👉There's two interesting things about the rover; 1. You can pick it up and carry it in your inventory as long as it has empty storage. 2. The rover bay (garage) has the ability to recall or transport the rover from anywhere on the map back to the garage. This can be done once every real time 10 minutes and the rover's storage can be full. (think about it) 👉The algae forms below the level of the generator, so in shallow water where you can't dive below the surface, it forms below the bottom of the pool - underground. It's there but you can't see it to pick it up. Also: you need to go back and check out the rocket launcher in the giant cave. It holds a very specific blue unlock chip.
Its funny to see him forget he unlocked tier 2 decon last episode or the episode before also just to let you know you have passed super alloy so many times in that middle cave next to your home not sure if that will count as a spot for it
@@CommentingPeople He only needs 1 zeolite for it, but he also needs a methane cartridge... I think it was the unlimited oxygen for the rover that needed 2 zeolite.
The map information rocket needs a super alloy rod, which he would need to find first (there are a few on the map) or wait until 750 MTi for its recipe to unlock.
13:34 in the underground base you missed a wall that you could deconstruct which probably would give you access behind it into something that you forgot or didn't get to😊
Well done man, BTW, you can pick up the rover in your inventory, spawn it next to the goodies, leave it, and when you're back to the base, there's a little screen in the rover's station that allows you to respawn the rover back to you no matter where it is.. Even if you leave the rover at the other side of the portal
I can tell you, once all the ice melts in the area you have your main base in, it's going to look amazing. And it will open up a lot of places you can't get to yet.
Ive found recently when they changed meteor storm behavior that strikes out of render either dont make drops or they hang in the air. Hoping the devs notice and fix it.
Again you can create superalloy in the advanced crafter (assuming you can place a T1 ore miner on an aluminum place as was needed in 25:40 use bauxite for bauxite-related crafting when you can ) indefinitely and not wait for a superalloy extraction site. Also, don't forget to use beacons to mark new places like here at 10:20 and 27:00 ! 35:54 You *had the T2 deconstruction already* You did not have the components to manufacture it at the time of this video.
TIP: Zeolite - deconstruct those circuit boards. Also, I'm behind you on progress, but I was able to craft the T2 Deconstructor. So maybe you've already unlocked it, or it's unlocking soon.
@@urkerab you need enough ice until you get water collectors - it's easy to run out of ice as it's only found in some areas of the map. There's enough of it to make it easily to water collectors, but if you build toward the east, or just don't pick it up, you can die of thirst quite easily. But also you do need it for building, so spending a little time making sure you have picked up more than you think you'll need is actually a time saver in the end.
@@jonevansauthor Sure, but I thought we were talking 26 MTi to 55MTi here - not only was the atmospheric water collector already unlocked, but the lake water collector unlocked this episode too.
just found out on the main planet the underground base near the iron cave [the biome above the lava zone in the map]. seems to respawn crates and stuff to loot. i KNOW i looted the place cause my beacons marked red were still there but everything looked as if i wasn't. that or my game glitched somehow and i didnt loot it but left my beacons behind undeconstructed doors.
@@PrincessAudrii early game, pass through the sulphur fields, then past the landed ship, near the volcanic area on the way you can get obsidian. Head to the huge miners, the cords are 1156:201:-1969. Once things progress and the zeolite area rises, a good spot I found is on the surface, then part way into a cave. You head toward the zeolite plant risen area, don't cross the river to the zeolite, follow it to the left, go through the big arch, immediately turn right and go to coords 443:190:870
@@PrincessAudrii have you exposed the zeolite area, has is made a way down into the ground? (to underground) There should be huge zeolite crystals raised by plants.
@@PrincessAudrii early game obsidian, 572:183:-1101, early game Uranite, pass the landed ship, follow right wall until near the big extractors (which have a lot of goodies) coords are 1148:203:1969 to get your Uranite
@@PrincessAudrii early game, go through sulfur area, it is a big trek, but there is obsidian on the way. Stay right on way to landed ship, there is an area there that you can get it.
I don't get flying over every blue crate if you are looking for resources? Is it just a bad way to slow the game down instead of using the custom game option to reduce terraforming speed?
👉There's two interesting things about the rover; 1. You can pick it up and carry it in your inventory as long as it has empty storage. 2. The rover bay (garage) has the ability to recall or transport the rover from anywhere on the map back to the garage. This can be done once every real time 10 minutes and the rover's storage can be full. (think about it)
👉The algae forms below the level of the generator, so in shallow water where you can't dive below the surface, it forms below the bottom of the pool - underground. It's there but you can't see it to pick it up.
Also: you need to go back and check out the rocket launcher in the giant cave. It holds a very specific blue unlock chip.
Its funny to see him forget he unlocked tier 2 decon last episode or the episode before also just to let you know you have passed super alloy so many times in that middle cave next to your home not sure if that will count as a spot for it
And now that he has 2 zeolite, he can make it
@@CommentingPeople He only needs 1 zeolite for it, but he also needs a methane cartridge... I think it was the unlimited oxygen for the rover that needed 2 zeolite.
@@InternetGravediggerfour zeolite.
The underground area you were in and saw the rockets in the cavern roof has a trade rocket platform at the bottom of it. Possible blueprints.
You can break down circuit boards for zeolite
If you send up the GPS and Mapping Info rockets you can see where all the resources can be mined.
The map information rocket needs a super alloy rod, which he would need to find first (there are a few on the map) or wait until 750 MTi for its recipe to unlock.
think you might have missed a green crate over looking the bio dome
28:20 Your flying over Super Alloy and you been doing it since episode 1 lol
If you send up a mapping rocket, you can finally discover Zeolite location.
It does have a giant floating sign in the air that telegraphs where you'll be finding zeolite as soon as you have an ore extractor :D
Can't believe he just leaves those crushers full most of the time, & wonders why he doesn't get anything new...
If Z is losing his mind over how the ice caves turned into canyons, wonder how he will react when the sinkhole opens?
13:34 in the underground base you missed a wall that you could deconstruct which probably would give you access behind it into something that you forgot or didn't get to😊
Hey Zeee base could use some window walls 😅👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾✌🏾
Well done man, BTW, you can pick up the rover in your inventory, spawn it next to the goodies, leave it, and when you're back to the base, there's a little screen in the rover's station that allows you to respawn the rover back to you no matter where it is.. Even if you leave the rover at the other side of the portal
I can tell you, once all the ice melts in the area you have your main base in, it's going to look amazing. And it will open up a lot of places you can't get to yet.
Z have u ever thought of recycling some ur circuit boards for the zeolight? I saw another tuber do it
Missed two containers underground base with drones
Ive found recently when they changed meteor storm behavior that strikes out of render either dont make drops or they hang in the air. Hoping the devs notice and fix it.
I want longer episodes!!!!!
Again you can create superalloy in the advanced crafter (assuming you can place a T1 ore miner on an aluminum place as was needed in 25:40 use bauxite for bauxite-related crafting when you can ) indefinitely and not wait for a superalloy extraction site. Also, don't forget to use beacons to mark new places like here at 10:20 and 27:00 ! 35:54 You *had the T2 deconstruction already* You did not have the components to manufacture it at the time of this video.
TIP: Zeolite - deconstruct those circuit boards. Also, I'm behind you on progress, but I was able to craft the T2 Deconstructor. So maybe you've already unlocked it, or it's unlocking soon.
He already unlocked it either last episode or the one before but he forgot about it.
There are a few resources I never found a place to mine, so you need the crushers all the way to the end for those couple of items.
Why aren’t you emptying the ore extractor of uranium and iridium and turning them into rods for compact storage?
Those white coral things around your base look like the forest on the series Scavenger Reign.
You can also harvest mushrooms from those pillars at some point.🤔
Tier 2 miner works on uraninite
Good timing
Lol great episode Z! 😂
Use your rover bro u can increase your inventory
There is a massive Zeolite area in the underground caverns you need to explore more there and there is some other areas that are interesting...
You don't need it for zeolite - there's plenty above ground. Also probably some in the crates that he ignores too :D
You went from 26 MTi to 55MTi in this episode.
Remember to save a few chunks of ice somewhere, before they disappear completely
Water can be recycled into ice.
@@urkerab you need enough ice until you get water collectors - it's easy to run out of ice as it's only found in some areas of the map. There's enough of it to make it easily to water collectors, but if you build toward the east, or just don't pick it up, you can die of thirst quite easily. But also you do need it for building, so spending a little time making sure you have picked up more than you think you'll need is actually a time saver in the end.
@@jonevansauthor Sure, but I thought we were talking 26 MTi to 55MTi here - not only was the atmospheric water collector already unlocked, but the lake water collector unlocked this episode too.
Don't forget the message on the next episode
Sir i humbly ask for more awsom content thank you and odin bless you
Thawed, or defrosted. Not Dethawed 😂😂
Uraninite can be mined.
just found out on the main planet the underground base near the iron cave [the biome above the lava zone in the map]. seems to respawn crates and stuff to loot. i KNOW i looted the place cause my beacons marked red were still there but everything looked as if i wasn't. that or my game glitched somehow and i didnt loot it but left my beacons behind undeconstructed doors.
Have you thought about doing a face cam for videos like this and TCG Card Trader?
im currently sitting at 4TTI running 50fps with all the foliage growing like crazy, all this on humble !
All the time used looking through lockers for resources could have been cut by 90% by spending a tiny bit of time organizing the resources.
Episode 8?it should be episode 9!!
OMG lol, why is Z not pronouncing uraninite correctly driving me crazy. 😂😂
I love how bad your memory is lol. You unlocked t2 deconstructed already
Please organize your lockers 😅
12:44 Is that a green crate, or a blue crate in yellow light?
They added green ones like the gold ones on the main planet. Except when you deconstruct them you get iron not super alloy :(
Yes, you can mine Uranite
Coords please! I found bauxite, dolomite, iron and titanium with T1 drill but am still missing Uranite.
@@PrincessAudrii early game, pass through the sulphur fields, then past the landed ship, near the volcanic area on the way you can get obsidian. Head to the huge miners, the cords are 1156:201:-1969. Once things progress and the zeolite area rises, a good spot I found is on the surface, then part way into a cave. You head toward the zeolite plant risen area, don't cross the river to the zeolite, follow it to the left, go through the big arch, immediately turn right and go to coords 443:190:870
@@PrincessAudrii have you exposed the zeolite area, has is made a way down into the ground? (to underground) There should be huge zeolite crystals raised by plants.
@@PrincessAudrii early game obsidian, 572:183:-1101, early game Uranite, pass the landed ship, follow right wall until near the big extractors (which have a lot of goodies) coords are 1148:203:1969 to get your Uranite
@@PrincessAudrii early game, go through sulfur area, it is a big trek, but there is obsidian on the way. Stay right on way to landed ship, there is an area there that you can get it.
dont you already have the blueprint for T2 deconstruction chip? Didnt you need ziolite for it?
Can you grow the flowers on the ice by the base?
When do we get t-2 deconstruction
didn't you get it, you just needed Ziolite...which you now have?
Z1 don't put the algae generator in a corner, it needs to have free space around it for the algae to grow or you will not get alot
I don't get flying over every blue crate if you are looking for resources? Is it just a bad way to slow the game down instead of using the custom game option to reduce terraforming speed?
There's a green crate on the rock mound right by your algae grower that was on the bottom lake
Sooo... 2nd episode 8?
So astroneer is that done cause you got the vtol and that's it what about the rest of the game
Good lord the music is ridiculously LOUD.
No, uranite….