Finally, we have an old amazing gospel song, one the songs that delivered me from my old sinful ways, the Holy Spirit convinced me of my sins and opened my eyes to understand the depth of the price paid for my sins. As for me most of the songs published recently didn't contain the depth of sin and grace, but this one is something else. I am sure some souls will get healing and deliverance after listening to it.
ንውርደተይ ዝዘከርካ
ንንብዓተይ ዝደረዝካ
ኣምላኽ ምንጋፈይ ኤመስግነካ
የሱስ ይሓልፍ ኣሎ ምስ ሰማዕኩ
ክፍውሰኒ ዓው ኢለ ጨደርኩ
ሰባት ተንሲኦም ክገኒሖምኒ
ጸዊዕካ የሱስ ናዝራዊ
ፈዊስካኒ ዓይነይ ክርእዪ
ከም ሰብ ዘይኮነ ቲ ባህሪኻ ኣምላኽ ምንጋፈይ አመስግነካ
ኩላቶም ንሞት ፍርሪዶሙኺ
ዳርባ ኣምኒ ኣልዒሎም ክቀትሉኺ
የሱስ ግና ኣብ ክንዳኺ ድው ኢሉ
ኣናጊፉኪ ዕዳኺ ኸፊሉ
ኣምላኽ ሰማይ ዓቢ ነገር ገይሩልኪ
ኣመስግንዪ በገናኪ ኣልዒልኪ
ኣብ ምድረበዳ ህያው ጽላልኪ
ዓይኒ ማይ ከፊቱ ዘተርከስኪ
ኣብዝኾነ እዋን ከዪተፈለየ
ይመርሓኪ ኣሎ እናታተየ
ተስፋኺ ንሱዩ ደራዝ ንብዓትኪ
ጽዊዕክዮ ዝምልሰልኪ
ክብረይ ተንሲኢ ኣመስግንዮ
ፍቅሩ እናዘከርኪ ወጋሕታ ኣንቅሕዮ
Ellllllllllllllll elllllllllllllll
Finally, we have an old amazing gospel song, one the songs that delivered me from my old sinful ways, the Holy Spirit convinced me of my sins and opened my eyes to understand the depth of the price paid for my sins. As for me most of the songs published recently didn't contain the depth of sin and grace, but this one is something else. I am sure some souls will get healing and deliverance after listening to it.
ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ኣቦይ ንጉስ ነገስታት ጎይታ ጎይቶት ኣምላክ ኣማልክቲ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
God bless you...i love u so much guys...ንትግርኛ መዝሙራትና ትንሳኤ ኢኹም: እሞ ጸግኡ የብዝሓልኩም።❤❤❤
እሠይ እልልልል ጌታ የሱስ ፀጋኡ የብዛሐልኩም❤
Aseyyy elelelelelelel ❤❤❤ amen
Literally the collaboration we all didn't know we needed.. Be Blessed Brukatey
Ameeeeeeen glory to jesus
osmi our blesings ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Kbri namlak ykun tebareku xbuqat ❤❤❤
Tebareku ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Amen❤. God Bless this guys Amen 🙏🙏
Neskatekum berekut ekme ❤❤❤❤
Blessings wit many more burukat fitiwat,much Grace kindness goodness 🙏 🙌 ✨ 💖 To God be all Gloria honor praise worship 🙏 niehawaru Goyta Yesus eyisey ellillll ellillll hallelujah asena Goyta yiebarek lifting up,oh Temesgen nefsey ni Goyta kibry medhin Alem yimesgeno shimu yikber!!!
Hallelujah 😢 Amen Amen Abaaaaaaa Jesus!!!!!!! Hallelujah Amen Amen 😢🙌🙌👏👏👏👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Amennn.keep shinning in Christ.
Amennn amennn
Ohhh Glory To God❤❤❤🎉❤
Amen Amen God bless all family members ❤️
Wonderful mezmur tebareku. I would appreciate if you could post the lyrics here. Blessing from above for you all
We will try
Jesus bless you❤❤
ኣምላኽ መመሊሱ ብኸምዚ ብሉጽ ኣምልኮ ይባርክኩም❤
Thank you so much
God bless you out blessing! Keep shinning
Berukat God bless you guys
Betaemi teum mezmur
may God bless you more&more my blessings ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Amennnnnnnnnnn Ellllllllllllllllllll Ellllllllllllllllllll Ellllllllllllllllllll Ellllllllllllllllllll
Amennnnnn kber yesusey ellllllllllll
ንውርደተይ ዝዘከርካ ንንብዓተይ ዝደረዝካ
ኣምላኽ ምንጋፈይ አመስግነካ /2
የሱስ ይሓልፍ ኣሎ ምስ ሰማዕኩ
ንኽፍውሰኒ ዓው ኢለ ጨደርኩ
ሰባት ተንሲኦም ክገንሑኒ
ንኸይፍወስ ስቕ በል ክብሉኒ
ጸዊዕካ የሱስ ናዝራዊ
ፈዊስካኒ ዓይነይ ክርኢ
ከም ሰብ ዘይኮነ 'ቲ ባህሪኻ
ኣምላኽ ምንጋፈይ አመስግነካ
ነፍሰይ ንኣምላኽ ኣመስግንዮ
ዝገበረልኪ ኣይትረስዕዮ
ሰናይ'ዩ ሰናይ ሰናይ ብሓቂ
እሙን ኣምላኽ'ዩ ትዘፍቀረኪ
ኩላቶም ንሞት ፈሪዶምኺ
ዳርባ እምኒ ኣልዒሎም ክቐትሉኺ
የሱስ ግና ክንዳኺ ደው ኢሉ
ኣናጊፉኪ ዕዳኺ ከፊሉ
ኣምላኽ ሰማይ ዓቢ ነገር ጌሩልኪ
ነፍሰይ ብጎይታ ኣዝዩ ባህ ይበልኪ
እቲ ሓያል ዓቢ ነገር ጌሩልኪ
ኣመስግንዮ በገናኺ ኣልዒልኪ
ነፍሰይ ንኣምላኽ ኣመስግንዮ...
ኣብ ምድረ በዳ ህያው ጽላልኪ
ዓይኒ ማይ ከፊቱ ዘተርክሰኪ
ኣብ ዝኮነ እዋን ከይተፈልየ
ይመርሓኪ'ሎ እንዳ'ታተየ
ተስፋኺ ንሱ'ዩ ደራዝ ንብዓትኪ
ጸዊዕክዮ ዝምልሰልኪ
ክብረይ ተንሲኢ ኣመስግንዮ
ፍቕሩ እንዳ ዘከርኪ ወጋሕታ ኣንቅሕዮ
ነፍሰይ ንኣምላኽ ኣመስግንዮ...
You are our blessings ❤❤❤
Kalebey blessed and all more blessings to you brukat🥰❤️❤️🥰
I Have Been Waiting ❤❤....
Hallelujah 😢 Amen Amen Abaaaaaaa Jesus!!!!!!! Hallelujah Amen Amen 😢🙌🙌👏👏👏👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️