Yaksel Frias |Auditions |Bulgaria’s Got Talent 2019
- Опубліковано 25 лис 2024
- Yaksel Frias comes from Dominikana to show us his amazing talent to make ballons оut of smoke.
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He is the only guy whose parents appreciate him to smoke 🤣🤣😂
Killed it man
@@Jo-e7k ua-cam.com/video/O1NewfzulzM/v-deo.html
He's definitely talented but imagine the talent level of the person who has set camera angles
Can u tell me the name of music of this video?
@@farukiori9985 ua-cam.com/video/O1NewfzulzM/v-deo.html
@@rajat4418 ua-cam.com/video/O1NewfzulzM/v-deo.html
Not actually I don't think this was live and also they have 1 camera at each angle while editing they take best scene from different angle.
he's not smoker, he's Airbender 😂
The Last Airbender 😃😃
@@mr.upscphile1361 😂😂😂
Absolutely, he is amazing 👌
@@Ali-kd1wx yep totally agree
That's vapor not smoke
Ето го българският коментар, който търсеше🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬
Ама то трябва да има само такива🤣🤣А няма
OOmK ôm. P
why is no one talking about how beautifully these were captured??
What did you do in prison ?
The only guy on this planet whose parents encourage him to smoke 🤣
@@Lanlao_story حجج
@@Lanlao_story حج حق حق مسخ جججججصصجججججججججججج
Ryt bro 😑😑
Hmare yhaa smoke sirf thaluee krte haii
Smokers got talent. This is the only smoking guy I've watched smoke for so long.
@@_ABHITIWARI Ffwegwffegwfwfegwewewefwwfwewffwfwfwerhegwewfegwgewgwewewewfwewewgwefwwewewwwewewewewewewewfwewwwfwfwewfwewewewfwwwewewgfwwewewfwwwwwewgwewewfwgwefewewwwewewewgfwfwwewewewewewfwewewfwwwwwewewewewewewgwewfwewewewewewewewewewewfwewewewewewewewfwewewewewewewewewewgwewewewewewewewewfwewfwfwewewewewfwewewewwwewfwewfwewfwfwewfwewewewfwewewewewfwfwewewfwewewfwewewfwewfwewewewewfwewewewwwewefwwewewewwwfwewewewewfwewewewwwwwfwewewewewewewewewewewfwewewewewewfwewewgwfwwwwwewewfwewfwewwwewewewewewewewewewewewewewewfwewewfwewfwwwewewewewewewewgwewwwewewewewewwwewewwwewewewewewewewewwwwwewfwewewwwewwwfwewewfwfwewewewwwewewewewewfwewfwgwewgwewwwewwwewfwfwewewfwewewewfwfwewfweweweegwfwewewwwfwewwwewewewewfwewewewfwewewewewwwfwwwfwewewwwwwwwewewfwewwwfwwwewewewewewwwewewwwwwewewwwwwewewewwegwewfwewewewewfwewfwewewewewewwwwwfwfwwwwwewewwwewfweegwfwwwewewfwewwwewfwewfwwwfwfwfwewfwwwewfwewwwewfwewewewwwfwewfwwwwwwwewfwwwewewewewewewfwfwewewewewfwewfwewewewwwewewfwwwewwwfwwwfwewewewwegwfwewfwfwwwewfwwwewwwfwewfwewewewwwewewfwewewewewwwewwwwwwwewewwwwwwwewfwfwewewewewewewewewwwwwwwfwwwewewewwwewwwfwewewewfwewewewewewfwfwfwfwewewfwewwwewwwwwewewfwfwewewewwwewwwfwewwwewewfwewewfegwewewewfwewfwwwewwwfwewewfwwwfwwwwwewewfwewewewewewewwwewfwwwwwewewwwwwwwfwewewewwwfwfwewewewfwewfwewewewewewewewfwfwewwwewewewwwewewfwewewfwewewewewewfwfwfwewewewewfwewewfwewewewwwewewewewewewfwwwewewfwfwfwfwewewfwfwewewewwwfwfwewwwewwwewewewewewwwfwfwewfwewewewewewewewwwwwfwwwewewwwewfwwwfwewewfwfwewewfwwwwfwwwwwwewfwfwfwewfwfwewewewewfwwwewwwfwfwwwewfwewwwewewwwfwewewewfwewwwewewewewewfwewfwwwewewewewewewwwewfwfwwwfwewewfwwwewfwfwewfwewfwfwfwgwewewewwwfwewfwfwfwfwfwewwwfwewfwfwgwwwfwwwwwewfwewfwewfwfwfwwwewwwewfwewewewfwewfwwwfwewffwwewfwewfwfwfwwwfwfwfwewfwewewewewfwewewfwfwewwwwwewfwewwwwwfwewwwewewfwfwewfwfwwwfwfwewewfwwwfwewwwewewfwfwwwfwwwfwewfwfwewwwfwewfwwwfwwwewewewewewfwwwewfweegwewfwwwfwfwewfwwwewfwfwewwwfwfwewewewewfwewewfwewfwewfwewfwfwfwfwfwewewewewewewewewewfwewfwfwwwfwfwewewewewewewfwwwewewwwewfwfwewewfwfwewfwewfwfwfwfwewwwfwewewfwfwwwfwewfwewfwewewfwfwewfwfwfwfwewfwewfwfwwwfwfwfwfwewewfwfwfwewewewewfwfwewfwewewfwewfwfwfwfwfwewfwwwfwewewfwfwfwfwewfwfwewfwfwfwewfwewewfwfwfwfwfwfwfwfwfwewewfwfwfwfwewewewfwfwwwwwfwfwewewfwfwfwfwfwwwfwfwewfwfwewfwfwewfwfwfwfwfwfwfwfwfwfwfwfwewewfwfwfwewfwewfwewfwfwfwwwfwfwfwfwfwfwfwfwwwewfwfwfwfwfwewfwfwfwfwfwfwfwfwewfwfwfwewfwfwewewfwfwewfwfwfwfwewewfwewewfwewfwfwfwewfwfwfwfwfwfwfwewfwfwfwfwewfwfwfwfwewfwfwfwfwfwfwewfwewfwewe
@@rajamehra6160 😦
i didn’t even know that this was allowed in ANY ‘got talent’ shows but damn is this legend paving the way for new talents. congrats man, you’re the GOAT. 👏👏
This guy is from Village hidden in the Clouds
Underrated comment 😂😂
Fans are everywhere
@@tejasmeshram1074 ua-cam.com/video/O1NewfzulzM/v-deo.html
wish everyone watched anime
@@sitanshuchheda844 yup bro
All the boys inside the hall thinking : I'm gonna learn this from tonight.
@@Kanhaiya7877 Hi, lovely girl
Yes u are right
Its absolutely incredible how he split that one circle into two.
Only vape artists know that thing🤣🤣🤣
That was insane!
facts that every kid today knows how to do these
@@naxo2651 i do have vape,pod actually,but i can’t do that
The smoke that is considered as enemy by all , whenever it dances, it makes every minds get pleasantly amazing.
Thank you for inviting me ❤️❤️
Everyone's gangsta until his covid report comes positive
Underrated comment😂
Yo man!!
This dude deserves a standing f**ING ovation. The talent that goes into harnessing those smoke is outstanding. Bravo!!!
Amazing guy with super talent👍..keep up the spirit young man!!!
Everyone cheering woooww ooohhh!!!
The guy : why are these people making noise i m just doing my everyday stuff.
Drugy peoples
True dat 😂😂
Please show your talent to hole world your future of India bro
Sweet Amanda, in the Lake
Wonder how much She can take
Cut Her finger, take her ring
Bruise her up, black as sin
Shoot Her down, blind her eye
Bury Her in the night.
See the arms, shake in fear
Here She is, Amanda is here.
Once upon a time a woman named Amanda married a therapist. A patient of this therapist was obsessed with him and jealous of Amanda, so She kidnapped her, took her to Sorren lake and tortured, blinded, killed and buried her, and also She stole her engagement ring. The cops found Amanda bc She tried to crawl out of her grave and died with only the arms sticking out of the mud. Now Amanda Is here again. Do not let Her be forgotten.
1700's: wow looks how passionate he plays the violin
2021: wow he makes smoking so cool
The 9th century: you fight good with sword strong man
2000s: you smoke good you get wooooh
@@itzwilza7189 kinda true tho 😂😂
@@gabrielcarvalho5644 this generation has lost the meaning of skill and talent sadly and a lot of them do have potential
@@itzwilza7189 I know good stuff aren't appreciate it anymore
Sounds about right!
I knew making circles were possible but I didn't know making all those he made was possible!!
0000000000f0trrrrree up 0
Talent + gifted. This is the real magic. No need camera trick or anything else
Disclaimer - no child started smoking after seeing this.😂😂😂😂
If Bob marley was alive he would have adopted him
I know say na my fellow country man go make this kind of cynical comment. Naija!
How far?
@@kingsleymarkk naija for life bros. Na only us fit dey run am😏
nehh, its vape bruhh
It's so surreal... hard to believe even when seeing it behind my screen... so I can well imagine how the audience and all the people there are feeling... Невероятно
Лучше не бывает, даже круче чем- мыльные пузыри, очень эффектно, Респект ❤❤❤👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉!!!!!!!!!!
Teacher: You took so long in the bathroom
Me: Oh their was talent show in the bathroom....
So great
This dude is the real air bender
Noo the smoke bender... Lmao
@@mikeantwi-boateng8475 😂🤣🤣Yes you'r right
Now i can say my friends have potential , they just need a lots of practice
to be honest my friends can all of this and more, seriously
Repeatedly watching firstly for the music 🎶❤️
wow. what a talent. that is something you dont see everyday.
0:50 still the best beat drop on a tv show
Jetta beat song
@@prjupachu4249 thank you
barigadam dam
No it's not that shit was cringe as fuq
Never in my life have i thought vape tricks would be on a got talent show
@American Born NO•/-\•
@American Born Why are you so negative?
@American Born You smoke, you die. You don't smoke, you also die. No different.
@American Born Good for you. But let me tell you, live your life to the fullest and we all take different paths in life.
@American Born So do the man with vape talent.
2:12 Omg that 3D ring🌬⚪ it was just amazing he creates literally from something impossible 😯🙀😇👌
Yes..its like suprman...😍😘
This man just spread covid without them knowing!😂😂😂. JK😁
How are you doing?
Hope you and your family are safe
И тут мама сказала:"Не зря,не зря ты курил с 8 лет сынок!!!"🤣
When smoking gets you applause from the audience and judges
Simply stunning & Superb , Treat to watch
OMG level Sillls.Never seen ever in my life awsome skills out ofsmoke.
Ahh, this guy is good,,, wow,, watching from Botswana,, wow🔥🔥🔥
Talent is the second thing. But first thing is that he recognised his talent.
Jai hind 🚩🙏🚩🙏🚩🙏
@@vikashpv2204 Do you like Mohdi?
@@vikashpv2204 wtf hes not even indian
@@n.a3642 are you talking about Marendra Nodi.
@@randomaccount8023 Yea but why you spell his name like that lol
Пока другие страны развивают науку, они развивают вот это. Молодцы, так держать!
me trying the vape trick ⭕️ : first sip
3 seconds later: cough my lungs out with teary eyes.
he was smooth af
*Last Airbender breathes*
This guy: I'm about to end this man's whole career.
Только топовая музыка для подписчиков!
Imagine how many cigarettes died trying to learn this into perfection
Thats dry ice smoke
That's vape, not cigarettes
its vaping not smoking. Though injurious to health..but its like 90% less toxic than cigarettes
Song: I'd love to change the world-Jetta
Imagine if he he says that he is infected with coronavirus.
Damn 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
What's Coronavirus?
Meanwhile Indian Tau with Beeedi : Hold my beer 🍻
Katai heavy driver ho tham toh
LOL😂😂😂, so true
Better than the whole career of tik tokers
@@girishsingh6101 Singh
These bots..
Imagine if we sent this guy to the middle ages with a time machine, they gon think he's a witch, lol.
Or a dragon!
Teacher : smoking is a bad habit
Me after watching this : not really ʕ•ﻌ•ʔ
You say right
How I make that bear? 🐻
@American Born My chimney is a creepy guy when he screams. Last night he was destroyed by my flying chair. Now it is very quiet in the village
The time when your parents are proud of your smoking. 😂
First time in history smoking is appreciated😂
They used to make Marlboro ads back in the day to promote it, now vaping is saving lives but still bashed just because it threatened big tobacco corps. This world is upside down.
Its not smoking its vapor
@@manojitkarar I know bro. It is just for fun😅
His knowledge of pushing air is of immense help to niche companies like Dyson and even NASA
VFX software: i have GPU accelerated smoke ring effect
Hes lungs: air acceleration & packet of cigaar
@@jarraf oh psychological move 🤨😉😃
@@MALAK-rx6ex wo apne aap ko smart samajh raha hai 😂😁
@@MALAK-rx6ex yes dont go there :(
2000000 wow
This dude is just excessively talented
Children: How does Covid19 circulated all around the world?
Mom: look this video my dear.
@@munnatripathi8909 _৭_
Hypnotic, mesmerizing smoke rings! Can't look away.
Lungs: " why are we still here? Just to suffer "
Edit: wow, 20+ likes.. never got so much!❤️👍thank you YT fam
You got a reply too😉
If I show this talent to my parents.
Alert: incoming parents slipper.
@Psycho亗Police no it's very healthy
@@shivanshvidhumishra yes very healthy even my doctors reccomend it .😌
@@kiluaaaaa8824 🤣🤣✌️
Simplesmente esse grave dessa música é d+ , parabéns ao DJ que mixo a música e a flora com essa voz que casou perfeito com o ritmo.❤👍
one of the best UA-cam recommendations
This what we call TALENT!
Song : I'd Love to change the world / Jetta / Trap Nation 🔥
Thanks Bro
Respect ✊💯
Name of the last song
@@Ayushmalik2704 Song : Symphony/ Clean Bandit ft. Zara Larsson
😱😱what in the world,,... Big thumb up bro... 👍
My mind - I want to do this .
Then my brain -please be ready to face your parents 😂
parents already appreciate 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@loveyouindore 😆
great smokey!fantastically amazing♥️♥️♥️🇵🇭
Bless you my beloved.
The moment I went through my comments, I saw a revelation concerned you, your family and things around you. My dear, I saw God's favour, success, joy, breakthrough. Behind that, I saw more spiritual attack's from the enemies, working on holding such blessings, causing your set back, but you are lifted above any spiritual tower. So the Lord is instructing you to sow a seed of faith into a motherless babies home. (Orphanage), this is going to be a covenant seed between you and God. The Lord ask me to tell you before the end of (3) three days, you should try as much as possible to sow the seed into Godstime motherless babies home (orphanage) located in somewhere in Nigeria to bring spiritual and divine breakthrough in your life and that of your family because there is power in sowing of seed.
Contact the orphanage home management or you can also whatsapp them on this number: +2348154975597.
if you are through with this let me know so I give you guide lines on how you should pray.
God bless you...
Hi, how are you?
@@gonzalezwilliam9315 is it me ur asking Sir?
@@grazeewonder5937 Yeah, hope you don't mind being my friend
@@gonzalezwilliam9315 its ok
OMG this boy are so tallented with smoke
Wow! 😺 Amazing
@Mr banana i will tell you good
Incredibile bravissimo ❤
The ways he does it with swag + the music gives me chill
This gives you chills? Did you say swag? You belong here, bud. This is your destiny. Vape smoke rings. Cool.
@@Pointofshit music name is:
Your Mom and I
by Me and Your Mom
The music name is (i would love to change the world)
There is very clear that any Ring does attract Wind, litterally always.
Fun fact : you are NOT scrolling through comments while watching this video , it's that good
I actually am
Crazy, mind blowing fantabulous bro ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
13 year olds with there Poundland disposable vapes be like:
*hey I can do that*
I hate these replies :|
incredible no comment
Where are you from my friend?
Една дума ЖЕСТОКО Е ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Front benchers - I think I will sing on the talent show.
Back Benchers-
That's a real talent
Чувак вышел на цену и хорошенько покурил и всем это понравилась 😂😂😂
La tuya por si acaso
У него нулевка
It's magic
Form india 🇮🇳🙏
During his whole act my reaction was like 😲😲😲😲😯😯😯😳🤯😱 at 2:05 🔥🔥🔥🔥
When seeing that circle smokes I'm remembering the movie Arrival 😂..he is an alien.We should catch him😂
Everyone acting like they never saw anything like this 😅😂
haters going to hate
@@hannahadams2507 😂😂
@@SupremeStylez 😜😜😜😜
Every person there were paid actors
This was exactly what I expected Bulgarian talent to be
He’s not even Bulgarian
@@elenakosseva5064 Oh. How embarrassing of me to say that. Thanks for clarifying an entire year later 👍
@@hamzarauf1727 why do you have to be sarcastic in an idiotic way?
@@elenakosseva5064 that’s a completely unjustified assumption you’ve made there. Who said I was being Sarcastic? If anything, I was grateful. Who’s the idiot now?
The last one was supposed to go inside the fading circle but the performance was 🔥🔥🔥
This guy must've finished all his tricks in one show
Totally agree i mean can he can make anything else other than cirles in next round i bet he cant
Legend Smoker 👏👏👏 🙏🙏🙏😘
Plot twist: the smoke was paid actor
So this is what the world has come to....someone trying to win a million bucks by vaping....🤔
R u sure it's vape?
im not even impressed those are basics
Are they going from your pocket ?
i know more tricks than he does! actually you can learn ALL OF THOSE from UA-cam😏
I point to the moon and the stupid guy is staring at my finger.
get high on stage while a whole crowd applauds you😄yeah this guy has made it in life man😂
This is backbanchers talent😎😎😎
So Aang wasn't the last Air-Bender afterall.
Человек, который умеет управлять воздухом)
But everything changed when the smoke nation attacked
Que beat drop at 0:50
As a vaper that was the coolest thing I've ever seen!!
This guy literally made his whole career by smoking.🔥
Лучшая реклама вейпа
his lungs cursed him every time 😂
@Maria Akhtar 😘
@Maria Akhtar
tu kon hain bhai?
So amazing 🤩 amazing amazing 😍
I would say, he's a really good airbender