Ferocious Dog - Hell hounds (Official Music Video)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @suzieq2535
    @suzieq2535 Рік тому +1

    Such a beautiful man, and band!!

  • @le54ant
    @le54ant 12 років тому +3

    Excellent. We watch their live gigs and know these guys personally, they are amazing. Well done guys, we will have the whole of the UK dogging before long :-)

  • @Bluebell6844
    @Bluebell6844 12 років тому

    Sitting in Motel in New South Wales, already missing friends. Just caught up with one of my old colleagues who's son is the guitarist in a band called 'Tin Can Radio' watched their video, thought I would then look up Kenny and his mates to see what's happening with Ferocious Dog and Wow!!!!!!!!!!!! Hell Hounds, fantastic, bought a smile to my face, cheers Kenny (and the lads).

  • @LovesBugs
    @LovesBugs 7 років тому +10

    I'm 14 and I'm 5'3 and I was in a mosh pit when they where playing at farmer Phil's music festival I got a black eye 😂 it was amazing

    • @LovesBugs
      @LovesBugs 3 роки тому

      I'm 19 now and 5'9... Still listening to this awesome song and will continue to mosh when it's playing and to any other awesome song and bands 😎... Thanks for making my childhood memories amazing!

  • @thepurpleprincess75
    @thepurpleprincess75 11 років тому +1

    Recently been educated to this band and the more I hear the more I like!

  • @deanjmitchell5431
    @deanjmitchell5431 10 років тому +3

    Beautiful days for me, they were brilliant one of the 5 best bands i have seen in 2014

    @KENBONSALL 12 років тому +1

    Ayup Billy,you spreading the word for Ferocious Dog down under...cheers mate and take care.

  • @limasierratwoseven
    @limasierratwoseven 10 років тому +1

    Discovered these chaps at Bearded Theory, fucking wonderful!

  • @brimbo100
    @brimbo100 8 років тому

    Coming to the Tivoli in my town of Buckley on April 1st, 5 minute walk from my house !!

  • @bettinathorpe2155
    @bettinathorpe2155 12 років тому

    Outstanding as always think this is brilliant on here wait till you see it live

  • @karienverhagen6989
    @karienverhagen6989 4 роки тому

    Loved meeting you lot in lovely Leeuwarden. Loved the texts, loved the performance and a special word of thnx and admiration for the fiddle !!!
    Karien Verhagen

  • @GJAOfficial
    @GJAOfficial 12 років тому +1


  • @berrysofx7853
    @berrysofx7853 5 років тому +1

    Super!!🤘🤘🤘🤘lets rock

  • @jordanhallamm
    @jordanhallamm 12 років тому

    Mint! Can't wait for The Maze gig!

  • @opiegriffin5339
    @opiegriffin5339 11 років тому

    saw them in leiscter great guys great music best underground punk bands i have seen in a long time

  • @helhound23
    @helhound23 3 роки тому

    Hel yeah rockin

  • @Nightdragon951
    @Nightdragon951 11 років тому

    Will be seeing these again tonight! :-D

  • @kingsder2
    @kingsder2 12 років тому


  • @pollyx7540
    @pollyx7540 9 років тому

    This is one of my fave songs by this band!!! Best band ever!!!

    • @pollyx7540
      @pollyx7540 9 років тому

      And does anyone know were the next concert is?

    • @riordan9102
      @riordan9102 8 років тому

      Polly x theres 3 dates for april 17 at the engine rooms in nottingham

    @KENBONSALL 12 років тому

    Now then,Cork...what a beautiful city,I've been a few times and would love to come and bring the Band over there Rebecca...nice one! x

  • @philclark6017
    @philclark6017 8 років тому +1

    awesome song,can't wait see ya at levellers in Manchester, November 👍

    • @louisharling5452
      @louisharling5452 8 років тому +1

      +Phil Clark See you there dude!

    • @YourLocalGreebo
      @YourLocalGreebo 8 років тому

      I just saw them in Birmingham covering the levelers

  • @nicolleyeomans4698
    @nicolleyeomans4698 6 років тому

    Always amazing, whether live or through speakers ✌️☠️✌️☠️

  • @benjy1649
    @benjy1649 10 років тому

    awesome set at beautiful days, next year main stage please.

  • @jimdajamma
    @jimdajamma 11 років тому

    thank u for that great music.saw u in germany last week!really great.your album is running all day!hope u will play here in germany again!

  • @normapage9146
    @normapage9146 12 років тому

    fantastic,cant wait for bluebell in Alfreton

  • @RapaljeZomerfolkFestival
    @RapaljeZomerfolkFestival 7 років тому +2

    See you soon in the Netherlands!

  • @lukasdatree
    @lukasdatree 12 років тому

    Wicked video, and tune. Nice work chaps.

  • @mickstewart579
    @mickstewart579 9 років тому

    Amazing song well done guys

  • @philclark6017
    @philclark6017 8 років тому

    Oh aye Louis,rock n roll brother

    @KENBONSALL 12 років тому

    Ayup Bet,nice one...see you in the mosh...x

  • @23bexxx
    @23bexxx 12 років тому

    great band... come play in Cork.. Please??? xx

  • @DavidWilliams-jk2nc
    @DavidWilliams-jk2nc 8 років тому

    My favourite band :)

  • @riordan9102
    @riordan9102 8 років тому

    just got my ticket to see them in Notts in april cant wait!!!!

  • @alexdelarge1822
    @alexdelarge1822 7 років тому

    See you in Ostrava!

  • @maxfohlisch8566
    @maxfohlisch8566 10 років тому

    saw them in germany at a little town fest (heiligenhaus) and love them

  • @paulcave2
    @paulcave2 12 років тому

    the hounds of hell well and truly released !!!!!

  • @johnnyp6533
    @johnnyp6533 11 років тому

    Ken, love this track mate, all the best to you and the boys

  • @barrettuchiha3249
    @barrettuchiha3249 4 роки тому

    I’m in high school and I turn this music on in class and I liked it cool music

  • @muddydfws
    @muddydfws 12 років тому

    Nice one, dawgs. LOVE it!! x

  • @nottsjed1
    @nottsjed1 12 років тому

    Good luck tonight fellas looking forward to putting you boys on at deerstock.co.uk Saturday night !

    @KENBONSALL 12 років тому

    Thank you Lukas,..

  • @thetruebrit85
    @thetruebrit85 11 років тому

    Thank you your music is top class love this track keep up the excellent work...Any chance of a t/shirt XXL please..It would be much coveted & worn with much pride....;-)))

  • @celticwarrior777
    @celticwarrior777 11 років тому

    love it wanted to jump up on my pc seat and do a jig lol madde me laugh love the sound very irish. Shared to music blog and added to band list
    BMB buchanan music blogger facebook and twitter

  • @WeirdSounds
    @WeirdSounds 11 років тому

    20.12.2013 Weird Sounds Fest in Oberhausen!

  • @wintinliz
    @wintinliz 4 роки тому +1

    F U CK amazing..these guys and their friends brought me back to who I am and why :-D Am getting close to 66..clickety click but feel as young as a newborn butterfly...Muchos besos a todos xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • @floriangaboret718
    @floriangaboret718 4 роки тому

    J ai découvert ce groupe par dr peacock trop cool punk is not dead

  • @Joeink100
    @Joeink100 10 років тому

    i have seen them at deerstock then bearded theory and now deerstock again

  • @Joeink100
    @Joeink100 10 років тому

    i cant see them at rescue rooms as i am on holiday :(

  • @aaroncarson1770
    @aaroncarson1770 8 років тому +3

    I usually listen to girly music, but I love this!

    @KENBONSALL 12 років тому

    Ayup Lesley,nice one...stay sober next time though...x

  • @G1ue5tick
    @G1ue5tick 11 років тому +1

    Sounds like the Levellers...

  • @skyricmicha1129
    @skyricmicha1129 9 років тому

    Where i can find the lyrics???

  • @bilbobaggins2643
    @bilbobaggins2643 9 років тому

    nice rickenbacker

  • @christianalaynton-bennett8234

    Used to love this, don't buy into being a Hellhound, they'll screw you over 🙄

  • @Spoonbill_88
    @Spoonbill_88 7 років тому

    This mob are playing in my hometown tonight. Thought I'd cheek em out. Like a cross between the clash and the pogues. Two bands I can't stomach. I prefer good proddy music. No surrender!

  • @indalcecio
    @indalcecio 9 років тому +1

    I mean, all well and good if you're into ska/punk, but THIS is being touted as the next huge "festival headlining" band? I don't think that's....uh....quite right.

    • @MakeYourOwnMotorhome
      @MakeYourOwnMotorhome 9 років тому +1

      +Peter R Don't speak too soon.They just sold out Rock City - 2000 capacity venue - first independent band ever to do so.
      Plus they play more than ska/punk; they can play any style, folk, rock, even classical.

    • @niamh18glaze
      @niamh18glaze 6 років тому

      Peter R it really is tho