Traxxas TRX4 Shock, Servo & Wheel Upgrades for scale performance

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @RCGirl
    @RCGirl  4 роки тому +34

    Sharing some more reflections on the new upgrades after I had some drive time with them :
    Shocks: At first I thought the shocks might be too soft, but they give really cool realistic movement out on the trail. They feel like more in a droop style setup. So overall, really like them.
    Wheels: The tires are narrower, but a tad taller than the stock tires but they fit perfectly with no wheel rub. Need a bit of wearing in, but the foams are stiffer so they can hold up the 700 g of weight that I added, but dig in places where I need it. AND they look super scale, which is a bonus. And yes, I do need to rotate the driver's side tires - apparently the tread needs to run backwards on that side?!
    Servo: The TrackStar TS910 servo that I had in there was quite good already, but the new one has about 100oz/in more torque, and is waterproof already (vs. having to waterproof the other one myself). Same price range for both.
    I think overall, really happy with the new setup!

    • @00godlovesus
      @00godlovesus 4 роки тому


    • @avipatable
      @avipatable 4 роки тому

      How do the shocks work compared to the desert lizards and the standard ones? I have been fiddling with the standard ones to reduce the "stiction" as much as possible without having them leak. Just wondering what the others are like? Great vid as always!

    • @TheKjelmo
      @TheKjelmo 4 роки тому
      Think this is how the tires are supposed to be set up. That's how I see them on real trucks, at least.

    • @77Avadon77
      @77Avadon77 4 роки тому

      That truck is soooooooo badass. Almost looks real

    • @ambassa
      @ambassa 4 роки тому +1

      Adding the same strength shock oil (30w) to both front and rear shocks seems to have really lowered my rig at the rear. Perfect at the front. Any suggestions? Different shock oil strength?

  • @mariuszbalinski271
    @mariuszbalinski271 4 роки тому +1

    Once again I believe I have witnessed undoubtedly one of the finest most professionally delivered rc videos on the internet. Informative, directly to the point and captivating start to finish. 👌

    • @RCGirl
      @RCGirl  4 роки тому

      Thank you! ✌🏼

  • @SandJ-Adventures
    @SandJ-Adventures 4 роки тому

    I've just come across his video, great to see a recent vid from you and, that you are still enjoying the Defender! We watched a lot of your (older) videos before buying our Defenders back in March (Confinement toys!) and learnt a lot about what we needed, or wanted! A few of your up-grades have found their way onto our cars! Can't deny, it get's a bit expensive, especially when everything is x2, but we think of all the money we saved by not going out anywhere for the last 3 months! Keep the Defender videos coming.

  • @Tamiyapower
    @Tamiyapower 4 роки тому +7

    Love how realistic it looks, wish mine was that good looking, charging my battery and going to do some lockdown night crawling in the garden in good old Cape Town ;)

  • @douglaselliott8298
    @douglaselliott8298 4 роки тому +2

    A new vid from RC Girl? Instant mouse click. The RC4WD Goodyear Wrangler MT/R Tires are on my list to replace the stock tires on my Capra. The 3-piece alloy bead-lock wheels I added to my TRX-4 Sport are also a pain to get properly fitted. I found after adding wheel weight to my TRX-4 the blue Pro-Line closed-cell 'crawler' foams helped immensely in the front tires. Flexible OD tread, but no more 'fold-over' when turning Left or Right.

  • @O.L.D_RC
    @O.L.D_RC 4 роки тому +1

    Great info to follow a great install and run vid. For some reason I enjoy watching the install videos, it's almost as therapeutic as doing it myself. Thanks for the content, helps a bit with being stuck home. Be well and stay safe.

  • @MacSide01
    @MacSide01 4 роки тому +1

    You should be very proud of your finished product. I noticed on the trail the tires were articulating while the cabin remained steady without stagecoach bounce and roll. Also, your tire selection, along with your shocks were brilliant. Really impressive - nicely done.

    • @RCGirl
      @RCGirl  4 роки тому

      Thank you!

  • @danytremblay6168
    @danytremblay6168 4 роки тому

    I've put so many changes on my trx4 it would take a while to write down but what I will say is that the only plastic that is still there are the body post, the side where the eletronics is and the body (a Ford Raptor plastic). I like to watch your videos, you are the one that started me to upgrade my trx4 :)

  • @larrydewoody7241
    @larrydewoody7241 4 роки тому +3

    I had no idea of the level of customization on an RC off road truck. Everything looks like full size equipment. The shock tuning would be a lot of fun. I’m an electrical specialists on the T38 jets for the Air Force. So, I love to tinker with electronics. I was looking for a new hobby and was thinking RC would be cool, I had no idea how cool . I first saw the RC airplane now this. So cool.

  • @jeffparryncc1701
    @jeffparryncc1701 3 роки тому

    My first mod. Changed the shock oil to 10 wt. It makes such a difference. The shocks actually work now and the car doesn't bounce all over the place at full speed over rough grass or gravel roads. It tracks way better too. (stock shocks)

  • @revdoggie
    @revdoggie 4 роки тому +1

    I love that you list all your parts. I’m fairly new to the rock crawler scene so you make life a lot easier.

  • @chrispietersen804
    @chrispietersen804 4 роки тому +2

    Also, I enjoy hearing about your personal review on the product at the end of the video, for instance how the shocks compared to the previous setup, your view on the tyres after tested as well as how the servo responded. Thank you

    • @RCGirl
      @RCGirl  4 роки тому +2

      Thanks - noted! I was in a rush to get this vid out, but will do that next time!

  • @TheXanUser
    @TheXanUser 4 роки тому +2

    You know, one of the things I really like about your channel is the lack of an intro/title/logo. you just jump in and start. Very refreshing these days to not have to skip the first 30 seconds of blahblahblah. Keep it up!

    • @RCGirl
      @RCGirl  4 роки тому +2

      Haha yeah that's the "new" trend. Jump right in and don't waste people's time 😉

  • @lylekehrer6159
    @lylekehrer6159 4 роки тому +5

    Them rims look real nice with those tires. With the nuts, gives them just the right amount of flair! Looked like they were pretty good on the trail/ course.

  • @timbabcox6581
    @timbabcox6581 Рік тому

    I purchased the Traxxas TRX4 crawler kit. This will be my first rc car. I'm looking forward to building it. I'm amazed how upgradeable these are. Looking forward to doing some crawling pretty soon.

  • @Easymoney45614
    @Easymoney45614 4 роки тому

    Great vid!! TRX4 is looking good. Watch putting greese on your shocks like that. Greese will collect dirt and could cause them to lockup completely. Could also score the shock body causing them not to work smothly. A dry lube would work better. It will dry but still be slick and not collect dirt. Also on your new tires. Per Goodyear on the full size MTRs. The large lugs go to the outside all around. Just wanted to give you those tips. Keep up the good work and look forward to more vids!!!!

  • @soflorclife6970
    @soflorclife6970 4 роки тому +5

    Very nice upgrades seems to be working well and looks great. I may have to look into those shocks ✌🏼😃👍🏼 thanks for sharing and stay safe!

  • @chrispietersen804
    @chrispietersen804 4 роки тому +9

    Love that you are still posting TRX4 content... Makes me want to run mine more. Could you do a build or even just a highlight on how to get the TRX4 suspension to be feature more realistic articulation? Thanks. Great job with the channel BTW

    • @kendrickcolin6623
      @kendrickcolin6623 3 роки тому

      Sorry to be offtopic but does someone know of a way to log back into an Instagram account..?
      I was dumb lost the password. I would love any tricks you can offer me

    • @kylocallum3739
      @kylocallum3739 3 роки тому

      @Kendrick Colin instablaster ;)

    • @kendrickcolin6623
      @kendrickcolin6623 3 роки тому

      @Kylo Callum i really appreciate your reply. I got to the site on google and im waiting for the hacking stuff atm.
      I see it takes quite some time so I will get back to you later when my account password hopefully is recovered.

    • @kendrickcolin6623
      @kendrickcolin6623 3 роки тому

      @Kylo Callum it worked and I finally got access to my account again. I'm so happy!
      Thanks so much you saved my account :D

    • @kylocallum3739
      @kylocallum3739 3 роки тому

      @Kendrick Colin Happy to help xD

  • @bensp1193
    @bensp1193 4 роки тому

    Hey RC Girl. That a sick new setup. I have the same weights setup you have from Yeah Racing and upgrade mine to 2.2 wheels but those tires seem working perfectly for 1.9. Love your new aluminum rims colour and the fact you can see the nuts because the 120 little screws are not something you want doing them all the times. My old one were similar but needed removing 6 little screws in middle each times to tighten or remove wheels and those screws breaking easily more you touch them. Your new servo seem handles the weight that a challenge to find out what servo work best with extra low gravity weights. I have the TRX 400 and I wish never bought it. Not good at that weight added. My next servo is going to be Reef’s RC RAW 500. I will let you know how that going when I will do the switch. Very nice rig. Cheers

  • @CharlieFultonSC
    @CharlieFultonSC 4 роки тому

    You have inspired me to build my niece a crawler for her birthday later this year in October! (She was born on Halloween and turns 13 this year!! I will have to put one of your stickers on it.

  • @rcgeordiecrawler2710
    @rcgeordiecrawler2710 4 роки тому +1

    Been looking at these shocks for a while for my trx4 defender, you have just made my mind up for me, i will be get these shocks. Awesome video Hayley and thanks for the tip on greasing those collars. 👍🏻👍🏻🤙🏻🤙🏻😃

    • @rcgeordiecrawler2710
      @rcgeordiecrawler2710 4 роки тому

      Keep the videos coming Hayley i love them. What do you say to a SCX10 3 build? Love your channel. ❤️🤜🏻🤛🏻

    • @meadowlarkgal23
      @meadowlarkgal23 2 роки тому

      What grease are you using? I need a grease tube application that is less messy than the large jar and brush that I am currently using.

  • @rubiken06
    @rubiken06 4 роки тому +2

    Nice changes, looks way more stable now.

  • @EL-Dude-A-Rino-0.69
    @EL-Dude-A-Rino-0.69 4 роки тому +1

    Dang girl! Good driving. I love your videos. keep them coming! Nice rig BTW!

  • @kctraviesodj
    @kctraviesodj 3 роки тому

    Looks awesome
    What I love about your vids is that after the upgrades, you let us see how it performs 👍🏽👏🏾

  • @tougesubaru420
    @tougesubaru420 4 роки тому

    please dont stop making trx4 videos lol i just got mine a few weeks ago because of you and i watched every video you made on the truck

  • @sol029
    @sol029 2 роки тому

    That trx4 is the slickest looking one I've ever seen. Makes me want to build one.

  • @AN03YPO
    @AN03YPO 4 роки тому +1

    Great vid as always👍🏼. Nice bead locks. Them Goodyears would look great with the text painted. Keep em coming. 😉

  • @chrisweihe9598
    @chrisweihe9598 3 роки тому

    Good looking rig, the close-up of the tires working was great.

  • @LEGOBubuS
    @LEGOBubuS 4 роки тому +1

    Whoa.. Now your TRX-4 is REALLY fully decked out.. :D Nice work!
    ( you know, watching your videos costs me money.. LoL! Now I have to upgrade my shocks too.. :D ) Happy Holidays, Cheers!

  • @ProNoobRC
    @ProNoobRC 4 роки тому +1

    Great tires and upgrades!

  • @zanguiefcarcasse3628
    @zanguiefcarcasse3628 4 роки тому +2

    Nice one.
    I like your trx4 better now, and dual springs looks to be a good upgrade, even if the stock shocks were not bad at all.

    • @RCGirl
      @RCGirl  4 роки тому +1

      Yeah true, the stock shocks are actually quite good.

  • @jessvsa
    @jessvsa 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks for your videos, I want to ask if with this Shock and Tires are ok for crawler or just for trails ?

  • @JesseBMotors
    @JesseBMotors 4 роки тому +1

    Tires and rims look great 👍😎

  • @fernsolo
    @fernsolo 4 роки тому +1

    Awesome upgrades, great job 👍

  • @icup7802
    @icup7802 4 роки тому +3

    Not bad it seems.
    I will try
    Thanks for sharing!

  • @HermundAOlsen
    @HermundAOlsen 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks for an uplifting video. When this corona shit is BEATEN I’ll gonna treat myself to a SCX-10 III. Planning upgrades already. Stay safe!

    • @RCGirl
      @RCGirl  4 роки тому

      Sounds like a plan! I think we're all ready for it to be over.

  • @corabbring8198
    @corabbring8198 4 роки тому +1

    The shocks look awesome.

  • @jdsrcs8061
    @jdsrcs8061 4 роки тому +5

    Great vid!!! Glad to see you post agsin!!!!

    • @RCGirl
      @RCGirl  4 роки тому +2

      So many more vids in the pipeline!! Just need to find the time. Thanks for your patience!

  • @boldrbangr9834
    @boldrbangr9834 4 роки тому +1

    Nice job! Miss Dante out supervising the trail run!

    • @RCGirl
      @RCGirl  4 роки тому

      You can see him in the background briefly at 7:43 ;)

    • @boldrbangr9834
      @boldrbangr9834 4 роки тому

      Thx! I did miss him. He's getting gray just like Me! 😜

  • @David-qg8xd
    @David-qg8xd 4 роки тому +1

    Amazing video👍

  • @donharsh5469
    @donharsh5469 4 роки тому +1

    Happy Easter RC Girl I enjoy the videos ❤️

  • @MrKeenaz
    @MrKeenaz 4 роки тому +1

    Excellent job. You rock dear. The world needs more ladies like you. Love your vids. Cheers from Mario.

    • @RCGirl
      @RCGirl  4 роки тому

      Thanks ✌🏼

  • @nj2033
    @nj2033 4 роки тому

    Probably the most scale TRX-4 I've seen!

  • @TerraQuestRC
    @TerraQuestRC 4 роки тому

    So happy to see your still doing well and that the Defender is still doing well too. Has it really been years now that you wondered if it was a good choice for trying out the trail/crawl side of rc? Stay low RC Girl, don't let the bug find you.

    • @RCGirl
      @RCGirl  4 роки тому

      Yeah it's been just over 2 years. Got this December 2017. Crazy right?! Time flies...

  • @jeffkeith637
    @jeffkeith637 4 роки тому +1

    Great work but very impressive driving skills. That staircase climb was great. Thanks.

  • @sprather84
    @sprather84 4 роки тому +1

    Awesome upgrades love the wheel and tire combo 👍🏻 keep us informed about the shocks ive got my eye on a pair at my local hobby shop CEN CAL HOBBIES in Modesto 💯

  • @brendantate5315
    @brendantate5315 4 роки тому

    Thanks for the info. This will give me ideas on my TRX-4 defender.

  • @PhilBender612
    @PhilBender612 4 роки тому +3

    Great job I guess you didn't like the yeah racing shocks you put on there the first time? . I love your videos. I also enjoy RC flying and crawling so your channel is perfect

  • @kelman5671
    @kelman5671 4 роки тому

    Awesome Video. Questions about the servo installation: was the servo wire long enough without having to extend it? Also, did you fit it without an external BEC?

  • @hillrwayne
    @hillrwayne 4 роки тому +1

    those new foams work so much better, the sidewall of the tire is collapsed like the tire setup

  • @ericlewandowskivlogs
    @ericlewandowskivlogs 4 роки тому +1

    Nice upgrades.

  • @danon-theautisticmaker8112
    @danon-theautisticmaker8112 4 роки тому

    What is the benefit of putting in ur shocks? I have a TRX-4 kit but never put oil in the shocks & not sure if I should. Also, with ur truck being so heavy, have you ever run air filled tires like the G-made or another brand? What are thoughts & impressions?

  • @stevenf0
    @stevenf0 4 роки тому

    I'm not really a Traxxis guy myself but that is one impressive truck you've built there.

    • @RCGirl
      @RCGirl  4 роки тому +1

      This is the only traxxas rig I have. To be honest, I'm not a fan of their marketing and how they portray women and RC

  • @rcteamzone4633
    @rcteamzone4633 4 роки тому +1

    Great video... and how to tips👌

  • @danholloway3840
    @danholloway3840 4 роки тому

    Awesome video!! glad to see the trx4 back out

  • @jaydenmartin9968
    @jaydenmartin9968 4 роки тому +1

    Best time of day. 🤘🏼

  • @holycannoli8562
    @holycannoli8562 4 роки тому

    Your videos are always so informative and well organized. I'm working on a video project unrelated to RC and wondering what editing software you are using to create those animated labels? Thanks in advance for the help, keep up the great work!

  • @u_t_d_s_h-1_a
    @u_t_d_s_h-1_a 4 роки тому

    I put together a shock, I used a 100 weight silicone oil, it dampened much better than 30 weighr , --- at least for the heavy rc truck I installed it on. . .

  • @Blackiesfunplace
    @Blackiesfunplace 4 роки тому

    love your vids just became the proud owner of the red defender what now got the complete light set and mor to com thx to u

  • @fredfredrc
    @fredfredrc 4 роки тому +1

    Nice job, Great vidéo 🙏🙏🙏👍👍

  • @JOSHUAK71
    @JOSHUAK71 3 роки тому

    I’m fairly new to the 1/10 scale trucks. And it’s kinda overwhelming when it comes to upgrading electric parts. With that in mind, will the 35kg servo you displayed work for my TRX4 Bronco steering as a 270 degree? Or do I need the 180 degree? The stock servo is struggling to turn my wheels when crawling in extreme conditions and when the front diff is locked. Thank you RC-Girl...

  • @nunodias3331
    @nunodias3331 4 роки тому +1

    Nice video, i am more of an axial fan, but i like all kinds of rc trucks...

  • @trailrunnah8886
    @trailrunnah8886 4 роки тому +1

    I was doing some research on these, and this video came up in my feed. Very cool! I had no idea you could get actual beadlocks for these and the level of customization available. Now that I can't really use my real 4x4, I just started looking into these as hobby to do in the meantime. Would you recommend this model as a good one for beginner? It keeps popping up in my research, and I really like the looks of it. Thanks!

    • @RCGirl
      @RCGirl  4 роки тому +1

      Yeah this is a great first rig. It was actually my first RC crawler (and now I have quite a few 🤦🏼‍♀️), so careful! It's addictive!! The trx-4 comes in a few versions - builders kit, RTR, sport. Kit doesn't come with a body, needs assembly and electronics to be purchased separately. TRX-4 RTR comes in a few body types (defender, bronco, blazer...) and has 2-speed transmission and locking/unlocking diff function. Sport comes with a truck body but doesn't have those two features, and is a bit cheaper. All are good choices!

    • @trailrunnah8886
      @trailrunnah8886 4 роки тому

      @@RCGirl thank you so much for the info! Since watching that first video, I've watched a few more and I think I'm sold on the TRX4. I'm sure the sport would perfectly suit my needs, but the K5 Blazer is one of my favorite vehicles of all time so I think I'm going to have to get that one. Although the Sunburst Bronco body that they make is beautiful too!
      I was actually digging the Redcat Gen8 Scout II, that seems like an amazing body, but I read a few reviews and it seems like the quality isn't up to par as compared to the trx4. It's a lot cheaper, but I don't mind spending more money on something that's going to work right the first time.

  • @fabianrengelink2662
    @fabianrengelink2662 4 роки тому +1

    Looking great, and the traxxas to. 🥰

    @BELLOTARU 3 роки тому

    What advantages have a double spring coilover shock absorber over a single Spring one? Preload adjustment?

  • @conceptzone
    @conceptzone 4 роки тому

    Thanks! I have enjoyed your video. Are those better than Traxxas TRX-4 Pre-Mounted Canyon Trail 2.2" Crawler Tires w/Method 105 Wheels?

  • @jlp-mtb1391
    @jlp-mtb1391 4 роки тому +1

    Love the wheels, not so much the tires. Your truck looks awesome! 👍🏼

  • @kevinj5293
    @kevinj5293 4 роки тому +1

    Good job you rig looks awesome. 👍

  • @flat-out
    @flat-out 4 роки тому +1

    Wow nice...I'll try and copy most of what you upgraded to or similar parts. How about your motor and esc when are you going to do that? You mentioned you will change some time.

  • @JohnJohnson-sl3hj
    @JohnJohnson-sl3hj 3 роки тому

    Hey RC Girl, did you have any issues with these shocks leaking? I think they look great and I love how realistic they perform but I don’t want to have to tear into them every couple of trips to put oil in.

  • @blackwolfrc
    @blackwolfrc 4 роки тому

    Nice rig and love the upgrades

  • @geckomabster1625
    @geckomabster1625 4 роки тому

    hi RC Girl, i have question regarding wheel base conversion for TRX4, if you wanna go shorter can it be reduce according to your liking (more options) or is has only an option and that is from 324 mm to 312mm only? thanks

  • @longthanly7061
    @longthanly7061 4 роки тому +1

    Strong RC car 👍

  • @resultepe7538
    @resultepe7538 3 роки тому

    Amortisörler ve alıcı harikaaaa 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  • @alanhafer828
    @alanhafer828 4 роки тому

    Nice mods , looks like it runs great! Awesome video as always! Looking forward for your next video!👍👍👍😀

  • @Am-mw2tx
    @Am-mw2tx 4 роки тому +1

    Nice video, very informative and Nice shocks, very good looking ride keep safe grtz ANGELO from belgium

  • @mtnmyke
    @mtnmyke 4 роки тому +2

    Doggo @ 7:42 !

  • @daemoninkubus
    @daemoninkubus 4 роки тому +1

    Awesome video

  • @2shoestoo
    @2shoestoo 4 роки тому +1

    Nice rig, big money in that one!

    • @RCGirl
      @RCGirl  4 роки тому

      Yeah I kind of went overboard with this one! But a little at a time... I don't even want to add up the total !!

  • @SternLX
    @SternLX 4 роки тому +8

    See's brand new RC Girl video in notifications with TRX4 in the title.
    Me: "I really shouldn't watch that, it always makes me spend money on my TRX after I'm done."
    Watches anyway.

    • @RCGirl
      @RCGirl  4 роки тому

      haha!! sorry!!

    • @SternLX
      @SternLX 4 роки тому

      @@RCGirl No worries. It's not like I wasn't going to order some front and rear Metal bumpers for mine anyway. ;)

    • @RCGirl
      @RCGirl  4 роки тому

      @@SternLX aw man, I need those too!!

  • @T00LF00L
    @T00LF00L 4 роки тому +3

    Your servo horn is rubbing during suspension compression. Traxxas makes an aluminum horn that drops down just like the stock plastic horn for clearance.

  • @henrockmarte187
    @henrockmarte187 4 роки тому

    I actually take your extraordinary rc expertise into high consideration;what would be the best set up for a jjrc willy’s Jeep?...I mean I looked at so many videos of guys who advanced it in their own way -but that there are flaws they mentioned along the driving process afterward🤷🏽‍♂️...I see that you’ve got such a wide range of Rc experiences pertaining to trial and error and you know your parts very well ,so I’d love to hear/read what you have to say about a dope jjrc willy’s Jeep setup please!?🤔

  • @natalramos4988
    @natalramos4988 4 роки тому

    I have a trx-4 defender and I was wondering if I can fit 100mm shocks on it or does it have to be 90mm

  • @Shadow_Wraith
    @Shadow_Wraith 4 роки тому

    That looks very cool, it behaves just like the real thing. Excellent job 🙂

  • @yannickhermant5204
    @yannickhermant5204 4 роки тому

    salut! Merci pour toutes tes vidéos ! elles sont excellentes et bien détaillées. J'aime beaucoup tes présentations. Continues comme ça.

  • @donharsh5469
    @donharsh5469 4 роки тому

    Awesome 👍 cool 😎😎 video RC Girl awesome 👍

  • @КсенияЛапочка-л1ч
    @КсенияЛапочка-л1ч 4 роки тому +2

    Получилось суперски👍👍👍👍👍🎉🎉🎉

  • @stankovic7150
    @stankovic7150 3 роки тому

    Do you use additional BEC or its just plug and play servo? Im totaly new to rc and i need upgrade. So can i use that servo with xl-5 ESC?

  • @sroc3
    @sroc3 3 роки тому

    Hi There! so is this servo better than the "red" servo you had placed in prior? I'm torn on which to get. thanks!!!! :). Got a red Defender too! :)

  • @danieldelrie4387
    @danieldelrie4387 4 роки тому

    Nice strong smooth stroke on those shocks .

  • @timjohnson9406
    @timjohnson9406 4 роки тому

    My defender is basically my favorite trail rig. I've been thinking about the king shocks.

  • @seanb5007
    @seanb5007 4 роки тому

    Love the crawling footage!! Very cool looking truck! 😁

  • @siTTinLo
    @siTTinLo 4 роки тому +1

    Those wheels look very nice. Sweet rig🤙 #dreamgirl

  • @KurtsRCs
    @KurtsRCs 4 роки тому +1

    Nice truck, I like the rims and tires you put on it they look good 👍🔥💯

  • @robbrcnstuff4220
    @robbrcnstuff4220 4 роки тому

    Trx4s are awesome 👍👍

  • @samdavenport6604
    @samdavenport6604 5 місяців тому

    Bought the steering servo you linked for my trx4 and the wire pigtail is too short

  • @trylessego
    @trylessego 4 роки тому +9

    Hate to be that guy but B E A utiful.

  • @paulallen-01
    @paulallen-01 4 роки тому +1

    Those dual rate shocks are much better than those piggyback ones you IMO

  • @pbtvproduktionen
    @pbtvproduktionen 4 роки тому

    Cool video! Thumbs up!

  • @bobdegood71
    @bobdegood71 4 роки тому

    What size wheel hubs are needed for mounting Vanquish wheels on TRX4? Also, do I need to buy hardware separately? Thanks

    • @RCGirl
      @RCGirl  4 роки тому

      Not sure, I don't have experience with Vanquish wheels - sorry!

    • @bobdegood71
      @bobdegood71 4 роки тому

      @@RCGirl Sorry, my mistake. But thanks for replying to my question. Keep up the good reviews.

    • @mickd8188
      @mickd8188 4 роки тому +1

      @@bobdegood71 I believe a 225 or 350. Depending on how you like them to sit in relation to fenders and body style.
      Cheers 👍