Send - I always wondered why but because you get so much health and ad from steraks the bt has diminishing returns because healing on high hp units isnt effective - its the same reason why gunblade isn't great on snipers with a bruiser comp - but IS great on sentinels with a lower hp pool, where healing is effective
gunblade is great with sentinels mainly because of their giga resistances which multiply the efficacy of HP (=higher effective HP) NOT because they are lower hp pool units. it is also not true that bt is bad with high hp pool units because bt shield scales with hp pool.
Send - I always wondered why but because you get so much health and ad from steraks the bt has diminishing returns because healing on high hp units isnt effective - its the same reason why gunblade isn't great on snipers with a bruiser comp - but IS great on sentinels with a lower hp pool, where healing is effective
gunblade is great with sentinels mainly because of their giga resistances which multiply the efficacy of HP (=higher effective HP) NOT because they are lower hp pool units. it is also not true that bt is bad with high hp pool units because bt shield scales with hp pool.
Sendtft french confirmed
High roll
Great game! ;)
dont sweat the jinx. you gota sweat to get first from time to time
me first G /deafen
Send straight up just killed 5/7 players in the lobby