itu British belanda membuat perjanjian setelah British berjaya di Eropah ...di pendek kan cerita seperti itu lah dulu ...kalau mahu tengok masjid yang lama tua di semenanjung itu ada di bahagian negeri Patani kelqntan kerana negeri negeri itu tidak di serang Eropah dan masjid nya masih ada dan banyak manuskrip tua artifak masih tersimpan di sana , kalah di Melaka sudah habis di ambil portugis Sepanyol belanda British x banyak yang ada lagi..
Masjid besar melaka tlh di musnahkan olh Portuguese bersama2 istana melaka. Yg ini masjid dibina era belanda yg lbh tolerant kpd kepelbagaian agama. Masjid yg dlm video ini dibina olh seorang kapitan China dari tanah besar China yg memeluk islam dan berkawin dgn wanita tempatan
Thank you Christina and fikri for bringing them around Melaka.
Untuk pengetahuan dan Wawasan *(Cendol)* merupakan *Makanan Khas Nusantara Lokal Indonesia yang berasal dari Jawa* , dalam Bahasa Jawa Kuno Nama lain Adalah *(Tjendol)* merupakan warisan Makanan Budaya Jawa. Jika Abang Kakak datang ke Indonesia akan sudah mudah menjumpai Cendol di daerah Jawa namun jika Kakak sampai ke Yogyakarta NamaNya akan berubah .. Orang Yogyakarta menyebut *(Djawet atau menjadi Dawet)*
Meskipun begitu seringkali orang malasia meniru apapun yang berkaitan dengan *Budaya indentitas Bangsa Nusantara Indonesia* , Karena mereka memang tidak memiliki jati diri.
Yah jika berada di malasia Semua Budaya Asing menonjol entah itu *China Tiongkok India Bangladesh Nepal Rohingya* ketimbang Budaya Pribuminya.
*Datanglah sekali lagi ke Indonesia Kakak Abang* terutama datang ke *Lombok Makasar dan Banjarmasin* untuk menjelajah keindahan Indonesia lebih jauh Budaya Identitas Indonesia, Terimakasih 😊..
@@suhanjayalian5044 adaku tanya?
@@suhanjayalian5044 orang asal negara China pun tidak claim kebudayaan Cina yang ada di negara Malaysia
Ada, itu old ma sebut malaka city seperti ada di china khusus nya di fujian.
China India Indonesia adalah negara besar.
Wajar saja negara kecil seperti malaysia menjadi melting point budaya negara besar.
I’m very proud of our fellow Malaysians Ms Christina and Mr Fiqry for such warm hospitality showing them around Malacca and having a good time. Good job guys! 🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤
Malaka seperti negara China Tiongkok tidak memiliki identitas budaya Pribumi
What’s the point? Ko masih akan undi PAS extremist pemusnah Malaysia. So diamlah.
malacca is one of the cleanest places in malaysia. i'm johorean, and i studied in one of the public universities in malacca..it holds a lot of memories.
Hi Fiona, that was graveyard. Normally in Malaysia, Muslim cemeteries were built neighboring to the mosque.
Viona, Those protruding white stones are called batu nesan, or tomb stones, btw usually when we see a muslim graveyard we gift al-fatihah to those buried there. I'm curious how graveyards in yunnan looks like.
TQ to our friends in Melaka for treating our guests with kindness. You have all shown exemplary behavior as representatives of Mlaysia. Christina, your smile is truly beautiful 😍
Good job Christina and Fikri for bring them around Melaka👍
You deserve it Thanks!
Thank you~
It's so nice of your local Malaysian friends to show you around Melaka. You guys covered more iconic places today in Melaka than the last few days put together. 😊
Yeah! the hospitallity of Malaysian .. .. glad to see .. thank u fikry n christina fr showing n explaining the history of Malacca ..
This is the beauty of Malaysia...multiracial community...Malacca is 1 of the world UNESCO historical place...like the Chinese great wall...u all r very fortunate to visit Malacca...ty Allah
Very good Christina n Fikri for showing hospitality to our guests👍. Next video in Putrajaya? If you are still in Putrajaya recommend visiting the beautiful park/garden : Taman Hijau Saujana Putrajaya 🌲
Salam Yusof & Viona. Terima kasih Christina & Fikri wakilkan kami bawa mereka jejalan Banda Hilir. semoga anda berdua dipermudahkan segala urusan..aamiin aamiin aamiin. Thank you Yusof & Viona for your sharing & please come again to melaka. Semoga sentiasa didalam lindungan Allah..aamiin aamiin aamiin
Jauh perjalanan, luas pemandangan.
Hi Fikri & Christina.. proud of u to be a temporary Tour Guide for this guys, may Allah bless u.. Christina, pls tell Fikri ' Don't be shy2 ahh'😊'.. enjoy❤
MashaAllah ..xie xie nie Christina leng looi ..terima kasih Fikry leng chai hensem boy to hosting Ma Erzhou & Viona touring around Melaka .and jazakallah Oldwatch Ma..we wish u all got blesssing by Allah swt ..inshaAllah ..Tabarokallah ..
Love the video bro!! Wish i came to Malacca with y’all
Congratulations and thank you to Christina n Fikry for helping and explaining everything for them❤😊🇲🇾💪🏻
Not only Cheng He, Hang Li Po, a daughter of the Ming Emperor of China, arrived in Malacca, accompanied by 500 attendants, to marry Sultan Mansur Shah who reigned from 1456 until 1477, The Princess is known to wear the bound feet shoe!
If you visit Xiamen (Amoy) in Southeast China, the ancient houses are similar in design in Melaka.
😄 Krisya.. Khaled.. Bro got new name everytime 🤭
Nice la the handsome fikri and cutee christina you two the best.good job guys.
Terbaik qristina n fikry..good job!
Thank You Christina & Fikri..
Bro ma.. I like ur translation of the malay places and food names... 😅😅😅 Very funny
I love Viona’s intro voiceover at the start ! It was done very well and would like to see more of this style in next videos !
And very nice of Christina and Fikry to show you around 😊
The white colour stones near the oldest masjid of malaca are tomb or cemetery of moslem and usually are family of the masjid founder
Very good video and love your English accent ❤❤❤
30:47 Dai people are from Xinshuabanna … Southern Yunnan ..
I and my wife we went there by sleepers bus from Kunming South Bus Station 730 kilometres….. that time there is no train service to Jinhong city… City beside Mekong/Lanchang river…the weather there so good just like Cameron Highland…
It’s said this place is the origin of Thai people…even got Thai style Wat there and local celebret Songkran… we found one mosque near the morning market and a few noodles shop operated by Hui from Xinning Qinhai…
From Jinhong we took local bus to Mohan boarder town then we crossed to Boten Laos ….
Along the way to Laos border we saw a lot of Durian , jackfruit, mangosteen , rambutan , banana etc etc farm and thousands of hectares rubber plantation … I bet … even you..Mr Ma and Viona…never been to Jinhong Xinshuabanna….
That time we went backpacking back to Malaysia …from Heilongjiang to our home in Kedah state Malaysia using local land transportation…
Stay safe and stay happy
That is one LONG backpacking journey!
1. How long did it take you from start to finish? Which time of the year did you start your journey from Heilongjiang?
2. When was this trip undertaken?
3. How old were you guys then? Presumably, physically you were fit to undertake such a journey!
4. Any problems finding hotels for foreigners that you could stay in?
@@mohamadzahidzainulabidin6862 😱 sounds amazing...
As usual very informative & entertaining vlog from this cute couple.
My advice is bring a notebook & jot down stuff you do that day like name of places & ppl you meet while travelling. That notebook will save your important information.
Im so proud of my country. How we all tolerate every races and culture .. u said u cannot find those houses in china anymore but in malacca malaysia. How bizzare. And look at the cute mosque. Chinese design masjid in Muslim majority country.. I wish we are well and happy
stay strong fikry~ from fikry to fikly and end up khaled 🤣🤣🤣🤣
old ma stop eating sandal🤣🤣. waiting for your next video
Alhamdulillah.. thanks for your new friends join to around Malacca town..
Historically before portugese built the a famosa building, the site was originally the sultan of malacca's palace. It was attack and destroyed by portugal.
And at the stadhuys area or the red building is where once the great mosque of melaka stood before it was demolished also by the Portuguese
oh baru tau kalau tak melaka sekarang mesti ada sultan
Asalamualaikum*first of all welcome to Malaysia both of you ( Muslim Chinese from mainland China ...Yunnan province) ....there was a lot place for you to visit from Perlis to Sabah Malaysia l am sure many more Muslim community from mainland China will visit Malaysia soon / they are welcome ........we proud of you our brother and sister Muslim Chinese ......Amin
Fiona you ask what are those stone beside the Masjid, it is thomb stone for burial ground. Here we call it batu nesan, some partivulars of the dead on the head thomb stone. Each grave has two thomb stone.
Nice vlog guys. 👍
At last you have bought a drone. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Welcome to Melaka and Malaysia.
I tink tbey came to malaysia previouly.
They must love malaysia very much!😊
Viona, Those protruding white stones are called batu nesan, or tomb stones, yes that is a muslim graveyard, usually placed next or behind mosques in kampungs, my theory is to make it easy for relatives to tidy up and visit, especially after solat eidul-fitris.
btw usually when we see a muslim graveyard we gift al-fatihah to those buried there.
I'm curious how graveyards in yunnan looks like.
Thats is old graveyard (in oldest time, the graveyard is around the mosque)
more specifically those are tombstones
Just for Old Watch and Viona, the cylindrical nisan (tombstones) are for men, and the flat ones are women's. Does Hui culture have something similar?
You see Nyonya and Baba group, they enjoy special privilege in this country
You should visit the Malacca museum, the one that looks like the replica of the old Palace.
Well Viona, those stones in the compound beside the mosque are graveyards. Most of the mosque in Malaysia have graveyards. Means the Qariah of the nearby villages or area are buried there. Some mosque don't have graveyards near to it's compound.
Been to Malacca like 5 times already. But it was my first time seeing inside A'Famosa during the night. Interesting~
Actually it is always better to have a local so you can understand the city better. Malacca is historically beautiful
Next, go to langkawi, penang, redang island terengganu!
Nice one my friend 😢
20:04 you should go inside this ship museum
malaysia is literally spirited away, it comes to live at night. day time too hot 😅
I'm used to traveling at night now.
A famous tag line for Malaysia is ' Malaysia is truly Asia ' .
Then that's your video title today. Malay, Chinese, Indian and European cultures here.
Before Fan bingbing came… cendol kampung hulu already famous…
Portion is quiet big.. Compare to mamak cendol one😅😅😅maybe this one is for 4 person
Heerenstraat aka 荷兰街 was a Dutch street before the Baba Nyonya moved in after the Brit colonisation of Malacca 1824 (200 years ago)
you should visit , Chinese mosque, at krubong , behind hang jebat stadium
11:17 those are tombstones, where people that passed away laid to rest
Bound feet actually brought by chinese imigran during British colonial. I remember saw very old lady in the 1980s, her feet so small and look like criple. She maybe the last chinese girl got bound her feet during Qing dinasty still in power.
Masjid Kg Hulu was build by a Chinese Muslim kapitan and local Malay. He married local Malay girl, daughter of local chief that time. He also rich merchant so he build this Mosque Kg Hulu.
christina is so pretty ..❤❤..
You must visit the zhonghua cemetery (中华义山)it’s the oldest cemetery in southeast Asia,if not wrong this cemetery has more than 600 years even the late China premier Deng Xiao Peng have visited, i do hope you guys to spare time to visit, 😅
Im 45 and a family friend grandma had bound feet. She was very old at the time i was just a kid
Are the stones in front of the masjid grave markers. They have them in Turkish mosques.
Too bad, Christina or Fikry did not bring you to visit the Portuguese settlement in Ujong Pasir
Regardless of religion, mainlanders are not easy to befriend because they are relatively tongue tied and keep to themselves. By contrast, Malaysians are easy going and super friendly.
eating a lot of sandal oh my god i spit my drink 🤣
Türkiye den çok selamlar maşallah maşallah maşallah çok güzel bir vido olmuş emeginize saygı mescid çok güzel di ibadet ediyorlar ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Should visit penang 😅 malacca can be covered within 1-2 days...
Penang is also small and can be covered in 2 days,the best pace to go longer visit is KL
@RamansSon they've been to kl la
Did you notice that, all mosques in Melaka are designed with square architectural design, Chinese architecture.?
Terkejut jap mak bila erzhao cakap makan sandal😂.
Anyway the carved white stones beside the masjid is the cemetery. Most of the old mosques have the cemetery side by side.
Cendol made from glutinous rice with pandan leaf flavour.
The wudu pool were build to collect rain water since there weren't any running water during that time. The rain water pool will provides sufficient water for wudu for long time s8nce no water will be wasted. Well, that was 300 hundreds years ago tho on how they solve the water necessity.
are you still in Malacca? if yes, can go try Durian Melaka Heng!
Jai Hind. The Ming exploration had hasten the decline of Indian influences in the archipelago.
Viona 👐🏼..i think you are mistaken on the "durian" chendol - if it is "sour", it was not actually "durian" - the fruit that you have eaten a few times here. its actually another (different) fruit called "soursop" in english, and called "durian belanda" in Bahasa Malaysia. But, it is not the same species as "durian". just a translation mix-up, dont be confused and wonder why you never had tasted a sour "durian" fruit before.
You miss the kampong kling mosque.
Bila belajar sejarah ambil sekerat sekerat jalan tak mengkaji lebeh dalam ...tu yang jadi semuanya nak claim . Orang India buat ori chendol tak menclaim pun ... Konoha Konoha 🙄
In front of the masjid, they are cemeteries.
Malaka is also famous for Chinese-Malay mixed ethnicity
It feels like the only way ordinary people can communicate better is if religions become more secularized, and the more extreme the religion, the less tolerant it is of bystanders.
Please go to Indonesia😊
I love Baboon House cafe
The reactions of Oldwatch and Mrs Oldwatch shows me that a lot of Chinese don’t really know how Great The Middle Kingdom was, and its influence around the world’s ancient kingdoms and cultures.
So great was the Middle Kingdom that it was subjugated by the 'barbarian' Mongols, and for three centuries brought to heel by the pony-tailed, shaven-head Manchus!
And if that was not enough, how pitiful indeed was the 'century of humiliation' and being the 'sick man of Asia'!
Stop living in false past glories. History was never meant as an instrument of oneupmanship. Each civilisation has its own story of good and bad to tell.
11:28 it's grave 🪦
Fikry...arabic language
.... meaning my thinking in english
The street are mostly nyonya or baba or peranakan when the Chinese man married javanese ladies where they wear the malay kabayan and speak malay but then they have chinese culture and worship toaist.
If the durian is sour it means it may have been exposed to the air for quite some time and may not be fresh! It’s better you ask the owner why it has a sour taste next time.
Or maybe she mistaken for durian belanda one... 😅😅😅 Durian belanda or soursoup is sour and sweet in taste
7:13 probably the they already rebuilt it to modern city
At 15:21 nasi ketum 😅😅😅 owner must be frm northern malaysia 😂
Next stop Ipoh & Penang.
11.18 - Those are tombstones.
A famosa is actually build by the potugese. Come on Malacca people
Mahkota parade, dataran pahlawan
No.. It's maguode bereng and dadala balawang 😂😂😂
Kecil sekali ya untuk ukuran masjid yg tua, di bayangan saya yg namanya masjid tua pasti besar soalnya kan zaman dulu tak ada banyak masjid pasti orang2 akan berduyung2 datang terpusat ke 1 masjid, apa penduduk sana zaman dahulu sedikit islamnya? dan sepertinya juga bukan jenis masjid jami atau masjid yang digunakan raja/bangsawan zaman dahulu karena ciri2 masjid jami yaitu ada maqsurah kotak kecil dibelakang mihrab ruangan tempat raja sholat, krn mengikuti pemerintahan usman bin affan di masjid nabawi setelah umar bin khatab terbunuh dimasjid ketika sholat.
Maqsurah tertua yang masih ada sekarang ada di great mosque kairouan di tunisia sejak abad 11
Diindonesia setiap masjid jami yg berumur tua pasti ada maqsurah, seperti di masjid agung surakarta, masjid gedhe kraton yogjakarta, masjid agung sang cipta rasa cirebon, masjid agung demak, kalau diluar jawa saya tidak tahu tp kalau di aceh juga ada
Kebetulan tahun akhir 130tahun belanda mula masuk di nusantara dan belanda itu musuh dengan portugis/Sepanyol di Eropah ...di pendek cerita belanda itu bersekutu dengan kesultanan Johor riau(Melaka) mengalahkan portugis di Melaka ,dan kota A Famosa yang runtuh itu adalah hasil serangan bom bom meriam zaman dulu ,sekutu Johor Riau ada lah bersyarat belanda tidak bole menganggu negeri2 melayu lain jika Johor membantu belanda memerangi portugis...di abad ke 18++ terjadi perang di Eropah antara belanda dan Perancis dan sekutu dan belanda kalah dan rajanya lari ke British meminta bantuan dan belandaenyerahkan wilayah jajahan nya di nusantara antaranya jawa(Batavia) kota Melaka jatuh di bawah British dan sebab itu lah British mula masuk ke nusantara melalui belanda , dan selepas itu British belanda membuat perjanjian setelah British berjaya di Eropah ...di pendek kan cerita seperti itu lah dulu ...kalau mahu tengok masjid yang lama tua di semenanjung itu ada di bahagian negeri Patani kelqntan kerana negeri negeri itu tidak di serang Eropah dan masjid nya masih ada dan banyak manuskrip tua artifak masih tersimpan di sana , kalah di Melaka sudah habis di ambil portugis Sepanyol belanda British x banyak yang ada lagi..
Masjid besar melaka tlh di musnahkan olh Portuguese bersama2 istana melaka. Yg ini masjid dibina era belanda yg lbh tolerant kpd kepelbagaian agama. Masjid yg dlm video ini dibina olh seorang kapitan China dari tanah besar China yg memeluk islam dan berkawin dgn wanita tempatan
I think you. An still those Chinese architecture in 福建 /广东 provinces
A Farmosa fort built by Portugis.Not Dutch