I have a mini home gym as I’m starting to dip my toes into fitness. Don’t buy fixed dumbbells generally, purchase an adjustable dumbbell set. You can easily do progressive overloads without spending money on tons of fixed dumbbells Dumbbells are generally a solid start when it comes to the range of motion you can do with these
pro tip: adjustable dumbbells are a better purchase for an at-home gym set up as you can progressively overload. Also look to buy more plates or something for those dumbbells because they are so versatile that you can hit almost any muscle with just dumbbells.
To tame the crowd of people who say adjustable dumbbells ftw idk about anyone else but adjustable especially 2 of them arent below 200$ the point of a video like this is a very good intro to working out this guy has always been good for jumping off points not for high end advice he generalizes most people dont buy adjustable for me my set was about 120$ per dumbbell and my kettlebell could be closer to 200$ for a single all of this to say if you need a simple setup for a once weekly workout this is a great place to start
My sister bought a shit ton of work out stuff, set of adjustable dumbbells, weighted vest, jump rope, heavy rope and some resistance bands. She never used any of it so I use it everyday
Get a pull-up bar and dumbbells. You can do pull-ups for your back and biceps, push-ups for your chest, triceps and shoulders, and dumbbells to do lunges for your legs. Much cheaper than this video and unlike this video it actually covers most muscle groups in your body.
My recommendations for cheap home gym would be a set of adjustable dumbells, a pull up bar, and jump rope. That’s all you need for your upper body to be covered. It’s also good to check thrift stores, marketplace, or garage sales. There’s plenty of people out there with gym equipment just taking up space in their house that hasn’t been used, and I been able to score some incredible deals
Honestly, if you can afford a little bit, theres virtually really only 2 thing youll ever need for your entire set up. A bench, and a cable machine. Thats literally it. You dont have to get the most expensive commercial kind. You can get 1 for under $1000 and it is everything youll ever need. Why? You can do everything with a cable machine, thats why i love it so much. Biceps, forearms, shoulders, chest, back, even legs you can do calf raise and squats. Hell, you can search up a bunch of cable machines, some of them selling for only $900 and they have a built in squat rack and pullup bar. Even if you dont have a squat rack and pullup bars cable machines are still extremely versatile. Hook a cable to your hips now you can do squats, hold them in your hands now you have calf raises, hook em in your feet, lay down thats your hamstring curl. Pulldowns, lateral raises, curls, kick backs, you get the point. If youre gonna build a home gym make it worth it, dont spend some little money which isnt enough to fulfill you. Its a 1 time spend, make it worth your time and money. If youre fancy you can get more studf, but, im telling you all you need for your home gym is 2 things. 1) cable machine 2) a bench Most sellers would give you handles, ropes and hooks as gifts. And you can find one of those machine with a literal built in squat rack and pullup bar. All-In-One for like idk $800. $600 even.
As someone who has built my own gym from scratch my *3 tips* for *beginners* to get are: 1. Adjustable dumbbells ( it’s very important that you progressive overload, and there’s so many things you can do with dumbbells) 2. A D.I.Y bench ( really easy to make with random objects that you have such as a plank of wood and two boxes etc. a bench is very good for chest exercise) 3. Pull up bar (relatively cheap to find online and is one of THE BEST equipment to use for back and for arms.
@@dailyfamilyguy9409 yes 100% you can build a good physique with just these. I personally gained 12 kg of muscle in the first 10 months of lifting using these!! With making a bench I used two logs and a thick wooden plank which worked very well, however there is safety concerns Of course, so I ended getting an adjustable bench which I would definitely recommend if you have the finance to spend.
I've never been a fan of home gyms. My reasoning for it is that keeping home/leisure seperate from gym allows me to more easily get into the workout mindset vs when I get home and the only thing I want to do is just rest. I do this with study and having separate places for each helps a lot
Opposite for me, more of a chore to get past getting dressed and undressed when back, drive back and forth, checking in and waiting for equipment, carry around my bottle with me from equipment to equipment, i dont like music so might as well be dead silence i prefer tv while working out, i dont like being around people looking and staring tryna rush me so they can use equipment, monthly $$, etc. Honestly just the time consumed in the first things i listed im already done with half a workout.
What I did in prison with no equipment and just a bar was 5x20 prison style burpees for cardio, 4x10 chin ups for biceps, 4x10 pull ups for back and forearms, 4x50 squats with no weight for legs, and 4x20 pushups for chest. Don’t underestimate the basics I got really built doing this routine every two days drinking plenty of milk and commissary.
Equipment is really nice tho, some people can barely do 2 chin ups or pull ups or 10 burpees or pushups. Weights are nice for progressive loading starting from scratch
question for user-nx4ml9cy9c, are prisoners really big like they show in movies or is that just fake Hollywood that hire bodybuilders to play prisoners. I know in the movie Longest Yard they had a lot wrestlers and bodybuilders.
I'd just recommend a power tower where you're able to do dips and pullups. Then just buy resistance bands to go with that and progressively overload. That setup alone can keep you going 6+ months before needing something more. (Although you should buy something to train legs with though)
Definitely gonna out grow that very quickly. My tip is to get an adjustable bench and adjustable dumbbells(not the cheap ones where u have to screw in everything). These 2 can hit probably every muscle on your body and help u progress over 2-3 years even
tbh I think just get a set of adjustable dumbbells don't have to worry about continually buying weights and they're not too expensive plus saves a ton of space
Get a cheap backpack in the background, fill it with books, and use it for added weight to calisthenic excersises, like pull ups, squats, push-ups. Or, you can even use it for typical dumbbell workouts, like curls or overhead tricep extensions.
Honestly, get a power rack to squat and deadlift and bench, and there are some with pull up and dip bar attachments. Pretty much every part of your body can be worked like that
And for those of you who maybe don't have any money to spend on fitness equipment at all, a bunch of push ups, squats, lunges or burpees and a good walk or run will get you, maybe not the best physique you could have otherwise, but it's still pretty darn good. I've been doing bodyweight workouts for a while now and honestly my results are fine, not as good as when I was heavy back squatting, but beggars can't be choosers. Bodyweight workouts are still a good option.
During Covid, I had 15 and 30 pound dumbbells that I made out of quickrete, and a cheap adjustable bench. You can get great results with just that, I promise!
resistance bands/tubes are underrated, they’re really strong if you get the good quality ones. More or less $100 would get you a good set of quality bands, door anchor, handles and stuff. The downsides is you don’t really know how much weight you’re actually using, might said 5kg, 10kg, etc. but it 100% isn’t accurate (depends on the stretch), but if you don’t really care about the numbers its quite good, but of course a gym membership still better (more expensive in the long run though)
I’ll make it easier. Get a pull up/dip bar combo for like 200 and then a set of parallettes for 35. Start by mastering pull ups, dips, and all push up variations. When you are ready to move on to muscle ups, handstands, and the planche, get yourself a weight belt and some kettlebells. Throw in some running or cardio of your choice and you’re done.
Pre workout meal: Oreos dumped in Red 40 straight red 40 I personally like to shower in Red 40 after my workout, really gives me energy and stops those headaches. I also love pouring Red 40 all over my dumbbells. Gives them grip and makes them lighter. After the workout, i strap myself up to a machine full of Red 40 that injects me with Red 40 every 10 minutes. Red 40 tastes great. Can’t live without it.
I use a pull up bar that hangs in a door frame, put it on the ground and you have 3 position bar pushups with wide grip, close grip, and dip bar style. It was like 30$
@@ammar3094use resistance bands or start with easier variations. You shouldn’t start with regular pull ups if you can’t you are shooting yourself in the foot work your way up
I do barre workouts and my home gym set up is: Ballet Barre, Yoga Mat, 3 Pound Weights, 2 Pound Weights, Light, Heavy, and Medium resistance loops, and a foam roller. I know 2-3 pounds sounds really light, I thought so too when I first started barre, but for these type of workouts 2 pounds feels like 20 😂
people saying he forgot about other muscles, you can always hit chest and back and legs and such with calisthenics, just invest in a weight vest if you're aiming for gains and your body weight isn't enough anymore
I do a mix of calisthenics and weight lifting and for me I’d recommend getting a dip stand which shouldn’t be too pricy then get a pull up bar like to put on a door or you could buy a set with like a bench,squat,pull up bar in one but if your going just for the main stuff just get a bench,pull up bar,some dumbbells ofc,easy bar but it really just depends on what your aiming for
My cheapest home gym setup Paralletes($4) A resistance band ($7) Some wood in front of the house I can hang on (free) backpack with a lot of books (free) ❤😂
This is why I do calisthenics. You can progressivly overload without having to buy new weights every time. All you need to start calistheics is a floor and a celing. I got a celing mounted pull up bar for 100CAD. Which I can much more easily progressive overload with. This home gym idea will quickly have users hit plateus, meaning they need to buy more weights and ends up costing more than a membership.
just buy one barbell, some weights, a rack and a bench and you can do any exercise for any part of the body like squats, deadlifts, shoulder presses, bench, incline bench, calf raises, skull crushers, bicep curls, forearm curls, back rows, trap rows… basically everything… invest in that and thats gym for life.
I would say resistance bands are the best and affordable. Especially if they come with a door and foot attachment. You can do a lot exercises. A chest press with resistance bands also works your core. And go to garage sales and ask if they're selling weights. I would pay between 10-50 cents per pound.
School back pack+any thing heavy in your house and progressively overload it. You can do weighted calf raises, push-ups, overhead press, skull crushers, curls, rows, squats, and just about anything you can imagine. Be creative with the stuff at home you can get insane workouts with hardly anything a fancy gym isn’t needed starting out get the basics down first and work up from there.
You can get a set of resistance bands for really cheap and there are tons of exercises that you can do with them. Plus you can combine them to allow more progressive overload. Imo they are better and way cheaper than his setup.
First thing I bought a year and a half ago for my home gym was a set of dumbbells, then I bought adjustable ones, a pull-up bar, dip station, plates, easy barbell, bench, and there still are many things I want to get
One thing I did is I got a 80 dollar dip bar set and use one bar for seated pull ups which work the back arms and core, di hard squat variations like 1 leg to work the legs, and pushups for chest and shoulders, for resistance I use a backpack as a weighted vest
If I make a home gym, I'm gonna need way more than that tho.. like at least a power rack, barbell, plates, bench, and then probably adjustable dumbbells..
I think a set of cable resistance bands with carabiners is the best thing for exercising. You can do so many different exercises and I think it's more difficult to injure yourself with resistance bands. WDYT?
If your starting out get a dumbell that goes to 30kg and a barbell too not the olympic big ones tho use those for a simple routine Backrows Dumbell press flys Shrugs shoulder press Curls skull crushers etc you can do it in your room also do squats situps etc too
Can i build good physique with only dumbell like 30-30 adjustable dumbell i wanna be skinny to muscular not too much muscular... means i wanna look fit
@@dailyfamilyguy9409 yeah just do dumbell press from the floor and then shoulder press curls skull crushers shrugs etc etc just google dumbell exercises Id advise 3 full body workouts a week and eat more youll grow muscle Follow the basics and your fine
I don't know the brand but you can get comlletely adjustable dumbells that can change to every weight without unscrewing anything for like 300 bucks, obviously the only way to go for a home setup
Not bad, but I think you could have included rings and pull-up bar for pulling exercises. I know dumbbells and kettlebells can be used for pull days, however, in my opinion, pull-ups and chin-ups are far superior. If you disagree, fair enough, you are entitled to your own opinion.
I would suggest using all of the 200 to go into a very good set of adjustables, that can go from 5 to 100 lbs so theyll be with you for almost all of your beginner to semi advanced journey.
I can half the price. Buy 1 adjustable dumbbell set for 100 bucks, go out on a run for cardio, you can use so many things to roll out like small balls or even water bottles wrapped in a towel
Drop the kettle bells and rollers and go for a bench much more worth it in the long run bc you can just stretch if you don’t have something to roll out with
On Facebook marketplace, I found a bench, about 100 kg of weights and 1 large bar, 2 small bars for 230 euros. As for the home gym, it is better to buy a used one because it is much cheaper
I have a mini home gym as I’m starting to dip my toes into fitness.
Don’t buy fixed dumbbells generally, purchase an adjustable dumbbell set.
You can easily do progressive overloads without spending money on tons of fixed dumbbells
Dumbbells are generally a solid start when it comes to the range of motion you can do with these
Came to say this…always adjustable
@@op8ztv some of the cheaper ones aren’t that good tho, if you buy should I’d get some nice ones since you’ll use them for everything
@@cardoso1543pewdiepie told us this years ago
Adjustable dumbells are very expensive. Source: I have adjustable dumbells
@@bigw1340 i'd like to think it's a nice long term investment
pro tip: adjustable dumbbells are a better purchase for an at-home gym set up as you can progressively overload. Also look to buy more plates or something for those dumbbells because they are so versatile that you can hit almost any muscle with just dumbbells.
Pro tip: won't probably stay under $200 with adjustable dumbell
@@moonshot8589 pro tip: $200 for a pair of adjustable dumbbells is a better investment than $600 on set dumbbells everytime you want to progress.
@@moonshot8589 look up Olympic dumbbell handles. You put your barbell plates onto the handles and clamp them.
@@moonshot8589 bro i got some adjustable dumbells for 50€
@@rocklee5434 haven't heard of them will look into that
Home gym set up keeping you big as hell
I dip my weights into red 40… a few sets of that and I’m more anabolic than Liver King 💯💯
You're not funny you're moronic
To tame the crowd of people who say adjustable dumbbells ftw idk about anyone else but adjustable especially 2 of them arent below 200$ the point of a video like this is a very good intro to working out this guy has always been good for jumping off points not for high end advice he generalizes most people dont buy adjustable for me my set was about 120$ per dumbbell and my kettlebell could be closer to 200$ for a single all of this to say if you need a simple setup for a once weekly workout this is a great place to start
Bro went to target and decided to make all his videos for the week 💀
Smart tbh
@@ediblecrayon. fr
I'm surprised he did not have a problem with the rubber on those weight or the rope on that jump rope or the foam on that roller
Can’t risk over exposure to red - 40 must min trips to target
@@g2fnboy965 I would think the yellow number 5 would get you before red 40
My sister bought a shit ton of work out stuff, set of adjustable dumbbells, weighted vest, jump rope, heavy rope and some resistance bands. She never used any of it so I use it everyday
Get a pull-up bar and dumbbells. You can do pull-ups for your back and biceps, push-ups for your chest, triceps and shoulders, and dumbbells to do lunges for your legs. Much cheaper than this video and unlike this video it actually covers most muscle groups in your body.
For my home gym routine usually just do 5 sets of 8 RAD-40 Pushes, 5 sets of 8 Tap Water Squats and 5 sets of 8 Oreo Curls
Nobody asked except me
Yes, I also do RAD-140
What is a oreo curl bruh
@@user-tn6mw8ri9z Kinda like tap water squats but for your arms and with oreos
My recommendations for cheap home gym would be a set of adjustable dumbells, a pull up bar, and jump rope. That’s all you need for your upper body to be covered. It’s also good to check thrift stores, marketplace, or garage sales. There’s plenty of people out there with gym equipment just taking up space in their house that hasn’t been used, and I been able to score some incredible deals
A pull-up bar/ dip station is all you need
What if you’re weight isn’t enough anymore?
@@cardoso1543 backpack and just add random stuff
@@cardoso1543 then bulk up
He totally forgot about the pull muscles 😭
@@Susmore21 you can train back with dumbells
Honestly, if you can afford a little bit, theres virtually really only 2 thing youll ever need for your entire set up.
A bench, and a cable machine.
Thats literally it. You dont have to get the most expensive commercial kind. You can get 1 for under $1000 and it is everything youll ever need.
You can do everything with a cable machine, thats why i love it so much. Biceps, forearms, shoulders, chest, back, even legs you can do calf raise and squats. Hell, you can search up a bunch of cable machines, some of them selling for only $900 and they have a built in squat rack and pullup bar. Even if you dont have a squat rack and pullup bars cable machines are still extremely versatile.
Hook a cable to your hips now you can do squats, hold them in your hands now you have calf raises, hook em in your feet, lay down thats your hamstring curl. Pulldowns, lateral raises, curls, kick backs, you get the point. If youre gonna build a home gym make it worth it, dont spend some little money which isnt enough to fulfill you. Its a 1 time spend, make it worth your time and money. If youre fancy you can get more studf, but, im telling you all you need for your home gym is 2 things.
1) cable machine
2) a bench
Most sellers would give you handles, ropes and hooks as gifts. And you can find one of those machine with a literal built in squat rack and pullup bar. All-In-One for like idk $800. $600 even.
As someone who has built my own gym from scratch my *3 tips* for *beginners* to get are:
1. Adjustable dumbbells ( it’s very important that you progressive overload, and there’s so many things you can do with dumbbells)
2. A D.I.Y bench ( really easy to make with random objects that you have such as a plank of wood and two boxes etc. a bench is very good for chest exercise)
3. Pull up bar (relatively cheap to find online and is one of THE BEST equipment to use for back and for arms.
Can you share diy bench or any idea
Can you build good physique with only this ?
@@dailyfamilyguy9409 yes 100% you can build a good physique with just these. I personally gained 12 kg of muscle in the first 10 months of lifting using these!!
With making a bench I used two logs and a thick wooden plank which worked very well, however there is safety concerns Of course, so I ended getting an adjustable bench which I would definitely recommend if you have the finance to spend.
pretty impressive at the beginning
*This guy redefined the word "cheap"* 😂
A pull-up bar, & backpack full of rocks is all I need.
I haven't seen any comment saying this but honestly all you need is pair of Gymnastis Rings and that's it
the rizz of the dumbbells really makes a lot of since…I didn’t know that walmart had such options…I will check it out!
I've never been a fan of home gyms. My reasoning for it is that keeping home/leisure seperate from gym allows me to more easily get into the workout mindset vs when I get home and the only thing I want to do is just rest. I do this with study and having separate places for each helps a lot
Opposite for me, more of a chore to get past getting dressed and undressed when back, drive back and forth, checking in and waiting for equipment, carry around my bottle with me from equipment to equipment, i dont like music so might as well be dead silence i prefer tv while working out, i dont like being around people looking and staring tryna rush me so they can use equipment, monthly $$, etc. Honestly just the time consumed in the first things i listed im already done with half a workout.
Adjustable dumbbell is all you need
30-30 kg dumbell enough??
@@dailyfamilyguy9409? 30kg-30kg
What I did in prison with no equipment and just a bar was 5x20 prison style burpees for cardio, 4x10 chin ups for biceps, 4x10 pull ups for back and forearms, 4x50 squats with no weight for legs, and 4x20 pushups for chest. Don’t underestimate the basics I got really built doing this routine every two days drinking plenty of milk and commissary.
What did you go to prison for
@@karbonkillershorts8551 possession of gains
@@gfuelsoccermom5307 that was the funniest thing I've read all day. Congrats 😂
Equipment is really nice tho, some people can barely do 2 chin ups or pull ups or 10 burpees or pushups. Weights are nice for progressive loading starting from scratch
question for user-nx4ml9cy9c, are prisoners really big like they show in movies or is that just fake Hollywood that hire bodybuilders to play prisoners. I know in the movie Longest Yard they had a lot wrestlers and bodybuilders.
Spending a bit more and getting quality adjustable dumbbells is super worth it. I got a set of 52.5lb adjustables, I love em.
Oh hey this short again. Yep, still love em
I started watching you after I realized we have the exact same haircut. Shape flow and all.
Damn video just started and he's already rizzing me with his 1001 curls
I'd just recommend a power tower where you're able to do dips and pullups. Then just buy resistance bands to go with that and progressively overload. That setup alone can keep you going 6+ months before needing something more. (Although you should buy something to train legs with though)
Little home gym set ups keeping you big ass hell.
This is why Leon Edwards has the most aesthetic physique
Definitely gonna out grow that very quickly. My tip is to get an adjustable bench and adjustable dumbbells(not the cheap ones where u have to screw in everything). These 2 can hit probably every muscle on your body and help u progress over 2-3 years even
tbh I think just get a set of adjustable dumbbells
don't have to worry about continually buying weights and they're not too expensive plus saves a ton of space
Get a cheap backpack in the background, fill it with books, and use it for added weight to calisthenic excersises, like pull ups, squats, push-ups. Or, you can even use it for typical dumbbell workouts, like curls or overhead tricep extensions.
Honestly, get a power rack to squat and deadlift and bench, and there are some with pull up and dip bar attachments. Pretty much every part of your body can be worked like that
And for those of you who maybe don't have any money to spend on fitness equipment at all, a bunch of push ups, squats, lunges or burpees and a good walk or run will get you, maybe not the best physique you could have otherwise, but it's still pretty darn good. I've been doing bodyweight workouts for a while now and honestly my results are fine, not as good as when I was heavy back squatting, but beggars can't be choosers. Bodyweight workouts are still a good option.
Dip bars. That's it. That's all you need. Maybe some smaller paralettes but to get started that's all you need.
If you spend 180 bucks on 3 weights, you could just get adjustable dumbbells and hold off on the kettle bell for a bit
During Covid, I had 15 and 30 pound dumbbells that I made out of quickrete, and a cheap adjustable bench. You can get great results with just that, I promise!
My best workout tool that really helped the most. A simple pull up bar in my basement.
resistance bands/tubes are underrated, they’re really strong if you get the good quality ones. More or less $100 would get you a good set of quality bands, door anchor, handles and stuff. The downsides is you don’t really know how much weight you’re actually using, might said 5kg, 10kg, etc. but it 100% isn’t accurate (depends on the stretch), but if you don’t really care about the numbers its quite good, but of course a gym membership still better (more expensive in the long run though)
Just use 30-30 kg adjustable dumbell?!
I’ll make it easier. Get a pull up/dip bar combo for like 200 and then a set of parallettes for 35. Start by mastering pull ups, dips, and all push up variations. When you are ready to move on to muscle ups, handstands, and the planche, get yourself a weight belt and some kettlebells. Throw in some running or cardio of your choice and you’re done.
Pre workout meal:
Oreos dumped in Red 40
straight red 40
I personally like to shower in Red 40 after my workout, really gives me energy and stops those headaches.
I also love pouring Red 40 all over my dumbbells. Gives them grip and makes them lighter. After the workout, i strap myself up to a machine full of Red 40 that injects me with Red 40 every 10 minutes. Red 40 tastes great. Can’t live without it.
I use a pull up bar that hangs in a door frame, put it on the ground and you have 3 position bar pushups with wide grip, close grip, and dip bar style. It was like 30$
How many pullups were you able to do from start
@@ammar3094 8-10 good ones lol
@@hawk1093 thats pretty good, lot of people can barely do 2 tho which makes it difficult to start with
@@ammar3094use resistance bands or start with easier variations. You shouldn’t start with regular pull ups if you can’t you are shooting yourself in the foot work your way up
Adjustable weights - 60
Cheap bench - 120
You can do a ton with that and
20 dollars leftover
I just got a mat, a pate rack, a crap ton of plates off ebay, a large adjustable bar and two small adjustable dumbells
As someone who workouts out at home I pretty much have all this only thing I need is a pull up bar and a bench press with a seat
Better option : a pair of adjustable dumbells
Resistance band
A rack for legs.
Start with a pull-up and dip bars. You can add weight with a backpack or whateber and progressively overload
I do barre workouts and my home gym set up is: Ballet Barre, Yoga Mat, 3 Pound Weights, 2 Pound Weights, Light, Heavy, and Medium resistance loops, and a foam roller. I know 2-3 pounds sounds really light, I thought so too when I first started barre, but for these type of workouts 2 pounds feels like 20 😂
use heavy home stuff, water bottles, chairs, use the tree for pull ups, use your parents groceries for curls, adapt.
Finally you are not telling me to stop eating stuff
people saying he forgot about other muscles, you can always hit chest and back and legs and such with calisthenics, just invest in a weight vest if you're aiming for gains and your body weight isn't enough anymore
I do a mix of calisthenics and weight lifting and for me I’d recommend getting a dip stand which shouldn’t be too pricy then get a pull up bar like to put on a door or you could buy a set with like a bench,squat,pull up bar in one but if your going just for the main stuff just get a bench,pull up bar,some dumbbells ofc,easy bar but it really just depends on what your aiming for
Door pull up bar, dip setup and weighted vest >>>>>>
My cheapest home gym setup
A resistance band ($7)
Some wood in front of the house I can hang on (free)
backpack with a lot of books (free)
I recommend adjustable dumbbells
Get light dumbbells and heavy dumbbells then a doorway pull up bar and either a bench or a dip bar. You can hit everything
A pair of adjustable dumbells,a towel,ground and maybe a bench is more than enough
Foam rolling hurts a little bit but it feels so good and it prevents pain
This is why I do calisthenics. You can progressivly overload without having to buy new weights every time. All you need to start calistheics is a floor and a celing. I got a celing mounted pull up bar for 100CAD. Which I can much more easily progressive overload with. This home gym idea will quickly have users hit plateus, meaning they need to buy more weights and ends up costing more than a membership.
All you need for a full body workout in terms of weight is a pair of heavy adjustable dumbbells and a bench.
Red 40 keeping you big as hell
just buy one barbell, some weights, a rack and a bench and you can do any exercise for any part of the body like squats, deadlifts, shoulder presses, bench, incline bench, calf raises, skull crushers, bicep curls, forearm curls, back rows, trap rows… basically everything… invest in that and thats gym for life.
I would say resistance bands are the best and affordable. Especially if they come with a door and foot attachment. You can do a lot exercises. A chest press with resistance bands also works your core. And go to garage sales and ask if they're selling weights. I would pay between 10-50 cents per pound.
1001 Keeping you BiG as HeLL❗
Big tip is the dumbells that u can add weight on. Might be little mote expensive but u wont ever need more dumbells
School back pack+any thing heavy in your house and progressively overload it. You can do weighted calf raises, push-ups, overhead press, skull crushers, curls, rows, squats, and just about anything you can imagine. Be creative with the stuff at home you can get insane workouts with hardly anything a fancy gym isn’t needed starting out get the basics down first and work up from there.
Just buy a cheap gym membership for like $10 a month, u get 20 months for the same price with a lot more things
I will never un see the way this man stands at an angle
You can get a set of resistance bands for really cheap and there are tons of exercises that you can do with them. Plus you can combine them to allow more progressive overload. Imo they are better and way cheaper than his setup.
1) Adjustable weight dumbbells
2) Pull up bar
That’s it
No it's not
@@turtle_fpsI mean it kinda is if u also have a bench
In my area at least I can't buy 2 adjustable dumbbells for sub 200$ and a pull-up bar is like 40-60$
Dude is a walking W
Adjustable dumbbell, a foldable bench, and resistance bands. Best home gym equipment
First thing I bought a year and a half ago for my home gym was a set of dumbbells, then I bought adjustable ones, a pull-up bar, dip station, plates, easy barbell, bench, and there still are many things I want to get
pull up bar and gym rings are super cheap and versatile👍
One thing I did is I got a 80 dollar dip bar set and use one bar for seated pull ups which work the back arms and core, di hard squat variations like 1 leg to work the legs, and pushups for chest and shoulders, for resistance I use a backpack as a weighted vest
For biceps only buy 1 dumbell, you can switch between hand. Saves money
My home gym consists of a bench press, decline bench press, cable system, squat rack, military press, dumbbells, and tons of plates
Main flaw with this mini home gym equipment is the not being able to progressively overload in weight which is the number 1 driver of muscle growth
If I make a home gym, I'm gonna need way more than that tho.. like at least a power rack, barbell, plates, bench, and then probably adjustable dumbbells..
Real chads just workout in the fitness section
I haven’t needed a foam roller in awhile and I’ve been crossfitting a lot… the more running you do probably better for beginners though.
Get yourself a pull up bar, yoga mat, jump rope and a weighted vest. This is all you need in your home gym.
adjustable dumbbells and an adjustable bench is all you need
Thanks, im trying to get in shape im tired of my body being the way it is. I think its worth the change my body deserves it
I think a set of cable resistance bands with carabiners is the best thing for exercising. You can do so many different exercises and I think it's more difficult to injure yourself with resistance bands. WDYT?
If your starting out get a dumbell that goes to 30kg and a barbell too not the olympic big ones tho use those for a simple routine
Dumbell press flys
Shrugs shoulder press
Curls skull crushers etc you can do it in your room also do squats situps etc too
Can i build good physique with only dumbell like 30-30 adjustable dumbell i wanna be skinny to muscular not too much muscular... means i wanna look fit
@@dailyfamilyguy9409 yeah just do dumbell press from the floor and then shoulder press curls skull crushers shrugs etc etc just google dumbell exercises
Id advise 3 full body workouts a week and eat more youll grow muscle
Follow the basics and your fine
Facebook marketplace is the way to go. I bought about 60kg of one inch weights with a bar for about £30. My squat rack was like £50
My home gym set up is my school bag and books it’s free and useful and effective 👍
I feel like jump roping is good for cardio, but running, and doing hiit sessions are good too if you can’t use your equipment.
remember this is the same guy who says bodybuilders are scary when they do martial arts 💀
Could probably include a cheap benching set up like I do but yes this is very good
I don't know the brand but you can get comlletely adjustable dumbells that can change to every weight without unscrewing anything for like 300 bucks, obviously the only way to go for a home setup
I like jumping rope
Rope: I like it too
Pull up bar
Gymnastics rings
Adjustable dumbbells
These are the biggest bang for your buck.
1001 keeping you big as hell
Not bad, but I think you could have included rings and pull-up bar for pulling exercises. I know dumbbells and kettlebells can be used for pull days, however, in my opinion, pull-ups and chin-ups are far superior. If you disagree, fair enough, you are entitled to your own opinion.
I would suggest using all of the 200 to go into a very good set of adjustables, that can go from 5 to 100 lbs so theyll be with you for almost all of your beginner to semi advanced journey.
Pull-up bar $20. Weight bench $40. Adjustable dumbbells $120. Leaves you $20
I can half the price. Buy 1 adjustable dumbbell set for 100 bucks, go out on a run for cardio, you can use so many things to roll out like small balls or even water bottles wrapped in a towel
Drop the kettle bells and rollers and go for a bench much more worth it in the long run bc you can just stretch if you don’t have something to roll out with
I have 60-80lbs resistant bands. 55lbs Dumbbells. Dip bar and grip strength trainer that adjusts too 200lbs.
On Facebook marketplace, I found a bench, about 100 kg of weights and 1 large bar, 2 small bars for 230 euros. As for the home gym, it is better to buy a used one because it is much cheaper