So far its took me 5 months to get to 502( from 88 the last 7 years), seems to moving forward and I got the watch hours nearly 5000. I hope to get to 1000 before the end of the season. All about putting the effort in which I should've done years ago.
Good on you, thanks for the uploads, Come on the Salop !!!
keep it going pal its a good watch
Always love the football vlogs mate. Well done you for your commitment to the cause, hopefully you’ll do many more seasons. 🇬🇧👍
That's the plan!
Excellent job mate.
Thank you! Cheers!
@@salopfantv - No worries mate.
That last video of Wrexham was absolutely fantastic mate. What a night. Keep up the great work mon. Coyb gaba
would be great to get to 800-1000 by the end of the season hopefully you can get loads of support on the Chanel
Well done you.😎
Love the vlogs ❤
Saw u at Wrexham H
Do u recon we stay in leauge 1
Nearly as much as me 😂, good luck getting 1k, hopefully I’ll beat you to it 😂
So far its took me 5 months to get to 502( from 88 the last 7 years), seems to moving forward and I got the watch hours nearly 5000. I hope to get to 1000 before the end of the season. All about putting the effort in which I should've done years ago.
Why not come and watch Barry Town, I'm sure we could look after you