[New] Mozzy Type Beat "Risk It All" | 2019 West Coast Rap Instrumental

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @cherolapeach
    @cherolapeach Рік тому +1


  • @uknkwn
    @uknkwn 5 років тому +22

    My boy just passed and he made a song to this beat 🙏

    • @BeneficialProductions
      @BeneficialProductions  5 років тому +6

      🙏🏽 R.I.P To The Young King 🙇🏽‍♂️

    • @payuhcee3242
      @payuhcee3242 4 роки тому +1

      Who Made A Song To This Beat I Needa Hear It 💯💯

    • @josueissac1374
      @josueissac1374 3 роки тому

      you prolly dont give a shit but does anyone know a way to get back into an instagram account?
      I stupidly forgot the account password. I would love any tips you can give me.

    • @marlonadam2150
      @marlonadam2150 3 роки тому

      @Josue Issac instablaster :)

    • @calebsuterone.teotheevilon2092
      @calebsuterone.teotheevilon2092 2 роки тому

      @@payuhcee3242 this is one of messy beats off the album he did with mozzy called all I know

  • @dosesofserenity
    @dosesofserenity 5 років тому +21

    My homie just died idk why this beat just made it sink in... im cryinnnggggg 😢😢😢 r.i.p sammaa

    • @itzbenji4468
      @itzbenji4468 5 років тому +2

      rip jayo sama
      florida shit

    • @rckndisbitxh174
      @rckndisbitxh174 5 років тому

      😟I just found out my nigga died RIP Mel From N.O

    • @emgzayaa
      @emgzayaa 5 років тому +1

      rap_diary_ I feel you. My nigga died 2 days ago and me n my homie tryna cook sum up for him👼🏼 he loved to make music and I’m tryna find a perfect beat for my nigga. He loves the mozzy beats so I’m checking em out. Sorry for your loss, but same w ma nigga. Fly High my Boi Tc Mig$ aka pac👼🏼💔

    • @emgzayaa
      @emgzayaa 5 років тому

      Check My boi out who died😭 his UA-cam is TC Mig$ best in my city🙏🏼 RIP my migga😭👼🏼

    • @MonarchMamita
      @MonarchMamita 5 років тому +1

      dam lost my brother and cousin this year i feel you

  • @RealKingTarik
    @RealKingTarik 4 роки тому

    Mess got two of them thangs 🔥🔥💪🏾

  • @lofimusicbygrizzlybeatz
    @lofimusicbygrizzlybeatz 5 років тому +1

    This bangs

  • @BeenTrashawn
    @BeenTrashawn 6 років тому +8

    You never disappoint 🏹

  • @zazazilla6658
    @zazazilla6658 5 років тому +15

    Dont even try to act
    Like you know my pain..
    Certain things aint meant to last
    Or even stay the same ..

  • @tinycxo
    @tinycxo 5 років тому +1


  • @ashsjodin3487
    @ashsjodin3487 5 років тому +3

    ...this beat speaks to me...its like translating an unheard language in to a hitter...in the realm where we meet, the lyricist and the beat...

    • @cherolapeach
      @cherolapeach Рік тому


  • @bigchurch6593
    @bigchurch6593 6 років тому +1

    This shit brought tears to my eyes real shit just thinking about how everybody did a nigga wrong this year

  • @goodtimes2603
    @goodtimes2603 3 роки тому

    This popped and I'm vibin to this like yheeeeeee 🍇🔥🌴!!

  • @hwh2012
    @hwh2012 4 роки тому

    Got me moving my head bro 👀🔥🔉🌴🌊 🎹

  • @kvngbeto
    @kvngbeto 5 років тому +1

    This shit bangs 💰💯

  • @florenciamodesto-lz1pj
    @florenciamodesto-lz1pj 8 місяців тому

    Missing you like crazy ❤

  • @lofimusicbygrizzlybeatz
    @lofimusicbygrizzlybeatz 4 роки тому

    Dope ass beat

  • @josebandz454
    @josebandz454 5 років тому +7

    before i die i hope my mama nos i did what i could im not Confusing I’m just misunderstood 8th grade i was stuck on that wood i seen my nigga in the casket it aint make me feel good make it back to the hood hear the devil in my ear says he want the old me back i told him go kick ricks cause i aint going back ima risk it all before all my soldiers fall i told my nigga mann u better make it out that hall and i was going throught sum thangs and no niggas ever came i was thugin in the rain wit my thang u would never understand my pain gets worst cause i go through it everyday

  • @lofimusicbygrizzlybeatz
    @lofimusicbygrizzlybeatz 4 роки тому

    Dope beat

  • @tremainerosd2417
    @tremainerosd2417 5 років тому +2

    all we had each other like sisters and brothers we struggle and nobody care so we care for ourselves ain't nobody gonna take us to heaven away from this hell that we living so we hustle packs move up out the ghetto the problem is we ain't coming back/ leaving the trap to swallow our future and those that can't leave and can't breathe.

  • @Ty-yy8cg
    @Ty-yy8cg 5 років тому +3

    Ayyyyyyy great beat I was wondering can I use this to express
    Imma self taught artist looking for a shot
    I aint got no plan but to carry on wit something I'm good at
    I'll give u credit
    and the mula if I ever become famous
    Keep that shit goin 4r

  • @lionlight777
    @lionlight777 5 років тому

    With the power of the Almighty bless you forever.

  • @d.g.1986
    @d.g.1986 3 роки тому

    Broooo this beat goes....! Can I lease for a mix tape?

  • @stains9678
    @stains9678 11 місяців тому +1

    6months ?

  • @smilinbeats
    @smilinbeats 6 років тому +3

    Nice one 👊👊

  • @jojopoeticstyle1224
    @jojopoeticstyle1224 5 років тому +18

    The government wondering why we care
    Why we gotta struggle for our welfare
    We’ve never hade a fair share
    It’s hard living in the USA when it’s not united
    We are all divided
    Hating just to love again
    We living to hate love again
    We fail to realize we’re great
    Cause we don’t know our own fate
    So much hate
    we can’t recognize the potential that’s at stake
    But if u hade to risk it all would you sell your soul for the cost ?
    Would you pray to god for it all ?
    Would u even think about your life after you’ve risked it all ?
    Could it all be an opposition ?
    Let me know what’s your opinion...
    Or do u consider it an opportunity?
    For your missed childhood living
    I thank god for the life I’ve been given
    Joeyydapoet (freestyle)

    • @mblow87
      @mblow87 5 років тому +2

      Real rap 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

    • @jojopoeticstyle1224
      @jojopoeticstyle1224 5 років тому

      mike blow 🙏🏾✍🏾

    • @JhayBeFreestylin
      @JhayBeFreestylin 5 років тому +1

      Ain't Gone Lie I'm feelin Yuh Lyrics 💯 ima show this to The Homie WHATS DA DEAL in Long Beach Have a Gud New Years Much Piru Luvv and Success to you for da year 2020 I'm Out💯✌

    • @Ty-yy8cg
      @Ty-yy8cg 4 роки тому +1

      Ayy im trynna be just as good but that u should be everywhere by now keep that shit going

  • @Dean_mc_g
    @Dean_mc_g 2 роки тому

    Can I use this beat for a song that’s gonna do serious number

  • @keezydamacsomg3750
    @keezydamacsomg3750 6 років тому +1


    • @BeneficialProductions
      @BeneficialProductions  6 років тому

      Much Appreciated 💪🏽

    • @keezydamacsomg3750
      @keezydamacsomg3750 6 років тому

      Beneficial Productions 💯

    • @jamesjones7663
      @jamesjones7663 5 років тому

      Sometimes in the gudda u see shit that you don't wanna see sometimes in the gudda you be in places you don't wanna be sometimes in the gudda you got to act a lil thuggish sometimes in the gudda you got to no somebody Love's you

  • @jaycole5959
    @jaycole5959 5 років тому +1

    YES ZIR!!! 🔥 🔥🔥🔥

  • @wetravel310
    @wetravel310 5 років тому

    This shit smash. It's comming!&

  • @cynic7004
    @cynic7004 4 роки тому

    Which one do I buy for no tags.

  • @mikejgotcash
    @mikejgotcash 6 років тому

    I'm buy-in dis tomorrow

  • @angelawoods1087
    @angelawoods1087 5 років тому +1

    Let me know where i can buy this beat!! I got a new song coming out and I really need it Hmu💯💯💯

  • @dirtyswagg97
    @dirtyswagg97 6 років тому +1

    Nice 🤟🏻

  • @blufacetrades
    @blufacetrades 6 років тому +1

    what vst is the bassline from?

  • @kodakblack8409
    @kodakblack8409 5 років тому

    Lord forgive me for life I live
    It’s getting hard I been going through some changes can’t wait for long life passes by ain’t no time for waiting

  • @khalilrose2304
    @khalilrose2304 6 років тому +1

    How much for the exclusive

  • @jccloudwalker843
    @jccloudwalker843 5 років тому +1

    baby goodnight baby I’m fine 我在等着你回来 2x
    回来回来baby~ 3x
    I’m ok
    有那么快乐,happy, doppy, lovely, swaggy, insanity
    爱情就像taking a train
    An endless stop
    Every stop 都有人上都有人下

  • @mr.goodbarrz715
    @mr.goodbarrz715 6 років тому +12

    See sometimes you have to go through things to know what you want and even though you might have had what you wanted doesn't mean it was right for you at the time, see I been up and I been down I went through school acting a clown I was never really known for the type to stand down I played the keys and bet you'd see me around even if you were hiding underground, I swam like a turtle and jumped to heights like a kangaroo sometimes I just let it do what it do and other times I let come straight out the blue
    It's that time where we do it for the kids on the block looking at me and you
    Some of us lose sight of that thinking things ain't true

    • @yvonnek.dominguez3606
      @yvonnek.dominguez3606 6 років тому +1

      But real gees push through real shit aith nothing like me and you I get confused at times using more of my mind lord knows the path I chose narrow keeping my eyes on the sparrow broken arrows aimed at my back

    • @mr.goodbarrz715
      @mr.goodbarrz715 6 років тому

      To risk it all and put it on the table see I've had my eyes forward in a blind but not really looking for a label guess I was to unstable got stuck in some sticky situations I call them maple
      But a dude like me is always willing and able holding up the roof from both ends of the Gable it something to watch better then cable

    • @yvonnek.dominguez3606
      @yvonnek.dominguez3606 6 років тому +1

      I do it for my grandma and do for these babies growing up without their mothers cause she the one that raised me so don't blame me when I call you out on shit you do I been a youth committed so you know nothing about the truth you underfitted to a mind gifted with the light know the difference between a war and a fight your
      Just another blind eye soaking up the lime light get your mind right cause how you think they feel with worries on their mind too little to deal not fully unsterstanding why live to die and why i couldnt cry my mama died too young to understand that God always got an upper hand a reason and truth a purporse cause Lord's knows those kids don't deserve it but what do you believe in the most crucial part was the grievin i think it was easier to heal but on the real I just learned how not to feel that's why emotionally I'm unstable but I pray to God to direct my aim though cause there's some shit I ain't made for I let the day go on that lay low expressing how Im feelin because i know what it is some shit just hard to dismiss I keep a tight fist cause you on some shit I don't like but I gotta decide right not only for myself I have an effect on everybody else
      Seek learn and then teach we all got goals we tryna reach no o e knows how far I'm willing to so here I am revealing shit you don't know so don't go there if you not ready for the warfare

    • @sexualtoast7076
      @sexualtoast7076 5 років тому +3

      Both y’all niggas trash bruh

    • @414-e5l
      @414-e5l 4 роки тому

      Sexual Toast ong 😂

  • @shaneatramoore3175
    @shaneatramoore3175 4 роки тому

    Did you sell the beat I can’t find it to buy it

  • @supacool7035
    @supacool7035 5 років тому +1


  • @austinparker6478
    @austinparker6478 6 років тому +3

    I’d risk it all
    I’d risk it all
    I’d risk it all
    To see your face baby my forever can’t ge replaced never not in my mind still working on the paper

  • @dalshawnlindsley5139
    @dalshawnlindsley5139 5 років тому

    I need this ASAP

  • @maccmason55
    @maccmason55 5 років тому

    🔥🔥💯💯 #Seattle

    @BUGZYBEATS 5 років тому


  • @misterkarizma8569
    @misterkarizma8569 5 років тому

    Can somebody please tell me how 2 buy this beat. When I went 2 the website it had me doin all typa shit 🤦🏿‍♂️

  • @aliinc.330
    @aliinc.330 5 років тому

    How much for the beat man, this beat is 🔥 🔥 🔥.

  • @omegagt
    @omegagt 5 років тому

    I'm buying this beat.

  • @keeyqs5079
    @keeyqs5079 6 років тому


  • @sdotfrmdablock
    @sdotfrmdablock 5 років тому

    Aye I bought this beat y it don’t say SOLD

  • @GodisGracious1
    @GodisGracious1 5 років тому

    sometimes i dont enjoy life anymore... im young and beautful...=*(

  • @antwainkerley1203
    @antwainkerley1203 5 років тому +2

    Man risk it all and do it for my dog man risk it all and do it for my dog man risk it all song hook part: i woke morning thank lord for this paper if i didn't have nothing i risk all for my shorty and all my dog to keep baller no hater and we steel be ride on 24 to 26 steel seat all high and your eye all on the prize am steel going to win when i risk it all have nothing real lose when i think about all my fan and family i risk all

  • @sunsetcity1111
    @sunsetcity1111 5 років тому +4

    and she dont even deserve to hear my voice in the end I pray to God that shit wont ever happen to me again while she out wit her friends I feel im lost in the wind used to count on good times now im searchin again havent i wrote all my wrongs took u this long to reach out u blew your one shot wonderin who im all about am i out here by myself i just hope u find clarity you hearin this shit from a man with no sympathy, u cheated on a good man, your biggest mistake, sometimes you gotta go thru pain to notice everything knowing what u want in life making it worth a shot you might get what you need as long as you believe in God

  • @NuVisionBulliez
    @NuVisionBulliez 6 років тому


  • @Officialbiggkingsy1music
    @Officialbiggkingsy1music 6 років тому


  • @alonzopatterson7746
    @alonzopatterson7746 4 роки тому

    You got an email I can contact you by

  • @jay4real635
    @jay4real635 5 років тому

    Up for grabs?

  • @YoungCertifyed
    @YoungCertifyed 5 років тому


  • @destinederaentllc1171
    @destinederaentllc1171 5 років тому

    Wer can i buy this

  • @daveking7943
    @daveking7943 6 років тому +2

    How much

    • @BeneficialProductions
      @BeneficialProductions  6 років тому

      What's up Dave, You can find all pricing info over at beneficialbeats.com

    • @shaneatramoore3175
      @shaneatramoore3175 4 роки тому

      @@BeneficialProductions is this still for sell i finally got all the lyrics after a year

  • @fatimabrown8126
    @fatimabrown8126 6 років тому +1

    I'm in need

  • @da_4gotten161
    @da_4gotten161 5 років тому

    Dayum..what do u do WEN u already risked it all...
    That's a risk u can't afford to take again..especially wen!!!
    Wen Ur still in its recovery...dayum wart do u do WEN u risked it all..put it all on DA line..n took major losses.. to that there is not a another fumble one tosses..
    DAYUM wat do u do ..wen u can no longer risk it all... UR LEFT WIT NO OPTIONS..STUCK WIT REALITY CALLED SURRVIVAL..N IT'S BRUTAL.
    SO BE CAREFUL MY Gz WEN u risk it all!!!
    Nice work

  • @markverduzco83
    @markverduzco83 5 років тому +2

    Times is getting hard, I try not to think about it
    I'm in the pen now trynna write the ink about it
    I've been a lil more stressed since my wife left me
    The devil's inside, I feel like he might get me
    And I can shine, just depends how that light hits me,
    And drugs fuck ya life up
    Ain't that right, Whitney?
    And I've been taking those a lot, they don't seem to work,
    And words ain't shit cuz now they all seem to hurt,
    It's just something the way the ones I thought loved me
    Come see me twice a year, that's if I'm lucky
    Felt more backstabbed and buffooned
    When the knife stuck, it's a lot deeper than the wound,
    cuz I done cashed my reality check
    Surrounded by the fake, but can't escape reality yet
    I was trynna feed my family
    Took me as a threat
    Put me away, now it's hard for me to accept
    That things change, and it's hard for me to forget
    Babymom's getting pregnant over meaningless sex
    Not to mention Mother's Day, I lost one of my best homies
    My daughter got love for his pops that she can't show me
    Cuz she don't even know who I am
    I mean she do
    But, she don't really know who I am
    And that's the truth
    So, I gotta take that
    With a grain of salt
    Expected everything that's happened, it's my fault
    I may never see my moms on the street again
    The Lord calling me, I might end up metting him
    Before I ever see my date of release
    Cuz it's all a game that these niggas playing for keeps
    And the fact still remains
    The pain is a real emotion
    Something you gotta hide
    A door you can't open
    Cuz even when you feel like everything's been broken
    Men gotta be men even if it's pretend
    I can't hold it in, most these niggas a lie
    Sometimes I gotta take me a shower to cry
    That's the only time I get, a moment that's private
    My moment of peace and that's where I find it
    This is my life, it's making me sick
    Burning bars and barbwires only make me restrict
    Then you can find
    Let my mind mentally picture a nigga fucking my bitch while I'm beating my dick!
    What would you do if you was in my shoes?
    Thoughts of suicide, but for my kids I choose
    To surivive Hell on Earth
    Cuz this is Hell I curse
    Whoever created it, they should've laid in it first
    So they can feel how they own shit work
    Spitefulness is bad, ignorance is worse
    At least I know when you do shit out of spite
    I can respect you more cuz you know what it's like
    So don't act like you've been where I been
    If you ain't even been here how could you begin
    To know, what I had to go through
    Time you can't blow through
    Trynna make it out without a house to come home to!
    Trynna make sense of it all
    I'm an artist but, I don't have a pencil to draw
    So I express my thoughts vocally
    Paint a picture for y'all
    So you don't have to count bricks on these walls
    Cuz who wants to live like that?
    Most niggas can't call a crib like that
    You can't bid like that!
    Freedom is everything
    Niggas cherrish they lives more
    Shit you throw away these niggas willing to DIE FOR
    You better recognize before it's too late
    Dude at home, 30 days
    Caught a new case
    And that hurt bad, not cuz that's ya mans
    It's cuz you wish it was you that had that second chance!
    Now you!

    • @DecodeMusic_
      @DecodeMusic_ 2 роки тому

      Lol rappers in prison get your own shit

  • @asiastewart5351
    @asiastewart5351 5 років тому

    Fully active wwn we sliding thru yo residential
    30 stock we got a knock u out yo rental

  • @josebandz454
    @josebandz454 5 років тому

    if i had a chose shit i wouldnt be in these streets

  • @blockboii422
    @blockboii422 4 роки тому

    Posted on da block wit mah niggas steady servin knocks gettin Guap wit mah niggaz runnin from da cops cuz that’s all ever was always in some trouble tryna be a lil thug be a lil thug always tryna hustle

  • @Sizzlelitlyfe
    @Sizzlelitlyfe 6 років тому

    How much for dis beat

  • @seyvenstunna07
    @seyvenstunna07 6 років тому +2

    Can I get this beat ??

  • @marcusbowie204
    @marcusbowie204 5 років тому +2


  • @dacotaadkins9542
    @dacotaadkins9542 5 років тому

    They been sayin the catch me lately
    What was it for was it to risk it all
    I dont give a piss or shit what a nigga want
    ima get this money and do it every month
    the pain i been feelin makes me feel like i aint much but when i get a mic they gonna have to clutch
    To much lust not enough love all these girls wanna play your heart must of thought i was enough now im empty handed and noone to call my love

  • @undoubtedlylogical973
    @undoubtedlylogical973 5 років тому

    Risk it all just see you again. Life hard there’s no need pretend. Pressure heavy ready bust triggers risk it all just one more time my nigga the way you died made whole world cry gin In my cup gun violence got me fuckd up racks in the middle no middle man shit Jay-Z bought 100 hundred dollar mixtapes tmc is lifestyle by the way rip Nipsey Hussle

  • @Sunlxrdddd
    @Sunlxrdddd 5 років тому

    I risked it all and lost it,fuck what it cost me,this is how it when you ballin,small house 7 cars and they exotic,smokin weed like its the chronic ears open like subsonic
    You day your on it but I'm beyond it

  • @dakaraiwashington329
    @dakaraiwashington329 5 років тому +1

    Sta on mi stuf ok and thats fin Yu no

  • @DJYoungKash
    @DJYoungKash 6 років тому +1

    🔥🔥🔥 I’m rocking with it 💪🏾💰check me out when you get a chance

  • @calvinbroadnax9386
    @calvinbroadnax9386 5 років тому +1

    Getting money that's all I know!!! Messy Marv.. Check it out.. It's going hard..

  • @onosaileota9999
    @onosaileota9999 5 років тому

    Yang for president 2020 $1000 a month 4 everyone vote for Andrew Yang 2020!!!!

  • @nopainnogain7776
    @nopainnogain7776 5 років тому

    Is there any more love or is it all about drugs what happened to the nights with our best friends sharing our life not out breaking rules stealing shit fucking people up committing crime I just wonder what my life would be like if I never had to see my dad die if I never had to see my mom get high and my 2 older brothers at the same time heroin and meth addictions is a hella of a ride coming outa hell I must survive I must be greatful for the life I have yeah my past is sad but in the end it made me a bigger man most people nowadays will never understand and neither will the cappers who claim they from the trap cause if you are you know that’s not the place you wanna be at the goal to make it outa the trap

  • @proffesorsnipe2947
    @proffesorsnipe2947 4 роки тому

    Tell me would you risk it all jump off a cliff hoping you’d grow wings before you hit the fall to lift you off I’m a chance taker plan maker but is it wrong if I had a crystal ball would I do things different or see the fruition that all vision saw have I wasted my life never taken that flight are my dreams falling apart with basic design time will tell but I’m not taking my time I will never let failure to fly take up my life Wright brothers

    • @proffesorsnipe2947
      @proffesorsnipe2947 4 роки тому

      When you me crashing you think of disaster but when I see it happen I think it lasted more than the last one nothing tragic bout progress blueprint layed out in front of me wondering what I haven’t found yet analizing outcomes of previously drawn out ones each step I’m getting closer to my goal flying fast over globe people ground level thinking that god is bringing down heaven Wright brothers

    • @proffesorsnipe2947
      @proffesorsnipe2947 4 роки тому

      I keep on building planes they keep on crashing one day Ima get away this is my passion people don’t rise they afraid to fall the day I get it right man I’m taking off Wright brothers

    • @proffesorsnipe2947
      @proffesorsnipe2947 4 роки тому

      One day I took off and didn’t land till I planned it all my failure vanished panic turned into success people think you dumb if you try things that ain’t been done yet I kept believing that I’d achieve it without a reason hope was flying way before I did it was my pilot I sat beside it while it presses button I knew no about em I took a leap of faith and right before I saw the ground coming I lift away over the of top mountains my dreams were bigger than me I me let em lead all I had to do was just believe that I could be something more than than i am being now look at me Wright brothers

  • @jerveillove8728
    @jerveillove8728 6 років тому


  • @marcusbowie204
    @marcusbowie204 5 років тому


  • @lpdzzlfshzzl
    @lpdzzlfshzzl 3 роки тому

    Where can I down load this beat

  • @Jayballinbeatz
    @Jayballinbeatz 5 років тому


  • @alonzopatterson7746
    @alonzopatterson7746 4 роки тому

    You got an email I can contact you by