Rosary for Vocations: The Glorious Mysteries

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • The Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary for Vocations, as presented by Bishop James V. Johnston and the seminarians of the Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau.


  • @kimfleury
    @kimfleury 7 років тому

    Opening Intention
    O Lord, I unite my heart with all the Saints in heaven and with all the Just on
    earth; I unite with You, my Jesus, to praise Your holy Mother worthily and to praise
    You in her and through her. I renounce all the distractions that may come to me
    while I am praying this rosary.
    O Lord, I offer You this rosary for the increase in vocations to the priesthood,
    religious life and the permanent diaconate and for a strengthening of all current
    vocations, lay or religious.
    O Lord, I offer You this opening Creed to honor the faith You brought to Your
    Apostles upon this earth and to ask You to permit me to share in that same faith.
    Most Holy Trinity, I offer You this opening Our Father to adore You in Your
    oneness and to acknowledge You as the first cause and the last end of all things.
    O Heavenly Father, I offer You these three opening Hail Mary’s to thank You for
    all the graces which You have given to Mary and which You have given to Your
    followers through her intercession. O Jesus, may Your Mother Mary watch over and
    protect all young men and women considering a vocational call to priestly or religious
    Intentions for each decade:
    1. Resurrection - Our Lord’s Resurrection brought
    tremendous joy to His sorrowful followers. Never again would their lives to be the
    same. Let us offer this decade for an increase in grace in the hearts of those who
    are being called to be priests and vowed religious. May they experience the
    immense joy of giving God their entire lives and saying “yes” to His call. Help them
    to realize that their unselfish response to God will change their lives forever; also for our own parish clergy (that they be a model inspiring vocations)
    2. Ascension - Jesus ascended into Heaven, not
    to abandon us, but to be our hope. He continually intercedes for us before the
    throne of the Father and prepares a place for His faithful followers in the heavenly
    Kingdom. Let us offer this decade for an increase in the number of priests and
    vowed religious to help us strive faithfully to attain our heavenly homeland. May
    these men and women always recognize the irreplaceable mission they have in the
    plan of our salvation; also for priests and religious (that their words and actions inspire love of Jesus and Mary and draw vocations)
    3. Pentecost - The coming of the Holy Spirit transformed the timid Apostles into bold witnesses for the Gospel. The Church was sent forth with courage and zeal! Let us offer this decade for the power of the Holy Spirit to come upon all He has chosen to labor as priests and religious. May they respond boldly to the invitation to lay down their lives for Christ and His Church.
    4. Assumption - The Second Vatican Council reminded us that Mary’s role in salvation history did not end with her Assumption into Heaven. She continually intercedes for all of us, her children, as we journey through life. Let us offer this decade asking Mary’s intercession. Through her prayers may the Church be granted an abundance of vocations to the priesthood and religious life; also for the repose of the souls of deceased priests, and that God hear their prayers for vocations to carry on the work of the Gospel
    5. Coronation - This mystery brings before us the beauty of the faithfulness of Mary, the first disciple of the Lord. She who referred to herself as the “handmaid of the Lord” is now exalted far above even the Angels. The one who said “yes” to God in all things is now the Queen of heaven and earth. Let us offer this decade for those called to the priesthood and religious life who struggle with troubles and temptations, asking Mary to intercede on their behalf so that they may always remain faithful to their calling and true to Our Lord; also that Our Mother may intercede for us for many priestly vocations, that young people hear the Good Shepherd's voice, and that the Holy Spirit grant them the grace to respond quickly to His call.