Sammakorn Village Ramkhamhaeng112
- Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
- Sammakorn Village, Ramkhamhaeng 112 has many famous restaurants. There are many different types of food to choose from. including chic cafes to sit and chill from the alley
Sammakorn Village It is a large village and the center of the village is a large lake. This makes many restaurants and cafes located on the lakeside opening into a cozy restaurant and like a hangout place for people in this area. Today we will take you to see the atmosphere in Sammakorn Village.
00:05 Sammakorn Station, MRT Orange Line
00:35 Ramkhamhaeng 112
02:08 Ramkhamhaeng 112 Soi 18
03:52 Soi Sammakorn 1
04:35 Sammakorn Lake
10:28 Soi Ramkhamhaeng 110
12:50 Sammakorn Market, Ramkhamhaeng
13:25 Sammakorn Place Ramkhamhaeng
13:50 Ramkhamhaeng Road