Nice to see they didn't take the ultra-realism route like so many games these days, and actually tried to give it some form of style. It may not be appealing to a lot, but at least it's unique.
Its a very bad style for them in my opinion,specially the way the ground looks,they couldve at least made something more realistic with ground like making a good grass isntead of an flat texture
+Loalrikowki "Dynamic grass that doesn't look terrible would be a resource pig on large maps in the late game." Bollocks. The size of the map has f*** all to do with it. Only the part of the map that is currently in the view port matters.
you all probably dont give a shit but does anybody know of a tool to get back into an instagram account?? I was dumb lost the login password. I love any tricks you can offer me.
@Damien Mack i really appreciate your reply. I found the site thru google and Im waiting for the hacking stuff now. Seems to take a while so I will get back to you later when my account password hopefully is recovered.
secretgo1 You never know. Plus a lot of what we see has been changed in the final product already (and some stuff that's missing will be there). Who knows? Maybe they'll add it to the script later.
One small detail I really like is how on the map there are undiscovered tiles with little scribbles of trees almost like legends have been told of a forest far off. I love that.
It looks AWESOME. Civ V, with its pastel, often muddy colors and textures, was actually a diversion from the series, as far as aesthetics go. Civ was never meant to be a ultra-realistic grim-dark game, so it's nice to see something that looks like a real Civ game again.
OrbiTiZZeD yeah, i'm surprised at the difference between civ 6 UI and civ 5, civ 6 UI seems a few years behind...hopefully that will change by the release date
Trajan is the 2nd of the Five Good Emperor and somehow quil's comment on optimus prime makes me go wtf... and people who have such skulls so thick that they are probably immune to bullets ranting about stylized graphics...
as in "some people are too stubborn to accept/appreciate different things" I personally like the graphics after watching it and going back to Civ 5 to compare.
You can't expect ordinary folks with jobs that don't require teaching or researching history, or ancient Roman history to be precise, to know anything about Trajan. Or to know that prime is not the same as princeps and that the word prince succeeded the word princeps and that has nothing to do with optimus prime. Ah but in a way it does of course because both mean "first" in some way. The point is, though, one can't reasonably expect a younger utuber kid to have to know any of this. Especially one who plays very time-consuming games.
I have not been subscribed to the channel for a long time... but when I saw Civ6 was coming out, this was the first place I looked. Pretty sure I'm back for now.
That's weird that the baths replace the aqueducts, since Romans invented the latter and it's probably their single greatest engineering achievement, allowing a huge city like Rome to flourish (and ironically allowing baths to exist as well.) I guess you could reason the baths serve both functions as a single district.
Thank You for publishing the episodes in bulk. When a new game comes out it is aggravating to try to find somebody who isn't releasing videos one at a time. That has lead me to watch some lower quality content producers, and find some new good ones. Hopefully others will be searching for good civ 6 content once they finish their regular channels and discover our community.
Starting to warm up a bit to the graphics. I always did like the painterly look, just like the Wonder announcements in Civ V. Helps that they toned down the hues from the preview pics.
All I can think of is the Sean Bean cameo in Family Guy as an ancestral statue where he asks "Have you killed the others?" and Peter says "I shant" and Bean says "You must". Sean Bean wants you to win via conquest, clearly
I thought no one was going to notice that marshmallow resource. That resource made my day, he said at 12 a.m. EDIT: It's sugar, now I'm sad. Would have loved that marshmallow resource.
very excited for civ6. unstacked cities was the first thing i thought would be cool as heck after playing civ5 for the first time and i love what i've seen of it so far. the art style is also excellent, it's clean and looks nice and will absolutely look better in 6 years than civ 5 looks today.
Hurray! The hype is high, the let's play is awesome and I love that you keep with tradition and start with Rome! Rome was the first Let's play I watched from you on Civ V so the nostalgia is sweet :D Looking forward seeing what happens next!
Papi John Or progressively as time goes on. Personally, I usually don't like the mechanic. But on bigger maps its less annoying. On smaller maps, sometime their placement can be a real pain.
The inland continent separation is interesting, however it will be even more appropriate, if the border will be bond to a river/mountain chain, much as possible. Just like it is in the real world.
Rice is actually THE most labor intensive food crop for all human kind. It's not even relatively easy to grow with modern machinery today, as opposed to just about any other kind of crop. A rice based diet significantly held back most populations who relied upon it from advancing due to just how many people in the given population were required to grow the food supply. From a historical standpoint on human development, rice is a very bad card to have drawn. Lentils, peas, legumes, and most any other kinds of wild grass varieties of grains were far more profitable per human worker as far as food rendered to the society.
Ok, so when I was watching the devs playing Civ 6, I thought they are playing on small maps. You are playing on a standard map, and yet it feels so small. Another civ is 8 tiles from you, a city state is also 8 tiles from you, this just feels like people won't be able to settle four of five cities so quickly without fighting for a space to breath. I am hyped, but based on this video there is one more thing that bugs me. Hopefully they changed the aggro of higher difficulties, because Civ 6 now seems to be more like one city challenge :/
Well, you can always put it to the next map size up and keep the same number of civs/states so you have more room. Granted, this might mean that the largest map size is still smaller than you would expect, but you should still be able to tailor a game to your liking in the full release.
I have been looking and I think it might have been when I was present at a con this year talking to someone on the dev team. But I heard there was a conscious decision by developers to have civs and city states be slightly closer than you were in Civ V. But if you watch the Yogscast video with this same build they have a ton more room than quill does. So some of it is just chance.
You could try cramming a lot of civs on a smaller map, and then enable the One City Challenge. You have one city, but none of the other players will be able to have a lot of cities either, giving you more equal chances. The enemies could still attack and conquer other cities to expand, but you might also be able to liberate those later, to take away their advantage. I agree with you that with these limitations (Wonder/District), it's a tough challenge. But you can make it easier by 'limiting' your opponents as well (put a lot of them on a small map, giving them all 1-2 cities each). Enjoy Civ 6! :)
The change for marshes is pretty crazy. I like it, there's all sorts of food crops that can be grown in standing water depending on what kind of overall climate you've got, and the quality of the water. It was always weird to me that they were so useless.
Wait and Skip turn is two very different things.Wait is "I don't want to move just yet this turn" while Skip is " I don't want to move this turn" Wait has always (Civ I+II+III+IV+V) been W, and I will surely miss it if they do not put it in the game.
something that changes a lot now is that mountain used to be an useless tile (perhaps only useful for defense), but now you actually want to be next to mountains.
Hey there! I have around 130 games on Steam and my best game out of all of them is Civilization V. Currently Civilization V is the best Civilization game. But make sure you have the DLC as well, such as "Gods and Kings" etc.. as these add more gameplay options and makes the game even better! The graphics are brilliant, the music is fantastic and the strategy is deep! There is something to be said about the feeling of leading your country against the rest of the world. You really get the sense of patriotism as you research unique technologies that only your country invented, as you explore the rest of the world and as you nuke your enemies! lol! You can get the game for around £5 - £15 (it's £5 without the DLC on Steam at the moment due to the special offer, so get it while it's cheap!). Which makes this a bargain! You won't be disappointed!
Bro, I have logged more than 800 hours on Steam on Civ 5. Get the game, with all the DLCs, and prepare to lose at least a few hundred hours of your life to come :D
I think Alpha Centauri had the best quotes of all the Civ type games. Not sure who the cast was, since there were a lot, but it gave the faction leaders so much personality.
MusiCover it's the style they prefer. Also stylized graphics hold up to the test of time way better than realistic ones. Just compare TF2 to any "realistic" game in 2007.
Nathaniel White the strong point of TF2 the game concept itself rather than the graphics :) Look at how Overwatch blew up in an instant, even though it has a lot of problems. Is Civ 6 more comedy oriented ? Because if yes, and taking the graphics in consideration, I can totally understand why they took that route :)
MusiCover yes but that's not my point. My point is stylized graphics hold up way better, and age better, than realistic ones (Dishonored, borderlands, ect. all look better later on because of the stylized graphics). It's also just more interesting in my opinion than realistic ones.
I really like how it blends the game board look with the old world map. And TR is my favorite American President. I haven't bought a new computer for 7 years and I think I'm going to do it so I can play this game.
Marcus Aurelius? It should have been Hadrian. To be honest, you could just go on and list your favourite emperors, but in the end it's kind of an arbitrary thing that doesn't matter beyond flavouring.
I had a Roman history class in college, and my professor said if he had a choice of any time to live in the Roman Empire or Republic, he would choose the reign of Trajan. He was the second in the period known as the "Five Good Emperors", and focused on both expansion and building up of public works.
More realistic art style doesn't mean that graphics is better or more detailed. If you look closely you will see that Civ6 has better graphics than 5. It's more details, the models have more polygons, the animations are better and so on and so forth. People often confuse realistic as something superior to cartoonish graphics. I love Civ6 look, it resembles Civ4, which is the greatest in the series. I hope Civ6 will do better :)
What I really loved about civ 5 was that it looked really nice, and did not have much gpu strain. For this game, I don't really like cartoony graphics. Personal preference I guess.
marshland had all sorts of waterfowls and eels and stuff, very rich in wildlife in general. So it makes sense it gives more food than normal grassland. Not stricly a farmland as such, but more versatile.
How is it that, in 2016, the fonts are STILL super small despite all of the feedback they got from previous games having the same problem. Seriously - this is not usable. People need to squint to read this stuff. Such wasted screen real-estate... they got these massive backgrounds with so much padding and then they have these tiny fonts. How this got past design and testing stages for decades, I'll never know. Sometimes I feel like game developer teams could benefit from a web UX designer
I think you'll find that people with different resolutions view this problem well... differently. Worth remembering that Quill as most other youtubers has a pretty sizeable screen to work with which inevitably ends up influencing resolution and thus font sizes. There's also preference. And its common knowledge that many people just **HATE** clutter on their screens. But I can guarantee you that on larger screens due to the way sizes change the fonts aren't as much of an issue as on smaller screens.
The fonts may as well be pixel art - they are beyond tiny. I just don't like how I have to copy and replace font xml files to get a reasonable font sizes (that don't look great, but are at least reasonable) or edit xml files for what should have been menus in-game. I'm a 24" monitor - not exactly small - and it's still terrible.
Not everyone has perfect vision. I don't. I have to squint like crazy to read this. But there's no excuse for it - there's all kinds of extra space they could have used. The game would look great if the font were 20 point still.
Nice! UI/graphics look slick. Can't wait for this! Sean Bean is great. However, all I'll think of when I hear each quote is this (as an example): "At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst. Winter is coming." >_< You know who'd kill the voice acting? Patrick Stewart.
I,,, dont like civ 6 form what ive seen so far.. its ugly in my opion. Just compare the main screen from civ V en Vi for example, and also everything else, not chosen well in my opinion,,,, im sad.
I found that the 5 was better. Very simple, fun, more lively and more interactive scenarios. The 5 gave more desire to play. The 6 lost that seasoning. He is appellative.
ipreferns Your opinion is wrong. For me, the previous game is good, you have nothing to try to discuss. For me, the predecessor is better. Do not like? It's your problem! . It is my opinion ... my!
A marshland would provide frogs, small birds, and small fish that you could eat. Not a lot of herbs grow in marshes, so I think it's referring to the various meat you can get out of it
I wonder why we haven't ever seen a main Civ game where we can choose a Civ, and get their bonuses, and then choose a Leader for that Civ, and get specific bonuses for that. So like, Rome might have Legionnaires, Roads and Aqueducts, and you might have several leaders. An obvious one would be Caesar, and you might have something like a bonus to conquering cities, and others that boost building, or managing larger empires etc etc.
So like Civ 4: Each nation had unique buildings/units/starting techs But each leader had various traits which gave bonuses (and most nations had more than one leader)
Then your just ignorant making statements like "haven't seen a main civ game". You have played literally 3 out of a series that has had 6-7 main games and a slew of expansions, and standalones.
what makes you say it's just like civ v? i noticed a lot of gameplay changes between the games in just this half hour video. I'm guessing you just don't know how to look past what is immediately in front of you. you see a 4X with a hex grid and think it's just a Civ V clone.
It's releasing in less than a month. Except for some balance tweaks I'm not expecting it to be that different. Which I don't mind, since the game looks bloody awesome.
I think the movement is a Civ 3 throwback. In Civ 2, whether or not you could enter a tile with less than your full movement was random - moving into a 2-move forest with your last movement point would happen 50% of the time (ending your turn whether you succeeded or failed), and moving into a 3-move mountain would happen 33% of the time.
Lots of great info, Quill. I appreciate your taking the time to go through features. These games have such a large learning curve coming into them cold - I find your efforts here very helpful. I've been playing Civ since the game had no numbers, and also played the heretical 'Call To Power' series. I'm hoping some day Firaxis will be able to incorporate an EFFECTIVE version of C2P II's army building feature.
I seriously like how this channel plays games; depicting and slowly; almost like a documentary. Really helps playing ! (Thought it would be funny as the nose of cleopatra to see this channel plays The New Doom game :D)
I am so glad that Emperor Trajan of the Romans (who is often overlooked) is properly represented as the greatest Roman of them all, at least in one game. Because he truly was the greatest Roman emperor to have ever lived: the Alexander the great of the Roman world, and it's a shame that most people only know of Caesar and not Marcus Ulpius Traianus.
I must say that it looks like they've actually made some changes. Some games' sequels can be described as mere paint jobs over existing mechanics but this looks like it contains substantial change.
i hope they keep this style of the "Fog of war" i love civ games but have always found the fog makes it hard to focus on screen at least during early game and this parchment style looks great, could use work but i hope they dont scrap the idea
My graphics card is below the minimum requirement to play Civ 6. Oh well. I guess I'll just have to enjoy the game by watching awesome gameplay videos like this one!
The extreme boosts from early discoveries and being first to things seems like it is going to make playing in deity several times more of an accomplishment than civ 5
Nice to see they didn't take the ultra-realism route like so many games these days, and actually tried to give it some form of style. It may not be appealing to a lot, but at least it's unique.
Its a very bad style for them in my opinion,specially the way the ground looks,they couldve at least made something more realistic with ground like making a good grass isntead of an flat texture
Dynamic grass that doesn't look terrible would be a resource pig on large maps in the late game.
i always liked the satalite photo look of civ 4
MR.skwid 2 Same here
+Loalrikowki "Dynamic grass that doesn't look terrible would be a resource pig on large maps in the late game."
Bollocks. The size of the map has f*** all to do with it. Only the part of the map that is currently in the view port matters.
It's funny how quickly that city was established! So Rome WAS built in a day?!
you all probably dont give a shit but does anybody know of a tool to get back into an instagram account??
I was dumb lost the login password. I love any tricks you can offer me.
@Yahir Lyle instablaster =)
@Damien Mack i really appreciate your reply. I found the site thru google and Im waiting for the hacking stuff now.
Seems to take a while so I will get back to you later when my account password hopefully is recovered.
@Damien Mack it worked and I actually got access to my account again. I'm so happy!
Thanks so much you saved my account!
@Yahir Lyle Glad I could help :D
Why is there no "Can you build an empire to stand the test of time"?
I know right, I miss that.
This game is still in development and this is a press release build. What you see will be different from what you'll play (there will be a lot more).
XandWacky Yeah... I doubt they would edit the script this late into production.
secretgo1 You never know. Plus a lot of what we see has been changed in the final product already (and some stuff that's missing will be there).
Who knows? Maybe they'll add it to the script later.
XandWacky It's just that it seems unlikely that they would bring the voice actor in for new lines this close to release. We'll see
One small detail I really like is how on the map there are undiscovered tiles with little scribbles of trees almost like legends have been told of a forest far off. I love that.
The main menu - all of the nostalgia from every late 90's early 2000's strategy game at once! LOVE IT!
Slow down the hype train.
MasterGhostf *Cccccchhhhhooooooooooo Cccccchhhhhooooooooooo*
chugga chugga chugga chugga
I cant wait for this to come out, the housing instead of happiness sound way better!
Infinity8Crafter I literally went in and asked for that. So happy that they added it
No more rebels, unless there is some kinda of homeless penalty.
But... there is still happiness. It's just not global.
So.... what do you think of Amenities?
Makes conquest easier.
Holy shit, is that Sean Bean voice acting?
Nope, Martin Septim.
Woffenhorst I didn't vote for him.
Nah dawg, that's just Neddard.
Does he die in this one too? If not, it's probably crap...
I started watching you with your Babylon Civ 5 game six years ago. It feels good to a watch Civ VI Quill game.
this video got me into civ back in 2016, the goat
agreed that Sean Bean was a great choice but no one will ever beat Nimoy in CIV IV!!!
Beep Beep Beep Beep
imagine wayne june..
: D
I bet he demanded double fees for that Sputnik line lol
Wayne June is the best reader of H. P. Lovecraft's stories I've ever found. He's got a fabulous voice.
So it is Sean Bean?? :D
I think the graphics look nice. Civ 5 looked bland, and a mess late game imo. I'm prob in the minority though haha
No I agree, Civ 5 also hasn't aged the best lets be real
i'd take the UI graphics all day over 6 though
It looks AWESOME. Civ V, with its pastel, often muddy colors and textures, was actually a diversion from the series, as far as aesthetics go. Civ was never meant to be a ultra-realistic grim-dark game, so it's nice to see something that looks like a real Civ game again.
Graphics are of minimal importance with a game of this type anyway.
OrbiTiZZeD yeah, i'm surprised at the difference between civ 6 UI and civ 5, civ 6 UI seems a few years behind...hopefully that will change by the release date
For what exatly? Civ 4 budget version in worse?
+Ae Norist Dude, fuck off.
Hiya folks quil18 up there. Welcome to 3 weeks of ancient canadian torture known as I can play it but you can't. He's going to make you watch.
Oh boy this needs to have a Game of Thrones mod. I can't wait when Lord Eddard Stark (Sean Bean) will guide me through the Stark faction campaign :D
Comments full of people hating graphics because of not being photo realistic, never change youtube never change. Even reddit got over the graphics
Plenty of legitimate comments - Such as gross oversaturation compared to Civ IV.
I personally like the new graphics
Whatever makes you feel better about your baby tears
I just dont like the leader models
John Paton They're almost entirely the same as 4 and 5 though?
Trajan is the 2nd of the Five Good Emperor and somehow quil's comment on optimus prime makes me go wtf...
and people who have such skulls so thick that they are probably immune to bullets ranting about stylized graphics...
Trajan is a typeface.
Immune to bullets...
as in "some people are too stubborn to accept/appreciate different things" I personally like the graphics after watching it and going back to Civ 5 to compare.
You can't expect ordinary folks with jobs that don't require teaching or researching history, or ancient Roman history to be precise, to know anything about Trajan. Or to know that prime is not the same as princeps and that the word prince succeeded the word princeps and that has nothing to do with optimus prime. Ah but in a way it does of course because both mean "first" in some way. The point is, though, one can't reasonably expect a younger utuber kid to have to know any of this. Especially one who plays very time-consuming games.
Josef Macichek I would spend a few minutes to look at the wiki of civ leaders I don't know to get some basic knowledge tbh
I have not been subscribed to the channel for a long time... but when I saw Civ6 was coming out, this was the first place I looked. Pretty sure I'm back for now.
bring the W key back Quill for prez!
what does the W key?
it cycles through units that haven't yet received orders
Justin Giglio ah! nice - good to know next time i play Civ 5. Thanks.
Civ 6 AND bf1 are released the same day......what a year to be alive
That's weird that the baths replace the aqueducts, since Romans invented the latter and it's probably their single greatest engineering achievement, allowing a huge city like Rome to flourish (and ironically allowing baths to exist as well.) I guess you could reason the baths serve both functions as a single district.
Thank You for publishing the episodes in bulk. When a new game comes out it is aggravating to try to find somebody who isn't releasing videos one at a time. That has lead me to watch some lower quality content producers, and find some new good ones. Hopefully others will be searching for good civ 6 content once they finish their regular channels and discover our community.
Starting to warm up a bit to the graphics. I always did like the painterly look, just like the Wonder announcements in Civ V. Helps that they toned down the hues from the preview pics.
All I can think of is the Sean Bean cameo in Family Guy as an ancestral statue where he asks "Have you killed the others?" and Peter says "I shant" and Bean says "You must". Sean Bean wants you to win via conquest, clearly
14:00 Of course it makes sense, Quill, there's marshmallows all over the place. Why do you think it's called a marsh in the first place?
I thought no one was going to notice that marshmallow resource. That resource made my day, he said at 12 a.m. EDIT: It's sugar, now I'm sad. Would have loved that marshmallow resource.
very excited for civ6. unstacked cities was the first thing i thought would be cool as heck after playing civ5 for the first time and i love what i've seen of it so far. the art style is also excellent, it's clean and looks nice and will absolutely look better in 6 years than civ 5 looks today.
It will suck if the narrator dies mid game every time :/
Hurray! The hype is high, the let's play is awesome and I love that you keep with tradition and start with Rome! Rome was the first Let's play I watched from you on Civ V so the nostalgia is sweet :D Looking forward seeing what happens next!
Spoiler Alert:
Ghandi launching nukes in 3 turns.
Cycle through units is one of the most important feature for games that are taking so much time to fully explore.
Toronto... in 3700BC. Make sense, especially when it was founded 1793.
It's almost as if this game isn't historically accurate at all!
otocan :P
Yeah, it'd be more lore friendly and dynamic if city-states were founded later into the game
Papi John Or progressively as time goes on. Personally, I usually don't like the mechanic. But on bigger maps its less annoying. On smaller maps, sometime their placement can be a real pain.
I get the "All roads lead to Rome" reference. History for the win
The inland continent separation is interesting, however it will be even more appropriate, if the border will be bond to a river/mountain chain, much as possible. Just like it is in the real world.
Omg yes! That it´s not the case bothers me soo much!
Screw waiting for Christmas, I'm getting this on the 21st
Excellent xD
Same, I got it a couple days ago :D
So the Toronto city state confirms Canada is not in the game. FeelsBadMan
What a travesty, Everybody knows that Canada is the greatest Civilization of all time.
At least according to Kilian.
Masashiro Knight of Cookieland Yes and we know that he's never wrong.
Well not entirely, in Civ V Stockholm was a city-state, but w/ DLC Sweden became a Civ
Aoderic Obviously. Except that Steven from Some Place is way better than him, dude.
I've never played a Civ game before but I think this will be my first
4 is such a great game, it's simply amazing. I replayed it couple months ago, couldn't get enough :)
& Civ 6 is the best of 4, Beyond Earth, & BNW :-).
Sean Bean's voice gave me goosbumps :O
I haven't had my heart rate literally increase more from any video than this one. I got way too hyped way too quickly.
Swamps are teeming with both flora and fauna, so them being high on food content makes sense.
Tbh I won't be suprised if you would get +1 science from them later in the game because the amount of medicines and research from wetlands is amazing.
Rice is like the best fuel for human kind in development and it grows in swamp-like places so it makes a lot of sense...
Calvin Blanes
If you mean whole grain brown rice, rather than the hyper-processed white rice, yes.
Rice is actually THE most labor intensive food crop for all human kind. It's not even relatively easy to grow with modern machinery today, as opposed to just about any other kind of crop. A rice based diet significantly held back most populations who relied upon it from advancing due to just how many people in the given population were required to grow the food supply. From a historical standpoint on human development, rice is a very bad card to have drawn. Lentils, peas, legumes, and most any other kinds of wild grass varieties of grains were far more profitable per human worker as far as food rendered to the society.
I love the new fog of war representation with the hand drawn map style for things hidden by FOW
I sure hope there's an option to increase font size.
I love whenever Quill is excited for a he lets out an insane blitz of new vids.
Ok, so when I was watching the devs playing Civ 6, I thought they are playing on small maps. You are playing on a standard map, and yet it feels so small. Another civ is 8 tiles from you, a city state is also 8 tiles from you, this just feels like people won't be able to settle four of five cities so quickly without fighting for a space to breath. I am hyped, but based on this video there is one more thing that bugs me. Hopefully they changed the aggro of higher difficulties, because Civ 6 now seems to be more like one city challenge :/
Well, you can always put it to the next map size up and keep the same number of civs/states so you have more room. Granted, this might mean that the largest map size is still smaller than you would expect, but you should still be able to tailor a game to your liking in the full release.
Afaik, the maps should be bigger than in Civ V, but that might have been a horrible lie :P
I have been looking and I think it might have been when I was present at a con this year talking to someone on the dev team. But I heard there was a conscious decision by developers to have civs and city states be slightly closer than you were in Civ V. But if you watch the Yogscast video with this same build they have a ton more room than quill does. So some of it is just chance.
And yet considering the Wonder and District restrictions I think a one city challenge would be nigh impossible... or at least very frustrating...
You could try cramming a lot of civs on a smaller map, and then enable the One City Challenge.
You have one city, but none of the other players will be able to have a lot of cities either, giving you more equal chances. The enemies could still attack and conquer other cities to expand, but you might also be able to liberate those later, to take away their advantage.
I agree with you that with these limitations (Wonder/District), it's a tough challenge.
But you can make it easier by 'limiting' your opponents as well (put a lot of them on a small map, giving them all 1-2 cities each).
Enjoy Civ 6! :)
The change for marshes is pretty crazy. I like it, there's all sorts of food crops that can be grown in standing water depending on what kind of overall climate you've got, and the quality of the water. It was always weird to me that they were so useless.
Huh? The wait/skip unit key was and always is [SPACE]
Wait and Skip turn is two very different things.Wait is "I don't want to move just yet this turn" while Skip is " I don't want to move this turn" Wait has always (Civ I+II+III+IV+V) been W, and I will surely miss it if they do not put it in the game.
Wouldn't it just be the "next action" key i saw in the menu?
something that changes a lot now is that mountain used to be an useless tile (perhaps only useful for defense), but now you actually want to be next to mountains.
In Civ 5 you needed them to build Observatories and Machu Picchu
Never played Civilization. Is Civ 5 a good place to start?
Hey there! I have around 130 games on Steam and my best game out of all of them is Civilization V.
Currently Civilization V is the best Civilization game. But make sure you have the DLC as well, such as "Gods and Kings" etc.. as these add more gameplay options and makes the game even better! The graphics are brilliant, the music is fantastic and the strategy is deep! There is something to be said about the feeling of leading your country against the rest of the world. You really get the sense of patriotism as you research unique technologies that only your country invented, as you explore the rest of the world and as you nuke your enemies! lol!
You can get the game for around £5 - £15 (it's £5 without the DLC on Steam at the moment due to the special offer, so get it while it's cheap!). Which makes this a bargain! You won't be disappointed!
RuddsReels Thanks man. I'll definitely try it out when I get enough time. I just hope it doesn't take over my life lol
It WILL! You will be saying, just one more turn, well into the early hours!
Cant_Hit_This7 It is absolutely ! Or you can do like me and buy Civ 2 on a CD and install on Windows 10 (it works pretty well)
Bro, I have logged more than 800 hours on Steam on Civ 5. Get the game, with all the DLCs, and prepare to lose at least a few hundred hours of your life to come :D
This is the absolute first time I watch anything to do woth Civilisation, looks cool!
Firaxis couldn't have chosen a better actor to replace Leonard Nimoy (may he rest in peace).
Is it me or it looks like CIV 4 or even 3
Return to the classics maybe ?
Civ 4, definitely. Has the same cartoony, colourful graphics... Civ 3 was less cartoony, just simply low fidelity.
Lots of IV elements in the UI, good decision IMO, IV was and is a nice looking game
just you
Game looks like it's made in Unity.
What does a game look like it's made in Unity? Or you talking out of your ass?
Not really sure how he could tell. All i know is that 7 days to die and Rust share the same sluggish performance, Both being made in unity.
That's an outrage! How dare they!? A game STILL in DEVELOPEMENT having a sluggish performance!? That's JUST unacceptable!
Both games have been in development for who knows how long, Same old cliche early access shit.
I think Alpha Centauri had the best quotes of all the Civ type games. Not sure who the cast was, since there were a lot, but it gave the faction leaders so much personality.
Why have they chosen a more cartoony look ?
MusiCover it's the style they prefer. Also stylized graphics hold up to the test of time way better than realistic ones. Just compare TF2 to any "realistic" game in 2007.
Nathaniel White the strong point of TF2 the game concept itself rather than the graphics :) Look at how Overwatch blew up in an instant, even though it has a lot of problems.
Is Civ 6 more comedy oriented ? Because if yes, and taking the graphics in consideration, I can totally understand why they took that route :)
MusiCover yes but that's not my point. My point is stylized graphics hold up way better, and age better, than realistic ones (Dishonored, borderlands, ect. all look better later on because of the stylized graphics). It's also just more interesting in my opinion than realistic ones.
Because it's less demanding (costly) to produce.
i thought Theodore Roosevelt is Colonel Sanders
I really like how it blends the game board look with the old world map. And TR is my favorite American President. I haven't bought a new computer for 7 years and I think I'm going to do it so I can play this game.
What's this? A map I want to look at and explore? Is this real life?
XandWacky or is this just fantasy
Kiko Tanto Caught in a landslide!
No escape from reality
Sander :3 Open your eyes....
Look up to the skies and see
Oh man, I almost cried when I saw that awesome spot beside the mountains, and then Spain and Toronto block it orz
Trajan? It should have been Marcus Aurelius.
Marcus Aurelius? It should have been Hadrian. To be honest, you could just go on and list your favourite emperors, but in the end it's kind of an arbitrary thing that doesn't matter beyond flavouring.
Trajan and Hadrian were arguably the two best emperors that Rome ever had. Both rulers from Hispania.
PIJUS MAGNIFICUS Yeah but Marcus Aurelius is a league above that, he is arguably one of the best leader the entire world has ever seen.
*Scipio Africanus
I had a Roman history class in college, and my professor said if he had a choice of any time to live in the Roman Empire or Republic, he would choose the reign of Trajan. He was the second in the period known as the "Five Good Emperors", and focused on both expansion and building up of public works.
Is that Sean Bean as narrator??
yep :)
I just found you by looking for Civ gameplay and I already love your content. Keep it up man. 💯
Does Sean Bean die at the end? ;)
Its happening, ITS HAPPENING! I have been waiting for this for so long.
Only 20 civs?
Civ 5 had 43!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We, or I at least, want variety!
civ 5 has 43 after several expansions. the vanilla game does not have that many.
Civ V started with 18, if I'm remembering. We'll get there.
That was after expansions and dlc, 18 on launch
This was my first ever quill video. I am now hyper addicted to his videos :D
Why does civ 5 have more visual detail than this?
More realistic art style doesn't mean that graphics is better or more detailed. If you look closely you will see that Civ6 has better graphics than 5. It's more details, the models have more polygons, the animations are better and so on and so forth. People often confuse realistic as something superior to cartoonish graphics. I love Civ6 look, it resembles Civ4, which is the greatest in the series. I hope Civ6 will do better :)
What I really loved about civ 5 was that it looked really nice, and did not have much gpu strain. For this game, I don't really like cartoony graphics. Personal preference I guess.
marshland had all sorts of waterfowls and eels and stuff, very rich in wildlife in general. So it makes sense it gives more food than normal grassland. Not stricly a farmland as such, but more versatile.
How is it that, in 2016, the fonts are STILL super small despite all of the feedback they got from previous games having the same problem. Seriously - this is not usable. People need to squint to read this stuff. Such wasted screen real-estate... they got these massive backgrounds with so much padding and then they have these tiny fonts. How this got past design and testing stages for decades, I'll never know.
Sometimes I feel like game developer teams could benefit from a web UX designer
I think you'll find that people with different resolutions view this problem well... differently.
Worth remembering that Quill as most other youtubers has a pretty sizeable screen to work with which inevitably ends up influencing resolution and thus font sizes. There's also preference. And its common knowledge that many people just **HATE** clutter on their screens.
But I can guarantee you that on larger screens due to the way sizes change the fonts aren't as much of an issue as on smaller screens.
The fonts may as well be pixel art - they are beyond tiny. I just don't like how I have to copy and replace font xml files to get a reasonable font sizes (that don't look great, but are at least reasonable) or edit xml files for what should have been menus in-game.
I'm a 24" monitor - not exactly small - and it's still terrible.
Katie Egervari
I'm on a 22 inch monitor at 1680x1050 resolution and I'm having no such problems. It is perfectly legible.
Not everyone has perfect vision. I don't. I have to squint like crazy to read this. But there's no excuse for it - there's all kinds of extra space they could have used. The game would look great if the font were 20 point still.
Katie Egervari
Which is why games such as these tend to have options for that - options that Quill decided not to use because its legible for him.
Nice! UI/graphics look slick. Can't wait for this!
Sean Bean is great. However, all I'll think of when I hear each quote is this (as an example):
"At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst.
Winter is coming."
You know who'd kill the voice acting? Patrick Stewart.
I,,, dont like civ 6 form what ive seen so far.. its ugly in my opion. Just compare the main screen from civ V en Vi for example, and also everything else, not chosen well in my opinion,,,, im sad.
Seems like Civ VI is closer to community balance civ5 mod than ever! They really took inspiration in such a great mod, that is really good!
this dude makes me so sleepy with all this talking.
this was my first quill video and i am all about this canadian treasure
I found that the 5 was better.
Very simple, fun, more lively and more interactive scenarios.
The 5 gave more desire to play.
The 6 lost that seasoning. He is appellative.
Nah. This game is far superior to Civ 5 in every way. Including BNW
It is my opinion. For me, the previous game is much better. It depends on the taste of each.
your opinion is wrong. 5 is awful. nothing to do between turn 1000 bc and 2050AD
4 is good. hoping 6 catches up
ipreferns Your opinion is wrong. For me, the previous game is good, you have nothing to try to discuss.
For me, the predecessor is better. Do not like? It's your problem! . It is my opinion ... my!
Todo vídeo que você assistir eu estarei lá! But if it's wrong please, do not clog up the internet with it.
A marshland would provide frogs, small birds, and small fish that you could eat. Not a lot of herbs grow in marshes, so I think it's referring to the various meat you can get out of it
I'm sorry, but that browser game is hideous.
I wonder why we haven't ever seen a main Civ game where we can choose a Civ, and get their bonuses, and then choose a Leader for that Civ, and get specific bonuses for that.
So like, Rome might have Legionnaires, Roads and Aqueducts, and you might have several leaders. An obvious one would be Caesar, and you might have something like a bonus to conquering cities, and others that boost building, or managing larger empires etc etc.
So like Civ 4:
Each nation had unique buildings/units/starting techs
But each leader had various traits which gave bonuses (and most nations had more than one leader)
Thomas Simkins I suppose its worth mentioning I haven't played any Civ predating Civ 5.
Well, Ive played Civ 5, Rev and Beyond Earth.
Then your just ignorant making statements like "haven't seen a main civ game". You have played literally 3 out of a series that has had 6-7 main games and a slew of expansions, and standalones.
Soooo civ 5 but a lot uglier.
uglier ? why ?
I like the graphics but Idk about that UI... Something about it throws me off a bit.
what makes you say it's just like civ v? i noticed a lot of gameplay changes between the games in just this half hour video. I'm guessing you just don't know how to look past what is immediately in front of you. you see a 4X with a hex grid and think it's just a Civ V clone.
It is a early version. The final product may be a whole lot different.
It's releasing in less than a month. Except for some balance tweaks I'm not expecting it to be that different. Which I don't mind, since the game looks bloody awesome.
I think the movement is a Civ 3 throwback. In Civ 2, whether or not you could enter a tile with less than your full movement was random - moving into a 2-move forest with your last movement point would happen 50% of the time (ending your turn whether you succeeded or failed), and moving into a 3-move mountain would happen 33% of the time.
i just dont like the graphics
yea it looks alot like civ4, gone backwards in graphics to civ5. atleats it doesn't look like that crappy space one....
tyler kane i like these better than civ 5. but the ui fucking sucks on this one
I love the way the new map looks.
Lots of great info, Quill. I appreciate your taking the time to go through features. These games have such a large learning curve coming into them cold - I find your efforts here very helpful. I've been playing Civ since the game had no numbers, and also played the heretical 'Call To Power' series.
I'm hoping some day Firaxis will be able to incorporate an EFFECTIVE version of C2P II's army building feature.
I seriously like how this channel plays games; depicting and slowly; almost like a documentary. Really helps playing !
(Thought it would be funny as the nose of cleopatra to see this channel plays The New Doom game :D)
dude you do an awesome job narrating the game and explaining it
I am so glad that Emperor Trajan of the Romans (who is often overlooked) is properly represented as the greatest Roman of them all, at least in one game. Because he truly was the greatest Roman emperor to have ever lived: the Alexander the great of the Roman world, and it's a shame that most people only know of Caesar and not Marcus Ulpius Traianus.
I must say that it looks like they've actually made some changes. Some games' sequels can be described as mere paint jobs over existing mechanics but this looks like it contains substantial change.
Can't wait for this to be released!
You were thinking of "5 Good Emperors" which is reference to the golden age that lasted from Nerva to Marcus Aurelius.
i hope they keep this style of the "Fog of war" i love civ games but have always found the fog makes it hard to focus on screen at least during early game and this parchment style looks great, could use work but i hope they dont scrap the idea
The new fog of war looks freakin amazing! I love it! I like the feel of more cartoonish? look of the game.
I absolutely adore the Civilization games.
My graphics card is below the minimum requirement to play Civ 6. Oh well. I guess I'll just have to enjoy the game by watching awesome gameplay videos like this one!
I am still loving the look of civ6, bring on the hype TRAIN! xD
The extreme boosts from early discoveries and being first to things seems like it is going to make playing in deity several times more of an accomplishment than civ 5
After watching this I actually really like the artistic style.
omg it looks amazing! Thank you quill18 for awesome Civilization VI videos :)
You just earned yourself another subscriber lol. Love the content keep it up bro.
Love how the map unveils
Didn't know about the W key but in Civ5 I use the < and > to cycle through units.
Always love watching Quill and I'm excited to get back into watching grand strategy games :D
Heh, I never knew about using the W key to cycle through units without using them. Never needed it, but it does sounds handy!