'Jab hriday mein basein...' by Sanjay Talwar @ Ganapatipule, 1996

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • SANTULAN Album Description by Uncle Sanjay:
    I must say 1996 was the epitome year of my life. It was also that Mother had made me such an important person in Sahaja, where every Center Leader in India & every Country Leader overseas considered it a privilege to have me over to sing for their collectives & Public programs they organised. Besides I had become a very busy travel agent, organizing group tours of Yogis to Cabella for Pujas. Mother Herself made sure she bought all her travel through me. My home and my office would always be full of Yogis from all parts of India & Overseas. Practically speaking, I felt so much wanted and in demand. It was a great feeling, but one fine day Shree Mataji spoke to me, after I had performed on stage at Ganapatiphule in Dec 1995. She told me not to be seen too often near the stage. Not to be available too easily to everybody. She wanted me to maintain my poise and not try to become a public figure. She helped me cope with my Ego & Super Ego. She also warned me that my popularity was creating a lot of jealous people who wanted to harm me. So she gave a bandhan and asked me to focus more on how I can write about the subtle system and share some of her messages in a subtle poetic rendition in Music. She told me that now my music had reached such heights that it had the power to cure peoples illnesses. In fact, she pointed out that the song I had just finished singing from Santushti - He Adi Shakti Ma..." had cured Dr Hamids (Austria) heart blockage. Mother had her feet on his heart from the back, while I was performing this song on stage. She said "your song actually assisted me in clearing him out completely". I was completEly stunned To hear that. I bowed again and again to her. Then she told me, that I need to protect what she has given me, and not be so much available, as she feared attack on me from of many jealous people, who could not stand my popularity. Well, this is something I am sharing in utter humility. I know, I had developed a big ego about my achievements, and was witnessing how Mother was trying to protect me and clear me out, by taking me along so beautifully - cautioning me of the perils that lay ahead. "Santulan" is a product of a very deep knowledge of Sahaja yoga that Mother allowed to flow through me. It is a journey that takes you straight to the Divine feet of Mother. The opening poems spoken before each song were penned by my worldly Mother Toshi Talwar. Shree Mataji, when she released this album in 1996 at the Scout Ground in Nizamuddin during her Birthday celebrations, had not even heard the songs. In its sealed cover, she held it with pride before me and blessed me for the Album. After all the Adi Shakti knew it all. Many many yogis later commented to me, that it was one of my best albums. Touched them somewhere deep in their hearts. Hope you too will enjoy these songs, still relevant in the world of today. After this album I faced a lot of attacks and problems in our growing Sahaja collective. But Mother had already warned me, so I went through it all very gracefully and did not react at all. In fact I lay low completely for several years, not recording a single album, till in a chance meeting with Shree Mataji at Cabella in 2001. She advised me not to stop making albums. Thereafter, Jai Jagdambe Maa & Maa Ka Aashirwaad were born in 2002, and released in March 2003. There is no stopping now, at least till my last breath......