Morrnah’s Ho’oponopono | Cleansing Family, Relatives & Ancestors

  • Опубліковано 15 тра 2024
  • Here is the complete plan for you to copy and use.
    Concerning the "plan" people just need to copy, complete the
    ancestors/family part. Those who don't have the names of the ancestors
    simply write "up to the 7th generation", especially those earthbound,
    Places where they are earthbound.
    Take your time for this but please do it, even if it takes you 1 month (or longer) if you have a big family.
    Always be precise by writing the situations. Words, negative emotions, pains, fears, hate, anger, etc…DON’T WORRY if you can’t remember the details. They will come up as needed.
    a) The ancestors and family with uncles, aunts, cousins.
    All names and locations are important. That's only 4 or 5x to write. Why the ancestors and family first? Because many problems that you have today are already in the family. You should start there. Where you read ___ it means you should insert the name or place. You start like this:
    - The reason that in this life I chose this family on my mother's side __ on my father's side __ My mother __ my father __ My maternal grandmother __ and grandfather __ My paternal grandmother __ and grandfather __ up to the 7th generation. (just complete and write down like this).
    - My uncles __ aunts __ cousins ​​___ especially those who are still earthbound. The places where they are earthbound. My involvement in it and the blockages that prevent me to set them free if they are still earthbound. (just complete and write like this)
    If someone in the family had a special problem for example:
    - my involvement in the kidney disease my grandmother ___ had.
    - my involvement in tobacco addiction from my father or grandfather ___ or
    - my involvement in the abortion my mother __ had, grandmother __ (If you know any of your relatives had abortions. You can write “any abortions on my maternal side and paternal side.”
    That's important
    b) Cleaning for parents and siblings.
    - The reason in this life I chose this mother __ this father __ My brother/Sisters ___
    If you know that your mother had a problem when she was pregnant with you, you should definitely clean it because even an embryo hears, feels all the negative emotions of the mother, also from the father.
    For example, if a mother wants a girl and it is a boy. The baby in the womb believes: my mother doesn't love me, doesn't want me. Later as an adult he/she still means nobody loves me and this person can have relationship problems later. This prenatal phase of life is very important.
    Then the birth comes. (just complete and write as I’ve written)
    - The cause that I was born on __ in __ The hospital, the people who helped my mother. My involvement in her __, her pain, fears __ My names ___ (first, middle, last name, also include nicknames)
    If you cleanse this part 4 or 5 times (the process should be done daily) you can go on with the part age 0 to 5.
    c) Now the cleaning for the age 0 to 5 years old.
    Please try to remember if you had shocks, traumas, illnesses, negative emotions in your childhood,
    Write down all of these negative memories on the problem list. For example:
    - The reasons my father beat me, hurt me when I was 4 years old. The fears, sadness, the shock I received and still carry.
    - Every life where I hit my kids or others…Again, these are just examples
    d) Now life phase from age 5 to 15 years old.
    Write down all painful situations, memories, even words that have hurt.
    Morrnah said "clean up until the problem is solved".
    There are problems that are solved with one cleaning, others with a few weeks and others with a few years. It depends on how old the karmic bonds are. If you made the same mistake 100 times, you should do 100 cleanings.
    e) Then you cleanse from age 15 to 25 years and so on.... till today.
    ALWAYS INCLUDE: All blocks that prevent me from being in the right place at the right time with the people I can trust.
    AND: All kinds of entities in my aura, my home that watch me and influence me negatively, that prevent me from doing my cleansing daily.
    For questions, email: info(at)