Yup...ppl always complains...toxicity is not rare in WoW community. .Dude there were atleast 3 voice actor that are my favs sounded bosses in MoP..There were some decent content although SoO took sometime and been the current raid for a long time...still I loved the raid. It was fun..Story was pretty good. Unlike WoD we were fighting for something real :/...also I dont like Yrel whatever ppl says...She is the second Anduin to me. I dont like the style of alliance blizzarf trying to implement these days..(peace loving nerds everywhere).It wasnt like this in Warcraft 3...There was some king and his alliance idea. ..but races were still seperate there was more like profit that bound them to each other And it was the difference between ally and horde..also Night elves arent suppose to be that much alliance. It doesnt make sense and in the actual lore they arent...They are helping here and there but they dony have troops wearing alliance flags fighting for a stupid human king. (He was good in WotLK then he became so passive :/) Also there was this scenario which Tyrande and Varian was planning an assault where Tyrande the 10k year old night elf priestess that is known for her agile tactics and cunning strategies were being looked like an inexperienced stupid captain or smth like that while king was awesome and patient. .this was one of the biggest butchering of a character imo. I mean she s fighting demons while there wasnt even something called human wtf man...Blizzard f.ed up everything but Thrall and orcs and their average honored warrior story line...If u ask me since WotLK blizzarf screwed lore...I mean there are some good ones many of them in fact but there are too many potential characters getting butchered or abandoned....which is lame...yea I would like to have some more warcraft 3 style lore..more like FOR THE KING and FOR THE WARCHIEF!!! Quotes...!! Not for the AU draenor's actually not important ppl...
Yeah. I agree. People have been asking for Pandaren as playable race since vanilla and for a race that could join either the Horde or the Alliance...they gave us just that...people start saying this is not Kung Fu Panda. WTF?
I roleplay my human monk more like classic dnd monk. He trained in ancient temple hidden somewhere in the Eastern Kingdoms by human teachers. This temple could be connected with mogu and pandarens but this connection might be very ancient and forgotten.
My monk is a night elf female. While I don't actually role-play in WoW, I always have an idea in my head for my character's motivation. My thought for her is that she started training as a sentinel, but she didn't quite fit into the militia mindset. When the Pandaren monk trainers arrived, she was one of the first to sign up to learn an alternative way of fighting that was more cerebral and focused on more than just swinging swords or glaives.
Drek McMeme But I didn't want to play a pandaren. Night elf warriors train all their lives as well. Why do you think they were so successful against stronger opponents?
DrPluton Pandaren train their whole to be monks. And are the only races that make sense as a monk. Blizzard only made other races able to be monks because people bitched about not wanting to play as a panda.
Drek McMeme I can't argue that, but I am glad I am not forced to play a Pandaren. I like having a night elf for my monk, and I like giving her a story that fits the race.
Drek McMeme Actually, the other races of Azeroth being taught to be monks makes total sense. Now If they made Pandaren be able to be death knights, then that wouldn't have made sense.
I really appreciate and enjoy these "How to role play a _______" videos, but I have a big complaint about them: They don't really help with RP so much as they're just nice summaries of the lore/history of each class. I feel like an RP guide would include all kinds of societal details. How are Monks percieved by others around them? Do they have moral codes that are strictly enforced? Can a Monk be a villain? What kind of clothing would be inappropriate for a Monk? These are things I've wanted to know for each class and nobody seems interested in addressing them. What kind of things to Mages do in their spare time? Is it taboo in Azeroth to walk around in public while in Worgan form?
To answer you on some points Interesting and nice video. But so people know... 1. You have perfectly the right to roleplay a monk (whatever race) who is well-trained enough and act like a master of wisdom. Why ? Simple answer right here -It's been years since the discover of Pandaria, mostly enough to be a good monk if you trained a lot -Even if your character started its learning two years ago, well, everybody has differents learning skills !!! what that can take a week for you, could take a year for someone else. So do not generalize by saying you can't roleplay a Orc monk well-trained enough to use the capacities included into the gameplay -There is a place call isle of stopped time, whem time is stop, there even is a monastary at this place at lot of place to train. So your character could easily has spend years there perfectionning his monks capacitys, comprehension of Chi and capacity -The Chi is a force of harmony that helps creating balances between elememts. Its a energy that appease the spirit and help to calm down, like lot of sources in the game and novels indicate it. So it does makes you more calm and wise to use the Chi, as it is a force that naturally feee your mind and take you to zenitude -The Pandaren philosophy is based of controle of bad emotions. Why? Because the Shas feed on negative energy and negatives emotions. So Pandarens has to find a way to controle their bad thoughs and emotions. That is a therapic philosophy of peace, that surely makes you a wise person, who accepted bad emotions, but do not allow thoses bad emotions to controle them. The important thing is that the Monk class is really deeply linked to the Pandaren and their philosophy. So your monk character, no matter the race, has to be a wise thinkful person with a big sense of justice, you work on themself to find inner peace. I repeat, to make it clear: Monks, since they follow training descending from Pandarens philosophies, are naturally calm and wise person, who are easily able to put their hotheaded emotions asides to thinks logically So this video is good, but do not take all thoses advices about roleplaying for completly granted strict rules. Thoses aren't necessarily bad advices, but they they very limit your imagination, and are limited to only one perspectives, without mentionning some importants details that conterbalance the "absolute" aspect of thoses advices Do not be afraid to roleplay a wise and philisophical monk from another race than Pandaren. That's it
I wouldn't say non-Pandaren monks can't be masters (of course, I'm posting this a year and a half after its upload so maybe Doron has a different opinion by now, plus in Legion a monk character becomes the Grandmaster of their order regardless of race). I view their leveling experience as their own journey training under the ways of the monk, they start weak but meet the Pandaren monk trainer in their starting zone who guides them down that path--although now in Legion they removed the quest where the trainer tells you to harness your Chi and go practice Tiger Palm/BOK. As the monk grows stronger, they learn how to project their spirit to the place where all monks go to train: the Peak of Serenity. There, they meet Grandmaster Hight and learn new lessons from the trainers there (and some are notably not Pandaren) before returning to their travels over Azeroth/Outland. They continue doing this, and over time and experience, the monk learns to master their ways. By level 100, the monk is one of the greatest students of the monk order, and when the Legion attacks the Peak, the monk is there to save many lives and destroy the portal which unfortunately kills Grandmaster Hight. Thus, the rest of the order feel that the monk player is the best to fill in Hight's role, the Grandmaster. It can be said that there wasn't enough content at the Peak of Serenity pre-Legion to really delve into the monk order's story or Hight's personality, but that's how I've come to view the journey of the monk.
Interesting and nice video. But so people know... 1. You have perfectly the right to roleplay a monk (whatever race) who is well-trained enough and act like a master of wisdom. Why ? Simple answer right here -It's been years since the discover of Pandaria, mostly enough to be a good monk if you trained a lot -Even if your character started its learning two years ago, well, everybody has differents learning skills !!! what that can take a week for you, could take a year for someone else. So do not generalize by saying you can't roleplay a Orc monk well-trained enough to use the capacities included into the gameplay -There is a place call isle of stopped time, whem time is stop, there even is a monastary at this place at lot of place to train. So your character could easily has spend years there perfectionning his monks capacitys, comprehension of Chi and capacity -The Chi is a force of harmony that helps creating balances between elememts. Its a energy that appease the spirit and help to calm down, like lot of sources in the game and novels indicate it. So it does makes you more calm and wise to use the Chi, as it is a force that naturally feee your mind and take you to zenitude -The Pandaren philosophy is based of controle of bad emotions. Why? Because the Shas feed on negative energy and negatives emotions. So Pandarens has to find a way to controle their bad thoughs and emotions. That is a therapic philosophy of peace, that surely makes you a wise person, who accepted bad emotions, but do not allow thoses bad emotions to controle them. The important thing is that the Monk class is really deeply linked to the Pandaren and their philosophy. So your monk character, no matter the race, has to be a wise thinkful person with a big sense of justice, you work on themself to find inner peace. I repeat, to make it clear: Monks, since they follow training descending from Pandarens philosophies, are naturally calm and wise person, who are easily able to put their hotheaded emotions asides to thinks logically So this video is good, but do not take all thoses advices about roleplaying for completly granted strict rules. Thoses aren't necessarily bad advices, but they they very limit your imagination, and are limited to only one perspectives, without mentionning some importants details that conterbalance the "absolute" aspect of thoses advices Do not be afraid to roleplay a wise and philisophical monk from another race than Pandaren. That's it That's it for me
This is amazing. I've been leveling a monk very recently on WrA (US) and have been afraid to even ATTEMPT to roleplay in a city. Truth is, this guide helped me a lot, from understanding how monks get their power and strength, to understanding the basic backstory, and things monks can do. I truly appreciate the amount of effort and work you put into these guides Doronsmovies, kudos man. Keep it up.
Just so you have another perspective... Interesting and nice video. But so people know... 1. You have perfectly the right to roleplay a monk (whatever race) who is well-trained enough and act like a master of wisdom. Why ? Simple answer right here -It's been years since the discover of Pandaria, mostly enough to be a good monk if you trained a lot -Even if your character started its learning two years ago, well, everybody has differents learning skills !!! what that can take a week for you, could take a year for someone else. So do not generalize by saying you can't roleplay a Orc monk well-trained enough to use the capacities included into the gameplay -There is a place call isle of stopped time, whem time is stop, there even is a monastary at this place at lot of place to train. So your character could easily has spend years there perfectionning his monks capacitys, comprehension of Chi and capacity -The Chi is a force of harmony that helps creating balances between elememts. Its a energy that appease the spirit and help to calm down, like lot of sources in the game and novels indicate it. So it does makes you more calm and wise to use the Chi, as it is a force that naturally feee your mind and take you to zenitude -The Pandaren philosophy is based of controle of bad emotions. Why? Because the Shas feed on negative energy and negatives emotions. So Pandarens has to find a way to controle their bad thoughs and emotions. That is a therapic philosophy of peace, that surely makes you a wise person, who accepted bad emotions, but do not allow thoses bad emotions to controle them. The important thing is that the Monk class is really deeply linked to the Pandaren and their philosophy. So your monk character, no matter the race, has to be a wise thinkful person with a big sense of justice, you work on themself to find inner peace. I repeat, to make it clear: Monks, since they follow training descending from Pandarens philosophies, are naturally calm and wise person, who are easily able to put their hotheaded emotions asides to thinks logically So this video is good, but do not take all thoses advices about roleplaying for completly granted strict rules. Thoses aren't necessarily bad advices, but they they very limit your imagination, and are limited to only one perspectives, without mentionning some importants details that conterbalance the "absolute" aspect of thoses advices Do not be afraid to roleplay a wise and philisophical monk from another race than Pandaren. That's it
MoP was epic, the kung fu vibe reminds me of kung fu panda (ofcourse) and i loved that movie so it gets to me everytime i see the cinematic i get hyped
I loved the lore of MoP, and since I'm half Chineese I obviously have a strong bias towards it but if you just explore the lore and lands, theres so much references to actual China.
While I don’t exactly role play character identity is very important to me and I’ve played a paladin for over 10 years. Idk if this makes much sense but I started playing a monk about a year ago and it feels pretty good to play a class not so tied to their history or restricted by being tied to the “light” lol
Yeah, I feel the same with paladin. I used to play it a lot, but once I wanted more personal freedom and started to play mage who actually can fight whatever he wants for. I mean i can always change my mind and mood, I don’t have to be good and altruistic guy all the time, and this is cool. I also like monk too.
I just gotta sa Doron, I really like your content. I love your focus on roleplay and the minor lore of the game thatw e don't hear so much about. It really provides for some videos with stuff most people haven't heard of before.
@@Doronsmovies I just need to say Interesting and nice video. But so people know... 1. You have perfectly the right to roleplay a monk (whatever race) who is well-trained enough and act like a master of wisdom. Why ? Simple answer right here -It's been years since the discover of Pandaria, mostly enough to be a good monk if you trained a lot -Even if your character started its learning two years ago, well, everybody has differents learning skills !!! what that can take a week for you, could take a year for someone else. So do not generalize by saying you can't roleplay a Orc monk well-trained enough to use the capacities included into the gameplay -There is a place call isle of stopped time, whem time is stop, there even is a monastary at this place at lot of place to train. So your character could easily has spend years there perfectionning his monks capacitys, comprehension of Chi and capacity -The Chi is a force of harmony that helps creating balances between elememts. Its a energy that appease the spirit and help to calm down, like lot of sources in the game and novels indicate it. So it does makes you more calm and wise to use the Chi, as it is a force that naturally feee your mind and take you to zenitude -The Pandaren philosophy is based of controle of bad emotions. Why? Because the Shas feed on negative energy and negatives emotions. So Pandarens has to find a way to controle their bad thoughs and emotions. That is a therapic philosophy of peace, that surely makes you a wise person, who accepted bad emotions, but do not allow thoses bad emotions to controle them. The important thing is that the Monk class is really deeply linked to the Pandaren and their philosophy. So your monk character, no matter the race, has to be a wise thinkful person with a big sense of justice, you work on themself to find inner peace. I repeat, to make it clear: Monks, since they follow training descending from Pandarens philosophies, are naturally calm and wise person, who are easily able to put their hotheaded emotions asides to thinks logically So this video is good, but do not take all thoses advices about roleplaying for completly granted strict rules. Thoses aren't necessarily bad advices, but they they very limit your imagination, and are limited to only one perspectives, without mentionning some importants details that conterbalance the "absolute" aspect of thoses advices Do not be afraid to roleplay a wise and philisophical monk from another race than Pandaren. That's it
I love my mistweaver, but I will admit that monks are the most disassociated from the races. It's a lot easier to explain a troll rogue than a troll monk.
Tauren monk fits very well since, Niuzao is the father of tauranoid races of azeroth, Yak, taunka, Tauren, so for me its just obvious that tauren fits to be monks
Because to be a skilled (and high level monk) lore wise, you need to have a modicum of inner peace. And if we know anything about the Worgen, it's that they're at constant turmoil with the curse inside. They learned to control it, yes. But they are still not able to attain true peace. As for Goblins... have you not learned? They're the most hilarious, greedy fuckers in the world. If Orc shit could be profited from, they'd have you do a quest where you give all the Orcs in Ogrimmar laxatives - trust me! When you're that biologically inclined to NEVER give up material goods, you can't be a monk.
@@FloofyPoofyFox Interesting and nice video. But so people know... 1. You have perfectly the right to roleplay a monk (whatever race) who is well-trained enough and act like a master of wisdom. Why ? Simple answer right here -It's been years since the discover of Pandaria, mostly enough to be a good monk if you trained a lot -Even if your character started its learning two years ago, well, everybody has differents learning skills !!! what that can take a week for you, could take a year for someone else. So do not generalize by saying you can't roleplay a Orc monk well-trained enough to use the capacities included into the gameplay -There is a place call isle of stopped time, whem time is stop, there even is a monastary at this place at lot of place to train. So your character could easily has spend years there perfectionning his monks capacitys, comprehension of Chi and capacity -The Chi is a force of harmony that helps creating balances between elememts. Its a energy that appease the spirit and help to calm down, like lot of sources in the game and novels indicate it. So it does makes you more calm and wise to use the Chi, as it is a force that naturally feee your mind and take you to zenitude -The Pandaren philosophy is based of controle of bad emotions. Why? Because the Shas feed on negative energy and negatives emotions. So Pandarens has to find a way to controle their bad thoughs and emotions. That is a therapic philosophy of peace, that surely makes you a wise person, who accepted bad emotions, but do not allow thoses bad emotions to controle them. The important thing is that the Monk class is really deeply linked to the Pandaren and their philosophy. So your monk character, no matter the race, has to be a wise thinkful person with a big sense of justice, you work on themself to find inner peace. I repeat, to make it clear: Monks, since they follow training descending from Pandarens philosophies, are naturally calm and wise person, who are easily able to put their hotheaded emotions asides to thinks logically So this video is good, but do not take all thoses advices about roleplaying for completly granted strict rules. Thoses aren't necessarily bad advices, but they they very limit your imagination, and are limited to only one perspectives, without mentionning some importants details that conterbalance the "absolute" aspect of thoses advices Do not be afraid to roleplay a wise and philisophical monk from another race than Pandaren. That's it
You should redo this series with the new allied races! Cuzz what about Void Elves, maybe they would b just as good as the pandarins since time works differently in the twisting nether
Doron where do you stand on the draenie being monk 4 years prior to the other races? Since they didnt redo the questing experience in cata, draenies are still 4 years in the past when the wondering monk trains them.
Interesting and nice video. But so people know... 1. You have perfectly the right to roleplay a monk (whatever race) who is well-trained enough and act like a master of wisdom. Why ? Simple answer right here -It's been years since the discover of Pandaria, mostly enough to be a good monk if you trained a lot -Even if your character started its learning two years ago, well, everybody has differents learning skills !!! what that can take a week for you, could take a year for someone else. So do not generalize by saying you can't roleplay a Orc monk well-trained enough to use the capacities included into the gameplay -There is a place call isle of stopped time, whem time is stop, there even is a monastary at this place at lot of place to train. So your character could easily has spend years there perfectionning his monks capacitys, comprehension of Chi and capacity -The Chi is a force of harmony that helps creating balances between elememts. Its a energy that appease the spirit and help to calm down, like lot of sources in the game and novels indicate it. So it does makes you more calm and wise to use the Chi, as it is a force that naturally feee your mind and take you to zenitude -The Pandaren philosophy is based of controle of bad emotions. Why? Because the Shas feed on negative energy and negatives emotions. So Pandarens has to find a way to controle their bad thoughs and emotions. That is a therapic philosophy of peace, that surely makes you a wise person, who accepted bad emotions, but do not allow thoses bad emotions to controle them. The important thing is that the Monk class is really deeply linked to the Pandaren and their philosophy. So your monk character, no matter the race, has to be a wise thinkful person with a big sense of justice, you work on themself to find inner peace. I repeat, to make it clear: Monks, since they follow training descending from Pandarens philosophies, are naturally calm and wise person, who are easily able to put their hotheaded emotions asides to thinks logically So this video is good, but do not take all thoses advices about roleplaying for completly granted strict rules. Thoses aren't necessarily bad advices, but they they very limit your imagination, and are limited to only one perspectives, without mentionning some importants details that conterbalance the "absolute" aspect of thoses advices Do not be afraid to roleplay a wise and philisophical monk from another race than Pandaren. That's it
Something I'd love to know wich could be featured in a video are the easiest ways to get into RP, meet people in those realms wich you can play with and learn from, guilds for example.
Can't wait for rogue!!! Also could you do some rp guides for different factions? (like if you wanted to roleplay that you were in the scarlet crusade the steamwheedle cartel and such)
LightningDragonGamer Might think of something once I'm done with the rp class stuff. Currently I want to cover some possible sub classes and some rp ideas.
Décsy Balázs There aren't many (if any) orc clans who aren't friendly to the Horde, due to the Horde wiping out all clans who opposed them (If I remember correctly).
My monk is more into the Shamanistic side. Pretty much take Monk's fighting style (Fists/Kicks and Fist weapons) and Shaman's way of the Elements. I think I can make it doing that.
Just to show you another perspective Interesting and nice video. But so people know... 1. You have perfectly the right to roleplay a monk (whatever race) who is well-trained enough and act like a master of wisdom. Why ? Simple answer right here -It's been years since the discover of Pandaria, mostly enough to be a good monk if you trained a lot -Even if your character started its learning two years ago, well, everybody has differents learning skills !!! what that can take a week for you, could take a year for someone else. So do not generalize by saying you can't roleplay a Orc monk well-trained enough to use the capacities included into the gameplay -There is a place call isle of stopped time, whem time is stop, there even is a monastary at this place at lot of place to train. So your character could easily has spend years there perfectionning his monks capacitys, comprehension of Chi and capacity -The Chi is a force of harmony that helps creating balances between elememts. Its a energy that appease the spirit and help to calm down, like lot of sources in the game and novels indicate it. So it does makes you more calm and wise to use the Chi, as it is a force that naturally feee your mind and take you to zenitude -The Pandaren philosophy is based of controle of bad emotions. Why? Because the Shas feed on negative energy and negatives emotions. So Pandarens has to find a way to controle their bad thoughs and emotions. That is a therapic philosophy of peace, that surely makes you a wise person, who accepted bad emotions, but do not allow thoses bad emotions to controle them. The important thing is that the Monk class is really deeply linked to the Pandaren and their philosophy. So your monk character, no matter the race, has to be a wise thinkful person with a big sense of justice, you work on themself to find inner peace. I repeat, to make it clear: Monks, since they follow training descending from Pandarens philosophies, are naturally calm and wise person, who are easily able to put their hotheaded emotions asides to thinks logically So this video is good, but do not take all thoses advices about roleplaying for completly granted strict rules. Thoses aren't necessarily bad advices, but they they very limit your imagination, and are limited to only one perspectives, without mentionning some importants details that conterbalance the "absolute" aspect of thoses advices Do not be afraid to roleplay a wise and philisophical monk from another race than Pandaren. That's it
aren't all the draenei monks similar to the scarlet crusade monks? i mean they were trained by a wandering pandaren master after their crash landing on azeroth so they had quite some time to learn their ways, right?
Funny how they mixed up the archetypal theme of the Crane and Serpent when it came to Legendary cloaks. (or vice versa for MW?) Red Crane was Spirit and Serpent was Intellect, but when it came to Mistweavers, it's a bit reversed with the Stance of the Red Crane being the more offensive of the two. Poor Crane really didn't really see the spotlight compared to the rest of the Celestials within the MoP expansion pack.
I know this is kind of late to ask, but... what about draenei monks?(minor spoilers!!) In the book Night of the Dragon we had Iridi who was trained by draenei fighting masters. She used her palms and legs to fight and even wrestled with raptors, and in addition had a naaru blessed staff that she used often to fight with and for magical purposes! Does that mean that the draenei also had developed something of a monk class back on Argus, since those masters seemed to be very old, certainly at least from the time of Draenor! I really hope someone could answer me on this one, since I really want to play a wise old draenei monk! =]
I just want some general opinions on this, as I have been wanting to create this character for a long long time. Pandarens should have been around for... Not sure, but a few years by now? With Legion up and coming? Either way, my human character, Chance, was a bit younger, hanging around the other orphaned children, when he witnessed a Pandaren Monk perform a technique for show. It was the fists of fury move, and ever since he saw it, he obsessed himself with it, and decided to near dedicate his life to learn that move and master it. Yes, -only- that move so to speak. He sought out some help about Chi and how to utilize it and such, but is still learning that at a slow rate. I just like the idea of a young, slightly cheeky human male that claims he is a martial artist, but can only really use this one move which isn't all that much to brag about to begin with, but maybe uses other dirty tricks and such to then finnish his opponents with the fists of fury he has taught himself.
I roleplay two of these. His Son, and the Father. Son is about Five, and the Dad is about 25. Personality for the Dad Brewmaster like Chen, with a likeness to Iroh love of tea and fire spewing. Both are Pandaren as I like their race, and Pandaria Expansion. I love the expansion with the introduction to my two favorite Characters. Great video always, Doron.
hey can some one tell me please what is the name of the music that plays at the end of the video at 10:43 ? i just love it, its so epic xD. Ow and nice monk vid though :)
you can be a master as a human or another race, if you go for the type of story where you learned it as a kid and actually learned it from a pandaren master, if your character learns fast and is dedicated it's possible to make him a bruce lee type of guy
cottermcg 1234 you could wander around various Vanilla WoW parts of the world and talk to other players who are questing and offer them to teach them the ways of the Monk :D
I was thinking, that if i put a night elf monk, he can be a master. All that back story abou pre sundering training in the summit (monk base) than either staying in pandaria during mists or going back to kalimdor to fight demons. Either way, night elves live long. So few thousanda years, and he will be like master... So that is my rp opinion on how can there be one really strong night elf master. :) What are your opinions about that? :)
very nice video Doron :) I'm looking forward to the Rogue especially! However, you can always try to roleplay a wise(r) Monk "master" from other races, like a Human Monk who was so good that his Pandaren teachers allowed him to take on an apprentice together with the Pandaren teachers or something like that. Just nothing too crazy.
OnlyRoke Well you wouldn't be able to RP anything near a master, because he would only have a few years of experience at MAX, and it takes many more than that to completely master the monk class. Sure you could be a fairly experienced monk, but anything outside of Pandaren, you couldn't be a master.
OnlyRoke The thing is, being a master means that you have learned everything there is and now are finding your own ways to improve. I hardly believe it is possible to master something when we only got to Pandaria about 2-3 years ago.
Doronsmovies May I ask when the Pandaren started becoming monks? Since Pandaria was a part of Azeroth before the sundering, SOME people were acquianted with the pandarens I believe. Maybe some of them even stayed in Pandaria (Non-pandaren races). I have to agree that sounds pretty unlikely but I wonder if there's a chance. Also, monks in Scarlet Monastery were also pre-MoP. Don't remember if they practiced the same "monk" art or not tho
Mister Archie I don't know the exact year the pandaren became monks, but I know it was sometime when they started planning their revolution against the mogu.
@@Tailacoster Interesting and nice video. But so people know... 1. You have perfectly the right to roleplay a monk (whatever race) who is well-trained enough and act like a master of wisdom. Why ? Simple answer right here -It's been years since the discover of Pandaria, mostly enough to be a good monk if you trained a lot -Even if your character started its learning two years ago, well, everybody has differents learning skills !!! what that can take a week for you, could take a year for someone else. So do not generalize by saying you can't roleplay a Orc monk well-trained enough to use the capacities included into the gameplay -There is a place call isle of stopped time, whem time is stop, there even is a monastary at this place at lot of place to train. So your character could easily has spend years there perfectionning his monks capacitys, comprehension of Chi and capacity -The Chi is a force of harmony that helps creating balances between elememts. Its a energy that appease the spirit and help to calm down, like lot of sources in the game and novels indicate it. So it does makes you more calm and wise to use the Chi, as it is a force that naturally feee your mind and take you to zenitude -The Pandaren philosophy is based of controle of bad emotions. Why? Because the Shas feed on negative energy and negatives emotions. So Pandarens has to find a way to controle their bad thoughs and emotions. That is a therapic philosophy of peace, that surely makes you a wise person, who accepted bad emotions, but do not allow thoses bad emotions to controle them. The important thing is that the Monk class is really deeply linked to the Pandaren and their philosophy. So your monk character, no matter the race, has to be a wise thinkful person with a big sense of justice, you work on themself to find inner peace. I repeat, to make it clear: Monks, since they follow training descending from Pandarens philosophies, are naturally calm and wise person, who are easily able to put their hotheaded emotions asides to thinks logically So this video is good, but do not take all thoses advices about roleplaying for completly granted strict rules. Thoses aren't necessarily bad advices, but they they very limit your imagination, and are limited to only one perspectives, without mentionning some importants details that conterbalance the "absolute" aspect of thoses advices Do not be afraid to roleplay a wise and philisophical monk from another race than Pandaren. That's it
HI! I have question to ask I`am about planing to create Tauren Monk to Argent Dawn(RP) realm , but I´am kinda"stay close the lore kinda player" and I need you to guys to break it down for me. . . a tauren . . . monk ... ?? I know the taurens basics. belief to the mother earth and sun (Elune is mother earth(theory) but .. Tauren monk .. I can`t get to start to create my character background because I´am little pit disturbed not because that the Tauren monk is weight 7000 pounds and manages to do all kinda crazy kicks and hits.. but ...How did I suddenly learn to be a monk does this kinda sound like weird did I JUST start to trow punches when my character was "kid" I mean there´s no another great a tauren monk ,or a mentor (in the game and not even in lore as (Sunwalkkers / paladins) Sunwalkker Dezco in mop what came recently ) So should I just start do like everyone "I learn the way of the monk from pandarens .. because it´s sound like it´s only way make it to be logical again -- BUT!!! I still have no clue what time line all the races learn to be a monk , how many years is past since cataclysm
Interesting and nice video. But so people know... 1. You have perfectly the right to roleplay a monk (whatever race) who is well-trained enough and act like a master of wisdom. Why ? Simple answer right here -It's been years since the discover of Pandaria, mostly enough to be a good monk if you trained a lot -Even if your character started its learning two years ago, well, everybody has differents learning skills !!! what that can take a week for you, could take a year for someone else. So do not generalize by saying you can't roleplay a Orc monk well-trained enough to use the capacities included into the gameplay -There is a place call isle of stopped time, whem time is stop, there even is a monastary at this place at lot of place to train. So your character could easily has spend years there perfectionning his monks capacitys, comprehension of Chi and capacity -The Chi is a force of harmony that helps creating balances between elememts. Its a energy that appease the spirit and help to calm down, like lot of sources in the game and novels indicate it. So it does makes you more calm and wise to use the Chi, as it is a force that naturally feee your mind and take you to zenitude -The Pandaren philosophy is based of controle of bad emotions. Why? Because the Shas feed on negative energy and negatives emotions. So Pandarens has to find a way to controle their bad thoughs and emotions. That is a therapic philosophy of peace, that surely makes you a wise person, who accepted bad emotions, but do not allow thoses bad emotions to controle them. The important thing is that the Monk class is really deeply linked to the Pandaren and their philosophy. So your monk character, no matter the race, has to be a wise thinkful person with a big sense of justice, you work on themself to find inner peace. I repeat, to make it clear: Monks, since they follow training descending from Pandarens philosophies, are naturally calm and wise person, who are easily able to put their hotheaded emotions asides to thinks logically So this video is good, but do not take all thoses advices about roleplaying for completly granted strict rules. Thoses aren't necessarily bad advices, but they they very limit your imagination, and are limited to only one perspectives, without mentionning some importants details that conterbalance the "absolute" aspect of thoses advices Do not be afraid to roleplay a wise and philisophical monk from another race than Pandaren. That's it
jafd239 I would say a screw up on Blizzards part and them not sticking to the lore. It's not possible for someone to become a master especially since the game is literally only a few months after we discovered Pandaria.
You should be able to, that means you would have travelled with the pandaren prior to the War of the Ancients and became a Monk years ago. Damn that would be a powerful monk lol! But thats means you were in pandaria the entire time.
Also for roleplay in general lol. I mean I am working on two former Highborne magi that left the arcane ways to become monks as the Pandaren taught them the ways of the monk and how magic could be corrupting. They learned inner peace and peace with the world which caused thme to become more humble. Using their old magical knowledge they permanantly transmutated themselves into Pandaren and kept practicing the ways of the monk for tne thousand years? Idk sounds pretty cool to me
+doransmovies thanks man i love your vids and i have played rouge as long as i can remember i would realy like it if you added some SI:7 history to kt to thanks and keep it up.
this description of the monk makes it sound like the way they unlock their powers are like the shadow hunters, but for living souls (exclusively your own), or am i reading between the lines too much kek
Doronsmovies yes i get this but because a loa is a spirit and chi is a spirit inside yourself it just seems like tapping into the same type of power, but a loa has more flexibility due to no-longer being held back by a body
Nyall Carmichael You cant really tap into their energy (the Loa), they usually willingly give you power with few exceptions. They are like elementals in that sense, you offer something, and they'll give you some power in return. Or that's how I see it, anyway.
To be honest, becoming a true master depends on you skill in PvE or PvP, not on your race. I agree that monks are meant to be Pandaren but I look at that in different way. True masters of Martial Arts IRL are usually Chinese or Japanese people. I practiced Aikido for 7 years and if you want to become best of the best after a countless years of practice you'll have to go to Japan and meet and learn from real masters of that martial art. In WoW I'm human monk and I look at Pandarens as masters which I want to learn from and be someday by their shoulder.
I agree with you however I have to disagree about the whole martial artists being Chinese or Japanese. I've done martial arts since four years old all round the world. Maybe 1/10 practitioners and 1/20 instructors.
Not that I mind - endorsing more monk RP is great, but it seems like the content of this guide was borrowed from one I wrote back in 2013. I still keep it as up to date as I can, and answer questions that are posted there. You can just google 'The Monk Roleplaying Guide' and probably find it, but here's a link too. eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/6443834657#1
Petar Dimitrov it would be cool if they'd implement a Gnome Hunter with special visuals, where you tame the beasts through some technology like a mindcontrol dish or a "Sooth-O-Tron 3000" :D
why cant i be human monk roleplay i mean i could say my adoptive parents were pandaren monks that were burned alive by the horde for not joining or some bullshit like that
You could say that you are adopted by a lonely pandaren widow who were very wise and she trained you to become a monk so you can watch out for the city you live in after she dies. You are still under training
Laban Granqvist i dont know but i was just saying and also why because pandaria was just discovered is that what your saying i get it i was just spitballin ideas like potions that make me grow really fast or sometin
I'm not the best at rp and I wonder if my story is good:" when I was five years old the first war have begone the Orc came to my village and destroyed it somehow me and my fathers got lucky and run away my mother didn't make it we run away for 1 month we didn't see any Orc so we thought it was safe we found a cave we stayed there to avoid the rain then we heard a something speak we saw the Orcs coming he told me to run i don't listen to him I stayed and cried so he will come with me he said to me that he will be ok and he will find me the orcs where closing in so I run I where only 6 years old when I heard my father scream I cried while I run but didn't got away from the orcs there where 3 and the most ugly and big things I ever saw I got heat by one of then hit didn't kill me but it almost then I saw a thing it came to them with no weapon or nothing it defended me and killed all the 3 I wanted to say thanks but I fell a sleep after a week I where in a cave with a white panda i asked
It's not the end--- who is he and what is name he said shhh he give me something warm to drink that made me fill strong again he said he's name was(I don't know any panda name I will make one later) and that he his a pandarn monk I asked if he saw my father he looked at me sad and said I'm sorry I started to cry he hugged me and said it will be okay and he will defend me I asked of him if I can learn to be a monk he said you can try but it will be long and hard it was the most hard thing that I ever done it tooke my stranght of mind and power after 20 long and hard years I become a monk we started to travel for along time will we trained we fought side by side he was like a father to me until we found more orcs they where 10 we fought but we could not win he got a sword in him in my rage I Started to become stronger and almost killed most of them but then he raised up with all the power he got and I don't know how he took me and we run we went to the cave that it all started in and
+פרדי ליטבין I saw that he will not make it I said that I will not rest until he will be evenged he said no this is your final test as a monk find a peace and remember me I don't need vengeance I only need that you will promote me 2 things first if you can burn me and take my ashes to a far away land named land pandaria and second forget vengeance and fear this is not what the monks is about be happy live along life with you friends fight for a thing you belive in and remember me as a friend and a master you are now a monk I trust you will do what is right after he died I took is body and burnd it I tooke a ship and set said to the place he said is name was pandaria he's spirit guided me to there after I came to there I saw more pandarn monk ms they found me And asked who I am I said I'm a Humen who have learns the way of the monk and I came to burry my friend and master they buried him and asked me how did I become an monk I said them my story and they have said that my master
+פרדי ליטבין will be Proud of me they gave me ship and gold Togo back I have said along way to strormwind and in there I have found a new friends and a new life in the stormwind I became a soldier and a strong one and did what my master told me to do I found a fight that I belive in to fight for my people" this is the end of my story hope you like that sorry for the bad English and that its so super long tell me what should I change and if you like it just to say the story will have more I hope to find someone to teach the way of the monk
Drek McMeme Each of the races probably developed a martial art of some sort, I would imagine. The only part that would be missing is the spiritual part.
Not considered lore characters, in fact they are more of game mechanics to show you the races avaiable to play as monk. Being a monk would require you at least 10 years if you are a prodigy to master one path to a certain extent. We barely found Pandaria, it's been 8 years with legion max.
Mother Russia I would like to do it, but I still don't know how to approach it. Roleplay as fun as it is, is just not that fun to watch. I'll need to figure out a format. I will probably make a video in the near future where I will lay out some ideas of videos I want to introduce to the channel and have everyone vote on them.
I really hate pandas and monks. Wow used to be a tolkien-esk world. And as soon as you get to pandaria it turns into some stupid china funk. I know pandas where in warcraft 3 but I really don't like the Pandaren/China thing in wow.
Toma M I'm personally not a fan of the entire asian style, especially in World of Warcraft. Although I do like some of the lore they added with it and some more depth into the lore, even though there are a few loop holes.
Nick Groenen They maybe are beautiful but for me, they just don't fit in wow. After wrath the game lost some of its fantasy elements. I would love to explore a giant pandaria style world in an asian themed mmo, but as I said wow and china just don't click.
People can say whatever the fuck they want. Mists of Pandaria was a damn good expansion.
Mitar Zecevic I'm honestly not a huge fan of the entire asian style, but Pandaria did bring a lot of quite decent lore and content.
Yup...ppl always complains...toxicity is not rare in WoW community. .Dude there were atleast 3 voice actor that are my favs sounded bosses in MoP..There were some decent content although SoO took sometime and been the current raid for a long time...still I loved the raid. It was fun..Story was pretty good. Unlike WoD we were fighting for something real :/...also I dont like Yrel whatever ppl says...She is the second Anduin to me. I dont like the style of alliance blizzarf trying to implement these days..(peace loving nerds everywhere).It wasnt like this in Warcraft 3...There was some king and his alliance idea. ..but races were still seperate there was more like profit that bound them to each other And it was the difference between ally and horde..also Night elves arent suppose to be that much alliance. It doesnt make sense and in the actual lore they arent...They are helping here and there but they dony have troops wearing alliance flags fighting for a stupid human king. (He was good in WotLK then he became so passive :/) Also there was this scenario which Tyrande and Varian was planning an assault where Tyrande the 10k year old night elf priestess that is known for her agile tactics and cunning strategies were being looked like an inexperienced stupid captain or smth like that while king was awesome and patient. .this was one of the biggest butchering of a character imo. I mean she s fighting demons while there wasnt even something called human wtf man...Blizzard f.ed up everything but Thrall and orcs and their average honored warrior story line...If u ask me since WotLK blizzarf screwed lore...I mean there are some good ones many of them in fact but there are too many potential characters getting butchered or abandoned....which is lame...yea I would like to have some more warcraft 3 style lore..more like FOR THE KING and FOR THE WARCHIEF!!! Quotes...!! Not for the AU draenor's actually not important ppl...
Yeah. I agree. People have been asking for Pandaren as playable race since vanilla and for a race that could join either the Horde or the Alliance...they gave us just that...people start saying this is not Kung Fu Panda. WTF?
+Marcio Angulo Aponte i must say they are pretty ugly he he
+Mitar Zecevic just as dorons, i dont like the chinese type builings and stuff but man, Pandaria is beautiful and monks are cool
if you liked pandaria or not you have to agree the cinematic trailer is bad ass you cant deny
I've always liked Pandaren monks, something about their fighting style seems so legendary, they always use their BEAR hands
Ba dum tsssss
*slow clap* best freaking wow pun ever
I roleplay my human monk more like classic dnd monk. He trained in ancient temple hidden somewhere in the Eastern Kingdoms by human teachers. This temple could be connected with mogu and pandarens but this connection might be very ancient and forgotten.
My monk is a night elf female. While I don't actually role-play in WoW, I always have an idea in my head for my character's motivation. My thought for her is that she started training as a sentinel, but she didn't quite fit into the militia mindset. When the Pandaren monk trainers arrived, she was one of the first to sign up to learn an alternative way of fighting that was more cerebral and focused on more than just swinging swords or glaives.
DrPluton Except monks train their entire lives, A pandaren monk would've made more sense and been a better choice.
Drek McMeme
But I didn't want to play a pandaren. Night elf warriors train all their lives as well. Why do you think they were so successful against stronger opponents?
DrPluton Pandaren train their whole to be monks. And are the only races that make sense as a monk. Blizzard only made other races able to be monks because people bitched about not wanting to play as a panda.
Drek McMeme
I can't argue that, but I am glad I am not forced to play a Pandaren. I like having a night elf for my monk, and I like giving her a story that fits the race.
Drek McMeme Actually, the other races of Azeroth being taught to be monks makes total sense. Now If they made Pandaren be able to be death knights, then that wouldn't have made sense.
I really appreciate and enjoy these "How to role play a _______" videos, but I have a big complaint about them: They don't really help with RP so much as they're just nice summaries of the lore/history of each class. I feel like an RP guide would include all kinds of societal details. How are Monks percieved by others around them? Do they have moral codes that are strictly enforced? Can a Monk be a villain? What kind of clothing would be inappropriate for a Monk? These are things I've wanted to know for each class and nobody seems interested in addressing them. What kind of things to Mages do in their spare time? Is it taboo in Azeroth to walk around in public while in Worgan form?
To answer you on some points
Interesting and nice video. But so people know...
1. You have perfectly the right to roleplay a monk (whatever race) who is well-trained enough and act like a master of wisdom. Why ? Simple answer right here
-It's been years since the discover of Pandaria, mostly enough to be a good monk if you trained a lot
-Even if your character started its learning two years ago, well, everybody has differents learning skills !!! what that can take a week for you, could take a year for someone else. So do not generalize by saying you can't roleplay a Orc monk well-trained enough to use the capacities included into the gameplay
-There is a place call isle of stopped time, whem time is stop, there even is a monastary at this place at lot of place to train. So your character could easily has spend years there perfectionning his monks capacitys, comprehension of Chi and capacity
-The Chi is a force of harmony that helps creating balances between elememts. Its a energy that appease the spirit and help to calm down, like lot of sources in the game and novels indicate it. So it does makes you more calm and wise to use the Chi, as it is a force that naturally feee your mind and take you to zenitude
-The Pandaren philosophy is based of controle of bad emotions. Why? Because the Shas feed on negative energy and negatives emotions. So Pandarens has to find a way to controle their bad thoughs and emotions. That is a therapic philosophy of peace, that surely makes you a wise person, who accepted bad emotions, but do not allow thoses bad emotions to controle them. The important thing is that the Monk class is really deeply linked to the Pandaren and their philosophy. So your monk character, no matter the race, has to be a wise thinkful person with a big sense of justice, you work on themself to find inner peace. I repeat, to make it clear: Monks, since they follow training descending from Pandarens philosophies, are naturally calm and wise person, who are easily able to put their hotheaded emotions asides to thinks logically
So this video is good, but do not take all thoses advices about roleplaying for completly granted strict rules. Thoses aren't necessarily bad advices, but they they very limit your imagination, and are limited to only one perspectives, without mentionning some importants details that conterbalance the "absolute" aspect of thoses advices
Do not be afraid to roleplay a wise and philisophical monk from another race than Pandaren. That's it
I wouldn't say non-Pandaren monks can't be masters (of course, I'm posting this a year and a half after its upload so maybe Doron has a different opinion by now, plus in Legion a monk character becomes the Grandmaster of their order regardless of race). I view their leveling experience as their own journey training under the ways of the monk, they start weak but meet the Pandaren monk trainer in their starting zone who guides them down that path--although now in Legion they removed the quest where the trainer tells you to harness your Chi and go practice Tiger Palm/BOK.
As the monk grows stronger, they learn how to project their spirit to the place where all monks go to train: the Peak of Serenity. There, they meet Grandmaster Hight and learn new lessons from the trainers there (and some are notably not Pandaren) before returning to their travels over Azeroth/Outland. They continue doing this, and over time and experience, the monk learns to master their ways. By level 100, the monk is one of the greatest students of the monk order, and when the Legion attacks the Peak, the monk is there to save many lives and destroy the portal which unfortunately kills Grandmaster Hight. Thus, the rest of the order feel that the monk player is the best to fill in Hight's role, the Grandmaster.
It can be said that there wasn't enough content at the Peak of Serenity pre-Legion to really delve into the monk order's story or Hight's personality, but that's how I've come to view the journey of the monk.
Interesting and nice video. But so people know...
1. You have perfectly the right to roleplay a monk (whatever race) who is well-trained enough and act like a master of wisdom. Why ? Simple answer right here
-It's been years since the discover of Pandaria, mostly enough to be a good monk if you trained a lot
-Even if your character started its learning two years ago, well, everybody has differents learning skills !!! what that can take a week for you, could take a year for someone else. So do not generalize by saying you can't roleplay a Orc monk well-trained enough to use the capacities included into the gameplay
-There is a place call isle of stopped time, whem time is stop, there even is a monastary at this place at lot of place to train. So your character could easily has spend years there perfectionning his monks capacitys, comprehension of Chi and capacity
-The Chi is a force of harmony that helps creating balances between elememts. Its a energy that appease the spirit and help to calm down, like lot of sources in the game and novels indicate it. So it does makes you more calm and wise to use the Chi, as it is a force that naturally feee your mind and take you to zenitude
-The Pandaren philosophy is based of controle of bad emotions. Why? Because the Shas feed on negative energy and negatives emotions. So Pandarens has to find a way to controle their bad thoughs and emotions. That is a therapic philosophy of peace, that surely makes you a wise person, who accepted bad emotions, but do not allow thoses bad emotions to controle them. The important thing is that the Monk class is really deeply linked to the Pandaren and their philosophy. So your monk character, no matter the race, has to be a wise thinkful person with a big sense of justice, you work on themself to find inner peace. I repeat, to make it clear: Monks, since they follow training descending from Pandarens philosophies, are naturally calm and wise person, who are easily able to put their hotheaded emotions asides to thinks logically
So this video is good, but do not take all thoses advices about roleplaying for completly granted strict rules. Thoses aren't necessarily bad advices, but they they very limit your imagination, and are limited to only one perspectives, without mentionning some importants details that conterbalance the "absolute" aspect of thoses advices
Do not be afraid to roleplay a wise and philisophical monk from another race than Pandaren. That's it
That's it for me
So what about the non-pandaren masters at the Peak of Serenity? They sure graduated fast.
5:41 "hentai rebellion"
Gee I wonder why you roleplay.
This is amazing. I've been leveling a monk very recently on WrA (US) and have been afraid to even ATTEMPT to roleplay in a city. Truth is, this guide helped me a lot, from understanding how monks get their power and strength, to understanding the basic backstory, and things monks can do. I truly appreciate the amount of effort and work you put into these guides Doronsmovies, kudos man. Keep it up.
Just so you have another perspective...
Interesting and nice video. But so people know...
1. You have perfectly the right to roleplay a monk (whatever race) who is well-trained enough and act like a master of wisdom. Why ? Simple answer right here
-It's been years since the discover of Pandaria, mostly enough to be a good monk if you trained a lot
-Even if your character started its learning two years ago, well, everybody has differents learning skills !!! what that can take a week for you, could take a year for someone else. So do not generalize by saying you can't roleplay a Orc monk well-trained enough to use the capacities included into the gameplay
-There is a place call isle of stopped time, whem time is stop, there even is a monastary at this place at lot of place to train. So your character could easily has spend years there perfectionning his monks capacitys, comprehension of Chi and capacity
-The Chi is a force of harmony that helps creating balances between elememts. Its a energy that appease the spirit and help to calm down, like lot of sources in the game and novels indicate it. So it does makes you more calm and wise to use the Chi, as it is a force that naturally feee your mind and take you to zenitude
-The Pandaren philosophy is based of controle of bad emotions. Why? Because the Shas feed on negative energy and negatives emotions. So Pandarens has to find a way to controle their bad thoughs and emotions. That is a therapic philosophy of peace, that surely makes you a wise person, who accepted bad emotions, but do not allow thoses bad emotions to controle them. The important thing is that the Monk class is really deeply linked to the Pandaren and their philosophy. So your monk character, no matter the race, has to be a wise thinkful person with a big sense of justice, you work on themself to find inner peace. I repeat, to make it clear: Monks, since they follow training descending from Pandarens philosophies, are naturally calm and wise person, who are easily able to put their hotheaded emotions asides to thinks logically
So this video is good, but do not take all thoses advices about roleplaying for completly granted strict rules. Thoses aren't necessarily bad advices, but they they very limit your imagination, and are limited to only one perspectives, without mentionning some importants details that conterbalance the "absolute" aspect of thoses advices
Do not be afraid to roleplay a wise and philisophical monk from another race than Pandaren. That's it
Can't wait for RP guides for the 6 new sub races
mists was amazing dont hate it just cuz of pandas atleast its better than wod and cata
NigelW100 agreed. an actually GOOD story!
MoP was epic, the kung fu vibe reminds me of kung fu panda (ofcourse) and i loved that movie so it gets to me everytime i see the cinematic i get hyped
I loved the lore of MoP, and since I'm half Chineese I obviously have a strong bias towards it but if you just explore the lore and lands, theres so much references to actual China.
Monk is My favorite class to play and rp now Thank you doron
While I don’t exactly role play character identity is very important to me and I’ve played a paladin for over 10 years. Idk if this makes much sense but I started playing a monk about a year ago and it feels pretty good to play a class not so tied to their history or restricted by being tied to the “light” lol
Yeah, I feel the same with paladin. I used to play it a lot, but once I wanted more personal freedom and started to play mage who actually can fight whatever he wants for. I mean i can always change my mind and mood, I don’t have to be good and altruistic guy all the time, and this is cool. I also like monk too.
I just gotta sa Doron, I really like your content. I love your focus on roleplay and the minor lore of the game thatw e don't hear so much about. It really provides for some videos with stuff most people haven't heard of before.
***** Thanks. :)
I just need to say
Interesting and nice video. But so people know...
1. You have perfectly the right to roleplay a monk (whatever race) who is well-trained enough and act like a master of wisdom. Why ? Simple answer right here
-It's been years since the discover of Pandaria, mostly enough to be a good monk if you trained a lot
-Even if your character started its learning two years ago, well, everybody has differents learning skills !!! what that can take a week for you, could take a year for someone else. So do not generalize by saying you can't roleplay a Orc monk well-trained enough to use the capacities included into the gameplay
-There is a place call isle of stopped time, whem time is stop, there even is a monastary at this place at lot of place to train. So your character could easily has spend years there perfectionning his monks capacitys, comprehension of Chi and capacity
-The Chi is a force of harmony that helps creating balances between elememts. Its a energy that appease the spirit and help to calm down, like lot of sources in the game and novels indicate it. So it does makes you more calm and wise to use the Chi, as it is a force that naturally feee your mind and take you to zenitude
-The Pandaren philosophy is based of controle of bad emotions. Why? Because the Shas feed on negative energy and negatives emotions. So Pandarens has to find a way to controle their bad thoughs and emotions. That is a therapic philosophy of peace, that surely makes you a wise person, who accepted bad emotions, but do not allow thoses bad emotions to controle them. The important thing is that the Monk class is really deeply linked to the Pandaren and their philosophy. So your monk character, no matter the race, has to be a wise thinkful person with a big sense of justice, you work on themself to find inner peace. I repeat, to make it clear: Monks, since they follow training descending from Pandarens philosophies, are naturally calm and wise person, who are easily able to put their hotheaded emotions asides to thinks logically
So this video is good, but do not take all thoses advices about roleplaying for completly granted strict rules. Thoses aren't necessarily bad advices, but they they very limit your imagination, and are limited to only one perspectives, without mentionning some importants details that conterbalance the "absolute" aspect of thoses advices
Do not be afraid to roleplay a wise and philisophical monk from another race than Pandaren. That's it
I love my mistweaver, but I will admit that monks are the most disassociated from the races. It's a lot easier to explain a troll rogue than a troll monk.
Nick Fadala
In fact, you van easily explain it by lot of differents reasons
Tauren monk fits very well since, Niuzao is the father of tauranoid races of azeroth, Yak, taunka, Tauren, so for me its just obvious that tauren fits to be monks
why do you think worgen and goblin couldn't be monks? surely there were brawlers or gentlemens fighting in gilneas and straight up fighters on kazan
Because to be a skilled (and high level monk) lore wise, you need to have a modicum of inner peace. And if we know anything about the Worgen, it's that they're at constant turmoil with the curse inside. They learned to control it, yes. But they are still not able to attain true peace.
As for Goblins... have you not learned? They're the most hilarious, greedy fuckers in the world. If Orc shit could be profited from, they'd have you do a quest where you give all the Orcs in Ogrimmar laxatives - trust me! When you're that biologically inclined to NEVER give up material goods, you can't be a monk.
Tbh, i wouldve loved to see a Worgen Monk.
Interesting and nice video. But so people know...
1. You have perfectly the right to roleplay a monk (whatever race) who is well-trained enough and act like a master of wisdom. Why ? Simple answer right here
-It's been years since the discover of Pandaria, mostly enough to be a good monk if you trained a lot
-Even if your character started its learning two years ago, well, everybody has differents learning skills !!! what that can take a week for you, could take a year for someone else. So do not generalize by saying you can't roleplay a Orc monk well-trained enough to use the capacities included into the gameplay
-There is a place call isle of stopped time, whem time is stop, there even is a monastary at this place at lot of place to train. So your character could easily has spend years there perfectionning his monks capacitys, comprehension of Chi and capacity
-The Chi is a force of harmony that helps creating balances between elememts. Its a energy that appease the spirit and help to calm down, like lot of sources in the game and novels indicate it. So it does makes you more calm and wise to use the Chi, as it is a force that naturally feee your mind and take you to zenitude
-The Pandaren philosophy is based of controle of bad emotions. Why? Because the Shas feed on negative energy and negatives emotions. So Pandarens has to find a way to controle their bad thoughs and emotions. That is a therapic philosophy of peace, that surely makes you a wise person, who accepted bad emotions, but do not allow thoses bad emotions to controle them. The important thing is that the Monk class is really deeply linked to the Pandaren and their philosophy. So your monk character, no matter the race, has to be a wise thinkful person with a big sense of justice, you work on themself to find inner peace. I repeat, to make it clear: Monks, since they follow training descending from Pandarens philosophies, are naturally calm and wise person, who are easily able to put their hotheaded emotions asides to thinks logically
So this video is good, but do not take all thoses advices about roleplaying for completly granted strict rules. Thoses aren't necessarily bad advices, but they they very limit your imagination, and are limited to only one perspectives, without mentionning some importants details that conterbalance the "absolute" aspect of thoses advices
Do not be afraid to roleplay a wise and philisophical monk from another race than Pandaren. That's it
You should redo this series with the new allied races! Cuzz what about Void Elves, maybe they would b just as good as the pandarins since time works differently in the twisting nether
There also is the Isle of Stopped Time, and we also all have different learninf skills. Some are fasters
Doron where do you stand on the draenie being monk 4 years prior to the other races? Since they didnt redo the questing experience in cata, draenies are still 4 years in the past when the wondering monk trains them.
Interesting and nice video. But so people know...
1. You have perfectly the right to roleplay a monk (whatever race) who is well-trained enough and act like a master of wisdom. Why ? Simple answer right here
-It's been years since the discover of Pandaria, mostly enough to be a good monk if you trained a lot
-Even if your character started its learning two years ago, well, everybody has differents learning skills !!! what that can take a week for you, could take a year for someone else. So do not generalize by saying you can't roleplay a Orc monk well-trained enough to use the capacities included into the gameplay
-There is a place call isle of stopped time, whem time is stop, there even is a monastary at this place at lot of place to train. So your character could easily has spend years there perfectionning his monks capacitys, comprehension of Chi and capacity
-The Chi is a force of harmony that helps creating balances between elememts. Its a energy that appease the spirit and help to calm down, like lot of sources in the game and novels indicate it. So it does makes you more calm and wise to use the Chi, as it is a force that naturally feee your mind and take you to zenitude
-The Pandaren philosophy is based of controle of bad emotions. Why? Because the Shas feed on negative energy and negatives emotions. So Pandarens has to find a way to controle their bad thoughs and emotions. That is a therapic philosophy of peace, that surely makes you a wise person, who accepted bad emotions, but do not allow thoses bad emotions to controle them. The important thing is that the Monk class is really deeply linked to the Pandaren and their philosophy. So your monk character, no matter the race, has to be a wise thinkful person with a big sense of justice, you work on themself to find inner peace. I repeat, to make it clear: Monks, since they follow training descending from Pandarens philosophies, are naturally calm and wise person, who are easily able to put their hotheaded emotions asides to thinks logically
So this video is good, but do not take all thoses advices about roleplaying for completly granted strict rules. Thoses aren't necessarily bad advices, but they they very limit your imagination, and are limited to only one perspectives, without mentionning some importants details that conterbalance the "absolute" aspect of thoses advices
Do not be afraid to roleplay a wise and philisophical monk from another race than Pandaren. That's it
dude you are soo good i love ur videos and i'm happy to be one of your subs
vasil kamberov Thanks. :)
Something I'd love to know wich could be featured in a video are the easiest ways to get into RP, meet people in those realms wich you can play with and learn from, guilds for example.
Can't wait for rogue!!! Also could you do some rp guides for different factions? (like if you wanted to roleplay that you were in the scarlet crusade the steamwheedle cartel and such)
LightningDragonGamer Might think of something once I'm done with the rp class stuff. Currently I want to cover some possible sub classes and some rp ideas.
Décsy Balázs There aren't many (if any) orc clans who aren't friendly to the Horde, due to the Horde wiping out all clans who opposed them (If I remember correctly).
Décsy Balázs They joined the Horde, didnt they? They left later, but meh
My monk is more into the Shamanistic side. Pretty much take Monk's fighting style (Fists/Kicks and Fist weapons) and Shaman's way of the Elements. I think I can make it doing that.
Just to show you another perspective
Interesting and nice video. But so people know...
1. You have perfectly the right to roleplay a monk (whatever race) who is well-trained enough and act like a master of wisdom. Why ? Simple answer right here
-It's been years since the discover of Pandaria, mostly enough to be a good monk if you trained a lot
-Even if your character started its learning two years ago, well, everybody has differents learning skills !!! what that can take a week for you, could take a year for someone else. So do not generalize by saying you can't roleplay a Orc monk well-trained enough to use the capacities included into the gameplay
-There is a place call isle of stopped time, whem time is stop, there even is a monastary at this place at lot of place to train. So your character could easily has spend years there perfectionning his monks capacitys, comprehension of Chi and capacity
-The Chi is a force of harmony that helps creating balances between elememts. Its a energy that appease the spirit and help to calm down, like lot of sources in the game and novels indicate it. So it does makes you more calm and wise to use the Chi, as it is a force that naturally feee your mind and take you to zenitude
-The Pandaren philosophy is based of controle of bad emotions. Why? Because the Shas feed on negative energy and negatives emotions. So Pandarens has to find a way to controle their bad thoughs and emotions. That is a therapic philosophy of peace, that surely makes you a wise person, who accepted bad emotions, but do not allow thoses bad emotions to controle them. The important thing is that the Monk class is really deeply linked to the Pandaren and their philosophy. So your monk character, no matter the race, has to be a wise thinkful person with a big sense of justice, you work on themself to find inner peace. I repeat, to make it clear: Monks, since they follow training descending from Pandarens philosophies, are naturally calm and wise person, who are easily able to put their hotheaded emotions asides to thinks logically
So this video is good, but do not take all thoses advices about roleplaying for completly granted strict rules. Thoses aren't necessarily bad advices, but they they very limit your imagination, and are limited to only one perspectives, without mentionning some importants details that conterbalance the "absolute" aspect of thoses advices
Do not be afraid to roleplay a wise and philisophical monk from another race than Pandaren. That's it
Gotta appreciate the non intended pun at 3:00
aren't all the draenei monks similar to the scarlet crusade monks? i mean they were trained by a wandering pandaren master after their crash landing on azeroth so they had quite some time to learn their ways, right?
Funny how they mixed up the archetypal theme of the Crane and Serpent when it came to Legendary cloaks. (or vice versa for MW?)
Red Crane was Spirit and Serpent was Intellect, but when it came to Mistweavers, it's a bit reversed with the Stance of the Red Crane being the more offensive of the two. Poor Crane really didn't really see the spotlight compared to the rest of the Celestials within the MoP expansion pack.
I know this is kind of late to ask, but... what about draenei monks?(minor spoilers!!) In the book Night of the Dragon we had Iridi who was trained by draenei fighting masters. She used her palms and legs to fight and even wrestled with raptors, and in addition had a naaru blessed staff that she used often to fight with and for magical purposes! Does that mean that the draenei also had developed something of a monk class back on Argus, since those masters seemed to be very old, certainly at least from the time of Draenor! I really hope someone could answer me on this one, since I really want to play a wise old draenei monk! =]
I just want some general opinions on this, as I have been wanting to create this character for a long long time.
Pandarens should have been around for... Not sure, but a few years by now? With Legion up and coming? Either way, my human character, Chance, was a bit younger, hanging around the other orphaned children, when he witnessed a Pandaren Monk perform a technique for show. It was the fists of fury move, and ever since he saw it, he obsessed himself with it, and decided to near dedicate his life to learn that move and master it. Yes, -only- that move so to speak. He sought out some help about Chi and how to utilize it and such, but is still learning that at a slow rate. I just like the idea of a young, slightly cheeky human male that claims he is a martial artist, but can only really use this one move which isn't all that much to brag about to begin with, but maybe uses other dirty tricks and such to then finnish his opponents with the fists of fury he has taught himself.
I roleplay two of these. His Son, and the Father. Son is about Five, and the Dad is about 25. Personality for the Dad Brewmaster like Chen, with a likeness to Iroh love of tea and fire spewing. Both are Pandaren as I like their race, and Pandaria Expansion. I love the expansion with the introduction to my two favorite Characters. Great video always, Doron.
***** Thanks. That sounds like an interesting idea.
Me and a friend have opened a Monk school on HORDE Argent Dawn.Kun Shun academy.Quite fun when we're both on.
sounds cool, if i'm leveling a horde monk i hope i can join where is it stationed?
Best monk spec for soloing?
linkzellda Literally any,if you still care.
Love these RP guide's
88hnjs Thanks. :)
hey can some one tell me please what is the name of the music that plays at the end of the video at 10:43 ? i just love it, its so epic xD. Ow and nice monk vid though :)
+Kalimdori Thanks. It is from Epidemic sound. Not certain of the exact track name, but it is under adventure music.
you can be a master as a human or another race, if you go for the type of story where you learned it as a kid and actually learned it from a pandaren master, if your character learns fast and is dedicated it's possible to make him a bruce lee type of guy
Other races has only been training for 2 years Max exept for the scarlet crusade
+leo gibson 4 year
+Wellshem in real life yes in the lore its 2 years
Monks: They can fight with their bear hands.
I'm going to make a monk for rp and level up to like 50 or something and just wander around the world like they do
cottermcg 1234 you could wander around various Vanilla WoW parts of the world and talk to other players who are questing and offer them to teach them the ways of the Monk :D
something like that
OnlyRoke Probably not that, but perhaps some hints and tips to help them in whatever they are doing.
gess so
Serpent - mistweaver
Ox - brewmaster
Tiger - windwalker
Crane - ???
Theiwillsurvive Guy Crane would probably be fistweaving
Theiwillsurvive Guy the crane is also mistweaver, just a bit different
Please make a demon hunter guide for when Legion comes.
I was thinking, that if i put a night elf monk, he can be a master. All that back story abou pre sundering training in the summit (monk base) than either staying in pandaria during mists or going back to kalimdor to fight demons. Either way, night elves live long. So few thousanda years, and he will be like master...
So that is my rp opinion on how can there be one really strong night elf master. :)
What are your opinions about that? :)
very nice video Doron :) I'm looking forward to the Rogue especially!
However, you can always try to roleplay a wise(r) Monk "master" from other races, like a Human Monk who was so good that his Pandaren teachers allowed him to take on an apprentice together with the Pandaren teachers or something like that. Just nothing too crazy.
OnlyRoke Well you wouldn't be able to RP anything near a master, because he would only have a few years of experience at MAX, and it takes many more than that to completely master the monk class. Sure you could be a fairly experienced monk, but anything outside of Pandaren, you couldn't be a master.
OnlyRoke The thing is, being a master means that you have learned everything there is and now are finding your own ways to improve. I hardly believe it is possible to master something when we only got to Pandaria about 2-3 years ago.
Doronsmovies May I ask when the Pandaren started becoming monks? Since Pandaria was a part of Azeroth before the sundering, SOME people were acquianted with the pandarens I believe. Maybe some of them even stayed in Pandaria (Non-pandaren races). I have to agree that sounds pretty unlikely but I wonder if there's a chance.
Also, monks in Scarlet Monastery were also pre-MoP. Don't remember if they practiced the same "monk" art or not tho
Mister Archie I don't know the exact year the pandaren became monks, but I know it was sometime when they started planning their revolution against the mogu.
Interesting and nice video. But so people know...
1. You have perfectly the right to roleplay a monk (whatever race) who is well-trained enough and act like a master of wisdom. Why ? Simple answer right here
-It's been years since the discover of Pandaria, mostly enough to be a good monk if you trained a lot
-Even if your character started its learning two years ago, well, everybody has differents learning skills !!! what that can take a week for you, could take a year for someone else. So do not generalize by saying you can't roleplay a Orc monk well-trained enough to use the capacities included into the gameplay
-There is a place call isle of stopped time, whem time is stop, there even is a monastary at this place at lot of place to train. So your character could easily has spend years there perfectionning his monks capacitys, comprehension of Chi and capacity
-The Chi is a force of harmony that helps creating balances between elememts. Its a energy that appease the spirit and help to calm down, like lot of sources in the game and novels indicate it. So it does makes you more calm and wise to use the Chi, as it is a force that naturally feee your mind and take you to zenitude
-The Pandaren philosophy is based of controle of bad emotions. Why? Because the Shas feed on negative energy and negatives emotions. So Pandarens has to find a way to controle their bad thoughs and emotions. That is a therapic philosophy of peace, that surely makes you a wise person, who accepted bad emotions, but do not allow thoses bad emotions to controle them. The important thing is that the Monk class is really deeply linked to the Pandaren and their philosophy. So your monk character, no matter the race, has to be a wise thinkful person with a big sense of justice, you work on themself to find inner peace. I repeat, to make it clear: Monks, since they follow training descending from Pandarens philosophies, are naturally calm and wise person, who are easily able to put their hotheaded emotions asides to thinks logically
So this video is good, but do not take all thoses advices about roleplaying for completly granted strict rules. Thoses aren't necessarily bad advices, but they they very limit your imagination, and are limited to only one perspectives, without mentionning some importants details that conterbalance the "absolute" aspect of thoses advices
Do not be afraid to roleplay a wise and philisophical monk from another race than Pandaren. That's it
HI! I have question to ask I`am about planing to create Tauren Monk to Argent Dawn(RP) realm , but I´am kinda"stay close the lore kinda player" and I need you to guys to break it down for me. . . a tauren . . . monk ... ?? I know the taurens basics. belief to the mother earth and sun (Elune is mother earth(theory) but .. Tauren monk .. I can`t get to start to create my character background because I´am little pit disturbed not because that the Tauren monk is weight 7000 pounds and manages to do all kinda crazy kicks and hits.. but ...How did I suddenly learn to be a monk does this kinda sound like weird did I JUST start to trow punches when my character was "kid" I mean there´s no another great a tauren monk ,or a mentor (in the game and not even in lore as (Sunwalkkers / paladins) Sunwalkker Dezco in mop what came recently ) So should I just start do like everyone "I learn the way of the monk from pandarens .. because it´s sound like it´s only way make it to be logical again -- BUT!!! I still have no clue what time line all the races learn to be a monk , how many years is past since cataclysm
Interesting and nice video. But so people know...
1. You have perfectly the right to roleplay a monk (whatever race) who is well-trained enough and act like a master of wisdom. Why ? Simple answer right here
-It's been years since the discover of Pandaria, mostly enough to be a good monk if you trained a lot
-Even if your character started its learning two years ago, well, everybody has differents learning skills !!! what that can take a week for you, could take a year for someone else. So do not generalize by saying you can't roleplay a Orc monk well-trained enough to use the capacities included into the gameplay
-There is a place call isle of stopped time, whem time is stop, there even is a monastary at this place at lot of place to train. So your character could easily has spend years there perfectionning his monks capacitys, comprehension of Chi and capacity
-The Chi is a force of harmony that helps creating balances between elememts. Its a energy that appease the spirit and help to calm down, like lot of sources in the game and novels indicate it. So it does makes you more calm and wise to use the Chi, as it is a force that naturally feee your mind and take you to zenitude
-The Pandaren philosophy is based of controle of bad emotions. Why? Because the Shas feed on negative energy and negatives emotions. So Pandarens has to find a way to controle their bad thoughs and emotions. That is a therapic philosophy of peace, that surely makes you a wise person, who accepted bad emotions, but do not allow thoses bad emotions to controle them. The important thing is that the Monk class is really deeply linked to the Pandaren and their philosophy. So your monk character, no matter the race, has to be a wise thinkful person with a big sense of justice, you work on themself to find inner peace. I repeat, to make it clear: Monks, since they follow training descending from Pandarens philosophies, are naturally calm and wise person, who are easily able to put their hotheaded emotions asides to thinks logically
So this video is good, but do not take all thoses advices about roleplaying for completly granted strict rules. Thoses aren't necessarily bad advices, but they they very limit your imagination, and are limited to only one perspectives, without mentionning some importants details that conterbalance the "absolute" aspect of thoses advices
Do not be afraid to roleplay a wise and philisophical monk from another race than Pandaren. That's it
Hell, It's about time.
Alec Grant Was supposed to be released about a month ago, but the entire far sight tool being outdated for almost a month delayed it a bit.
Wasn't trying to be mean or serious just a bad Starcraft reference !
Hey Doron. where did you find the picture at 6.07 ?
Zansirtheshaman orig09.deviantart.net/b152/f/2014/237/4/5/way_of_the_monks_by_krysdecker-d7kf1as.jpg
thank you Doron, I am a sucker for pandarens ^_^
Missed the Bear hands pun xD
Wait, if basically only Pandaren can be master monks, then why are so many of the masters in the Peak of Serenity other races?
jafd239 I would say a screw up on Blizzards part and them not sticking to the lore. It's not possible for someone to become a master especially since the game is literally only a few months after we discovered Pandaria.
Is it possible to role play a night elf monk master who chose to leave with the Pandaren when witnessing the night elves abuse of magic?
You should be able to, that means you would have travelled with the pandaren prior to the War of the Ancients and became a Monk years ago. Damn that would be a powerful monk lol! But thats means you were in pandaria the entire time.
well what a good use for instant leveling!
Also for roleplay in general lol. I mean I am working on two former Highborne magi that left the arcane ways to become monks as the Pandaren taught them the ways of the monk and how magic could be corrupting. They learned inner peace and peace with the world which caused thme to become more humble. Using their old magical knowledge they permanantly transmutated themselves into Pandaren and kept practicing the ways of the monk for tne thousand years? Idk sounds pretty cool to me
still would love to rp an undead monk because, as the monk class would be a form of rebirth just like death would be for any forsaken
Really was hoping to see how blood elves fit into being monks cause of their lust for power
MrDoze14 Could be Blood Elves trying to keep themselves from using magical energies and instead using the energies within themselves.
Of made a monk guild and it was named the order of the seven stars
im trying to get into roleplay, but what rp servers are actually good? as in, active and welcoming to newbs
+Vanilla Cream apparntlèy argent down EU server - i'm just starting to play today actually hehe
+basfoor Ummm,how's that going?Most of the time I just get hated by the rpers
+James Carr meh , never really got into it , i'm just playing the game on a pvp server .. and enjoying it a lot mhehe
Hey doron what server do you play on and does it have like a ton of roleplay?
I'm not sure what one he plays but mostly Rp is with guild mates
It's Defias Brotherhood EU on Horde mostly I think and he had a Human Warrior in Argent Dawn if I remember well.
Trey Lamarr I played on Defias but I switched to Argent Dawn Eu together with my guild Orcs of the Red Blade.
Doronsmovies Ok
I knew that was Argent Dawn straight away pretty much from 10:30 it my guildies in the video haha.. Small world.
Obviously the first question is what are you fighting for!
i think that if you want to be a teacher of the monk class you should wear robes it gives your character a wise feeling to them
+Chuchy Rizton Maybe t16 set could be fitting?
pretty cool man
Velkhan Thanks. :)
Do a how to rp a rouge
TwO gAmErs Will do it soon. Rogue and hunter, not sure in which order.
+doransmovies thanks man i love your vids and i have played rouge as long as i can remember i would realy like it if you added some SI:7 history to kt to thanks and keep it up.
Lol i totaly spelled Doronsmovies wrong
And now you have to deal with the demon hunters as well XD
How could I rp a Orc Monk?
they can fight with their BEAR hands
this description of the monk makes it sound like the way they unlock their powers are like the shadow hunters, but for living souls (exclusively your own), or am i reading between the lines too much kek
Nyall Carmichael It's more like unlocking your own powers as in truly understanding yourself and your body and being able to manipulate that energy.
Doronsmovies yes i get this but because a loa is a spirit and chi is a spirit inside yourself it just seems like tapping into the same type of power, but a loa has more flexibility due to no-longer being held back by a body
Nyall Carmichael Sadly, thats not how it works.
A Shaman and a monk are very similar, but comparing a Shadow Hunter and a monk is a stretch.
***** how is it wrong? you can't just say i'm wrong and not tell me why.
Nyall Carmichael You cant really tap into their energy (the Loa), they usually willingly give you power with few exceptions. They are like elementals in that sense, you offer something, and they'll give you some power in return. Or that's how I see it, anyway.
ah man pandaria.the most beautiful continent i'd ever seen!then it got infested by sha and alliance and horde and that made me sad :(!
To be honest, becoming a true master depends on you skill in PvE or PvP, not on your race. I agree that monks are meant to be Pandaren but I look at that in different way.
True masters of Martial Arts IRL are usually Chinese or Japanese people. I practiced Aikido for 7 years and if you want to become best of the best after a countless years of practice you'll have to go to Japan and meet and learn from real masters of that martial art.
In WoW I'm human monk and I look at Pandarens as masters which I want to learn from and be someday by their shoulder.
I agree with you however I have to disagree about the whole martial artists being Chinese or Japanese. I've done martial arts since four years old all round the world. Maybe 1/10 practitioners and 1/20 instructors.
Not that I mind - endorsing more monk RP is great, but it seems like the content of this guide was borrowed from one I wrote back in 2013. I still keep it as up to date as I can, and answer questions that are posted there. You can just google 'The Monk Roleplaying Guide' and probably find it, but here's a link too.
Could a monk around 41-46 years old master all four paths? Master to a certain extent I mean, enough to use all of them in a very good way.
Yes. We all have different learning abilities
The scarlet monastery monks were the religious kind. There’s a difference.
Bear hands lol
Where the hell is all this actual RP happening? WoW RP seemed to die.
LOL, but seriously, what server do you RP on?
I used to RP on Uther, but waas twisting nether before that.
ProfWulfenstein It's mostly within guilds. I started about 5 years back and even then it was like that.
+ProfWulfenstein argent down EU server
Act like a Jedi...there I answered the question without a lengthy BS explanation.
I wonder why can't Gnomes be hunters? :(
They cant tame pets, well they probably tried but ended up being a snack.
Petar Dimitrov it would be cool if they'd implement a Gnome Hunter with special visuals, where you tame the beasts through some technology like a mindcontrol dish or a "Sooth-O-Tron 3000" :D
OnlyRoke or that they have robot pets, like robot chickens or wolves or smthing xD
Tony Numbernine Sometimes having a pet 3 times your size isn't the best thing. :)
Doronsmovies I think a small baskilisk would be a good starter or depends. look at goblins and their grab starter pets
Monk lore is so under developed it hurts. :(
why cant i be human monk roleplay i mean i could say my adoptive parents were pandaren monks that were burned alive by the horde for not joining or some bullshit like that
You could say that you are adopted by a lonely pandaren widow who were very wise and she trained you to become a monk so you can watch out for the city you live in after she dies. You are still under training
Adopted by Pandaren? How old's your character, two years old?
Laban Granqvist i dont know but i was just saying and also why because pandaria was just discovered is that what your saying i get it i was just spitballin ideas like potions that make me grow really fast or sometin
Volcar there are pandarians that travel Azeroth. Just say you found a new faith.
You can hear how stupid he thinks chi is
I'm not the best at rp and I wonder if my story is good:" when I was five years old the first war have begone the Orc came to my village and destroyed it somehow me and my fathers got lucky and run away my mother didn't make it we run away for 1 month we didn't see any Orc so we thought it was safe we found a cave we stayed there to avoid the rain then we heard a something speak we saw the Orcs coming he told me to run i don't listen to him I stayed and cried so he will come with me he said to me that he will be ok and he will find me the orcs where closing in so I run I where only 6 years old when I heard my father scream I cried while I run but didn't got away from the orcs there where 3 and the most ugly and big things I ever saw I got heat by one of then hit didn't kill me but it almost then I saw a thing it came to them with no weapon or nothing it defended me and killed all the 3 I wanted to say thanks but I fell a sleep after a week I where in a cave with a white panda i asked
It's not the end--- who is he and what is name he said shhh he give me something warm to drink that made me fill strong again he said he's name was(I don't know any panda name I will make one later) and that he his a pandarn monk I asked if he saw my father he looked at me sad and said I'm sorry I started to cry he hugged me and said it will be okay and he will defend me I asked of him if I can learn to be a monk he said you can try but it will be long and hard it was the most hard thing that I ever done it tooke my stranght of mind and power after 20 long and hard years I become a monk we started to travel for along time will we trained we fought side by side he was like a father to me until we found more orcs they where 10 we fought but we could not win he got a sword in him in my rage I Started to become stronger and almost killed most of them but then he raised up with all the power he got and I don't know how he took me and we run we went to the cave that it all started in and
+פרדי ליטבין I saw that he will not make it I said that I will not rest until he will be evenged he said no this is your final test as a monk find a peace and remember me I don't need vengeance I only need that you will promote me 2 things first if you can burn me and take my ashes to a far away land named land pandaria and second forget vengeance and fear this is not what the monks is about be happy live along life with you friends fight for a thing you belive in and remember me as a friend and a master you are now a monk I trust you will do what is right after he died I took is body and burnd it I tooke a ship and set said to the place he said is name was pandaria he's spirit guided me to there after I came to there I saw more pandarn monk ms they found me And asked who I am I said I'm a Humen who have learns the way of the monk and I came to burry my friend and master they buried him and asked me how did I become an monk I said them my story and they have said that my master
+פרדי ליטבין will be
Proud of me they gave me ship and gold Togo back I have said along way to strormwind and in there I have found a new friends and a new life in the stormwind I became a soldier and a strong one and did what my master told me to do I found a fight that I belive in to fight for my people" this is the end of my story hope you like that sorry for the bad English and that its so super long tell me what should I change and if you like it just to say the story will have more I hope to find someone to teach the way of the monk
who knows some of them did adventure but is there another thing you dont like
Only Pandaren should have been able to be monks, they train their entire lives to be monks.
Drek McMeme Each of the races probably developed a martial art of some sort, I would imagine. The only part that would be missing is the spiritual part.
+Murphio Taurens are quite spiritual actually :]
Vladimir Krstic The spiritual part of the Monk styles is more what I was referencing.
So if I'm not a pandaren I can't be a "monk master". *cough* *cough* Master Hsu *cough* *cough* Master Woo.
Not considered lore characters, in fact they are more of game mechanics to show you the races avaiable to play as monk. Being a monk would require you at least 10 years if you are a prodigy to master one path to a certain extent. We barely found Pandaria, it's been 8 years with legion max.
i heard of the word ''chi'' in kung fu panda
do role play videos \o/
Mother Russia I would like to do it, but I still don't know how to approach it. Roleplay as fun as it is, is just not that fun to watch. I'll need to figure out a format. I will probably make a video in the near future where I will lay out some ideas of videos I want to introduce to the channel and have everyone vote on them.
a coop with others youtubers is a start xD
I play a pandaren monk who never met his parents cause they died he is appretince to Chen stormsnout
5:41 "Hentai rebellion"
Fists of fury! :D
Zombie Aventur Fists of skill
Zombie Aventur Fisting Fury!
My main is Tauren Monk idgaf
Roundhouse Kick via Hoof
Give monks for worgens !!!!
David Culhane Even though no one cares. :-(
Hamsa Mahamad ali Sadly no one cares who was first or seventeenth
Because no one gives a shit.
David Culhane that's why so much people try to be 1st on vids
I really hate pandas and monks. Wow used to be a tolkien-esk world. And as soon as you get to pandaria it turns into some stupid china funk. I know pandas where in warcraft 3 but I really don't like the Pandaren/China thing in wow.
Toma M I'm personally not a fan of the entire asian style, especially in World of Warcraft. Although I do like some of the lore they added with it and some more depth into the lore, even though there are a few loop holes.
+Doronsmovies I loved the Asian theme, the music and zones where beutifull.
And it's not childish at all.
Nick Groenen They maybe are beautiful but for me, they just don't fit in wow. After wrath the game lost some of its fantasy elements. I would love to explore a giant pandaria style world in an asian themed mmo, but as I said wow and china just don't click.
Toma M WoW has all cultures.
Pandaria (Asia)
Howling fjord,grizzly hills (scandinavia)
Eastern Kingdom (Europe)