The Shimmering Light - Thursday Night Mawlid with al-Ḥabīb Kāẓim as-Saqqāf & Guests

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024


  • @Sofia-ee1mp
    @Sofia-ee1mp Місяць тому +3

    Jazakum Allah khairan for the superb sound quality

  • @LifestyleIslamAM
    @LifestyleIslamAM Місяць тому

    What is the practice of adding something to the oud burner

  • @plebz1
    @plebz1 Місяць тому +1

    The prophet pbuh said that every innovation in the religion is a misguidance.
    May Allah guide us all to the sunnah.

    • @emptyingthecup
      @emptyingthecup Місяць тому +10

      The Prophet ﷺ did not say that. According to the scholars, he ﷺ said that every innovation that is not aligned with what he has brought is misguidance. Within the Ahle Sunnah wal Jammat, there is a distinction between bad innovations and good innovations, that is, innovations that are alien to the the principles and the methodologies of Islam, and innovations that express and manifest the essence of Islam. There are many ahadith where companions would say or do things the Prophet ﷺ never did, but he ﷺ would praise them for it. The companions were always creating and reciting poetry that praised the Prophet ﷺ, and there were blessings in this. They would rush to gather the water that fell from him during wudhu to drink it and rub it over their bodies, and collect his hair for blessings. These are innovations, but there are blessings in them. That is all part of the sunnah. May Allah guide us all.

    • @plebz1
      @plebz1 Місяць тому

      Jzk Allah Kheir for the thoughtful response.
      By default if there were actions such as the poetry or the wiping of water done in front prophet pbuh and he did not warn against them these would be defined as “Sunnah Taqririyyah”. This is where the prophet approved of something done in front of him as the scholars of Ahlal sunnah wal jamaa’ah have confirmed. There are occasions where the companions did things in-front of him he would show displeasure with so again by definition these would not be of the “sunnah”.
      His role as a prophet pbuh as he has proclaimed was to make clear to us every little thing will get us jannah, and the Sahaba were an extended manifestation of that. Doing something new would imply he wasn’t aware of a certain good deed or betrayed his message (a’oothubillah) and also that we know better than the sahaba.
      I’m sure that’s not what you intend to imply.
      On the last point the pbuh said “every innovation”. The word كل in the Arabic language is all encompassing to what follows it, so there is no way we can split bidah into good & bad. An easy way we can qualify this is by looking to whichever FIQH we follow ie hanafi / shafi and seeing their view on this. Would they have left such actions if it brought them to Allah? And also why are we following their FIQH which is essentially the way we worship Allah if we do it selectively. (FYI the claim of Umar RA of taraweeh has been clarified 100s of times on good bidah as the prophet already started taraweeh so by definition was not new).
      Apologies if my initial message seemed out the blue, it was out of care for the ummah to be practising Islam according to what the sahaba would have been upon if they were here today. May Allah reward your intention brother and keep us all upon what the prophet and his companions were on. As salaam alaykum wa rahmatullah.

    • @adilhasanali2934
      @adilhasanali2934 Місяць тому +5

      @@plebz1Hassan ibn Thabit - sahaba who was a poet. Definitely poetry specifically FOR the Prophet Muhammed ﷺ

    • @emptyingthecup
      @emptyingthecup Місяць тому

      @@plebz1 ​ @plebz1 May Allah reward you for trying to protect the integrity of Islam. Indeed we must always be on the lookout for corrupting innovations. Because your response was out of the blue, so to say, it appears that you are accusing the behavior in the video to be unlawful bid'a, which would have certain implications on not just the beloved Ḥabīb Kāẓim as-Saqqāf and the guests, but the entire lineage of the Habaib and the scholars of the past who engaged in such behavior.
      Bid'a, according to our ulama, is under five categories: bid'a wajiba, bid'a manduba, bid'a mubaha, bid'ah makruha, and bid'ah maharama. "Kulu bida'ahtan dhalala" is kulu bid'ahtan maharama. The ulama go into detail about the language in the hadith, which is why we can't approach hadith without the scholars. The language of the Qur'an and the hadith is elliptical, there is a lot of rhetoric because the language is very concise, so you need experts of language to expand on the meaning that is contained in the concise words. It is consensus that there are many different types of bid'ah, and the word كل does not mean "every" bid'a per se, but rather, "every impermissible bid'a".
      The understanding is that the bid'a that is in the fire is for whoever brings something new that is "not" from our religion. The phrase "not from our religion" in the hadith is key. The Prophet ﷺ did not say that "what is from our religion" in the fire.
      In any case, the poetry in this video is not new at all, it was common during the time of the Prophet ﷺ.
      As for your questions, I recommend you watch some of the lessons by Shaykh Ninowy, Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, etc. There is a difference in a new action as an expression of love, for instance, and actions that are institutionalized into the religion. The general idea is that there is no prohibition from doing things that are permissible, even if those permissible actions were not done prior, but we know that they are permissible actions. It would be considered an impermissible innovation, even if the actions were permissible, if it was institutionalized into the religion, like salat is institutionalized. And Allah knows best. May Allah guide us and find safety in the scholars.