Madeline Edgar It's just cheek touch cheek and you just grab the person by the Shoulder doing it or by the Waist and You can do cheek touch cheek with guys but mostly you're familt members
Und ich finde auch, dass man nicht immer Hände schüttelt xD Die anderen Ländern in dem Video gehen auch von Freuden und so aus. Ich gebe meinen Freunden nen kleinen hug oder so, aber niemals Hände schütteln. Die deutsche war mega komisch in dem Video xD
Ich war also mega komisch ....aha. Ich habe über verschiedene Szenarien gesprochen, ich bin Jura-Studentin, wenn ich in einen Raum gehe mit meinen älteren Professoren streckt man aus Respekt als jüngerer mensch die Hand aus, danach rede ich von einer völlig anderen Situation, bei der die ältere Person die Hand ausstreckt. Ob es das Thema America , beauty, pick up lines, oder insults around the world war, ich habe zu jedem Thema mehr gesagt als gezeigt wurde. Meine parts wurden geschnitten so das sie dem "deutschen Klischee" entsprechen. Guck dir beauty around the world an , der erste Teil oder meine gesamte Aussage wurden nicht korrekt übersetzt, genauso wie bei America around the world. Das erste was mir übrigens einfiel war weapon lobbyism and war, aber das war nicht das was blaine gezeigt hat, er hat solange gebastelt bis er mich dazu gebracht hat , die Stereotypen aufzuzählen , das war allerdings nicht meine erste Antwort. Wir hatten auch alle ein Bier bei der ersten Frage aber ich "die Deutsche" war die einzige bei der man das mit ins Video genommen hat. Und meine Freunde umarme ich auch immer, aber das war nicht die Fragestellung. Das ist auch das einzige Video bei dem die Deutschen so viel kommentieren, zu meinen zurecht geschnittenen Antworten. Hauptsache man kann haten vorher hat kein Deutscher meine Parts kommentiert. Nur bei diesem Video wissen es alle besser.
+Stray Person Ich fand dich super in dieser Video-Reihe :) Mein Kommentar war einfach nur Verwunderung, absolut nicht gegen dich gerichtet. Es war einfach nur ein Augenöffner im Sinne von "Wat? Hab ich es etwa mein ganzes Leben lang falsch gemacht?" :D Jetzt wo du es erklärst, wird es natürlich klarer; ich würde meinen Professoren selbstverständlich auch aus Respekt besonders höflich die Hand reichen (wobei das meines Erachtens eher an Macht-Hierarchie als an Alters-Hierarchie liegt - und "normalen" Menschen gebe ich auch ohne große Gedanken sofort die Hand). Dass der zweite Teil deiner Antwort nicht reingeschnitten wurde, ist da sehr ärgerlich. Ich finde, du hast uns sehr gut repräsentiert und zwar deutlich besser, als so manch Kommentierer es jemals könnte^^ Leute, die dich persönlich angehen oder Wörter wie "bullshit" schreiben, brauchst du gar nicht ernstzunehmen.
Erin Louise Its not an actual kiss, the lips don't touch the skin and sometimes the cheeks don't touch either (but most of the time it does). A real kiss (lips against cheeks) is something you do to your closest friends or family but not all the time. "La bise" is actually way less intimate than a hug where your whole body touch another one, which is more used to cheer up someone or to show your love/friendship than to great in France :)
same for us too! kissing is less intimate than hugging. in the Philippines, a cheek to cheek to kiss is generally a social kiss it's called "beso" here & that's typically the type of greeting we'd go for if we saw someone we weren't super close friends with but we know enough. but we usually only do one cheek
0:10 Dubai, UAE 0:12 Bogotá, Colombia 0:15 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 0:19 New Delhi, India 0:30 Adelaide, Australia 0:37 Bogotá, Colombia 0:40 Tokyo, Japan 0:45 Bangkok, Thailand 0:49 Berlin, Germany 0:58 Bangkok, Thailand 1:05 Bogotá, Colombia 1:13 Paris, France 1:16 Rome, Italy 1:21 Paris, France 1:26 Dubai, UAE 1:33 Paris, France 1:36 Shanghai, China 1:45 Seattle, USA 1:50 Paris, France 1:56 Tokyo, Japan 2:06 Adelaide, Australia 2:12 Bangkok, Thailand Your welcome ;)
@bored beast but the addition of "yastaa" is Egyptian and this what makes the greeting very informal, it is a rough equivalent of "pal" or "homie", of course when it comes to formal situations we just say "assalaamu alaykum" which is common in the middle east and among Muslims.
@93000 soldiers surrender was fantastic 👌 No it's not just for muslims. Any Egyptian no matter what religion can say that. This greeting is more common between guys tho.
Spain is like France. We kiss in both cheeks when we greet each other, girl to girl or girl to guy, even if you don't know them. When it's guy to guy, they usually just shake hands.
Yeah, mostly what Ju said, but it depends mostly in which part of Italy you're :) some of them always kiss on the cheek, others don't.. every part of Italy looks like an entirely different country with different food :D _-(France-_ _-is-_ _-simply-_ _-the-_ _-copy-cat-_ _-version-_ _-of-_ _-Italy-_ _-with-_ _-great-_ _-cheese-_ _-and-_ _-a-_ _-stolen-_ _-Masterpiece)-_
Michael Pineda Also for elders or relatives and people older you take their hand and say, "Mano Po". Though no one really says mano po anymore haha. So you take their hand and connect the back of their hands to your forehead. A sign of respect for Filipinos, but i gotta say its a dying tradition:/
jaaa stimmt schon. Hand geben is einfach sau formell, soweit ich es erlebt habe sind Umarmungen bei Freunden normal, Freunde von Familie auch küsse an die Wangen
c h e r r y g e m s Hand geben ist halt einfach wirklich formell 😂 ich persönlich umarme meine Freunde oder es kommt irgendein Handschlag oder so, aber das mit dem küssen ist mir neu. Noch nie gesehen, noch nie erlebt.
@✷Hermione Granger⁷✷ Usually to friends we would just say 哈囉 (hello) and give a small hug. But if it's someone older or just someone you should treat with respect, you would say 您好 and you must bow lower than the person bowing to you. Very specific I know haha. And over here no matter if they're related to you or not, you would call them 'uncle' or 'auntie' bc that's considered as respect. Hope that was interesting :)
In Myanmar: 1. To Strangers/ I usually wave enthusiastically but normal people would just walk past 2. To parents/ For me, bear hug. But normally just a hug or HEY MUM, DAD! 3. To friends/ I break their backs but most of my friends just hug me or wave, or high five 4. To teachers/ We have to bow a little or just say Hi. But we have to bow lower than usual if we are walking past them or anyone older than us. Not just teachers. Cleaners, Liberians, security guards. YEEPERS 5. To crush/ Most people, I think are shy but I usually bear hug and spin them around. I just realized how touchy I was Lmao
lol I wish they had included that. Just showing all these people from diff countries talking about formalities and different ways to respect elders then they pan to a guy in Compton who just straight up says "whuz good my nigga"
i love these series its feeding my curiosity. there must be a lot of countries that it hasnt mentioned, id like to know those too. ill start Spain: if there's a female we give two kisses, usually left first, and if there isn't a female they just shake hands. basically what the italian guy said 😂😂
Qiao hui Xu Actually Italian men kiss as well. I mean, man kisses man. But it depends, some people are more for kisses, some for handshake, I do both, like take the hand and kiss at the meantime 😊
In Bengali, we don’t have a “Hello/Hi” term for greeting. We only greet people who are older than us by saying Salam (Muslim to Muslim) Nomoshkar (Hindu to Hindu) Adab (people of different religion to each other). We sometimes hug if the person is of the same sex and close to us. hugging or kissing a person of the opposite sex would be really awkward.
Qiao hui Xu In Morocco we kiss, hug, shake hands, etc. We’re very hospitable haha. In America we just say hi and wave (and hug if we haven’t seen each other in awhile)
I'm German, and the first time I went to France in an exchange programme, I was so weirded out by the fact that a 50 years old man just kissed me on both cheeks.
Sweden: Often you shake hands and say hej, hallå, tja, brorsan. But sometimes when you are boys who are friends (sometimes girls) they take hands and hug each other. I (I'm a girl) usually hug my friends when I meet them and if they do not want to hug you just say hej here you have it on swedish: oftast skakar man hand och säger hej, hallå, tja, brorsan. Men ibland när killar är vänner (ibland tjejer) tar dom varandra i handen och kramar varandra. Jag (jag är en tjej ) tar oftast och kramar mina vänner och om dom inte vill ha en kram säger man bara hej i cant make it better so yeah it can be some things wrong
In Argentina, no matter how close you are to that person you're greeting and no matter if we're talking about two guys or two girls, we just kiss. You even kiss people you've never seen before. I've always found that normal, but actually, it seems it isn't that common all around the world jajaja.
im arab, and its actually more normal to kiss on both cheeks with the same gender as you rather than to kiss both cheeks with someone of the opposite gender.
There are two types of greetings in Philippines: First, if you are with your close friends, someone close to age, you usually greet them informal like “Kamusta” or funny thing is we also say “uyyyyy!” Instead of the other. Sometimes we use “pre” “mare” and” beh” (beh is usually used by girl with their female friends or couples) whatever you use to call those people it’s like counterpart of “buddies” and “mate” The other one is if you visit another house, either your relatives or not, You usually greeted mostly “older” people with the saying of “Mano po”. They hold out their hands for you and you to take with your own and put their back hand on your forehead and you say “Mano po”. It’s a tradition. A part of our culture. We are taught to be like that. We use “po” and “opo” to older people as form of respect
In the Philippines, there are lots of ways how to greet people. Like "Kumusta?" If you met a not so close person. But if you're friends you can say "Hoy!" or for really close friend "Hoy bobo buhay ka pa palang animal ka"
In Iran it depends on the person you greet : 1- A friend ( doesn't matter the gender ) you shake hand. If they were the same gender as you however you also hug and kiss but kissing is also very intimate like if it was a close friend or a family member again no matter the gender you kiss'em or hug. 2- If you're greeting a co worker or a boss or a teacher you kind of only bow at them and smile and sometimes shake hands but if only that person is the same gender as you are you can shake hand. other wise it's considered inappropriate.
In Latin America (at least in Costa Rica) is very common greet with kiss or hug. When you meet someone for the first time, you can shake hands or give a not so intimate cheek kiss. Then, when you meet them again, you can give a kiss or a hug. The physical human contact is important. Being close to strangers is a cultural thing, I guess; people can prove it while traveling in a bus, for example; the seats are very very close and you can talk to the person next to you like if both were long time known friends.
Dominican Republic: Kiss on the cheek/hug with everybody, and if you’re younger or greeting a family member, you ask for a blessing, which they will give you. Usually you ask for a blessing in the morning when you wake up, before you go to school, before you go to bed, basically anywhere. It’s supposed to give you protection for the day and just keep you blessed.
@Luciano Rodriguez maybe she meant that Slavic language group is really big, or that there are a lot of Slavic people (Russian, Serbian, Polish...), so they should be included. Don't be so rude and stop calling people names, she can wish and ask whatever she wants.
Where os Brasil in this??????? Here we greet by hugging and kissing whoever we meet, being ir not intimate. Like If you just met your parents friends and you have no Idea they existed, you will kiss and hug them. Here we are VERY affective
In Mexico we just kiss once and hug the person (kinda at the sametime lol) and if is the first time meeting someone you shake hands (this depends, I usually just do it with older people) what you say depends too, if is a senior you talk formally and if is someone around your age is informal. However in the north and rural areas they usually speak formally to everyone.
Available captions: English
English Caption: "(speaking foreign language)"
@@youtubeclassroom5631 hH
Maybe guidelines on captions say to do so in case of direct speech, idk
Heyy! Every time I see a funny comment I’m ask their Instagram/Snapchat/tiktok to make new friends? Soooo?
French: yes lets kiss everyone but nO HUGS THATS TOO INTIMATE
god I love France
Madeline Edgar
I only hug my family seriously i never though it would be different in other countries
But you're not actually touching their lips tho 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
if you look again, theyre only kissing the air
We are weird but that’s okay
Madeline Edgar
It's just cheek touch cheek and you just grab the person by the Shoulder doing it or by the Waist and You can do cheek touch cheek with guys but mostly you're familt members
In most parts of the US we say "Hey Vsauce, Michael here".
W H E R E A R E Y O U R F I N G E R S ?
Disfunksho "suh dude"
Disfunksho or is it?
Disfunksho NICE
In Thailand aunties that you haven't seen for like years greet you like this :
You got fat
In india too
@@snowxkiie Yeah lol
@Parvika Singh yeah😂😑
I think this goes for every Asian countries...
@@ireneakabane4396 yes
(speaking in foreign language)
@Red Rum true XDD
Is it possible to turn them off?
@@lauraschiller3250 sadly, I don't think so. I would be happy tho, because everytime I go on a video I have to manually turn them off
Thank you and greetings from Austria
@@lauraschiller3250 viele Grüße 👌
In Finland we don't greet people. We just stand 10 meters distance from each other and be quiet 😂
we nod
OMG now I understand why they get so uncomfortable when they meet Latinos 😂
We do the same thing here in Norway 😂😂😂
suske every nordic country.
_Germany: If you are younger, you offer your hand first._
Never heard of that :D It always kinda happens simultaneously, doesn't it?
Und ich finde auch, dass man nicht immer Hände schüttelt xD Die anderen Ländern in dem Video gehen auch von Freuden und so aus. Ich gebe meinen Freunden nen kleinen hug oder so, aber niemals Hände schütteln.
Die deutsche war mega komisch in dem Video xD
Ich war also mega komisch ....aha. Ich habe über verschiedene Szenarien gesprochen, ich bin Jura-Studentin, wenn ich in einen Raum gehe mit meinen älteren Professoren streckt man aus Respekt als jüngerer mensch die Hand aus, danach rede ich von einer völlig anderen Situation, bei der die ältere Person die Hand ausstreckt.
Ob es das Thema America , beauty, pick up lines, oder insults around the world war, ich habe zu jedem Thema mehr gesagt als gezeigt wurde. Meine parts wurden geschnitten so das sie dem "deutschen Klischee" entsprechen. Guck dir beauty around the world an , der erste Teil oder meine gesamte Aussage wurden nicht korrekt übersetzt, genauso wie bei America around the world. Das erste was mir übrigens einfiel war weapon lobbyism and war, aber das war nicht das was blaine gezeigt hat, er hat solange gebastelt bis er mich dazu gebracht hat , die Stereotypen aufzuzählen , das war allerdings nicht meine erste Antwort. Wir hatten auch alle ein Bier bei der ersten Frage aber ich "die Deutsche" war die einzige bei der man das mit ins Video genommen hat. Und meine Freunde umarme ich auch immer, aber das war nicht die Fragestellung. Das ist auch das einzige Video bei dem die Deutschen so viel kommentieren, zu meinen zurecht geschnittenen Antworten. Hauptsache man kann haten vorher hat kein Deutscher meine Parts kommentiert. Nur bei diesem Video wissen es alle besser.
+Stray Person Ich fand dich super in dieser Video-Reihe :) Mein Kommentar war einfach nur Verwunderung, absolut nicht gegen dich gerichtet. Es war einfach nur ein Augenöffner im Sinne von "Wat? Hab ich es etwa mein ganzes Leben lang falsch gemacht?" :D Jetzt wo du es erklärst, wird es natürlich klarer; ich würde meinen Professoren selbstverständlich auch aus Respekt besonders höflich die Hand reichen (wobei das meines Erachtens eher an Macht-Hierarchie als an Alters-Hierarchie liegt - und "normalen" Menschen gebe ich auch ohne große Gedanken sofort die Hand). Dass der zweite Teil deiner Antwort nicht reingeschnitten wurde, ist da sehr ärgerlich. Ich finde, du hast uns sehr gut repräsentiert und zwar deutlich besser, als so manch Kommentierer es jemals könnte^^ Leute, die dich persönlich angehen oder Wörter wie "bullshit" schreiben, brauchst du gar nicht ernstzunehmen.
Danke dir :), mein Kommentar war auch eher an Luna98x gerichtet.
Ich habe gehört man muss darauf warten bis die ältere Person die Hand gibt. Das ist eine Respekt Sache und so mache ich das immer
"I don't want to hug people when it's not necessary." Same girl, same.
Other countries: hugs only friends, it's too intimate
Brazil: hugs everybody and kiss in the cheek
so as in Mexico
Corona vírus entrou no chat
and this is why I love my country
I’m half Brazilian and half Swedish and in Sweden we don’t hug😬😬😬
Cut: greetings around the world yet showing only 6-7 countries
rest of the world : we not on the map ?
Because it would overlap with many countries.
But they show two people from France and two from Colombia. At least show a different French or Spanish speaking country if there must be two of them.
Portugal be feeling like that since everything is related to Brasil or Spain
Do you want them to do every country in the world? Cool, but that would be a very long video.
1:24 someone pls loop for 10 hrs
Joy Juag In few France's lands it's 4 cheeks and it feels really like a 10 hours loop
Haha yeah
Thank you Cut for these very interesting and enlightening cultural videos!
UnicornZoe for real thank you a lot
I'm your 1001 lien sorry I just needed
interesting that for the french lady, kissing is less intimate than hugging when greeting someone new. totally the opposite for me (english)!!
actually it's not only in France, in a lot of places, kissing on the cheek is less instimate than hugging, like here in Portugal, Spain, etc
Erin Louise in Balkan countries kissing is also less intimate than hugging
Erin Louise Its not an actual kiss, the lips don't touch the skin and sometimes the cheeks don't touch either (but most of the time it does). A real kiss (lips against cheeks) is something you do to your closest friends or family but not all the time. "La bise" is actually way less intimate than a hug where your whole body touch another one, which is more used to cheer up someone or to show your love/friendship than to great in France :)
Guilherme Silva yes, it's like this in Italy too
same for us too! kissing is less intimate than hugging. in the Philippines, a cheek to cheek to kiss is generally a social kiss it's called "beso" here & that's typically the type of greeting we'd go for if we saw someone we weren't super close friends with but we know enough. but we usually only do one cheek
After Covid-19, greetings around the globe will change to a wave.
well all greetings i familiar with in my country is nothing except if you know the person. if random people greet you they have problems
Thai greeting suits perfectly.
@@jaikerei1303 They sure do!
Or namaste 🙏
In India.... We greet in so many ways.... Namaste,, Assalavalikum (sorry I don't know how to write),, Sasriyakal,, hello or anything.....
for the second its al salamou alaykoum
@@manelrahmouni1216 Assalam o Alaikum*
@@fr.4lina I just wrote it the way its written in arabic, not the pronounciation
@@manelrahmouni1216 Ahh okay
0:10 Dubai, UAE
0:12 Bogotá, Colombia
0:15 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
0:19 New Delhi, India
0:30 Adelaide, Australia
0:37 Bogotá, Colombia
0:40 Tokyo, Japan
0:45 Bangkok, Thailand
0:49 Berlin, Germany
0:58 Bangkok, Thailand
1:05 Bogotá, Colombia
1:13 Paris, France
1:16 Rome, Italy
1:21 Paris, France
1:26 Dubai, UAE
1:33 Paris, France
1:36 Shanghai, China
1:45 Seattle, USA
1:50 Paris, France
1:56 Tokyo, Japan
2:06 Adelaide, Australia
2:12 Bangkok, Thailand
Your welcome ;)
ah, thank you! all of my country's are here lol: 0:15, 1:16, 1:45
@@margooot7025 your welcome ;)
@@uuzimane5615 your welcome ;)
@@kenji1053 ❤
nothing is more italian than giving your double kiss to everybody cause human interaction is 90% of our culture HAHAHAH
spain can relate
It must be really difficult to be an introvert in your country 😅
In Portugal is the same. I've even gone so far as to give a handshake and also the kisses.
how to greet in the us;
1. your parents/hug
2.your homies/sup dawg
3.everyone else/ hug or hey
dawg? like dog?
@Acorn Swirl haha cool
hugging is becoming a big thing until now.
which can be a good or bad thing..
In Egypt: to the bus driver, friend, random person on the street: “Eh ya yasta”
@bored beast but the addition of "yastaa" is Egyptian and this what makes the greeting very informal, it is a rough equivalent of "pal" or "homie", of course when it comes to formal situations we just say "assalaamu alaykum" which is common in the middle east and among Muslims.
@bored beast yasta is egyptian and in tunisia we don't do that we kiss the cheeks or shake hands and say "aasslema" or "salem chnahwelek"
@bored beast in turkey people say merhaba or naber, people in Bosnia say Alsalamu alaykum very rarely too
It's like "dude". But not all of egyptians tho.
@93000 soldiers surrender was fantastic 👌 No it's not just for muslims. Any Egyptian no matter what religion can say that. This greeting is more common between guys tho.
Spain is like France. We kiss in both cheeks when we greet each other, girl to girl or girl to guy, even if you don't know them. When it's guy to guy, they usually just shake hands.
Ella Yes it's the same, although in France we don't kiss when we meet someone we sont know at all, just if it's a friend's friend or someone like that
Same in italy, but we also hug each other, even guy to guy (but not always it depends on the relationship) :)
Is it like proper kiss in the cheek or air kisses?
B cheek against cheek when it's not a close friend or family (in France)
Yeah, mostly what Ju said, but it depends mostly in which part of Italy you're :) some of them always kiss on the cheek, others don't.. every part of Italy looks like an entirely different country with different food :D
_-(France-_ _-is-_ _-simply-_ _-the-_ _-copy-cat-_ _-version-_ _-of-_ _-Italy-_ _-with-_ _-great-_ _-cheese-_ _-and-_ _-a-_ _-stolen-_ _-Masterpiece)-_
How introverts greet around the world: (20 meters away) ᴴⁱ
Lol relatable 😂😂
Social distancing too
yeah.that´s so true :D
Just stare and respond only if they respond
Guy: I think hugs are becoming gun a really big thing
2020: little do you know...
Malaysian: ehhhhh, haven't die yet ahh?🙋♀️🙋♂️
Lmao, same in the Philippines
True 😂
Can relate
we say: assalam u alaikum by shaking hands which means peace be upon's so beautiful
Kumusta po kayo? 🇵🇭
in English "How are you?"
Michael Pineda Also for elders or relatives and people older you take their hand and say, "Mano Po". Though no one really says mano po anymore haha. So you take their hand and connect the back of their hands to your forehead. A sign of respect for Filipinos, but i gotta say its a dying tradition:/
Kaye Musume 👍
Michael Pineda now its Hoy hahaha
What language is that?
For us we just say "Kumusta" for short, nothin else. Just, "Oi Kumusta!"
Coronavirus update: no close contact greeting.
When Filipinos see each other in a different country:
And I think it's beautiful.
I genuinely love hugging. You're human I'm human , why are we so distant.
Because of Corona 😅
I don't. I'm an introvert lol
@Hee KI think the ccp will keep track if u hug
“I don’t want to hug people if it’s not necessary.” Same girl. Same.
i missed this series!
The German one is so wrong. When we see someone we know we’re like “EHYYY ALDER WAS GEHT”
jaaa stimmt schon. Hand geben is einfach sau formell, soweit ich es erlebt habe sind Umarmungen bei Freunden normal, Freunde von Familie auch küsse an die Wangen
c h e r r y g e m s Hand geben ist halt einfach wirklich formell 😂 ich persönlich umarme meine Freunde oder es kommt irgendein Handschlag oder so, aber das mit dem küssen ist mir neu. Noch nie gesehen, noch nie erlebt.
Ja aber ich denk es geht um Prinzip einfach jetzt so für Die Allgemeinheit.
Wollt ich halt auch schon schreiben hahaha
I just liked all these comments, not knowing at all what they were saying because I’m British 😂
How I greet people: *pretend to not know them and keep walking ahead*
In Philippines we do the "mano" in elders as a sign of respect and we also use the words "po" and "opo" everytime we speak.
Such a wholesome vibe!
this is cool I learned something
learning more about different cultures is always so interesting to me! wish you guys did like a group of people though rather than individuals
austria be like: grüss gott
in english: greet god / god’s greetings
why did I hear “ a little bitta brown sugar
all i heard was the "brown sugar" part and im italian- lol
I love your username lmao
happy. dayz thank youu 😂
I'm Italian and all I hear is what he actually says lol
Here for Larry Stylinson🙋🏻♀️
When your country isn't included in this video...
@Shiki * Taiwan :D
@✷Hermione Granger⁷✷ Usually to friends we would just say 哈囉 (hello) and give a small hug. But if it's someone older or just someone you should treat with respect, you would say 您好 and you must bow lower than the person bowing to you. Very specific I know haha. And over here no matter if they're related to you or not, you would call them 'uncle' or 'auntie' bc that's considered as respect. Hope that was interesting :)
0:57 all my non-German-knowing ear heard was- "Giri giri hut hut"! xD
"dass diejenige die Hand anbietet" = "the other one offers their hand".
Giri giri hut hut :D Close enough :D
0:55 and yes i kind of heard that lol
no one:
subtitles : *(sPeAkiNg iN fOrEiGn LaNgUaGe)*
Who understood more than one language?
I: Chinese, German and English
Japanese and English! ^^
Julia Zhu Italian English Spanish German (with German I looked subtitles anyway😂)
English, Spanish, French
I understand Welsh and English
Chinese and English >-< and a bit of french
When we in India meet someone elder than us, we greet them the same way as in Thailand. Most of the times. We fold our hands and touch their feet
In Myanmar:
1. To Strangers/ I usually wave enthusiastically but normal people would just walk past
2. To parents/ For me, bear hug. But normally just a hug or HEY MUM, DAD!
3. To friends/ I break their backs but most of my friends just hug me or wave, or high five
4. To teachers/ We have to bow a little or just say Hi. But we have to bow lower than usual if we are walking past them or anyone older than us. Not just teachers. Cleaners, Liberians, security guards. YEEPERS
5. To crush/ Most people, I think are shy but I usually bear hug and spin them around.
I just realized how touchy I was Lmao
wtf the youtube subtitles are “(speaking in foreign language)” VERY HELPFUL
The Dutch give three kisses. It's strange when i meet foreigners and i go in for the third kiss but they've already pulled their head back 🙈
TheElisabethMaria ooooo that would be awkward
Maikkai Mii Luckily, he joked about it and said 'oh you want another kiss?' and we laughed about it
wahaha ik geef mensen echt nooit kussen
And you actually kiss their cheeks or only the air? :o
@@EliasGonzalez-vj1et it's more like corner of mouth to cheek or cheek to cheek
1:27 I am Egyptian but it happens often lol
The captions are blowing my mind.
I love how they use their own native languages to clarify how they greet others.. ✨🥺
How we greet " in the hood":
"what's up my n#$#a?"
MOMO GANG its nigga i live in compton and evreybody sais that
MO VS MO nigga, not n#$#a
lol I wish they had included that. Just showing all these people from diff countries talking about formalities and different ways to respect elders then they pan to a guy in Compton who just straight up says "whuz good my nigga"
where is Portuguese or any slavic language?
They always forget slavic languages ):
Miguel Mateus not in the video
Slavic languages aren't the only ones missing lmao
Oliver Anderson of course but one of the main ones
Miguel Mateus dead
Beautiful greetings. Beautiful languages. Beautiful people.
In 2020 everyone greets with their elbows 😂
No they stand 10feet apart and........
That seattle guy's smile is amazing ! 😍
Only Egyptians will understand:
*eh ya basha
-eh ya zmeli
*mesa mesa
-mesa mesa
In the Philippines we greet our close friends like: *Beeeee!!*
Or any nickname in a long and high pitch voice 😂😂
Now people dont do handshake, hugs and kiss
I am from india🇮🇳and i am from state rajasthan we greet people as "ram ram sa"
I am an ARMY too
Sarangheyo BTS💜
Army i purple you💜
im Glad this series is back 😊😊
i love these series its feeding my curiosity.
there must be a lot of countries that it hasnt mentioned, id like to know those too.
ill start Spain: if there's a female we give two kisses, usually left first, and if there isn't a female they just shake hands. basically what the italian guy said 😂😂
Qiao hui Xu Actually Italian men kiss as well. I mean, man kisses man. But it depends, some people are more for kisses, some for handshake, I do both, like take the hand and kiss at the meantime 😊
In Bengali, we don’t have a “Hello/Hi” term for greeting. We only greet people who are older than us by saying Salam (Muslim to Muslim) Nomoshkar (Hindu to Hindu) Adab (people of different religion to each other).
We sometimes hug if the person is of the same sex and close to us. hugging or kissing a person of the opposite sex would be really awkward.
Qiao hui Xu
In Morocco we kiss, hug, shake hands, etc. We’re very hospitable haha. In America we just say hi and wave (and hug if we haven’t seen each other in awhile)
In Somalia people are pretty open so we would say salam then someone older would hug you and give you the kisses on the cheek like Italians.
I'm German, and the first time I went to France in an exchange programme, I was so weirded out by the fact that a 50 years old man just kissed me on both cheeks.
the guy at 1:45 looks like keith from buzzfeed😂
I just noticed hahaha😂😂😂
Sweden: Often you shake hands and say hej, hallå, tja, brorsan. But sometimes when you are boys who are friends (sometimes girls) they take hands and hug each other. I (I'm a girl) usually hug my friends when I meet them and if they do not want to hug you just say hej
here you have it on swedish: oftast skakar man hand och säger hej, hallå, tja, brorsan. Men ibland när killar är vänner (ibland tjejer) tar dom varandra i handen och kramar varandra. Jag (jag är en tjej ) tar oftast och kramar mina vänner och om dom inte vill ha en kram säger man bara hej
i cant make it better so yeah it can be some things wrong
Everyone: greetings
Mattia: ItS YoUr bIG bOY mTTIa
When you didnt found your country in the video: I've waisted a whole 2 minutes 😐
What's your country? 🤔🤔
0:40 she's soo cute
In Argentina, no matter how close you are to that person you're greeting and no matter if we're talking about two guys or two girls, we just kiss. You even kiss people you've never seen before. I've always found that normal, but actually, it seems it isn't that common all around the world jajaja.
I didn't understand anything but I have to say that girl from Berlin I like the way she talk so fluent so fast and sound really great
Everytime we see a close friend in the philippines: *hUy tANgiNa MuStA???*
im arab, and its actually more normal to kiss on both cheeks with the same gender as you rather than to kiss both cheeks with someone of the opposite gender.
+SilverStarsz exactly😂
in Israel, we would typically just throw a shoe as
TMI: In certain areas in the Arab gulf, They greet each other by giving a nose kiss (make the tip of your nose touch the other person"s nose).
Around the world? You sure bro? Or you only know 7-8 countries??? Lmao
There are two types of greetings in Philippines:
First, if you are with your close friends, someone close to age, you usually greet them informal like “Kamusta” or funny thing is we also say “uyyyyy!” Instead of the other. Sometimes we use “pre” “mare” and” beh” (beh is usually used by girl with their female friends or couples) whatever you use to call those people it’s like counterpart of “buddies” and “mate”
The other one is if you visit another house, either your relatives or not, You usually greeted mostly “older” people with the saying of “Mano po”. They hold out their hands for you and you to take with your own and put their back hand on your forehead and you say “Mano po”. It’s a tradition. A part of our culture. We are taught to be like that. We use “po” and “opo” to older people as form of respect
I'm gay
I'm Yag.
IAmBettah I'm gaf
I'm gya
me too!
hello gay, I'm dad
Where's Greece ?
quello è il saluto italiano
Non gli bastava la gioconda
kevin kasa mi hai fatto morire ahahah
kevin kasa A lot of French people have Italian ancestors ! So you might insult a cousin by insulting a French :p
Ju lel i was kidding
kevin kasa ma sei serio/a? hahahaha
no sto scherzando (ma c'è sempre un fondo di verità)
I flip off my friends when I'm greeting them.
Arabs countries be like: yOU haVe gRoWn uP sOoOoOOOo muCh sInCE tHe lasT wEEk i mET yOu!
I hug everyone i meet lol
In the Philippines, there are lots of ways how to greet people. Like "Kumusta?" If you met a not so close person. But if you're friends you can say "Hoy!" or for really close friend "Hoy bobo buhay ka pa palang animal ka"
where is Indonesia???
Ysi Dora not in the video
Ysi Dora The video did not mention like 90% of the countries why MUST Indonesia be in?
Distance zDelta Because it has 4 or 6 largest population.
avid david Oh sure
Indonesia should be assalamualaikum! or halo apa kabar!
In Iran it depends on the person you greet :
1- A friend ( doesn't matter the gender ) you shake hand. If they were the same gender as you however you also hug and kiss but kissing is also very intimate like if it was a close friend or a family member again no matter the gender you kiss'em or hug.
2- If you're greeting a co worker or a boss or a teacher you kind of only bow at them and smile and sometimes shake hands but if only that person is the same gender as you are you can shake hand. other wise it's considered inappropriate.
1:27 “it’s rude to to say... stop” just the way he said sounded like he would say stop if it became to much... i dont know anyone else understand? 😂
"Uy tumaba ka!" -Philippines
This series makes me want to travel the world even more now! 🌍❤😊
In india: how we meet
In video: we do namaste
After 10 mins: we become family n my mom gets too much comfortable🥺🤣
here in Croatia is pretty often to see people hugging each others when they meet especially the younger ones
In Latin America (at least in Costa Rica) is very common greet with kiss or hug. When you meet someone for the first time, you can shake hands or give a not so intimate cheek kiss. Then, when you meet them again, you can give a kiss or a hug.
The physical human contact is important. Being close to strangers is a cultural thing, I guess; people can prove it while traveling in a bus, for example; the seats are very very close and you can talk to the person next to you like if both were long time known friends.
In the future when you visit countires around the world, please include one of the nordic countries!
Lol why would they visit those dumb cultureless boring countries?
I think the thai girl will say "sawadi kha" and Japan girl "konnichiwa"
Then i'm wrong😅
L'accento romano lol
Dominican Republic: Kiss on the cheek/hug with everybody, and if you’re younger or greeting a family member, you ask for a blessing, which they will give you. Usually you ask for a blessing in the morning when you wake up, before you go to school, before you go to bed, basically anywhere. It’s supposed to give you protection for the day and just keep you blessed.
Okay but can we just appreciate how beautiful all these languages and accents are
Why do you guys ignore Slavic countries? They're like more than a quarter of our planet and yet not even one Slavic culture has been mentioned :(
@Luciano Rodriguez maybe she meant that Slavic language group is really big, or that there are a lot of Slavic people (Russian, Serbian, Polish...), so they should be included.
Don't be so rude and stop calling people names, she can wish and ask whatever she wants.
so interesting watching this as a brazilian, here we're very affectionate, we hug and kiss people we've just met
@@shortestasian2642 like, kiss on the cheek hahahsha
@ana ahhh okay okay make more sense😅😅😅
Where os Brasil in this??????? Here we greet by hugging and kissing whoever we meet, being ir not intimate. Like If you just met your parents friends and you have no Idea they existed, you will kiss and hug them. Here we are VERY affective
Ceci. Verdade. True.
In Mexico we just kiss once and hug the person (kinda at the sametime lol) and if is the first time meeting someone you shake hands (this depends, I usually just do it with older people) what you say depends too, if is a senior you talk formally and if is someone around your age is informal. However in the north and rural areas they usually speak formally to everyone.
0:40 0:45 they’re so ADORABLE AND PRETTY WHAT